LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 411 409: Cut one sentence out of three sentences

"Brother Ran went straight down, his intention was very obvious," Miller said in a hurry, "EDG duo must retreat as soon as possible!"

However, the EDG duo moved very slowly. Lin Ran controlled Ike to climb over the wall, easily reached behind the tower, and blocked them.

The effect of Liu Qingsong's deliberate release of lines into the tower was finally reflected. A large wave of artillery lines was slowly advancing towards the lower tower of EDG!

"Haro was forced to the upper half, and now he can only catch a wave of Gongzi brothers to stop his losses..." Wawa glanced at the small map, "The junior student rushed from the spring to the lower road, but he ran too slowly!"

The junior student saw Lin Ran going to the bottom lane blatantly, but there was nothing he could do!

Because the snake girl can't get out of shoes.

If it were another mid laner hero, I would definitely give up Tears of the Goddess and use Killing Ring and Straw Shoes to accelerate to support teammates.

Why can't snake girls wear shoes? Riot is blatantly engaging in speciesism, right?

The elementary school boy was trembling with anger, but he could only watch the level 5 Ekko team up with the NTR bottom lane duo in front of his own defense tower!

"Niutou took the lead in resisting the tower, and WQ's second company triggered aftershocks!"

Lin Ran aimed at Verus, who had flashed in the previous wave. The time field was placed at iboy's feet. E [Phase Dive] swung Z-type resonance and hit Verus' head directly!

"Electric torture triggers, the damage is very high!"

The enthusiasm burst out from the commentators and the audience rushed from all directions in the venue to the contestant seats on both sides of the stage!

Unwilling, Meiko is still trying to operate.

He pushed Ike away with the Pendulum of Doom, while the hook of Q [Death Sentence] flew towards Lin Ran.

A heart-wrenching dragging sound came, and he successfully controlled Lin Ran!

Meiko's eyes lit up, and she threw the lantern at iboy's feet, then triggered the second stage of Q and flew towards Ike behind the tower!

"Jian Lantern, Jane Lantern!" Meiko shouted loudly, and the facial features on her fair face were slightly distorted.

Flounder has quick eyes and quick hands. He lit the lantern immediately. YM frantically inserted eyes into the lantern, but he couldn't stop iboy Verus from throwing himself into Thresh's arms!

Jack Ezreal's Q successfully hit, but it only shattered the shield given by the lantern.

"Meiko can really operate it?" Amidst the familiar yelling, Thresh handed over the flash again, leading Verus away from the defense tower and the surrounding YM trio!

Lin Ran's face was expressionless. After recovering from the dragging state, he used Ike to hit Verus flying in mid-air with a stick.

The passive beheading effect of W [Time Crossing] lowered Verus's blood volume, and he had already triggered the three-ring acceleration and chased Verus all the way.

Under the EDG tower at the rear, the Q [Time Curler] that had been cast earlier was retracted and pounced on Ike with speed.

Blessed by the golden special effects of the Sands of Time, Ike is like a ray of light at this time!

iboy, who has used up all his skills, can only watch helplessly as Ike speeds up and rushes to his side. The time curler scrapes across his body, clearing out the last trace of his health bar!

Meiko's excited expression suddenly faded, and the iboy next to her sighed, like a veteran cadre who had gone through many vicissitudes of life.

"Nice operation!" Miller's commentary echoed in the venue, "After killing Verus, YM can take advantage of the situation to take over the dragon!"

At this time, the director switched the camera to the top lane. Ray entered the tower with a large wave of soldiers, and crossed the tower with Haro to kill Jin Gong.

"You fight first, you fight first..." Haro knew that his big tree had aftershocks and could deal damage to the defense tower, so he wanted his teammates to attack first.

Although Ray didn't understand, after all, he had years of career experience here, so he immediately rushed over with W [Twisted Thrust].

But they were not very lucky. Jin Gong's anger was about half. After being beaten, he also used boomerang to slow down the opponent, quickly accumulated anger, and succeeded in getting bigger in the moment before the health bar disappeared.

Danar just pushed up some health points, Jin Gong's desire to survive was quite strong, he flashed and W [beat], and played King Qin walking around the pillar with the help of the defense tower!

Although Jin Gong was killed in the end, Ray, who was resisting the tower, was also killed.

Haro was left laughing with tears in his eyes. He waved his ax and suffered another wave of soldiers.

"Fuck..." Ray cursed using the curse words he learned the fastest, obviously feeling unwilling to be killed this time.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm very fat." Haro's eyes were sad, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and such contradictory expressions appeared on his face at the same time.

In this wave of ganks, he ate a Gnar head, collected a wave of soldiers, and counterattacked a group of YM stone beetles. He ate a lot of food, and instantly made up for the lost development after losing first blood. Yes, nutrition is strictly controlled.

What kind of human head can a big tree eat? Do you think I came here to Gank to water the big tree?

At the bottom of the canyon, the ocean dragon let out a scream and fell under Ike's happy stick. Miller stared at the dragon pit intently.

A green circular totem appeared on the wall, and the water element contained in it was full of life!

"The next one is the water dragon!" Wawa blurted out, and then became a little worried, "To be honest, this elemental dragon attribute is not very friendly to the YM lineup."

Miller echoed, "After all, YM's lineup doesn't really need lanes, it's more involved in the side... To be honest, giving a wind dragon is much better than this."

Lin Ran is very optimistic. He just wants to brush this little dragon. The water dragon is just a water dragon. If the recovery is high, he doesn't have to go back to the city. He will kill it until he dies.

When he rushed back to the line, the junior boy who was the first to return to the middle lane had already pushed the line under the YM tower. Although Lin Ran lost two bins, it was not a big problem.

"Scout is now shaking Haro in the middle to help put pressure," Miller said as he watched Olaf reappear. After the ax hit, he wanted to pursue and chop again, but was separated by Lin Ran's phase dive, so he could only pick up the ax and throw it again. He went out and flashed a thumbs up, "This is why Brother Ran must be locked up!"

In less than two minutes, Olaf came to the middle three times, but failed to get a kill each time, but either suppressed Lin Ran's health or forced him to move, allowing him to miss the kill.

It was obvious that he was here to disgust him, and now Lin Ran could only hang up under the tower with half health.

Xiaotian had no choice. The jungle advantage he had gained before was wiped out by Haro's blood-sucking line after he went on the road and jumped the tower to kill Jin Gong.

In this case, he didn't dare to link up in the middle to play 2V2 without reaching level 6.

After all, the midfielder combination of EDG Snake Girl + Olaf is quite strong. When Lin Ran faced the younger brother, he still teleported and healed, which meant he lost one skill in the fight.

"It's okay, just let him come, and you can help with other methods." Lin Ran's tone was relaxed, and his mentality was not affected by Olaf and Snake Girl.

He knew that his teammates could not give him much help, so there was no need to force Xiaotian to hang up in the middle.

This is a team game. After several years of version changes, especially the deformed incense burner system of S7, Riot designers have obviously made changes in this aspect. Now it is difficult to have a 1 vs. 5 situation.

Making several teammates fatter is the easiest and smoothest way to win the game. Except for certain games where he uses Tsar and Kassadin, Lin Ran will not take three lanes under normal circumstances.

He now wishes that the other side would catch him and let Jin Gong and Jack develop quickly.

Xiaotian heard what his mid laner said and decisively went on the road to help the Xiba people.

Although Ray received an assist when jumping the tower in the last wave, his development was still too poor - a large wave of troops were eaten by Haro himself.

As a result, he only had Dolan's shield, cloth armor and red crystal on him. This frankness was not enough in front of YM Ueno. Narka jumped into the defense tower with anger and mounted it in conjunction with Xiaotian's W [Winter's Fury]. Frost effect and multiple controls will kill the big tree.

"It's too painful to die this time. Ray has to teleport online, and Olaf has to drop a group of Demon Swamp Frogs!" The doll smiled, "Why does Haro have to capture the middle lane? Brother Ran can't be killed at all."

Ray's familiar pig liver face showed up again. He looked at the jungler who was still a conjoined twin in the middle and felt extremely depressed.

After dying twice in a row and still not getting killed, how will he deal with Ike and Gnar's crazy leads later?

He felt worried just thinking about it, and he was inevitably a little dissatisfied. He muttered three sentences softly. The brain of the junior student who was using the Snake Girl to supplement troops in the middle habitually went through these Korean sentences in his mind and prepared to translate them into Chinese.

"Uh..." Scout considered his words, "Haro, Brother Zhizhi asked you to go on the road and help him catch it once."

"That's it?" Haro looked suspicious. He clearly heard Ray chattering for a long time, but he didn't expect to be able to summarize it in one sentence in Chinese.

Chinese is really broad and profound.

Naturally, the junior student would not tell him that he had cut off one sentence from three sentences, but followed the topic and added another sentence, "He said he would take care of the military line."

Haro saw Lin Ran still lingering behind and knew that he could not capture him to death by force, so he simply returned to the city to resupply equipment and then headed up the road.

"This time I'll give you my head, Brother Ray." He promised smoothly.

After listening to the younger brother's translation, Ray turned his head and glanced at him.

Haro also knew that he felt a little ashamed of his teammates, so he quickly added, "Don't worry, this time the promise is true!"

Xiaotian had just returned to the city to resupply equipment and found that Haro appeared in the field of vision he placed in the upper half of the EDG. He quickly canceled his plan to brush the blue buff in the lower half and walked upward instead.

"Brother Ran, come with us!" He waved and prepared to give the opponent a counter-crouching package.

"Wait for me to fight the snake girl first," Lin Ran thought a thousand times, knowing that the key to counter-crouching this time is not to let the junior go on the road, just like when he supported the red buff to get Olaf's first blood, A wave of duel is enough to cripple Scout. "Brother Siba, be careful!"

Jin Gong found Haro showing up in the upper half of the area, muttering and cursing Xiba, but his body was very honest, and he immediately retreated back to his own tower.

Lin Ran looked at the snake girl on the opposite side who was clearing the line, and went around to the side to create a shadow vision.

He has just reached level 6, but he has never learned R [Space-time Fracture]. This is also Ekko's basic skill. After reaching level 6, there is no need to learn the ultimate move until the critical moment. This way, he can hide his shadow and prevent his opponents from discovering him. trend.

Lin Ran opened W [Time Interlace] so that the opponent did not have any precautions. E phase dived over the wall, and the two displacements successfully stuck to the face of the junior!

"The snake girl laid down the ground, pulled away to the side, and kept biting with her twin fangs!"

After the phase rush was triggered, the junior boy kept chasing him and tried to use Ekko's ultimate move, but a time field suddenly appeared under his feet!

"Snake wants to increase the distance, but the time field is placed in a very tricky position, right behind him!"

If you run backwards, you will definitely step on the time field and be stunned by Ike following. In this case, the junior student has absolutely no chance of winning - although Ike does not show his shadow, he knows that retreating will be close to the trajectory of Ike's previous movement. .

After being immobilized by the time field, Ekko can use his ultimate move. In this version, the Time Assassin can also use the WR mechanism to hit double stuns. The Snake Girl without purification will die no matter what.

Relying on the experience and extraordinary talent accumulated through several years of training, the junior student quickly judged the current situation. He did not dodge or evade, but made a subconscious pause, hoping that Lin Ran would hit the passive three rings at close range.

Lin Ran, who was still stepping on the earth-bound poison cloud, didn't expect such a good thing to happen, so he subconsciously turned around and struck out with a stick.

But when Ike clicked the mouse on the snake girl and was about to turn around, he suddenly thought of a possibility.

Lin Ran's heart suddenly tightened, and he quickly swung the mouse upward, like a sniper in an FPS game, and swung the pointer behind him!

After Ike turned back to face his junior, he immediately turned around and turned his back!

The moment Ike turned around again, a sharp and harsh scream suddenly burst out from the snake girl's mouth!

A fan-shaped field bloomed in front of Cassiopeia!

R【Petrifying Gaze】!

"Snake Girl's ultimate move failed to produce the petrification effect!" Doll raised his voice, "How did Ike avoid it?!"

Amidst the deafening cheers and screams of the fans in the audience, the junior student looked confused. Is this okay?

He just wanted to trick Lin Ran into turning around and tapping the third ring. When facing him when tapping the basic attack, it was the perfect time to cast R [Petrified Gaze].

In the ground-bound state, Ekko cannot use R to avoid petrification. As long as he puts on the control, Q [Plague Explosion] combined with two twin fangs can kill Lin Ran.

This is an opportunity for a solo kill!

Killing Lin Ran alone now is the same as killing Faker two years ago. For ordinary players, it can lead to career retirement - such as Umbrella Keunsuk.

This is a more valuable solo kill!

When Scout saw Lin Ran turning around, he was thinking about how he would turn the tide after completing the solo kill and lead the team to victory.

Unexpectedly, Lin Ran twisted around again!

what's going on?

The petrification failed to hit Ike, and the junior's mind went blank for a moment, and Lin Ran knocked out the third ring to trigger him to accelerate out of the bound land.

Even though another twin fangs were attached, Lin Ran still managed to escape with 20% of his health!

The director was also shaken, and out of curiosity, they immediately called up the replay.

Slow play + zoom in, everyone could see clearly that Lin Ran turned around twice in a short period of time like Gyro, and dodged Snake Girl's ultimate move!

This time, the reaction of the audience was even more excited. They waved the YM banners and cheering sticks in their hands desperately, and the sound was mixed together and passed through the sound-isolating headphones, reaching the ears of the 10 contestants present.

[Everyone in Scout is stunned by the show, how do you play this? 】

【Never petrify! 】

[The operation is very smooth, he is not afraid at all]

[Is this trying to trick the Snake Girl’s ultimate move? You are so brave. If you are petrified, you will be killed alone. This also requires a show of skill. I really believe it]

[Ran: I have no problem playing against Lee Sang Hyuk, let alone you, Faker’s substitute? 】

The junior boy's expression was dejected. As an operational mid laner who has become famous in recent years, Lin Ran's actions just now seemed to be a challenge to him - I heard that you are very good at operations? I E came in, I jumped out again, hit me, you idiot.

Defeating your opponent in the areas they are good at is the easiest way to break your opponent's confidence.

Scout felt that he needed to torture for two games to calm down... but he suddenly thought that due to the relationship between the same division, EDG would have to compete with YM again.


Jack, who was Qing the minions in the bottom lane while cutting the screen to observe the third lane, witnessed this moment with his own eyes and frantically pinged Lin Ran Ek's profile picture.

"My dear, are you too brave to do this, Brother Ran?"

Lin Ran smiled and scolded, "Don't be blind, I still have to refresh the skill CD."

The opponent's summoner's skill CD records were originally saved in the team chat box, but now they were all deleted by Jack's continuous clicking of the hero's portrait. Lin Ran had to copy and paste again to move the information down.

Lin Ran's originally tight back muscles relaxed after being teased by the Shiba Inu to liven up the atmosphere in the team.

The audience, commentators and even professional players all thought that Lin Ran deliberately licked blood from the tip of the knife, but only he knew how dangerous it was just now.

Snake Girl's ultimate move is not difficult to dodge, after all, the movement of raising her hand is very obvious, but the key detail lies in the timing of casting the ultimate move. The little boy's operation just now was not perfect.

If Lin Ran had hit the three-ring basic attack just now, and the junior had enlarged the move, he would have been unable to dodge it in the ground-bound state - after all, to cancel the basic attack, he had to press S, and then drag the mouse quickly. Move below and operate Ike to turn around.

In the gap between the snake girl's movements of raising her hand to cast spells, it is difficult to complete this series of operations, and she will basically be petrified.

However, this cannot be said to be an obvious mistake by the junior. After all, everyone is a professional player, and can even be said to be the top mid laner in the professional e-sports circle. The time left to think about the battle game is fleeting.

If a young boy is unprepared for the changes in his card's vision, he is definitely not good at dealing with it just now.

Lin Ran cleared the troop line as usual, and when stuck at the extreme distance, he used Q [Time Curler] and minion remover to push away this wave of ordinary short-term lines without artillery soldiers.

Then E [Phase Dive] drilled through the wall into his own Sharpbill camp, then walked to the red buff camp, and then returned to the city leisurely.

The junior student took two steps forward and didn't see Lin Ran's position, not even his shadow.

"The opponent's mid laner may go to the road, but his HP is very low..." Scout reminded as usual, "I can't get through this wave even if I'm not in good shape."

"I know," Ray suggested decisively, "Let's get over Nar, don't waste time!"

Haro is still hesitating. Ike is not in trouble. The key is that he has not obtained the exact position of Pig Girl.

Ray couldn't wait any longer, so he pushed the line and directly opened the R tree world to descend.

"Hit me, beat me!" Haro made up his mind upon seeing this. After all, he was young and energetic, and Lin Ranliang, who had been disgusted before, wanted to take revenge for the previous game, and also to gain a sense of presence.

Although he is nicknamed the Second Prince, his playing style is completely different from that of ancestor Seven.

There is more than enough boldness, but not enough detail.

"Are we really going to cross?" Miller opened the whole map from a God's perspective. He saw the EDG top jungler rushing towards Nal like a moth to a flame, and subconsciously questioned, "Nar's anger is very good, and his teammates are also going. Hurry here!"

Jin Gong's understanding of the top laner's ability to withstand pressure is unparalleled. As long as he gets a tower-crossing warning in advance, Gnar will be able to control his anger quite well.

At this time, he was bound by the big tree R vines. Just when Ray handed over W [Twisted Thorn] and was about to be bound, there was a ding, and Gnar turned into a golden statue on the spot!

"It's a stopwatch again!" The doll was mentally prepared this time, but he wasn't surprised, "Brother Gongzi can delay it for 2.5 seconds!"

Jin Gong just wanted to use the stopwatch to persuade the opponent to give up jumping the tower, but he didn't expect that there would be two top players in a team like EDG.

"Kill, kill, kill!" Haro didn't want to leave as soon as he drew his sword, so he rushed in with an axe.

"Hurry up and escort me!" Jin Gong shouted loudly using the words he learned from the Internet two days ago.

Lin Ran had already completed the equipment at this time - Hextech revolver + straw sandals. He originally wanted to wait for the spring water to recover a little more blood, but he didn't expect EDG Ueno to be so decisive.

He could only click on the R skill, activate the space-time rupture, return to the red BUFF camp where Ike was 4 seconds ago, and then quickly rush up the road!

"Jin Gong still wants to buy time. After he gets bigger, he wants to use R to shoot EDG Ueno into the wall——"

"Bromacia!" Olaf, who had reached level 6, activated his ultimate move [Twilight of the Gods]. His whole body turned red, he was immune to control, and he struck Gnar with an ax!

Jin Gong could only continue to move around the defensive tower to gain distance, throw rocks and hit the big tree, trying to kill the opponent's tower defender first.

"That's almost it, keep resisting!" Ray didn't care whether his teammates could understand or not, he calculated his health and activated his golden body, transferring the hatred from the defense tower!

"EDG insists on killing Nar, Xiaoyao and Brother Ran have already arrived on the battlefield!"

With the commentator shouting loudly, Pig Girl and Ike appeared on the flanks of the defense tower!

When Xiaoyao saw his amiable old father who specialized in necks being beaten under the tower, his eyes immediately turned red. He threw R [Ice Prison] from a distance, pressed up and hit Ray's big tree!

Lin Ran dived over the wall in E phase, and the weapon hit Olaf's head!

"The big tree was decapitated by Xiaotian...Jin Gunnar is not dead yet!"

The precision talent is triggered in triumph!

Jin Gong was stunned and recovered some of his health, preventing himself from being killed by Olaf's axe.

Lin Ran used QA to electrocute Haro's head!

With only a layer of blood skin left, Jin Gong ate his second Triumph, withstood a wave of minion attacks and successfully survived!

The screams of the female fans in the audience were so harsh that they shocked everyone's eardrums!

Two more Teemo thumbs up expressions appeared above Lin Ran and Xiaotian's heads.

【So cheap! 】

【Keep on lighting up! Doesn’t the Second Prince like to show off his expressions? 】

[This bowl, this bowl is from EDG who wants to get off work quickly! The accelerated death plan was a great success! 】

[You're so cool, you dare to cross this tower? 】

Haro's face was ashen. After this wave of tower crossing, 0 for 2, the game was basically over.

The early development of Gnar and Ekko, two single-level players, was not hindered at all, but Ray's big tree died three times, which was a lot worse in terms of level and economy.

After a while, YM started pushing 131 points, and they had no means to stop the wing advance.

Ray felt a tight pain in his chest due to anger.

What did you say before the game? Choose the big tree to cry and win?

I am choosing a big tree, and I still cry when I lose!

But the game wasn't over yet, and he couldn't complain to his teammates, so he could only hold it in.

At 12 minutes, YM, who harvested the Canyon Pioneer, took the lead in breaking EDG to get to the tower, and then began to switch to a single lane, using the strong split push of Ike and Gnar to demolish the tower!

In 15 minutes, all three outer towers of EDG were destroyed, and the economic gap further widened.

The defense tower puts the field of vision at a disadvantage, Haro has nowhere to develop, and his level is gradually pulled away by Xiaotian.

After the game entered the middle stage, Olaf himself became weaker and weaker, and without equipment support, it became even more embarrassing.

In every team battle, he uses his ultimate move to avoid control. He rushes into the YM crowd and is melted within two seconds.

Until the end of the 26-minute game, Haro's record stayed at 1/7/4. If he was in the passerby game, his family would probably be confiscated by his teammates.

[Is this the second prince? 】

[It’s really not as good as ancestor Saiwen, at least they will protect the KDA, Haro is just a free gift! 】

[Don’t be embarrassed, this is Haro’s development of Intel i7 for the country, why don’t you applaud? 】

[If there are no reinforcements, EDG will have no hope this year. They can't rely on these few people to go to the World Championship, right? 】

The second prince looked at Lin Ran, who showed Teemo's thumbs up expression again outside his own spring, and his shameless thumb seemed to be in response to his overestimation.

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