LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 432 Chapter 430: Surprise

"Congratulations to YM, you swept TOP 2-0 and advanced to the playoffs as the No. 1 player in the Eastern Conference!" I remember saying loudly.

Partner Zeyuan also nodded in agreement, "With a record of 18 wins and 1 loss, it has also become the team with the most wins in a single season in the history of LPL!"

In fact, this record is a bit false. After all, the league only had 12 teams in the first two years. After the alliance this year, the teams have expanded, the schedule has also been lengthened a lot, and the number of wins will naturally increase.

"It's time to get off work!" Jack glanced at the output list and found that Liu Qingsong's output was only 2200. He immediately laughed crookedly and used the crooked accent he learned from Casa, "It's so far north... …”

Liu Qingsong knew what was going on in Jack's mind, so he licked his lips and made a forward motion to cast the spell.

"Let's go, shake hands, shake hands." Seeing this, the Shiba Inu changed his face at the speed of light and stopped smiling. He was no match for Liu Qingsong when it came to swearing.

But it's too late.

Liu Qingsong began to tear open the wound, starting with Jian Lantern a few days ago and ending with his sudden death.

"We can win the team battle in the bottom lane, 3 on 5!" Liu Qingsong babbled, "The only highlight of your team battle is to let Zoom hit you. TOP feels that the opponent's ADC will be killed suddenly, and he will definitely be able to bully the smaller team. Win the team battle, and then Brother Ran takes them all away."

He patted the Shiba Inu on the shoulder on the way to the top players' table, "I have to say, Nabo, you have indeed made great contributions. If you hadn't died, we wouldn't have been able to win."

Jack's face turned red at these words.

Although I felt very unhappy, I couldn't find any reason to refute it.

His output in this game is indeed not high. His output of 9396 is only slightly more than Nosuke in the YM team.

"Why did you say you provoked him?" The garlic bastard gloated. A king of yin and yang like him would not dare to provoke Liu Qingsong. After all, Liu Qingsong's direct curses were too harsh.

Jack was obedient and did not dare to say anything, and followed Lin Ran to find the TOP people.

Following the movement of the director's camera, Zeyuan also saw everyone in TOP, "We lost this final battle, and TOP's regular season ranking remains third in the Eastern Conference!"

Although they lost the game, the faces of the top players were not at all depressed, but rather mixed with a bit of joy.

"It's a pity." Jiu Meng pretended to sigh, but the corners of his raised mouth were tightly tightened, for fear that he would laugh out loud, but this made his expression very contradictory.

Lin Ran felt confused and glanced at Jiu Meng.

Is there something wrong with this person? Is he being held hostage?

However, the handshake didn't take long. Before Lin Ran could figure out the problem, he was pushed by the Shiba Inu behind him to the center of the stage to bow in thanks.

The surrounding audience was satisfied. Although YM did not play any weird lineup to cheer everyone up, they opened up the battle and the game against TOP was still exciting.

After all, after this final game of the regular season, there will be no YM games for the next half month. Fans should come to see their farewell performance.

However, the audience who were still applauding and cheering for YM quickly attracted their attention to the TOP people at the back of the stage.

When Zoom took off his headphones, he also took off his mask of pain. He was laughing heartily and was still discussing with his jungler Lin Ran and Zoe's single-kill Zhuo Ding in the middle, and was disgusted by his own mid laner.

Sadness didn’t look that sad either. When he put away his mouse and keyboard, the corners of his mouth raised crazily and he smiled.

【? ? ? ? 】

[Isn’t this a purchase? 】

【Strict investigation! @League of Legends】

[Don’t scream if you don’t understand, go look at the standings and playoff schedule. If you were him, you would laugh too]

[Laughing doesn’t work, so what expression should I give you? Do you want me to cry all the time? Sorry, I can’t do it]

"What are you doing?" Poppy, who was greeting the players in the tunnel, became anxious when he saw the expressions on their faces. "Can you wait until you get off the stage to smile again?"

"We don't want to laugh...but we really live in Bengbu!" Zoom kept explaining while suppressing laughter.

There was nothing Poppy could do about it. Several contestants were also too young. They must be in rhythm when they laughed in front of the camera.

Fortunately, the pace of this matter is not fast, and there are still many TOP old fans who are trying to popularize why the players are laughing, and have gone through the playoff schedule for them.

Although two new teams were added in the spring split, the playoffs will still be the same as before, with the top four teams in each group competing against each other in a cross-match format.

First half of playoffs: BLG, TOP, RW, YM

Lower half: WE, RNG, EDG, IG

Starting with BLG and WE, they will challenge upwards in order. Finally, the winners of the upper and lower half will go to the Chengdu Performing Arts Center, where the finals will be held to compete for the Silver Dragon Cup.

In terms of the intensity of the playoffs alone, the lower half is definitely higher, where top clubs from the older generation gather and have a deep foundation.

The upper half of the area is where new forces gather.

BLG and YM both joined the LPL in the summer of 2016, TOP in the summer of 2017, and RW only joined the league later this spring.

The total number of days it took for the four teams to join the league is almost the same as one WE club.

As soon as the groups were announced, it provided a lot of fun for the offseason that followed for nearly a week. Discussions on major e-sports forums surged, and the audience expressed their opinions.

[You don’t need to read the first half, YM has booked tickets for the finals. Who is in favor and who is against? 】

[Do we still need to fight in the upper half? Whoever makes it to the semi-finals from the other three teams will just admit defeat, and I won’t bother YM to play another BO5]

[Then who can get another final ticket? 】

[RNG, you must believe in Uzi, Uzi is our pride! 】

[Hohoho, is the Uzi you are talking about the big mouth who went to find TheShy Sword Lady and was killed by three swords? 】

[It must be IG. Just play RNG in the bottom lane and hold on without giving away. TheShy and Rookie must not destroy Letme and cancel their accounts? 】

[Indeed, the only way RNG can beat IG - Uzi kills faster than his four teammates send him]

IG is now in the limelight in the Western Division. Judging from the record alone, they are not much inferior to YM.

16 wins and 3 losses in big games, 34 wins and 8 losses in small games...

For IG, after changing the head coach and starting ADC, this result is already impressive enough.

Top laner TheShy, jungler Ning and mid laner Rookie shine brilliantly in this version. The talented newcomer, the lonely champion substitute, and the old director who carried alone in the past few years, this combination set off a wave of fast play throughout the league. whirlwind.

Their exquisite details and extraordinary operations in the game have been favored by a large number of viewers. Coupled with the stable core Sima Laothi in the later period, IG has demonstrated extremely strong ceiling strength this season.

Even though Pignose's management and the Eleven Surrender incident in previous years have wiped out a large number of fans, there are still a large number of viewers in e-sports forums who believe that IG will advance to the finals and start a peak showdown with YM.

Seeing that the public opinion trend was not right, RNG fans became anxious.

They felt that RNG's performance during the period before the New Year was indeed mediocre, but after Uzi returned, the team's condition improved significantly. In addition, Kasa and the team became more and more compatible, and their strength improved by leaps and bounds.

If the schedule hadn't been too short, RNG would have probably caught up with RW, which is second in the Western Region.

In this state, RNG should have at least a 40% chance of winning when facing IG, not to mention a 50-50 odds, right?

Why do so many people think IG will win?

This is unscientific.

Some RNG fans were very dissatisfied. They made trouble on the forum and had a heated argument with Gouzi.

But across the screen, it is difficult for netizens to convince each other with just a keyboard. The more noisy they are, the more they feel that they are right, but the other party is unreasonable.

Fans of IG and RNG went from arguing in the anti-pressure bar to chatting on Weibo to Hupu NGA. The entire LOL e-sports forum was turned upside down, and it escalated to personal attacks and abuse of players.

Lin Ran sat on the sofa in the rental house and glanced at the e-sports forum with a mentality of eating melons.

The quarrel continues.

[Letme, Five, who holds the thighs and won the semi-finals, can also play well? You know half of the three top laners of S7: Jace, Kennen, and Gnar, right? 】

[Half? Is it also called meeting to jump after the Gnar? If S7 doesn't rely on spicy hot pot, can Letme win the top four? 】

[There is also account cancellation. He played like a human in the S7 Summer Split. As soon as he got to the World Championship, he stretched his hips and blamed Firefox for Galio's fault, right? Did you cancel the non-stick pan? 】

[According to what you say, isn’t IG also a super soldier? TheShy played for a whole year last year and didn't even make it to the World Championship; Broiler is just a S5 top 16, and he still dreams of competing against YM at the top, don't make it to the finals and be swept 0:3]

Nowadays, some people have problems with their thinking. They stir up flames and start fights everywhere and bring out old and rotten things.

Lin Ran felt helpless as he watched the players he knew well being attacked in various ways due to quarrels between fans.

"Let's go, let's go, I'm going to starve to death." Su Cheng came out of the room wearing a loose sweater jacket and sweatpants. Seeing that her boyfriend was still sitting on the sofa, she kept urging.

Lin Ran hurriedly ran to the foyer to put on his shoes and turned on his mobile phone to locate it.

According to their previous plan, they went to the hospital for a physical examination after the regular season to see if there were any hidden dangers.

The two of them had not drank water since ten o'clock last night, and they had not eaten breakfast, so their mouths were dry and their stomachs were uncomfortable.

I rushed to the hospital physical examination center to check my height and weight, blood test, B-ultrasound, internal medicine, surgery and ophthalmology...

Fortunately, they came on a working day and there were not many people doing physical examinations. Otherwise, it would have taken a whole morning to go to ten departments all the way.

Even so, the two of them were still very tired after completing all the physical examination items, mainly because they were hungry and thirsty.

But Su Cheng kept walking, asking when the physical examination report would be released, and then walked out with her boyfriend.

"Lin Ran, hurry up, don't wait too long!" Su Cheng walked quickly with her long legs, carrying two bags of breakfast received from the physical examination center.

A few days ago, she suddenly changed her mind and insisted on adding an extra item to her schedule - to register Lin Ran for orthopedics.

"There's nothing wrong with my wrist. If you insist on bringing me here..." Lin Ran muttered, his hands empty.

"Your wrists will start to feel sore and weak at night. If you continue to use your fingers and wrists for 15 hours a day, tenosynovitis will break out sooner or later," Su Cheng said seriously, "Lin Ran, you have to be right. You are responsible for your own body.”

Su Cheng's expression became serious, "You don't have much free time, so take advantage of this holiday to come and have a look, and learn some ways to relieve symptoms."

"The upcoming schedule is so intensive. Once tenosynovitis occurs, it will be inconvenient to move the wrists and hands, which will affect many things."

If YM wins the Spring Split, they will participate in the MSI held in Berlin and Paris in May, start preparing for the Summer Split in early June, have the Intercontinental Split in early July, the Asian Games in mid-August, and then the World Championship...

Among them, Lin Ran must go to the Intercontinental Games and the Asian Games. He has no other choice.

His scalp felt numb when he thought about it carefully.

The pressure of competition is so great that there is basically no rest time this year.

Lin Ran tried to lighten the atmosphere, "It affects a lot of things? Will it affect you then?"

Su Cheng didn't know, so she was confused, "If you have tenosynovitis, how will it affect me?"

Seeing that his girlfriend didn't react, he leaned forward and whispered something in Su Cheng's ear.

Before he finished speaking, Su Cheng hit his chest with an elbow.

"You're going to die," Su Cheng looked slightly drunk and his eyes were wandering. No one was paying attention to the people coming and going in the hospital, so he relaxed and complained, "Can you be more serious?"

While waiting in line, two people sat on chairs and opened the breakfast bags provided by the hospital.

Each person has a box of milk, a bottle of juice, a braised egg, two individually wrapped hand-pulled buns, and a Snickers bar.

Lin Ran took a bite of bread and sucked milk into his mouth, filling his stomach with both.

As soon as I finished eating the bread, I heard my number being called.

Su Cheng stood up quickly and took Lin Ran's arm to go to the clinic.

It was probably very early. The outpatient doctor looked young and hadn't received many patients yet. His tone was quite gentle.

"It's okay." He grabbed Lin Ran's wrist and performed tendon palpation. He saw that the patient only had a dull soreness near the extensor muscle of the index finger. "It's not a big problem. It's a very mild symptom. Pay more attention to rest and don't overstrain your fingers." "

"Is there any relief method?" Su Cheng heard the doctor say there was no big problem. He breathed a sigh of relief and then asked, "He usually has to use the mouse all the time, and his fingers and wrists work very hard, so he can't guarantee rest. time."

"There is ointment to apply, and I often apply hot compresses before going to bed..."

The doctor initially stared at Lin Ran's arm, but then he heard Su Cheng's words and glanced up at the patient's face.

Then another glance.

The doctor cleared his throat and seemed very patient. "Patients with tenosynovitis still need to pay more attention to themselves. If they find something is wrong, come to the hospital as soon as possible. Partial sealing or small needle knife treatment can be used. It is very effective in relieving mild to moderate symptoms..."

"Try not to perform surgery. Our department received a League of Legends player. He didn't have tenosynovitis, but there was a problem with the wrist bones."

"After hand surgery, even if you recover well, it will be difficult to adapt to the intensity of e-sports competitions."

Su Cheng pursed her lips and pinched Lin Ran's clothes.

The young doctor was writing prescriptions with a signature pen in his hand, chatting a few words if nothing happened, "There is also a young man who was led to do some kind of bloodletting therapy. It only treats the symptoms but not the root cause. In the end, it hurts so much that he can't move his hands. Why don't he have to send us here?" There was quite a big fuss at the time of the surgery.”

Lin Ran and Su Cheng looked at each other.

They were just afraid of matching up. They all knew these two people.

The former is Wu State, the founder of Super Soldier, and the latter is Brother Crystal with the flower pot behind him.

Su Cheng was still repeating the doctor's instructions to her boyfriend until she left the clinic.

Lin Ran naturally would not refute at this time and nodded repeatedly.

After not drinking water for a long time, he still felt thirsty after just eating a box of milk, and his eyes moved towards the juice in Su Cheng's bag.

But before he could take action, Su Cheng diligently took out the juice bottle and unscrewed the cap with her forearm.

"No, you're making me feel like I'm helpless." Lin Ran laughed.

Su Cheng said seriously, "I don't dare to ask you to do any strenuous work now. What if I treat you with tenosynovitis?"

She thought about the photos of tenosynovitis that she had found on the Internet. They were shocking. It was hard for Su Cheng to accept that Lin Ran's wrist looked like that.

On the last night of the three-day long vacation, Lin Ran was lying on the bed using his left hand to scroll through his mobile phone, while his right wrist was tightly wrapped in a hot towel.

After returning from the hospital, he rarely touched the computer mouse and used hot compresses to protect his wrists every day to prepare for the next playoffs.

Su Cheng prepared the hot water and ran to the study next door to study. After playing with her boyfriend for two days, she had to concentrate on preparing for the next schoolwork.

Lin Ran glanced at the e-sports forum. The scolding battle between IG and RNG was still going on. It is estimated that this question will not be answered accurately until the two teams face off.

RNG fans feel that their performance has been better than that of IG in the past two years, while Gouzi uses the results of this spring split to overwhelm others.

In the end, it became a case of picking each other's back.

[RNG has two S competition runner-ups, does IG have one? 】

[Are the two S tournament runners-up from RNG? Isn't that from the royal family? 】

[I wonder if in addition to the two runner-ups, RNG also has the top four. Isn’t it better than the top 16 when you surrendered on the 11th? 】

[Then why did RNG fall behind in this year’s spring split? Ranked third in the West Region, lower than the new team RW, it really made the whole family laugh]

Lin Ran watched it with great interest. From his perspective, as long as he didn't criticize the players, he would accept it.

At this time, the phone suddenly rang, and the contact person was Vincent from Riot China.

Lin Ran was surprised. Although the two had a good relationship, they usually communicated on WeChat about everything, so why did they suddenly think of calling.

He picked up the phone. Vincent's voice was so noisy that he had to distinguish it carefully to hear every word.

"There's a surprise!" Vincent's excitement can be felt through the receiver, "Guess what it is?"

"Hmm..." Lin Ran vaguely guessed the answer, but still pondered for two seconds to satisfy Vincent, "I don't know."

"Championship skin!" Vincent laughed, "You didn't expect that, did you?"

Lin Ran choked back, "By the way, the share of the S6 champion skin hasn't been paid yet, right?"

It has been a year and a half since they won the championship, and the S6 championship skin has been discontinued for almost a year. The originally agreed 25% share has not yet been received.

"Ai, what's wrong..." Vincent's voice lowered an octave, "We are not a small workshop, how could we delay and refuse to pay? The currency exchange rates of each server country are different, and the quantity and tax must be calculated. The process must be It’s a little more troublesome.”

"I'll help you with the urging, don't worry."

Lin Ran responded twice and changed the subject.

He's not in a hurry.

Lin Ran is not short of money now. He has almost paid off the loan for his house in Suzhou just by relying on his salary and live broadcast income. Other expenses for food and clothing are not extravagant. Excluding shoes and clothes, he only needs 1,000 yuan a month. It's very nourishing to live.

"Watch the video posted on the official website first, and then I will send you the live broadcast schedule. Then you and YM will collaborate to promote it." Vincent started to get down to business.

This kind of activity can increase the sales of skins, and it involves money sharing. As long as it does not delay normal training, Lin Ran will naturally have no objection.

After turning off her phone, Su Cheng, who had just finished her homework, also ran over.

She first helped Lin Ran change the towel for hot compress, then lay on the bed and watched the Champion Skin promotional video with her boyfriend.

I went to a relative's house today and was a bit busy. It was late at night when I got back. I'll update these first. I'll update more in the next few days if I don't have anything else to do.

There is a fan title event in the book review area. If you are interested, you can take a look.

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