LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 361 359: Very loud

"YM has maintained their fine tradition, military training Rambo!" The baby was so excited, "Huni was controlled and hit one after another, and he couldn't even flash!"

Lin Ran quickly rushed to the middle after giving up the kill.

Although he had just advanced his troops to the foot of Faker's tower, there were no artillery soldiers to help resist damage, so Lee Sang Hyuk's advancement was quite fast.

E, W, Q, Q, Faker squeezed out the remaining mana and easily pushed the line of soldiers. With Galio's return speed, he probably lost 3 melee soldiers and 1 ranged soldier.

The total economy provided by these four soldiers is less than 100 gold coins, which is roughly equivalent to the assist economy obtained by Lin Ran.

Li Sanghyuk frowned slightly as he returned to the city from the tower.

He began to wonder if he had brought the wrong purification.

Originally, Faker was trying to protect his output environment. After all, Galio's Flash Taunt and Lulu's Sheep Transformation were extremely restrictive to Lucian, who had short opponents.

And now Lucian's mainstream equipment is dilapidated - black cut - artillery - endless. He is already very strong in the early and mid-term and has extremely high requirements for equipment update speed. If he spends 1300 gold coins to buy a mercury sash in the middle, he will definitely be delayed. The rhythm of the production will also waste his strong period.

But if he had brought Teleport just now, he would have been able to take care of Huni who was on the road and protect him. At least he would not have dared to attack the tower-crossing wave with 3 packs of 1YM just now.

But now that the deal is done, he can't go back in time and space to before the start of the game and learn the operations of the Vietnamese Crocodile, the God of Rune War.

"Control your troops and send out Zhongya first." Li Sang Hyuk proposed his own solution.

The armor provided by Zhongya is miraculous when facing Qinggangying, and the 2.5-second immune golden body effect provided can also protect him.

Huni responded dully.

"Little Peanut was not idle either, he took the opportunity to launch a surprise attack in the bottom lane!"

The director's camera switched to the bottom lane, and Little Peanut EQ, who was connected to W [Fortress of Fortitude] by Wolf and attached to E [Dazzle], stepped forward and immediately forced the flashes of Jack and Liu Qingsong.

However, there was no explosion of kills. Although the YM duo was resisting the pressure, because the small cannon could not control the lane, Jack could safely replenish the tower knife under the tower.

The laning in the middle was as uncomfortable as ever. Although Lin Ran's efficiency in clearing troops was improved a lot with his double rings, his frankness was not high. He was hit by Lucian in the face and hit a skill, and his health volume was reduced by half.

Faker took advantage of his purification and blatantly came to harass. His playing style was extremely arrogant, and he had some shadows of being invincible in the world in S3.

Lee Sang Hyuk himself is also aware of the team's situation. No matter how hard he tries, he cannot make the team operate according to the tactical regulations.

This is the second time this has happened to him since joining SKT.

The last time was S4 three years ago.

At that time, Piglet, PoohManDu and Impact ran away one after another, leaving PoohManDu alone.

But now he doesn't even have a stupid chicken anymore.

Faker could only watch helplessly as SKT's invincible battleship sank little by little. He didn't know when he would grow old. He only knew that everyone wanted to step on his corpse and become king.

Lin Ran succeeded last year, but Faker was unwilling to give in.

The obsession with the championship has never faded in his heart, so after experiencing failure, he will only continue to whip himself, urging his body to burst out with more powerful power.

He can't control his teammates. He just wants to drag the team forward before he gets old. Even if he falls, he must fall closest to the trophy.

"Shall I catch him?" The Garlic Bastard just received an assist, and also took away the stop loss of the small peanut in the upper half of the jungle. He made up for all the growth lost at level 2. At this time, he was looking at the three lanes with a smile on his face. Lucian, who was sliding and arrogant in the middle, suddenly stopped smiling.

The whole process was similar to the classic scene of his idol Seven.

"Wait a little longer," Lin Ran was not in a hurry. Even though Faker showed strong suppression, he was not too afraid. "The prince on the opposite side may be there."

With the purification, Lucian is quite flexible in his actions. As long as he doesn't make any mistakes, it won't be a problem to hold on until the little peanut arrives.

At this point in time, the midfielder combination of Prince and Lucian is undoubtedly quite strong.

Lin Ran knocked down all the potions and barely managed to maintain his blood volume at about half blood.

Along with two golden lights, he and Li Sang Hyuk were promoted to level 6 successively.

At this time, Jin Gong stepped forward to fight with Huni, and the leg blade successfully cut open Rambo's mecha. However, because he did not return to the city to resupply equipment after getting the first blood, this wave of blood exchange was not profitable.

Rambo, who is at level 5, has level 3 Q [Arson Feast]. He is in his strong period and beat Qinggang Ying to the lowest level with a barbeque.

"The fight on the road is unreasonable. Brother Gongzi will be forced to return to the city..."

On the commentary stage, the doll spoke clearly and eloquently.

But unfortunately, he is on the first level.

Jin Gong's blood exchange is to lower Huni's blood volume and create a suitable reason for returning to the city.

The West Pakistanis used this method to disappear from SKT's sight and hide their intentions.

Huni is on the second level in this battle. He believes that Jin Gong lowered his status in order to continue to move people to jump the tower.

The others were indeed pretending, but not to the point of getting sick. Even though Rambo still had half of his health, he still returned to the city honestly.

First, I patched up the Explorer arm guards to at least make myself look more muscular. When huni teleported online, I also asked Peanut to protect myself.

Now Huni is eager for the opponent to catch him. Rambo, who has just reached level 6, is still wearing the [Explorer Armguard]. As long as YM dares to cross the tower, he is confident that he can cooperate with Peanut to keep all his opponents here.

Little Peanut was on the third floor. He glanced at the situation on the 3rd line of troops and felt that the middle line might also be captured.

He simply came to the top half to eat the Demon Swamp Frog and Three Wolves that were refreshed in the second round, so that he could take care of the two single lanes in the middle and top at the same time.

They all flash in hand and cannot be killed for a moment, and the little peanut can safely clear the jungle.

Wolf was on the fourth level. He knew that YM was most likely to get stuck at the time of promotion to level 6, so he decisively gave up the bang and left the line.

At this time, the artillery soldiers have just arrived in the bottom lane. He can move around freely in this wave of artillery soldiers pushing back, as long as he returns to the bottom lane before the soldiers enter the tower to prevent the bang from being jumped over the tower.

But SKT didn't expect that YM was actually in the third tier.

Their goal is very clear, it is not Rambo in the top lane, nor Lucian in the middle lane, but the prince in the jungle!

"Qinggangying teleported to the eye position of the triangular grass on the top road. This position was not discovered by everyone in SKT, and then she went directly into the jungle..." Miller, who was standing in the perspective of God, finally realized that something was wrong.

"Xiaotian's wine barrel is also heading into SKT's jungle. He moves very carefully and seems to have figured out the position of little peanut!" I remember exclaiming.

The Garlic Bastard knows that after Jin Gong's reckless and unreasonable exchange of blood just now, Little Peanut will come to the top half whether he is brushing the jungle or protecting the top and middle single lanes.

He tried his best to squeeze in as much time as possible and threw a false eye provided by a green jungle knife into the Demon Swamp Frog camp.

In an instant, the originally dark area became brightly lit, and I happened to see the prince stabbing the poor Demon Marsh Frog with the halberd in his hand!

Little Peanut saw a prosthetic eye suddenly appear behind him, and immediately realized something was wrong, and instinctively handed over the German flag to the other side of the wall.

Dragon Crash!

The prince of Demacia raised his halberd and moved quickly towards the military flag!

But no matter how fast the prince operates, the second consecutive movement of EQ will still be stuck. At this time, the belly of the wine barrel has already hit him!

Why is the wine barrel often used to beat the prince in the professional arena? First, because he also has the ability to do things at level 2, so he won't lose too much in terms of rhythm; second, because the wine barrel's E meat, egg, green onion, and chicken can easily interrupt the prince's EQ!

Gragas' fat body collided with the prince and successfully intercepted the little peanut!

"I'm here to catch you."

Little Peanut heard Gray Lady's cold and emotionless voice in the earphones. Qinggangying used the hook to climb on the wall of the wild area, and the next moment he successfully connected the control of the wine barrel and knocked him out!

At the same time, a green rune array with an extremely wide range appeared under him. The scorching aura contained in the green flames made Xiaohuatana subconsciously want to escape.

"Gario will also arrive on the battlefield, and the top, middle, and junglers of YM quickly gather to catch the little peanut!" I remember quickly glancing at the mini-map, "But there are no teammates around him to help, and Wolf only rushed to the Sharp Beak at this time. Grass!”

Lee Sang Hyuk had been wary of YM coming to arrest him before, so he deliberately controlled the troops under his tower.

Although this made his situation a lot safer, the disadvantages were also obvious. After Lin Ran cleared the troops, he ran to roam to support him.

But at this moment, Faker saw the Galio array under Xiaohuatana and could roughly guess Lin Ran's position. He suddenly slid upward into the grass.

R [Baptism of the Holy Spear] attacks the river with countless light bullets. Galio's body is right in front, and every light bullet will take away a small amount of his health!

But Lin Ran, who was half-healthy, was very strong. After 1.25 seconds of Galio's guidance, he rose into the air and smashed towards the rune array in the distance!

"Little Peanut has a very strong desire to survive. He handed over the Flash to delay time..." The doll suddenly clenched his fist, "Jin Gong reacted very quickly!"

In the Summoner's Rift, the Green Steel Shadow became unselectable in the air and successfully followed the prince who flashed over the wall!

R【Hex Ultimatum】!

The prince was firmly trapped in the barrier, and more importantly, his 400-yard flash did not allow him to escape Galio's R [Hero Appearance] range!

Amid the clamor of the audience in the stands, Galio, who had less than 30% of his health left, successfully landed on the ground, sparking a green flame and knocking the prince into the air!

"I'll eat the head, I'll eat it, I'll eat it!" Jin Gong said in a very urgent tone.

He shouted that he wanted to eat human heads, and without stopping his body movements, he attacked the medium and small peanuts with basic attacks and then followed up with Q [Precision Etiquette].

This is called double insurance, double bloom.

"Can I not give it to you if you want it?" Lin Ran didn't want to K the head. After all, even if he took 300 yuan, he couldn't beat Lucian in the lane. He might as well build an advantage for the Xiba people.

Camille's chic A-joint pull up, the real damage caused by the sharp leg blade easily took away the little peanut's life.

At this time, a row of rockets fell from the sky, and the blazing flames covered the three upper, middle and junglers of YM!

Rambo R from a distance [constant temperature burning]!

Although huni's strength is embarrassing, he is still a bit like SKT's former champion top single horse Datou - he is proficient in Rambo.

This year in the LCK league, he once used Rambo to hit a famous scene with 8W damage, which almost made KT stunned.

Although Huni did not have all the vision of the three upper, middle and junglers of YM, he still used his feeling and judgment to unleash an extremely perfect and precise ultimate move!

"Rambo's ultimate move was indeed good, but the damage was a bit too low and he failed to kill Galio!"

[Explorer's Armguards] can only provide 20 points of magic power and 30 points of armor initially. After that, every time a unit is killed, it will gain 0.5 magic power and armor.

In short, this is a piece of growing equipment that needs to be stacked up slowly to get the best value for money.

But now Huni has just teleported online, and the number of layers of arm guards is zero. Just relying on 20 points of magic power cannot cause a devastating blow to YM.

What's more, Lin Ran also has the passive magic shield provided by W [Dulang Shield], which is basically not used when facing Lucian, but now it can be used to offset the damage of Rambo's ultimate move.

Lin Ran was suppressed in the lane for 5 minutes and felt extremely aggrieved. Seeing that Huni still dared to use his ultimate move, he suddenly became angry.

It's fine if I don't arrest you, but you dare to come here and disgust people?

"Come and get on the road!" He gave two on-the-road signals, stepped out of Rambo's ultimate move on foot, and rushed over with great momentum.

Huni looked at the upper, middle and jungle trio that YM rushed towards, and he suddenly panicked to death.

He had full confidence in dealing with the YM tower jump before, and that was because of Xiao Peanut's anti-crouching help. Now that Peanut has been killed, how will he survive?

"Huni gave up the idea of ​​staying under the tower and kept moving forward. It seemed that he wanted to take a detour to find Lucian!"

This was the best way he and his teammates could come up with in a short period of time. Faker kept rushing up after sweeping his ultimate move. As long as he delayed for a while, he would be able to get help from the mid laner!

But just when he left the protection of the defense tower and was about to rush down the grass into the river, two people suddenly jumped out from the other side of the jungle wall!

Barrel and Galio!

"Exploding cones!" In the commentary booth where the camera was not available, Miller raised his hands in the air, his face flushed and it looked like Olaf had activated his ultimate move, "The fruits in the jungle helped YM successfully catch Huni!"

The most important thing is that Lin Ran and Xiaotian just blocked Huni's position towards the river!

If he still wants to join Faker, he must pass by YM Nakano!

Huni scolded the designer in his mind, why did you design this fruit? You have nothing to do after you eat, but you don’t know how to sharpen a knife?

But he could only move forward bravely. He could still survive if he went to find Faker, but running elsewhere would only result in death.

Lee Sang Hyuk had also crossed the center line of the Dalong Pit at this time, but his E [Cold Pursuit] had already entered the cooldown. With Lucian's short hands, he had to take another step forward to bring the opponent within his range.

Lin Ran did not hesitate, W [Dulang Shield] activated the charged taunt.

Huni is in a dilemma. Since Galio is two steps in front of him, if he wants to flash to avoid the taunt, he has to run backward. Flashing forward cannot escape the influence of Durang's shield.

In panic, he finally made a wise choice-turn on W to accelerate and continue walking towards the river.

In this way, although Rambo was controlled by the ridicule, Lee Sang Hyuk finally brought the YM midfielder into his range!

"Sell me, sell me, you just kill Rambo!" Lin Ran knew that it would be difficult for him to escape from Li Sang Hyuk without any escape skills.

At this time, Jin Gong, who was pursuing in a straight line, also followed. The outer circle hit of W [Tactical Sweep] restored him a small amount of blood lost due to the tower resistance.

As the three gathered fire, Rambo let out a scream, and Huni was killed first!

Li Sang Hyuk pursued forward and wanted to kill Lin Ran, who was still alive, but Xiaotian's Q [Rolling Barrel] slowed down and kept him.

At this time, Lin Ran used E [Righteous Strike] to escape from Lucian's 500-yard shooting range, forcing Faker to hand over Flash and step forward. He killed Galio with two shots and also refreshed E [Cold Pursuit].

Sliding sideways, he wanted to continue the output, but YM Ueno had already made up his mind to retreat - Wolf's gem was coming soon, and there was no need for them to continue fighting.

"One for a goose!" I remember shouting, "YM is still very profitable, and they are still expanding their economic advantages!"

Wawa also nodded in agreement, "Although it's just a head difference, this was obtained by YM when SKT controlled the early lane rights!"

After this wave of fighting, Lin Ran returned to the city and bought cloth armor shoes. For ADCs like Lucian and Xiaopao who relied heavily on basic attacks for output, the ninja footwear that provided 12% normal attack damage reduction was simply an artifact.

Since Lin Ran and Jin Gong have already handed over their first ultimate move, their combat effectiveness will undoubtedly drop a lot in the next 3 minutes, and they can only develop with steady last hits.

Little Peanut was not idle. He went to the bottom lane to grab the YM duo who had flashed before, and successfully killed Jack with wolf's E flash.

But then Garlic Bastard regained his position on the top lane. R [Exploding Barrel] flashed Huni and forced him into the closed grass in front of the second tower, which cost him a whole wave of experience.

Huni was so angry that he had 0 kills and 2 kills in 8 minutes, and only made 36 kills. This kind of development can only be described as miserable.

"Little Peanut took advantage of the opportunity to take over a wind dragon, but this did not improve SKT's combat effectiveness..."

The out-of-combat movement speed provided by the cloud dragon will bring some help to the team during the transition period, but the overall benefit is undoubtedly the worst among the four elemental dragons.

Lee Sang Hyuk took a deep breath. Although the current situation does not favor one side in particular, for SKT's lineup, if it does not have an advantage in the early stage, it is already at a disadvantage.

Especially on the top lane, Huni used the current version to fight Rambo, who was quite strong, but was unable to suppress Camille, who was slashed several times with fists, and allowed Jin Gong to take away 3 heads.

If it really drags on until 30 minutes later, no one in SKT can stop Qinggangying's side lane, and apart from the prince, they have no means of starting a team from the front.

If this continues, SKT's chances of winning will become smaller and smaller!

Faker was a little flustered.

He wanted to suppress Lin Ran through the laning and try to gain the laning advantage as much as possible, but now Galio is no longer the squishy one he was at the beginning of the game. With his cloth-armored shoes, he can withstand Lucian's output!

Lin Ran just stayed behind and waited until the minions were reduced to full health before he stepped forward and used War Wind to take them away.

The strength of version son Galio is clearly visible.

Even if you beat the natural enemy Lucian, it will only be uncomfortable in the early stage. As long as the equipment is a little better, you can completely mix in the lane.

"Look at him," Lin Ran joked with his teammates during his free time, "I'm so anxious!"

"Can you pull back the line of troops? I'll go to the middle to help you catch him later." Jin Gong once again fought against Huni, relying on the real damage from the A-join to cripple Rambo.

Lin Ran glanced at the position of the army line and said, "You can only pull it a little bit, but you can't pull it too much."

Otherwise, the troop line will enter the tower.

"No problem, just let him take another step forward!" Jin Gong pretended to return to the city. After pushing the line forward and judging that SKT had lost his vision, he turned back and went straight to the middle!

"Come on, come on, YM's second big move will be coordinated!" Wawa was full of expectations. "They're going to take advantage of Faker's flash to launch a surprise attack!"

At 8 minutes and 50 seconds, the 15th wave of artillery vehicles had been fighting in the middle for 12 seconds.

The artillery car's HP was getting lower and lower, and Lin Ran knew that Li Sang Hyuk would definitely replenish this artillery car.

This is their perfect opportunity.

Lin Ran took a tentative step forward first, and saw Faker shoot him. At the same time, he also pulled away from Lin Ran, not wanting Lin Ran to get close to him.

He tried hard to suppress the ecstasy in his heart, pretending that he didn't want to be wasted by Faker, and took two steps back.

But at this time, Faker controlled Lucian to shoot W [Fierce Bullet], and the two passive bullets hit Lin Ran, triggering acceleration.

The stacks of his talent [War Zeal] have been stacked up, and Faker naturally doesn't want to give up this great opportunity to consume, so he uses acceleration to step forward and want to fire two more shots.

But then he saw Galio, controlled by Lin Ran, turn back and take a step towards him.

It was this step that made Lee Sang Hyuk's hair break out!

After ten battles a year, he knew very well that every move made by people like Lin Ran was very purposeful.

And this time he turned around, it was either because Lin Ran made a mistake, or... someone came to catch him!

The possibility of the former is extremely low, and Faker immediately wants to retreat.

But it's too late.

Camille launched a surprise attack in the shadows, and Lee Sang Hyuk was unprepared!

"Qinggang Shadow E [Hook Rope] climbed onto the wall, and the second section of the wall combined with the flash to successfully kick Lucian out!"

Although Qinggangying's EE flash is not as far forward as E flash, its rush speed is much faster. Faker doesn't have enough reaction time!

"Lucian immediately handed over Purification to instantly relieve the stun, and then slipped to avoid Galio's forward charge..."

Wawa suddenly raised his voice, "But Qinggangying's ultimate move is still in his hand, trapping Lucian again!"

Lin Ran charged up taunts, combined with passive heavy attacks and war winds, and easily killed Faker!

Little Peanut tried his best to protect the middle lane, but Faker died too quickly. The 3-head Qinggang Shadow killed a crispy Lucian without any brains. He could be killed by just throwing rice on the keyboard.

"SKT's key rhythm point was killed, which is undoubtedly a huge blow to them!" Miller's voice was sonorous and powerful, and his excitement was palpable.

At the same time, SKT's bottom duo also launched an offensive!

The gem linked W [Fortress of Fortitude] to Xiao Pao, and then cast E [Rotating Light]. Bang could no longer suppress the anxiety in his heart, and rocket jumped forward!

The glare from the cannon stunned Liu Qingsong on the spot, and the bang was filled with explosive sparks to deal huge burst damage!

Liu Qingsong was still unable to avoid being killed by concentrated fire after he healed, but Xiaotian's wine barrel on the side also emerged from the shadow corner. E [Meat, Egg, Onion, Chicken] combined with the flash that had just been converted, instantly knocked out the SKT duo!

The next moment, the rune circle with the wine barrel as the center was generated again!

"Gario's ultimate move once again supports the bottom lane, and the SKT duo is in trouble!"

Bang wanted to use his refreshed rocket jump to escape from Galio's ultimate move, but a huge wine barrel rolled in the air, and white beer foam flew everywhere!

"Wine barrel! The big move of the wine barrel blew the cannon back!" I remember that Wan Wan's voice became thicker in desperation, "Bang, where do you want to run?!"

The audience could no longer control their excitement. Amid thunderous shouts and cheers outside the stage, Tristana was blown back into the arms of the wine barrel!

The next moment, the hero appears!

Galio, the Colossus of Justice, fell to the ground and stirred up thousands of waves of flames, and all the gems and cannons rose to the sky!

"Although Wolf's quick eyesight and quick hands activated his ultimate move, Bang seems to be unable to hold on to the cosmic light falling!"

Although the damage done by Lin Ran and Xiaoyao was not enough, Jack had been stealing damage from the side just now. The turns of control by Galio and Liquor helped Verus create an excellent output space.

When the gem's ultimate move was about to fall after a 2.5-second delay, Verus killed Tristana's head with a piercing arrow!

"Little Pao is killed, and Gem cannot escape alone. YM will chase him to the end!"

The short-legged wolf did not have any displacement escape skills, and Xiaotian used the slowing effect of Q [Rolling Barrel]. The three people swarmed in and were about to kill him with gems!

Ten minutes into the game, SKT fell behind 3:6 in head count, with an economic gap of 1.5K!

The atmosphere on the Korean commentary stage was still depressing. The Roaring King, who had just finished the team introduction task, wiped the sweat on his forehead, "The situation is not optimistic now. Although the economy is not far behind, SKT's scene is very suppressed... "

"I can't find any opportunities to actively drive the rhythm," CloudTemplar has always said about this kind of thing. With the second place in the S competition and the qualifications not inferior to Madlife, he is also considered the number one figure in the Korean e-sports circle. "Especially the upper half, it has been clamped to death by YM."

"It seems that both Rambo and Lucian are heroes who can control the lane in the early stage. We may preconceptionally believe that SKT must have an advantage in the top half, but this is not the case..."

"What is the most important issue?" He took advantage of the brief calm in the Summoner's Rift and took the time to share his views with the audience. "They can't keep anyone in the upper half."

"We can see that Little Peanut cannot take the initiative to attack in the upper half. All his movements are mainly anti-crouching. Instead, he helped the bottom lane successfully conduct a surprise gank. This is because SKT has no control skills in the middle and upper lane."

As a former professional player, CloudTemplar has a very good understanding of the game. “SKT’s two single lanes do not have hard control, while YM’s top and mid laners are Qinggang Ying and Galio. Both have certain escape capabilities, which makes Xiaohua very special. It’s uncomfortable because the prince’s EQ is not stable and can easily be dodged by Qinggangying and Galio’s E skills, and after cheating the skills, his teammates have no way to keep up with the control.”

I have to say that the professionalism of the LCK commentary booth is much better than that of the LPL - to be honest, it is difficult to find a professionalism worse than the LPL among the five major competition regions. At this time, the Korean commentator pointed out SKT's problems to the point.

"Actually, I think there is a reason why Coach Kkoma chose such a lineup for the players before the game," CloudTemplar changed the subject. "They probably wanted to use the advantage of the mid lane power to help Xiaoxiang invade the jungle, so that SKT can You can plunder the opponent's wild monster resources in the upper half of the map and drive the wine barrels out of the upper half of the map. You can also use this method to protect the top and middle single lanes."

"But due to various reasons, SKT's plan failed. Huni died too early, and the top lane matchup was already out of balance..." Qinggangying, who had already made three phases of power, was showing off in SKT's upper tower.

E [Hook Rope] swung to the side and rear wall, and Q [Precision Etiquette] kicked Rambo at the same time.

Huni still wanted to fight back, but the damage of the electronic harpoon was offset by Jin Gong's adaptive shield. At the same time, the Qinggang Shadow was pulled to the wall by the hook cable, leaving the range of the defense tower.

The next moment, Jin Gong triggered the second stage of E [Wall Return] and kicked him again. Rambo, who did not have any displacement skills, could not avoid the skill at all and was kicked unconscious without any suspense!

Qinggangying A made a knife, and then the 1.5 seconds of Q [Precision Etiquette] had passed. The sharp leg blade with real damage directly kicked away 1/4 of Rambo's health!

W [Tactical Sweep] hit, and Qinggang Shadow's blood volume increased again.

The operation of EQEAQ, which is similar to the injury-free blood exchange under the Raven Tower, is considered the basic skill of Qinggangying, but the operation of Jin Gong is better than that of a smooth one, which looks pleasing to the eye.

More importantly, Huni had no room to fight back the whole time and was treated like a fool!

[This Rambo looks like an idiot hahahaha]

[I have a sense of immersion, it looks a lot like me playing top lane and being messed up by the underdog]

[This Rambo arm guard + cloth armor shoes are a pure Jβ bastard! No dreams at all? 】

Huni breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. If it weren't for the armor provided by the cloth shoes and arm guards, Qinggangying would probably be murderous in this wave.

But the next moment, he heard frantic reminders from his teammates in the headset.

"Gario teleported, I can't keep up with him!" Faker watched Galio teleport away but was unable to do anything but use all his output.

But Galio now holds cloth armor shoes + thorn vest, and his armor value has exceeded 100. Lucian with the Bilgewater Scimitar hit him with a set of damage and lost about half of his health.

Lin Ran successfully teleported to the upper half of the jungle, pushed aside the grass, and appeared behind SKT's previous tower.

And Little Peanut has a very keen sense of smell. When he saw Jin Gong's arrogant leap over the tower to exchange blood, he noticed something was wrong and rushed to the road to squat.

However, EQ's second company was sideways knocked apart by Galio's E [Justice Strike], and Lin Ran's ultimate move [Heaven and Earth Shattered] was dodged by Lin Ran.

Before that, Zhan Gangfeng combined with Jin Gong's skills had killed Huni!

Rambo flew out of the cracked mecha, and the little yordle let out a shrill scream in the air.

Another failed counter squat!

The Korean commentator was strangely silent for two seconds when he saw this scene.

"Ah... Player Huni seems to have nothing to do," Roaring Emperor said with emotion, "He really has no room to operate."

"(Yes)," CloudTemplar looked helpless, "As I said before, this is caused by a series of factors and has little to do with player Huni's operation."

Huni's face was red and he was subconsciously chewing gum. He looked like he was infected by Uzi's Guan Gong BUFF a week ago.

But he obviously didn't get Guan Gong's force value. The hero Rambo is a bit like showing off his power. Once he is killed in battle continuously, he can't stop at all.

0 kills, 6 deaths, 3 assists, 122 knives.

This is the answer sheet he handed in at 20 minutes.

The whole person felt dizzy, the operation was a lot stiff, and small mistakes in temperature control were made one after another.

The director didn't stare at him all the time, so the audience didn't know clearly, but Jin Gong saw it clearly. The Xiba people naturally wouldn't let go of such a great opportunity. The familiar EQEAQ took advantage of Huni's mistake and successfully completed a solo kill under the second tower. , not even Zhongya’s hourglass was opened!

"Ah..." Rambo, whose health bar had been emptied, was thrown out of the mecha cab again, letting out a familiar scream.

The audience was numb. Rambo died a total of 7 times, and the screams were deeply etched in their minds.

The doll smiled and said, "Rambo was very loud today."

Danmaku was amused by his words.

[The sound of God’s meow is very loud]

[High, this emotional intelligence is too high! 】

[High EQ, Rambo’s voice is loud in this game; low EQ, it’s almost as if Rambo is being tricked]

[One thing is certain and the other is true. Is this Huni a mole? 】

[I don’t think it’s like that. He didn’t do it lightly or hard when he was in a killing stance. How could he be a mole? 】

Even if the top laner's development gap is so huge, SKT's economic backwardness is still around 5K.

Mainly relying on the support of the middle and lower trio, known as 96line by fans, Faker was in really good shape in this round, and the wolf-stick combination also performed as well as it should.

They made up three lines to put out fires everywhere, and actually stabilized the situation for the time being.

The main reason is because Jin Gong took too many kills. Now aside from the top lane, the economy of the other four YM leaders is not as much as expected. Moreover, Gemstone is also a hero with a strong backhand ability. Lin Ran and Xiaotian do not dare to Start a group rashly.

"Steady, let's keep pushing back until the Xiba people take the lead alone." Lin Ran didn't want to take risks. Anyway, the further back he went, the better it would be for them.

It is difficult for SKT to start a team fight with this lineup. Originally, their ideal state was to have Little Peanut EQ enter the field with a big move, Rambo use R from a distance to retain people, and rely on the protection ability of the dual shooters and gems to win the team fight. .

But now this plan doesn't work at all. Little Peanut's prince failed to gain anything due to counter-crouching several times, and the jungle area was defeated by everyone in YM.

SKT Double C can only keep up with their own economy, so how can they care about the development of Little Peanut?

In 20 minutes, apart from the jungle knife, Little Peanut only had a chainmail armor and a pair of mercury shoes. The rest of his economy was used to buy real eyes to help the team.

This is the norm for SKT's junglers, and it's also one of the reasons why Peanut can't adapt.

He doesn't have the character to be a dog for his teammates. The team plays around him, so that little peanut can exert his full strength. Otherwise, he will be a tool throughout the whole process. To say that he is a second-rate jungler will be regarded as exalting him.

However, SKT's current system does not allow the jungler to eat too many resources in the mid-to-late stage, which can easily lead to the jungler being underdeveloped and forced to become a herbivore.

With Little Peanut's equipment in this game, if he dares to go in first to start a group fight, he will probably be melted in two seconds.

The huni's equipment is even worse. Zhongya's hourglass, cloth armor shoes, and an amplification book are all included.

It doesn't matter if Rambo throws his ultimate move with this equipment, the damage caused is not as good as Liu Qingsong's redemption milk.

Unable to enter the field, SKT could only drag, trying to catch YM's mistakes.

But it is a pity that YM performed flawlessly today and did not give them a chance at all!

When the time came to 28 minutes, SKT finally made up its mind as they watched the high ground in the bottom lane being slowly chipped away at their health by Jin Gong.

Open the dragon and take a gamble!

If they don't try to find opportunities, SKT will be completely passive once the bottom lane is broken.

A few people pushed the bottom line of soldiers out first, and then ran towards the Dalong Pit.

"Rambo was also called over. The five SKT players cleared the field of vision in the dragon pit and started fighting directly!"

The voices in the YM team are also constantly communicating.

"Do you want me to come?" Jin Gong pushed the line of troops to the high ground tower on the opposite side of the road. With Hydra's Qinggang Shadow pushing the line so fast, no one could stop her.

"Come on, come on," Lin Ran responded immediately, "We can't win without you!"

After Jin Gong heard this, he started looking for a teleportation eye position. Lin Ran also turned on the scanning effect of the oracle lens, looking for a suitable position where his opponent would not be discovered.

"SKT is very fast at beating the dragon. The dual shooters and the amount of milk from the incense burner of the gems are enough for them to take down the dragon easily!"

At this time, Lin Ran found an area above the Dragon Pit that was not covered by SKT's ward, inserted the real ward and added insurance.

SKT had no choice. They had no time to arrange the nearby field of vision, so they could only prioritize protecting the Dragon Pit.

But even so, Xiaotian and Liu Qingsong kept pushing their eyes in, hoping to see the dragon's health as soon as possible.

When the dragon's blood volume dropped to 7777, Jin Gong handed over the teleport in advance - he found that there were no good teleport eyes nearby, and if the landing point was too bad, he would be killed instantly by focused fire.

The upper tower is relatively safer.

But similarly, the Xiba people are also a few minutes further away from the battlefield.

With SKT's speed of focusing fire, he had no time to rush to the battlefield before Baron was killed!

"Look at my position, you can kill the prince first!" Lin Ran couldn't help but raise his voice when he saw the dragon's blood volume getting lower and lower.

In order to eat the big dragon as quickly as possible, Little Peanut stood closest to Baron Nash and stabbed wildly with the halberd in his hand.

At the same time, Rambo was also firing his flamethrower in front of the dragon to wear down its health.

Lin Ran began to accumulate strength, and when the taunting range of Durang's shield reached its maximum, he suddenly flashed into the dragon pit!

"Gario successfully mocked both the prince and Rambo!"

But SKT knew that their vision in the Baron area was poor, and they could guess what Lin Ran wanted to do, so they had a backup plan...

Bang's small cannon was about to raise the barrel and use his ultimate move to push Lin Ran away; while Wolf activated R [Cosmic Glory], wanting to cover all his teammates in the dragon pit.

They were just waiting for YM to come down and start a group. The backhand abilities of Gems and Cannons were fully demonstrated!

But just when Bang took two steps forward to push Lin Ran away, a flexible fat man jumped out of the dragon pit again!

Meat, egg, onion and chicken!

The big belly combined with the flash to successfully knock out SKT Ueno, and at the same time Gragas threw a barrel under his arm!

Foaming beer spilled from the barrel.

With a muffled sound, SKT's formation was completely blown apart!

"Wine Barrel's beautiful ultimate move!" Miller on the stage was full of passion. "Not only did it explode the cannon, but it also blew up Peanut and HUNI to the edge of the dragon pit!"

Not only that, once the formation is loose, the number of players that Wolf's gem ultimate move can cover is not as ideal as before!

Jack Verus used his bow and shot arrows, and output crazy output at SKT's upper jungle who was blown to the edge above the dragon pit.

And Liu Qingsong also used the Sheep Transformation Technique on Huni through the wall!

Lin Ran fanned out the wind of war, and at the same time, he suddenly retreated towards the position of the dragon pit.

E [Justice Strike]!

He didn't cast this skill straight towards Little Peanut, but deliberately reversed it.

This has the advantage that Galio can knock his opponent away as soon as he steps back!

"The control chain was perfect, but HUNI didn't hand over his skills, so he died suddenly on the spot!"

With a familiar scream, Rambo fell to the ground!

Little Peanut's prince was not spared either. He was knocked into the air by Lin Ran and fell under Verus's arrow.

From the beginning to the end, he couldn't even press Flash, and could only cast Punishment to secure the dragon!

"SKT was killed in the jungle, and then the gem ultimate move came down!"

The next moment, Qinggangying's leg blade swept over with endless power!

Hex Ultimatum!

Faker is trapped in the barrier!

Lin Ran spread his wings without hesitation.

R【Hero appears】!

"No one from SKT can leave, YM's cooperation is great!"

Xiao Pao was still outputting his ultimate move while bathing in gems, but Lin Ran was so armored and equipped that he couldn't hit him at all!

Amidst the hoarse commentary, green flames surged into the sky, and SKT was wiped out!

Although YM does not have the Baron BUFF, the resurrection time at this time is enough for them to end the game in one wave!

At 29 minutes and 20 seconds, SKT's base was reduced to pieces!

Thanks to the leader of ‘ShuangL’

2400 votes are owed 4.8W, plus two league leaders and 20 updates are 8.8W. Counting the 7.8W owed updates in January, the total is 16.6W.

February update progress bar (14.36w+1.04w=15.4w/34.6W)

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