LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 414 412: Seducing Cheng Kun [Please vote]

Lin Ran bought the corruption potion and left the spring. While rushing to the river, he marked a signal for his teammates to pay attention to their positions.

His summoner skill brings purification. After all, the four opponents Zach, Syndra, Verus, and Braum all have other controls besides knocking them back. The price-performance ratio of purification is quite high.

As for the talent, I chose the phase dash of the witchcraft system, and the secondary systems were the stopwatch and the minion remover.

But the disadvantages of this are also obvious - during the laning phase, the Clockwork Demon he controls does not have any offensive abilities from talents to summoner skills. He has no means of blocking and resisting Syndra's damage, and he can't even fight back. difficulty.

In addition, in order not to be consumed frequently and return to the city, Lin Ran also chose a corruption potion with stronger supply ability but weaker combat ability when going out.

Corruption potion is good in every way, but it has no health bonus, resulting in a low upper limit of the hero's health. Facing a hero like Syndra whose burst damage at level 6 can exceed the upper limit of ordinary heroes' health, the mid lane matchup in this game is inevitable. It is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you may be killed by the chicken's ultimate move.

"Stand on the defensive position...Liu Qingsong, be careful." Lin Ran and Jin Gong huddled together in the grass on the upper river. They saw Luo flirting at the pass in the lower half of their wild area and warned.

"Don't worry, I'll just take a look at the other side." Liu Qingsong relied on his level 1 learning of W [Grand Appearance], and stood unscrupulously in the river if he moved, trying to see clearly the opponent's opening moves.

As a result, he didn't see his opponent, but something almost happened to Lin Ran and Jin Gong.

"F*ck!" Jin Gong's body shook violently, his fingers clicked on the mouse, and he cursed in a clear and concise manner, "What is going on?"

"IG soldiers divided into two groups, marched from the blue buff entrance in the upper half area and the grass above the middle road, and completed a double-team on YM's upper middle!"

"Jin Gong and Brother Ran are in a very dangerous situation!"

Fortunately, Lin Ran had an eye at the beginning and saw the sapphire-colored Bronn taking the lead two seconds in advance and rushing over with the security door in hand.

"Get out, get out..." Lin Ran originally wanted to save his skills and leave on foot.

But King Ning's Zack seemed to know that there was someone in the grass, so he started squatting directly, and E [Elastic Slingshot] came towards him!

Gan! Are you looking for a see-through hanging from Shanni?

The next moment, Baolan inserted his eyes into the grass and caught YM Shangzhong who was trying to escape!

The opponent's goal is very clear, to fight in the front row with equipment, tribute tools, and French core clockwork. You don't need to think too much to know that they will definitely come to kill Lin Ran.

He had already stepped out of the grass and leaned up. He had no choice but to see Zac's flight landing point appear under his feet. He could only hand over and flash over the wall, while avoiding Sapphire's Q [Winter's Bite].

The IG fans in the audience burst into cheers. In this peak competition, YM lost one game first and fell into a disadvantage at the beginning of the second game!

I remember frowning, "After Clockwork handed over and flashed, it will be easy to be ganked by King Ning Zac later!"

Zach is quite brainless when it comes to catching non-displacement heroes. He just jumps in the face, and he is not afraid of death even if it causes aftershocks. His teammates will naturally make up for the output.

Lin Ran also felt that the matter was quite big. Later, Broiler and Prince Ning would forcefully come over to arrest him. He didn't know how he would survive.

IG has obviously studied YM's level 1 team positioning and knows its common positions when the level 1 lineup is at a disadvantage. This time, the troops are divided into two groups to double-team, directly blocking the escape route and forcing him to hand over his flash.

Now Jin Gong inserted the jewelry eye in his Ueno area and clearly saw IG entering his red BUFF camp.

Although King Ning took the weak jungler, with the strength of the two single lanes in the middle and top and the support of Braum, he still successfully completed the invasion and exchange for BUFF plan.

"They definitely won't catch me," Jin Gong said. He was glad that he didn't hand over the flash in the last wave. He is a frontline tank, and with his ID here, there is a high probability that King Ning will not choose to go on the road in the first wave of ganks. " Brother Ran, please be careful at level 3."

Lin Ran nodded in agreement. During the five minutes before his flash improved, Prince Ning might come to arrest him at any time.

"You control the line of troops, and I'll see if I can counter-crouch." Xiaotian scratched his head and thought of a way.

"When you see someone coming from the opposite side, go to the middle lane." Lin Ran pondered for two seconds before rejecting the suggestion. "Usually, you go to protect Big Eyebrow...can you push the lane and grab 2 in the bottom lane?"

"Okay, okay, no problem!" Lin Weixiang adjusted his condition, and now he is full of energy.

Bao Lan had just accompanied King Ning to invade the upper half of the jungle, and the movement was exposed to their sight. With Braum's movement speed, it would take nearly 30 seconds to return to the bottom lane, and by then the army lines had already been handed over.

In other words, Brainless and Unhappy can form a short wave of 2-on-1 in the bottom lane in the first few seconds, and the line power is naturally in the hands of the two of them.

This is also thanks to Riot advancing the time of dispatching troops by 10 seconds in S8, allowing Baolan to pay a small price for helping the invasion.

"Let's control the dragon in the early stage," Lin Ran thought of a way, "try to delay it until the later stage."

The Garlic Bastard thought for a while and said, "Yeah, then be careful."

Xiaoyao can capture all three lanes in this game. Among them, it would be safer to wait for Jin Gong to reach level 6 on the top lane before taking action. This means that he will have to fight in the lower half in the early stage.

But there is a distinction between primary and secondary when it comes to hitting mid-range and low-level. After all, the jungler cannot affect the clones and can only exist near a line at the same time.

Lin Ran's idea was to completely abandon his own safety, to protect Lin Weixiang in the bottom lane, and at the same time seize the very important dragon resources in the early stage.

After hearing what his eldest brother Shan said, Lin Weixiang suddenly felt warm in his heart and almost burst into tears. He is really... why is he so... he is so gentle, I really cried to death.

The troop lines gathered in the middle at 1 minute and 27 seconds. After Lin Ran came online, he stood behind the pile of troops, waiting for Broiler to move the troop line first.

Rookie was chewing gum with a serious expression, her eyes fixed on the Clockwork Demon. With the blessing of the Ice and Snow Festival skin, Oriana's short pale blond hair was extremely conspicuous among the minions.

In this game, he brought teleportation, hoping to suppress Lin Ran as soon as possible, and then use this teleportation to open up the situation on the side.

This is Syndra's most orthodox way to win the game, using one lane advantage to drive her teammates.

Seeing that Lin Ran had no intention of sacrificing the health of the soldiers, Broiler also adhered to the principle that the enemy could not move and I could not move. He stood in the pile of soldiers and circled around, playing two-person spin with Lin Ran.

The mid laners of both sides did not interfere with the soldier line, causing the six melee soldiers of both sides to become disabled at almost the same time.

When the minion's health reached about 60 points, Lin Ran and Broiler began to play. The two stepped forward at the same time. When they entered the edge of the opponent's basic attack range, they suddenly turned around, turned their backs to the enemy and took a step back.

The two sides turned around again and looked at each other, with the three characters "Old Yin Coin" almost engraved on their faces.

They all want to use these 6 melee soldiers with residual health to trick the opponent into using their skills first. Taking advantage of the short skill vacuum period, they can step forward to suppress the movement and control the key positions in the middle.

In this way, you will have a certain advantage in subsequent blood exchanges and troop processing - if the opponent wants to last hits, they will have to bear the risk of being exchanged for blood by QA using basic attacks, and they will consume mana when using skills.

However, since both mid lane heroes can move and cast spells, this position does not offer many advantages.

The two of them playing this kind of sexy game is more of a test.

The little trick obviously failed. Both sides huddled in a safe position and waited until the melee soldiers were completely reduced to blood and their own soldiers were about to raise their hands to attack. Then they used their Q skills to capture the three soldiers.

In this way, the minions will still pour all their attacks on the enemy as usual, and the skills of both sides will not cause any substantial interference to the minion's health, nor will they allow the troop line to advance towards the opponent.

After all, Lin Ran didn't flash, because he was afraid that he would be caught if he pushed the line; Broiler was afraid that pushing the line too quickly would scare the snake.

This tug-of-war continued until the second wave of soldiers arrived. Broiler stepped forward and used Q [Dark Orb] under the first melee soldier, and then hit it with a basic attack.

Lin Ran could only retreat when he saw this.

Just as he thought, as long as the broiler operation does not make mistakes, it is impossible for him to succeed in grabbing 2.

Syndra Q [Dark Orb] only has a 4-second cooldown, while Clockwork takes a full 6 seconds.

The gap of two seconds was enough to determine the winner of the 2-game grab - when Syndra used two Q skills to eat the minions and reach level 2, Lin Ran's second Q hadn't improved yet, so naturally he didn't. Way to kill the minions.

But this Syndra's dark orb will destroy the previously relatively stable middle line situation - the HP of the YM line is much lower. When the third wave of artillery soldiers arrives, the position of the army line will definitely be transferred. Pushed to the front of Lin Ran Tower.

He simply took a few steps back until he reached the edge of the tower.

As long as he can gain experience, Lin Ran doesn't care about the gain or loss of one or two gold coins.

After all, he was using clockwork, and he had to fight IG in this game. The decisive point was not determined by the economy provided by these few soldiers.

If Syndra pushes the ball to get a pawn and breaks out, he may be in danger of his life later.

When Broiler saw Lin Ran, he immediately retreated and stayed under the tower waiting for the troops to pass. He did not try to continue to exchange blood and just replenished troops honestly.

However, he did not deliberately hoard troops, but let the soldiers attack each other and naturally wear out, which allowed Lin Ran to lose more soldiers.

When the time came to two minutes, Lin Ran frowned. The sight of him and Jin Gong Level 1 placed on the river in the upper half of the area had completely disappeared.

So far, no movements of King Ning Zac have been found.

This made Lin Ran feel a little nervous for no reason.

He didn't feel that his and Jin Gong's habit of arranging vision when defending the level 1 team would be understood by IG's coaching staff.

Unless King Ning specially calculated Lin Ran and Jin Gong's field of view distribution and used this to complete a wave of card vision march, his body should be exposed to the detection of YM's eye position when crossing the river. Down.

Lin Ran eliminated all the low-probability possibilities, leaving only one...

King Ning is still in his own jungle area. After finishing the red buff, stone beetle and razorbill, he can speed three.

He took another look at the army line, and roughly guessed the position of King Ning. Although Broiler didn't show any intention of hoarding the line and jumping over the tower, Lin Ran always felt that IG's midfielder was going to cause trouble.

Lin Ran also knew that he had to rely on himself now, but his second accessory eye would not recover until 3 minutes, and now he had no eye space at all.

In other words, he doesn't know when IG will take action against him. If the troops enter the tower later, Syndra will take advantage of the QE second company to push him unconscious while he is replenishing troops...

For this purification, should we hand it over or not?

If you don't hand it over, wait until Zach uses E [Elastic Slingshot] to jump out of the Sharpbill camp and knock himself away. Purification will be useless by then.

Level 3 Syndra takes level 3 Zac, and there is no problem in jumping over the tower to kill him.

He had to find a way, he couldn't just sit back and wait for death...

In fact, at this point, Lin Ran can break the plan at the beginning of the game and ask Xiaoyao to help counter squat. As long as Olaf shows his head, IG will definitely not dare to jump over the tower again.

But in this way, YM will not be able to earn anything, and the fire dragon will also be taken over by IG later.

Lin Ran remembered Hongmi's instructions before the game and knew that this game was just for the playoffs. It would be best to win, and it would be okay to lose.

He planned to rely on his skill and courage to give it a try.

He approached the wall between the middle lane and the Sharpbill camp, and when he walked to the wall, he deliberately pressed the S key and paused in place while operating the clockwork.

Xiaotian's Olaf opens the jungle alone, and the speed of the jungle is very fast. At the first level, he learns Q [Countercurrent Throw] to bring the blue BUFF and the Demon Swamp Frog together to brush.

When you upgrade to level 2, you don't learn W, but directly learn E [Reckless Swipe], not to maintain your status, but to lower your health and increase the attack speed effect of your passive [Fury of War].

With his skillful jungle brushing skills, it took him only 2 minutes and 15 seconds to upgrade the three groups of wild monsters in the lower half of his area to level 3 without punishing him, which was nearly 10 seconds faster than the average jungle hero's level 3 speed.

He subconsciously glanced at the three lines of troops, but resisted the idea of ​​coming to the middle to help, and ran decisively to Xiaolong Pit.

The refresh time of wild monsters and minions in the S8 version has been advanced by 10 seconds, and even the refresh time of the first dragon has been affected.

When we arrived at the Dragon Pit, it was exactly 2 minutes and 20 seconds before the Infernal Dragon was just born. It squatted in the Dragon Pit and took pleasure in looking at the river swift crabs, fish and shrimps that were harmless to humans and animals.

He must seize the time to steal the dragon, otherwise it will be difficult for him to find another decent opportunity when Syndra and Braum in the bottom lane start to wander around.

Xiaotian was still stealing the fire dragon's effort, and the line of artillery vehicles and soldiers gathered in front of the YM middle tower. Lin Ran was stuck for time, and a Teemo like emoticon appeared above his head.

"What do you mean?" King Ning was stunned for a moment. He was on the red route to farm stone beetles. Zach was not very fast in opening the field alone. Not all of the YM Sharp Beak camp in front of him had been killed. Lin Ran, Teemo, The thumbs up expression made him confused.

"Those with eyes!" Broiler didn't know that Lin Ran had already used the jewelry eye when he was at level 1.

He recalled the time when Clockwork was stuck on the edge of the wall of the Sharp Beak Camp, and felt that Lin Ran must have peeked in to see what King Ning was doing in the jungle.

After hearing this, King Ning quickly manipulated Zac to pull two steps away from the middle to avoid Lin Ran using the devil to snatch the remaining health bird.

"Then what do you say?" After finishing F6, he looked at the clockwork demon spirit circling under the tower, still a little moved, "I think I can surpass him!"

"No, no, no, no!" Broiler quickly interrupted. Others called IG No. 3 the reckless man. In front of his good brothers TheShy and King Ning, he was as steady as an electric baton.

He would never go for it in this situation. If Olaf crouched behind, they would send their opponent to a double kill if they jumped the tower.

"Aren't Prince Ning and Broiler planning to do it?" Watanabe stood in disbelief from God's perspective, "This is an excellent opportunity!"

"They... don't know Xiaotian's movements," Miller frowned in thought, "They probably won't dare to go up."

"The problem is that Brother Ran doesn't have a view of the Sharp Beak camp at all!" Having been a Flash Wolf analyst before, I remember that my reaction speed was quite fast, and I still found blind spots from a God's perspective.

"Did Teemo's like emoticon deceive IG?" he speculated.

The director's camera cuts around, and neither the commentator nor the audience can figure out how Lin Ran deceived these reckless men.

The lag when getting close to the edge of the sharp-beaked bird wall, coupled with the timing of King Ning's jungle clearing, Teemo's thumbs up expression, are indispensable.

When the two were combined, the broiler was convinced that Lin Ran had inserted his eyes into the Sharpbill camp.

But the audience heard the guesses they remembered, and the barrage rhythm had already begun.

[Can this be deceived? 】

[Hey, Brother Ran, is this all fake? 】

[Why does Riot have an emoticon roulette? It all makes this old Yin Bi play tricks! 】

[I understand, it’s all my fault, brothers, punch me! 】

King Ning, who was in the player seat on the stage, saw that his mid laner was thinking of quitting, so he could only give up the idea of ​​catching him, "I'm going to brush up on the blue BUFF, and then see if there's any chance on the road..."

TheShy seemed unaware and was still using Jace to suppress and replenish troops.

"Don't eat, don't eat..." He looked at Jin Gong, who was pushed to the edge of the experience zone by him, and the corners of his mouth raised with a strange smile, "Hehe."

As an IG translator, Rookie saw that his brother had no reaction, so he quickly translated King Ning's words into Korean.

"Don't come, don't come," said TheShy, who was so frantic in this game that he even had signs of stealing, going further and further down the road of development, "I can suppress him myself."

King Ning saw that the two eldest brothers, Shang and Zhong, did not need his help. After eating the sharp-beaked bird, he could only go and clear the wild.

As a result, not long after leaving the Sharpbill camp, the little dragon heard a mournful roar!

"The Infernal Dragon was killed in less than 3 minutes!" Wawa was very excited. "Xiaotian's early jungle planning was very scientific!"

Broiler was stunned for a moment, and then overwhelming anger surged from his heart, making his bun face turn red with anger!

There are no teammates around you?

You show your face just to disgust me, right?

Broiler's face rarely became gloomy, but despite his anger, he still maintained his rationality, knowing that it was unrealistic to drag Prince Ning back over the tower at this time - Xiaotian was probably really behind him this time.

"Don't go home later, reach level 4 and come directly to the F6 camp," Broiler vowed, "He will have his eyes on the CD when the time comes!"

By then, this group of F6 has not been refreshed, and Xiaotian will not come to help with the eyes. This must be YM's blind spot.

"No problem!" Prince Ning was filled with indignation, feeling that Lin Ran's attitude was indeed a bit funny.

But he held back a word and didn't say a word - you see, Brother Ran and I have been together for a year, and we know each other very well, so I have long seen that he was pretending. I fucked him directly when I was in F6, and you still didn't listen!

Lin Ran avoided the first gank crisis in the middle lane and steadily cleared all the troops under the tower. In order to resist the consumption of broilers, he deliberately clicked E instead of W at the second level.

Anyway, with Q [Command: Attack] around, it's easy to place a knife under the tower - the golem passes through 6 ranged soldiers sideways, and then waits for the defense tower cannon to fall, and then each soldier can make up for it and launch a basic attack.

After clearing the minions, Xiaotian controlled Olaf and began to steal the lower half of IG's wild area.

The broiler could guess Olaf's movements, but did not dare to harass him.

The bottom lane is being pressured by YM Xialuo, and King Ning has no intention of coming. If he rashly enters the jungle, he will die if he is caught by Olaf.

Xiaotian successfully reached level 4. He was full of food and ready to return to the city.

"With your jewelry eye, help me plant the river grass." Lin Ran glanced at the distribution of wild monsters on the mini-map.

Xiao Tianyan followed the advice, but he didn't expect that Lin Ran's deceptive expression just now actually allowed him to fake it.

Not long after Garlic Bastard returned to the city, Lin Ran placed his transformed jewelry eye in his own Sharpbill camp across the wall.

Since the middle line of troops has been pushed out, all of this is out of the broiler's field of view.

He felt that Lin Ran had no eye for accessories, mainly because of the gank that King Ning failed to initiate just now.

From a broiler's perspective, Lin Ran had inserted his jewelry eyes into the F6 camp. After all, the details were so similar, and he even made an expression when King Ning reached there.

Rookie thought Lin Ran was just lying to them about Xiaotian's location, but he didn't expect that this old Yinbi had no eyes at all.

Lin Ran now has an ornamental eye inserted by Xiaotian in the grass below the river, and there is an eye of his own in the sharp-beaked bird camp.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but puff up his chest.

The upper and lower routes that Zach can use to launch ganks are all under my control! IG, what are you using to fight me?

"King Ning is here again!" The baby's eyes widened as he watched King Ning, who had taken out his green jungle knife, once again squatting in the YM Sharp Beak Camp.

"But this time I really have eyes!" I remember the smile in his voice.

YM fans finally became angry. They saw the squatting operation in front of Ning Wang's eyes and burst into laughter.

[King Ning wants to play chess again! 】

[I really didn’t expect this kind of silly batch operation to happen twice]

[Classic operation, old show review]

[Pig nose, what is this? Why are you always staring at the mid laner? 】

The audience in the live broadcast room also laughed and teased King Ning mercilessly.

Prince Ning, who was crouching, also noticed something was wrong. The movement of this clockwork made me think NMB was outrageous!

He took two steps forward to test, but before he could use his broiler skills, Lin Ran shrank back.

After a while, he took two flirty steps forward and then stepped back.

Prince Ning was extremely angry. Why are you selling abductions here? All right, take a few steps?

Lin Ran's position made them feel awkward. It was difficult for Syndra to drive directly to him, and King Ning jumped in front of the acceleration of Clockwork W [Command: Noise] and couldn't guarantee the hit rate.

"Up, up, up!" Broiler's eyes suddenly lit up. When he was cleaning up the soldiers, he hid a ball in the pile of soldiers. Now he adjusted the angle so that he, the ball and Lin Ran were in a straight line!

The weak retreat!

Syndra's surging magical power struck the dark sphere, pushing it far away and stunning it with precision!

Lin Ran raised his lips and smiled when he saw the landing point of Zack E [Elastic Slingshot] appearing under his feet.

Seduced Cheng Kun, and he was fooled.

"Prince Ning jumped out and successfully took control and knocked Brother Ran away..." Miller said, "But Xiaotian is behind!"

The explanation was full of regret, and Xiaotian rushed over from behind the tower with two axes!

It doesn’t matter if I didn’t have a field of vision just now, but now I can see your movements from all angles, how dare you kill my brother?

Q [Countercurrent Throw] was thrown, a super long distance of 1,000 yards, and successfully hit Zach's rubber band body!

I***! Prince Ning blurted out dirty words.

Do you have eyes? How did you do this?

He almost shook his mouse when he saw his best friend Olaf slap him in the face.

Bro, I was kidding!

Do not kill me!

"Zach has already used E, and he also wants to use Q [Extended Strike] to catch Clockwork and Olaf together!"

Lin Ran used purification to remove the slowdown, and QW threw the magic doll, hoping to achieve the slowdown effect, but King Ning ran very fast and decisively handed over Flash to avoid the slowdown of the magic doll.

"Olav picked up the ax and handed over Flash as well!"

At this time, Olaf, who was at level 4, finally showed off his invincible combat ability in the early stage. With the blessing of the Fire Dragon BUFF, the garlic bastard rushed forward with his neck stretched out!

"Throw the ax out again..." I remember clenching my fists tightly, "I'm hit!"

The exciting voices of the commentators and the excited cheers from the audience are simultaneously transmitted through the earpieces to the ears of all viewers watching the live event!

"Syndra has lost all her skills, and she can't stop Mad Dog Olaf!"

Broiler did his best to obey fate, and used W [Driving Telekinesis] to grab a dark orb and throw it over, trying to slow down Olaf.

But this was of no use, Xiaotian just stared at Zach who didn't flash or E.

"Brother Gao, please show mercy!" Prince Ning begged for mercy after being slashed. He counted the cooldown of his skills and at least used the double resistance provided by Aftershock to help reduce the damage.

Now he has no means of protection, and his health will drop completely with one strike of the ax.

"TheShy still wanted to rush here, but was held back by Jin Gong!"

The Xiba man had a sinister smile on his face, and the slowing effect provided by Ornn's Q [Volcanic Chasm] made Jace move slowly. He had not yet entered the river, and was thousands of yards away from King Ning!

"Zach had no ability to resist and was cut out of his passive state!"

Four shit-yellow balls were squirming on the ground, and the broiler Syndra was still conscientiously lighting up Olaf with her basic attack.

But Lin Ran put E [Command: Defense] on Xiaotian. The shield and the double resistance effect provided made the garlic bastard a batch of meat!

"Don't teleport!" King Ning was afraid that TheShy wouldn't understand, so he clicked on two warning signals to tell his teammates to leave him alone.

Jace's teleportation could indeed protect his group of passive tissues, but since he didn't flash, he probably would have been killed by an ax before his E [Elastic Slingshot] even took off.

What's more, Jin Gong also holds the teleport in his hand. In this situation, if there is a 3V3 collision between the middle and upper jungle, their IG has no chance of winning.

"Olav stopped after destroying three groups. He wants to give up this first-blood head to Clockwork!"

Lin Ran accepted the 400 yuan with a smile, threw out the parts, and successfully collected the head!

At the same time, there was also a blue circle transferred under him.

The fresh blue BUFF that King Ning just finished!

Seeing this scene, the broiler turned into a pig liver face.

How do I suppress this? Standing in the middle of the road with no shortage of blue, wouldn't his skills be casual?

The commentator also saw that something was wrong, "The broiler can't hold down Brother Ran anymore. This blue BUFF can allow him to return to the city for the first time at level 6!"

It takes about 35 seconds to go back to the city and then back online.

Lin Ransheng returned to the city at 6 and came back again. The time had reached 6 minutes.

At this time, Lin Ran showed that he was about to get better, and with the stopwatch provided by [Perfect Timing], he could increase his error tolerance a lot.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is difficult for Broiler to gain any advantage in this game by relying solely on laning.

Lin Ran, who was sitting on the YM player bench, was more direct.

"It's broken, the game is over." He relied on the recovery from the Corruption Potion and continued to stay in the middle lane. Under the mana recovery of the blue BUFF, the three QWE were frequently used to push the line of soldiers under the broiler tower. "How can he play this? ah?"

On the way down, Lin Weixiang twitched the corner of his mouth.

He originally saw the mid laner handing in a flash in the early stage and thought that he would finally be able to rely on himself in this game.

Lin Weixiang decided to try a change of style in this round to see what it would feel like to be more steady.

While he was facing the line, he could still mentally explain the lines to come - "Brother Ran's development is too poor, YM must wait for Lin Weixiang's three-piece set to come out and save the world!"

Thinking of this, Lin Weixiang raised the corners of his mouth.

But the smart big eyebrow with a long reflex arc was happy for two minutes, and a kill broke out in the middle!

Lin Ran took first blood and added a blue BUFF. Even Da Mei didn't know how to stop the growth of this clockwork?

No, Brother Ran, why did you start carrying again?

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