LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 421 419: Single kill!

When Xiangguo saw this scene, he knew that the three groups of wild monsters in the upper half of the wild area were going to be cool.

Gnar, who is on the top lane, is still being pushed out of the lane, and the Czar in the middle lane can't move. He himself is still a level 2 pig girl.

How to resist the invasion of YM?

"I'll go to F6, be honest and replenish your troops, don't go to the jungle!" Xiangguo made the choice to change to the jungle.

But even so, his heart was still bleeding.

Because Garlic Bastard started with red in the lower half, and Xiangguo hadn't had time to brush his second BUFF, this caused him to lose a red BUFF when he changed to the jungle area for no reason.

"In this way, the two sides exchange jungle areas, and Xiang Guo suffers a little loss," Wawa said after seeing the movements of both junglers. "But one less group of wild monsters is still acceptable."

Fortunately, the incense pot was not on the commentary table, otherwise I would have pointed at the doll. Is it acceptable to have less red BUFF?

If you only farm 5 groups of wild monsters in the first round, it is impossible for him to reach level 4 with a blue BUFF.

In the early stage, every inch of land in the jungle must be fought for, and any small detail may lead to a chain reaction later.

Xiangguo didn't want to be angry, but there was nothing he could do.

Although he is a reckless man, he is not brainless. In this case, fighting with the opponent in the jungle is seeking death.

Lin Ran saw that Xiangguo had no intention of defending the jungle, so he returned to the line to continue developing.

However, this time he was able to guess that Xiangguo was at F6 in the lower half of his own area, but his position was not close to the grass in the middle.

Instead, he stood arrogantly in the center and exchanged blood frequently with the Czar of Deregistration.

What are you doing?

Seeing this scene, Xiangguo couldn't help but frown.

Normally, if you know that the opponent's jungler is in a certain half of the map, the mid laner should position in the opposite direction to guard against possible ganks.

But Lin Ran didn't dodge, it was obviously intentional.

Is the opposing jungler Troll nearby?

Or did he deliberately lie to him that the Garlic Bastard was near the middle road, but in fact Xiaotian went elsewhere?

Mala Xiangguo was not sure. He had been Lin Ran's opponent for so many years, and he also knew that this person was an old yin, and he could make other people play tricks with his bad intentions.

Another reckless man, King Ning, was deceived by an eye position fraud technique. A smart person like him would not be fooled.

"I can't help you catch it, Junze, you should be careful on the road." Xiang Guo was very thorough, and he was arranging his teammates while operating Pig Girl to clear the jungle.

"I control my anger, he can't kill me." Letme is very calm. Normally, the time when Gnar first becomes bigger is around the third wave of artillery troops.

During this period, Gnar's blood volume has been increased, and a set of skills has been updated. The stun effect of W [Blow] is very effective when facing tower jumps.

Lin Ran swayed near the midline and found that RNG was not fooled, so he had no choice but to give up the temptation and move closer to the grass above.

Now Xiangguo was sure that Xiaotian had squatted near the middle road before, but now he must have run to the red buff and stone beetle camps far away from the center of the map. Upon seeing this, he quickly sent a signal to remind Letme.

"Letme went back to her stone beetle camp and inserted an ornamental eye, hoping to catch Xiaotian's movements!"

In order to capture one more group of junglers, Xiaotian had no choice but to expose his position to his opponents.

But in this way, Xiangguo found a way to vent his anger. The moment he saw the position of Garlic Bastard, he decided to take action against the bottom duo.

"Up, up, up!"

Under the command of Xiangguo and Uzi in unison, Xiao Ming E [Secret Truth! Shadow Binding] cooperates with Flash to rush directly behind Jack!

"Jack moved a little too far forward, Xiao Ming's E flashed and taunted to control him!"

The next moment, the golden light flickered again, and a woman riding a cute Poro pig emerged from the wall of the stone beetle camp!

"Xiangguo Q flashes to keep up with the control, and the puppy is doing crazy output from behind!"

Jack put a healing spell on himself, gained a bar of health, and barely withstood the first wave of RNG's outburst in the jungle.

"Look at your feet!"

Liu Qingsong was fortunate to have left a skill point useless when he reached level 2 because he couldn't find an opportunity to draw the hook, which finally came in handy.

He brushed away Shen and Zhumei with E [Pendulum of Doom], then lit a lantern and threw it at the Shiba Inu's feet.

"Insert the eye, insert the eye!" Uzi was already prepared. He shouted and inserted the ornament eye into the lantern first.

Then there were two reminder sounds to place the eye positions, and Xiao Ming and Xiangguo also placed their eye positions!

At this time, the three RNG players in the field no longer cared about whether their teammates would wards or not. They directly pointed their vision props at the lantern, and the three fake eyes completely blocked the gap in the lantern!

Amidst the loud screams of the audience in the stands, Jack's big mouth was no longer suspense, and he stood there and sprayed mud on the prosthetic eye!

This bowl angrily slashed a square of blood from the prosthetic eye, causing the Shiba Inu's blood pressure to rise.

"Big Mouth flashed back and was chased by Uzi with a flash. He emptied the health bar with one arrow and successfully received a blood!"

[Hahaha, these three eyes are too disgusting, right? 】

[I remember if YM did RNG like this? This wave is coming back with revenge]

[Xiangguo is really ruthless, this mad dog style gank is just to catch people! 】

"I..." Jack's facial features were twisted, he took a deep breath, and then stopped.

"Hahahahaha," Uzi laughed heartily, like a pot of lust, "Did you see Shi Senming, he can't hold a lantern!"

Shi Senming gave Jack a thumbs up, and after getting rid of his old teammate's mentality, he smiled and helped Uzi push the troops forward.

"My, my, my," Jack saw Shi Senming's thumb and gave Teemo a thumbs up in return. At the same time, he kept talking, "If I had known, I would have run away with Purification and DF, ugh..."

In fact, it would be better for him to use Purification in this game. After all, the control skills of Verus, Shen, and Pig Girl can directly threaten him, and there is also an unstable factor, Gnar.

But Jack felt that if he brought purification, he would have one less skill in the bottom lane duel, and he would most likely be suppressed and beaten, unable to fight back. In order to ensure the strength of the line, he brought healing.

Unexpectedly, he fell down within 3 minutes of the game.

"Xiaotian finished killing the three groups of wild monsters in the upper half of the RNG area, and quickly crossed the river to eat the upper half of the jungle area. After going back and forth, he ate two more groups of wild monsters than Xiang Guo," Miller calculated. "Looking at it this way, Jack's death in battle doesn't seem to hurt him as much as he thought."

When Wawa heard what his partner said, he also weighed in on the gains and losses of both sides, "The three RNG players in the wild have all received flashes, and Xiao Ming's ignition... plus three artificial eyes, in exchange for Jack's double summons and first-blood heads, it seems to be true Not very profitable.”

The key is the troop line. Although the Shiba Inu died in battle this time, a wave of artillery trains entered the tower due to the bottom lane.

The thick-skinned artillery soldiers helped withstand a lot of the defensive tower's output, so Jack didn't lose many minions when he was revived and returned to the lane.

Overall, RNG made a small profit, but YM definitely did not lose.

"But what's going on with the laning in the middle..." As soon as the pilot shot came to the middle, Miller saw Lin Ran fighting the tiger!

There was wind under the feet of the oil lord Vladimir, and the scarlet red under the health bar was extremely eye-catching. As the scarlet color quickly dissipated, the distance between Lin Ran and Canton became closer and closer.

Midhu looked at Lin Ran who was approaching, and was forced to set up sand soldiers behind him with W, and moved under the tower with E [Quicksand Shift] to avoid being sucked by the vampire.

"The Tsar's mana is in a hurry, and his health is less than half. The vampire's blood bottle on the other side has not yet been touched." The doll likes to see this kind of matchup gap. It doesn't require much understanding to understand, and it is even more flattering at this time. , "Brother Ran is still very good at laning!"

"Indeed..." Miller crossed his arms and felt something was wrong. "Logically speaking, the Comet Czar's consumption power is stronger than that of a vampire. It shouldn't be like this."

Midhu took the time to stretch his fingers that were stiff from tension.

He originally thought he could suppress Lin Ran during the laning phase. After all, the Czar's hands were so long, and coupled with the damage from Comet and Scorch, his ability to exchange blood was extremely strong.

But it was still too young to cancel the account. He did not expect his opponent to be so fierce.

At level 2, in order to protect the invasion of the wild area, Lin Ran asked Xiaotian to come over and help push a wave of soldiers.

Even with the loss of experience, Lin Ran still played with full pressure and moved quite forward.

If Xiaohu raised his sand soldiers to fight back, Lin Ran would use Phase Rush to start retreating, relying on the [Slowdown Resistance] effect provided by his talent to withdraw from the sand soldiers' influence.

In the early stage, before the cooldown reduction provided by Nash's Fang, the preparation time for each of the Tsar's sand soldiers was 8 seconds; after Q [Sand Attack] was weakened, the level 1 CD was a full 15 seconds!

Lin Ran took advantage of this vacuum period to move forward again and issued an invitation for a blood exchange.

After all, Lin Ran himself had the recovery ability of Dolan Shield, and the Tsar did not have the ability to kill alone. Using his own blood in exchange for the opponent's health bar and mana amount would not be a loss in any calculation.

And coincidentally, Xiangguo went to the bottom lane and caught Jack once. While exposing his position, it also made Lin Ran more fearless in suppressing.

The constant and frequent blood transfusions made Xiaohu very uncomfortable and simply couldn't bear it.

He stared at Lin Ran, who was still standing on the side of the military line, and his teeth itched with hatred.

You haven't been beaten, have you?

But Midhu looked at the little mana left and recognized the reality.

He could only forcefully push out the fourth wave of short-term, and return to the city under the tower to prepare for another ring.

The two sides developed steadily until 5 minutes and 30 seconds. Xiaotian finally seized the opportunity. He crossed the river with the wild monster refresh time stuck and went straight to the lower half of the RNG wild area!

"Xiang Guo is also waiting for his Demon Swamp Frog to refresh, and the junglers on both sides are about to collide!"

In the first round, seven groups of wild monsters faced five groups of wild monsters. At this time, the disadvantages finally became apparent.

Garlic Bastard is just a little ahead in experience now, but he is one level higher than Xiangguo!

"The level 5 troll has level 3 Q [Sharp Teeth Bite], which is very powerful when combined with basic attacks!" Miller couldn't help but exclaimed as he watched the troll pick up the thick, straight stick in his hand and directly stab the pig girl. Voice.

Not only that, the troll also stole a certain amount of Pig Girl's attack power, which made the gap between the two sides' combat power even wider!

"Xiao Ming, who pushed the line, is already running into the wild area, trying to help Xiang Guo guard the wild monsters!" Wawa stared at the perspective given by the director.

Xiaotian took a look at the health of both junglers and knew that Xiangguo still had Punishment in his hand, and his duo was still connecting and eating in front of the tower, so he knew that he could not kill Xiangguo.

He quickly shifted his target to the wild monster.

At this time, the Demon Swamp Frog only had 150 blood points left on the Punishment Kill line, and then the two sides continued to attack and then pause there, and began the Thousand Layer Cake game. No one wanted to make this move with A first, and then be defeated by the opponent. Basic attack followed by punishment to directly take down the wild monsters.

As a result, Xiaotian was one level ahead and used punishment combined with A+Q [Sharp Teeth Bite] to successfully collect the wild monster bounty!

"Keep him!" Xiang Guo watched helplessly as Garlic Bastard transformed into a tauren and snatched away his wild monster in front of NTR. He couldn't control his hot temper and insisted on paying the price.

"Pig Girl ran into it, trying to create a frost effect to keep the troll away..." The doll clenched his fists excitedly, "But Xiaotian ran too fast!"

As soon as Xiaosi's W [Ice Field] is opened, he first opens a body position, and then casts E [Ice Pillar].

A large pillar rose from under his feet, firmly stuck between himself and the spicy hot pot!

The slow speed coupled with the forced displacement effect makes it difficult for Xiangguo to catch up with Xiaotian.

The furious Xiang Guo used the punishment he had held in his hand before!

After the green jungle knife was cut out of the league, junglers in the professional arena can now only carry blue and red jungle knives. The former is for ganking and keeping people slow; the latter is purely for one-on-one rolling. Big snowball.

Generally speaking, blue punishment is more functional and more popular among professional players who rely on teamwork, and Xiangguo is no exception.

A blue lightning struck the troll in the sky, causing true damage and a 20% slowdown effect for 2 seconds.

But this slowing effect was not enough to keep Xiaotian. He used W to accelerate and controlled the Troll King to leave before Shi Senming arrived!

"Xiangguo can't catch up, so he can only go back and brush his three wolves..." Before Miller finished speaking, he saw Xiaotian making a circle in the RNG jungle area, and then ran to the three wolves camp to catch Xiangguo. Location!

"Xiaoyao is going to kill them all!" Wawa couldn't help but feel aggrieved for Xiangguo, "The problem is that he has been punished before, how on earth will he defend this group of wild monsters?"

Mala Xiangguo looked at Xiaotian who appeared in his field of vision again, and overwhelming anger surged from the bottom of his heart.

You're a haunted person, aren't you?

At this time, he finally realized the feelings of those junglers who had been disgusted by his hunger strike style and lost their way in the field.

It’s so disgusting!

Xiang Guo felt as if he had been fed a mouthful of Xiang. Now he couldn't fight and fight, and it was hard to run - after all, the wild monsters wouldn't move if he ran away.

Shake people over? Xiao Ming just left the bottom lane for a while to help him. Uzi was forced under the tower by the YM duo and missed a lot of soldiers.

The only option is to cancel the account.

Just as he was about to speak, he heard Guanhu shouting in the team voice.

"Where are your teammates? Please help!"

Xiangguo thought at first that he was hallucinating, so why did he say what was in his heart?

But when he subconsciously checked everything, he saw the canceled account being beaten again!

The director hurriedly switched the camera, and in full view of everyone, the person who had retreated to the foot of the tower had only a short health bar left.

At the same time, Lin Ran got up from the blood pool state, made a slight adjustment and followed him, and killed him with a scarlet sprinting red Q!

【? ? ? what's going on】

[I fainted in the Brotherhood, why did I die as soon as the camera passed by? 】

[Can a level 6 vampire kill the Tsar alone? Is Li Zai Gan a demon who has closed his account? 】

[Director, your bonus is gone this month! Can you miss this shot? 】

"What's going on?!" Amid the wild cheers from the audience, Miller voiced the thoughts of many viewers, "Why did he kill alone?"

The roommate sitting in the front row with Su Cheng looked surprised, and then looked at his friend expectantly.

"Orange, orange, what's going on?" She was like a curious baby.

"Hmm..." Su Cheng instantly regained her previous feeling of being an analyst. She recalled the footage that the director had just shown and felt that there was only one explanation, "The Czar must have used Q, and Lin Ran found the right opportunity." Once you level up to 6, you can activate a set of ultimate moves in seconds."

"From a God's perspective, the vampire equipment should be enough to kill." She said seriously.

The roommate who usually only plays entertainment Brawl nodded in understanding and turned his attention to the big screen again.

The director will give playback in due course.

Everyone could see very clearly that after finishing the 8th wave of short-term promotion, Lin Ran returned to the city to replenish his equipment, Devil's Codex + Straw Shoes + True Eyes.

Xiaohu handed over the teleportation at 3 minutes and had no intention of returning to the city to replenish equipment.

He pushed the lane in the middle and reached level 6 first.

Watching Lin Ran come online, he set up a sand soldier with his cheap W, and used his Q [Crazy Sand Attack] to poke and exchange blood, and used comet and scorch to consume and torture.

After Midhu stabbed the man, he wanted to take a step back, but seeing that Lin Ran only used Q [Blood Conversion] to clear the soldiers and made no move to move forward, he stood there and used the sand soldiers to stab again.

Bullying the weak and fearing the strong is like this, Sister Li.

But Lin Ranren, who was poked, became angrier and angrier as he thought about it. He took a step back and thought more and more, and then he saw that Xiaotian had caught the movement of the incense pot and took action decisively.

At this time, Midhu also cut the screen and noticed that Xiaotian ran to the three wolves to harass the spicy hot pot again, and wanted to rush over to support him.

He felt that he was safe, and the screen kept cutting to his three wolf camp.

But he didn't expect that Lin Ran's melee soldier who knocked out the 9th wave of troops with his basic attack successfully reached level 6, and then used the 25 points of extra movement speed provided by the straw sandals to close the distance. R [Blood Plague] directly hit his face!

Level A+Q [Blood Conversion], and put on Ignite at the same time. The moment the damage number pops up, three damage has already caused the vampire to trigger Phase Rush!

The movement speed bonus of a level 6 vampire is as high as 30%. With the shoes, Lin Ran's movement speed is now as high as 450, and he can quickly get close to the yellow chicken's body!

Midhu saw red light starting to glow around the edges of the screen and quickly switched back to his own perspective.

His first reaction when he saw the vampire rushing towards him was that Lin Ran was joking.

I have full health, flash, E, and a big move. You have 17... can you kill me with one set of skills?

But when he saw the ignition mark above his head, he realized something was wrong.

Lin Ran was obviously murderous!

But now Xiaohu's Q [Sand Attack] is still cooling down, and the maximum distance of W's sand soldiers is only 500 yards, which means that the moving distance of E [Quicksand Displacement] is only 500 yards!

It's too short.

But the situation was urgent and Midhu couldn't help thinking too much. He set up his sand soldiers and retreated quickly.

Thanks to the enhancements in last year's S8 preseason, Tsar E can now obtain a shield lasting 1.5 seconds without hitting anyone.

Lin Ran's movement speed was too fast, and he was close to him again in the blink of an eye. Since the Czar was wearing a shield, he didn't need to use basic attacks, he just kept closing the distance!

Midhu finally couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to push Lin Ran away with R [Forbidden Wall].

But the exaggerated spell-casting movements were invisible to Lin Ran. He flashed through the wall made by the guards and stuck directly to the Tsar's face!

E [Tide of Blood] began to accumulate power, and at the same time the W blood pool was opened. Vladimir's whole body turned into a puddle of oil, rushing towards the face of the canceller!

Meade Tiger, who was stepping on the blood pool, was also put on a slowdown effect. It was already too late for him to hand over the flash at this time. The 400-yard flash distance could not escape Lin Ran's skill range!

When the Tide of Blood detonated, the shield on the Tsar's body had expired, and the skill directly hit the cancellation health bar!

At this time, Lin Ran stood up again, the big move he had previously unleashed exploded with damage, and the skill preparation bar below his health bar was almost completed.

Following into the defense tower in the middle, a flash of scarlet appeared, and Lin Ran was accelerated again. The enhanced Q with the scarlet sprint effect combined with the ignition damage successfully killed Xiaohu!

The audience who watched the entire solo killing process did not hesitate to give Lin Ran thunderous applause and cheers!

"It's exactly what you thought!" Amidst the applause of the audience, Su Cheng's roommate felt very curious about this, "How did you judge it, Chengzi?"

Su Cheng symbolically waved Lin Ran's support banner twice, "I've watched too many videos, and I have a premonition of this kind of thing."

"It's like when you were in high school and you got numb after answering questions. When you see the beginning of the question, you know what it's going to ask... That's probably how it feels."

The petite roommate put herself in and couldn't help but frown, "Isn't that too boring?"

At the same time, the barrage in the live broadcast room was also flooding the screen like crazy. This single kill shocked them so much that they all gasped.

[WDNMD, this vampire killing line is so high? Kill with full health? 】

[Is this a vampire or an assassin? Is there any natural reason for a level 6 vampire to become an instant person? 】

[ @Riot Games, I don’t need to tell you what to do]

[You can’t blame Xiaohu for this. A level 6 vampire can be killed instantly when a set of skills is fully used. Who would have thought of this? 】

Meade's head was as big as Jack's, and he felt that the damage done by this man was outrageous!

This version of the vampire enhances equipment, not skill damage. With the Demonic Codex, you can fill me up in seconds?

He looked at the black and white screen and carefully recalled the details of the solo kill just now, and found that except for the placement of E [Quicksand Displacement], which was slightly flawed and did not completely block the damage, he could not find any faults in other places.

But what if he uses the E-shield to its extreme? It was nothing more than twenty or thirty drops of blood left. With the distance at which Lin Ran finally killed him, he could have made up for a basic attack, but he still had to die in the end.

Ever since Lin Ran used the acceleration of [Phase Rush], the outcome of this solo kill could no longer be changed.

"Wow..." Jack, who was still replenishing troops in the bottom lane, was used to it, but he still deliberately said in a surprised tone: "Brother Ran is so good, so awesome!"

"Hold on, brothers!" Jin Gong, who was still living a life of isolation and development on the road, laughed happily.

Lin Ran cleared the line of troops and quickly rushed to the wild area.

"Xiangguo saw the vampire's whereabouts, he had no choice but to retreat!" Wawa couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he saw the next movements of YM Zhongye, "Brother Ran and Xiaotian are still running down the road, they are going to fight 4 Pack 2!”

Uzi and Shi Senming wanted to run, but it was too late.

"Jin Gong, stop Naer, don't let him teleport down!" After Lin Ran said this, he asked Master Tie to take action.

"Liu Qingsong flashed into the tower, E brushed Uzverus back, and the troll also gave E [Pillar of Ice]!"

The extremely thick pillar pushed Uzi back. Without flashing, he was put on a slow speed, completely becoming a living target for the four YM people!

"Letme wanted to teleport for support on the way, but Kenan kept blocking him and had no chance to hand over the teleport!"

Uzi was killed first, and the YM quartet once again retreated to distance themselves. After resetting the defense tower's hatred, they swarmed forward and sent Shi Senming back to the spring!

"Jack, you demolish the tower, Liu Qingsong, you and Xiaotian kill the dragon together!" Lin Ran took advantage of the opportunity to give instructions when he returned to the city. He wanted to maximize the economic benefits of this wave of tower hopping.

He just ate another Uzi's head, returned to the city to synthesize the Boots of Clarity, and then bought an amplification book to go online again.

Now Lin Ran already has 25% cooldown reduction. After he reaches level 10 and has Transcendence, this number will be increased by 10%.

"Xiangguo came to the top and cooperated with Da Naer to catch Jin Gong!"

Previously, in order to ensure that Letme could not teleport to support, the Xiba people chased a little too deep. Letme jumped up and hit the wall with a big move. Spicy Hotpot rushed out and put on the frost effect.

"Nar's W [Battle] is dizzy again, and the two basic attacks are stacked with frost effects," the doll yelled, "This control chain is full, Jin Gong can't move and kill people!"

"It's okay," Lin Ran took the initiative to comfort him when he saw the kill message, "You can just teleport to replenish the line, we don't need you on the frontal battlefield now."

Needless to say, Jin Gong also knew that he didn't have much room to perform in the early stages of this round. At least he had to wait until he made the Rocket Belt + Ghost Book before he could join the team.

"Xiaohu has now completely lost the line rights in the middle," Miller looked at the account holder who was staying under the tower as the son of the tower. "Now he can only connect the lines and watch Brother Ran wander around!"

"After all, the last wave of full health and being eaten alone is a huge psychological shadow..." Wawa explained a few words for Midhu.

After all, the Czar needs to mend Nash's teeth, which means that he will be a squishie until the mid-term.

On the other hand, as the vampire equipment continues to improve, the damage is also gradually increasing, which means that Lin Ran will not need a set of skills at all in a few seconds.

Midhu only dared to stay under the tower. He now wanted Lin Ran to wander around. Now he felt frightened when he saw the vampire taking a step in front of him. He felt that this person might come over and kill him at any time.

"Brother Ran, is this the first piece of new equipment to be made, the Magic Binding Orb?" When Lin Ran returned to the city at 9 minutes, Miller noticed something strange on the equipment panel.

"Would it be a little troublesome to enter the team battle without the Rocket Belt?" Wawa felt something was wrong.

Although the Spell-Binding Orb can provide sufficient burst damage, it lacks a certain amount of movement compared to the Rocket Belt, and does not have health or cooldown reduction.

This piece of equipment is more geared toward high-value bursts. In a professional arena that favors stability and coordination in team battles, is it really okay to use the first piece?

Wawa wanted to verify his conjecture, but both parties never gave him a chance.

Lin Ran scored two kills in the intervening 10 minutes, namely Rang Di, who crouched in the grass on the bottom lane to switch lanes, and Shi Senming, who cooperated with Xiaotian to catch him to death and used vision alone.

He used the magic-binding orb to kill him in these two kills, but the capture was not a head-on battle, and the disadvantages of the orb could not be seen.

I have to say that the burst damage of this new piece of equipment is really high. One gulp of it with full layers of orbs almost sucked out 1/3 of Shi Senming’s health.

Both sides were neither impatient nor impatient, especially YM. Their economic difference in 15 minutes was as high as 3.5K, but after bulldozing RNG's three outer towers, they stopped taking action. They just focused on paying money and covered up the team name and thought it was Samsung.

The development period lasted until 22 minutes before the two sides began to explore and arrange their views near Dalong Pit.

Wa Wa watched the teams on both sides gathering manpower, filled with anticipation. He stared at the vampire operated by Lin Ran, wanting to verify his conclusion.

I didn’t expect 4 months

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