LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 422 Chapter 420: The famous scene from two years ago is repeated!

Lin Ran now uses Spellbinding Orb + Zhonya's Hourglass + Demonic Codex + Boots of Clarity, combined with the 15% CD provided by Rune Transcendence and Astral Insight, which just reaches the full 45% cooldown reduction.

At level 13, his two main output skills, QE, have been fully upgraded. The output skills that originally had a CD of 5 seconds now only take 2.75 seconds to improve.

Now vampires are undoubtedly the strongest combatants in Summoner's Rift. The short cooldown combined with high damage is simply too much for RNG.

"Be steady and line up slowly, and find the positions of Vampire and Kennen!" Uzi also knew that his top priority in this wave of team battles was to find Lin Ran and Jin Gong, the two people who entered the field to deal burst damage.

The vision of the grass around the dragon pit must be arranged well. If they walk in recklessly, they are likely to be attacked by YM Zhongshang crouching on the side.

"They didn't look behind. I was in front alone. Shi Senming, save your big move for the back row!" Spicy Xiangguo took advantage of the pig skin on his body and took the lead, scanning and entering the upper river.

From a God's perspective, everyone in YM did not huddle together and hide in the big dragon pit, but spread out and stayed above the river - after all, RNG has two first-hand controls, Zhu Mei and Verus. If they stand together, , it is easy to get the key person first.

The two sides set up their formations with the Dalong Pit as the center, and Letme also used Gnar to lead the line in the bottom lane.

There was a small friction between the two sides at the beginning, with Verus and Big Mouth throwing skills at each other from a distance to consume each other.

But seeing Letme destroy the next tower of YM and wanting to move down to the second tower with his troops, YM finally found an opportunity.

"Open Baron, don't wait!" Lin Ran saw that Letme's anger in the bottom lane was gradually fading, and it would take only a few seconds to transform back into Gnarl. At this time, he naturally didn't want to give RNG the chance to continue to stall for time with his single belt. .

I have to say that Letme's Gnar is indeed a bit green. If Cuvee were to operate it, he would never continue to advance after knocking down a tower, but would control his anger and prepare for a group fight.

"Xiaotian's troll plunged into the dragon pit and led his teammates to rush the dragon!"

The Garlic Bastard's troll is dressed in a meat suit. He has good growth and can easily resist the dragon.

Uzi shot an arrow, but because he was equipped with the attack speed of the Broken Sheep Knife, his own attack power was too low, so the Q [Piercing Arrow] was neither painful nor itchy.

"The Tsar also sent sand soldiers from the side to start poking... but the development of the account is really poor, and the damage is not high!"

At this time, YM also increased its output efficiency, throwing its skills towards the dragon. Baron Nash was not strong at 22 minutes, and he could not withstand the output of five people for long.

Uzi and Xiangguo saw Jack's big mouth open W [Biochemical Barrage] through a real eye inserted in the dragon's pit, and they immediately beamed with joy.

"Go, go, go, Big Mouth W is gone!" the two said in unison.

In their view, the main output method of the powerful Big Mouth team battle in the mid-term [biochemical barrage] has entered the cooldown, which is definitely a great opportunity for their own team to start a team battle.

"Let me hand over the teleport," Miller saw the red swirling light lighting up in the Summoner's Rift, knowing that this was a sign that the battle was about to begin. "Although he has just become smaller and less angry, RNG still wants to take on this wave of team battles! "

Seeing that Baron Nash still had 2200 health left, and Letme was about to land, Xiangguo finally threw his ultimate move [Ice Prison] into the dragon pit!

"Liu Qingsong helps block Pig Girl's big move, RNG is preparing to charge into the dragon pit..."

At this moment, Lin Ran, who was huddled in the innermost part of the dragon pit, saw Wuzi, Guanhu and Xiao Ming standing together behind the incense pot - there was nothing that could be done about it, the dragon pit was such a narrow opening. If you want to output, you must squeeze near here.

"Kill, kill, leave the dragon alone!"

While he was shouting, Xiaoyao also discovered this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He controlled the troll and shouted, E [Pillar of Ice] soared into the sky from the feet of the RNG trio!

While the pillar forced them forward, it also exerted a huge slowing effect.

Lin Ran decisively activated the spell-binding orb to obtain high spell power and movement speed. While staying in the dragon pit, he charged up E [Tide of Blood].

When Uzi saw the special effects of the magic-binding orb on Lin Ran's body and his imminent movement, he keenly sensed something was wrong.

He subconsciously shot R [Corruption Chain] at the vampire, while flashing and pulling back.

When Lin Ran saw Uzi's flashing position, his eyes lit up with excitement.

The structure of the dragon pit is here. Although Uzi retreated backwards, in Lin Ran's view, he still did not run out of his killing range - he only needed to cross the wall of the dragon pit to threaten Uzi!

The next moment symbolized the flash of golden light erupting behind the vampire. He passed through Verus's corrupted chains and the dragon pit wall, came to the middle of the RNG formation, and put R [Blood Plague] on the faces of Uzi, Xiaohu and Shi Senming. superior!

The scarlet flowers woven by blood bloomed instantly, and the blood nova gathered by Vampire E [Tide of Blood] exploded in the crowd!

Amid the uncontrollable screams of the audience, in the Summoner's Canyon river, the health bars of RNG auxiliary and Double C seemed to be twitched by the scarlet flower, and in the blink of an eye, only 2/3 was left!

"Brother Ran sucked out a mouthful of Q [Blood Conversion] towards Uzi, and when he put on the ignition, he was pushed away by Tsar R [Wall of the Forbidden Army]!"

Lin Ran didn't fight in the blood pool either. He knew that his mission had been completed and he would now rely on his teammates.

Immediately, golden light flashed, and Kenan, covered in thunder and lightning, crossed the dragon pit and appeared in front of everyone in RNG.

With a roar, R [Secret! The storm and thunderclouds led by Wan Lei Tian Lao broke out in an instant!

"This Troll Pillar is so crucial. RNG's movement is completely restricted!" Wataba yelled, "And their backhand ability is very average. There is no way to enter the field with YM mid-top!"

Letme was still gathering anger beside him. After canceling his account and using Uzi's ultimate move, Xiao Ming was the only one who could restrict YM's entry.

He stepped forward to taunt, not wanting Jin Gong to continue to threaten others, but the Xiba people had already used Rocket Belt and W [Secret Truth! Electric Blade] Deals full damage!

"Uzi accelerated his healing, and Xiao Ming also handed over R [Secret Mystery! Mercy to Save Souls] to put on a shield..."

Jack took the opportunity to steal damage from behind. Although he did not have W [Biochemical Barrage], he still outputted well by relying on other small skills and basic attacks.

After all, no one is paying attention to him now. Everyone in RNG is focusing on Lin Ran and Jin Gong. Who will care about this big mouth?

This time allows Shiba Inu to increase the damage, R [Living Cannon] sprays towards the RNG crowd.

Especially Xiao Ming, after taunting Jin Gong, he opened up to protect Uzi, but in this way, he was equivalent to standing still.

After Lin Ran was pushed out by the Forbidden Army Wall, he and Jack attacked Shi Senming like crazy. The pair of YM double Cs showed no mercy to the old support and killed him.

"Xiaohu flashed to avoid Liu Qingsong's hook...but it was already too late!"

Without being protected by Shi Senming's R, Xiaohu was as brittle as a piece of paper. He had been drained of less than half of his health by Lin Ran's E [Tide of Blood] before. At this time, he was electrocuted by Kennan, mixed with Jack's output, waiting for him. When he flashed out and ran out, he only had 30% of his health left.

After getting out of the distance, Midhu raised his sand soldiers and poked him twice. The damage from Lin Ran's R [Blood Plague] had already exploded, directly clearing his remaining health tank!

Midhu fell to the ground!

And Xiao Ming, who also received the ultimate move with residual health, was also beheaded by Lin Ran!

"Uzi was injured by Kenan and the vampire and there was only a trace of blood left. He could only try to retreat!"

The vampire's blood plague bloomed with blood lotuses in the river. Two people were killed, and Uzi had very little health left. The visual impact caused by the disappearance of the blood bar was extremely terrifying!

Lin Ran's E flashed and RQ ignited, and the burst of this set of skills destroyed RNG!

Su Cheng's roommate in the audience couldn't help but squeeze her thighs tightly, and kept saying, "Wow..."

The pig girl of Xiangguo stayed in the dragon pit. He looked at the big dragon with 1500 blood left and was at a loss.

He saw that YM just wanted to use this big dragon to fish, but it was too late to escape at this moment. He was sucked in by the troll R [Power Supremacy]. There was not much resistance and blood left. Jack and Xiaotian easily took it. Put it away.

And Letme…

"Letme is not dead yet, Letme is still doing damage!" The baby shouted hoarsely, "This is RNG's last hope!"

Little Gnar in Summoner's Rift keeps throwing the boomerang in his hand, but his set of Big Ice Hammer + Black Cut is more front-line and functional, and doesn't do much damage at all!

After hitting Lin Ran with a set of three rings, the blood volume reduced was almost the same as what his Q [Blood Conversion] restored!

There was ruthless laughter in the audience, and they were all amused by this pitiful injury to Little Gnar.

Letme watched helplessly as YM harvested all his teammates, and wanted to rush forward, but at this moment, his anger level was not full yet!

There is no way to save the thief who wants to kill him!

Letme just screamed to the sky.

He carefully studied the situation, decided not to go to Longkeng, and quickly sold out.

"Go separately, separate!" Uzi, who was still alive, was also running away. Seeing that Letme also wanted to retreat, he quickly told his teammates not to get in front of him.

The two retreated separately, and as a result, Nar, who was relatively close to everyone in YM, became Lin Ran's hunting target.

"The five YM people are chasing us all the way, and Letme wants to jump and escape..." Miller couldn't help but raise his voice when he saw this, "Xiao Yao can reach the sky with one pillar!"

The troll's pillar has turned around and risen from the river again, intercepting Gnar jumping in the air!

Everyone in YM rushed forward, trying to scratch the head.

"Don't eat, don't eat!" Lin Ran saw that the Shiba Inu rushing in front was about to move, and quickly stopped, "Give it to me!"

Jack had a ferocious look on his face, like a Shiba Inu that saw meat.

Hearing Lin Ran's words, his lips moved slightly, and Jack, who still wanted to K-head him, habitually pressed the Tab key. The vampire's record was 6/0/3, which compared to his 1/2/4, he was the boss of the team.

"Brother Ran, if you want it, why don't I give it to you?" Jack changed his face at the speed of light and smiled brightly.

Lin Ran was merciless, and Letme finally had enough anger at this time. With a strong desire to survive, he grew bigger and waved his claws, and wanted to slap the vampire on the pillar.

But Lin Ranxuechi easily dodged it and stood up with a set of skills to drain Gnar's health bar.

YMRan is Godlike!

Under the announcement of the indifferent female voice, the five people with not healthy YM health re-entered the dragon pit to try to win this Nash Baron.

But Uzi's face was red with anxiety. He could only eat F6 to restore his health, and then try long-range Q [Piercing Arrow] to grab the dragon.

But this damage obviously cannot be compared with Xiaotian's Q punishment to kill the blood volume.

As Dalong roared in despair, a purple BUFF effect appeared on everyone in YM. Seeing this scene, YM fans in the audience cheered continuously. They knew that the balance of this game had completely tilted towards YM!

[This vampire is really scary, he plays like an assassin, and his flashing face is a set of output]

[Isn’t the damage of this magic-binding orb too high? 】

【Am I the only one who noticed Letme? What kind of pig-nosing operation is this Narrup? You don’t control your anger before a group fight, right? 】

[Indeed, with the appearance of Big Ice Hammer and Black Cut, I actually finished the team battle in Gnarl's form. I really didn't expect it]

[Letme, why did you die and let it go? Is there something wrong with this person's thinking? 】

After replaying the previous team battle, the director also gave the output of the 10 players in the team battle.

YM's side is simple and crude. Lin Ran, who is in the mid lane, stands out from the crowd in output, with damage amount - 7777!

This number is nearly three times higher than RNG’s number one Uzi!

Only when Dowa saw this did he realize how outrageous his previous guess was.

"Brother Ran has proven to us with his practical actions that the magic-binding orb is irreplaceable and the rocket belt is replaceable!"

He didn't feel any pain in his face at all. After all, this kind of slap in the face was not uncommon in his commentary career, so he just admitted it decisively.

"The economic gap between the two sides has widened to 5K!" Miller looked at the equipment panels of both sides, "Brother Ran sold the Dolan Shield this time and got two useless sticks!"

Wawa also sighed with emotion: "Not only is the magic power extremely high now, but the frankness is also impressive!"

Lin Ran does not use the magic-binding orb now, and his magic power is approaching 400. Each point of magic power will provide him with 1.4 health points.

Coupled with the armor of Zhonya's hourglass, he now has high tank output.

"The key is that RNG's main spell output relies on Xiaohu, but he has just made a two-piece set. This amount of damage is not enough to threaten Brother Ran's vampire." Miller frowned.

"RNG is going to have a serious injury here, but now that the equipment has been revised, the spell serious injury is too expensive, and it has to be a ghost book... Uzi still has to issue a death sentence."

At this time, the director brought up the economic panels of both parties' respective positions. After Uzi bought the death sentence, there were very few gold coins left in his backpack, only enough to buy another real eye.

As a result, Verus' output ability will be reduced a lot.

Lin Ran was still arranging instructions in the team voice at this time, "Wait for my hat, let's split push to dismantle their inner tower first, take your time, take your time, don't be in a hurry."

The other four players followed Lin Ran's instructions and pushed the formation in three directions with 131 points. They took their time and used the Baron BUFF to put pressure on their opponents.

In the past, Jack and Xiaotian didn't care at all. They were the masters after taking the baron. Starting a group at higher altitudes was also a routine operation. The important thing was to get off work at the speed of light.

After all, the Baron BUFF gives them good attributes, coupled with the equipment advantages and outstanding personal abilities brought by the original accumulated economic gap, this is the confidence for them to forcefully start a group.

But from an objective perspective, this reckless style of play still has too many variables. If the economic advantage is very huge, or the opponent's strength is too weak, this kind of brainless group start will undoubtedly speed up the game and allow them to win faster.

And if the overall strength of the opponent is not weak, especially when there is a star player in a certain position who can turn things around, this kind of recklessness may give the opponent an opportunity, and even the possibility of being wiped out by the team instead of being able to jump over the tower. .

Now, YM has opened another path under the guidance of Redmi.

After getting the Baron BUFF, they began to stabilize the map. They first scavenged the map resources and waited for the key equipment at the key C position to take shape before joining the team.

If originally YM used the line pressure and attribute values ​​provided by the Baron BUFF to force the opponent into a team fight and forcefully end the game in one wave; then now YM relies on the Baron BUFF and first relies on the three lines of soldiers pushed forward. Defense towers and wild monster resources were all eaten up.

In this way, the snowball can continue to grow. When the Baron BUFF ends, you will get enough economic advantages. After returning to the city to replenish equipment, you can use the equipment advantage to fight in a group.

Although this style of plundering economic resources first and then engaging in a decisive team battle will prolong the winning time, it is stable enough.

After all, the attribute advantage provided by the Baron BUFF is only 3 minutes and 30 seconds. Once they fail in a forced team battle, their combat advantage will no longer exist when the BUFF time is over.

The economy gained by using the BUFF effect is real and will not be lost because the Baron BUFF fades. It will increase the team's fault tolerance rate a lot.

Facing the powerful prey of RNG, YM showed enough patience.

Time passed by, and the audience couldn't sit still.

Seeing that the duration of the Baron BUFF has passed half, YM has not yet shown their signature manic attack on higher ground.

Something's wrong!

After 15 minutes, YM continued to develop for a full 7 minutes. There was a barrage saying that they were possessed by Samsung and SKT. At that time, the audience did not believe it.

Now looking at the calm demeanor of these five people, the audience became suspicious.

[Something’s wrong, isn’t the pace too slow? 】

[Jack, why don’t you show off your physical skills to start a group fight? If you don't die suddenly, how can we fishermen go to the forum to gain experience? 】

[I'm afraid I just watched a fake YM game. This is really procrastinating. Where are you leaving Shakespeare here? 】

The RNG players who were fighting YM on the player bench also felt uncomfortable all over.

Those reckless men across the way should hurry up and get over the tower? Why are you guys still switching gears to play the Art of War?

Uzi, whose face was as red as Guan Gong, felt particularly real.

He who bought the death sentence was like a boxer who anticipated that his opponent was about to attack and concentrated on making defensive moves.

But after raising his forearms in front of his face for two minutes, he discovered that the opponent's boxer had no intention of attacking, but was swinging his arms to the side and doing radio gymnastics!

How irritating do you think this is?

The time between Uzi and YM is not short, nearly two years.

He has a very thorough understanding of this legendary team - a god in the first 15 minutes, but a reckless brawler in the middle and late stages.

During the laning phase, YM uses various weird ideas to open up the situation. If it does not suppress the opponent's 3K economy, it will be considered a disadvantage.

When changing lanes in the mid-term, they used jungle invasion to control the field of view. With Lin Ran as the axis, they continued to rely on the difference in field of view information to attack more and defeat fewer, and rolled up the economic snowball.

Then in 20 minutes, the Baron team battle gave the opponent a fatal blow.

From then until the end of the game, do YM have any complicated tactics?

not at all.

Most of the time, Xiaotian and Liu Qingsong were forced to start a team fight. As soon as the team battle started, the YM players had to take advantage of the equipment they had obtained previously to control the opponent's face.

Occasionally, Jin Gong would use an extreme solo hero - such as Sword Girl. They would involve the Xiba people head-on to break through at a single point, and then Lin Ran would use teleportation or some other messy means to take advantage of the heat of the frontal battle to fight Jin Gong. Together with Gong, he becomes a stranger and steals a house.

But now YM is as stable as a mountain, and its methodical lane switching and tower pushing operations make Uzi think that he is facing the top SKT!

"The three-and-a-half-minute Baron BUFF is about to end, and YM has no plans to launch an attack yet..." Miller gently brushed the sweat off his forehead, "RNG's three inner towers have all been destroyed, and now the economic gap is still widening. "

When we first got the Baron, the economic gap between the two sides was 5,000, but now, this number is 8,800!

Lin Ran ate the Demon Swamp Frog in the RNG wild area and returned to the city to resupply equipment.

Combine two useless sticks to synthesize [Death Cap of the World Destroyer], and buy a bottle of witchcraft mixture.

He still has grids on his body, but Lin Ran knows that this wave of team battles will be over, and there is no need to buy any more equipment. The 50 points of spell power provided by the Witchcraft Mixture are enough.

Relying on the 40% ability power bonus provided by the hat, Lin Ran's ability power is now close to 600!

If the active effect of the magic-binding orb is activated, the magic power value will exceed 700 points.

Under normal circumstances, no one can eat it!

"You can wait for me to flash, it won't take long." Lin Ran marked his flash CD.

He has Astral Insight and Boots of Clarity. The two pieces of equipment provide a total of 15% of the summoner's skill cooldown. The flash that originally had a CD of 300 seconds now only takes 255 seconds to improve.

Now it has been 4 minutes since he last used Flash in Dalong Pit, so just wait 15 seconds.

Lin Ran glanced at the chat channel. He and Liu Qingsong recorded the key summoner skills of the five RNG players.

Neither Tiger Tsar nor Uzvirus have any summoner skill cooldowns, which means their flash CDs are the standard 5 minutes.

The time when they and Lin Ran handed over flash in Dalong Pit were almost the same, which meant that after Lin Ran's flash improved, RNG's double-C flash CD would still be 45 seconds away.

Lin Ran calculated all this, and rushed to the RNG bottom lane high ground with his teammates.

"The constant pressure on the line of troops makes RNG exhausted. Jack occasionally activates W [Biochemical Barrage] to increase the range and touch the tower twice. The health of this high ground tower in the bottom lane is in danger!"

During this period, Lin Ran shrank back, hiding in a dark corner where RNG could not find him.

Anyway, he is not the main force in pushing down the tower. Lin Ran only needs to be a cheerleader for his teammates.

RNG saw that the health of the highland defense tower in the bottom lane was getting lower and lower. They knew that once this highland tower fell, their last support would completely disappear - the economy was 9K behind, and the average level was more than 1 level behind. Without the highland tower, YM would definitely force it. Start a group!

Uzi and Guanhu could only step forward and stand on the side of the tower, preparing to use their skills to clean up the two cannon trucks in front of the highland tower.

This position seemed safe at first glance, but Lin Ran felt that this was a provocation to himself.

"Prepare to freeze your hands, prepare to freeze your hands!" He whispered to remind his teammates, and at the same time activated the active effect of the magic-binding orb.

Oil Lord Vladimir's whole body lit up with special effects lights, and he rushed forward while accelerating. At the same time, new blood stars condensed all over his body, which was obviously the charge of E [Tide of Blood]!

The hero's field of vision was only 1,500 yards, which meant that when everyone in RNG saw Lin Ran, he was already rushing over with the help of acceleration!

Uzi's heart beat violently in his chest. When he realized something was wrong, he wanted to start the stopwatch he had purchased specially for this wave of team battles.

But the Garlic Bastard suddenly handed over and flashed to close the distance!

Uzi saw a huge and thick pillar suddenly emerge from underneath him, which happened to hit the butt of Verus he was operating, forcing him to move and take a small step forward!

It was this period of forced displacement that made the stopwatch in Uzi's equipment slot dark and unusable!

Jack's R [Living Cannon] happened to be sprinkled above his head, reducing his health by a small amount.

The next moment, golden light flashed, and Lin Ran suddenly moved forward 400 yards!

Vampire R [Blood Plague] was sprinkled on Uzi and Xiaohu's faces, and the blood nova condensed by E [Blood Tide] suddenly burst out!

Combined with Q [Blood Conversion] and Ignite, the damage will burst out in an instant, and 90% of Uzi's health will evaporate instantly!

In less than 27 minutes, the damage done by a 700-power vampire can only be described as terrifying!

"Oh my God! What kind of harm is this?!" Miller roared loudly with a red face and thick neck.

The audience was in an uproar, and even die-hard YM fans temporarily forgot to cheer for the home team.

The entire venue fell into dead silence at this moment, leaving only the commentator roaring on the stage.

Then the whole audience burst into cheers, and it was boiling in the blink of an eye!

Blood pump! The blood bar disappearing technique!

What kind of monster is this vampire?

Uzi's eyes were as wide as copper bells, and his face turned red. He started the treatment stopwatch as soon as he regained his autonomy.

But the ignition above his head and the vampire's ultimate move that had not yet exploded reminded him: the moment you recover from the golden body state, you will die!

The 2.5-second immunity effect ended, and Xiao Ming wanted to use Uzi's ultimate move to save his own core output.

But Lin Ran was stuck at the extreme distance. He took a sip from his Q that had just recovered, and combined with the blood plague damage that broke out, Uzi's health bar was emptied!

Uzi looked at his black and white screen, his slightly open mouth seemed to convey the surprise and shock in his heart.

WDNMD, what kind of harm is this?

Are you kidding me? Is this not allowed to be played anymore?

Lin Ran rushed forward with the help of the phase he played earlier, and EW entered the field again, washing the health bars of everyone in RNG with blood!

Wuzi saw with his own eyes that Lin Ran was like a vampire returning from hell to take revenge, and he remembered two years ago for no reason.

In the midsummer of 2016, Lin Ran used the newly revised full-output vampire to take his own life under the heavy protection of RNG!

At this moment, the famous scene is recreated again!

A chill appeared on his back, flowing along the blood to his limbs, and Uzi couldn't help but shiver.

The core output fell to the ground, and RNG's lineup could only face a ruthless defeat!

In 28 minutes, YM easily defeated RNG and flattened the opponent's base in one wave!

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