LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 362 360: Weird hero choice

"Congratulations to YM for winning the first victory!" Miller turned up the volume amid cheers and shouts, "Temporarily leading 1:0 in the semifinals!"

I remember watching the ten players from both sides getting up and leaving the table, I couldn't help but sigh: "Now that YM has reached the level of running-in, their teamfight handling is so wonderful!"

"Especially Xiaotian Jiugong's ultimate move, combined with Brother Ran's W flash taunt, directly knocked out the two SKT junglers!"

At this time, the director also gave a replay of the decisive team battle in the Dragon Pit at the end of the previous game. At the moment when Galio charged up and taunted and flashed into the Dragon Pit, the wine barrel crashed down simultaneously, and at the same time, the big move exploded the SKT formation.

Exploding the small cannon gave Galio full control, and by the way, SKT Prince and Rambo were blasted to the edge of the dragon pit, making it easier for Jack to deal damage.

It's perfect!

"Hiss... I have to say that Xiaotian's wine barrel is indeed a bit strong," Wawa Classic took a breath, "Should SKT try to limit it in the next game?"

[0/8 Rambo, I really want to die laughing]

[Then the question is, how good is your posture, to be beaten by someone like Huni? 】

[Someone is making a fool of themselves again. Are S5 and S7 the same? Is it interesting that you always mention these? Isn't the attitude that Raven can't beat Centaur, and Olaf can't beat Raven? Can you blame him? The collapse on the top lane must be a problem with the jungler]

Lin Ran, who had just returned to the team lounge, glanced at the TV screen. The MVP of the previous game was awarded to Jin Gong. The KDA of 8/1/5 was really eye-catching, and other people's data paled in comparison.

"It's not fair, it's not fair!" The garlic bastard felt that he was wronged and couldn't help but whisper, "Can this MVP also be given a top order? This stinky dog ​​knows how to kill. If I hadn't helped him, he would have been beaten up long ago. Got it!"

"Huh?" Jin Gong, who had just gone to get a glass of ice water because he was thirsty, vaguely heard Xiaotian mention his name when he came back, and subconsciously asked, "Is it swollen?"

"It's okay," Xiaoyao changed his face at the speed of light the moment he saw Jin Gong, "I said you fought so well. Even if I don't help you, you can still kill Huni alone."

"He is really average," Jin Gong sat down in a chair and commented on his opponent, "Not as good as Duke."

Although he won the first game, Bai Yueya's nervous expression did not fade away. He knew that this was just the beginning of a BO5, and he didn't know whether the team could win the game until the last second.

In the last game, his BP was tricked by kkoma. If the players hadn't performed well, he would have definitely taken the blame.

"Earlier, they gave us both Galio and Lulu, making it difficult for Liu Qingsong to provide hard support. We will take the blue side in the next game. I plan to do this with BP..." He clicked the spring of the pen barrel.

The five-minute break between games was not much. Bai Yueya had just sorted out his thoughts with the players when a staff member knocked on the door and asked them to prepare to play.

"Actually, we can let Galio swing too." Lin Ran expressed his inner thoughts before leaving.

"Swaying from middle to upper?" White Crescent Moon frowned slightly, "But we are not..."

It is really not a good choice for Galio to go to the lane now. In addition to those warriors who cannot win in the lane, after reaching level 6, because he is on the sideline, the ability of his ultimate move to radiate the map is not as good as the mid laner.

"It's not a mid-to-upper swing," Lin Ran waved his hand, "I think a little swing with the support might have a miraculous effect."

He came up with this idea when he and Liu Qingsong exchanged heroes before. Since Lulu can sway the midfielder, there's no reason why Galio can't?

There is the W flash that can not unlock the team, and the R [Hero Appearance] protective ability...

White Crescent was lost in thought, and Lin Ran didn't say anything else. Regardless of whether his idea was right or not, even if Galio's assistance was feasible, they wouldn't be able to use it today.

Because Liu Qingsong has never practiced Galio, and he is not King Ning, he will naturally not play other positions in ranked.

Su Cheng helped fill the paper cup with water, and then gave Lin Ran a plate of dark chocolate, "Eat this first..."

In order to keep his brain excited and active, Lin Ran didn't eat anything all day long. After the game, his face looked a little pale. Chocolate can effectively replenish his physical strength.

"Is there any more? Give me a piece too." Jack was greedy when he saw the food.

Lin Ran tore open the wrapping paper and stuffed the chocolate into his mouth. The bitter taste instantly filled his mouth, violently invading his taste buds. The sporadic sweetness that had been slowly brewing before could not cover up the bitter taste.

"I'll go, this is too painful..." Jack snatched his words away, and his face, which had not yet subsided, wrinkled up again, looking very much like the picture of Rookie eating salted duck eggs that had been circulated on the Internet.

"The purity is only 86%. It is mainly used to promote blood flow in the brain," Su Cheng explained. "It contains flavanols."

Increased blood flow in the brain can improve people's reaction and cognitive abilities to a certain extent, making the mind sharper.

After saying this, Su Cheng turned her attention to her boyfriend again, "You remember to continue to play in the upper half in the early stage. Huni has an unstable mentality. If you keep catching him, he will become more and more anxious. "

"I know, I know." Lin Ran nodded and responded. He drank all the water in the paper cup to wash away the bitter taste in his mouth, and took another cup at the same time.

Their tactics around Rambo were very successful in the last game.

The three deaths of Huni in the early stage had little to do with his own operation. Even the peak marine couldn't withstand Lin Ran and Xiaotian's double-teaming and jumping over the tower.

But the subsequent five deaths in battle were entirely his own fault. Several of them could have been avoided, but he just stayed under the tower and refused to leave, making himself like the God of War under the tower.

Lin Ran wondered if he wasn't playing Nuo Shou and Stone Man?

After tasting the sweetness in the first round, Lin Ran would naturally continue to target him next.

Once on the stage again, before putting on the headphones, the cheers from the audience on all sides of the Oriental Sports Center rushed into Lin Ran's ears!

YM has taken the first step, and if they win two more games, they will once again overthrow SKT and head to the Bird's Nest!

With countless spectators looking forward to it, the metallic crisp sound symbolizing BP resounded throughout the audience!

"YM successfully got the blue side in this game. They knocked out Jace first." After winning the fierce battle in the previous game, Miller adjusted his state and continued his work. "This is to continue to restrict Huni and don't want him to Get a strong single belt hero!"

Kkoma remains unchanged for thousands of years and blocks Kalista.

White Crescent's second move began to change. Instead of blocking Xia Luo, he sent Galio to the ban position.

"Hey, are you taking the initiative to ban Galio?" Miller said with a bit of doubt in his tone, "Brother Ran felt hot in the last game."

Kkoma's brows on the other side frowned, and it was obvious that White Crescent Moon's move to ban people was beyond his expectation.

He held a notebook and communicated repeatedly with his teammates until the BP countdown was about to end, and then he decided to block Kennen as usual.

"The last ban spot in the first round, let's see what YM wants to block..."

Lin Ran's fingers were flying on the keyboard, searching for heroes according to their initial letters, and then clicked OK.

"Ryze? YM is eyeing Faker's hero pool this game!" Baby nodded pretending to be serious, and then directed the topic elsewhere. Instead of analyzing Ryze, he was eyeing Lee Sang Hyuk.

There was nothing he could do. His lack of understanding of the game could not analyze why YM wanted to ban Ryze and Sister Li.

"I have to say that Faker is still in great shape in this World Championship. From the beginning of the group stage, his performance has been impeccable and he is also the best player in the SKT team."

Miller and Remember nodded to themselves. There was nothing wrong with what their partners said. Faker's performance this year is indeed very strong, which is worthy of praise for a 21-year-old LOL e-sports player.

In the SKT player box, Kkoma rubbed his brows in distress.

He didn't understand why YM suddenly changed his BP strategy in the next two hands. Galio could understand it. After all, he was considered a popular mid laner in the version with high strength.

But what does Ryze mean?

Although Ryze received the damage enhancement of W [Rune Imprisonment] in the global finals version, it is still far from being as popular as the version.

After all, the elimination of the combination of R [Warping Realm Warp] and Golden Body had a big impact on Ryze, which weakened the Wandering Mage's single-band ability in the mid-to-late stage.

When Kkoma thought of this, inspiration flashed in his mind.

Although Ryze cannot use R + Golden Body together, his play style is still based on mid-term wing leadership and support.

This cannot be said to be exactly the same as Galio's thinking on the field, it can only be said to be completely consistent.

YM banned two mid lane heroes who mainly focus on side support and 131 points of pushing, and their intentions are obvious.

He thought for a moment and finally decided to seal the barrel. Xiaotian's performance in the last game was indeed outstanding. Gragas made several big moves to help the team gain an advantage.

"The blue side chose, YM decisively locked Xia!"

Now the Phoenix Legends are all on the outside. In order to prevent this pair of bad men and women from running to the same side, YM and SKT must each take one.

While Kkoma got Luo for Wolf, he was also thinking about the second-hand hero choice. He patted his mid laner on the shoulder.

"Is it okay for the rock bird?"

YM has banned Galio and Ryze successively. Currently, among the mainstream heroes in the game, the only one who has the ability to support and lead the lane at the same time is Rock Bird.

Lee Sang Hyuk habitually twisted his neck and said, "Hey, no problem."

"YM chose the Nosuke combination of Leona and Prince, which is very offensive!" Miller on the commentary desk was very satisfied with YM's two heroes who fit the team's style of play very well.

[Come here, wait for the classic reprint! 】

[This is the same trend as YM’s game against Dragon Ball. The girl is played in the second game... Sunshine Girl]

[It sounds a bit like that. If I remember correctly, Cuzz was also 0/8 in the first game, right? 】

[Guigui, lead the evil YM to beat Huni to 0/20? 】

Kkoma also looked gloomy, and the red side's BP disadvantage in the current version was undoubtedly revealed.

First of all, the ban position is tight. SKT only has one ban position left after banning Kalista and Kennen.

And as long as White Crescent does not break up the Xia Luo combination, the initiative will always be in YM's hands.

If kkoma also doesn't ban the Phoenix Legend, then YM will take Xia first, forcing SKT to grab Luo, so White Crescent Moon will take Leona in its backhand.

Sunshine Girl is relatively easy to deal with Luo in both laning and team battles, so the support position is not a disadvantage.

If SKT chooses to block Leona, White Crescent will grab Luo first. In this way, kkoma is equivalent to making a wedding dress for others and helping YM ban Luo's natural enemy.

And if SKT bans one of Xayah and Rakan, YM, who is on the blue side and chooses the hero first, can also take the other one. After all, the strength of a single hero of Xayah or Rakan is not weak.

This is a conspiracy, Bai Yueya is already dead, and Kkoma will definitely suffer this loss.

The SKT team is also discussing how to deal with the situation.

The two heroes Big Mouth and Verus had no movement, and it was difficult to avoid Leona's continuous control. In the end, they had no choice but to choose another version of the powerful ADC small cannon.

At the beginning of the second round of BP, SKT put Qinggangying and Syndra into the ban position after much thought.

The former was used by Lin Ran against the Crowned Rock Bird in the group stage and was very effective. Jin Gong also used Camille to great effect in the previous game;

In the latter, Syndra can put too much pressure on Yanja in the lane, which poses a great threat to Faker's lane rights.

"YM blocked all the pig girls and excavators with a very clear purpose, not to allow the little peanut to get a strong jungle!"

Pig Girl focuses on team battles, while the Excavator is a weapon for jungle invasion.

One is used to limit SKT's most mature mid-to-late stage team battles, and the other is used to limit Peanut's jungle invasion style that he is best at.

"Zach..." Miller saw the hero displayed by SKT, hesitantly but with a bit of joy, "This is also one of the few jungle options left outside!"

Miller was happy and Peanut was unhappy.

Because Zack was so badly weakened.

In version 7.15, Xiang Warrior's main jungle clearing method, W [Unstable Substance], has had its damage reduced by 15 points, while the cooldown of Q [Extended Strike] has been increased by 1 second, and its health consumption has been doubled.

Zach, who was originally weak in the early stage, is now completely ignored.

This is completely opposite to Peanut's ideal play style. He originally planned to use the carnivorous jungler to continue to invade the opponent's jungle area and prove who is the best jungler in the world.

But Kkoma choosing Zac for him means giving up all the resources and betting on team battles in the mid-to-late stage.

The familiar feeling of shackles came to mind again, and Little Peanut felt that he had been tied up for the past year, jumping back and forth between team tactics and personal style.

It's like a split personality. In the last game, he was still focusing on attacking in the jungle with himself as the core, but in the next game, he will be asked to play tool man and other team battles.

Who can withstand this?

Little Peanut looked at the BP picture on his screen and felt very unhappy, but he had no reason to refute.

In the first game, he was indeed the spearhead of the attack. A lot was gained in the level 2 invasion, but then he was defeated by YM's change of pace.

In terms of status in the team, he is not as good as Bang, otherwise Leehom would have grabbed the pig girl at the last position in the first round instead of giving him a cannon to make Bang more comfortable.

"YM's last two choices, Gnar and Rambo!" I remember thinking for a moment, "If mid laner Rambo beats Rock Bird..."

"The line pushing speed should be a little slower," Miller analyzed on the side. "After level 6, the radiation support ability for the wing will also be slightly inferior."

"The advantage is that team battles in the jungle are very strong, and R [Constant Temperature Burn] can reverse the situation as long as it is placed properly."

SKT didn't care about Lin Ran's mid laner Rambo. They were still discussing what to choose for Huni as the last counter position to deal with Jin Gong's top laner Gnar.

Huni himself first proposed a bold idea.

"Shengxun, are you sure?" Everyone in Kkoma was dumbfounded after hearing his idea. The SKT he coached usually believed in the meta version and had an old-school approach. The lineup he selected tended to be stable. YM used the mid laner Rambo and Qinggang Shadow. Such heroes seemed a bit deviant to him.

At this time, Huni's idea seemed to him even crazier than Lin Ran's work.

"No problem, just give me the choice. I'm confident I can beat him." Huni chewed gum and spoke in a relaxed and happy tone.

Kkoma's heart is trampled by ten thousand grass and mud horses.

Brother, can you please stop making trouble? If you show that you are a jobber during the transfer period, I can't let you be SKT's starter even if I transfer this year's salary, right?

You are truly my ancestor.

Kkoma slapped his forehead with his palm, looking extremely annoyed.

But seeing Huni's determined look, he knew he couldn't go against the grain.

During this year of getting along, KKoma has figured out Huni's temper. He has to be gentle like a child. If he speaks too harshly, he will get sulky. Being angry will inevitably affect his game state.

Originally, Korean coaches at the level of KKoma didn't care what huni thought. Whatever hero I gave you, you just used it obediently.

I even carried Faker down to look at the water dispenser back then. You, stinky little brother, still want to look for cards from me?

But not now.

The reason is simple: there is no replacement for the water dispenser.

HUNI is destined to play all the games with SKT.

Kkoma was holding back his anger but could only agree with huni's idea.

At this moment, he saw a happy smile on his top laner's face, and his eyes looked very innocent.

If you think about it carefully, it's not bad if you can counter in the lane and have teammates to cooperate with you in a team... Kkoma keeps giving himself psychological hints.

"SKT's last choice..." I remember watching the countdown coming to an end, and feeling uneasy in my heart.

A man who symbolizes happiness appears in SKT's hero selection box!

"Yasuo! Top laner Yasuo!"

After a brief silence, the 18,000 spectators in the stands burst into a flood of exclamations!

The work unit is very busy. I watched the game for a while in the evening. I will update less today and finish writing the second game tomorrow.

2800 votes are owed 5.6W, plus two league leaders and 20 updates are 9.6W. Counting the 7.8W owed updates in January, the total is 17.4W.

February update progress bar (15.4w+0.46=15.86w/35.4W)

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