LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 437 435: An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth

"After killing Lulu, the blind monk is not planning to leave yet. He and Lucian are threatening RW to hit a tower!"

Rita saw clearly the movements of YM Nakano and said worriedly:

"Ka'Sa has returned to the city to replenish equipment, and now she and Luo are rushing back to the bottom lane. The army line is about to disappear, and it is difficult for RW to further wear and tear the defense tower... What should we do if the first tower is hit?"

When Xiaofu saw the YM duo at full status appearing within his field of vision, he immediately wanted to retreat.

"Don't go, don't go, I'll come down and get 4 for 2!" Aguang shouted loudly. He showed his excellent game IQ and exchanged blood with Jin Gong in advance and then returned to the city.

Thain had a considerable advantage against Ryze in the early and mid-term, and this exchange was a great success. When Jin Gong returned to the city, he found that the position of the top lane troops was very poor, and he could only hand teleports to ensure his development.

And Aguang is on his way to the lower road, and will soon reach the second tower of the lower road.

"Wait for another wave of troops, my dear, go and eat the river crabs!" Asura decided to kill the YM duo once and continue to expand his advantage.

"Can you succeed?" The resurrected Doinb has already walked out of the middle high ground, "I may not be able to defend the YM middle and jungle by myself!"

If he didn't want to lower the morale of the team, the word 'maybe' could have been deleted from the sentence.

Lulu, who has not yet reached level 6, only has cloth armor, corruption potions and amplification books, so there is no way she can defend the first tower.

He thought for a moment and said, "It's okay, just do it. I'll help you drag it."

Lulu, who is equipped with this equipment, wants to hold down the YM midfielder. There is only one way - to trade her life.

Let's not talk about off-field matters such as Nakano's severance of friendship, and just discuss the performance on the field. Doinb's desire to win is quite strong.

In order to win, he can make necessary sacrifices at certain times on the field.

"Aguang was in position immediately, and Xiaofu pretended to leave the bottom lane, but actually brushed away the river crabs, then ran back in a circle!"

"Ka'Sa didn't flash, deal with him first, and then kill Luo." Aguang's thinking was very clear. As long as there were no friendly troops nearby, Luo's E [Light Dance in Dual] would be useless, and his ability to escape would be greatly reduced.

The troll that rushed out of the triangular grass roared angrily, and a terrifyingly thick pillar burst out of the ground behind Kai'Sa, causing Kai'Sa's heart to tremble!

Not long after returning to the line, Jack and Liu Qingsong didn't have time to arrange their surroundings. Unexpectedly, the RW jungler came back with a kill!

"I can fight!" Jack felt that neither Asura nor the Prophet had returned to the city to replenish equipment, so he could still operate it.

But then he saw a tall undead god of war rushing out of the grass!


Break down and sell out!

Liu Qingsong's E [Double Dance] attached to the Shiba Inu, trying to use W [Grand Appearance] to force the opponent back, and at the same time help block the opponent's skill burst.

"But Kai'Sa without Flash can't escape RW's encirclement at all!"

The troll's pillars have an amazing restricting effect when facing non-displacement heroes. The Shiba Inu, which has not yet reached level 6, can only be ravaged by the opponent!

Liu Qingsong moved back to Jack in double position in the second stage, and then sold his ADC without looking back.

"The flexible Luo escaped easily, but Kaisha had no choice but to surrender her life!"

In the middle on the other side, Doinb is still dragging YM's midfielder, preventing them from going down to support their teammates.

Lucian, who has eaten two heads and all the minion experience, is currently the only one in the game who has reached level 6. With his ultimate move, Lu Xian's combat power crushes everyone in RW. If Lin Ran is allowed to continue, maybe he can actually operate it. .

Lulu's shining spear slowed down the YM midfielder, and Pixar on the wand seemed to be provoking them.

"Kill him!" The Garlic Bastard was upset and said viciously, "It's so annoying to do this!"

Lin Ran glanced at the game time in the upper right corner.

Previously, Lulu handed over Weakness at 2 minutes and 41 seconds. As we all know, the CD of Weakness is as high as 210 seconds, and Lin Ran knew that Doinb did not bring Astral Insight, nor did he purchase props such as the Boots of Brightness that reduce the cooldown of summoner skills.

In other words, Doinb's weakness will improve at 6 minutes and 11 seconds. This key skill cooling time is also recorded by him in the team chat box. At this time, there are still 22 seconds before this time point.

"If you want to kill him, kill him quickly. He is not weak." He made a decision immediately.

After receiving Lin Ran's response, Garlic Bastard immediately turned around to touch his true eyes, and when he came to Lulu's side, he struck an E-thunder!

What followed was a Tianyin wave!

"Lulu put a shield on herself, and she still held the Transformation Sheep in her hand!" Zeyuan did not expect that YM Zhongye would take action. In his opinion, Lucian and the blind monk who had not reached level 6 were not enough to kill. To kill Lulu.

But all the players present know that as long as Tianyinbo hangs on Lulu, Doinb will never survive without double summons - Lulu's damage is very low now, and if he wants to defend against tower jumping, most of the damage must come from the defense tower. manufacture.

The blind monk's current health resistance will take about 6 hits from the defense tower before he is killed, which takes 7 seconds. During this period, the blind monk and Lucian can kill Lulu even if they inflict damage.

The most critical thing is that the remaining four teammates of RW are all in the bottom lane, and no one can save Lulu at this time.

Doinb saw the Tianyin wave mark above his head and knew that he was in serious danger.

Drag it, just drag it hard!

I know I'm going to die, but I just want to hold it off!

He left the sheep transformation to Lucian, who had higher burst damage, in order to survive for a while.

Lin Ran, who had recovered from the sheep-transformation state, raised his two guns and used the penetrating holy light and two passive bullets to easily kill Lulu!

"This game depends on you." Doinb took a sip of water from the paper cup. He knew that he was useless.

"Three consecutive deaths in 6 minutes!" Rita couldn't help but turn up the volume, "This Lulu was continuously trained to jump over the tower, and she's very uncomfortable now!"

"But for RW, it's really acceptable," Zeyuan was very optimistic about this. "Mainly because this is Lulu, as long as the core Ezreal is not poorly developed."

"Now the remaining four members of RW are focusing their fire on YM to take down the tower, and the same goes for YM's midfielder..." The director divided the screen into two, and at the same time gave the progress of the tower pushdown in the middle and bottom lanes of both sides.

Since RW gathered the strength of four people at the same time, and Doinb delayed for a while in the middle, the speed of the two sides pushing the tower was quite different.

When the next tower in YM has residual health, the first tower in RW still has 30% of its health left.

"You go, I'll eat it by myself!" Asura said while giving a warning signal to his teammates.

When he was fat and made this move, he looked 1/3 as charming as the fat little guy from the royal family.

But no one in RW had any objections.

In this game, the team was already at an absolute disadvantage in terms of BP and final lineup. The entire lineup relied on Asura's Ezreal to provide output.

It is necessary to provide him with sufficient finances.

"It's too late to go back and defend the center, come here and let's take the little dragon away!" A Guang had an insight into the overall situation at this time and gave full play to his great wisdom.

"Aguang, just stay in the bottom lane. We'll change lanes later!" Asura waited for all his teammates to leave, and the defense tower bombarded as many of his own soldiers as possible before launching a basic attack and knocking the remaining health down the tower. Push it away.

It was already 6 minutes and 15 seconds.

"One of the towers in RW will also be pushed down by Brother Ran. The two sides exchange a defensive tower and a head. RW earns the dragon and first-blood tower bounty, while the defensive tower pulled out by YM has a higher strategic value."

The middle tower guarded by Doinb was turned into ruins under the combined efforts of Lucian and the blind monk!

"Go back to the city, I want to replenish equipment." The bounty in this middle tower is divided equally, and Xiaotian now has a lot of money in his backpack. When he goes back, he can replenish Caulfield's war hammer and straw sandals.

With the help of the blind monk, Lucian captured the next wave of soldiers, read the movement to return to the city, and drew his gun to shoot the Coke can.

But three seconds later, Lucian suddenly put away his gun and walked down together with the blind monk who also canceled his return to the city!

The directors backstage wanted to cut the camera to Xiaolongkeng to see how this earth dragon died. Unexpectedly, YM Nakano was going to cause trouble, and he was also shaken.

Fortunately, there was a considerable delay between the OB system and the playback screen in the early stages of the game, otherwise they would really be in trouble.

The directing team cursed in their hearts and quickly switched the camera.

From RW's perspective, YM midfielder returned to the city after clearing out the minions. After the residual vision provided by the corpses of the minions completely disappeared, they also lost all traces of the blind monk and Lucian.

Everyone in RW thought that Lin Ran and the boy had gone back to supply supplies, but they didn't expect that the two of them were sticking to the edge of the wall and moving straight down towards the RW blue zone!

"Brother Ran and Xiaotian also tried to use their vision to deceive their opponents!" Zeyuan became excited, "They were doing a circle around the sharp beak camp in the upper half before returning the favor to Xiaofu, and then went to gank the bottom lane!"

Repay the other person with his own way!

"Squatting here, they must be blind." Lin Ran led Garlic Bastard through the narrow road between the RW blue buff camp and the three wolf camp, then turned a corner and hid in the grass next to the blue buff camp. .

For the past two minutes, RW has been attacking down the road, with a lot of offensive vision. Since the green jungle knife and eye stone have been deleted, the team's early vision is seriously insufficient. If they have a good offensive vision, they will definitely have no energy. Then arrange the defensive eye positions in your own jungle area.

However, YM rarely wandered into the lower half in the early stage of this game, and RW had no need to arrange defensive wards. This made Lin Ran even more certain that there were no wards here.

According to known information, the first round of troll farming is done from bottom to top, which means that RW’s blue BUFF will be reset and refreshed first. According to the BUFF camp refresh timestamp provided by the minimap, the exact time is 6 Minutes and 44 seconds.

It's only a few seconds away from now.

With the roar of the evil dragon, the news that the mountain dragon was killed by Xiaofu spread throughout the Summoner's Rift!

"Come on, let me help you get a blue buff!" Xiaofu knew that the troll he was operating didn't really need the blue buff, and wanted to give it to Doinb, whose early development was severely damaged.

Jintai responded and used his shining spear to eat the minion that was pushed in front of the second tower. Then he put W [Fantasy] on himself and accelerated over, standing in the middle of his blue buff camp and the three wolf camp. , help output wild monsters.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute..." Lin Ran counted the time and told the garlic bastard not to take action yet.

The screams suppressed in the throats of the audience rose one after another, spreading like a prairie fire in the LGD Esports Arena!

Lucian and the blind monk stood motionless in the grass, and the troll king was only one step away from them!

The YM midfielder is lurking there like a man-eating beast, waiting for the opportunity to move, waiting for the opponent to reveal a fatal flaw!

Eight seconds after the announcement of the death of the earth dragon disappeared, the blood volume of the blue glyph golem had dropped by half.

Lin Ran's Adam's apple twitched slightly. According to his guess, if the RW bottom lane duo accompanied him to kill this little dragon, and pressed return to the city when the full kill prompt appeared, he would have returned to the base spring.

And Aguang's Thain is still leisurely replenishing troops in the bottom lane, which is still 3,000 yards away.

No one in RW could interfere with them, and Lin Ran created a great 2V2 situation in the middle and jungle!

"Fight, fight, kill the troll first!"

Lucian raised both guns, and hit the troll with his W Zealous Bullet. While firing two passive bullets, he slid sideways to increase the distance.

Two more bullets, a powerful attack to reduce the Troll King's health!

Xiaofu was startled by YM Nakano who suddenly jumped out of the grass beside him, and his whole body shook violently!

Haven't you returned to the city? Why did you come here?

Am I playing a horror game?

"Lulu put the E [Help, Pixar] shield on the troll, but it couldn't withstand such a high amount of output!"

Garlic Bastard's Tianyin Wave shot, and at such a short distance, Flawless himself was panicked, and he was hit head-on by the skill before he could react!

The blind monk kicked the troll to death before he could return to the city to replenish his health and equipment!

"Follow me, Lulu is weak and hasn't shown up yet!" Lin Ran was already murderous. He held the ultimate move in his hand before he fired, and pierced the wall at Lulu's feet. The next moment, the blind monk got close to her!

"The Blind Monk touched the wall and approached Lulu... He hit the exploding cone with an A!"

Xiaoyao showed amazing hand speed, touching his eyes and adding popping cones, and the whole action was done in one go!

In the Summoner's Rift, Blind Monk and Lulu were all bounced away by exploding cones and arrived at the blue BUFF camp!

Doinb's R key is almost broken. At this moment, he shows a strong desire to survive!

But Lucian, armed with two guns, stayed quietly in the wild monster camp, his eyes showing vengeance as hot as magma.

Holy flames bloomed from the muzzle of the holy object, and with Lucian's roar, he rose into the air, and a black dragon flying high appeared faintly behind him!

"Although Lulu used her ultimate move and weakness, it had no effect. He couldn't escape from the clutches of YM Nakano!"

The two basic attacks after the ultimate move took away Lulu's life again. However, Aguang, who had just arrived from a distance, did not dare to stop the YM midfielder. He could only let them accept the blue BUFF and then leave their jungle area in a big way!

"It's broken, it's broken," Zeyuan shook his head repeatedly, "Now Lian Xiaofu's jungle area is going to be blown through. YM's eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth is quite cruel."

Lin Ran had more than two thousand gold coins in his backpack when he returned to the city. He synthesized two small pieces of equipment from the Blade of the Broken King, bought a pair of straw sandals, and headed straight for the middle road!

"This death caused a huge loss to RW's midfielder!" Even Rita noticed something was wrong. "Now Lulu is 0/4 and only made up 35 dollars in 7 minutes. There is a big economic gap between her and Lucian. !”

And the thing that worried Doinb the most has happened - Lucian took off.

Lin Ran not only squeezed his Lulu's development, but now also harvested 4 heads. Coupled with the defense tower economy gained previously, his development suddenly became the first in the game.

Next, no one among them can restrain this Holy Lance Ranger who only wants revenge!

"Lucian's damage is so high that it will explode!" Zeyuan's excited voice mixed with the screams of the rest of the audience, instantly detonating the whole place!

The game in Summoner's Rift has progressed to 18 minutes. Xiaotian summoned Rift Herald, hoping to help the team advance to the second tower of RW's middle lane.

Asura's Demon Sect has been fully evolved at this time. He feels that he has Demon Cut + Ice Fist + Boots of Clarity in his hands at this time. It is at the peak of Ezreal and he wants to take on this wave of team battles with YM.

As a result, Lin Ran saw them clinging to the second tower and struck preemptively. R [Baptism of the Holy Spear] was ejected from the muzzle of the gun!

Ruined + Black Cut + Yellow Cross + Attack Speed ​​Shoes, this piece of equipment strafed RW's front row, forcing the health of Thain and Troll to nearly half!

"Karma and Lulu's double shields cannot withstand Lucian's output..."

Before Zeyuan finished speaking, Ryze, controlled by Jin Gong, slammed on the ground. The rune book had been opened. A blue teleportation array appeared at his feet, and the terminal was behind RW's tower formation!

"Sain turned around and started to charge Q [Cruel Slam] to prevent YM from sending the group opening point behind him!"

Asura also bent down and shot R [Precision Barrage], trying to scratch the opponent's front row of blood and open up their field of vision - now they could only see Lucian leading the way, and knew nothing about the positions of other YM players.

Xiaofu was even more cautious, keeping his finger on the E key, ready to set up a pillar at any time to block opponents who wanted to use Ryze's R [Warp Jump] to reach behind him.

The golden crescent moon swept over the bodies of Lucian and Blind Sin, reducing their health, while the light of Ryze's ultimate teleportation array gradually dissipated.

A Guang was afraid that Liu Qingsong's Luo would come behind him and flash R to control everyone, so as soon as he found out that the teleportation array was about to take effect, he cast his charged Q and tried to press him up!

The huge Thane swung his weapon and hit the ground hard like a plow. The fully charged brutal attack knocked away all creatures within the range!

But the light completely dissipated, and everyone in RW suddenly realized that there were no heroes in Ryze's Warp Jump, but two Bins!

"Face to face!" Doinb, Aguang and Asura said in unison, reminding their teammates to divert their attention.

But in the next moment, a charming but elusive figure sped up and cut in from the side!

Along with a golden light, Luo rushed into the RW formation in the blink of an eye!

"YM is playing a trick!" Zeyuan widened his eyes and raised his speech speed to the limit, "Using Ryze's ultimate move as a cover is actually to cover Luo's entry!"

Liu Qingsong was very detailed. He knew that Xiaofu still had E [Pillar of Ice] in his hand, so he used Flash to charm and control it first, and then W [Grand Appearance] to cut into the RW back row.

During the whole process, the troll was unable to move and was unable to block Luo's movement with pillars!

Asura's reaction was already very fast, and he flashed in a very timely manner, but Luo's R, flash, and W were too unsolvable to start the team. Before he could use E [Arcane Leap] to distance himself, he had already received charm and attack. fly!

"Follow me and kill EZ!" The Garlic King's sonic wave hung on the troll's body. The second stage of Q flew up and touched the eyes in the air, then rushed a certain distance and plunged into the RW formation!

The raptor swings its tail!

Another golden light flashed, and the blind monk changed his position by flashing during the charging stage of his ultimate move, passed through Ezreal's body, came behind him, and kicked him towards everyone in YM!

In the charmed state, everyone in RW was unable to stop them and could only watch as their core output was kicked out of the protective circle!

"Lucian slid close to the face, with two passive shots and the penetrating holy light, EZ's blood volume has bottomed out!"

Jack's eyes lit up, and he controlled Kai'Sa to move forward invisibly. The heavy rain from Icathia poured down, and the bullets rained down on Ezreal!

Then he turned into a purple phantom, crossed half of the map, used R [Hunter Instinct] to rush to Lulu with plasma, and started outputting like crazy!

"The troll pillar blocked the YM formation directly in front, while I and my teammates tried to deal with Kai'Sa!"

The moment Karma Q [Inner Flame] was about to hit Kai'Sa, the Daughter of the Void turned into a golden statue!

The stopwatch allowed Jack to successfully enter a stasis state and not be locked by RW attacks.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Ran and Jin Gong, who were still on the front, rushed forward. They were not in a hurry to join their teammates, but first went to deal with RW's front row Thain.

"RW's core output point has been killed. The remaining four of them cannot pose a fatal threat to YM. Lucian must clean up the battlefield!"

Under the sound of gunshots, the health bars disappeared one after another.

The percentage damage of ruin, coupled with the armor-piercing effect of black cut, even if Thain and Troll are front-row tanks, they can't withstand such a high damage burst!

"RW was defeated like a mountain. They were divided by YM and will be destroyed by the group!"

Doinb did nothing during the entire team fight. He was already three levels behind Lucian, and was even at the same level as Prophet's Karma. He was just a supporting character, and was damaged by YM Kai'Sa, Ryze and Lucian's 3C. , sent directly back to the hot springs.

"1 for 5, YM fought a team fight during Ezreal's strong period, and actually won!" Zeyuan roared angrily in the commentary booth, "Their team fight coordination is so perfect!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room of the event flew by in unison, making it impossible for people to see clearly.

[The coordination gap in this team battle is too big, RW was stunned by Ryze’s driving]

【Is this the EZ? The whole team gives you all its resources, and you just use one big move during the whole team battle, and then you die suddenly, right? 】

[Is this also called violent death? Isn’t it YM who plays well? 】

[Then we have four guarantees and one, and the fault tolerance rate is fully extended for you. If you can't return the carry, isn't it your problem? 】

YM's voice was full of laughter. Jack, the only one who died, had also gained two heads in the team battle just now. Coupled with the defense tower economy gained by the team, his equipment is now about to catch up with EZ.

"Can you kill the opponent Lulu to a super ghost?" Xiaoyao looked at the data panel and found that Doinb's record had become 0/7/4. He was really stunned and laughed wildly.

"It depends on the situation. If the opponent still takes over, then there is probably a chance." Lin Ran was not surprised by this outrageous record.

After all, after Doinb was killed by consecutive tower jumps in the early stage, he no longer had any rhythm and was completely reduced to EZ's pendant. But the difference between him and Karma is that he is a mid laner.

This kind of position naturally attracts YM's concentrated fire. It is normal for Doinb, whose level and equipment cannot keep up with the rhythm, to die continuously.

"This time RW lost the team battle, the most critical mid-term power period of their lineup was completely interrupted!"

The problem that even Ze Yuan can see is naturally also clear to everyone in RW fighting in the Summoner's Rift.

But they haven't given up yet and plan to fight to the death in Dalong Pit.

However, after the last wave of team battles, the equipment gap between the two sides has completely widened. The RW team only relies on the output of single-core EZ to win the team battle!

Liu Qingsong went to Asura as soon as the Luo team battle started, just to disgust him.

Asura will either lose control and be instantly killed by the YM crowd with a set of output, or he will be driven away by Luo.

But once they leave the battlefield, RW lacks output on the front battlefield!

"The team battle started too early. RW Lulu and Karma have not yet made the crucible and are unable to protect Ezreal!"

Asura gritted his teeth and began to output. He originally thought that he could survive longer under the double shield of Lulu and Karma.

When Lucian cut in from the side, stepped forward in a flash, and fired two shots at him passively, Asura knew that he was still too young.

The penetrating holy light directly penetrated all the shields given by Lulu, and Luo once again used his grand entrance to lift EZ. The next moment, Kai'Sa used the plasma effect to activate his ultimate move and turned into a shadow to appear behind Asura!

The damage caused by the heavy rain in Icacia combined with Lin Ran's high output sent Ezreal away again!

Kai'Sa's powerful entry ability is fully utilized in the hands of Shiba Inu!

"RW couldn't withstand the opponent's powerful output, so they each escaped and tried to save their lives!"

Xiaotian stared at the 0/7 Lulu on the opposite side, ran all the way, stepped forward and kicked Lulu away with his eyes, put up his Q [Tian Yin Wave], hit forward with the second echo, and used the killing effect to take away Doinb!

Lulu's purple wizard hat swayed in the air and slowly fell down.


The Garlic Bastard beat his opponent into a super ghost and shouted with a sense of accomplishment.

"YM has taken over Baron and promoted steady operations in three directions. This game is about to end!"

RW, who had been defeated in two consecutive team battles, knew that the situation was over. Their defense was lax and they had no intention of resisting, allowing YM to bulldoze their own base in 24 minutes!

"YM got the first advantage and entered the next game with a 1:0 lead!" Zeyuan said calmly, "It depends on how RW adjusts in the next game..."

Rita next to him took over the topic, "I think it's best for RW not to give Doinb a hero like Lulu who can't drive the early rhythm and whose output in the later stage is insufficient... He was targeted so badly by Xiaotian in this game."

"That's right," Zeyuan rarely agreed with Rita's view. "Xiaoyao's last game was full-court marking, leaving Doinb with no room to develop..."

Doinb, who had just returned to the backstage lounge with a paper cup, was also faced with the choice given by Hanyi.

"Take the kind of hero who can set the pace in the early stage," he frowned, "Lulu is too passive."

Lulu, the fairy witch, is quite versatile, with skills such as slowing down, speeding up, shielding, increasing health, transforming into a sheep, etc.

But the problem is also obvious. If you play the mid lane, you can only get beaten against a hero like Lucian, and you have no line rights. Once you are pushed into the tower, Xiaotian will come after smelling it. He will punch and kick without talking about martial arts. If he doesn't play well, he will be given spring water.

"In the next game, my dear, please pay more attention to the middle lane," Han Yi took advantage of the short break to emphasize the future strategy with the team members, "Our next key is to focus on the middle lane, don't let Lin Ran eat too many resources. , or roaming support.”

"Even if you live in the middle, you still have to kill him," Han Yi knelt down and looked directly into Xiaofu's eyes. "It doesn't matter if he's in the jungle. As long as you can restrain the opposing mid laner, it's a great achievement. do you understand?"

flawless nodded blankly.

He was still in shock. The terrifying game played by Lin Ran and Xiaotian in the blue buff grass in the last round had dealt a heavy blow to his young mind.

"In this way, we will be on the blue side in the next game. Let's take it first..." Hanyi gathered the players together and scratched out the options for the next game with a black pen on his notebook. Optimal solution.

The intermission time passed quickly, and when the two teams took the stage again, the team atmosphere was completely opposite. The five YM players, including their coach and translator, looked quite relaxed.

As usual, in the first game of BO5, everyone is testing the opponent's strength and bottom line, and YM is confident about this.

They know that RW's corresponding abilities from the early rhythm to the mid-term team battle are much worse than theirs.

RW usually focuses on four guarantees and one, and the two teams have conflicting styles to some extent.

In this case, victory or defeat depends more on the player's personal strength, and details can often determine the direction of the game.

And YM is definitely not bad in terms of individual strength. The weakest among them is also in the LPL first line. When combined together, it is even more terrifying.

The faces of the RW players were much more serious.

Before the start of the semi-finals, they teased each other that they could take an early vacation and go back to their respective homes to find their respective mothers.

But after being pushed and crushed by YM, their hearts were filled with confusion and uneasiness.

Facing TOP, everyone in RW thought that they would be reborn and would make leaps and bounds.

But YM slapped them back to their original shape.

"Player Mouse, you can start the BP session." The referee's voice was clear and powerful from behind the players' bench.

Aguang pinched his knuckles, adjusted his mentality, and faced the second game!

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