LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 443 441: Why is Kasa so out of rhythm?

As soon as he entered Summoner's Rift, he realized something was wrong.

"What's the status of Ezreal's summoner skill?" He was stunned for two seconds, "Jack brought teleportation?!"

"Hmm..." Miller thought for a moment and said, "It's easy to understand, right? Now that teleportation has been strengthened, healing has been weakened. The duo of EZ and Tahm won't be fighting anyway. It’s better to bring a teleporter to make up the line and try to make your own core two-piece set as soon as possible.”

Remember to nod in agreement, "Yes, Kai'Sa + Luo are not particularly offensive. For YM bottom lane, the laning task in this round is development."

He glanced at other people's summoner skills and rune status, "Liu Qingsong, Tamu is also weak in this game, obviously to limit Kai'Sa's entry in the mid-term!"

Liu Qingsong made up his mind that as long as Kai'Sa dared to fly in during the team fight, he would use a weak trap to defeat Uzi first and then cripple him.

Lin Ran bought a long sword and a reusable potion as usual and went out. This round he brought ignition, which was a suppressive force.

The reason why Redmi released RNG's vampire + Kai'Sa system that they are good at is simple. They want to make use of the two lane rights that RNG was forced to give up.

"Brother Xiba, you and I can go and see what he's doing in the wild. We'll walk together as a team. There's nothing we can do about him from the other side."

Lin Ran used a signal to mark his route of action. He pulled Jin Gong into the river, broke into the RNG wild area in front of the posture, and then inserted a trinket between the two camps of the Demon Swamp Frog and the Blue BUFF. Eye.

"Olav Olaf!" A few seconds after Lin Ran inserted the prosthetic eye, he saw Kassa appearing within the field of vision provided by the eye position, and quickly reminded his teammates.

The RNG coaching staff was obviously prepared before the game. Knowing that YM likes to detect jungle movements at the beginning of the game, Casa specially went out with a scanner in this round.

"Both stances and account cancelers came over, and the three of them tried to share the eye experience!" Miller's eyes lit up, "In this case, RNG's two single lanes in the top and middle are likely to reach level 2 in the first wave of soldiers. Ah, this is not good news for YM..."

The YM team members headed by Lin Ran were unmoved by this, and they were still communicating on the team's voice over their decisions later.

"Are you in position?"

"Here we go, get ready to freeze your hands!" There was a hint of excitement in Garlic Bastard's tone.

Although Kasa used scanning to clear out the wards that Lin Ran had planted previously, YM still achieved its goal - detecting Kasa's movement in the field.

Because Lin Ran deployed the invasion time card extremely well, he went to the RNG blue zone to deploy the jewelry eye at 1 minute and 20 seconds. The time for Casa to start scanning and clearing the field of vision was 1 minute and 25 seconds.

At that time, there were only the last 5 seconds left before the wild monsters were refreshed.

If Olaf clears the blue BUFF field of vision and then moves to the red BUFF in the lower half, it will take more than ten seconds.

And in that case, the duo of Uzi and Shi Senming would not be able to help him clear the field, otherwise they would lose the experience of three melee soldiers in the bottom lane.

Calculating this way, Olaf only has the option of opening the jungle with local blue BUFF.

"Are they coming to rob me?" Zhizhi inserted a jewelry eye at the pass where the blue buff camp connected with the river. When he saw YM Shang Nakano rushing over, he immediately became vigilant.

"It doesn't matter, let them come!" Casa was full of confidence. Although the account was closed with a vampire with extremely weak first-level fighting ability, he was Olaf.

Not better than YM’s jungler Zach?

He pulled the blue carved golem into the grass nearby, preparing to wait for YM to arrive on the battlefield.

"Zach and Crow took the lead and broke into the RNG jungle area!"

Jin Gong inserted a ward into the grass where Kasa was hiding to light up his vision.

"A battle broke out between the two sides in the middle and upper fields!"

Using Shen's stance, he fought with YM Ueno, Q [Secret Truth! The percentage damage given by Dusk Blade in the early stage was extremely painful on Zack.

Kasa also gave up attacking the blue buff and turned around and picked up the ax to chop at the garlic bastard.

Lin Ran was at close range at this time. His basic attack in the cannon form first destroyed Olaf's double resistance, and then the Q [Electric Energy Stirring] bombardment hit Olaf, and he used R [Mercury Cannon] to switch weapon forms and hit him again.

The Leap of the Sky drew a perfect arc in the air and successfully hit Olaf!

"Casa's blood volume keeps dropping, but he still has punishment in hand and hasn't handed it over yet!"

Karsa's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw YM focusing fire on him.

Now that his blood volume is getting lower and lower, the attack speed effect provided by his passive [War Fury] is getting higher and higher, and his output ability is also much stronger than before.

He knew that among the YM group, only Jace had ignition, but even if the ignition was strengthened, the level one was only 80 points of real damage, and Jace lacked explosive ability after completing two sets of skills.

As long as he controls his blood volume, deals damage and then surrenders punishment and retreats, his life will not be in danger at all.

The RNG three set their primary target of attack as Zack. They wanted to force Xiaotian to hand over punishment first by lowering Xiaotian's blood volume.

Even though RNG had a health advantage in the top, middle and jungle, I was still in a hurry.

"Kasa isn't planning to retreat yet?!"

There were already RNG fans in the audience screaming loudly. From a God's perspective, they had access to far more information than the players on the field!

Kasa was still swinging his ax at Zach, and he was unaware of it.

Suddenly, a fat, big catfish passed through the exploding cones outside the RNG Three Wolves camp, ejected and jumped into the grass where Casa and Zach were!

RNG's top, middle and junglers were all stunned.

Why is Tahm in the top half? Don’t you care about your ADC?

What kind of trick is this?

"Liu Qingsong gave up the bottom lane. He squatted in the upper river at the beginning, planning to help Xiaotian invade the RNG jungle. At this time, he went around in a circle to participate in this battle!" I remember that everyone in RNG had been kept in the dark before. Feeling sorry.

Although RNG has stronger combat power in the upper, middle and jungle, in the early stage of a level 1 team, one more person will qualitatively change the entire battle situation!

"Tahm AQ licks and slows down Olaf, while also hanging Weakness!"

Kasa, whose output ability and movement speed had both declined, was already reduced to residual health. He also knew that his side had no chance of winning if he continued to fight, so he simply handed over punishment to restore his health and tried to escape.

Jin Gong had been holding E [Never Go Again] just now. He deliberately waited for Liu Qingsong to join the battlefield before casting it!

The scarlet devil's claws attacked Olaf. Kasa wanted to move to avoid it at first, but Zac left and Tam, the two of them, firmly sandwiched the muscular Berserker Olaf in the middle. His posture looked like Very evil.

"Olav doesn't have any room to move, he has to dodge to avoid the skill!"

As soon as this flash occurred, Kasa, who was not punished, completely lost the ability to protect his own blue BUFF!

"Retreat, retreat, stop fighting!" He quickly used a warning signal to persuade his teammates to retreat.

"Shen and the vampire still want to leave, but Jace is still trying to pursue them using the high movement speed provided by Phase Rush!"

Zhi Zhi originally thought he would win this fight, but he was frightened by the sudden appearance of Tam and turned pale. He was chased and beaten by Lin Ran, but he could only run away in a hurry, not daring to fight back.

"Shen's health has dropped by nearly 30%, and Jin Gong has maintained a good distance just now, and is still full of health at this time. After going online, it will be difficult for Shen to use the trinket eye experience gained at the beginning to suppress the crow with a wave of soldiers! "

The middle line of soldiers had connected as early as 1 minute and 27 seconds. By the time Lin Ran and Guan Hu rushed back to the line, the three melee soldiers would have been naturally attrited.

There was no way for the vampires to reach level 2 in one wave of soldiers. He and Lin Ran had to wait until the second wave of minions. However, Jace's strength would make it impossible for him to acquire soldiers smoothly, so it would be nonsense to grab the second wave.

Miller saw something was wrong, "In this way, RNG's two single lanes will not be able to take advantage in the early stage, and the lane power will still be firmly in the hands of YM's mid-range!"

[Wandering around so cruelly]

[Tamu is so disgusting, why do you beat him so much? Bullying, right? 】

[This routine is really dirty, and one more person comes out while doing it]

[Here comes the question...what is Ming doing? 】

"The key is that Tahm plays like this, which shows how disgusting Kasa is!" Wawa has never seen this kind of play. "Jack in the bottom lane is completely sacrificed, and there is no way to take the line..."

The director's camera switched to the bottom lane, and Jack's Ezreal glove was seen shooting a cloud of white liquid from a distance towards a melee soldier with residual health.

Xiao Ming controlled Luo to step forward and block Jack's Q [Secret Shot] with the help of his own minion with low health.

Although Jack was unable to replenish his troops with his physical body, the omen of theft was triggered, and a money bag appeared in Ezreal's backpack!

Jack smiled happily, opened the money bag and successfully got 60 gold coins!

"Wuhu!" He was extremely happy, "I will make a profit this time!"

With 3 melee soldiers on top of 60 gold coins, this bowl also earned two bins of economy. Jack smiled.

In the lower left corner of the OB screen, Shi Senming looks unhappy.

Tam's strange participation in the blue zone battle completely disrupted the team's pre-game arrangements. Originally, he wanted to take this opportunity to suppress Jack's development, but the money bag given by Stealing Omen ruined the plan.

"This is YM's plan that has been prepared for a long time," I remember finally seeing it clearly. "They planned to sacrifice EZ from the beginning and let the support Tahm Kench cooperate with the counter-jungle invasion to fully protect Xiaoyao's advantage in the jungle."

"Choose EZ for Jack. The main reason is that this hero can be mixed and developed alone in the bottom lane. It is easy to gain experience. Maybe he can come out with a money bag like just now!"

This is how the YM coaching staff has come up with to deal with RNG these days.

When Uzi got the core output position - Xayah or Kai'Sa, Xiao Ming was forced to rely on lane in the early stage in order to ensure his development and suppression.

This means that the early rhythm of RNG is separated.

RNG eliminated one of Nosuke's two crucial rhythm points in the early stage, leaving only the jungle position.

In other words, jungle rhythm is particularly important to RNG in the early stage.

Hongmi starts from this aspect.

Aren't you strong in the bottom lane? I would choose an EZ to not fight you, but just mix lane development and wait for a two-piece set.

Anyway, there is not much use in choosing a strong laning combination for Jack and Liu Qingsong. Uzi's current suppression power is too ridiculous. Not suppressing the opponent for 30 dollars in 15 minutes is equivalent to being suppressed.

It's better to choose a combination like EZ Tahm and play slowly.

In turn, let Liu Qingsong give up the bottom lane in the game and go with his teammates to find the opposite jungler.

Locking in on the opponent's jungler's movements and countering a set of BUFFs to help suppress Casa's rhythm is a great contribution to the team.

Liu Qingsong's roaming at the beginning of this game was obviously very successful, causing Casa to suffer a heavy loss.

In the RNG team's voiceover, Uzi is still directing his teammates.

"Can you jump over the tower and kill the EZ once? He has no treatment, so it's easy to kill!" He was already murderous and planned to wait for the second wave of troops to enter the tower before jumping over the tower to replace the EZ.

The first two waves are short-term, and there are no artillery soldiers. If you push them under the tower, you only need to kill the EZ. It will take 10 seconds for Jack to be resurrected and teleport to the ground. By then, the defense tower will have cleared all the minions under the tower, which will make him lose one. Big wave of soldiers.

Shi Senming nodded in agreement. Now the Garlic Bastard is still in the top half. Jess and Crow are both on their respective lanes and cannot come to the bottom lane to help.

He stared at Jack who was still hanging around in front of the tower trying to gain experience in the military line, and his teeth itched with hatred.

Kai'Sa used Q [Icathia Heavy Rain], and her ability to push the line was not inferior. At this time, Uzi pushed the line with all her strength, and successfully collected 6 soldiers before the second wave of soldiers arrived on the line.

"Push, push, push!" Uzi kept marking, manipulating Kai'Sa's minions that came up.

Shi Senming controlled Luo and rushed to help, but just when they reached level 2 and tried to push the troops forward to execute the tower escape plan, a red swirling light suddenly appeared at the bottom of the YM tower!

The RNG fans in the surrounding stands wanted to stand up and cheer, but this swirling light made their screams that were about to burst out stuck in their throats!

The teleport directly dissuades the RNG bottom duo, making them afraid to take action!

"Tam!" The doll couldn't help but exclaimed in admiration, "Liu Qingsong returned to the city and used the [unsealed secret book] to exchange for a teleportation. At this time, he rushed back to the bottom lane and helped Jack to gain troops!"

This version of the unsealing secret book can be used to change skills in two minutes, but it needs to be used in spring water, which comes in handy at this time!

"Wow..." The doll let out a familiar scream, "At this rate, Jack basically didn't lose any troops!"

Since Uzi originally wanted to jump over the tower to kill, he did not hoard the lane, but chose to use skills to push quickly. As a result, the minions on the RNG side were basically not lost, and Jack only lost two bins.

However, the previous omen of theft also provided Ezreal with 60 gold coins. Jack honestly devoured these minions under the tower, and he even overtook Uzi financially!

"This hand of Tahm + EZ, YM is well prepared..." Miller shook his head and sighed, "It seems that they are quite well prepared for today's finals."

The focus I remember was on Olaf, "Casa was very uncomfortable. He had no blue BUFF and could only use red alone!"

Olaf, like Centaur, is very dependent on the mana recovery provided by the blue BUFF. As long as there is enough mana, their jungle clearing speed is very fast, but if there is no mana, their development cannot be guaranteed.

After Kasa finished eating the red BUFF, he still wanted to cross the river to eat YM's blue. He specifically asked his bottom lane duo to pay attention to the jungle support, while he rushed into the opponent's jungle alone.

"I'm going to do an eye scan, please be careful." Liu Qingsong counted the time and walked towards the blue buff camp with a big belly.

"Don't worry, I won't die!" Jack is now in a prosperous situation. As long as the minions are reduced to residual health, he will use Q [Secret Shooting]. Shi Senming, who has suffered a loss, does not dare to use his body to block the skills anymore. , for fear of having another money bag stolen.

Lin Ran was still developing steadily with Guanhu at this time, and practice probably makes perfect. Midhu now has improved his laning skills a lot when facing him, and his condition remains very healthy.

However, Lin Ran didn't want to deliberately suppress the account. He knew that his core task in this game was not to gain advantage in the lane, but to give priority support through lane rights, tear the wound from the jungle, snowball and end the game in the mid-term. .

Since the handover time of the troops in the middle lane is 10 seconds faster than that of the side lanes, now that the artillery troops in the bottom lane have just connected, Lin Ran has already finished the front row of soldiers.

But in his first wave of soldiers, he lost the experience of three melee soldiers. He has not yet reached level 3, so he has to eat the artillery cart.

At this moment, he heard the information prompt given by Liu Qingsong and knew that Casa was in his blue zone. He immediately wanted to eat the cannon truck and go to the jungle to help his teammates.

Xiaohu knew very well that Kassa's whereabouts had been discovered. He looked at Lin Ran, who was eager to push the line, and knew that he couldn't let Jace successfully roam to support the jungle, otherwise Kasa, who had not flashed, would surely suffer.

He breathed a sigh of relief. This BO5 player knew that he had to restrict Lin Ran's wandering in order to win.

For this reason, his vampire secondary system does not have some magical boots or perfect timing, but a [minion death weapon], which is used to swallow the artillery cart and delay Lin Ran's push.

Midhu judged that the garlicky bastard Zach was still in the upper half at this time, so he went to the middle road to insert a jewelry hole in the grass to prevent being ganked.

At the same time, the minion's death weapon is placed on the cannon, and a melee soldier with residual health is killed by the basic attack. Q [Blood Conversion] kills another soldier, and he is successfully promoted to level 3!

"Xiaohu takes action in the middle, and sets the ignition cover to Jess..." I remember seeing through Midhu's intention the first time.

He wanted to hand over Lin Ran to lower Lin Ran's health, so that Jace wouldn't be able to go to the jungle to support him!

The vampire charged E [Blood Nova], and Lin Ran also understood the opponent's purpose. He remained unmoved and used his hammer-form basic attack to kill the artillery soldiers first.

At this time, Vladimir's accumulated blood power has fully burst out. While reducing Lin Ran's blood volume, he adds a basic attack to trigger phase rush!

"Jace knocked the cannon to death and also upgraded to level 3. Q [Leap of the Sky] went straight to the vampire!"

Lin Ran set up Ignition, and used W [Lightning Field] to deal continuous magic damage to reduce the blood volume of the account!

Accompanied by a strange cry, Xiang Warrior leaped in mid-air, using a rubber slingshot to reach the middle from the shadow area of ​​the field of vision above!

Although Guanhu had arranged his wards in the upper grass in advance, there were too many gank routes in the middle and it was difficult to guard against them.

However, the Garlic Bastard has not yet reached level 3. Before the level of the rubber slingshot was upgraded, the flight distance was not very long. Now Zach has only blocked the retreat route of canceling his account.

Lin Ran also wanted to use E [Thunder Blow] to hit Zach's landing point with E [Thunder Blow], but unfortunately Midhu entered the unselectable state with the help of the blood pool, and YM's midfielder's coordinated move failed to succeed.

"Jace used W [Super Charge] to increase his attack speed and bombarded him with several shots in a row, but he survived and ran to the tower with his remaining health!"

The director's camera cuts quickly. With the help of Xiao Ming and Uzi, Casa eats the blue BUFF and retreats safely!

"Xiaohu's crucial battle delayed enough time for his jungler. Olaf made up for his own development after taking away the blue BUFF!"

Wawa made no secret of his inner praise, "Both sides showed sufficient competitive intensity in this game. YM caused a lot of trouble for Casa in the early start, but RNG also used its own response to stop the loss in time!"

Lin Ran took Xiaotian and pushed away the middle line of soldiers. Just now, in order to advance to level 3 first, he used the soldier remover to eat the cannon cart.

This resulted in the YM soldiers rushing under the Little Tiger Tower being all fragile and vulnerable, and the defense tower was cleared very quickly.

Moreover, the YM melee soldiers rushing at the front provided a small field of vision. At the edge of the field of view, Lin Ran could clearly see the remaining health account being counted down when returning to the city.

Upon seeing this, he avoided the sight detection of the RNG tower and moved downwards. The moment he reached the edge of the wall of the RNG Sharpbill camp, he suddenly raised his hand and fired a heavy cannon!

The flawless white electric energy cannon passed through the acceleration gate, pierced through the wall of the Sharpbill camp at lightning speed, and shot towards the customers returning to the city behind the tower!

Due to the cover of the wall, this cannon was quite concealed. It was not discovered until the electric energy surged through the wall!

If this shot hits, the enhanced damage will be enough to kill Vladimir, who is still alive!

Amidst the shocking screams from the audience in the stands, golden light flashed at the critical moment. The vampire moved his position instantly and dodged the powerful cannon at a tricky angle!

YM fans let out a sigh of disappointment, while RNG supporters were extremely excited, waving their cheering sticks and cheering for this wave of performance!

【So flashy! 】

[Close accounts are targeted, turtle~]

[Almost, it’s a pity]

Midhu in the player's seat cursed in a low voice.

Old Yin Coin is really disgusting.

He didn't fire early and he didn't fire late, but waited until he was two seconds away from returning to the spring to attack.

If he lets his guard down and browses or cuts the screen to see his teammates, this shot will kill him!

Lin Ran on the other side was not surprised that he failed to get the first blood of cancellation in a sneak attack.

"Reverse this group of sharp-beaked birds. You advance to 3 and follow me to the bottom lane." He commanded the Garlic Bastard.

"Ah?" Xiaoyao was stunned for a moment, "Do you really want to kill Uzi in the bottom lane at level 3?"

He thought Lin Ran was going to fulfill the flag he set during the trash talk session.

"...I'm overthinking it," Lin Ran marked the location of the RNG Stone Beetle, "I just want to counter this group of wild monsters and see if Kasa is there."

He now knows that Kasa has only cultivated two sets of red and blue BUFF wild monsters, and they are only at level 2 now.

Kill him while he's sick!

Lin Ran has always been very tough on enemy and junglers.

"Are you a bit ruthless?" The Garlic Bastard clicked his tongue, and with Lin Ran's cooperation, he wiped out the sharp-beaked birds and hurriedly ran to the RNG stone beetle camp in a group.

"The YM midfielder still wants to rebel against this group of wild monsters. They won't leave a way for Kasa to survive!"

Xiaotian's jewelry eye was plugged into the partition wall, and he happened to see Kasa brushing stone beetles with an axe!

"He has no punishment! Come on, hurry up!" Lin Ran glanced at the time in the upper right corner. It was only 2 minutes and 53 seconds at this time. Olaf's secondary system did not bring enlightenment, which means that Casa's second punishment will not be until 3. It takes minutes to get better.

7 seconds left!

"If you can kill, just hurt!"

At the critical moment, Xiao Tian Wu brainlessly obeyed Lin Ran's command. Casa wanted to retreat but it was too late. He could not escape Zach's rubber slingshot!

"Zach squatted and jumped, flying over the wall and knocking Olaf away!"

The explosive fruit between the red BUFF and Xiaolong Pit will not be generated until 5-6 minutes. Lin Ran, who has no other means of crossing the wall, just flashes over the wall!

Before E [Acceleration Gate] could turn around, he simply used Q [Electric Energy Stirring], hitting Kasa who was knocked into the air. The super charge increased his attack speed, and he switched to hammer form and hit Olaf on the head with a hammer!

"Xiao Ming rushed here immediately," Miller was still recounting everything that happened in Summoner's Rift to the audience, "but Kasa's health has bottomed out!"

Without punishment, Olaf could only die with regrets and let Lin Ran take away his first blood.

"If you can get a wave of Uzis, don't leave!" Jack quickly called his brothers.

Just now, Uzi and Xiao Ming went to help grab blue for Casa, which resulted in the troops in front of the tower not being dealt with.

Of course, normally speaking, this wave of artillery cart lines located in front of the YM lower tower will definitely push back, and the natural push back state will not lose a few minions. It is indeed a good wave for the RNG duo. Support opportunities.

Without shoes, shooters and assistants can expand their radiation range to the Xiaolongkeng line of the river.

But the price of such roaming support is also quite obvious - they have no ability to interfere with the pushback line of this wave of artillery vehicles. After their own artillery vehicles are killed, they can only let the army line push back.

"Do you want to wait for the next wave of troops?" Liu Qingsong knew that there would be a wave of short-term troops coming to the bottom lane at 3 minutes and 7 seconds to connect. If they were accumulated together, the number of troops would be even greater.

"No, no, no, just use Uzi healing or posture teleportation!" Lin Ran rejected the proposal.

He didn't expect this wave to kill Uzi. Firstly, because the teleportation landing time is too short, leaving not enough time for the tower evasion team to kill. If the operation is not done properly, the support personnel who teleported to the ground will easily take away their heads.

The second reason is simpler.

Uzi's current state is the same as opening Wushuang, it is too powerful.

Liu Qingsong did not dare to mess around without being weak. Once Uzi with double summons was allowed to show off, the slightest advantage they had gained in the early stage would be lost.

What's more, if we wait for the next wave of soldiers to come over, the short-term players in the middle will probably be completely exhausted.

Lin Ran didn't want to lose too much development, so he took Xiaotian to surround the RNG duo from behind the tower.

"Zach Q [Extended Strike] caught Rao and wanted to find Uzi!"

Seeing the Garlic Bastard take action, he immediately handed over the teleportation gesture, wanting to protect his eldest father.

"Get out, get out!" Lin Ran took advantage and wanted to leave.

"Luo tried to use W [Grand Appearance] to lift Zach, who was resisting the tower, but Liu Qingsong held him in his mouth!"

The rough-skinned and fleshy Tahm Kench is very resistant and survived a full set of damage from Uzi and Shi Summing.

"Jack used another set of QA and stole another money bag!" Miller was stunned when he saw the money bag reappearing in the Shiba Inu backpack column. "Hasn't the explosion rate been reduced? I'm really lucky. OK!"

Jack opened the money bag and got 70 gold coins. The corners of his mouth raised crazily, almost turning into a slit woman.

"Brothers, just wait for me to carry everyone and I'll be done!" He patted his chest, which was about the same size as Uzi, and made a promise to his teammates.

When Lin Ran returned to the middle again, Xiaohu had already eaten up the fourth wave of troops.

Due to the weak ability of the vampire to push the line in the early stage, the cancel account did not push the line of troops as quickly as possible, but slowly accumulated the line of troops.

Lin Ran saw this scene and decisively signaled to his camp in the upper half of the area, "He is going to cover Kasa to counterattack. Jin Gong, push the line and prepare!"

He himself often plays this kind of troop hoarding routine, so he naturally understands the mentality of canceling accounts - it must be to hoard the troop line, use the minions under the tower to trap Lin Ran, and then go to the wild area to support and help Kasa open up the situation.

Now the three groups of wild monsters in the upper half of YM are all alive. Before the second round of wild monsters are refreshed, this is a resource that both junglers must compete for.

The Xiba man responded dully. Just now, in order to find the teleportation position to support Uzi, he lost two bins. Now his state is also consumed by the crow.

Hearing the words of his mid laner, he pushed forward even more fiercely, and his posture was filled with complaints. He just handed over the teleport, and the army line was completely controlled by Jin Gong.

After accumulating the number of soldiers, Shen did not dare to take action at all. Once he came forward to taunt, he would not only have to fight against a large wave of soldiers, but also be beaten by crows.

His W sword formation can only block normal attack damage, but it is not so useful against heroes like Crow who focus on skill damage.

After Kasa cleared the upper half of his area, there was only one group of three wolves left, and he barely reached level 3. He still wanted to cross the river to counter the jungle.

He knew that RNG's Kai'Sa system was selected in this game, and as the spearhead of the early offensive, he must not stand still.

At first glance, RNG's lineup is quite comfortable for team battles. As long as the double C is full of damage, it can easily lead to a perfect team battle.

But if you want to compete with the opponent in the mid-to-late stage team battles, you need the hero equipment in each position to not lag too far behind.

If RNG doubles C's two-piece set and the opponent's EZ and Jayce have already made the third big piece, then the teamfight will not have much chance of winning even if it starts.

It must not be allowed to be manipulated by others, which places very high demands on Casa.

Xiao Ming expected to protect Uzi online, but Vampire and Kai'Sa couldn't drive the rhythm.

The pressure is all on Casa.

Once the jungler loses his rhythm, the double C set of Kai'Sa + Vampire will die in 15-20 minutes.

The coaching staff had this idea in mind when they asked Casa to take the lead.

He is similar to today's Xiangguo. He is the early rhythm controller, and his brain is extremely clear in the first 15 minutes of the game.

Compared to the gank machine Mala Xiangguo, Casa's own style is more stable, the upper limit is not so ridiculously high, the lower limit is not low, and he is very good at protecting the bottom lane.

But what about this game?

Olaf, himself, was chased by Zack, the boy from the opposite side, in the early stages.

Is there any heavenly principle?

Kasa knew that there was not much time left for him.

If the hero Olaf has no rhythm in the early stage and cannot suppress the opponent's development, he will be a waste in the mid-term.

He must cause enough trouble to the opponent.

Even if you can't catch the opponent's jungler, you still have to stall for time to allow Vampire and Kai'Sa to develop stably!

"Casa broke into the YM jungle area and wanted to steal the chicken!"

Karsa is in a hurry now, but he is not brainless.

He knew that the top laner position would be pushed out of the lane, and he did not dare to touch the stone beetles and red buffs. It was more appropriate to brush a group of sharp beaks that were relatively close to the middle.

"Kasa's secretive moves were completely revealed by Brother Ran's eyes inserted through the wall!"

Lin Ran, who had already guessed Kasa and his intention to close the account, placed the second trinket eye in advance at the Sharp Beak Camp, and happened to see Kasa!

"Olav started scanning and also found this eye position!"

Kasa immediately wanted to pull the wild monster out, but a reinforced cannon had already been fired from the middle!

With a loud bang, a piece of Olaf's health bar and three small sharp-beaked birds disappeared!

Before Kasa could react, a Xiang warrior flew out of the YM Red BUFF camp!

"Xiaotian, it's him again!"

The rubber slingshot knocked Olaf into the air, and an extended strike with a fresh red BUFF hit Kasa!

"The vampire still wants to chase after him to protect the jungler, but this Zach is too fat!"

Xiaotian, who had just returned to the city for supplies, brought red crystals and straw sandals. The damage of level 4 Zach was not low!

"Casa still wanted to leave, but Jess gave up the tower and went after him!" I remember shouting at the top of my lungs, "This is not giving Olaf a way to survive!"

Lin Ran rushed over with the help of the acceleration gate and the double acceleration of switching hammer forms, and once again took away Olaf's head with a hammer!

The only thing Kasa could do was to use punishment before his death to capture the Great Sharp-Beaked Bird, thus supplementing his economy a little.

"Double-BUFF Jace is extremely powerful in combat, so if you cancel your account, you can only avoid his sharp edge!" Miller sighed, "Casa has no rhythm!"

Gala! My superman!

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