LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 415 413: Well done... [Please vote for me]

Big Eyebrow thought he could win this game lying down, so he just imitated Jack and hugged Naka Ueno's thighs, and shouted to them at the top of his voice, "666, you are awesome, old iron" during the team battle.

But a minute later, he saw the notification that the mid laner had been killed.

"Hey, what's going on?" Da Mei cut the screen and saw the Clockwork Demon lying in the middle with parts scattered on the ground. There was a touch of joy in his tone.

Lin Ran adjusted his glasses, then picked up the paper cup with wolfberry tea and took a sip.

"I'm so stupid, really..." He looked annoyed, "I only knew that King Ning would come to the middle at level 3, but I didn't know that he would capture me after giving me first blood."

He played tricks on IG's midfielder twice, which probably annoyed King Ning. After giving away his passive and kills, this top-notch fool actually came to crouch in the middle again.

Relying on the increased jumping distance of the level 2 E [Elastic Slingshot], he successfully jumped out of the field of vision provided by the middle line of soldiers. Lin Ran, who had already dealt with the double summons before, did not react at all, and was thrown away and waiting to die.

As a result, the broiler took the head, and the blue BUFF changed hands again.

"No, isn't this person afraid of my teammates?" Lin Ran became angrier as he thought about it.

Ning Wang's style of play is not like a normal professional player at all - after the last wave, the intensity of the competition between the two sides in the middle and jungle has been stretched. In this case, it is the right way for him to go to the upper and lower wings to catch talents.

If he catches it and is squatted by Xiaotian, IG will collapse in this game!

Lin Ran just used normal professional thinking to think and guess the position of Prince Ning, but he didn't expect that this reckless man didn't play according to the routine at all!

"You can still withstand it, Brother Ran?" Xiaotian was going to take advantage of King Ning's opportunity to kill Lin Ran and go to the bottom lane to pack something.

"It's enough, it's okay." Lin Ran glanced at the equipment column. Because he had eaten a first-health head and added 6 waves of troops, he had 1,200 gold coins in his backpack.

After thinking about it, I decided to buy mercury shoes and real eyes just to be on the safe side.

The movement speed provided by the mercury shoes allows him to better avoid Syndra's skills. The magic resistance attribute can also withstand a lot of damage when facing the midfielder pair of Syndra + Zach, and the toughness is also miraculous in reducing control time.

Lin Ran didn't want to play any suppression now, as long as he could hold on for 25 minutes, he didn't even mind playing a three-piece set of cancellations in this kind of game.

"Olav walked around the triangular grass and went down..." Miller's voice suddenly became louder, "Lin Weixiang flashed forward, WAQE wants to imprison the old thief Sima!"

Big Eyebrow's shooting speed was quite fast, and Baolan, who was still squatting in the grass watching his ADC's last strike, didn't react at all!

The old thief Sima, who didn't have Braun to help lift the shield, looked at Feather, who was about to be hit by the barb, and Luo, who was close to Big Eyebrow's body with E [Double Dance], so he could only hand over the flash and run away...

But the next moment, Liu Qingsong took action with W [Grand Appearance], Luo drew a perfect arc in the air, and the landing point was right at the feet of the old thief Sima!

"Xiaotian rushed out, Baolan raised his shield and added W [Stand Up] to help block the damage!"

Seeing all the YM players rushing to their own tower, TheShy and Broiler, who had already retreated to the tower, decisively handed over the teleport.

The teleportation eye is located in the thread grass behind YM Shimono, with rotating light flickering, and the 3.5-second guidance time is like the countdown of a time bomb, urging everyone in YM to leave quickly!

"I can't get down!" Jin Gong took a look at the situation of the troops on the upper road. The health of his own soldiers was obviously greater than that of the IG side. If he teleported to support his teammates, this large wave of troops would push into the IG upper tower. By then he would probably It takes two waves of soldiers to lose.

Furthermore, his Ornn has not yet reached level 6, and the effect it can have by teleporting is also very limited; on the other hand, Syndra and Jayce on the IG side have all their early damage capabilities, and he has no competition at all. capital.

"Don't run, kill Verus first!" Garlic Bastard didn't expect that IG's bottom lane would actually insert a back eye so deep into the grass. As a veteran of two consecutive championships, he was very calm at this time.

Neither he nor Lin Weixiang had flashed, and it was too late to retreat now. The slowing effects of Verus's E [Evil Arrow Rain] and Braum's Q [Winter's Bite] were hooked. Sooner or later, they would be killed by Jace and Xin. Della catches up.

"Olav is still charging forward, and he must kill Verus when the ax falls!"

Sapphire's Braum tried his best to protect, but with little success. Liu Qingsong resisted the tower twice, and then used the second dance to get out of the range of the defense tower in pairs.

It was too easy for Olaf to cooperate with Xia Luo's output to kill Varus, and Sapphire's Braum couldn't even use his passive [Concussive Blow].

Baolan looked at the Garlic Bastard who was about to leave the range of the defense tower. He subconsciously flashed forward and launched a basic attack. Four layers of passive stacking made Xiaotian stunned in place.

The Garlic Bastard didn't expect this trick, and he laughed like a pig!

Damn... TheShy, who had just teleported to the ground, almost screamed.

Why did you knock him unconscious? !

"Jace fired a cannon from a distance, but was blocked by Luo!" A familiar voice yelled, and the audience knew who the commentator was from the tone, "Little Tian's head was taken away by Baolan in the end!"

IG coach Jin Jingzhu’s face turned green backstage.

If Baolan hadn't flashed and hit his passive just now, Olaf would have just delivered it to TheShy and Broiler when he came out of the tower; if Xiaotian sent the tower, the head would belong to the old thief Sima.

No matter how you calculate it, it's better than using Baolan as an auxiliary?

"Sell me, sell me!" Liu Qingsong helped block a shot. He didn't have much health left. He knew that he and Da Mei could only go one way.

When necessary, tear open the wound and sell yourself decisively.

"The YM duo dispersed and fled, leaving Luo alone to stop IG Zhongshang!"

Before leaving, Lin Weixiang thoughtfully prescribed treatment, trying to let his good brother Liu Qingsong delay for a while.

Lin Weixiang crossed the bottom defense tower and went deep into the IG jungle area, while Liu Qingsong tried to escape from the triangle grass.

TheShy and Broiler naturally want to chase Ni Yuxia, but Huan Lingluo, who is eager to protect his wife, keeps getting stuck in front of them.

The shameful man was so angry that he hammered Luo away. He used the QE second company to knock Liu Qingsong unconscious on the spot, and followed up with W [Driving Telekinesis] to take away his head.

However, the wasted time allowed Da Mei to cross the IG Red BUFF camp and meet up with Lin Ran who came for support. The two of them left quickly using the acceleration provided by the devil.

Prince Ning still wanted to block the way, but Lin Weixiang's two feathers suppressed his blood volume, so he could only give up in frustration.

"The top two on IG took away one of Luo's heads after teleportation..." Miller weighed it for a moment, "This is quite a loss for them."

The lives of Garlic Bastard and Liu Qingsong replaced the old thief Sima, and by the way, they also forced IG Zhongshang to hand over the double teleportation.

TheShy pursed his lips and returned to the city. No matter how he thought about it, he found it difficult to bear-this time he had to sacrifice half a wave of troops in the bottom lane and only got an assist.

He doesn't make any money, either financially or in terms of experience.

"My, my, my," said Baolan in the team's voice, full of apology. He also realized that he had made a mistake in desperation, "It would be better if I didn't flash A."

In this case, no one would blame him. The top priority is to win the game first, and then go back and review these mistakes.

Bao Lan was still upset about his mistakes, while Lin Ran was also reflecting on his own mistakes.

YM is still a team that relies on early and mid-term advantages to win games, which leads them to be very proactive in driving rhythm.

IG's back view just now was very tricky. If Baolan hadn't made a mistake, IG would have given these two heads to their heroes who needed money.

By then, YM will be even more difficult to top in the mid-term.

From his own perspective, Lin Ran slowly saw IG's response to his own tactics.

Now that IG has handed over the top two teleports, this means that in the next 300 seconds, YM can attack the opponent's three lanes unscrupulously without worrying about being bypassed.

Lin Ran took advantage of the time when the resurrected Sima Old Thief came to the middle to replenish the line, and pocketed the river crabs in the upper river, trying to make up for his own economy.

Song Yijin ate another human head, which was definitely not what he wanted to see.

30 seconds later, Lin Ran saw Broiler returning to the middle with the Devil's Codex, Straw Shoes and Killing Ring. It seemed that the teleportation was not going well in the next few minutes and he was preparing to suppress the line.

Lin Ran's flash still had little time to turn around, and the stopwatch was not activated. This was when he was most vulnerable.

Under this situation, Lin Ran didn't give him a chance. He used the clockwork demon to hide under the tower and waited for the troops to push over.

Broiler successfully reached level 6. He took a look at the timestamp on the team chat history and knew that Lin Ran's flash was about to improve. He wanted to seize his most likely opportunity to complete a solo kill, and moved very aggressively. .

At the same time, he shook his mouse on the skill bar to roughly estimate his damage.

Lin Ran, who was watching the troops entering his defense tower, was also very cautious. He controlled the golem to crash into the pile of troops in front of him.

"Tsk..." Broiler saw that Lin Ran didn't use basic attacks to clear out the minions, so he knew it was a bit troublesome.

The opponent took full advantage of Clockwork's hero's ability to cast spells on the move. In Orianna, only R [Command: Shock Wave] and basic attack will freeze on the spot; the other three small skills can be freely cast while moving, and there is no need to Will interrupt the movement of the spring.

With the help of the movement speed provided by the mercury shoes, this clockwork kept spinning under the tower, controlling the puppets to bump into each other, watching the two bins reduced to residual health, and there was no need to use normal attacks to make up for it!

This obviously shows the murderous intention exposed by the broiler. He keeps moving and will not give Syndra QE a chance to knock him out!

"I have captured Olaf's position. If you want to take action, hurry up!" In the voice of the team, King Ning was still urging. He used his body as an eye and entered the YM jungle area to find the Garlic Bastard eating the Demon Swamp Frog.

The price he paid was that he had to be chased and chopped, and was forced to shake the sapphire to help.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, the bun's face bulged again.

He knew that Lin Ran would flash and have a stopwatch later, and he would definitely be able to avoid one of his solo kills.

If you continue to delay, the laning period will be over...

He made up his mind and looked at Lin Ran who was still spinning around under the tower. He first saved up a Q [Dark Sphere], and then when the cooldown was about to get better, he threw R [Energy Pour]!

"The fight started in the middle!"

The director showed the footage immediately, and a total of 4 dark orbs flew out from Syndra's body, hitting the clockwork demon's body one after another!

The next moment, the retreating power of the weak spurted out from Syndra's body, hitting Lin Ran with the dark magic ball!

Lin Ran, who didn't flash, couldn't dodge this RE combo at all, and was pushed unconscious on the spot!

Broiler's eyes were fixed on the screen, everything was pretty much as he expected.

The next cool down Q [Dark Sphere] successfully hit!

In fact, Syndra's current cooldown reduction can be used to use a 5-ball ultimate move, but Broiler did not do this.

Level 1 R [Energy Pour], each orb can increase the damage of the ultimate move by 90+0.2AP; and Broiler now has level 3 Q [Dark Orb], with a damage of 140+0.65AP.

No matter how you calculate it, the damage amount of five balls is not the highest.

With the CD stuck like this, Broiler can just throw Q [Dark Sphere] before Lin Ran's stun is lifted, maximizing the damage.

He also steadily took into account the toughness reduction of the mercury shoes to ensure that with his set of skills, Lin Ran would never be able to fight back.

"Brother Ran's blood volume has been reduced to 1/4... He is still clearing the army line!"

When Lin Ran was stunned by the retreat of the weaklings, he glanced at the three lanes. The bottom lane was laning; the jungler was slashing at King Ning; top laner Jin Gong originally wanted to teleport, but was chased by TheShy. There must be no way to get down.

Looking around, he was the only one near the middle road.

Now he is still a little short of experience before level 6, so Lin Ran plans to upgrade first and use his ultimate skill.

With the minion deplasmatizer and the defensive tower bombardment, two Bins were killed, the swirling light rose, and Lin Ran successfully reached level 6!

The 91 points of health gained increased the Clockwork Demon's health by one level!

"The broiler triggers Phase Rush, continues to walk forward to pull out the range of the defense tower, then walks back, and uses W [Driving Telekinesis] to grab the dark orbs scattered on the ground!"

Rookie knew that Lin Ran was in good position, and he had to make sure the dark ball hit this wave to complete the solo kill.

The slowdown of W [Driving Telepathy] will make it difficult for Lin Ran to move forward, so it is the most reasonable skill to connect with Q [Dark Sphere].

Before jumping over the tower, Broiler rehearsed the release of his skills and the opponent's reaction in his mind, and now everything is normal.

Next... Lin Ran will use his ultimate move to threaten his position. As long as he hands over Flash and avoids R [Command: Shock Wave], he will definitely win this time by jumping over the tower.

Sure enough, when Lin Ran handed over the minion's dematerializer and prepared to level up to 6, he walked in the opposite direction outside the tower and at the same time controlled the puppet to throw it towards Syndra.

The soldier died and the clockwork was upgraded, and the demon successfully passed through the pile of soldiers and reached the feet of the broiler.

Song Yijin placed his finger on the flash of the F key, waiting for the strangulating power of the shock wave to appear.

But the change finally came.

After the golem hit Syndra's body, it released an electrical pulse—W [Command: Noise]!

What about the ultimate move?

Broiler was stunned for a moment, and then saw the demon passing through him again and returning to Lin Ran to form a shield!

QWE generates three stages of damage, and Clockwork also triggers phase rush!

"Brother Ran is still running..."

The doll's voice stopped suddenly.

Amid the roars from the audience in the venue, the golem on top of the clockwork demon twisted and spun, unleashing unparalleled twisting power!

When Broiler saw Lin Ran's stuck action, he almost pressed the Q button like crazy. However, with a 10% cooldown reduction, it took 3.6 seconds for his Q skill to get better. At this time, it was less than a second, and the Dark Sphere The skill box is still dark!

In less than a second, he could only watch helplessly as Lin Ran released a shock wave and cleared away all the soldiers under the tower!

The defense tower sounded a warning, and all the IG minions were cleared. The broiler who had just been pulled out of the tower to reset his hatred in order to avoid the bombardment of the defense tower was now locked again!

"My old swan!" I remember the classic habit, "Brother Ran, what is this operation?"

"It's perfect!" I remember seeing the game involved, "This big move will bring in troops, leaving the opponent with no way out!"

Broiler raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect Lin Ran would handle it like this!

How does this person's brain grow?

They are all phase rushes, but Lin Ran wears the second-level shoes, and the acceleration efficiency is definitely much higher than him.

Song Yijin estimated the health of both sides. If he flashed forward, he should be able to kill Lin Ran with WQ skills, but he would also have to be replaced by the defense tower.

Syndra flashed and exchanged a human head for the clockwork, which was definitely a loss.

The most critical point is that even if Lin Ran dies, he has cleared all the troops, so he will not lose much if he is resurrected.

The broiler made up his mind to withdraw!

"Brother Ran, can you really run away?" Wawa was already doubting his life. He didn't expect that Lin Ran could escape from such a desperate situation!

The broiler resisted the defense tower twice, and the remaining blood moved from the middle of the first and second towers of YM to the F6 camp.

He didn't dare to go down. Near the Demon Swamp Frog Camp, King Ning had just escaped from the Garlic King's ax with the help of Bao Lan. His skin was peeled off and he was almost beaten to death by his tall brother.

Song Yijin could only run to the upper half of the area, hoping to get past YM's Beak Bird camp to a safe position and return to the city.

But as soon as he walked out of the Sharpbill Camp and before entering the wild area, he heard a deep and rich sheep cry!

A red ram-shaped magma element suddenly appeared not far behind Syndra!

"The summons of the God of Forging!" Watana blurted out, "Brother Gongzi has been running here just now!"

Although Jin Gong was stuck on the edge of his ultimate move, allowing the first damage of the magma element to be generated as quickly as possible, it still gave Broiler a short reaction time.

S8's Song Yijin is still at his peak in terms of reaction operation and understanding ability. As long as there is a flash, there is no way this delayed skill can harm him!

The golden light flashed, and the Syndra he operated dodged the charging ram at the critical moment!

The audience in the audience exclaimed, and then they cut the screen and saw TheShy using hammer form E [Thunder Strike] to hammer Ornn away, preventing him from using his second ultimate move, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, a real eye was suddenly inserted in front of the broiler!

Separated from him by a wall, a demon puppet jumped out from the grass above the middle road and landed right at the feet of the broiler!

As W [Command: Noise] was cast again, the blood bar of Syndra operated by Broiler was cleared, and the screen turned into black and white!

Rookie raised his hand to his forehead, Lin Ran, you don’t have martial ethics to conduct a sneak attack!

The full-field announcement from God's perspective was eye-catching and eye-catching: (Clockwork Demon) YMRan killed IGRookie (Syndra)!

Because Jin Gong Aoun's ultimate move was dodged by a flash, Broiler was not harmed by anyone except Lin Ran, and the assist panel was completely bare.

This was a single kill, although both Broiler and Lin Ran thought it was not a face-to-face killing operation. After all, Jin Gong's ultimate move played a crucial role in it.

But fans recognize this. .

The audience was already in a state of excitement, with loud applause and screams of female fans echoing throughout the venue!

In the commentary box, Miller was in high spirits and said, "YM is so tricky to find this position. They know where the chickens are going to retreat!"

However, in the live broadcast room of the event, the barrage was not obsessed with the fact that the broiler was killed in a sneak attack just now, but was still reminiscing about the tower jumping operation of the two mid laners.

[How many levels of the game are there in this tower jumping and counter tower jumping? 】

[Hurry back and read it again. Why do I think these two people made no mistakes? 】

[What about those people doing review? Tomorrow morning I want to see a complete and detailed explanation of this wave of tower jumping, I hope you don't be disrespectful! 】

[Clockwork's big move rolls up the minions to gain the defense tower's hatred. This ability to adapt to changes... What does it mean to be the world's best mid laner? 】

"The heads of both sides were even again. Xiaotian took advantage of King Ning's low blood volume and the death of the broiler chicken to kill the second dragon!" I remember the loud voice.

"Currently, IG has a slight economic lead due to a few more assists and TheShy's Theft Omen talent!"

Wawa shook his head, "But if IG's lineup only gets such a small economic advantage in the early stage, it will not be enough."

IG obviously knew that the situation was serious, and they quickly took advantage of their strong period to frequently collide with YM.

Lin Ran now has a flash and a stopwatch, but it is really not easy to kill. IG aims at another C position Lin Weixiang.

They felt that Lin Weixiang, who died suddenly in the last game, would definitely come to give them warmth.

But unexpectedly, Big Eyebrow seemed to have activated super evolution. When Liu Qingsong went out for a walk, he would not leave the defense tower at all. He would rather watch the soldiers near the center line wear each other down than move forward.

Ning Wangzhi squatted proudly for a long time. Who would have thought that Lin Weixiang suddenly changed his temper and would rather lose money than take risks.

【Starting to play chess again? 】

[This King Ning is really trying to make me laugh to death, can you do something useful? 】

[Lin Weixiang won’t give it away, my youth is over! 】

After squatting for half a minute, he still didn't see Lin Weixiang coming out to fight. King Ning was so confused.

Are you possessed by a bang? So stable?

He also wanted to look for opportunities in the other two ways, but soon discovered that the YM group was a mess.

Top laner Jin Gong has been standing in front of the tower all year round. As the tankiness gradually increased, TheShy's reinforced cannon was easily blocked by the shield of Ornn's W [Bellow Breath].

Mid laner Lin Ran is now prospering with a pair of mercury shoes. King Ning caught him once, but was shown off by the stopwatch. The passive [Cell Splinter] that had just recovered not long after was hit again, broiler. The stopwatch is also handed over.

If it weren't for Song Yijin's intimidation, the four passive groups of King Ning would probably have been taken over by Lin Ran's puppet manipulation.

"IG is very impatient." I remember I could see IG's impatience from a God's perspective. "Their lineup had better end the battle before 30 minutes, otherwise they won't be able to beat YM at all in the later period."

Miller deeply agrees, "Especially YM's mid-level assistants - Luo and Clockwork. There is something to be said for this. Teamfights in disadvantaged games often create miracles!"

[Hahahaha who are you implying? 】

[EDG: You can just pronounce my name]

[This requires YM to tell IG the story of the economic comeback of ten thousand yuan]

Ning Wang, who was at the contestants' table, thought about it and felt that YM and the others were all the same.

He still had to find the weak points to start with, and he thought Lin Weixiang was quite suitable.

If you can't gank with a sneak attack, then you can catch him openly.

But Lin Weixiang was very stable now. At 15 minutes, the old thief Sima pushed over. With no view of the grass behind the tower, he led Liu Qingsong directly back to the closed grass in front of the second tower.

One tower is directly given to the opposite side.

But being stared at like this will reveal flaws in even the most stable person.

Until 19 minutes, the economic gap between the two sides remained at 2.2k.

Although IG won several waves of small-scale team battles, they did not get any decent resources.

At this moment, King Ning and his teammates finally found a wave of opportunities. Garlic Bastard went to the upper half of the area to set up the next offensive and defensive battle of Baron.

Lin Ran and Jin Gong have both returned to the city to replenish their equipment and real eyes.

Lin Weixiang wiped out all Xiaotian's Three Wolves and Demon Marsh Frogs, and almost paid for equipment. He happened to see a small group of troops in front of the second tower on his bottom lane.

When he showed up in the bottom lane, King Ning's eyes lit up and he quickly directed TheShy and Sima Laotei to rush to the second tower of YM.

"Let's go, let's kill him and go to the dragon!"

TheShy can now understand simple Chinese. He took one look at the situation and knew that this was a great opportunity.

They passed through the wild area and rushed towards Lin Weixiang with green light in their eyes!

But Lin Weixiang seemed to have awakened an ability similar to that of "Peter's Enlightenment". He was originally nourishing his soldiers, but suddenly he frowned and felt that something was not right.

He made a [Foresight Transformation] in the blue BUFF camp in the lower half, and happened to see the IG two people rushing towards him like wolves and tigers!

"Help!" Big Eyebrow cried out in a loud voice.

On the commentary table, Miller raised his voice and said, "IG still refuses to give up. They insist on catching this Xia!"

King Ning made Zach squat in place and prepared to take off, "I'll trick him into using his ultimate move first. Remember to follow him!"

With a strange cry from Warrior Xiang, Zach flew towards Lin Weixiang's feet!

"Feathers all over the sky!" Ni Yuxia reacted very quickly. She stood up and entered the unselectable state, avoiding Zach's blow!

At the same time, a red teleportation light lit up among the soldiers, and then, a blue light also lit up behind!

Teleportation from Broiler and Jin Gong!

"This wave of team battle is about to break out, and the duo of Xiaotian and IG meet in the middle. Olaf keeps throwing axes to delay, not wanting the old thief Sima to rush to the battlefield!"

Ning Wang, who was under Xia's body, was counting the time. Zach's ultimate move [Dynamic Pinball] wanted to bring people back, and it took 1 second to charge.

As long as Q [Extended Strike] can stun Kasumi, this period of time is enough.

He extended his arm to a YM minion, preparing to capture it with a basic attack when Xia fell to the ground.

But just before the clouds fell, a phantom speeding up appeared in front of everyone!

"Luo activated his ultimate move and rushed to the battlefield!"

Even the man who spoke as fast as Gatlin said this - the speed of this phantom was too fast.

Liu Qingsong was extremely quick. In a blink of an eye, he used E [Dancing in Pairs] to get close to Lin Weixiang and charm Zach!

The basic attack that King Ning raised his hand with Q [Extended Strike] didn't come out!

"Jace hit both Xia Luo and Xia Luo at the same time with a powerful cannon, and the damage was very high!"

The economy provided by Stealing Omen is finally revealed at this moment. TheShy now has two and a half large items, and the equipment is ahead of the game. This is also the confidence for IG to force the dragon team later.

With one shot, Brainless and Unhappy's HP was almost cut in half!

But TheShy's enhanced cannon also exposed his position.

In the Demon Swamp Frog Camp... Liu Qing squirrelly pulled the mouse, and his whole body flashed through the wall like a sudden jump.

W [Grand Appearance] led Luo's body to first charm Jace's body, and then lifted him into the air!

"Jess, Jess!" Liu Qingsong roared, and the signal was marked on TheShy's head like crazy!

The next moment, Jin Gong took the lead in teleporting to the ground.

The ram let out a dull roar, and the magma element attacked from a distance, just in time to bring Jace in mid-air into the trajectory of his ultimate move!

"Rookie just landed..." Miller spoke urgently, and then suddenly raised his voice, so high that it was slightly broken!

"Lin Weixiang! What kind of operation is this?!"

Just now, taking advantage of Ning Wang Zach being charmed, Lin Weixiang moved while outputting, using the A technique to pull himself to the side, only 100 yards away from the broiler's teleportation position.

When the broiler Syndra landed on the ground, Damei suddenly pressed E [Barb].

R [Storm Feather Blade], coupled with the feathers left behind by the basic attack just now, flew back towards Ni Yuxia's body!

Although the broiler was not within the range of Lin Weixiang's feather barbs, he still trembled in his heart.


Lin Weixiang handed over the flash and came behind the broiler at a weird angle!

The sharp feathers pierced through Syndra's delicate body one by one. This barb caused the broiler's blood volume to drop to 40% in an instant!

"Xia wants to kill Syndra alone?!" Doll's eyes widened in disbelief. Broiler was still resisting. QE wanted to stun Big Eyebrow and pour a set of output to kill him instantly.

But the moment the weak one retreated and was thrown away, Lin Weixiang turned into a golden statue!

The stopwatch I had kept in my hand finally came in handy!

On the other side, Jin Gong hit his head in the magma element he cast, and the ram turned back again and rushed towards Jace in the Demon Swamp Frog camp!

TheShy kept pressing flash, but it had no effect. Liu Qingsong and Jin Gong's control chain was too harsh!

"Jace is still flying in the sky..." Miller's tone was full of expectation, "Clockwork finally arrived on the battlefield!"

Lin Ran saw TheShy flying in mid-air and knew that he could not hesitate at this time. Once the opponent handed over the flash, the entire battle situation might change.

He flashed forward decisively, Q threw the golem, and R [Command: Shock Wave] strangled Jace!

Although Lin Ran's equipment generally doesn't do much damage, Jace is also very fragile. With Ornn's fragility and Luo's ignition, he still successfully killed TheShy!

"TheShy!" I remember seeing Jace, who was carrying the Mercury Cannon, fall in the dirt. "The chicken on the other side can only run away!"

Rookie watched Lin Weixiang recover from the golden body state, and the QR five-ball poured dark energy into Xia's body.

However, Lin Weixiang activated the healing technique and took the damage with less than 1/3 of his health left. He continued to pursue two basic attacks and flashed the chicken!

"But if you give in to Flash, you will die!"

As the doll screamed, Lin Ran and Liu Qingsong took advantage of the acceleration effect given by the doll to W [Command: Noise] to chase and kill the broiler!

"The remaining King Ning is unharmed and can only be played by Aoun and Xia!" Miller clenched his fists and shouted, "On the other side, Xiaoyao, who was still entangled with the IG duo in the middle, handed over his ultimate move and used the control-free mechanism all the way. Run away!"

The chicken that handed over the flash was eventually taken away by Lin Ran and Liu Qingsong who had acceleration skills.

Prince Ning was also killed, and now only Baolan and Sima the old thief are left in IG!

"Nice!" Xiaoyao, who was holding down the opponent's two generals, happily shouted 666 to his teammates, "Good fight, Brother Xiang!"

"This E flash is really good," Lin Ran praised repeatedly, "Big eyebrow, you just destroyed the opponent's carry, it's amazing!"

"Why are you praising him?" Liu Qingsong licked his lips, not wanting to see his teammate praising Lin Weixiang, "Isn't this just a matter of skill?"

"Alas..." Da Mei pretended to sigh deeply.

He felt that when he went to sleep tonight, his dream was all about him operating Xia E-flash and almost killing his cock.

"The five YM people are going straight to the dragon, IG is about to collapse!"

Miller never dreamed that IG had such an early and mid-term lineup and actually lost the first baron!

"0 for 3, plus a dragon," Miller said as he watched the economic gap between the two sides be instantly wiped out. YM had even overtaken him. He felt that something was wrong with IG. "YM is forcing a head-to-head battle. How will IG take over?"

Lin Ran led his teammates to join the team and advance. Just as Miller guessed, Liu Qingsong and Luo decisively broke off the team after turning around his ultimate move. Facing YM, whose equipment was better than his own, the IG team battle was instantly defeated!

Lin Weixiang scored four kills to harvest the situation!

The team battle in front of the second tower in the bottom lane has already determined the direction of this game.

At 33 minutes, the struggling IG finally couldn't withstand YM's fierce offensive firepower and was defeated. The main crystal of the base was shattered on the ground!

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