LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 423 421: This lineup can’t be selected even if there is no brain hemorrhage in ten years.

Hongmi in the background watched YM easily bulldoze the RNG base, with a smile on his face and a satisfied nod.

"Gouba, this is the team we want..." he murmured, "perfect."

Jiang Chenglu next to him translated this sentence to his analyst, and Gou Ba smiled and replied, "The players themselves are still strong. The teams we have been in before are not so powerful."

Hongmi chuckled and shook his head silently.

Gou Ba stared at the live broadcast of the game in the lounge. Through the screen, he could feel the frustration of the RNG players when they stepped off the stage.

He saw these players, who were several years younger than him, listless and absent-minded, and felt mixed emotions in his heart.

To be fair, Gou Ba and the RNG players have been together for a year, and their relationship is naturally deep.

But that doesn't mean he likes RNG.

This is not a contradiction, the players are players and the management is management.

The non-competition agreement of good brother Feng Ge was the trigger for his dissatisfaction. Because of this non-competition agreement, after leaving RNG, Firefox could not get a teaching position in other teams, and could only take 30% of the previous salary to stay at home. The 2020 season is over.

Under the guidance of Jack, Gou Ba is also a good surfer. He often goes to e-sports forums to understand the public opinion.

There is no airtight wall in the world. The matter of the non-competition contract was circulated on major e-sports forums and attracted a lot of attention, but the replies from netizens made the dog half angry to death.

[RNG didn’t force you to sign at gunpoint], [Are there no lights at the RNG base? Can't even read the contract clearly? 】

Non-compete agreements are now considered a standard feature of major companies. Their original intention is to prevent core employees from jumping to rival companies.

But the problem is that this kind of clause has never been seen in the League of Legends e-sports circle, and RNG is the only one. Only then did Gou Ba find it outrageous.

Isn’t it normal in the sports market for coaches and players to change jobs?

You must know that the golden period of a game in the e-sports circle is only a few years. The non-compete agreement lasted for nearly three years, almost wiping out half of Firefox's coaching career.

Although he can get 30% of his salary as compensation every month, even if he releases Tetsuo and Galio, it is not difficult for Firefox, who just led the team to the semi-finals of the World Championship, to find a job in the LPL.

Not having much money to earn, and not being able to continue his coaching career to satisfy his sense of personal accomplishment, this made Firefox disgusted.

But this agreement was indeed signed by himself, and it was written in black and white and irrefutable.

But Gou Ba's position is on the side of his friend Firefox. When this kind of thing is mixed with personal emotions, it doesn't matter who is right or wrong.

And he only figured it out when he left RNG.

The club signed a non-competition agreement with Firefox, but they won't sign it with me. What do you mean? Look down on people?

Now Gou Ba is getting more and more unhappy with RNG. Now that his team's players crushed and won the first game, he felt proud and refreshed.

"Well done, Brother Ran!" He stood up to greet the YM player who had just entered the door, and patted Lin Ran hard on the shoulder.

"What about me? Am I not playing well?" Jack asked with a shy face.

Manager Guo Hao answered, "You can't even get a lantern, do you think you're doing a good job?"

Jack's face turned red, and veins popped out on his forehead, and he argued: "How can it be said that Jian is not a lantern when the opponent has an eye inserted?"

The words that followed were difficult to understand, such as not practicing martial ethics, etc., which caused everyone to burst into laughter, and the atmosphere inside and outside the lounge was suddenly filled with joy.

It was Hongmi who stood up and redirected the topic to the game.

"You played well in the game just now. We still have to implement this tactic in the next game," he said in a calm tone, "RNG can't solve it."

"In our previous two regular season games, there is still something to gain from losing a small game first." Lin Ran couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth when he thought of this.

When YM faced Suning and BLG previously, they always won the game by allowing one to chase two. The game they lost was not due to underestimation or lack of strength.

It was purely for testing tactics.

Together, Hongmi and Gouba form a treasure chest of tactics. They are both professional players, so they naturally know which tactics can be implemented on the field, and which tactics can only be written on paper and cannot be executed by the players at all.

Facing Suning, YM used a lineup of Gnar, Zhumei, Syndra, EZ and Tahm, allowing Xiaotian to focus on the top half in the early and mid-term, trying to make a fuss by focusing on the first blood tower on the top lane.

Once this kind of lineup has a great advantage in the early stage, it will be a smooth push. Syndra and EZ have enough equipment advantages to ride on them; there are also high-quality tanks like Tahm and Zhumei in the early stage, providing the team with Tank, initiative control, and protective abilities.

The only shortcoming is that the early combat capability of the lower half is too weak. The duo of EZ + Tahm Kench represents the shrinking tower to resist pressure.

Lin Weixiang's EZ and Jack's are about the same, so it's hard to say who has a lower limit.

As a result, he was stupid and unhappy and did not handle it well in the first and second levels. The artillery soldiers entered the tower and were caught by the Suning jungler three times in a row, and the line could not continue.

While Lin Ran and Xiaotian frequently visited the road, Suning's old president Lang Xing managed to withstand the pressure. Although there were disadvantages, they were far from collapse.

Lin Weixiang's EZ was dragged down without equipment support, and YM lacked output in frontal battlefield team battles, and was overwhelmed by Suning's successive high-quality team battles.

When facing BLG, Hongmi gave YM a comfortable lineup, but he allowed the players to develop steadily in the early stage, and then switched operations in the mid-to-late stage, using vision battles and key neutral resources-Baron and Ancient Dragon to win against BLG. burden.

BLG is best at this kind of late-stage operations. When they were still in the secondary league, they started by relying on operations and vision offensive and defensive battles. Other opponents were fighting against them in the early and mid-term. Unexpectedly, YM, the leader of the league, would drag them into a fight. .

As a result, the two sides fought fiercely for 49 minutes. AmazingJ's Thain teleported around and drove behind, and cooperated with the jungle prince to successfully limit YM's back row output. By the time Lin Ran and Da Mei escaped from the opponent's jungle entanglement, both Liu Qingsong and Xiao Tian in the front row had been killed.

With no output but no one to help attract firepower, YM finally lost the team battle and was pushed off the base by BLG.

Hongmi and Gouba are testing YM through various tactics and lineups to see what style they are suitable for.

However, every time a new tactic is adopted, YM always tries out a small round first. If they lose, they switch to their best early attack in the next round; if they win, they continue to try out the lineup - but they are not very lucky. They are classic unlucky guys. Every time the lineup was tried, they lost.

Fortunately, it's only a small game, and it won't be enough to eat if I send it. Just open the next game.

This defeat is not meaningless. The YM coaching staff eliminated options through different tactical lineups, and finally found a tactical option that best suited the team.

In the pre-match meeting against RNG, Hongmi and Gouba proposed another new idea.

From an overall strategic point of view, the YM game is divided into two stages: before the dragon and after the dragon.

Before the birth of Baron Nash, YM, as usual, used their best early attack to crush their opponents.

Starting from the 19th minute, YM Nosuke began to arrange his vision near the Dalong Pit, waiting for the three C positions of Shangzhong AD to get two pieces of formed equipment, and prepared to force the Dalong group.

Regardless of whether they get or lose Baron, YM will switch their lane operations during the 7 minutes when Baron Nash disappears from Summoner's Rift.

Get the Baron three-way split push, and use BUFF to plunder all the resources in the jungle and defense towers; if you lose the Baron, retreat and set up a good eye position in your own jungle, and take advantage of the opponent's time to eat the Baron and return to the city. First, loot all the wild monsters you can eat, and then start to shrink your defense.

The tactics sound simple, but when implemented in the game, the specific placement of the eye positions is very troublesome.

Fortunately, Hongmi had coached WE before, and Gouba had worked as an analyst at EDE. Both teams were focused on passive counterattacks at the time. They were well versed in this, knew the details, and made clear arrangements for the YM players.

In terms of lineup, since all strategies are arranged around the Baron, and the end time of the game is roughly around 28 minutes, the focus is on choosing heroes for YM in the mid-term, so that the lineup and strategy complement each other.

Among them, Jin Gong wants to play a role with output ability. This is the style of play that Xiba is good at. Even if he resists pressure in the early stage, he can still play a good role in the mid-term by relying on his understanding of team battles;

Nosuke prefers to be a team-starting tool, and his positioning is to take damage and provide control in the front row, which corresponds to the previous enhancement of Aftershock by Riot Games. This kind of team-starting tool is increasingly favored by professional teams;

As for the double C as the main output of the team, it is best to choose a mid-term hero that can exert power in a two-piece set.

This constitutes a double front row (wild assistant) + a double output (mid laner and ADC) that can exert force in the mid-term + a flexible role to supplement the output or control (top laner).

In the last game, this tactic was a great success. The combination of top laner Kennen, jungler Troll, mid laner Vampire, bottom lane Big Mouth and Thresh directly overwhelmed RNG in the mid-term Baron team battle.

Generally speaking, the tactics of Hongmi and Gouba are to let the players play in the early stage. Their wild imagination and adaptability can ensure that the team gets the early advantage in most games.

After entering the mid-term, more emphasis is placed on standardized and rational operations - because at this point in time, both sides of the game are making a fuss around the neutral resource Baron Nash. How to use Baron to maximize one's own profits is a problem that the YM coaching staff focuses on solving.

This is completely opposite to last year's EDG. The EDG coaching staff only teaches early and mid-term tactics. When the dragon comes, everyone has to rely on their own abilities. Without mature tactics and command, it is not uncommon for the players to be overturned by 10,000 gold.

Originally, YM's method of suppressing opponents was simple and crude. After taking the Baron, they used the buff attributes provided to start a team and end the game; but now Redmi wants the entire team to focus on the economic 'power' to kill the game. Everything is based on economy. And the equipment gap caused by the economy is the core.

This method is undoubtedly more scientific and reasonable.

Hongmi feels that it has found this suitable path for YM.

"Welcome back to the live broadcast of the 2018 LPL Spring Split... RNG chose to change their jungler in this game. Karsa replaced Xiang Guo. Let's see if there will be any unique chemical reaction after RNG replaces the lineup!"

Wawa warmed up the game as usual. Before he and Miller could say a few words, both teams re-entered the stage and started the BP session again!

Miller calmed down and looked at the BP panel given by the director, "RNG chose the blue side for themselves in this game. They came up to the first ban position and blocked the vampires directly!"

Seeing this ban position, the audience burst into laughter, and Wawa continued: "Brother Ran's vampire feels hot, RNG still needs to take action, otherwise the script of the previous game may be repeated again."

"Indeed," Miller agreed with his partner, "This vampire has obviously developed his feelings, and letting him out would be more detrimental than gain."

Hongmi saw the vampire taking the ban position, and he couldn't help laughing as he was usually well-trained.

Lin Ran shook the Nuan Baobao in his hand helplessly. Vampire was really not one of his usual heroes. The main reason why he was targeted in this way was because Vladimir was so popular against RNG.

Xiaohu's suppression power in the middle is quite average. Most of the time, he uses heroes who can mix lanes. If Xiang Guo comes on the field, he will follow the jungler's rhythm and do things. If Xiang Guo also misfires, it will be over.

As for Lin Ran, with the vampire, he can safely replenish his troops against Xiaohu in the early laning, and maybe even complete a solo kill. Midhu has no way to stop his development; in the middle and late stages, the vampire can easily threaten RNG's core output Wu Hereby.

The RNG coaching staff obviously saw this, and they had no choice but to ban him.

Hongmi, who suppressed his smile, honestly put Xia in the ban position. After Heart blocked Qinggang Ying on the opposite side, he banned Shi Senming's Tauren Chief.

The two ban positions are clearly stated to tell RNG, I know you are powerful in the bottom lane, but you can't even think about performing in this round.

RNG head coach Heart frowned and thought hard. He gave the King of Trolls the last ban spot in the first round.

"They are going to release Ornn," Hongmi said without hesitation, "There is also Zoe outside, do you think it's okay to release them all?"

Lin Ran thought for a while, "I think we can let it go and give it a try."

Zoe and Uncle Sheep Ornn are two completely opposite special cases. The latter received several consecutive enhancements after landing in the league, and Ornn's ban rate in the All-Star Game was as high as 95%.

Zoe, on the other hand, was very strong when she first came out. She was constantly being attacked and never strengthened.

Especially W [Spell Stealing Skill], now the minions cannot drop and teleport, which is very detrimental to Zoe's ability to drive the rhythm of the whole game.

However, Ornn has also received a lot of attention from designers in the last two versions. Now W [Bellows Breath] no longer has the unstoppable effect, and the cooldown of R [Call of the Forged God] has been increased.

But this may not be a good thing for Letme.

It turns out that when Ornn was so strong that it even bought a house in the ban position of all the red teams, but now that it has been weakened twice, it no longer has the strength to dominate, and the ban rate has gradually declined.

This way he can play Ornn.

"That's okay," Hongmi thought of a prepared strategy and agreed with Lin Ran's idea, "But you have to resist the pressure in the early stage of this round."

No matter how she is weakened, Zoe is still a rhythm hero in the early and mid-game. There are almost no heroes on the field that can compete with her in the early game.

"No problem." Lin Ran was very confident.

He knew Xiaohu thoroughly and felt that his opponent could not put much pressure on him.

"YM's last ban slot is given to the prince!" Miller raised an eyebrow, "In this way, Zoe and Ornn will be released. Let's see what RNG will choose first?"

Heart did not hesitate. He first got Zoe for Shuhu Lin, preparing for a showdown between RNG Nakano and YM.

"Let's take Olaf and Thresh first," Redmi presets RNG's choices for them. "The second and third choices on the opposite side are likely to be Verus and Ornn, so we choose carefully."

"Is it okay?" He looked at the Xiba people.

Jin Gong tugged at his hair, which was as thick as a helmet, and after a moment's thought, he nodded and agreed to the coach's arrangement.

In this way, they have a high probability of getting an advantageous matchup between the jungler and the top laner in the early stage. Even if the mid laner is eliminated and Zoe is used, he is still one person after all, and there is nothing he can do if the top laner and top laner pull their hips.

Everything went as Redmi expected. After YM took down Olaf and Thresh, a pair of powerful wild assistants, Heart locked Ornn in seconds, and then gave Uzi a version of the powerful shooter Verus.

Then Jin Gong successfully got Shen, trying to suppress Letme in the early stage.

In the second round of BP, Heart targeted Jack. Anyway, he had now obtained Verus for Uzi, so he naturally had to take a good look at Shiba Inu's hero pool.

The Big Mouth he used in the previous game and Kalista, who is extremely capable in laning when paired with Thresh, were all banned by him.

On the other side, Hongmi targeted Xiao Ming and blocked Bron and Robot.

"YM's fourth choice should be to choose an ADC for Jack..." Wawa glanced at the BP panel, "I think the policewoman is a good choice."

The Shiba Inu put his elbows on the table, pointed at the screen with his fingers, and kept muttering something in his mouth. With his fat face that had not yet subsided, he looked like a bully, as if he was about to turn off someone's heater. .

Hongmi was pacing behind the players' seats. He was still listening to Jiang Chenglu's translation. After thinking for a long time, he nodded in agreement.

Jack smiled crookedly and easily found the hero he wanted to use.

The moment the character was locked, the audience's deafening cheers instantly resounded throughout the audience!

Welcome to the Delai Alliance!

"Dlevin!" Miller became equally excited, "Jack is about to attack!"

Shiba Inu hasn't played his special skill for a long time, and he's still a little excited.

He rubbed the warm baby in his palms and looked sideways at his eldest brother.

"Brother Ran, how about giving me a government dog?"

Lin Ran looked at the auxiliary hero displayed on the opposite side and looked at the big-headed Shiba Inu with a smile, "Are you sure?"

"Hmm..." Jack felt a little guilty when he saw the fallen angel Morgana in Shi Senming's hero selection box, but he didn't want to give in, so he spoke with great pride, "Here, let me have a good time!"

"How about choosing this?" Liu Qingsong clicked the mouse with a smile on his lips, and the familiar purple-skinned garlic appeared on his selection interface again.

"...Lulu is really good," Lin Ran thought for a while, "but I think Karma would be better."

Now Liu Qingsong was stunned, "Really choose?"

Hongmi also had an encouraging attitude, "Choose, this lineup goes well together."

Seeing that the other teammates didn't seem to have any objections when he tore the wound open, he licked his lips and clicked the lock button.

"Karma?" Wawa felt that YM's lineup selection was outrageous. "How can they kill Scorpion and Ornn in the front row?"

The audience also glanced at the lineups of both sides.

Blue square RNG: top laner Ornn, jungler Scorpion, mid laner Zoe, bottom lane Verus + Morgana.

Red square YM: top laner Shen, jungler Olaf, mid laner Karma, bottom laner Lud Levin + Thresh.

At first glance, how can YM have any output after the mid-term? Do you expect heroes like Draven to kill front row tanks?

The audience was not happy now and criticized the head coach Hongmi's BP in the live broadcast room.

[Hoo hoho, does this count as 4 guarantees 1? 】

[With Olaf here, it can’t be considered a pure 4-guarantee-1...but it’s quite outrageous that YM could choose such a lineup]

[I'm going to die laughing, playing 4-guarante-1 in front of RNG, isn't that just playing a big sword in front of Guan Gong, and playing tricks on others? 】

[Let the big daddy in the team play Kalma. How can you come up with this lineup without suffering from cerebral hemorrhage for ten years? 】

However, the red rice complexion on the stage was as usual, and Heart's pig liver color appeared on the other side's face again.

"You are so cruel." He looked at Hongmi while shaking hands, with unspeakable resentment in his tone.

Although Hongmi and Heart have never been teammates, they both played for the MVP and Samsung clubs back then. They live in the same building and are quite familiar with each other. He responded with a smile, "I think it's okay. I'll leave it all to you Zoe." +Onn, what else do you want from me?"

Heart puffed up her face and remained silent.

RNG's lineup does seem to be top-notch in team battles. It lasted until 25 minutes, and Ornn and Scorpion had two pieces of meat in their hands. As long as the economy didn't lag too far behind, it was basically impossible to lose in a head-on battle.

But a game is not only about team battles in the middle and late stages, but also about the previous laning period.

Ornn plays Shen in the top lane, Scorpion plays Olaf in the jungle, Zoe plays Karma in the mid lane, and Verus + Morgana plays Draven + Thresh in the bottom lane.

With three lanes added to the jungle, only Zoe in the middle lane has a slight advantage over Karma, while the rest of the lanes are suppressed.

How can they withstand YM's manic attack during the laning phase?

The professional arena still depends on ID. If YM's lineup is selected by EDG, Heart feels that he can open the champagne at halftime to celebrate the victory in advance.

But this is YM, which is famous for its rapid offensive in the early stage!

This early offensive lineup will only make them even more powerful!

But YM fans in the audience didn't know that the coach's judgment of the lineup was completely different from theirs.

Seeing Summoner's Rift coming, the audience temporarily put aside their dissatisfaction with coach BP and cheered for the home team!

When Lin Ran heard the shouts of YM cheering from the audience, the spring gate had already opened. He bought the corruption potion and rushed to the river in the center of the map.

"Go directly to the red BUFF on the opposite side and find a fight on the opposite side!" Lin Ran signaled to mark the red BUFF in the lower half of RNG.

Their lineup is quite strong at the first level, but the opponent has almost no control, which means that Jack's ax can be continued continuously, and the sustained damage is very considerable.

"RNG guessed the opponent's intention, Kasa is already ready to change to the red BUFF!" Miller watched Scorpion lead Ornn into the upper half of YM jungle.

Lin Ran and his teammates walked around the RNG jungle area and realized that their opponents wanted to avoid the battle.

"Brother Xiba, please accompany me to take a look at my red buff, and try to stop Scorpion." Karma and Shen are also very powerful at level 1, and Lin Ran is very confident.

They were stuck walking towards their red buff camp at 1 minute and 28 seconds.

"Jin Gong took a look and saw Casa and Letme!"

The wild monsters have been refreshed. If Kassa returns to his own jungle area, he will not only lose time, but later Olaf, who is a bastard, will finish the RNG red BUFF. It is very likely that he will cross the middle and return to the top half of his own area to complete the 3BUFF start.

"Those who want to be beaten must be beaten. Junze, please help fight." Casa decided to take this red BUFF.

At this time, the minions had gathered in the middle. Lin Ran, who was about to face off, didn't expect that Lin Ran didn't even want the minions, and just stayed in the jungle to harass Scorpion!

"Here I come!" Seeing this, Guanghu ignored the troop line, but during this time, the blood volume of YM red BUFF was still decreasing.

"Brother Ran and Jin Gong reduced Kasa's health to less than half, and Xiaohu finally arrived on the battlefield!"

Lin Ran retreated quickly, but he insidiously saved his ultimate move, preparing to wait for the wild monster to lose its health and use RQ to try to fight for it.

"Casa was forced to hand over punishment and successfully received the red BUFF!"

But these are all within the YM field of view detection range.

15 seconds later, Xiaotian rushed from the lower jungle area to the middle with an ax in hand, and Q [Throw Against the Current] began to clear troops!

"Casa also rushed to the middle to try to clear the line, but the combat effectiveness of the two sides was not at the same level!"

Lin Ran's RQ cooperated with Xiaotian's sharp ax to push away the second wave of soldiers, and the two headed towards the upper half of RNG!

Big chapter tomorrow

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