LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 433 431: Champion skin!

The familiar fist symbol shattered the barrier between it and reality with one punch. This special effect action seemed to drag Lin Ran and Su Cheng into the virtual online world.

The computer screen faded and the Riot Games logo disappeared.

Riot Games has spent a lot of money this time. In addition to last year's 3D perspective recording technology, it also added a short piece of CG animation.

"It wasn't like this when SKT won the championship two years ago, right?" Su Cheng asked with interest. She took another plate of sliced ​​pineapple from the coffee table in the living room and poked a piece with a plastic fork, "Open your mouth, ah... …”

Lin Ran turned his head and picked up the pineapple, letting the sweet and sour taste burst between his lips and teeth.

"Technology is constantly developing," he said after swallowing his pineapple. "Tengjing also played a role, saying that he gave Riot suggestions and asked them to do something different for the first team to win two consecutive championships. "

The computer screen was still dark, and they could only hear the sweet sound of water drops falling into the stream.

"Be safe!" A cold female voice echoed in the darkness, and Lin Ran and his girlfriend looked at each other.

This sound production makes them feel like they are in a pipeline.

"Baby, safety has nothing to do with me!" Another arrogant male voice sounded.

At this time, the screen brightness slowly increases.

Black and red feathers were floating in the air, and the agile Vastaya warriors swung their sharp feather blades forward, trying to detect whether there were enemies in the darkness.

The water in the pipe was very deep and she couldn't control it. Even her feathers were stained with water droplets and stuck to her body, making her look a little embarrassed.

The other vastaya is very relaxed and comfortable. The graceful dancer jumps and moves above the pipe, with an agile and elusive figure.

"Hurry up!" the dancer is still urging, "it's right in front!"

The camera shifted, and Lin Ran and Su Cheng also saw light coming from the end of the pipe directly in front of them through the tic-tac-toe seal.

The woman in the pipe knew that there were no enemies ahead, but she did not take away the feather blade.

As the light grew stronger, she threw out the weapon with force, and several feathers left the pipe along the tic-tac-toe seal. The floating black and red feathers flashed with special effects, with a bit of ink style.

With a scream, the feather was retracted, and the huge force it carried directly broke the tic-tac-toe seal!

This time without the obstruction of the seal, the light fully bloomed in front of the two of them.

"Nice job, Kasumi!"

The dancer accelerated and ran wildly, setting off a gust of fascinating breeze. The feathers were also floating in the air, and the whole person rushed over Xia's body into the light!

"Luo, slow down!" Xia couldn't keep up with her partner, so she could only run out in the water.

Light bloomed in her eyes, dazzling them for a moment.

Before Xia could get used to the light, she heard an angry shout.

"Demacia, forever!"

A majestic man wearing a black helmet and armor appeared in front of her. The tip of his black halberd had a touch of scarlet, and he was full of momentum. His whole outfit looked like he had stepped out of a Peking opera.

Kasumi lowered her head and noticed that there was still a turbulent flow of water under her feet.

It's just that the amount of water is much more than in the pipe.

The river swift crab in front of him was carried away by the prince of Demacia, and the infernal dragon was still lying down in the dragon pit to take a nap. Luo relied on his lightness as a swallow, put his arms on the wings of the fire dragon, and wanted to compete with this big guy. more beautiful.

This is Summoner's Rift!

At this time, the rope hooked into the wall, and a green steel figure with short gray hair appeared in front of the audience!

She was wearing a black Hanfu, with huge and sharp Hextech leg blades from her waist down, making her look heroic.

"Hey, this Qinggangying model is pretty good," Su Cheng bit into a piece of pineapple, "But the top of his head looks quite awkward..."

Lin Ran couldn't help but laugh, "Why are there two bags on top of her head? Hahahaha, are you cosplaying Tenten from Naruto?"

The camera of the green steel shadow flashed past, and Vayne wearing sunglasses also rolled into the river. The huge crossbow behind her was extremely dark, and the arrows fired seemed to seize the souls of people.

"Where's yours?" Su Cheng scanned around. So far, only 5 heroes have appeared on the screen. "Did you choose the fox?"

Lin Ran was also uneasy. Ever since he communicated with Riot artists in Los Angeles, he had never seen the skin manuscripts, and he didn't know how they would draw his appeal.

"Normally," he pretended to be calm, "FMVPs like me usually appear last."

On the computer screen, the five heroes gathered in the lower river of Summoner's Canyon looked at each other, and they obviously realized that there was still one person left.

A breathtaking black orb suddenly appeared at the edge of the camera, crossing the entire screen at an extremely fast speed, and passed through the body of the river crab. When the orb was retrieved, the river crab had turned into a dead body!

This orb just snatched the wild monster from the prince's hand!

The five heroes all shifted their gazes and looked away from the camera.

Lin Ran breathed a sigh of relief. The fox's deceptive orb just now had already filled his expectations.

The camera moves to the side, and the first thing that catches the eye is the eye-catching red cloth hakama pleats. The entire costume style is more like the shape of an ancient Chinese witch.

The clothes were a little loose, but they couldn't hide her slim body curves. The nine fox tails merged into one big fluffy tail, hanging obediently behind her long, slender legs.

Her long, silky dark red hair hangs down on her shoulders and goes up her swan-like neck. The unique fox beard is spread on her charming cheeks as white as snow.

Two small ears broke through the long dark red hair, which were ridged on the top of the head, and swayed from time to time. Together with the black deceitful orb held in his hand, he looked docile and well-behaved.

And on the top of the head between the two ears... there is a squatting little yellow duck!

Fist also specially gave this little yellow duck a close-up shot. The duck's eyes are very widely spaced, and it looks like a certain girl.

The combination of the little yellow duck and the ancient Chinese witch costume adds a different kind of silly cuteness to Ahri. When he jumps, the little yellow duck will jump in the air, and finally stay on top of Ahri's head. .

"Ah this..." Su Cheng was stunned.

She subconsciously pulled at her little yellow duck pajamas, looking embarrassed.

Lin Ran smiled.

I have to call Riot headquarters to express that he is very satisfied with this miko costume fox.

There is no need to look at the subsequent skill effect displays. This model is enough. What else is needed for a bicycle?

At this time, the six heroes on the computer screen stood together, looking at the towering enemy crystal in the distance.

The short CG of the champion skin has come to an end, and next will be the display of details and skill special effects of the six skins.

"Why did you really add this little yellow duck?" Su Cheng asked with wide eyes.

"Let's keep it as a souvenir," Lin Ran unfolded the hot towel and moved his right wrist, "I'll get another one next year."

"Ha," Su Cheng blushed and pretended to be disdainful, "Are you so confident that S8 can win the championship?"

Lin Ran ignored her and stood up to pour out the cooled hot water.

When I came back, the detailed demonstration of the champion skin was not over yet.

Jin Gong's Green Steel Shadow skin W [Tactical Sweep] kicks out a slowdown zone with a flame texture, and R [Hex Ultimatum] will display the YM icon in the center of the barrier, surrounded by hexagons The horns also feature a flame logo.

Prince Xiaowei's skin looks a bit similar to Lu Bu's, but the tone is much darker, and a new action is added when waving the halberd.

Jack and Liu Qingsong's Xialuo skins have special black feather floating effects when they cast their skills. Together with their non-stop love talks, they look like a couple.

Lin Weixiang's VN skin can only be described in four words - lackluster.

This is probably the most underwhelming skin in the YM Champion skin series.

It is true that compared to several other heroes, Vayne is not suitable for making more complex special effects. A black dragon symbolizing YM appears under the feet of R. When Q rolls, there are sparks all over her body...

The third ring and E [Devil's Judgment] just changed the colors.

The final Ahri's special effects are quite luxurious. In addition to the deception orb turning into a deep black, E [Charm Magic] actually directly throws the little yellow duck above her head.

When casting R [Soul Assault], because Ahri's movement speed was so fast, the little yellow duck would even fall onto her fluffy tail.

In terms of details, Ahri is the most outstanding among this group of champion skins. Lin Ran feels that this skin can directly increase the sales of the entire set of champion skins, and the skin share this year will definitely not be small.

As for the return to the city action, Lin Weixiang's Wei En waved her hands with earthy flowers, Jin Gong started the familiar keyboard smashing, and Liu Qingsong, who is addicted to watching Korean groups, chose a dance.

Dancing alone is not enough for him. He has to pull Jack to do the same return to the city, and it looks like the same thing when combined.

Ahri’s return to the city looks much cuter.

When pressing B, she stood there and yawned after working hard day and night. The deceitful orb in her hand bloomed with dazzling light, forming a small projection in the air.

The venue for the finals was packed with seats, and Ahri and the prince stood together to welcome the cheers of the audience.

The projection of the Deceit Orb disappeared. Ahri looked around, but didn't find the person he was looking for. He suddenly became listless. Nine furry tails spread out behind him, wrapping Ahri like a round fan.

Then he collapsed on the ground in a duck-sitting position, with the little yellow duck above his head as dejected as Ahri.

At the strong request of Garlic King Ba, he had a special effect of returning to the city that was linked to Lin Ran - when the prince returned to the city, he waved his halberd to drive back the enemy. The tip of the halberd was still stained with blood. He sat on the ground exhausted, He took out a smaller version of the Orb of Deceit from his armor, and the projected content was the moment when he and Ahri won the championship.

The picture faded, and the final epilogue appeared in the center of the screen - a tribute to YM's winning performance in the 2017 Global Finals.

"Tsk," Su Cheng commented sourly after watching the entire video, "What are you two doing?"

"When you went to Riot headquarters, you two wouldn't have performed such an awkward return to the city on the spot, right?"

Lin Ran quickly denied, "How is that possible? The little bastard and I proposed to take a photo of the two of us when we returned to the city, but Riot rejected it and only proposed this plan."

In the group chat of the YM training department, several team members have watched the promotional video for the champion skin, and the conversation is heated at this time.

Yuki Judai: [Brother, this skin has mediocre special effects. Brother Ran’s fox is still cute, but the return to town action is awkward here, right? 】

Lin Weixiang posted a "Obviously I came first" emoticon, obviously very dissatisfied with Jack and Liu Qingsong's Xia Luo skin.

The honest man Jin Gong sent two red envelopes in the group. He felt that the Qinggang Shadow skin was very suitable for him, and he didn't care what other people thought - the Xiba people didn't think about boosting sales when they chose Camille.

After all, everyone knows that Qinggang Shadow only has the source code and one skin.

The garlic bastard is quite happy, bullying the water fountain manager Lin Weixiang in the group. He has a bunch of weird animated pictures of big eyebrows stored in his mobile phone, which comes in handy.

At the same time, discussions about YM champion skins have continued to surge in major e-sports forums.

[I will blow up this fox skin immediately! 】

[Although he is so tightly dressed, he is much more beautiful than the idol singer who shows his legs]

[Why do I think this fox looks like Eri? Dark red hair + little yellow duck + witch costume? Complete elements]

[This miko uniform is made in China and is different from Japan...but that doesn’t stop me from scolding Jiangnan old thieves]

[We also need to kill a wave of Jiangnan old thieves here, right? 】

[Champion-skinned fox won’t charge? Brother Ran’s signature is really good, YM is the only one]

It is worth mentioning that for this championship skin, Riot Games has specially arranged a version signed by the players, and included the entire process of signing their IDs in the return action, which can be regarded as a monumental innovation.

Due to the rush of time, the players did not have time to practice more before submitting their signatures to Riot.

The strong sunlight revealed everything, and as soon as the champion skin appeared, all the viewers could see the difference.

Xiaotian's signature is the most satisfactory. Although it is not particularly outstanding, it is not ugly either. The consecutive signatures of Jin Gong and Liu Qingsong look quite good.

Lin Weixiang's signature is more complicated. It's not nice to sign the three letters LWX separately. He also chose to use continuous strokes, LW\\ to complete it in one go, and finally spend a / to count it as a success.

But inexplicably, his signature is not as smooth as YM's, and it can't even catch up with the team's starter Eddie Sijak. Although Shiba Inu is strict, his signature is very compact, and the whole signature looks very upright.

According to what Jack said, there is a gap between this and the championship AD.

Lin Ran's signature is also much rounder and more mature. His R wraps up the two letters a and n, and a small flame is drawn at the end, which looks pleasing to the eye.

"My signature, Wow... I have it, Xiao Shuai." Lin Ran was very pleased with himself.

"It's almost done," Su Cheng rolled his eyes at him and applied toner on his face, "Hurry up and turn off the lights and go to bed. You have to go back to the base tomorrow."

The physical examination report will take 12 days to come out, and the champion skin has not yet been launched on the official server. The live broadcast activities agreed with Vincent will have to wait until the end of the spring split.

Lin Ran ended his vacation and returned to the base to train with his teammates and study his opponents in the playoffs first.

At this time, the war in the Spring Split resumed, and the first battle was between WE and RNG.

The performance of the Red and White Army this season is quite average. The dyed-haired brother-in-law's condition has collapsed. Kandi has become more and more addicted to punishment. He has dark circles under his eyes and is as good as a panda. Even 957, who has always been elegant and easy-going, has experienced a cliff-like decline in condition.

Bai Yueya was depressed when he came on the BP stage. He originally thought that he had found a pretty good job after leaving YM, and that he could hope to compete in the World Championships with this group of players for another year.

But he never expected that the strength of several team members would decline so quickly.

Age has become the biggest problem limiting WE2.0.

957 is twenty-five years old, Kandi, Ben and his brother-in-law are all twenty-three years old. Xiye, who has been at the WE Club since he was a child laborer, is the youngest among them and is also twenty-one years old.

Time is ruthless, leaving indelible marks on them who have been fighting in the alliance for many years.

Unlike Dota next door, League of Legends has extremely strict age requirements, which results in LOL players being almost the youngest on average in the entire e-sports circle.

Reaction speed, understanding ability, version adaptability...these burdens put unparalleled pressure on veterans.

For the same version of the hero, a 17-year-old boy can dare to compete in the game after practicing for 20 games, and he can still perform well with his super reflexes and operational skills; a 23-year-old veteran may not be able to achieve this effect even if he practices for 50 games in one night.

Riot's frequent version updates not only enhance confrontation, but also overdraw the careers of these veterans. With every version update, they have to adapt to new powerful heroes, new systems and tactics.

Even Marin and Bengi, the famous championship-winning veterans who are talked about in the e-sports circle, were not particularly old in their last championship year - Ma Datou won the S5 championship at the age of 24, and Benji was 22 years old.

Since then, although they are still shining in the league, they have never won any world championship or even league championship. Entering the playoffs has become a luxury, and stupid chicken even led VG to dive into the secondary league.

The characteristics of the game are on the one hand, and the competitive platform format also excludes veterans.

A very typical example, League of Legends is currently one of the few e-sports events in the world that can establish a league format, while Dota is a standard cup competition.

Let’s not talk about the advantages and disadvantages between the two competition systems. Just talk about the requirements for players. Due to the long span of the league and the changes in versions, the stability requirements for players and teams are higher.

The cup competition only plays one version, and the time is much shorter, and it has the attribute of elimination. Whoever can find and adapt to the version first will be the final winner. This competition system pursues the depth of understanding of the version.

It is obvious that the league is more suitable for new players because the cost of trial and error is low, the competition system is extremely long and there are many opportunities for improvement and growth.

The cup competition is more suitable for veterans. They are very capable of studying a single version within the specified time, and they also crush newcomers in terms of game understanding.

LOL e-sports implements leagues within the competition area and implements cup competitions in world events, which can be regarded as a fusion of the two.

But the problem is that if you want to compete in large cup competitions such as the S World Championship and MSI Mid-Season Championship, you must first stand out in the league within your own division.

This will naturally lead to various League of Legends professional teams paying more attention to cultivating young newcomers.

Nowadays, in the youth training of various professional teams, even 18-year-olds from 2000 are no longer required, and the age limit has been pushed down to 2002 or even 2003, just to get a chance for the future.

Although veterans are more experienced and have more stable mentality and performance on the court, they can easily be defeated by version changes in the long league.

A veteran who was like a fish in water in the last version will immediately fall into a period of pain once the version update weakens his favorite hero and is likely to be unable to recover.

But now, WE, led by Bai Yueya, is tortured by the issue of age.

Although LOL has entered the cup mode since the playoffs, and everyone only plays version 8.6. Logically speaking, it is more beneficial to WE, an older team, but the mentality of several previous players has collapsed.

They couldn't understand why they were able to slip from the level of participating in the S7 World Championship to the edge of the playoffs in an instant.

The problem is that several players can feel that either the coaching staff is holding them back, or they themselves have simply changed their minds.

WE team members can only look for reasons within themselves and cannot find reasons to blame others. This is difficult for most people to accept.

And Bai Yueya is not a coach who is good at enlightening the players' mentality. Although he is very good at turning a lot of bad cards into an above-average level, that's where it ends.

It is simply impossible to take WE further.

At 0:3, the red and white team WE were swept out by their good brother RNG who also participated in the S7 World Championship.

Seeing his team members being brutally beaten by RNG, Bai Yueya sat on the sofa in the backstage lounge and held his forehead helplessly.

He must figure out a way to deal with it in the offseason, otherwise this WE2.0 team is likely to miss this year's World Championship.

On the second day of the playoffs, TOP faced BLG.

It is worth mentioning that BLG changed its mid laner in the second half of this year's spring split.

Mole, nicknamed Xiao Dongbei, entered the professional arena. This new star showed his amazing talent in the second half of the regular season and can be called a rising star in the LPL.

But in front of Zhuo Ding, Xiao Dongbei's performance was quite average, even poor.

ADC quality inspector Jin Jiao had no advantage against Old Dream and ppgod. AJ, the big daddy of the top team, tried his best but failed to gain an advantage from Kirby Zoom. He even got a chance to kill himself once due to excessive suppression. .

"Congratulations to TOP! Defeated BLG 3:1 and successfully advanced to the top six of the Spring Split!"

Lin Ran is not surprised by this result. TOP's strength this spring is not weak, but for Zhuo Ding and this team, challenges still lie ahead.

Three days later, TOP challenged RW.

Uncharacteristically for RW, Hanyi no longer chose the popular blue side of the version, but instead focused on the red side.

The whole BP concept is not complicated. The red side finally chooses the counter position for Doinb, so that he can get the hero he wants to suppress Zhuo Ding.

The team's tactics tend to be four-for-two.

Hanyi completely copied the system he implemented in YM to RW.

On the road, A Guang is known as Xiao Jin Gong. In addition to his bright smile, he is also good at resisting pressure. After all, he was honed in EDG back then.

Jungler Xiaofu is just a tortoise's head away from Xiaotian. He can be called a Putian high imitation version.

Mid laner Doinb used to be an old dean, but now his roaming ability has been developed quite well.

In addition to the poor hero pool, poor operation, poor roaming support ability, poor team battle command ability... and the lack of Zoe, Doinb is already comparable to Lin Ran.

Asura + Prophet in the bottom lane, the performance of this duo is also quite good. Although the Prophet does not have such strong roaming ability and big chrysanthemum view, it can be regarded as quite satisfactory.

It can be said that Zhuo Ding is facing another S6 version of YM.

"Brother Han, are you trying to make a copy of YM?" Jack poured the remains of the little raccoon noodles into his mouth and lay on the chair in an extremely domineering and cool posture.

This six-to-four BO5 will determine YM’s opponent in the semi-finals. The training department attaches great importance to it. Several players have finished the training match. Redmi will project the live broadcast of the game directly onto the curtain in the center of the training room. The entire training department people are watching.

It has to be said that the game was quite stalemate. Until the 25th minute of the first game, the economic gap between the two sides was still only about 2K. On the premise that each of them gained a dragon, this can almost be said to be a balance of power.

But in the 28-minute dragon team battle, the zoom demon came to the world, time + Zhongya + Landry's torture, and the three-piece crow came into play twice, completely destroying RW!

After the game, Aguang put on a mask of pain. His captain was suppressed from beginning to end. If it weren't for the other players' advantage, RW might not have lasted 28 minutes.

"Why are they all playing captain?" Shiba Inu shook his hind legs, "They don't really think they have Jin Gong's strength... right Siba?"

This sentence made Jin Gong feel comfortable. Looking at Jin Gong's smile, Jack knew that he had a plan for tonight's midnight snack of fried rice.

Hanyi is also aware of this problem.

Not every top laner is called Jimu Gong. If you play a captain and roam freely, you can still do damage in the mid-term.

He quickly changed his strategy and played the ancestral tree for A Guang.

"But in this case, RW's four-for-two package will be difficult to implement." Gou Ba, who was watching the live broadcast of the event, criticized Han Yi's BP.

Hongmi crossed her legs and drank coffee, nodding her head in agreement with her analyst's opinion.

"Why?" Xiaotian played the role of a curious baby at this time, "Because I chose a big tree, will sadness also be unleashed on the road, leading TOP to tilt the entire strategic focus downwards?"

"This is one of the reasons." Gou Ba has gone through a spring competition and now has a pretty good relationship with the players. His personality has also become more lively when facing acquaintances. "There is another more important point."

“Doinb’s hero pool is very weird.”

During the short vacation between the regular season and the playoffs, Gou Ba did not take a break. He fully displayed his dedication and professionalism of "The company's annual salary is raised to 1.5 million, and I want to take charge of the company." He stayed in the YM club to analyze the performance of various imaginary enemies. data.

When it comes to Doinb at this time, Gouba’s various data are at your fingertips.

"He is very good at mid-to-late game cores like Viktor, Ryze, and Kassadin, and he is also very good at mid lane heroes like Titan and Rambo who tend to push lanes and roam."

"But there is one thing." Gou Ba took advantage of the second game not to start and chatted with the players. "He doesn't play the kind of support mage that doesn't take initiative and hard control."

After this round, everyone at the scene, including Lin Ran, fell into deep thought. They tried hard to search for memories about RW and Doinb in their brains.

In the end it was found to be so.

Gou Ba took in everyone's thoughtful looks and continued: "The iconic one is Rock Bird. Taliyah is also the ultimate roaming support hero, but she is more like a support hero for the team after her teammates force her to use summoner skills. A role that provides second-hand control.”

"This hero is not difficult to operate. Just like the cards, as long as you understand the concept of 'support', you can get started quickly."

"But Doinb only used Taliyah once in his career. Unfortunately, he lost that game."

Hong Mi had a look of approval on his face, and he jabbered a lot of Korean to Jiang Chenglu.

"Your data analysis is very thorough. If we add Zoe, we have mastered RW's two weaknesses," Jiang Chenglu translated honestly, "I think if we face RW in the semi-finals, , there is no need to spend any time preparing anything.”

When all the players heard this, they knew why it was difficult for RW to play 4 packs of 2 in this round.

For the same reason, in League of Legends, due to the existence of balance, it is impossible to have a hero with both late damage and stable first-hand control.

Like cards, yellow card control is stable in the early stage, but in the middle and late stages, Drizzt, who lacks a passive and ultimate move in team battles, is quite weak.

Doinb is accustomed to using mages/warriors with initiative control and entry capabilities, which results in the low output of such heroes in the later stage.

Top laner Aguang then chooses a tank, and all the output pressure falls on the jungler and ADC Asura.

Among them, Adou is still unable to be lifted up. With his limited personal ability, it is useless for him to use the output jungler.

In the end, RW's lineup can easily evolve into 4 guarantees and 1 Asura.

In the second round of BP, Hanyi also saw the signs. In the end, he could only give doinb a spring to try to delay the later stage.

The result was exactly what TOP wanted.

They are afraid that RW will play 4-pack 2. As long as doinb can stay in the middle without moving, Zhuo Ding can try to suppress it with his personal strength.

At the end of this game, Zoom Qinggangying stood up again and took away RW's bottom lane crystal with a single split push. Then TOP took advantage of the bottom lane's super soldiers and moved to the Dalong Pit, forcing RW to come and challenge.

In the final 33 minutes of fierce battle, TOP won another victory.

"RW are in a sluggish state today, and TOP is one step away from the semi-finals. They are very hopeful to rewrite the best results in the history of their club!" Zeyuan said.

His mouth directly affects the situation at the scene.

RW, which was lagging behind 0:2, took the challenge calmly and calmly. Doinb is also a person who has experienced strong winds and waves, and his mentality is relatively calm.

In this game, Hanyi implemented the BP idea of ​​giving mouse a damage-oriented hero, and let doinb choose the meaty Thane to drive the rhythm.

In just 25 minutes, TOP fell at the feet of Thain who was pushing the line crazily.

In the fourth game, RW repeated its old tricks and continued to play Thain in the mid lane. It was an autistic style of play. After pushing the line, he ran away without facing the opponent.

Zhuo Ding was so angry that his face turned red, but there was nothing he could do. Even Syndra's set of skills couldn't defeat Thain.

At 35 minutes, Doinb teleported around and hit the top double C with his ultimate move, destroying the game instantly!

After being chased for two games in a row, the mentality of the TOP players who originally had a huge advantage exploded.

Although Bobby disabled Thain, Doinb took out his single Lulu and continued his autistic style of play. He did not face Zhuo Ding directly and wandered after pushing the minions.

It’s really disgusting!

Zhuo Ding was helpless. Although he had developed some wandering skills, he was still far from being able to enter the palace, and he was still not as good as Doinb.

"3:2!" Zeyuan shouted loudly, "We witnessed the first game in this spring season where two players chased three!"

"RW's journey of grand theft continues, and they will face the defending champion YM in two days!"

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