LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 410 408: You haven’t been beaten, right?

"EDG on the blue side first banned the Prince of Demacia, who Xiaoyao played well in the last game." Miller quickly took back his thoughts that were still obsessed with the previous game. "This hero's early invasion was too fierce, and EDG didn't want to let themselves There are more variables in the wild area!"

Redmi sends Ornn to the ban position as usual, keeping the same in response to changes, and then seeing what the opponent will do.

EDG head coach NoFe chose to ban Malzahar, and Redmi pondered for a moment.

Grasshopper has not yet been targeted by Riot Games. Compared with Galio, who did not survive until the S8 season, his lifespan has been very long.

Among the current mainstream mid laners, Malzahar can easily avoid Zoe's E [Hypnosis Bubble] and powerful Poke damage by relying on his passive [Void Crossing] membrane; the skill range is even longer than Ryze...

Moreover, R [Grasp of the Underworld] combined with the jungler is too simple to target Zoe and Ryze who have no escape skills. Basically, they will catch one and die.

The ban position of NoFe is obviously to liberate the middle. After all, YM is on the red side and holds a counter position. In this case, how to ensure that the junior mid laner is not targeted is the top priority.

Hongmi didn't hesitate and pushed Zoe down directly.

In the last game, Ryze, the younger brother, performed quite mediocrely. He was forced to flash by the Garlic Bastard at level 1. The subsequent chain reaction resulted in several deaths and completely ruined the rhythm of the game.

Relatively speaking, the few times Scout used Zoe in the German Cup were quite eye-catching and worthy of being targeted.

And from a matchup perspective, Zoe can completely restrain Ryze. If Hongmi doesn't move into the ban position, Lin Ran's next choice will be very uncomfortable.

NoFe paced behind the players' bench, thought for a moment and said: "Seal the captain, don't let him get it."

Now he doesn't even dare to let go of Jin Gong's captain. Since the emergence of two runes that are very suitable for captains, namely Stealing Omen and Immortal Grip, YM has begun to revise the captain system again.

The key thing is that YM's captain is different from other teams.

People like TheShy and Shengqiang play as captains as junglers. Ning Wang and Sofm almost lived on the top lane in the early stage, just to ensure the development of their star top laners, which is equivalent to the team raising the captain as a big brother.

But Jin Gong does not use it.

Others say, "If you help you, you won't be C, if you don't help you, you will explode." But the Xiba people play the game of stealth during the laning phase.

The captain doesn't call his teammates. Under normal circumstances, he just controls the line and plays slowly. If the opponent shakes people to arrange his own, it will be boring. He will attract the offensive firepower and the remaining four teammates will be able to develop without thinking.

In the early and mid-term, you can throw your ultimate move to help your teammates cross the tower, and you can get two assists. From the mid-term, as long as you reach level 13, you will be a nightmare for your opponent.

Jin Gong is good at using a small amount of economy to deal full damage. He is not the core output of the team in team battles, but he is very good at stealing damage from the flanks and providing a better output environment for his teammates.

Different teams have different understandings and uses of captains, so it's hard to tell which one is better, but in NoFe's view, YM's captain routine is more difficult to deal with.

Because of taking the captain, YM has a bit of a three-core output. The upper, middle and lower characters have full damage. How to catch the jungler?

Jack's sudden death was brutal, but his output was also really fierce. If you don't kill me, I will kill you. Anyway, you will die anyway, and Lin Ran will take care of it for him.

If you capture the top laner Jin Gong, Lin Ran and Jack will be able to ride on the opponent's face and fight; if you capture the mid laner Lin Ran, the output points of the upper and lower lanes will be invincible...

Press the gourd to float the scoop.

NoFe felt that he couldn't solve this problem, so he might as well sacrifice a ban position.

"YM's last ban spot in the first round... went to the Czar!" Miller exclaimed, "There won't be many strong mid laners left in the version outside."

NoFe frowned.

The most powerful mid laner left outside now is Ryze, followed by development-oriented heroes like Airplane.

The hero Ryze is very embarrassed. Although Grasshopper, Tsar and Zoe have all been banned, there is still a natural enemy outside.

Snake Cassiopeia.

NoFe felt that Hongmi had set a trap for him. If he dared to get Ryze for his junior, YM would take out Snake Girl with his backhand.

The snake girl who beat Crown Ryze to an output of 2200 in the Bird's Nest is no joke. Crown, who is far away in North America, probably dreams about the snake hissing at him.

NoFe thought for a moment and patted the junior on the shoulder, "Rucan, what do you think of the snake girl?"

"Yes, yes..." The junior thought about it carefully, even if his opponent didn't use Ryze but used a plane instead, he would be disappointed.

After all, a snake girl won't be weak even if she masturbates.

"Take Thresh first." NoFe is not in a hurry to play the mid laner first. The battle for the auxiliary rhythm position is more important.

Meiko was still a little hesitant, "What about the robot?"

In the last game, Liu Qing let go of W and accelerated the charging robot, which stunned everyone in EDG. The whole game was filled with trumpets.

"There's no way he's going to pick a robot in the first round," NoFe looked at the opponent and took out Gnar and Piggy, and wrote it down in his notebook, "Let's take Verus and Olaf."

The last version of Olaf was strengthened in 7.22, and the damage of Q [Countercurrent Throw] was increased by 10 points per level.

It doesn't seem like much, but this is Olaf's main output skill after all. In addition, there is a long cooling time after picking up the axe. Normally, Olaf can throw at least 3 axes in one battle, and the total damage amount is Very impressive.

Moreover, this hero is so comfortable in the wild against a bulky herbivorous jungler like Pig Girl, and in the early stage he stands out as a hero who can do whatever he wants.

The doll in the commentary box hissed, "EDG's first three choices are a bit fierce."

Thresh, Varus + Olaf, this jungle combination can be considered to be full of strength whether it is small-scale team battles or single-line combat capabilities.

"Indeed, EDG seems to have to decide the outcome with YM in the early and mid-term of this game," Miller nodded. "They suffered too much in the early game in the last game. If they can smoothly transition to the team battle stage, maybe they can win." of beating."

In fact, this sentence is quite unreasonable. The YM lineup is supposed to play in the early and mid-term. If it is evenly matched with the opponent and develops into the team battle period, it can be regarded as a disadvantage.

It was relatively hot in the venue. Hongmi also took off his neat formal suit before taking the stage in the second game. Now he slowly rolled up the sleeves of his light blue shirt, exposing a section of his forearm, looking smart and neat.

"Liu Qingsong, how about you take the bull head...?" Hongmi forced himself to add a questioning tone at the end of his tone. If he were in VG and WE, he would definitely speak in a commanding tone.

He is a typical Korean coach and has a huge say in BP, but now that he has joined the double-championship team, Hongmi also knows that he must make appropriate changes.

Everyone is here for the championship, so it's okay to accommodate each other as long as it doesn't affect the overall situation.

"Okay, okay." Liu Qingsong took a look at the lineups of both sides and knew that he wanted to pick heroes who can lead the rhythm and start a group in the early stage. The Minotaur WQ second company has no big problem in dealing with Thresh, and the chance of being interrupted is very low.

In the second round of BP, Redmi sent Shen and Qinggangying to the ban position. As a result, the top lane ecological chain has completely collapsed, leaving Ray with only a bunch of tank heroes.

Characters like Dashu have no way of fighting back against Gnar, and will be suppressed from start to finish.

However, NoFe also responded quickly. He blocked the two heroes, Gunslinger and Xayah, leaving only Ezreal as the strong version of the ADC.

The key lies in the bottom lane combination of EZ + Niutou. Playing Verus and Thresh in the lane means being in prison under the tower. If teammates don't come to help, there is basically no such thing as lane rights.

After NoFe finished the last ban position and saw that YM's fourth pick was still undecided, he kept thinking about his preparations in his heart.

If the opponent grabs the EZ first, he will choose the Snake Girl; if the opponent grabs the Snake Girl first, he will let the junior play with the airplane.

No matter what, you won't lose money.

"Ezreal," even the baby guessed YM's AD choice, his tone was calm, "This means that the strength of YM's bottom lane and jungle seems to be a bit different."

Miller also saw this problem, "Only having lane rights in the top lane is useless. This basically confirms that Brother Ran will choose a hero with strong lane rights, and strive to maximize his laning and lane clearing capabilities. Increase the early intensity of the entire team.”

NoFe breathed a sigh of relief, "How about taking Snake Girl, and then... volunteering to use the big tree?"

Ray, whose real name is an all-volunteer, took a deep breath. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to play with Big Tree, it was that he didn’t want to play with EDG…

The head coach saw the reluctance from his facial expression, and he pondered for a moment and said:

"Do you want to choose Big Tree to win with a cry, or Rambo to lose with a smile?"

Of course, these are not his original words, but the Korean language is profound and profound, and this is what it means.

Ray, who was wearing glasses, was stunned when he heard this.

He scratched his head in distress.

There really aren't many heroes out there now, and the double Cs of Verus and Snake Girl in the team also have guaranteed output.

He is indeed the best choice to supplement the front row's tankiness and control.

"Take it, take it." Ray said in a sad voice.

"It's okay, I'll help you catch this game." Haro comforted him, and the junior boy, a ruthless translation machine, said this sentence in Korean to Ray.


After hearing this, Ray remembered that EDG's starting jungler is no longer the ancestor of Seven.

His face changed from gloomy to sunny at the speed of light.

"Come and catch, every head will be divided 50 to 50." He instantly felt that his jungler was a lot more pleasing to the eye.

After the wedding, didn't Dashu and Olaf arrange this Gnar casually?

Hongmi on the other side couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he saw that his opponent had chosen Snake Girl.

"Take it." He knew his core hero pool very well. This was a trap he had laid long ago, just waiting for EDG to jump into it.

Lin Ran's left elbow was still on the table, and he rolled the mouse wheel with his right hand, glancing back and forth in the hero pool.

After looking around twice and finding no more suitable hero, Lin Ran asked Liu Qingsong to confirm his choice.

"YM's last choice, what does Brother Ran want to choose..." Wawa is not good at understanding games, but his explanation skills are not bad at all. He just said one sentence to arouse the audience's curiosity, and deliberately lowered his tone to add suspense. Laman.

Liu Qingsong's hero selection box switched between Lulu and Karma for 7 seconds, and then immediately locked the other hero.

Time is not about how much you have, but how you use it!

Many female audience members in the audience had already started screaming.

"Ike!" Wawa was speechless. He wasn't sure whether this hero was better or worse against Snake. Although normally, the back-up players in the professional arena would pick counter positions, Wawa didn't dare to make any comments.

After all... there are still surprises, especially for certain teams.

Miller is not sure either. These two heroes are not popular even in the professional arena. Snake Girl can probably be chosen in every version, but compared with the strong heroes in T1, it is almost meaningless; Ekko's selection rate is higher. It's lower, and is normally used to counter aircraft and Syndra.

There are too few examples of these two heroes colliding in the professional arena.

"Ike still has an advantage over Snake..." Miller saw Scout's expression of confusion under the camera lens, confirming his suspicion, and his mind was spinning rapidly.

"It's still the same problem. As long as Ekko wants to push the line after his Q level reaches the level, Snake Girl can't control it. And because of his displacement skills, Ekko's fault tolerance rate in single combat is much higher than that of Snake Girl."

"If you win, kill. If you don't win, just run."

Miller is right. In the battle, Ike does have a certain amount of initiative.

But the more important thing in the professional arena is not the duel. You must know that the highest number of single kills in each season is only about 30 single kills.

Last year, a team had to play 16 BO3 games, and they swept 2:0 every day in 32 games.

In other words, the league's best offensive players can only get less than one solo kill per game on average.

Most of the time, everyone acts collectively, focusing on small-scale team battles and leading the line, and constantly replacing resources.

In these two aspects, Ekko also has the advantage, being flexible and explosive. W [Time Stagger] combined with R [Time and Space Break] is simply a weapon in the jungle.

In terms of leading the line, Ike is even better than the Snake Girl. Cassiopeia, who has no displacement, dare not cross the river when facing Ike. Once she is stuck, she has to flash out.

EDG was also stunned by this move by Ike.

NoFe hissed lightly, with a sad look on his face.

He had to admit that he did not take the hero Ekko into consideration when making BP.

Mainly because Lin Ran's hero pool is so outrageous. The width and depth are unprecedented in NoFe. If he is good at too many heroes, he will inevitably make omissions.

Another unique skill of Ekko, the golden left hand, is relatively easy to target.

The players looked at the opposing YM lineup and found it extremely difficult.

Blue square EDG: top laner Dashu, jungler Olaf, mid laner Snake Girl, bottom lane Verus + Thresh.

Red square YM: top laner Gnar, hunting wild boar girl, mid laner Ekko, bottom lane Ezreal + Niutou.

Meiko pursed her lips, her mind racing.

Still the same problem, it seems that EDG has a good lineup, and the team fight is extremely strong. They have two bodyguards, Dashu and Thresh. They stand in a good formation and their double Cs don't know how to die.

But the crux of the matter is that YM's lineup obviously doesn't want to play in a team with them!

Gnar and Ike are on the wings, and the remaining three are on the front.

This kind of 131-point push is very restrained by a lineup like EDG, because no one can deal with the two people on the wing.

The way to crack it is to force a group start.

EDG's head-on team-fighting method relies on Thresh's lottery and Verus's ultimate move, but Liu Qingsong took the bull head, and his ultimate move can relieve control and return meat, which can protect his teammates from the wind and rain.

Moreover, the remaining Ezreal is not an easy character to deal with. He stays in the distance and keeps clearing the line with the white liquid that he shoots with secret techniques. It makes me feel sick just thinking about it.

The only neutral resource that can force YM to challenge them is Baron Nash, but that will have to wait until 20 minutes.

If the team battle started by using this resource point fails to defeat YM, then EDG will only be dragged into the split push until the base is broken.

Until the coach was about to leave the stage, EDG had not yet figured out how to deal with the opposing split-push lineup.

"Bring a stopwatch..." NoFe was still teaching earnestly before taking off his headphones, "Don't fight in the jungle easily. If you want to fight, Olaf must be present. You follow him."

This game obviously has to be centered on Haro. Olaf is extremely capable of fighting in the early stage and is their well-deserved rhythm engine.

There was no objection from EDG, but now the audience was shouting loudly, and the headphones could not block the deafening cheers of YM fans.

Lin Ran rubbed his palms and glanced at the runes facing the snake girl.

Phase rush + red domination system, presumably double blood-sucking. Under the current rune system, this is the optimal solution for Snake and Ryze.

The younger brother's summoner skill also comes with healing instead of purification. After all, in YM's lineup, he doesn't have much control that can be removed with purification.

Ten heroes from both sides descended on Summoner's Canyon. Lin Ran bought the killing ring and reusable potion and left the spring.

He brought the teleport as usual, preparing to replenish the Dolan Ring in the early stage before coming out.

Compared with Dolan's Ring and Erhong's Ring, you can buy a reusable potion that can be used all the time.

"Let's guard the river station with one line. Our first level is a bit weak."

Lin Ran also knew that EDG, which had suffered a level 1 team loss in the previous game, would definitely use their strong lineup to invade them this game, so he and his teammates decisively chose to retreat when they saw their opponents rushing into the river as a group.

"Xiaotian is already prepared. Knowing that EDG will invade his lower jungle blue BUFF, he goes directly to the upper half of the opposite area to attack!"

"Brother Xiba, come here and help me take a look." Xiaotian hid in the grass on the upper river, preparing to go to the opposite blue buff in time.

Because Pig Girl is too weak at level 1, it is very troublesome to go to the opponent's jungle area to change BUFF alone, and she is afraid that the opponent will come to harass her.

In this case, it is better to let your teammates help.

"Ray stood in the distance and consciously threw a tree son into the grass of the blue buff camp. This way, he should be able to see YM's wild route."

The two sides are playing games in secret and know each other well.

After Lin Ran went online, he was facing the pile of soldiers with a Q [Time Curler], and his intention to consume the blood of the soldiers was very obvious.

Moreover, in order to hit the three long-range soldiers in the back row with his skills, he took an extra step forward.

The junior kid seized the opportunity and used E [Twin Fangs] + basic attack to hit Lin Ran with nearly 100 health points. He was also beaten by three ranged soldiers.

Lin Ran remained unmoved and turned around to wait for the skill to cool down.

Scout frowned and started to click on the minions with basic attacks, also preparing to clear the troop line.

Lin Ran took advantage of the gap between Snake Girl's attacks and stepped forward to pick up the Z-drive and hit it on the melee soldier, triggering the three rings to lower the blood volume and continue to retreat.

The elementary school kid knocked off a layer of corruption potion, and then used E [Twin Fangs] to bite Ike.

He finally saw that Lin Ran, who was facing him, didn't even think about competing with him. All he could think about was pushing the line, so he simply drank the potion and used the corrosive effect to lower his blood volume a little more.

Lin Ran stepped back and took the opportunity to quickly cut the screen to observe the opponent's three-line movements. The top laner Ray's tree was still huddled behind, while the bottom lane pushed the lane with a very reckless look.

This is in line with the action lines of both junglers. After all, Haro's Olaf is in the lower half, while Xiaotian is at the top.

All three melee soldiers were killed. After all, the long-range soldiers were fragile and their blood volume dropped quickly. When Lin Ran saw the remaining health of the soldiers, he stepped forward again and used Q [Time Curler] to try to clean them up.

In order to ensure that the Q skill scraped three ranged soldiers, he still took a step forward.

The moment he took that step, a sharp ax was suddenly thrown from the grass below!

The forward swing of Lin Ran's swing skill was here, and he couldn't move to avoid it at this time. The slowing effect attached to the ax made him move a lot slower!

Good friend Olaf emerges from the grass!

"Haro comes directly to the middle at level 2, and must cripple Brother Ran!"

The junior also shook his snake tail forward, and Snake Xin confided, but he had to bypass Lin Ran's time curler and was unable to keep up with the output immediately.

Haro raised the corner of his mouth. He had long disliked Lin Ran. He was so disgusted in the last round, so it is normal for him to feel sick again in this round, right?

He manipulated Olaf to get close to Lin Ran at the same time. A thumbs up lighted up above his head.

This is Riot's new emoticon function in S8, which incorporates the original team dog tag into the emoticon wheel. This free thumb looks very mocking.

Lin Ran was stunned for a moment, his body subconsciously leaned forward, his slender fingers clenched the mouse, and his eyes were focused.

He originally walked straight towards the tower, but at this moment he suddenly changed his mind and walked behind three of his own ranged soldiers with residual health. He also pressed the S key and waited for him where he was. Ctrl+3 operated Ike to use the Z-drive as a guitar. , playing and singing by myself is awfully unpleasant.

Haro was about to withdraw, but Lin Ran's S pause and Ctrl+3 made him angry, and his eyes turned slightly red.

What are you pretending to me?

Picking up the axe, his Q skill with blue BUFF and reduced CD improved again.

Aiming at Ike's position, he threw another axe!

The ax was sharp, killing the two long-range bins in front of Ike, and flew towards Lin Ran with a sound of breaking through the air!

But he reacted quickly, took a step to the side, and the ax hit him next to him. He missed it by just a hair!

Some piggies in the audience let out a sigh of regret.

The next moment after dodging the skill, an expression suddenly lit up on top of Ike's head.

In his expression, Teemo narrowed his eyes and gave Haro a thumbs up in a naughty manner!

The audience burst into laughter, and the originally tense atmosphere of watching the game instantly became a lot more cheerful.

The barrage was also discussing the behavior of the two people in real time.

【Highlight? 】

[This Olaf? Do you think you are very humorous? 】

[The second prince, right? It feels like the old ancestor Saiwen rode a pig and danced in front of his face with a smile】

【how? The emoticon roulette set up by the fist is still on display? 】

[I didn’t say you can’t show it. I’ll be killed by a hot spring in 20 minutes. Don’t go on Weibo to cry and scold others for not practicing martial ethics, hehe]

The doll in the commentary box couldn't help laughing, "In the past, the factory director was caught at level 2, and in the back, the second prince was caught at level 2."

"I would rather expose my position, but also keep Brother Ran's blood volume down, and minimize his impact on the situation in the early stage!"

Lin Ran manipulated Ekko to retract under the tower, with 30% of his remaining health. Seeing Haro walking across the middle and heading upwards, he quickly reacted and understood Olaf's plan.

"Olav might make you red." Lin Ran's voice was calm.

He just deliberately hid behind the line of soldiers, provoking Olaf Shi Lezhi, and accidentally ate two Xiao Bin with residual health.

As a result, Snake Girl's leveling up to Level 2 will be slowed down a lot.

Lin Ran knocked down all two bottles of reusable potions, and waited for the second wave of troops to arrive and continued to use Q to push the line.

Ekko's level 1 Q [Time Curler] has a cooldown of only 9 seconds and consumes only 50 mana points. Lin Ran is unscrupulous.

The junior also knew that his jungler experience was divided. He saw that the health of the first melee soldier in the second wave of both sides was constantly declining. He knew that if he ate this soldier, he would not be able to reach level 2 like Lin Ran. Retreat decisively.

Lin Ran's basic attack killed the minions. When he reached level 2, he instantly learned E [Phase Dive] and immediately used it to take a step forward.

The junior boy withdrew in time and did not give Ike a chance to show his face.

But Lin Ran pushed even further and controlled Ike to move forward, apparently trying to drive the snake girl out of the army line!

Scout didn't expect Lin Ran to be so fierce, but he didn't dare to turn around and fight back. It was too easy for Level 2 Ekko to hit him with a three-ring skill. If he exchanged blood, he would be cheated.

He took two steps back. When Lin Ran saw this, he turned around with satisfaction and moved directly upwards.

"Xiaotian also rushed back to his jungle area, and Brother Gongzi who went on the road is also here!" Miller looked at the YM middle and upper jungle moving towards the red buff camp on the mini map, and his voice suddenly became louder, "They have to guard this Red BUFF!"

"Go on, go on!" The junior boy is also marking his own jungle signal, "I have to wait until level 2 before I can go!"

"What are you..." Haro just started to hit the red, and when he heard the reminder, he cut the screen and glanced at the middle.

He knew that he had eaten two bins in the middle to gank, but at the same time, he also suppressed Lin Ran's health!

With this amount of blood, Ike dares to step forward and suppress him?

However, Haro doesn't have the energy to care about so much at this time. If the situation is not right, retreat quickly!

"Haro won't be so popular anymore. The moment he sees the pig girl, he will throw an ax and break the pig skin!" Miller's voice was clear. "He still has flashes on him, so escaping shouldn't be a problem..."

Although Haro can help, when it comes to escaping, he has indeed inherited the mantle of the ancestor Severn. He used his skills very decisively and flashed directly into the dragon pit.

However, transferring skills too quickly is sometimes not a good thing.

Before Lin Ran took two steps, he saw Olaf flash out of his red zone. Knowing that there was no need to continue the pursuit, he decisively retreated to the center.

But in this way, he didn't waste much time. When he returned to the line, he happened to have no experience of losing minions.

Lin Ran didn't expect such a good thing to happen, so he gave the other party a Teemo thumbs up emoticon.

Haro looked at Ike's coquettish appearance, and his teeth itched with hatred in his heart.

He originally wanted to invade the YM blue zone, hit a wave of Lin Ran's health in level 2, and then go up and brush the YM red BUFF.

If successful, Haro can destroy Xiaotian's development and at the same time move his trajectory to the top half.

If Xiaotian is forced to develop in the bottom lane, he can take advantage of the trend and forcefully grab the wave. As long as the junior in the middle lane gives out the bound ground normally, Lin Ran can't even teleport.

But all this was planned by Lin Ran's deliberate positioning. Haro lost his ax at the top and ate two bins. As a result, the middle lane could not be successfully promoted to level 2. The younger brother lost the right to support, which in turn affected Haro's reaction. wild.

A series of chain reactions ruined Haro's plans.

"After I brushed red and F6, I went directly to the lower jungle area on the opposite side. Look at me!" Garlic Bastard started to brush red buffs while cutting the screen in three ways to look for opportunities.

He was very unhappy with Olaf, his best friend on the opposite side. He wanted to steal the red after taking the blue. He got an early hero and asked you to pretend?

"I'm sure I can get there, just keep an eye out." Lin Ran glanced at the location of the military line. Anyway, he and his junior brother were getting along well and growing up with each other. He took the opportunity to simulate the next situation in his mind.

He strives to consider every detail in his spare time, so as to maximize the success rate and benefits.

He thought about it and EQ stepped forward to compete with the younger brother again.

"Scout knocked down the corruption potion, and Q [Plague Explosion] successfully hit!"

EA hits again, the junior triggers phase rush, and the snake's tail swings faster and faster!

Lin Ran didn't panic. He clicked on the key basic attack when the poison exploded. He triggered the electrocution and hit three rings at the same time, speeding up and running back.

Although Phase Rush is now easier to trigger than the previous [Storm Rider's Surge], the acceleration efficiency has also been reduced a lot. Now it will only get 25-40% of the acceleration effect based on level, while Lin Ran Ekko will only get 25-40% acceleration effect at 6 Before reaching the level, the hero hit by the passive three rings will be accelerated by 50%.

Lin Ran ate another enhanced version of the twin fangs and successfully escaped from the snake girl's range.

The blood volume that had been raised by taking two bottles of medicine just now was suppressed again, leaving about 30% left.

But this was enough for Lin Ran.

He made a decorative eye in the grass on the middle road to prevent the frantic Olaf from catching him again, and then began to advance the artillery line.

The minion dematerializer that had just finished cooling came in handy. Lin Ran ate the artillery soldiers, so the junior had no choice but to retreat.

The chain reaction of sharing the experience of two bins when Haro hits the second level continues. The original single line experience rule of three melee soldiers in the third wave to upgrade to level three is simply not applicable to today's juniors.

There's no way he can get to level 3 in front of Ekko, who is a minion deplasmer.

"Brother Ran grabbed a level 3, activated W [Time Stagger] and stepped forward to fight!"

Lin Ran deliberately waited for the three-ring effect on Snake Girl to disappear before continuing to exchange blood. The first stage of E [Phase Dive] moved 325 yards, and the second stage moved 550 yards, which added up to a full 875 yards!

The junior felt that he would not suffer any loss from the blood exchange this time, and he did not withdraw too far back. Q [Plague Explosion] was spread under his feet, and his twin fangs continued to show out!

As usual, Lin Ran retreated after hitting the third ring. Coupled with the shield provided by the time field, he ran out with less than 20% of his health left.

All his mana had been drained, but he had just used Q [Time Curler] to wipe out the remaining soldiers. Although some soldiers were missed, the position of the soldiers was still advanced.

Snake Girl on the other side also has very little mana left. Although the Twin Fangs have powerful combat capabilities, they consume mana very quickly when they are not killing units.

"Let's go, let's not cross against the wall. He has a thread here!" As Lin Ran returned to the city, he marked the planned route for Xiao Tian with a series of signals in the middle.

"No problem, no problem," Xiaotian dashed over the wall after finishing F6, bypassing the line marked by Lin Ran and heading straight to the river channel, "Can you hold off the other side when you get off the road? Just don't die!" "

"Okay," he opened the wound and licked his lips, feeling relaxed and bargaining, "but you have to come to the bottom lane to help later, otherwise the army line will suffer a lot."

Shiba Inu is also responding. The laning ability of EZ + Bullhead cannot be compared with EDG Verus + Thresh. Now that their troops are positioned in front of the tower, they will definitely lose money by exchanging blood with the opponent.

After the blood exchange, if your teammates do not come to support you, your troops will most likely be forced out of the experience area after entering the tower, or they will be forcibly killed by jumping over the tower.

"彳亍." Xiaotian raised the corner of his mouth and sneaked across the river into Olaf's lower field without being discovered by the other party.

There are still 3 groups of wild monsters that have not been cleared here. The Garlic Bastard is sure that Haro will come, and the carefully planned trap is quietly opened. The next step is to wait for the opponent to get into his encirclement.

Plunging into the grass next to the red buff camp, Sejuani rode the pig and started to hang up.

"Huh?" Miller, who was following the director's camera, saw this scene and made a confused voice, "What is Xiaotian going to do?"

"He's playing a big game of chess!" Watwa's words reminded everyone of King Ning's chess spider last year, and the audience burst into good-natured laughter.

Miller brought the topic back, "Xiaotian really wants to squat in Haro?"

"Level 3 Pig Girl...can't beat Olaf." The doll used a declarative sentence. This is an unquestionable question. Although Pig Girl now has double BUFF, she is definitely not a match for Olaf in a one-on-one duel.

The two commentators glanced at the bottom lane again. Jack and Liu Qingsong's troops were still trapped under the tower, with no way to support them.

How is this anti-wild?

Haro thought the same way. He never expected that the pig girl from the Garlic Bastard would actually dare to invade after finishing the red and F6 upgrade to level 3.

After he had just been kicked out of the YM red zone, he came all the way from his Demon Swamp Frog Camp. He had just eaten the Sharpbill. The moment he saw the red buff, he threw an ax at it.

As a result, a flail was suddenly thrown out of the grass nearby, applying two layers of frost effects to him, and at the same time, a dazzling red light fell on the grass!

Ike's teleportation!

"Look at me!" Haro realized something was wrong, picked up the ax while shaking the person, and wanted to retreat.

But Xiaotian didn't give him a chance, Q [Extreme Cold Assault] pushed him up, and another basic attack hit the third layer of frost effect!

The laughter of the piggies in the audience turned into screams of surprise, and amid the chaotic noise, the director's camera instantly opened up to include the bottom lane in the picture!

"Thresh rushed to the jungle immediately, but Liu Qingsong's WQ second company pushed him up!"

Jack used a small water gun from behind to steal damage. Meiko, who was caught on fire, knew he had to fight back. After landing, he used E [Pendulum of Doom] to brush Liu Qingsong back, and Q [Death Judgment] hooked in!

"The support on both sides has been hit by aftershocks, and their blood volume is still declining!"

Liu Qingsong ate Jack's healing spell, then flashed into the tower to avoid damage, and narrowly escaped with less than 200 health left.

Although they lost the summoner's skills, the YM duo successfully held back EDG's bottom lane, preventing them from going to the jungle to support Haro immediately!

"Snake Girl has finished clearing the gun carriage line under the tower, and is also rushing to the wild area..." Miller discovered another detail, "But the junior brother doesn't have much mana left!"

Bringing healing instead of teleportation, Scout was forced by Lin Ranqiang to exchange blood frequently, which caused a shortage of mana, but he couldn't return to the city without the economy of Tears of the Goddess.

Although he is wearing the [Mana Flow Tie], the mana flow tie at this time will refund the skill consumption every minute and restore 8% of the lost mana. The mana amount is not too much now.

"Pig Girl's red BUFF burns Olaf, and his basic attack creates the fourth layer of frost effect!"

Permanently frozen field!

Sejuani shouted sharply and swung the flail to freeze Olaf in place, unable to move.

After the enhancement of the new version, Lin Ran has already landed with 3.5 seconds of guidance time. He is not in a hurry to hand over the time field. Instead, he uses E [Phase Dive] and Q [Time Curler] to stack three rings on Haro.

"Go down with the stick again, and the three rings and electrocution are triggered at the same time!"

Haro's blood volume suddenly dropped a lot, and he was forced to hand over his punishment to the red buff.

Both Pig Girl and Ike were holding Flash. Haro knew that it would be difficult for him to escape, so he simply turned around and started chopping with his ax!

Olaf with residual health is very brave, but Lin Ran's W [Time Crossing] has a beheading effect when facing enemies with less than 30% health. At this time, even the normal attack damage is not low.

"The junior boy rushed over, laid down his ground, gave treatment, and tried to save his teammates, but it was of no use!"

Snake used the free skill opportunity provided by the Mana Flow Tie and recovered a little bit of mana, but it was only enough for Q [Plague Explosion] and a twin fangs.

"Die!" Xiaotian was very excited, and he cooperated with Lin Ran's basic attack to take away the remaining health of Olaf.

Olaf, his best friend, threw away his axes and lay down in the dirt.

Lin Ran and Xiaotian both had Teemo's thumbs up expression on their heads.

【Good to kill! 】

[Bright expression? You haven't been beaten, right? 】

[It makes me laugh so hard. You have to show off your expression when you catch the middle lane. If you don’t die 5 times in this game, I will take your last name]

"Come here!" Lin Ran moved quickly. While showing a mean Teemo thumb expression, he waved the Z-drive to place a W [Time Stagger] behind Snake Girl.

"The little boy had no choice but to retreat. He used the phase rush effect to keep running backwards and retreated out of Ike's time field without looking back!"

Lin Ran watched him leave. The ground-binding effect was really disgusting, and he couldn't even flash it.

"I'll take the red, and then go to the bottom lane!" Xiaoyao took over the red BUFF. Since Haro had previously handed in punishment, he didn't have to spend much energy to get the red, and he successfully took it away with punishment.

"Come on, come on, just flash and leave," Jack's eyes lit up, "Threstone didn't ignite!"

The troop line has already reached the middle lane. Without the attributes of artillery soldiers, it is impossible for Lin Ran to go to the bottom lane to support, otherwise he will lose too many soldiers.

There is only one Xiaotian left to go to the bottom lane, and he can probably use his skills.

"Thresh hasn't reached level 3 yet, and without a lantern, Verus can only hand over Flash!"

It has to be said that iboy's reaction has always been good. He used Verus to flash to avoid the sudden advance of the pig hidden in the shadow corner of the wall.

Liu Qingsong returned to the city normally, licked his lips to record the opponent's summoner skill time, and took a look at the army line.

"Put the thread in, put it in!" He said to Xiaotian and Jack, who were still trying to jam the thread.

This wave of soldiers can be stuck, but it's not necessary.

Let the line of soldiers enter the tower, slowly make up for the tail, control the sword and slowly push the line to rush over, and there will still be a chance to jump over the tower.

Lin Ran glanced at the bottom lane of soldiers, "Then I will go to the bottom lane for the sixth wave of soldiers. Jack, can you not be the goddess of tears this time when you return to the city?"

"...Don't worry, I don't have enough money," Shiba Inu's resentful voice came, "Can I buy a long sword?"

"Okay, okay." Lin Ran was facing the lane honestly in the middle, with two rings in his hands and a minion remover. Facing the snake girl who didn't have enough mana, he had no pressure to push the lane.

The young boy ate 5 waves of minions, and finally saved enough money with the system salary. After clearing the fifth wave of soldiers, he returned to the city and released the tears of the goddess. Lin Ran used the minion deplasmatizer to depowder the cannons of the sixth wave of soldiers. Car, throw Q to clear out the minions, turn around and go down the road.

Next, he will let his opponent taste the pain!

Ten thousand words, the author’s promise is very real, right?

Ask for a monthly ticket! Go, go, go!

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