LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 425 423: Two sharp axes!

Draven's passive was triggered again, and Jackeylove's shouts rang out all around. The Shiba Inu was satisfied and turned around to deal with the troops.

"Jack takes another head and his growth will be invincible!"

Uzi's face turned into a puffy face and he said nothing.

He was about to be pissed off.

How can I line up with this?

This Draven can probably take out a blood-drinking sword in 8 minutes, and play NM?

"How about we switch lanes between top and bottom lanes," Casa finally couldn't bear it anymore. He tried to direct his teammates, "Just the wave of artillery soldiers at 8 minutes and 40 seconds. Puppy, you and Shi Senming switch to the top lane. We'll eat it." The 10-minute herald..."

He realized that he was talking about the translated version of the Taiwanese server, and quickly changed his words, "Rift Pioneer, Rift Pioneer."

Letme also thinks it's OK. He won Ornn in this game, so he definitely won't be able to take on the heavy responsibility of output. Uzi and Xiaohu will have to shoulder this burden.

Uzi's face brightened slightly. This was indeed a good idea. At least he wouldn't have to face Draven in a short period of time.

Jack's equipment is all about defeating ten enemies with one force. Even though Uzi has various skills in the line, there is no room for him to show off.

With this lane change, the one being suppressed becomes Letme, but he is Ornn after all, and he can resist pressure everywhere, so there is no difference.

After all, RNG just gives up the first-blood tower in the bottom lane that was going to drop sooner or later to YM, and replaces it with a Rift Herald. This deal doesn't seem like a bad deal.

"RNG took advantage of Jack's return to the city to replenish his Blood Sword and pushed the artillery soldiers deep into the tower..." Miller looked at the movements of Uzi and Letme, "They decided to let the puppy go on the road to suppress Jin Gong!"

From a God's perspective, even Wawa's level can understand, "This is obviously to rob this canyon pioneer!"

When Uzi and Shi Senming came to the top, the time came to 9 minutes and 35 seconds.

Jack, who was already hacking crazy, realized that something was wrong.

"What should we do? Should we change too?" He quickly asked Lin Ran's opinion in the team voice.

Lin Ran was still exchanging troops with Guanhu at this time. He took a look at the troops on the side and thought for a moment.

"No, you go down the road and keep pushing. I, Xiba and Xiaotian will try to stop them." Lin Ran arranged.

At exactly 10 minutes, Canyon Pioneer was born in Dalongkeng. The four RNG players gathered immediately, leaving Letme alone to resist the pressure and defend the tower in the bottom lane.

"YM's top, middle and junglers don't seem to want to give up this vanguard. They are trying to use skills to interfere outside the big dragon pit!"

At this time, Guanhu was also standing at the river pass, trying to use E [Hypnosis Bubble] to restrict YM.

The bubbles that are extended through the wall are accurate and ruthless, fully demonstrating Zoe's strong position in the wild battles.

"Brother Ran ate a bubble, but he immediately handed over the purification to release the control!"

Now Lin Ran has Astral Insight and Boots of Clarity, and the 15% cooldown effect of summoner skills makes the purification CD only 178 seconds.

It takes less than 3 minutes to get better, and Lin Ran has no psychological burden at all when using it.

But after canceling the account, I immediately noticed something was wrong. Now at level 8, Zoe only has two levels of E [Hypnosis Bubble], and the cooldown time is a full 18.5 seconds!

Even if he currently has a missing chapter that provides cooldown reduction, the CD is still over 15 seconds.

After the hypnotic bubble was removed by Lin Ran using purification, Zoe could only use Q [Flying Star Chaos] in conjunction with her ultimate move to poke in the next 15 seconds.

However, this consumption method hardly poses any fatal threat to YM. Lin Ran relies on E [Inspire] to continuously apply shields and acceleration effects to his teammates, allowing them to avoid the damage of flying stars.

"YM Shangzhongye allowed himself to successfully pass the pass and enter the Dalongkeng River!"

Lin Ran and his teammates knew very well that as long as they played head-on, Zoe's deterrence was not that strong. After all, without the cover of the wall, Zoe's skills could be avoided by moving sideways to the left and right.

Now the three of them are confronting the four of RNG from a distance, using the range of Karma and Olaf's Q skills to constantly harass their opponents.

Since Letme was away, Casa could only take on the task of resisting the hatred of the Pioneer. He glanced at the 5,000 health bar of the Pioneer and knew that there was no way to rush it out quickly.

"Let them come closer and I can flash pull!"

Scorpion's R [Crystal Sting] has a range of 350 yards, and with the help of Flash Kasa, it can reach enemies at 750 yards!

They believe that YM's economic advantage lies in Jack. Although Xiaotian has consumed a lot of wild monster resources, he is still a jungler after all and is relatively easy to deal with.

RNG felt that as long as the team battle started, it would be impossible for them to lose in 4-on-3 without Delevingne.

"If you want to give it away, I can flash, come and try to start a wave!" Uzi is also eager to try. He feels that YM's "I want them all" style of play is just giving away, and several of them are flashing, How can YM fight with them?

At this time, the entire audience was informed that the first blood tower in the bottom lane had been demolished by Draven.

"Letme now retreats to the closed grass in front of the second tower, but Jack and Liu Qingsong are still hoarding lines. If nothing else happens, there will be a full-blooded artillery troop mixed in, and the number of lines is very huge!"

Letme looked at the gathering line of troops and made up his mind that if the opponent continued to advance, he would directly use his big move to clear the line.

"Quick, quick, quick!" Everyone in RNG who was still in the dragon pit also knew that they could not waste any more time. If they were really held back by YM's upper, middle and jungle, the second tower might also fall.

Casa continued to pull the vanguard back, and now the big purple-skinned man was located close to the pass between the RNG blue buff camp and the river.

If YM wants to continue to block it, it will have to plunge into the vicinity of Dalong Pit.

In this way, Xiaohu's Zoe can use the jungle wall to consume from the side, and there is no vision of YM near the dragon pit. As long as they dare to come, RNG can start a group at will.

"We don't have to go in, we're just stuck here!" Lin Ran and his teammates stood at the bottom edge of the dragon pit, quietly watching the RNG performance.

"Look at me, I'm going to get my eyes shot!" Kasa saw the eyes on Canyon Pioneer's back opening again and quickly arranged for his teammates to get ready.

Since Casa carries the hatred of the vanguard, the vanguard's eyes are now facing YM's midfielder.

He must knock out this eye, otherwise Xiaotian's A eye + punishment will be too high for the vanguard.

And this eye cannot be used by the next three people in RNG - after all, these three people have long and fragile hands, and once they pass by, they will be killed by YM.

Xiaotian weighed the gap between himself and Casa. Scorpion now had blue punishment + slag, and he had already synthesized a blue slag giant with a pair of boots of clarity.

Moreover, it is one level ahead in experience, and the penalty damage is also 30 points lower...

When they saw Casa operating the scorpion to take two steps forward and go around behind the vanguard, the YM trio suddenly burst into action!

"Karma R Mantra + E [Encourage] adds a shield to the YM three, and Olaf accelerates forward!"

The magic power and level of mid laner Karma are shown here, and the amount of shield cast is quite considerable.

Immediately afterwards, the milky white shield above Olaf's head grew longer, and Shen read an R message from behind [Secret Secret! Mercy saves souls]!

With the blessing of double shields, Olaf was red all over, shouted Bromacia, picked up the ax and rushed past Scorpion. Blue Punishment hung on Verus, and Q [Countercurrent Throw] struck towards Uzi!

"Look at me, look at me, look at me!" Uzi shouted.

At the same time, Kasa was also commanding in the team's voice, "Eat the canyon first and leave the people alone!"

At this time, RNG’s decision-making diverges:

Uzi thought that if they had to protect themselves first, if they won the team battle, the vanguard would naturally fall into their pocket.

Kassa felt that the stupid bastard Olaf had already handed over punishment, and in the state of his ultimate move, he, a scorpion, could not be restrained, so a teammate came to help collect the vanguard.

Casa has just arrived, and his current winning rate in games is relatively average, so the decisions he makes are naturally difficult to convince.

Uzi, like Mala Xiangguo, was originally the team leader and had a very tough personality in the game. As a result, Xiaohu and Shi Senming's first reaction was to protect Uzi, while Casa was still playing the vanguard.

Two teammates, Lin Ran and Shang Zhong, were stunned for a moment. In their opinion, RNG's decision was as contradictory as the pub game without opening the mic.

However, when his opponent had a problem, it was just as he wanted.

"Kill first, leave the vanguard alone!"

The three players in YM, Ueno and Jungle had the same idea. When they decided to trade the next tower for the Rift Herald, they never thought they would be able to get the Rift Herald.

They broke into the river, firstly to buy time so that Jack and Liu Qingsong could threaten RNG's bottom defense tower; secondly, they wanted to find loopholes to kill people.

Just now, Casa Scorpion took two steps toward them in order to knock out the canyon pioneer's open eyes.

It was these two steps that changed RNG's formation.

Originally, Scorpion was in the front row, with Verus, Zoe and Morgana hiding behind.

This formation is relatively scientific, with the front row protecting the back row and freeing up enough output space for the C position.

But as Casa moved forward, although he still seemed to be at the front of the formation, the problem was quite obvious - he was out of touch with his teammates.

Moreover, the three back rows of RNG happened to appear at the pass between the river and the blue BUFF camp. Xiaotian seized the opportunity and charged directly!

The two commentators saw Olaf's charging posture like a mad dog and knew that a team battle was about to begin, so they couldn't help but turn up the volume.

"Scorpion reacted, went to find trouble with Karma, flashed and then R [Crystal Stinger] to suppress Brother Ran!"

Jin Gong's Shen can't move even with his ultimate move. No one can protect Lin Ran now!

"Kill Karma first!"

Casa dragged Lin Ran forward, and Guanhu seized the opportunity without mercy, shooting a hypnotic bubble from the side, passing through the wall and hitting Lin Ran in the middle!

At the beginning, Garlic Bastard wanted to move around to help block the Q [Flying Star Intrusion] that had canceled the account, but Midhu was also very cunning. Instead of casting his flying star straight behind him, he pulled it to the side.

In this way, the damage is not the highest, but it will not be blocked by Xiaoyao.

Zoe cast two stages of flying stars, then R [Return Leap] to leap forward, and the QQR combo hit the extended flying stars on Lin Ran!

The real damage caused by the detonation of the hypnotic bubbles destroyed more than half of Lin Ran's health bar!

This kind of nuclear bomb output made the audience couldn't help but scream!

"But the shield saved Brother Ran's life!"

Lin Ran previously used R [Mantra] to strengthen E [Inspire] to provide himself with sufficient shields. Coupled with the magic resistance provided by the Little Holy Grail, he now has 1/4 of his health left, and he is still alive. !

"Olav on the other side, he's hacking like crazy!" The doll followed the scene shown by the director and saw the battle between the blue buff and the river pass. "It's like entering a deserted land!"

Olaf is crazy with a double shield. The garlic bastard has an extra 500 shield points for no reason. He picks up an ax and slashes at Uzi.

At this time, Xiaohu's Zoe has lost all his skills, but without E's hypnotic bubbles and long-distance flying stars, he himself is useless against Olaf.

"All the controls of Morgana and Verus can't stop this Olaf!" Miller also noticed a blind spot, "Without treatment for the puppy, it will be difficult for him to keep the distance!"

Although Uzi is wearing Morgana's black shield, he was previously put on Blue Smite's Slow by Xiaotian, and Olaf himself also carries Lin Ran's E and his own R [Twilight of the Gods]. Acceleration effect.

When Uzi saw Olaf who kept yelling at him in the face, he knew that it was unrealistic to leave, so he simply turned his head and started to operate!

In the Summoner's Rift, the extremely underdeveloped Varus's A is picturesque, and coupled with the connection of skills, Olaf was instantly filled with wither layers.

This scene caused the audience to scream!

But their focus is not on Uzi's walking and slashing.

But Olaf's health bar!

Uzverus moved A wildly, but failed to knock off the two white shields on the boy's head!

This isn’t even gua sha, it doesn’t hurt at all!

"What kind of frankness is this?!" the doll likes to scream when he gets excited, "RNG can't beat this Olaf at all!"

Xiaotian picked up the ax on the ground and threw it over again. Level 7 Olaf brought level 4 Q [Countercurrent Throw]. This ax almost killed Uzi!

At this time, the 3 seconds of guiding time for the ultimate move finally ended, Jin Gong landed and appeared next to the servant, E [Secret Truth! Shadow Binding] rushed towards Uzi, whose black shield had just disappeared!

But this action had been seen through by Uzi, who flashed his hand over with some anticipation. Verus, who was almost stuck in the faces of Olaf and Shen, moved to the side and successfully avoided the close-range taunt!

At this time, all the surprised exclamations from the audience were given to Uzi.

This reaction speed is abnormal!

But Xiaotian didn't do anything fancy. After the 6-second ultimate move ended, he also flashed to follow up. The real damage of E [Reckless Swipe] successfully took Uzi's life!

"Uzi fell to the ground, and Zoe and Scorpion on the other side were still chasing Brother Ran," Miller spoke quickly, pouring out bullets like Gatling, "But if this happens, Xiao Ming's Morgana will suffer a heavy blow." Got it!"

Having already given the black shield, he saw YM Ueno rushing towards him with great momentum, so he could only hand it over in a hurry and flash over the wall.

"Vanguard, Vanguard, see if you can eat the vanguard!" Lin Ran cut the screen and glanced at the other side of the battlefield while escaping. Seeing that Xiaotian's eyes were red and wanted to continue chasing, he quickly pulled the person away. return.

"Do I want to save you?" Jin Gong looked at Lin Ran, who still had 200 health left, and felt that his mid laner could still save him.

"No, no, don't come!" Lin Ran urged as he put on the E [Encouragement] shield on himself, blocking Zoe's firework-laden basic attack while still running with the help of the acceleration effect.

The director also noticed that some people were running further and further away from the front battlefield, and quickly cut the camera back, "Brother Ran is leading people away from the big dragon pit, so that his teammates can take over and lead the way!"

When Lin Ran ran away, he flashed a collector's edition metal thumbs-up emoji in a very angry manner. The people chasing him were all good brothers. Seeing Kasa and Midhu gnashing their teeth in pursuit, he almost laughed out loud. .

Kasa smiled helplessly. If he hadn't kept Punishment in his hand and put on Blue Punishment to prevent Vanguard from being taken away, Lin Ran would have been caught up and killed by him.

However, Karsa also gave Lin Ran a thumbs up, and then the explosion wave shot by E [Crystal Shatter] was easily deflected by Lin Ran.

Meidehu saw his position correctly and pulled the Q Flying Star to complete the kill.

"The flying star didn't hit!" Watanabe's tone was full of surprise, "Brother Ran's positioning is too outrageous!"

With the second-level shoes plus E [Inspire], and the double movement speed bonus, Lin Ran's movement was maximized. He used right-angle movement to avoid flying stars, and at the same time, he also used Q [Soul Flame] to slow down. scorpion.

He currently has CD shoes + Small Holy Grail + Demonic Codex, coupled with Astral Insight, the 25% cooldown reduction makes the cooldown time of Karma's skills very short.

"I'll hand over flash kill, you hurry up and see if you can defend the vanguard." Guanhu was a little annoyed by Lin Ran's torture. He also knew that if Kasa handed over punishment, then they would really give up the vanguard to YM.

As for YM's early and mid-term lineup, once they get the Pioneer, they can directly /FF.

It's better to let him hand over the flash himself, so that even if he can't get the vanguard, he won't lose it for the time being.

Seeing the golden light shining behind Zoe, he moved behind him. The extra movement speed bonus provided by W [Stealing Skills] allowed him to keep getting closer.

Basic attack, another basic attack!

Zoe, who looks like a child but is actually much taller than ordinary people, used basic attacks to chip away at Lin Ran's health bar.

Lin Ran knew that he would be picked up even if he showed up, so he simply did nothing and died generously.

"Zoe took the kill, and Kasa went back to force YM Ueno back when he tried to move the Canyon Pioneer..."

The director zoomed out from the God's perspective, encompassing the entire upper half of Summoner's Rift.

The three RNG Nakanosuke are still alive, but they are all scattered around the dragon pit, and their skills are all bad.

YM's top and jungle are almost full of health. Shen and Olaf are both macho at this point in time, both meaty and capable of output. It's normal for them to play two-on-three.

But Xiaotian didn't punish him, and he learned from Lin Ran that Kasa had been holding back on punishment. He was also afraid of wasting his work, and if Kasa snatched the vanguard in the end, the gain would outweigh the loss.

"Both sides retreated..." Wawa changed the subject, "But Letme was kicked off in the bottom lane!"

Letme looked at the line of soldiers surging towards the second tower, and had to activate R [Call of the Forged God] to let the magma element clean up the minions.

But the elemental sheep knocked out, but failed to kill all the soldiers.

Most of the minions have a trace of health left, but there is no concept of a trace of health in the defense tower. Anyway, it will consume one artillery strike.

If all these minions are allowed into the tower, Draven and Thresh can easily demolish the second tower!

Letme still planned to step forward and use his QW skills to eat up all the minions.

Liu Qingsong didn't expect that Aoun would dare to move forward.

Who gave you the courage?

He knew that the rest of RNG were in the upper half of the Canyon Pioneer, so he entered the defense tower without hesitation, and used E [Pendulum of Doom] to brush Letme back, and cooperated with R [Netherworld Prison] to create a huge slowdown.

Jack's Draven had just accumulated his passive, and was worried that there was no place to trigger it. Unexpectedly, someone would give him a pillow when he got sleepy.

He went up with two sharp axes, and Ornn's health dropped by nearly 40%!

"I..." Letme was dumbfounded. He had been developing alone on the top lane for nearly 10 minutes. When he came down to see such a monster?

"Jack controls the ax very well, chasing and slashing all the way!"

After Liu Qingsong triggered Aftershock, he fought the tower from behind, and his Q [Death Sentence] forced out Ornn's flash.

But Jack refused to give in. W [Bloody Sprint] started, and the sharp ax in his hand kept slashing at Letme!

Letme realized that there was no hope of escaping, and before dying, he collected all the bottom lane troops.

The sharp ax cut off another head, and with the cheers surrounding Draven, Jack successfully got 5 heads in 10 minutes!

The battle in the canyon finally came to an end, and the director gave a timely replay, attracting another barrage.

[Is this mad dog Olaf really outrageous, taking the head of an enemy general in the midst of thousands of troops? 】

[It’s a cross-over, that’s the chrysanthemum letter]

[This Draven is the big daddy. If there are three swordsmen and one person later, RNG will not be able to handle it]

[Uzi is scraping like crazy and can’t even break the shield. How can he still play with it? 】

Lin Ran, who had just resurrected, glanced at the bottom lane and said, "You guys go down and attack the canyon. Brother Xiba, go to the bottom lane and stay for teleportation and other support."

Casa, who originally wanted to defend the vanguard, saw Draven, who had 12 minutes of blood-drinking sword + attack speed boots + yellow cross, and didn't even dare to stay in the river, for fear that this person would come up and hit him with three axes.

Jack is now like Moses at sea. Wherever he goes, the RNG people will automatically retreat to make way.

This made him very proud. After taking the Rift Herald, he relied on the middle to put pressure.

Letme also wanted to use the ultimate skill he had just converted to hit Jack from a distance, but Liu Qingsong threw down the lantern and successfully rescued the Shiba Inu.

"The Rift Herald was summoned and instantly crushed the RNG middle tower!"

Kasa wanted to start a team fight, but without flash, he couldn't get close to Draven. If he pulled other YM players, it would only take three seconds for Draven to kill him.

I tried to use E [Hypnosis Bubble] on the side to win the prize, but it was also very unrealistic - several people from YM surrounded Jack like bodyguards. As long as this Draven did not take control, YM could not lose the team battle.

"RNG can't start a team, they can only rely on Verus and Zoe to clear the line in the middle!"

In 17 minutes, the second tower of RNG in the middle was destroyed by Draven's axe, and the economic gap between the two sides successfully reached 7,000!

Draven successfully obtained the equipment of blood-drinking sword + artillery + attack speed boots + mercury lace + storm sword. Now even Kassa can't reach him.

Heart, who was watching the game live in the backstage lounge, realized that he had made a big mistake!

Choosing a lineup that has no line rights except Zoe is destined to be unable to stop Delevingne's development.

Casa's Scorpion can reach level 6 in 8 minutes under the strong pressure given by Olaf, which is considered a success.

The time left for Casa was only 10 minutes.

Because a Draven whose early development is not limited will definitely add mercury after the two-piece set to defend against Zoe's Hypnotic Bubble and Scorpion's R [Crystal Stinger]!

These 10 minutes also include mid-term transition and development. How can Casa find opportunities?

But the deal was already done, and Heart could only watch as the defense towers collapsed one after another!

The only thing that greets RNG is chronic death!

In the 22nd minute, YM started to rush the dragon. I felt that Zoe, who had a two-piece suit, could stand up and win the prize in the jungle.

But Lin Ran added a murder book after the Great Holy Grail, and then went straight to redemption!

He clearly understood his position in this game - just be a dog for Draven and Olaf. This kind of auxiliary equipment is quite cheap, and Lin can set up the equipment very quickly.

The result was that Guanhu and Uzi were wildly poking outside, but they were saved by a redemption that completely boosted the health of their teammates.

"Casa still wanted to flash in and grab the dragon... but YM all stopped!"

YM showed the essential qualities of a top team in the LPL, and their strong execution allowed them to stop focusing on the Baron as soon as they heard Lin Ran's command!

The dragon's blood volume remained at 1300, which was still far away from Casa's disciplinary kill line, but he had no other means to get Baron Nash into his disciplinary kill line!

"Dlevin's three axes cooperated with his teammates to successfully capture the scorpion head. After killing the jungler, YM successfully captured the dragon!"

With the familiar rhythm of suppression, YM still advanced in an orderly and slow manner after winning the Baron, plundering as many economic resources as possible.

When the Baron BUFF duration ended, YM rushed to the RNG highland with an economic advantage of nearly 1.5W in 27 minutes!

"I'll try to do damage first, you guys wait for me!" Jack picked up the ax and went to find Kasa again.

Scorpion, with the word innocent written all over his face, was still trying to clear the line of troops. When he saw the Shiba Inu walking towards his face, he quickly wanted to retreat.

But Jack activated W [Bloody Sprint], and combined with Lin Ran's E [Encouragement], the double acceleration was enough to hit him with an axe!

Draven now has 5 big items. With the Infinity Blade, he struck down a critical blow with his sword, killing nearly 40% of the scorpion's HP!

The audience in the audience gasped.

"What kind of damage is this!" Miller couldn't calm down when he saw the length of Casa's health bar disappearing. "Isn't Draven's equipment too exaggerated?"

After testing the damage, Jack felt that he could ride on the opponent's face and kill him, so he immediately asked his teammates to prepare for a tower charge.

Lin Ran saw the right moment, and RE put a group shield and acceleration on his teammates, and rushed into the opponent's face in the blink of an eye!

The RNG formation collapsed in an instant. Jack's Draven was at full fire. Under the protection of Thresh and Karma, the two axes in his hands kept spinning. Every time he threw the ax, he would chop off a large amount of the opponent's health!

And Xiaotian's Olaf is equally fierce, carrying an ax and heading straight towards Uzi, leaving no room for the opponent's core output to play!

The half-flesh Olaf and the magical Draven, two strong men holding sharp axes, protected by the rest of the team, instantly overwhelmed RNG's formation!

There was no suspense. Everyone in RNG, who was about to be wiped out, could only watch their base being destroyed by a sharp ax!

"The two axes of Draven and Olaf completely killed the game!"

Accompanied by the special effects of crystal cracking, the doll shouted excitedly!

Recommended book: "Alien Relic Hunter", science fiction, if you are interested, you can read it

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