LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 424 422: Cold-blooded pursuit of life!

"YM wants to forcefully counter the jungle and interfere with Casa's early jungle route!"

Karsa is still helping the cancelers to push the line. Scorpion's ability to clear the line in the early stage is quite worrying. Most of the time, it is still up to the canceller Zoe to pull the flying stars by herself.

He saw the YM midfielder rushing towards the top half of his home area, and knew that it was unrealistic to forcefully defend the jungle area - he had already used punishment just now to avoid being robbed of the buff by Kalmar RQ, and it would take 3 minutes to get better, and Xiaotian The punishment on him is definitely useless.

The killing lines of the two sides against wild monsters were very different, and it was useless to defend the jungle area. Kasa cut the screen to observe the upper and lower lines of soldiers, and planned to decide what to do next based on the line situation.

As expected, both the upper and lower lanes of RNG were overwhelmed. Uzi in the lower lane also wanted to take advantage of Verus' range advantage to exchange blood, but it was a waste of money. He was chopped down by two axes from the Shiba Inu.

To the north, this Darivon is so strong that he tilts his head... Kasa muttered in his heart.

"Don't go to the lower half to change BUFFs. Just clear out the stone beetles and F6 in the upper half. I'll take a look at it for you!"

I think it’s not a good thing for Kassa to rush to the lower half. YM’s bottom lane combination of Thresh and Draven is too strong. If Kassa insists on going to the lower half to change buffs, he will most likely be caught by the YM duo. When the opportunity comes, encircle and suppress them.

"That's okay." Kasa hesitated and responded.

His performance struggled after joining RNG, mainly because he was not adaptable to the cooperation of these teammates. Kasa, who was not easy to command when he first arrived, could not ask all his teammates to protect his early development like Xiangguo did.

In fact, Kasa felt that the lower half of YM could be invaded. In order to avoid being double-teamed by the YM duo, Xiaohu could give up some of his troops and go to the wild area with him.

The same goes for the duo. It will still take some time before the artillery line reaches the bottom lane. As long as Uzi can line up and eat in the bottom lane alone, Xiao Ming can support the jungle and put E [Dark Shield] on himself. Then I’m not afraid that the YM duo will come and interfere.

The team has the ability to guarantee his normal double-BUFF start, but it has to pay some price.

But Casa's character is soft and not as strong as Xiangguo. At this time, it is better to find a place to develop on his own.

"Casa, go ahead and oppose YM's sharp-beaked bird..." The doll suddenly stopped. From God's perspective, he saw that YM's central and wild movements were not quite right.

Partner Miller reacted very quickly, "Xiaotian handed over the punishment, Olaf cleared the jungle very quickly, after eating the RNG blue BUFF, he and Brother Ran crossed the river together, and walked back to their own Sharpbill camp again!"

"They're about to hit Kasa!"

Liu Qingsong just took advantage of the gap between the artillery and troop lines on the bottom lane before they converged, and ran to the middle of his two camps, Blue BUFF and Demon Swamp Frog, to insert an ornamental eye.

As a result, no movement of Kasa was found, so Lin Ran naturally guessed that he was in the upper half of his house.

Fortunately, Casa was very alert and placed his vision in the river before countering the jungle, and discovered the YM midfielder in advance.

He hated it so much that you didn't even clean the jungle area, so you had to rush back and forth to grab my position? Kill them all, right?

When Guhu saw Lin Ran not even caring about the artillery train line in the middle and rushing to the wild area, he immediately panicked.

Did you go on a hunger strike while playing Kalma?

"Xiaohu used the minion deplastizer to eat the artillery soldiers and reached level 3, ready to support his own jungle!"

Before Mid Tiger Zoe left the center, the Sharpbill camp was already in turmoil.

Lin Ran's Q [Soul Flame] successfully hit Scorpion. While slowing down, Garlic Bastard aimed at the angle and threw the ax in his hand!

"Level 2 Scorpion's body is very fragile. Without the shield of W [Crystal Scorpion Armor], he can't bear the damage!"

Midhu saw that YM's midfielder and jungler were both at two levels, and felt that he had a level advantage. "You run towards me and dodge over the wall!"

When Kasa heard the command at this time, he could only do it subconsciously. He came to the outside of the wall with 1/3 of his health, and used the flash to cross the wall and enter the grass in the middle.

"I'll go in front!" Lin Ran thrust an eye into the grass, and when he saw Scorpion's figure, he was still directing Xiaotian.

The Garlic Bastard also realized the problem, and he instinctively controlled Olaf to hide behind Lin Ran.

The next moment, Zoe, who was also in the grass, blew out E [Hypnosis Bubble], and hit Lin Ran at the front through the partition wall!

As soon as the bubble hit, silver ripples bloomed from Karma's body, and the comatose state was swept away!

"Brother Ran purified and instantly released Zoe's hypnotic bubble, and then put E [Encourage] on Xiaotian who flashed across the wall!"

Olaf's combat power in the double BUFF state is so terrifying that he has to kill Kasa with Zoe's damage!

"Xiaohu picked up the flash thrown by Xiaotian with his skillful hands. He kept outputting it...but his burst damage is not very high!"

The core of Zoe's explosion comes from the real damage provided by E [Hypnosis Bubble], but after Lin Ran and Xiaotian adjusted their positions, they used the purification they carried to completely resolve Xiaohu's offensive!

Although he can reduce the blood volume of Garlic Bastard now, it is difficult to threaten Xiaotian's life.

And the lower the blood volume, the faster Olaf's attack speed and the stronger his combat effectiveness!

Over and over again, the one who suffered the most was Kasa who was being beaten severely by Xiaoyao!

"Olav successfully hit the scorpion that did not flash with his axe, and successfully gained first blood!" Miller's voice suddenly rose an octave when he saw Casa's health bar being cleared.

When the doll saw Olaf still pushing forward with the axe, he was shocked and blurted out, "Little Sky Shark is crazy! He is still chasing Little Tiger!"

But I picked up a flash, and I didn't panic at this time. I easily used the summoner's skills to adjust my position and avoid the ax thrown by Olaf, and then used the movement speed bonus provided by W [Spell Stealing Hand] to stand next to him. It kept wearing down Xiaotian's blood volume.

"Go first, go first, don't get maimed!" Lin Ran quickly asked the Garlic Bastard to leave the middle.

Once it becomes residual health, the risk of Xiaotian going back to the jungle later will be quite high.

"I'm going to eat his Three Wolves and Demon Marsh Frog. You can help me keep an eye on Zoe." The Garlic Bastard took a look at his health and did not dare to cross the middle lane to go to the lower half. Instead, he chose to go to the upper half of the RNG area nearby. .

"It's all up to me. He will never have a chance to go to the jungle." Although Lin Ran is still behind the level, it doesn't stop him from making sure.

The minion remover is also used on the artillery soldiers, and then Q [Inner Flame] bombards the soldier line.

Zoe was not taken care of during the whole process. Karma's ruthless nature in the early laning was brought into full play by Lin Ran - an autistic style of play, there was no need to exchange blood with the opponent, and he just pushed the line hard.

Guanhu wanted to pull the flying star to consume Lin Ran, but when he saw that the opponent shrank behind the long-range soldiers, he had no choice but to give up.

The cooldown time of Zoe's level 1 E [Hypnosis Bubble] is as long as 20 seconds. The previous E was purified by Lin Ran not long ago, so it is difficult to find an opportunity to forcefully exchange blood with Karma.

"Xiaotian cleared all the upper half of Casa's jungle area..." Baby was shocked in the middle of his words, "What is his course of action?"

Exclamations erupted from the audience in the stands. In the Summoner's Rift, Olaf did not return to the city after clearing the RNG Three Wolf Camp. Instead, he crossed between the first and second towers in the RNG middle lane!

The Garlic King's card was in just the right position, and only one of the towers in the center fired a cannon shot, knocking out 100 points of Olaf's health.

Xiaotian had just finished killing the RNG Demon Swamp Frog and Three Wolves, and his health had recovered. Now he still had half of his health after a defensive tower bombardment, so he broke into RNG's Sharp Beak Camp directly.

As soon as he entered the grass, he saw Kasa who was still trying to pull the razorbill out!

The Garlic Bastard made a quick decision and threw the ax to kill 4 birds along the way. He also handed in punishment and used the high amount of blood of Q Punishment to kill the big sharp-beaked bird.

In the blink of an eye, there was only one bird left in the family of rhinos in front of Casa Scorpion!

"Ms. Ganlin!" Kasa was furious.

After he was resurrected, he had just collected his stone beetles, and just as he was about to come over to eat the sharp-beaked birds, he was discovered by Xiaotian who was crossing the first and second towers in the middle of RNG.

Are you treating my jungle area like your back garden?

The last jungler Kasa had ever seen was such a reckless jungler was the same team's Mala Xiangguo. Unexpectedly, Xiaotian has now perfectly replicated this reckless style of play!

With a strong jungler, you are riding in the face unreasonably. Even if Casa has a radar, it is useless at this time - the missiles from the opposite side are almost rushing to the face. What can you do if you find out?

"Can you keep him?" Guan Hu shouted in the team voice.

Now that Kasa has reached level 3, he is not inferior to Olaf in terms of level alone. If he can win this 2V2 midfield duel, Kasa will feel better in the jungle.

"Don't fight, Thresh has passed!" Xiao Ming shouted anxiously, sending warning signals all the way from the triangular grass on the lower road.

At this time, the bottom lane artillery line had been pushed into the defense tower by Jack's Draven. Upon seeing this, Liu Qingsong began to swim away, heading straight for the RNG Sharp Beak camp.

At this time, YM's early lineup finally began to exert its strength, and the bottom lane duo, which occupied absolute lane rights, began to roam and support, expanding their influence on the map.

"We can't fight. We can't fight. Let's retreat first!" Casa also knew that if the fight started now, Shi Senming and Uzi would definitely not be able to support him. Then it would be 2 on 3 again.

"Xiaotian refused to give up, and even chased Scorpion and used a set of skills!"

E [Reckless Swipe] hits the head, and the real damage causes the scorpion's health bar to drop visibly!

Before Zoe could turn around, the servant picked up the lantern given by Liu Qingsong and left the RNG jungle!

[My dear, is this scorpion too miserable? 】

[YM is so cruel, he doesn’t strike lightly or harshly]

[Isn’t this a routine welcome ceremony? Casa, welcome to LPL! 】

[Guess how many minutes it takes for this scorpion to reach 6? 】

"Olav returned to his lower jungle area. There are still three groups of wild monsters for him to farm," Miller looked at the small map carefully, "But here in Casa... there are no wild monsters anymore!"

In the first round of the wild area, Casa has so far used the red buffs, sharp-beaked birds, and its own stone beetles in the upper half of YM.

There are only three groups of wild monsters in the lower jungle area of ​​YM and stone beetles in the upper half of YM on the map.

Knowing that Olaf was going to the lower half, Kasa, who didn't even have a BUFF on him, naturally didn't dare to go against the jungle.

In other words, all that was left for him was the stone beetle camp in the upper half of YM.

This group of wild areas is very far away from Kasa, at the top of the entire Summoner's Rift.

But even if it’s far, we have to go.

The key point for Scorpion is to reach level 6 as early as possible, and then use his ultimate move to catch people. Whether this hero has a ultimate move or not is a matter of two heroes.

Kasa crossed the middle and blocked the 1,500-yard field of view of the soldiers to avoid exposing his position.

The two sides finally ceased fighting and ushered in a brief period of silence.

The audience, who had been tense since the beginning of the game, also relaxed slightly. The two teams finally ended their high-intensity competition and resource exchange.

But the illusion of smooth development did not last long.

"Brother Ran knocked down the corruption potion and stood on the side to RQ 7 soldiers. It seems that he planned to clear the soldier line quickly!"

The 6th wave of artillery troops rushed to the middle. Lin Ran used RQ and minion remover, and added a few basic attacks to easily handle this wave of troops.

When Guanghu saw Lin Ran handing the soldier remover to the artillery cart, he realized something was wrong. He also used the death weapon to pocket the artillery cart, and then pulled Feixing to clear the soldiers.

But at this time, Zoe's disadvantages compared with Karma emerged.

Karma's RQ can be cast between melee and ranged soldiers, using the flame aura erupting from the ground to damage all minions.

But Zoe's Q [Flying Stars In] obviously does not have this advantage. You can only choose melee or ranged soldiers, and there is no way to hit all the minions at the same time.

The heroes of both sides have different levels of damage to their troops, which directly leads to different efficiency of clearing troops.

When Lin Ran cleared the entire army line, there were still 3 long-range soldiers that had not been eaten, but the difference was not big, just one flying star would be enough.

Midhu watched Lin Ran walking down and quickly reminded his teammates, "Karma is going to the bottom lane. You guys step back, I'll be there soon!"

But now the disadvantage of the bottom line is far worse than he imagined.

In the third wave of troops, the YM bottom lane duo pushed a large wave of artillery soldiers into the tower. However, because Xiao Ming’s Morgana did not have a holy shield, they did not clear out the artillery soldiers under the tower at the first time, which consumed a lot of money. less time.

As a result, the fourth wave of minions continued to come up, and they were handed over at the lower tower of RNG.

The pullback line belonging to YM is officially formed.

By the time of the sixth wave of troops, a large wave of RNG minions in the bottom lane had been accumulated, and they were at an awkward distance before entering the tower. However, Shi Senming and Uzi placed two ornament eyes in the bottom lane to ensure that they would not be The jungle gank arrives.

Uzi and Xiao Ming retreated as soon as they heard the warning in the middle, but they were still a step too late because they were too far forward.

"Thresh's Q [Death Sentence] hooks the minion, swings the lantern to the side, flashes forward and connects with E [Pendulum of Doom], and the brush is successfully reversed!"

This time, Liu Qingsong's movement distance exceeded 1,000 yards, and he was next to the RNG duo in the blink of an eye!

Shi Senming's reaction was already very fast. He gave Uzi the magic shield of E, but he was brushed back by Thresh.

And just as Thresh brushed back, a figure caught the lantern and flew over.

Not Draven.

But Olaf at level 4!

Casa, who had just finished playing YM Stone Beetles, finally realized the problem. YM had obviously deliberately tricked him into eating the Stone Beetle camps farthest from the bottom lane!

As a result, Uzi and Shi Senming will not be able to get any help from their teammates in this Gank!

"Xiaotian rushed to the battlefield and Q [Countercurrent Throw] hit Morgana!"

Amid the commotion at the scene, half of Morgana's health bar disappeared in an instant!

Shi Senming had been holding on to the skill, and it finally came into use at this time. He controlled Thresh with Q [Dark Imprisonment], and flashed back to draw distance.

But the bastard Olaf moved freely, even though Uzi's E [Evil Arrow Rain] slowed him down, and Shi Senming was slowed down by the ax and Thresh Chain, and he was also struggling.

"Draven flashed forward and used E [Opening Axe] to chop Morgana. The ax in his hand kept slashing at Morgana!"

Uzi gave a healing spell to accelerate, and also wanted to save his own support, but it still had no effect. Jack danced with an ax to take the life of his former support, caught the ax and triggered W [Bloody Sprint], accelerated and continued to pursue!

"Karma is coming!" Along with the doll's angry roar, Lin Ran's Karma appeared in Uzi's field of vision with the acceleration effect of E [Encourage]!

The 800-yard long W [Unwavering] spiritual chain is tied to Uzi. If it is not pulled open in time within two seconds, he will be frozen in place.

Uzi no longer had any skills that could limit Lin Ran, so he could only use Flash to distance himself.

"Get out, get out, come back with the next wave!" Lin Ran knew that Dehuhu was not far behind him, and the bottom line of troops did not enter the tower, so he did not try to jump over the tower to kill Uzi.

"Zoe's hypnotic bubble was turned away by Brother Ran, and both parties left the bottom lane!"

The Garlic Bastard turned around to collect the first wind dragon, and then returned to the city to resupply equipment.

Kasa also returned to the city to replenish supplies. After killing 4 groups of wild monsters in total, he could only buy a blue jungle knife.

There is a huge difference between the equipment and Olaf who has eaten 8 groups of junglers, one life kill and one assist. The garlic bastard directly took out the blue jungle knife and Bambi's slag, which can be said to be fat.

On the other side, although Xiaohu was 6 soldiers ahead of Lin Ran, because Karma got 200 gold coins for the first blood assist, Midhu's economy was even a little worse than Lin Ran.

When he returned to the middle, Lin Ran had already replenished his equipment and rushed back to the line. He subconsciously pressed Tab to see Lin Ran's equipment.

As a result, at a glance, I saw a pair of Mingming Boots lying quietly in the equipment column, and my account suddenly became angry and tight!

This is obviously to maximize roaming!

Lin Ran didn't want to stay on the line all the time in this game. He figured it out when he chose Karma for the team.

In the early and mid-term, Karma has a lane advantage against most mid lane heroes. After all, this hero has all the damage, recovery, slowdown, and shield. Plus R [Mantra]'s bonus to small skills, he can mix in the mid lane. Things are booming.

In addition, Karma’s molded equipment is very cheap, [Athena’s Evil Holy Grail] only costs 2100, which is 1200 gold coins cheaper than Zoe’s Luden.

Lin Ran knew very well that his game was not the core of the economy, fattening the Shiba Inu and Garlic Bastard was the top priority.

After clearing the line of troops, Lin Ran began to move down the road, but this time he was smarter. He asked Kasa to go shopping in the lower half of the area, and when he encountered Lin Ran, he stepped forward to stop him.

Although Lin Ran's naked CD-shoe style of play is very efficient in roaming, it also does no damage. If you want to kill the scorpion in a duel, it will take a lot of effort.

He tried to go to the bottom lane twice, but Casa successfully found his position and blocked him, giving the RNG duo time to escape!

"Casa, it's him again!" Wawa couldn't help but sigh, "Every time he appears in the most suitable position, ruining YM's plan to double-team the bottom lane!"

Now Casa seems to have turned on his radar, squatting down half the area to protect Uzi.

But as the Tao is higher than the demon is, Lin Ran also started to shake people after being squatted by Kasa twice.

The Garlic Bastard upgraded his newly born F6 to level 5 and directly broke into the lower half of RNG.

How to stop Olaf who is at the same level as the solo laner?

Kasa felt that he, the level 3 scorpion Lailai, could not defeat his best friend Olaf, so he could only retreat.

"Now there is no eye in the lower half of RNG's wild area, and it has completely turned into Olaf's fish pond!"

Kasa himself also wanted to level up. Seeing Olaf's brainless invasion, he had no choice but to go to the upper half and eat the newly refreshed Demon Marsh Frog and Three Wolves.

"Xiaotian still wants to eat RNG's Stone Beetle..." Miller sighed, "The development gap between the two junglers is getting bigger and bigger."

"Kasa should be able to reach level 4 after farming two groups of wild monsters in his jungle area, but then he will have no more wild monsters to farm!"

The 150-second refresh time for wild monsters is too ample. Riot Games originally wanted the jungler to still have the ability to gank online after clearing the jungle area.

But now Kasa is restricted. The long refresh time of the wild camp means that he has no wild monsters to spawn and can only operate a level 4 scorpion to go shopping!

"After Xiaotian finishes swiping the stone beetles, he needs to attack the bottom lane directly!"

Olaf appeared in the grass behind RNG's lower tower, which immediately attracted the attention of the five RNG players. Various signals were marked on the bottom lane all the time!

"Olav took a step towards the tower and threw Q [Countercurrent Throw], successfully hitting Verus," Miller stared at the big screen, "And Liu Qingsong followed the line and took a step forward, Letme Decisively hand over the teleportation!"

Seeing the red light rising next to the RNG lower tower, Garlic Bastard caught the lantern thrown from the torn wound and left the range of the RNG defense tower.

Uzi let out a long sigh of relief while informing Letme to cancel the transmission.

By clearing out the troops below the tower, the crisis of jumping over the tower will be over.

But there were still 3 minutes left for his flash to improve. He knew that YM would definitely operate on him again, and the first two teases were just foreplay.

"Casa took advantage of Xiaotian's appearance in the bottom lane, seized the opportunity, rushed to the middle, and tried to cause some trouble for Brother Ran!"

As usual, Lin Ran planned to push the line to enter the RNG mid-tower, and then go shopping in Shangxiahe Road to check his steps on WeChat.

But unexpectedly, when there were only 3 long-range soldiers left in the army line, Kasa suddenly appeared from the grass above the middle road and sprinted over with W [Crystal Scorpion Armor]!

Lin Ran was not in a hurry. Q [Soul Flame] hit Xiaohu Zoe, and then slowly pulled back the distance.

"He made a mistake!" Xiaohu's eyes lit up, "Hurry up, you can kill him!"

If Soul Flame hits a scorpion, the slowing effect is enough to make Kassa, who has not flashed, give up this Gank.

But Lin Ran's skill happened to be on the wrong target, and it was his Xiaohu who was slowed down. Kasa is now acting as usual!

"Be careful, don't worry!" Letme roared loudly on the road, assuring his teammates.

This half minute is when he has the strongest sense of presence so far. He first teleports to help the bottom lane to clear the siege, and then blocks Jin Gong, who has been promoted to level 6, to prevent the Xiba people from going to the bottom lane to support.

Now Guanhu and Kasa were relieved. Even if they couldn't kill Lin Ran, they could at least force him to show up.

"Scorpion's E [Crystal Shatter] is hanging on Brother Ran, and he will stun him with basic attacks before catching up!"

But before Lin Ran was stunned, he handed over E [Inspire] and put a layer of shield on himself, but it was instantly shattered by Scorpion's Q [Crystal Sweep].

"Zoe's basic attack point misses the minion in front of her, and E [Hypnosis Bubble] wants to connect the control!"

The moment the bubble hit him, Lin Ran handed over purification again!

Astral Insight provides a 5% cooldown on Summoner's skills, turning his original 210 seconds of purification into 200 seconds, which is only 3 minutes and 20 seconds, not long after he recovered.

Seeing this, Xiaohu pulled Q Flying Star back, and R [Return Leap] stepped forward, crossing a distance of 575 yards, and launched a passive [Fireworks] basic attack at Karma, while also picking up the purification that Lin Ran had used before.

Lin Ran remained calm, activated R Mantra, W [Unswerving] to close the account, and got himself a lot of blood.

Then he saw Zoe's flying star rushing towards him very quickly.

But he wore a pair of boots of clarity, which finally came in handy. Lin Ran used his movement speed to move at a right angle and easily avoid the flying stars. At the same time, he knocked down the corruption potion and hit Zoe with his basic attack.

"Xiaohu still wanted to distance himself, but failed!"

The spiritual chain was generated, and under the effect of the R mantra, Lin Ran was restored to 25% of his lost health. Immediately after the account was closed, the purification and unbinding effect was handed over.

"Brother Ran took advantage of the movement speed provided by the second-level shoes. He didn't care about the scorpion and chased Zoe all the way!"

Lin Ran, who was chasing after him, was full of confidence, and seemed to have thousands of troops behind him to help him.

Midhu frowned, looking confused at Lin Ran who was not retreating but advancing on the screen.

You don’t have teammates around you, how can you still want to fight 1 against 2 with a Kalma?

He didn't believe in evil. He knew that all the other YM heroes on the map had appeared, and no one could help Lin Ran.

It would be great if Jin Gong's Shenken gives out a big move. Anyway, now that Karma's skills are all used up, there is no way to retain people. By canceling the account, he can still trick out a big move to relieve the pressure on his teammates.

"Brother Ran is still chasing forward, what is he going to do?" The doll let out an exaggerated scream.

But it didn't take long for the smart account holder to figure out the answer to the question.

But at this time, his blood volume had reduced to 1/5. Unable to hold back, he and Kasa, who had not flashed, were shoulder to shoulder and holding hands. He could only watch Lin Ran, who was also reduced to half health, retreat.

"Karma is going to the bottom lane!" Midhu roared loudly, "If there is a big move, there are still fruits in the river to supply him, so you should retreat quickly!"

From Xiaohu's point of view, Lin Ran was obviously trying to find Scorpion's location through fighting for blood, and then force him to return to the city for supplies.

In this way, the RNG midfielder has no way to control the bottom lane duo, and Lin Ran, with the help of Shen's ultimate move and the honey candy in the river, still has combat effectiveness and can encircle and suppress the RNG bottom lane.

I figured out the answer, but Xiaohu didn't find a solution. He and Casa now dare not leave the middle and go to the lower half - Jin Gong's Shen has returned to the city and may support at any time, and Xiaotian's Olaf comes from the bottom. Lu disappeared and was never seen again.

If you blindly enter the lower jungle area with no vision, it will be all over once you are attacked by a sneak attack.

"Uzi and Xiao Ming still want to retreat, but Olaf and Karma have already used the RNG red BUFF and the exploding cones in the middle of the dragon pit to jump over the wall!"

The exploding cones at this point are refreshed when the game reaches 300-360 seconds (5-6 minutes). They were just generated not long ago and were used by Lin Ran.

Jin Gong, who was soaking in the hot spring, gave his ultimate move [Secret Secret! Mercy saves the soul], put the shield on the boy!

The location where the exploding cones are ejected is just in the grass behind the RNG lower tower, which is still a familiar location.

Although Xiao Ming inserted artificial eyes in the grass, it can only provide a psychological comfort - the opponents have come here, and even if they see them, there is no time to retreat. They just want to make themselves die clearly.

Uzi looked at the encircled and suppressed YM5 people, filled with despair and nowhere to vent.

He could only control Verus to dance under the tower.

"After Shen landed, the taunt flashed and controlled Morgana!"

Xiao Ming still gave the black shield to Uzi, but he had nothing to do.

"Give me the head!" Jack's eyes lit up when he saw the remaining blood, and he turned into a dog with a human head.

Lin Ran just stayed behind to shield his teammates and just made an assist.

"Draven dropped his ax and successfully took Morgana's head!"

Jack also specially used his own champion skin in this game. When killing an enemy to trigger the passive, it will also trigger the sound effect of shouting his ID.

"Everyone in YM withdraws from the range of the defense tower to reset the hatred, and then breaks in to kill Verus!"

Uzi also wanted to use E [Evil Arrow Rain] to kill Liu Qingsong who was resisting the tower.

But the treatment Jack gave completely shattered his hopes.

"Thresh comes out of the tower, and it's Olaf's turn to resist..." The doll looked excited, "Draven kills Varus with 4 axes!"

Then Xiaotian simply raised the lantern on the ground and successfully retreated.

"Dlevin has three heads in less than 7 minutes!" Miller waved his arms as if he was playing an accordion, "Jack is about to take off when he returns to the city!"

Collecting all the accessories of the Blood-Drinking Sword and buying a pair of straw sandals, Jack carries the ax with a proud face and makes every move!

On the other side, Uzi only had 40 CS, and with the salary paid by the system, he only bought a recurve bow.

The ADC equipment gap between the two sides was huge, and many viewers found it outrageous.

[I want to carve a capital letter of tragedy for Uzi]

[Is the economic gap almost 1,500? Later Jack 3 ax a child】

[Vincent or Jack, who is the best Draven in the Chinese server? 】

[Are you talking about Vincent who has deleted the murderous sword, split the river with his double axe, and has a big-nosed card like the wind, and is known as the pioneer of the Summoner's Rift? 】

[Starting fishing, right? As for the number one Draven in the national server, I choose Brother Crystal]

The barrage was noisy, but the faces of the RNG players in the player seats were ashen.

Except Uzi.

His face was red.

It has only been 5 minutes since the troops were sent out to start the battle, and YM has launched three attacks on the bottom lane.

This is obviously because he doesn't want him to develop well!

Uzi was so angry that he asked his teammates to protect him.

Xiaohu said nothing.

He thinks there is nothing wrong with him.

This reminder was also given. Every time something happened in the bottom lane, the key point was not Lin Ran.

Five people jumped the tower in the bottom lane. How can I get there without the jungler? Can you tell me?

Can I still protect Uzi even if 5 people jump the tower in the bottom lane?

If Scorpion is here, why am I not here?

Kasa also felt bitter.

RNG has no lane rights except in the middle, and his weak scorpion in the early stage has no room to grow!

Even if you can survive to level 6, even if you succeed, how can you counter squat?

The two commentators also belatedly realized that the RNG lineup had a fatal flaw!

[Did you say there was a problem with YM’s lineup before? Come out and talk]

[With this intensity of attack, RNG may not last more than 20 minutes, and there will still be a mid-term team battle with Hammer...]

"RNG is really having a hard time in the early stage," Miller said, taking a look at the economic situation of each position on both sides, "but the good news is that Letme and Xiaohu are now well equipped and have not fallen behind much."

"If the bottom lane can still be stable, I guess I can still play in the mid-term."

But soon, YM continued to expand its bottom lane advantage.

Shi Senming wanted to set up a line, but Liu Qingsong predicted and crouched.

Although he immediately put a black shield on himself, Thresh's hook was still attached to Morgana.

Open the wound and trigger the second stage of Q to follow up while throwing a lantern to let Jack come over.

Shiba Inu opened W to increase his attack speed, and hit Morgana with 3 axes. After Uzi handed over the healing technique, he threw out his double axe!

Cold-blooded pursuit of life!

Two black and red huge axes scraped through the soil with a strong smell of blood and flew towards Morgana!

Shi Senming, who did not flash, could only watch the giant ax pass through his body, and then return to Draven's hand, emptying his last health bar!

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