LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 363 361: You like happiness, right?

Looking at Huni's happy smile under the player's camera on the screen, the barrage in the domestic live broadcast room exploded instantly.

【? ? ? Huni, are you starting again? 】

[Top laner Yasuo? Huni's new job, right? 】

【SKTHuni? SKT Showmaker! The whole job is what Huni plays the game for! 】

At the same time, in the chat rooms of Mouse Channel’s major event live broadcasts, a group of foreigners were also frantically posting various emoticons.

There are a variety of emojis, but they all mean the same thing - rowing, too.

It's an accident that Yasuo appears in the current version, let alone the top laner Yasuo!

The LPL commentary booth reacted very quickly, and Miller quickly analyzed: "Top laner Yasuo is indeed an unconventional choice, but he has a miraculous effect against Gnar."

"It's mainly the wind wall," remembering, who was standing nearby, nodded in agreement with his partner. "It can confiscate Gnar's Q skill, and once Gnar doesn't receive the boomerang, the cooldown time of this skill will be very long."

"And even if Gnar gets bigger, it will be difficult to catch up with the flexible Yasuo," Miller said quickly. "It can be said that Yasuo on the top lane is a complete counter to Gnar."

The doll still wanted to speak, but found that he had nothing to add, so he could only nodded and said seriously: "Yes, that's it."

Ten players from both sides exchanged heroes, and the lineup was completely settled.

Blue side YM: top laner Gnar, jungler Prince, mid laner Rambo, bottom laner Xia + Leona.

Red side SKT: top laner Yasuo, jungler Zac, mid laner Yanque, bottom lane Xiao Pao + Luo.

Jin Gong squirmed uneasily in his seat, picked up the paper cup and took a sip of ice water to wake himself up.

"Brother Xiba, please click level 3 W first and then control Q, so that you can feel more comfortable in the line."

Even the commentators could understand things, and White Crescent Moon naturally understood them very well. He patted his top laner on the shoulder and reminded him.

"I understand, I understand." Jin Gong took a deep breath.

"Just wait for Brother Ran and Xiaotian to come to support you. Just try to hold on." Bai Yueya knew that he couldn't force his team members to win the lane even when they were countered.

Jin Gong nodded in agreement and then changed a set of runes. The blue glyph brought 5 0.64% attack speed. On the surface, it was 3.2%, but with the addition of 3 4.5% attack speed essences, the total was 16.7%, rounded up. He also used 0.3% of his attack speed in vain.

The attack speed is increased, and Gnar will feel much more comfortable in the lane with the help of W [Excitement]'s three-ring percentage damage.

On the other side, kkoma is also telling Xiao Peanut that the jungle matchup in this game is Zach vs. Prince. In the current version, the strength is completely unbalanced. It can be said that it is between the jungler with the strongest offensive ability and the weakest jungler. of collision.

Peanut's task in this game is very difficult.

"It doesn't matter. Both the top and middle push lines can protect the jungle area," Leehom asked his jungler to relax, "As long as you don't die in the first place."

Anyway, Zach will not die immediately if he has the passive [Cell Splinter], and since there is no Jace on the opposite side, it is impossible to recreate the famous scene of one shot in the past.

When the coaches of both sides were exhorting their players, the Korean commentators who came to the scene were also analyzing the lineups of both sides.

"On one side is Yasuo's top laner, and on the other side is the incense burner-less lineup," Roaring Emperor laughed. "They don't look like the mainstream of the version."

CloudTemplar adjusted his glasses, "In our common understanding, the Censer soft support is indeed very strong, but it is not necessary. If I remember correctly, in the MSF game against RNG, the Rabbits chose a lineup without Censer."

The game loaded quickly, and the camera panned around the stands on all sides of the Shanghai Oriental Sports Center, allowing online viewers to watch the live broadcast on the Internet to see the extremely fiery atmosphere at the scene, and then cut to the Summoner's Rift.

Amid the deafening cheers of the audience, CloudTemplar sped up and continued, "Compared to Rambo, Karma is a good choice to fight against the rock bird, because it doesn't suffer much in grabbing lane rights, and it can also give Kasumi a blazing incense burner. ; But Ran’s reason for choosing Rambo when there are Lulu and Karma outside is also obvious - to focus on team battles."

"Leona and Prince's first move, combined with Rambo and Gnar's ultimate moves, make YM's lineup extremely impactful, and it's easy to create perfect teamfight coordination."

"We can see that SKT's small cannon has purified. This is obviously to guard against YM's strong team opening."

Madlife, who was also invited to be the commentator, held the microphone in his hand. Previously known as the "God of Assistance" by fans, he and CloudTemplar are old teammates. They have a close relationship and a good understanding of the game. He held the microphone and nodded and said:

"The popular Xianglu soft assistants in the current version are very afraid of forcing a team fight, whether in laning or team fights, because they have relatively few countermeasures and are more fragile." He changed the subject, "But this SKT team fight It’s not that he has no ability to fight back, Luo’s backhand control and Xiaopao’s ability to protect himself are quite strong.”

Madlife's analysis was in-depth and simple, and finally concluded: "Of course, the lineup is dead, but the people are alive. We analyzed it for a long time, but in the end it still depends on the performance of the 10 players on the scene."

Lin Ran operated Rambo to the edge of the river, and when there was no fighting, he cut the screen and shook the warm baby to make his fingers warmer, so that the operation would not be too stiff later.

Nuan Baobao not only warmed his fingers, but also made his heart feel angry.

He is most annoyed by people who pick Yasuo in the professional arena.

Because he himself was very bad at playing Yasuo, and he didn't have a good impression of this happy man who was going back and forth.

Lin Ran was naturally not happy that Huni was doing such a hard work.

If Huni doesn't feel truly happy in this game, he'll be sorry for his choice of Yasuo!

Both sides at level 1 are still very cautious. No one wants to fight this level 1 team battle. After all, the risk is too great.

"Help me look at Zach's wild route," Xiaotian stood in the grass on the upper river, "I plan to go in at level 2 for a walk."

"Come on, come on." Lin Ran pulled Jin Gong, and the three of them walked directly to the SKT jungle area with the time limit of 1 minute and 25 seconds.

"SKT doesn't want YM to come in and see their movements in the jungle, but Rambo has to force his vision into their red zone even if he loses blood!"

Lin Ran inserted a ward through the wall, and he was also thundered by Yanque's Q [Stone Penetration] one after another, and his health volume dropped by nearly 30%.

"The timing of this ward position is just right," Madlife said with approval from a God's perspective, "The ward will not disappear until about 2 minutes and 30 seconds, even if the three groups of wild monsters, Zack Blue BUFF-F6 and Red BUFF Even on the jungle route, you can’t escape the detection of this ward.”

CloudTemplar took over the topic, "Also, it takes 1 minute and 30 seconds to set up the field of view. It's useless for Little Peanut to bring a scan. If he eliminates the field field of vision, he also exposes his own movements - after all, the wild monsters refresh in 1 minute and 40 seconds, and the remaining The time is not enough for him to cross the entire jungle to go to another buff camp to start farming."

"In other words, Peanut's early wild farming movement is firmly locked by YM's ward position."

This is the difference between the commentators in the division. After all, the information resources that can be obtained from a God's perspective are quite huge, and the content that can be analyzed is more than that of professional players on the field. However, the commentary in the LPL division is just like signing up for a dish. Memorizing hero skills, I can’t even figure out whether to use the next water dragon or not.

SKT was not to be outdone. They relied on Wolf's flexible Luo to also arrange their vision in the YM red zone.

Now the two sides' jungle routes are equivalent to streaking. It depends on which jungle area Xiaotian and Xiaohuahua open. This will determine the early game trend of the two sides.

At 1 minute and 40 seconds, all the red and blue BUFFs were refreshed. Zac was not seen in the ward position that Lin Ran placed in the SKT red zone previously!

"F6 or blue, you can just cross the river and invade at level 2." Lin Ran came to the middle and started to line up.

After hearing Xiaoyao's response, he clicked E [Electronic Harpoon] and stood a little further away from the soldier line, waiting for the soldier to have residual health before replenishing it.

Rambo, who was at level 1, obviously didn't have the capital to fight for the line rights with Yanque, so Lin Ran let nature take its course and didn't intend to make any trouble.

Li Sang Hyuk decisively used Q [Stone Penetration] to start pushing the line. Like the previous game, he did not plan to stock up troops and wait for the artillery line to arrive before pushing into Lin Ran's defense tower.

Because in Wolf's field of view in the opposite red zone, the prince's position was also not found.

This means that the prince has a high probability of opening the jungle with the blue BUFF in the upper half, and at level 2, he is also very likely to cross the river and invade the SKT red zone!

The jungler reaches level 2 very quickly, leaving little time for Lee Sang Hyuk. He must push the lane quickly so that he can be the first to support his own jungle.

Plus Huniyasuo, who also controls the lane on the top lane...

Li Sang Hyuk felt fierce in his heart. When the time comes, he must make it impossible for the prince to come back!

The push in the middle was going quite smoothly. Rambo, who had lost a lot of health, had no intention of hindering him. He just huddled back and used two electronic harpoons to make up for the two bins, and then stepped forward to use the electric drill. Attack and eat another melee soldier.

Looks harmless to humans and animals.

Li Sang Hyuk frowned. If the five people across from him weren't wearing headphones, he would have doubted whether his opponents were connected to the microphone.

My intention to push the lane is so obvious, I must be trying to support the jungle, why don't you stop me?

However, he didn't think too much. As long as the prince entered the jungle, he would go to support him. In the early stage, YM's top and middle single lanes could not give Xiaoyao any help in the jungle.

The first wave of soldiers successfully advanced into Lin Ran's defense tower. He fired a drill at the long-range soldiers first, and then the defense tower bombarded the long-range soldiers to their remaining health, and then added the drill's basic attack damage.

The tower knife is perfect, not a single thing is missing.

Faker took advantage of this moment to stroll around his jungle area, and placed an accessory eye on the wall of the red buff camp.

He did not arrange his vision towards the river, because the prince had the EQ Second Company to cross the wall from the dragon pit, and it was difficult for the river eyes to see Xiaotian's movements accurately.

The Red BUFF camp must be the target end point of the Garlic Bastard. If you look around here, you can catch the prince's position no matter what.

But in this way, the time it takes for them to see the prince's movements will definitely be much slower than inserting an eye into the river.

At 2 minutes and 03 seconds, Lin Ran inserted his ward into SKT's red zone camp and successfully saw Zach's position. He pressed the tab key and found that Peanut's jungle number was 6.

This is obviously the beginning of the sharp beak camp, and then directly comes to brush the red BUFF.

At this time, Xiaotian was on his way to the SKT red zone.

He also deliberately stood there and waited for a while before breaking into the SKT jungle.

At 2 minutes and 07 seconds, the Demacia prince carrying a halberd appeared in the field of vision that Li Sang Hyuk had inserted earlier.

"Come and help me!" Little Peanut is working hard to become popular. For a hero like Zach who is very weak in the early stage, it will definitely not be easy in the jungle in the early stage, but he must work hard to ensure his development. Double BUFF will eat less. Groups will have a huge negative impact on Zach's level improvement.

"SKT's top two single-player lanes had early warning. They rushed to the jungle to help Little Peanut protect the red buff!"

From the commentary's perspective, Yasuo and Yanque rushed to the red zone resolutely.

"Are you okay? Are you okay?" The voice in the YM team was filled with Xiaoyao's shouts, "Hurry up!"

"Now, stop barking, stinky dog!" Lin Ran watched Li Sang Hyuk disappear in the middle, and did not pursue him, but took two steps forward.

At this time, the second wave of soldiers arriving in the middle at 2 minutes and 08 seconds had been handed over. Lin Ran's forward movement attracted the hatred of the soldiers.

Then he pulled the line of soldiers into what he wanted - because the SKT soldiers launched a round of attacks on Rambo, he took the lead in deploying the formation and successfully launched a concentrated fire on YM's first melee soldier.

The concentration of troops in the line caused the melee soldiers to die instantly, and then SKT's side soldiers formed a 6-on-5 situation. In addition, Lin Ran moved forward to attract the hatred of the soldiers, and also moved the line handover position forward. In this way, SKT's third wave The army line will be the first to rush to the battlefield for one more round of attacks.

The combination of the two factors has formed a pushback line belonging to Lin Ran.

"It's done!"

"Give me a little more time!" Jin Gong's voice came from the headset at the same time.

Just after poking Zach with a basic attack with [Rhythm of War], Xiaotian retreated decisively without any hesitation.

Little Peanut:? ? ?

what do you mean?

All the way across the river just to touch me?

But there is nothing he can do with the level 2 prince. In order to ensure clearing the jungle, level 2 Zach must learn W [Unstable Material], so the remaining skill points can only be learned from QE.

Without any control skills, Little Peanut will not be able to keep the Garlic Bastard.

Lee Sang Hyuk and Huni were also confused. We just came here and you want to run away? It’s okay to stay a little longer!

Xiaotian seemed to hear the words of SKT's top midfielder. He had never heard such an outrageous request before. He stopped and danced next to the ward position Faker had previously arranged!

The audience burst into laughter, and the prince's devilish gesture of waving his halberd looked very funny.

"Xiaotian relies on his EQ to go into the dragon pit, and his playing style is very arrogant!"

But as a result, Faker and Huni did not dare to withdraw from the lane. Once the prince came back to kill Peanut, he would definitely suffer a big loss.

A hero like Zach, who focuses on group-wide damage, is already very hurt when he hits a single wild monster. In addition, the health consumption of Q [Extended Strike] has doubled. The little peanut is now in a very unhealthy state, and he has even been killed alone in the jungle. risks of.

The middle and top two of SKT could only continue to move forward and use their skills to trick the prince's EQ out. Both of them were at level 1 and had no displacement skills. They watched Xiaotian jump into the dragon pit, but they had no ability to continue to pursue.

But they seem to have forgotten something...

Where are the prince's teammates?

They always observed the mini-map and clearly saw YM Rambo and Gnar staying on their respective lines.

Why don't you come and support?

Lee Sang Hyuk, who is good at cutting the screen, habitually switches the perspective to the middle. After just a glimpse, he couldn't control himself and cursed in a low voice.

"Brother Ran and Jin Gong have no intention of going to the jungle to support. What are they doing?" Wawa's deliberately exaggerated surprise echoed in the Oriental Sports Center.

S2 runner-up AZF Nosuke in the Korean commentary box hissed, "YM will use Tian's invasion to create an advantage for themselves in the lane."

"The conditions of SKT's top and middle lanes are very bad right now, and they have already suffered some losses!"

The minions in the middle were attracted by Lin Ran's position and became SKT's slow push line; while the situation of the top lane was different.

Since the arrival time of the side lane troops is 10 seconds slower than that of the middle lane, Huni did not clear the first wave of troops on the top lane before supporting the jungle.

The remaining 4 soldiers of his own army advance towards the Golden Gong Tower.

However, Xiba, who had made up his mind not to wander around to support the wild area from the beginning, took two steps forward and used his body to absorb all the hatred of the four soldiers, preventing them from entering the range of the defense tower.

When the second wave of troops arrived, Jin Gong opened the distance, but in this way, the handover position of the top troops was in front of Jin Gong Tower.

10 SKT soldiers surrounded YM's 6 soldiers. If Jin Gong made up his mind to only repair the tail sword, the position of the soldier line would not move at all!

This troop line arrangement is perfect and is a basic skill for every professional player. Without interference from their opponents, they can make the troop line whatever they want.

By the time Huni and Lee Sang Hyuk returned to their respective lanes, the middle lane had already lost two bins. Although the troops on the top lane arrived slowly, Yasuo's movement speed was not as fast as the passive [Pumice Rush]. Moreover, the difference in the strength of the top lane troops was even more obvious, causing Huni to still lose troops when he went online.

Everything was clearly captured by the director. The chatter in the live broadcast rooms of major events was all about SKT's losses, but not many people knew the exact extent of the losses.

Losing experience in the early stages of the solo line has a huge impact.

The first soldier in the second wave of troops grabs 2, the third melee soldier in the third wave of artillery lines grabs 3, and the fourth wave of soldiers grabs 4 after finishing it...

3 time points, one step behind, every step behind!

Lee Sang Hyuk is quite well-mannered and keeps silent after muttering, but Huni has already cursed in the team voice.

Originally, if all 4 top and middle players from both sides supported the jungle, they would not lose troops even if they rushed back. However, who would have thought that YM played a trick and transferred all of SKT's top and middle players who had lane rights to the jungle, and began to use various weapons on their own. A way to pull the line of troops so that they both lose experience?

"The YM abacus is very loud," CloudTemplar analyzed. "This is equivalent to the prince using his early jungle invasion advantage to give himself a laning advantage in the top and middle lanes."

"As a result, the ownership of the two strong lanes of SKT's top and middle lanes may change." Madlife said:

"Single player lanes attach great importance to leveling up. Even if Yanque and Yasuo are very capable of pushing the lane in the early stage, they do not have the ability to kill by leapfrogging. If YM top and middle use the level advantage to forcefully come up and suppress it, they will not be able to get it. Right to the line..."

As soon as he finished speaking, in the Summoner's Canyon, the Demacian prince who had previously EQed the Dragon Pit waited for a while, but now he went straight on the road with a halberd on his shoulder!

"Is Xiaotian going for a hunger strike style of play? He doesn't even farm monsters, and goes directly to the top lane to initiate ganks!" Miller glanced at the top lane troop line provided by the director, "Huni's troop line can't push Jin Gong's Defense tower, it’s hard for him!”

Huni was so angry that he wanted to curse. The line of troops was now firmly stuck outside the range of the YM tower. Although Yasuo cleared the line quickly, his hands were not long. If he stepped forward and forced the line to be pushed, he would have to resist the tower.

How can level 1 Yasuo resist towers? No matter how happy he is, he won't go up to deliver it.

Just when there was nothing to do, Xiaotian rushed to the road, obviously not wanting to give him a way to survive!

"Teammate, teammate, help me!" Huni glanced at the jungle area. Peanut rushed here after finishing the red BUFF. However, the upper route was too long, and Huni's position was too far forward. Zach rushed here. It will take some time.

Huni kept moving his hands while shaking his teammates. He stepped forward to resist Gnar's basic attack and used AQ to kill the remaining melee minions, finally reaching level 2.

Learn E [Forward Slash] in seconds, turn around and try to use the prince to move.

"Xiaotian reacted very quickly. When he saw Yasuo rising to level 2, he took a step back. Yasuo's forward slash hit him directly in the face!"

The distance traveled by Happy Man's forward slash is fixed, and the Garlic Bastard knows this very well. Without even thinking about it, he hit Yasuo in front of him with a double EQ shot.

But Huni successfully handed over the flash at the critical moment and avoided the impact of the giant dragon from the prince who was close to his face. This reaction caused exclamations from the whole audience!

"Hiss..." the doll exclaimed in admiration, "This reaction speed is a bit fast!"

Xiaotian clicked his tongue and couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. When he rushed to the road, he saw the little peanut rushing to the battlefield from the triangle grass. He did not choose to continue the pursuit and went back to brush his Demon Swamp Frog.

Lin Ran naturally also saw the movements of Xiao Peanut. He decisively stepped forward to grill and exchange blood. Faker was not willing to be outdone and used Stone Pierce to fight back.

Previously, Lin Ran lost a lot of health in order to ward in the jungle at level 1, but relying on Dolan Shield's shameless recovery, he slowly increased his health.

Now that he has the capital to replace Faker, he simply doesn't retreat.

Lin Ran had just controlled the temperature while pulling the line of troops. After releasing the electronic harpoon, the temperature just exceeded 50. The damage of Q [Arson Feast] was increased by 50%, and the rock bird's health volume continued to decline.

However, Li Sang Hyuk didn't want to give in. He also knew that Xiaotian couldn't teleport to the middle to catch him at this time. E [Stone Formation] was spread at Lin Ran's feet to deal damage and push the army line.

"The exchange of blood in the middle is very intense, but it should be difficult for these two heroes to kill alone online." I remember seeing that the blood volume of Rambo and Rock Bird dropped by more than half, but I was not very worried.

In the end of this wave of exchanges, Yanqiao made a little profit. The Q skills of Rambo and Yanqiao did not attract the hatred of the minions, but Lin Randai's talent is [Touch of Hellfire], and the initial burst damage is naturally not as high as Faker's Thunder.

The third wave of soldiers arrived in the middle, and Lin Ran continued to use Q to grill the soldiers.

Faker frowned and could only step back slightly.

Due to the experience of losing two bins just now, he will definitely not be able to successfully grab 3. Now his health volume is just over 40%. Once Huang Wen Rambo flashes and hangs an electronic harpoon, he is likely to be beaten all the way home.

Li Sang Hyuk stepped back, and Lin Ran continued to move forward. Rambo's arrogant posture made it clear that he was pushing further.

"Get more!" Faker said anxiously, "Aren't you a stupid young man afraid of my jungler?"

Of course these are not his exact words, but the Korean language is profound and profound, so that’s what it means.

Of course Lin Ran is not afraid of Xiao Peanut. Although he doesn't know Zach's position, SKT doesn't know Xiao Tian's position either?

Come and play 2V2 if you have the ability. Let’s see who is better: Rambo + Prince or Rock Bird + Zach?

"YM actually got the laning advantage in the early, middle and early stages!" Wawa looked at the screen with joy, "Isn't this a bit outrageous?"

He didn't understand the military lines at all, but the two world runners-up in the Korean commentary box saw it very clearly.

"The negative impact of the wave of support in the jungle in two minutes has emerged..." Madlife's sword is still young, and watching the game from a God's perspective can almost predict the future.

"The upper lane is a counter match, but now the troops are firmly stuck in front of the tower by Gnar, and they are also caught in the flash; there is also a key level point gap in the middle lane, and it is estimated that YM will launch a new round of offensive in less than two minutes. .”

He saw clearly that YM would not wait until faker reached level 6 before taking action.

The time quickly came to four and a half minutes. During this period, Xiaotian went downstairs and crouched on the grass, and cooperated with Sunshine Girl to play Wolf's Flash.

The middle lane has been updated to the 6th wave of troops. Lin Ran once again seized the opportunity to exchange blood with Lee Sang Hyuk, but this time it was unfortunate that Little Peanut happened to be using F6, and E [Elastic Slingshot] jumped out and successfully forced the enemy. Lin Ran flashed out.

Miller glanced at the road, "Although Brother Ran was beaten home, fortunately the military line has been dealt with. This wave of return lines should save a teleport..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Ran, who was staying in the spring, successfully bought an explosive wand with the help of 6 waves of troops and the wages paid by the system.

Then Rambo's body suddenly glowed with blue light!

The director quickly pulled the camera and used the delay between the players' competition and the live broadcast to successfully find the teleportation ward position.

The line grass in the middle of the upper road is an ambush set by Jin Gong early!

Although Huni was born in South Korea, he hasn't played that much in StarCraft and his eyesight is relatively good. Naturally, he saw the teleportation light that lit up behind him.

But the problem is that he is now located not far from the YM Tower on Shanglu. This position is very awkward.

Previously, Gnar had consumed 40% of his health before he could completely push the previous wave of troops into the YM defense tower. Now he is waiting for the troops to slowly push back.

Unexpectedly, Lin Ran teleported directly behind him, trying to outflank his butt!

More importantly, there are no teammates to help him. Peanut has just finished catching Lin Ran. It is unrealistic to rush to the road. Lee Sang Hyuk has not yet reached level 6, and he has not teleported yet.

This was the trap YM had laid before. kkoma, who was watching the game in the team lounge, finally realized Bai Yueya’s previous BP intention.

Except for the version answer Galio, why did YM ban Ryze, whose version performance was average, instead of the stronger Rock Bird?

Because of this version, Ryze will most likely have to teleport for a 131-point push.

Due to the movement speed provided by the passive [Pumice Rush] and the support ability of R [Wall Curtain], few Rockbirds will choose to teleport, especially in this version with a teleportation time of 4.5 seconds. The rock bird seems to be even more useless.

Some people choose to bring healing to ensure the combined combat ability of midfielder and jungler, and some choose to bring purification to create a team battle output environment-such as Faker in this round.

White Crescent Moon released Rock Bird to disable Ryze, deliberately not allowing him to teleport to support his teammates.

In this way, Lin Ran's Rambo took advantage of the gap in summoner skills to successfully support the road!

"Little Gnar used his troops to jump twice in a row and hit Yasuo directly in the face!"

Huni looked like a happy old man at first glance. He first pushed out the wind wall and then E [Forward Slash] passed through Gnar's body to separate himself from Gnar. The wind wall successfully blocked Gnar's boomerang!

Then with the help of the YM troop line in front, E went all the way forward. The wonderful and seamless E operation made many Yasuo players say it was so enjoyable!

"Still showing off, Huni players are still showing off!" Roaring Emperor shouted subconsciously in the Korean commentary box.

Madlife was silent for a moment, "But the direction of his escape was YM's house..."

Lin Ran teleported down and stood there stunned for two seconds.

Is this your escape route?

He cursed a few words before activating W [Broken Shield] and rushed towards the river. Yasuo was now a thousand yards away from him, and he was destined to be unable to catch up.

Jin Gong reacted quickly. He flashed out and threw basic attacks to deal damage at the first moment. Then he was unable to stop him and could only watch Yasuo continue to be happy.

"Huni went all the way into the second tower of YM!" Wataba shouted loudly, "His blood volume is just giving away!"

Now there is no line of troops for him to continue E. Huni, who is already on top, wants to rely on Yasuo's fragile body to withstand the bombardment of the defense tower. This is simply wishful thinking.

Yasuo fell down immediately after three rounds of artillery fire, and his first blood was successfully taken by Jin Gong!

【Yasuo is so handsome! 】

[I wish Huni could continue E, professional players are so charming even if they lose their lives]

[I heard that Yasuo counters Gnar? I wonder if this has any effect? 】

"I'm so sorry..." Lin Ran, who had already reached the river, saw Yasuo's death and switched the screen back. "I didn't get anything through teleportation."

"It's okay, it's okay," Jin Gong, who had taken Huni's first blood, saw that Lin Ran actually didn't charge him for gank tolls, and his tone rose with excitement, "Keep going, Ran Guo, he will flash for 7 minutes and 25 seconds!"

Lin Ran returned to the middle and continued to line up. After buying the Explosive Wand, the difference in lane pushing speed between him and Faker was no longer that big. Both sides cleared the lane quite quickly.

"Can you help me?" Huni now feels that he has entered the sage mode. The pleasure of chasing the wind in the wind brought by E just now is so great.

He desperately needs development!

In the first wave of returning to the city, Huni did not buy attack speed shoes. He spent a total of 6 waves of soldiers and suffered a lot of losses because Jin Gong blocked the line in front of the tower.

Since he had no money, he could only buy two attack speed daggers and put a real eye in the triangle grass on the top road.

"No, I have to wait until you reach 6," Little Peanut refused simply. "Otherwise, even if I counter-crouch, we won't be able to defeat our opponent."

Huni also knows that his jungler is right, but he is really feeling uncomfortable now!

Gnar, who has been promoted to level 5, clicked level 3 W in the early stage, and the percentage damage was painful. The high attack speed brought by the runes and the attack power brought by the net loss greatly increased Gnar's combat effectiveness!

In this case, the wind wall can only block one basic attack.

Moreover, when Huni died just now, there was a wave of pushback, and it happened to be pushed under his tower at this time.

Taking advantage of Yasuo's break to replenish his troops, Jin Gong was unreasonable and triggered the third ring twice, causing HUNI to lose half of his health!

In the next 45 seconds, another conflict broke out in the bottom lane.

Liu Qingsong's Leona jumped over the tower and hit the remaining blood Luo, and cooperated with Jack's AQE barb and Xiaoyao's EQ to kill Bang. However, after tearing the wound, he was also taken away by the defense tower, and the head was allocated to Bang.

"Rambo is going up, I can block the road!"

Faker's urgent voice suddenly came from the SKT team's voice.

Huni saw that the ninth wave of artillery troops on the top road had been handed over, and Nar's anger had turned yellow, and he suddenly felt bad.

Normally, the single player line does not lose experience. The first minion of the ninth wave will raise it to level 6. Huni calculated carefully, knowing that Jin Gong was about to reach level 6, he immediately turned around and wanted to retreat to the tower.

But something embarrassing happened again.

45 seconds ago, a large wave of top troops were under the huni tower. This changed the handover position of the troops and became Jin Gong's push back line.

Now huni is following a big wave heading towards the upper tower of YM.

Lin Ran's wandering hit the right position of the army line again, making Huni feel like a lump in his throat and felt very uncomfortable.

If you continue to follow, you may be caught to death, and if you withdraw, you will suffer a large wave of losses to the army!

Huni was just about to retreat when he saw Zack rushing up on the mini map.

"Let's kill Rambo directly!" Huni was very courageous. "Kill him and I can level up to level 6 and continue the operation!"

Little Peanut thought the same way. In the early stage, he had a hard time playing jungle, and there was a fire in his heart with nowhere to vent.

Although Xiaotian didn't cause much trouble to him, Zach, who was now badly beaten, had extremely low farming efficiency and had to fight wits and courage with wild monsters.

I was scared to fight the Demon Swamp Frog before, for fear of being spit to death by a few mouthfuls of phlegm. Fortunately, Little Peanut's operation was slightly better and he could counter-attack with maximum remaining health. Otherwise, it would have been possible to leave a famous scene.

Now that he has finally found an opportunity to fight, the little peanut who is eager to attack will naturally not give up.

"The prince can't come now, hurry up!" He yelled in his mouth. When the middle line of troops saw the prince strutting up, Xiaotian would definitely not be able to catch up in these few seconds!

Huni walked down and blocked Jin Gong's position. Yanque cast Wall Curtain, which happened to block the passage between the upper road and the river diagonally, blocking Lin Ran who had not flashed!

The next moment, Zach, who was in the triangular grass on the upper road, squatted down hard.

After charging up, he released it suddenly, and E [Rubber Band Slingshot] flew towards Rambo!


The rock bird rides on the wall curtain to Rambo.

In an instant, SKT's midfielder and jungler formed a double-team on Lin Ran!

Lin Ran took his time, lowering R [Constant Temperature Burning] towards his body, and at the same time turned on Q to prepare for the barbecue.

The moment Zach's rubber slingshot knocked Lin Ran away, faker prepared to arrange W [rock protrusion] and stone formation at his feet, trying to connect and control to create an explosion!

But at this moment, a golden light suddenly came from behind the wall of the YM jungle area!

As fierce and dazzling as the sun!

Zenith Blade!

A plump woman with brilliant blond hair appeared in front of everyone in SKT!

"Liu Qingsong!" The doll's voice was inspiring, "He was just resurrected and rushed to the battlefield as soon as possible!"

"What kind of roaming ability is this? The addition of Leona made the entire battle unbalanced!" Miller shouted, "She helped Rambo block the explosion of the rock bird!"

All five stones from Q [Stone Penetration] hit Liu Qingsong. Lin Ran only took damage from the rock protrusion and the stone array trap, and still barely had 1/3 of his health left!

That's enough.

Gnar eats the minions and reaches level 6, and at the same time jumps over to join the battle!

Faker's heart dropped.

Hey, I added a few things so I didn't finish it... I'll add some more tomorrow.

I enjoyed eating melon today.

2900 votes are owed 5.8W, plus two league leaders and 20 updates are 9.8W. Counting the 7.8W owed updates in January, the total is 17.6W.

February update progress bar (15.86w+0.9w=16.76w/35.6W)

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