LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 438 436: Jesse!

"RW on the blue side took the lead in banning Luo." Rita saw that her partner beside her remained silent and could only do it by herself. She tried to analyze the BP of both sides on the battlefield with fear, "This is obviously an attempt to break up the Xia Luo combination and let everyone in the team YM on the red side cannot get such a strong bottom lane duo."

Zeyuan still said nothing. During the break just now, the commentator Changmao specifically told him to give the new commentator Rita more opportunities to practice.

He simply gave up the pre-match BP session, which best reflects his understanding of the commentary game, to see how Rita's level was.

"YM is banning Kai'Sa to prevent Asura from getting such a big core that can exert power in the mid-to-late stage..." Rita continued talking, "In the last game, Jack's Kai'Sa had average early development, but In the mid-term, she still played a good role, which is enough to prove her strong position in the current version."

Zeyuan nodded and continued smoothly, "Mainly because her ability to cut into the back row is so strong. If her teammates control her and create plasma on the opponent, Kai'Sa can easily rush to the back of the formation. Icathia's heavy rain The damage against the squishy is considerable."

Hanyi gave the second ban slot to Zoe. Rita became more and more excited as she spoke, and her language became much fluent, "As we all know, RW team will not use Zoe's system. In order to prevent YM from getting the early and mid-term opponents, Zoe's lane and teamfight intensity were too high, so they had no choice but to ban her."

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw the second blockade position of Hongmi. After thinking for a moment, she considered her words and immediately said:

"YM's response is almost the same as in the previous game. Verus is still disabled... This is a big challenge for Asura!"

Ashura's fat face was full of helplessness. He was targeted badly in BP in the last game. If he could get Xayah or Kai'Sa, he and his team would not be so passive at all.

"RW's third ban slot was given to Qing Gangying..." Rita said and looked at Zeyuan, wanting to seek support from her partner.

Zeyuan glanced at her, his eyes moved downward involuntarily, then his ears turned red, and he immediately retracted his eyes, signaling Rita to continue.

"One Zoe and one Camille are the price RW has to pay for the ban position when facing YM," Rita pondered for two seconds. "For them in this semifinal, they are already at a disadvantage from the BP stage."

This is a drawback caused by the player hero pool, and Hanyi has nothing to do about it and can only suffer this boring loss.

Hongmi gave the last ban spot to Xia and chose to release the policewoman.

"Do you want to grab it?" Aguang asked his coach's opinion.

Asura's female police officer is also considered a signature, and her proficiency is quite high. In this game, YM was on the red side and chose to ban Ka'Sa, and then Caitlin was released from imprisonment.

Han Yi hesitated.

He always felt that Hongmi was digging a hole for himself.

The growth curve of the policewoman hero is too exaggerated, a typical roller coaster.

Once you can't get the advantage in the early stage...

But if RW doesn't choose the policewoman, YM will definitely get the first and second hand later. He can't get Ezreal for Asura by then, right?

"RW thought about it for a long time and finally decided to get rid of the policewoman." Rita nodded upon seeing this, "Asura is very trustworthy."

"RW still has to win in the second half of this game, and fattening up this female police officer is their most critical task in the early and mid-term."

When Hongmi saw RW's choice, a smile appeared on her lips, "Let's take the cow head and crow first. We are not in a hurry to take other positions."

These two heroes are also strong characters. Since Han Yi has repeatedly considered taking the policewoman, the rest of the heroes will belong to him.

"RW chose to take Ryze and Morgana..." Rita paused slightly at this point, obviously not knowing what to say further.

Zeyuan finally finished practicing the silent chant and knew that Rita had encountered a bottleneck. He took up the topic and continued, "Ryze can swing mid-to-upper in RW and can counter vampires, so he is an excellent choice."

Aguang, who has two famous scenes of Rambo setting fire to the mountain and Kled reversing the car into the warehouse, is very proficient in single-band warrior/mage.

Except for the adapted versions of Ryze and Vampire, these are the only two mages he can use.

Therefore, even if RW has someone in the team who doesn't know Zoe and doesn't use Yanque, the team will still be competitive enough.

"Morgana on the other side, paired with the policewoman in the lane, is extremely suppressive. It can also prevent the opponent from forcing open attacks and protect the output point in the back row."

Hongmi made the last pick in the first round and got the cannon for Jack. If he didn't pick the ADC at this time, Hanyi would definitely be stuck in BP in the second round, and he would probably have to take Draven.

"Both sides did not select junglers in the first round," Rita noted this detail. "In the second round, strong junglers should not be released."

Sure enough, after YM banned Ornn, Hanyi blocked the version's number one jungler, Troll, obviously not wanting YM on the red side to get such a strong hero in the fourth pick.

In the last ban position for both sides, YM chose to ban Shen, who has strong support ability, while Hanyi sent Lucian, who had Lin Ran's outstanding performance in the previous game, to the ban position, fearing that YM would move the crow to the top lane and let Lin Ran continue to go crazy in the middle lane. suppress.

"Let's grab Zach." Hongmi, who was standing behind Lin Ran, made arrangements calmly.

"Zach?" The waiter was a little surprised, "Don't you want Olaf?"

After the Trolls were blocked, Olaf can be called the current jungler. There is no doubt that his strength is much better than other junglers.

"Just choose, you're right." Hongmi said lightly, with a very relaxed tone.

Seeing that Garlic Bastard had no objections, Jack locked up Zac, the Xiang warrior.

"Hiss..." Zeyuan saw YM's choice clearly and couldn't help but frowned, "This choice is a bit unreasonable. There is also Olaf outside."

Rita nodded in agreement and continued: "If YM doesn't choose, RW will naturally accept it. Olaf plus Thane, they are still swinging in the middle and top. So far, the split has not been determined."

Hong Mi looked proud and lifted up her belt.

He patted Lin Ran on the shoulder and encouraged his core.

Liu Qingsong licked his lips and found Lulu as soon as his selection interface opened.

"This Liang Lu Lu should be Tu Yile, you can't really choose it, right?" The new commentator Rita is still worried about this problem, but Ze Yuan, who is gradually becoming more senior, has already become accustomed to it.

Opposite Doinb saw the purple-skinned garlic lighted up on the fifth floor of YM. He immediately recalled Lulu, the super ghost who was killed in the previous game. He felt angry in his heart and had to pour two mouthfuls of water into his mouth.

"YM's last choice of counter position, let's see what to choose..." Rita became interested and saw that the character in Liu Qingsong's hero selection box changed from purple-skinned garlic to scattering and scattering pdd, and finally stayed at a figure holding a sea. Enter the handsome man with the Xtech cannon.

"Jace!" Zeyuan said without thinking, "YM also wants to play mid-to-high double swing!"

There was a rustling discussion in the audience, and the audience was obviously deeply impressed by YM's Jess.

Unlike KT, the famous Jess team, YM relies on Lin Ran's Jess, making many teams frightened.

In comparison, Jin Gong's Jace's proficiency is not that high, and the effect of using it is naturally not as good as Lin Ran's.

"Jace + Crow, against RW's Ryze + Sion, we still have to see how the single lanes are distributed." Rita thought for a moment, and several thoughts emerged in her heart, but she didn't dare to say them out.

Hanyi is still stressing with his team members, "We use Thain to fight Jayce, and Ryze will fight against the Crow..."

This is the most ideal branching result for them. If Ryze is allowed to fight Jace, he will probably be defeated in the early stage.

Seeing YM's orderly replacement of heroes, Jace was moved to the middle of the entire lineup. Doinb also swapped heroes with Aguang and began to adjust Thain's runes.

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue side RW: top laner Ryze, jungler Olaf, mid laner Thane, bottom lane policewoman + Morgana.

Red square YM: top laner Crow, jungler Zack, mid laner Jayce, bottom lane Cannon + Tauren Chief.

The specific split between the two sides instantly detonated the barrage in the live broadcast room of the event, flooding the chat channel at the speed of refreshing the screen.

[Doinb classic Thain, smiling]

[One round of Lulu and one round of Thain, can you please stand up? What’s the point of playing this kind of hero in the middle? 】

[One thing to say is that it’s really boring. Just look at Lin Ran and Lu Xian and Jesse. Regardless of winning or losing, the program is really effective.]

[Do you think doinb doesn’t want to get Clockwork Kassadin? The problem is that he can't stand it online! 】

"Be careful," Hongmi was still telling the players before taking off the headphones, "Level 1 Thain may come to steal the jungle. We almost suffered a loss from this in the last round. You should be prepared this time."

Xiaotian also remembered the ridiculous first blood that Aguang sent, but if he had not returned to his jungle area at that time, the red buff and several sharp-beaked birds would have been stolen by Thain. A Guang went to find himself, and he was probably the one who collapsed.

"Understand, understand, we will not invade at the first level, stay in the defensive position, and don't let Thain come in easily." Lin Ran adjusted the runes and also made a guarantee in the team's voice.

When loading Summoner's Rift, the noise from the audience instantly expanded several times, creating unparalleled noise!

A large number of YM fans waved various cheering items in their hands to cheer for the team they support, and a group of fans captured by RW's outstanding performance this season are not far behind.

"Come on RW!" A female voice was high-pitched and powerful, and the sound was so shrill that it could tear through the air and penetrate the sky.

For a time, the LGD e-sports hall was filled with great momentum!

"Guigui, who is this?" Even though he was wearing sound-isolating headphones, the boy still heard the screams of RW supporters.

Overflowing with curiosity, he stretched out his penis and looked towards the auditorium.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Liu Qingsong moved his shoulders and chatted with his teammates before the game officially started.

"When will Sister Su come over and cheer us up like this?" Shiba Inu smiled crookedly and looked at Lin Ran, the only one in the group who had a girlfriend.

"Stop dreaming," Lin Ran shook his head, "She will never be called like that in her life."

"...Same." Jack thought for a while and replied.

Su Cheng stepped down as a YM analyst this season, but would often watch the team's games on weekends.

Every time, I would sit in the front row with a cheering stick and a banner with my boyfriend, shouting cheers along with other fans. The voice was not too loud, and I sat there quietly and quietly.

It’s hard to imagine what it would be like for a girl with this personality to scream and scream at the top of her lungs.

Summoner's Rift has appeared. Lin Ran bought a long sword + reusable potion, quickly left the spring, and stood in the river with his teammates according to the pre-game arrangement, guarding all entrances to the wild area.

"Sean was very honest in this round. He stood and danced face to face with Crow in the upper river..." Zeyuan glanced at the positions of the five RW people, "But the policewoman and Morgana also want to go to the lower jungle area of ​​​​YM as a group. Lay out the vision.”

Xiaofu wanted to explore the jungle route of Garlic Bastard. His jungle matchup in this round was Olaf vs. Zac, so he must invade to gain an advantage.

Moreover, the female police officer and Morgana in the bottom lane must push the tower in the early stage. While going to the blue buff in the lower half of YM to lay out the vision, they are also preventing the possible gank of Xiaotian Zac.

"The two of them walked together into the jungle, but the YM duo didn't dare to stop..."

Jack and Liu Qingsong were afraid that Morgana would learn Q [Dark Imprisonment] and flash up to control them, so they didn't dare to get too close.

But in this way, it will be difficult for them to consume the RW duo - Liu Qingsong's Bull Head is a melee weapon, and Jack's small cannon's basic range was reduced to 525 in version 8.5, which makes his hands very short.

"Brother Ran's Jace ran over and shot me from a distance!"

In Jess Cannon form, Q [Electric Energy Surge], without the enhancement of E [Acceleration Gate], the ballistic speed is only 1450. The RW duo turned around and spread out to avoid the skills easily.

"Morgana inserted her ward into the blue buff camp, and then returned to her wild area..."

At this time, Zeyuan saw that Jin Gong and Garlic Bastard were also moving towards the RW Ueno area on the mini map. A Guang and Doinb tried to stop them, but before they could get close, Jin Gong Crow hit Q [Touch of Liberation]. , the blood volume dropped by a small level.

"The YM ward is also located in the blue BUFF camp, and I want to explore Olaf's opening sequence!"

Lin Ran also typed a line in the team chat channel - [2.20RBW], and pinged his own blue zone.

2.20 is the time of 2 minutes and 20 seconds, R is the red square Red, B represents the blue BUFF (Blue Sentinel), and the last W represents the guard position (Ward).

Together they mean 'in 2 minutes and 20 seconds, the red, square and blue BUFF camp eye position disappears'.

This can also be regarded as the universal communication language in the game. In Summoner's Rift, where the situation is tense and battles may break out at any time, players cannot type a long paragraph after receiving the information. This communication method can convey the information to the audience as briefly as possible. Other teammates present.

"I'm going to open red alone..." After learning this information, the boy went through a circle in his mind, planned his own route to open the field, and marked it along the way to let his teammates know.

Lin Ran came online with the Mercury Cannon. His summoner skills in this round included Flash and the newly enhanced Ignite. The runes were the main system Phase Rush plus the secondary system [Somewhat Magical Boots] and Biscuit Delivery.

The Doinb rune is the standard configuration of mid laner Sion, which consumes the extremely powerful Arcane Comet and Resolute sub-system.

When this set of runes is combined with the Corruption Potion, Thain's E [Killer's Roar] can continuously consume the opponent's health with the help of minions.

Many mid-lane mages who have no health recovery ability are tortured to death by Thain's abnormal skills.

This is one of the reasons why mid laner Thain is making waves nowadays.

After Lin Ran came online, he did not push the line with his hand. Instead, he stood beside his three melee soldiers. The passive effect given by switching the cannon form was still attached to the Mercury Cannon.

Thane let out a roar, and the shock wave blasted towards Jace.

The ballistic speed of the Killer's Roar was quite fast. Without shoes, Lin Ran had no time to dodge and took the damage from the skill.

The Arcane Comet triggered at the same time, hitting Jace who was being slowed down.

Lin Ran clicked his tongue, comforting himself that this was a damage test to see how strong Thain's consumption ability was.

Facts have proved that the skill damage of the powerful heroes in the version is indeed considerable. The first-level killer's roar combined with the comet has reduced Lin Ran's health by nearly 80 points.

This was because Doinb chose [Walk on Water] instead of Scorch in his talent in order to support roaming, otherwise Lin Ran would have suffered even more losses.

Even so, Lin Ran was a bit overwhelmed. His cannon-form basic attacks frequently hit long-range soldiers, trying to quickly clear the line of soldiers.

Doinb had no choice. The cooldown of Thain's level 1 E [Killer's Roar] was as long as 12 seconds. Having used the skill before, he could only watch Lin Ran clear the line of troops.

Lin Ran took advantage of the gap between Doinb's skills and cleared out all three long-range soldiers, leaving only the melee soldiers stuck in the middle of the line transfer position.

It was another typical example of hoarding troops into the tower. Doinb clearly saw Lin Ran's intention, but he was powerless. How could Thain, who had learned E at level 1, have any means of clearing the line?

Although he can consume Lin Ran, because the burst damage and range are not as good as Jace, the line power is destined to be in Lin Ran's hands.

"I'll come to the middle to help you catch a wave later, save your skills!" Xiaofu brushed the blue BUFF in the upper half of his house, preparing to carry out the task assigned to him by coach Hanyi before the game - to keep an eye on Lin Ran.

He also knew that his movement in the field had been detected by YM's ward position. Lin Ran was now moving quite low, far away from the upper half of the area where he was, giving him no chance to gank.

Therefore, Xiaofu did not go to the middle lane immediately. Instead, after finishing the blue BUFF, he ate two more wild monsters, the Demon Swamp Frog and the Three Wolves.

After reaching level 3, I just dived into the upper river, followed the wall to the grass on the middle road, and squatted there motionless.

"He just took a look at the lower river. He is very cautious now." Doinb marked the general direction of Lin Ran's vision.

Zeyuan followed the footage given by the director and also noticed this, "Xiaofu did not brush all the way down, but after clearing the three groups of wild monsters in the upper half, he went directly to the middle to crouch!"

"Brother Ran seems to think that Olaf has reached the lower half of the area. Although he has arranged a ward position in the grass in the lower river, his position is still quite high!" Rita was a little anxious.

Xiaofu's unconventional movement trajectory made the audience feel excited. According to normal psychology, Olaf would naturally go to the lower half after clearing the three groups of wild monsters in the upper half.

After all, RW didn't see Xiaotian from the ward position they had previously set up at the blue buff camp in the lower half of YM, so they could probably guess that the Garlic Bastards were also the three groups of wild monsters in the upper half.

If Olaf goes all the way, he can either farm his own wild monsters, or he can take advantage of the lane push advantage of the bottom lane policewoman and Morgana to invade YM's lower jungle area!

But I didn’t even choose, because I wanted to catch Jess in the middle!

His best friend Olaf is only 500 yards away from Lin Ran. If the RW midfielder really succeeds this time, Jess, who has no teleportation, will be at a huge disadvantage in the early stage!

"The biggest obstacle that affects Olaf's action is that there are too many YM soldiers now. If it is not handled properly..." Zeyuan said with a bit of hesitation in his tone.

The husband on the stage was also hesitant, "How about waiting until you reach level 3?"

Now the artillery troop line has reached the middle, and Lin Ran took the lead in clearing three melee soldiers to level 3.

And because Lin Ran also stocked up on a lot of minions, Doinb still had a lot of minions to clear, and he was still far away from level 3.

"There's no time, just go ahead!" Doinb himself was very decisive.

Olaf's blue brush is about 10-12 seconds faster than Zack's red brush to level 3. If this time difference is not utilized, they will have a disadvantage in the army line when Zack reaches level 3 and rush to the battlefield. It is simply impossible to win the mid-field battle.

He couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he saw Lin Ran raising his hand to attack with a basic attack to wear down the cannon truck's health. E [Killer's Roar] hit a melee soldier, and the shock wave knocked it away, successfully hitting Jace!

The 40% slowing effect made it difficult for Jace to move forward. The arcane comet successfully hit, reducing Jace's health again!

"Olav came out. He didn't throw the ax at the same time, but closed the distance first!"

Seeing Olaf appear from the grass on the middle road, Lin Ran raised his eyebrows in surprise.

After learning Xiaofu's opening route, the opponent's movement trajectory really caught him off guard.

"Don't come here, stick to the original plan!" Lin Ran first persuaded Xiaoyao who wanted to help.

Zach hasn't finished brushing the Sharp Beak Bird yet. Even if he finishes brushing the wild monsters and reaches level 3, the level of Xiang Warrior's early E [Elastic Slingshot] has not yet been upgraded, and the jumping distance is not ideal.

When Lin Ran was stocking up on troops, the handover position was also in front of the RW middle tower. Zach could not jump to the battlefield while standing in the Sharp Beak Camp.

When Xiaotian finds a suitable location and rushes over, he can probably collect his body.

In this case, it is better to let Xiaotian retreat, and he will find a chance to see if he can run away.

Lin Ran didn't use any skills. During this period, he used the cannon form to attack A and pull away, consuming Olaf's health.

Xiaofu swung the axe, but Lin Ran made a clever reverse movement at a right angle and easily dodged the axe.

Flawless stepped forward to pick up the axe, and saw Jace running out of the protection range of YM soldiers. Seeing that Lin Ran was still consuming him with basic attacks, he saw the opportunity and made a decisive move, flashed forward, and hit Lin Ran with his Q [Countercurrent Throw]. , and another round of real damage from E [Reckless Swing]!

There were unbearable screams from the audience in the audience, and Jace's blood volume on the big screen had dropped to less than half!

"Sion crossed the line of troops and charged Q [Cruel Slam] instantly!"

A short slowing effect was exerted on Lin Ran.

Seeing that his blood volume was getting lower and lower, Lin Ran, who was standing near the midline, gave up on escaping, knocked down the biscuits given by his talent, and suddenly turned around to fight back!

Jace raised his arm, and electric energy burst out from the Mercury Cannon. The next moment, an acceleration gate appeared in front of Mr. Rose!

The close second QE company hit Olaf instantly, and then he found that his head was hung on the head and set on fire!

Before he could react, Lin Ran had already activated W [Super Charge] to increase his attack speed to the extreme, switched to hammer form, and Q [Sky Leap] jumped on his face. The lightning field created by W was still burning. Burning Olaf's health!

The three hammers that reached the upper limit of 2.5 attack speed, coupled with the passive damage of Jace R when switching hammer forms and E [Thunder Blow], instantly smashed Olaf with 70% of his health to residual health!

During the whole process of skill release, Xiaofu had no chance to react. Level 3 Jace’s two sets of skills almost killed him!

The husband was dumbfounded.

He knew that Jace's damage was very high, but after all, he brought Phase Rush with him. He thought that his life would not be in danger in this wave of gank, but what happened on the battlefield was completely beyond his expectation!

The exclamations from the audience were like a surge in the sky, enveloping the contestants' seats on the stage airtightly!

"Brother Ran, are you going to fight back?" Rita was dumbfounded, "Olav didn't expect Jace's sudden counterattack at all!"

"Jace has triggered Phase Rush, which will move very fast in conjunction with the Acceleration Gate!"

Lin Ran successfully distanced himself from the two melee threats of RW midfielder and jungler.

The biscuit gave him some health, and Doinb, who had used up all his skills, knew that now that he had flash, only his normal attacks could hurt Lin Ran.

One basic attack on A will not kill him, and Jace, who is moving at high speed, will not give him a chance to make a second attack on A.

"Olav picked up the ax and soldier A, trying to use the life provided by W [Cruel Strike] to steal and restore blood volume!"

The husband was so anxious that he hit the soldier with the ax crazily, but the ignition effect on the top of his head was still burning all the time, and the serious injury effect prevented him from recovering much health at all!

"Help me stop Jace!" Xiaofu could only ask his teammates for help. The ignition effect had ended, but he had very little health left. If he still wanted to escape, he could only ask his teammates to stop Lin Ran.

"Doinb try to block Jace's position and prevent him from threatening the remaining health Olaf!"

Lin Ran glanced at Olaf's blood volume, his brain was spinning rapidly, and he flashed forward. When he hit Olaf with a hammer, the R that had been cooled down for 6 seconds had already recovered.

He switched forms and fired another shot. Although he failed to kill Olaf, it was only a matter of time.

"Thion also caught up and attacked Jace. Knowing that he had no hope of escape, Olaf also picked up an ax and chopped at him!"

When Lin Ran's blood volume was still 100, he took off Mrs. Olaf's head with a single attack, and then tried to escape.

"Sion flashed forward and killed Jace with one axe!"

Mercury's cannon hung weakly, and Rose Gentleman Jace finally fell to the ground.

But not far away, there was the body of his best friend Olaf buried with him!

[Guigui, Jess is so cruel! 】

[This combo smells like a dog]

[If Jace was a show-off dog and saw that his jungler was not around, he would have started interacting long ago]

[Teacher Xuan, I haven’t heard the story of the first king of Ionia in S6 for three minutes]

Lin Ran clicked his tongue, feeling that this was a pity.

If he had used electrocution in this round, and if he had used the set of skills just now, Olaf would have died suddenly on the spot, and he would not have to flash forward in exchange for the head.

"Two flashes replaced Jace, and Brother Keran earned a first-blood bounty," Zeyuan rubbed his chin, "But the troops haven't entered the RW defense tower yet, and it looks like they will be stuck by Thain for a while. It's hard to say. Who makes more money..."

But the director then showed the shot of Zach, and the audience realized that when the middle lane was fighting just now, Xiaotian did not go to the middle lane to help, but rushed all the way to the bottom lane!

The eye position set up by RW in the YM blue zone camp disappeared at 2 minutes and 20 seconds. The Garlic Bastard went to the bottom lane without being discovered by his opponent!

At this time, the duo of Asura and Prophet were still suppressing YM's bottom lane unscrupulously, without any awareness of this.

Asura's jewelry eyes were on the patch of grass connecting the bottom lane and the river. He had no idea that the bastard Zach would initiate a gank behind the tower at this time!

"Zach is crouching in the grass behind the lower tower of YM, crouching down and preparing to take off. Niutou and Xiaopao have already taken action!"

The bottom duo had not yet reached level 3 at this time. Liu Qingsong flashed forward and WQ the second company!

"The prophet reacted very quickly and immediately put on a magic shield on himself..."

However, the shield value of Level 1 E [Dark Shield] was less than 100. Even though it blocked Niutou's second company, it was shattered into pieces.

The next moment, Zach flew out from the grass behind the tower, blocking the retreat of Morgana and the policewoman!

After Q [Extended Strike] was cast, Warrior Xiang relaxed his arms and slapped Morgana while still moving in front of Asura!

"The policewoman handed over Flash to try to distance herself, but Zach was already prepared and followed up with Flash to trigger Q again!"

The extended strike throws Morgana and the policewoman towards each other, causing a stun effect!

Jack's small cannon rocket jumped up and exploded with sparks. Even eating Morgana's Q did not prevent him from filling the opponent's head with sparks!

"The policewoman will not be able to escape death even if she hands over her healing skills. Morgana is left alone and wants to escape!"

But Morgana, with her short legs, could not return to the tower after all.

The cannon refreshes the rocket jump and jumps up again!

"Morgana doesn't even have to flash anymore, she's just waiting to die, and her head will be taken away by a cannon!"

With two heads in hand, Jack smiled happily.

"Good sales, Brother Ran!" He couldn't help but praise.

If he hadn't learned about Xiaofu's movements, the Garlic Bastard wouldn't have dared to take action at all - once Olaf counter-crouched and killed him, he would have to throw two waves of troops from the bottom lane and blast through.

But Xiaofu made a big hit and sent himself out while also creating an opportunity for YM to go downfield.

"You brat, wasn't it because of my poor vision?" Seeing that his teammates didn't praise him, Xiaosi suddenly felt dissatisfied. "My jungle clearing plan made them dizzy!"

Zach finished killing three groups of wild monsters in the upper half and went directly to capture people. It was indeed unconventional. The key was that the time point when the RW duo pushed the cannon cart line into the tower was stuck, which made Asura and Prophet very uncomfortable.

"Okay, okay, you're great too!" Jack said perfunctorily.

"Go and reverse the red BUFF in the lower half of the opposite side. They only have Thain. They can't stop you." The resurrected Lin Ran became the commander of the spring water.

He collected one blood, added two and a half waves of minions and system gold coins, which was exactly 700 gold coins. He gathered two more long swords and used Jace to rush to the middle.

"Olav has just left the spring, and the duo has not yet been resurrected. RW is unable to defend its red BUFF, so it can only give in!"

The Garlic Bastard is not greedy either. He collects the red BUFF and uses a rubber slingshot to jump back to his jungle area to continue developing.

A herbivorous jungler like Zach can only play like this when facing Olaf. The advantage slowly snowballs, and he cannot eat a fat man in one bite.

But even so, YM had already gained a considerable economic advantage less than 4 minutes into the game!

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