"RNG is already on the verge of collapse in the early stage," Miller glanced at the data panels of both sides. "Zach has eaten up Kasa's experience and will be promoted to level 5 soon!"

When Kasa is resurrected, he will face a strange situation where level 3 Olaf fights level 5 Zach.

In a normal passerby game, it is estimated that the other four teammates have already picked up the keyboard and are ready to show off their prowess in the jungle.

Kasa, who had been smiling all the time, also calmed down his expression. He looked at Jace opposite, who had a YMRan on his head, and there were ten thousand words in his heart that he could not say.

Don't be so ruthless, brother!

If you don't arrest Uzi, what will you do to me?

"Shi Senming, go help Kasa later..." Uzi took a deep breath.

"Can you do it alone?" Shi Sen had plans to help junglers in the morning. Hearing Uzi speak, he asked him.

"I won't be suppressed, just go ahead." Uzi is very confident. The combination of EZ + Tahm Kench on the opposite side is not a deterrent to him. Although he can't play 1 vs. 2 now, there is no problem in maintaining a stable development with EZ. of.

"I'll go find Kasa when the artillery line is pushed through." Shi Senming glanced at the line and said.

Now the handover position of the bottom lane troop line is near the center line. The artillery troopers at 4 minutes and 7 seconds have already started to collide. The artillery trooper only needs to push YM down the tower, and the troop line will push back in the direction of RNG later.

This kind of snowballing push back the troop line, before reaching the tower, the auxiliary can roam to support, and will not lose much troop experience.

Just return to the bottom lane when necessary, protect the ADC from being jumped over the tower, and eat the minions that advance under the tower.

Xiao Ming and Uzi calculated the time, but Liu Qingsong swallowed up RNG's artillery cart with a small soldier at this time, and the Holy Shield also provided Jack with a substantial portion of the artillery cart's bounty.

At this time, the advancement rhythm of the RNG duo was immediately slowed down a lot, and it took a while to advance the troops.

Xiao Ming controlled Luo to walk towards the river, and met up with Casa. He first went to eat the Demon Swamp Frog and Three Wolves in the lower half of the YM.

"Xiaotian didn't want to guard the two groups of wild monsters in the lower half of his home. He ran directly to the top lane and prepared to launch a gank!"

Since Zhi Zhi had handed over the teleport before, he didn't dare to return to the city casually without the means to replenish the line, so he could only continue to mess around on the top lane.

In addition, in order to ensure priority support on the road, Jin Gong had previously pushed a large wave of troops into the defensive tower. At this time, the troops pushed back again, and the handover position was close to the YM side.

Shen, who was in a posture, was also forced to leave the protection of the defense tower in the direction of the movement of the army line.

He sighed deeply, moved forward resolutely with the belief that he would die, and began to advance the military line.

Now Casa is counter-attacking in the second half to make up for his growth, and Zach is nowhere to be seen.

what does that mean?

Garlic Bastard must be in the upper half.

Will he come to catch me in the top position of the army?

Xiaoyao was not coerced, so naturally he would not give up this perfect opportunity.

Although he knew there was danger, he still had to step forward.

Because he didn't teleport.

And now that he doesn't have much health, he can't untie this wave of troops by himself.

If not dealt with, the position of the troop line will be stuck in front of his tower by Jin Gong, and he will not be able to capture troops for about 3 minutes.

If you want to save your life, you can naturally hold back and not move forward.

But in that case, he would not be able to successfully upgrade to level 6.

Shen is similar to Card Master. The timing of leveling up to level 6 has a great impact on the overall situation. If he reaches level 6 later, YM may still do something wrong.

The posture determines how to change the line of troops with life. Let's upgrade to level 6 first.

"Zach rushed to the road, squatted and jumped straight towards Shen!"

The Garlic Bastard knew that the posture held the displacement of E's taunt, so the landing point was not aimed directly at Shen's feet, but backwards to block his retreat!

"The posture did not intend to run, he chose to turn around and clear the line of troops!"

Use Q [Second Truth] with caution when operating! Dusk Blade] Cleaned up the YM soldiers in front of the tower with three swords. Seeing that all his own soldiers had entered the YM and climbed up the tower, he was content to wait for death.

Xiaotian used Q [Extended Strike] to hook Shen's body, and combined with Jin Gong's control and damage, he easily killed him.

The screen cuts to Shi Senming, who is witnessing this scene on the road, gritting his teeth.

As the game progresses, a deep sense of powerlessness lingers in my heart for a long time.

In the early stage, he stayed in the bottom lane but failed to achieve sufficient suppression effect, and his teammates in other lanes were already at a disadvantage.

Unlike others in RNG, Shi Senming has been teammates with four players in YM, so he naturally knows how scary this group of people is.

As long as YM gets a slight advantage in the early stage, it will definitely expand the snowball based on that advantage point, strive to put pressure on the bottom lane through various methods in the early stage, and finally crush the bottom lane tower in about 10 minutes. .

The economy harvested from the first-blood tower can make up for Jack's economic losses in the early stage when Liu Qingsong wanders offline and so on.

Shi Senming was able to memorize subsequent scripts.

The YM duo pushed down the tower, returned to the city and switched lanes to the upper half, and together with their teammates got the Canyon Herald that was born in 10 minutes.

As long as the vanguard is obtained, YM can use it to continue to expand its economic advantage, strive to destroy the first tower in the middle to liberate Lin Ran, and then go to the top lane to remove the opponent's remaining upper and outer towers.

In about 15 minutes, they can widen the economic gap to about 4K, then slowly control the vision, squeeze the resources in the jungle, and wait 20 minutes before trying to force the Baron to end the game.

This combination of punches is quite fierce. If you miss one move, you will fall into YM's rhythm and be doomed.

Shi Senming licked his lips anxiously. Under the high tension, his lips were slightly chapped due to lack of water.

He couldn't sit still and wait for death, he had to find an opportunity to turn the situation around!

"I'll come to the middle lane to help you catch it once!" Xiao Ming knew that it would be difficult for him to expand the radiation range to the top lane, so he could only use the opportunity to catch a wave of Jayce.

Lin Ran is the unquestionable offensive core of the YM team. As long as his development can be restricted, the entire YM team can be held back!

Shi Senming, who had disappeared from sight for a long time, obviously aroused Jack's suspicion. He clicked several question marks on the Xiaolong Pit and the grass in the middle, indicating the possible locations of Luo and Olaf.

"Let's push the line over quickly!" Jack stopped hoarding troops. He planned to push the soldiers under the Uzi Tower quickly and use this method to force Shi Senming back.

When Lin Ran first heard the warning from his teammates in the voice message, he took a few steps back to keep himself in an excellent defensive position, making it difficult for the opponent to gank him.

But there are also disadvantages to standing in this position - he can't capture the minions.

Although the QE reinforced cannon is miraculous in clearing troops, the CD of the reinforced cannon is too long before the skill level and cooldown reduction properties are added up in the early stage.

Lin Ran lost two bins and didn't see the danger yet. He glanced at the bottom line.

Although neither EZ nor Tahm Kench's ability to push the line is strong, Liu Qingsong couldn't bear it and brought the minion death weapon in this game, and the line handover position was quickly moving towards the RNG lower tower.

If Shi Senming doesn't return to the bottom lane, Uzi will be at risk of being jumped over the tower, and at the same time, he will also lose a lot of troops' experience.

Lin Ran believed that Uzi would never let him face such a dilemma and must recall Shi Senming.

And a single Kasa without flashing has no ability to cooperate with the vampire Gank itself.

Lin Ran relaxed his vigilance, rushed forward with the Mercury Cannon, and began to advance the army line again.

His second accessory eye was placed in his own razorbill grass. It had not been fully charged at this time. In addition, he had never returned to the city to replenish his real eye, so he had no ability to arrange his field of vision.

Liu Qingsong had not been to the middle lane during this time, and Xiaosi had just been in a killing stance on the top lane. Neither of them helped the middle lane to supply wards nearby, causing Lin Ran's vision on both sides to be dark.

But he just wanted to get through the ninth wave of troops, because the artillery soldiers would give him an opportunity to return to the city to resupply without losing troops.

YM fans in the surrounding stands sighed in disappointment when they saw Lin Ran moving forward.

Guanghu suddenly turned around and moved abnormally, and the special effects of the minion's death weapon appeared on the artillery trooper!

The moment the gun carriage disappeared, the blue swirling light rose, and the Meade Tiger rose to level 6!

"The vampire learned his ultimate move in seconds, stepped forward and poured R [Blood Plague] on Jace!" Remember to speak faster, "Olav and Luo also appeared from the grass below!"

Lin Ran hissed lightly and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

He didn't expect that Shi Senming wouldn't even eat the bottom line of troops, and even abandoned Uzi, just to rush to the middle to catch him!

Am I crazy or is Uzi crazy?

"Luo Qingwu clung to the vampire in pairs and set fire to hang above Jace's head!"

Kassa threw an ax behind Lin Ran, trying to block his move, but Shi Senming seized the opportunity, and W [Grand Appearance] fell at Lin Ran's feet!

If Lin Ran moves forward and avoids Luo's control, he will get Olaf's axe; if he avoids the sharp axe, he will get Luo's grand entrance control!

He glanced at the chasing vampire behind him and knew that he was doomed without flashing, so he simply switched to the hammer form and used Q [Sky Leap] to hit the artillery soldiers behind!

Before RNG's Nakano Fu and three others focused their fire to kill him, Lin Ran successfully ate the gun truck.

"Jace died, and YM tried to attack Uzi in the bottom lane!"

Liu Qingsong first put weakness on the top of Uzi's head, and then stuck out his tongue, trying to use Q to add a layer of slowness.

"Uzi activates E [Extreme Overload] to use the movement speed bonus to avoid Tahm's skills, turn around and use the basic attack to catch the Icathian raindrops on Jack!"

Shiba Inu tried to use QA output to stack passive stacks, but Uzi twisted and moved again, dodging Ezreal's secret shooting!

With too many skills empty, the YM bottom lane duo could only choose to retreat and give up this tower jump!

"Guigui, Uzi's positioning!" Miller couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw this scene, "The skilled man is brave and successfully defused the offensive!"

The RNG fans in the audience also cheered like a wave as their home team gained momentum!

Uzi's face was as calm as water. This kind of operation was nothing exciting for him. After quickly clearing the troops off the stage, he was ready to return to the city. He took out the equipment first.

"Jack also returned to the city and bought Radiant Light and Extraction. It seems that he wants to continue to develop for a while!"

The main reason is that the amount of gold coins on the Shiba Inu is too embarrassing. The 9 waves of minions, plus the theft omen and the economy automatically issued by the system, only have a total of 1,500 gold coins.

If you spend 750 to buy Tears of the Goddess, it will be difficult to buy other equipment with the remaining 750 gold coins.

Although it is just enough for the [Three Phase Power] small red crystal and long sword, unless the crushing advantage or the team is very lacking in output, Ezreal in the professional arena will only use ice boxing.

After all, the equipment of Ice Fist is cheap and functional, and EZ's strong period starts with the two-piece set and continues until the opponent makes three pieces of completed equipment.

Making Ice Fist early means extending Ezreal's period of strength.

Therefore, Jack simply did not choose Goddess Tears, but bought a handful of Radiance and Extraction.

Yaoguang is used to support combat effectiveness, while extraction is to wait for the 100 knives to be replenished to pay wages. Carefully calculating the time, completing these 100 minions is probably the key point when he is about to make a two-piece set, and he just uses the 350 knives issued. Gold coins to buy ice fists.

Uzi saw it in his eyes. He was now equipped with a recurve bow and a true eye, and his combat effectiveness was not very high.

But for him, he has passed the most difficult moment in the early stage. When he has the ultimate move, he can try to take the initiative to attack.

"Xiao Ming has tasted the sweetness. He now roams frequently. As long as he eats up the experience of the bottom lane troops, he will leave the lane and let Uzi develop alone!"

Xiao Ming made the Boots of Brightness the first time he returned to the city. Now he is running very fast, and Liu Qingsong will not sit still and wait for death. After dealing with the enemy line, he also disappears from the line, trying to protect Lin Ran in the middle lane who has not flashed.

But in this way, the ADCs of both parties will place orders.

Jack tried Q a few times and wanted to win the prize, but Uzi's movements were confusing and he avoided all the white turbid liquid shot by Ezreal.

I fired seven secret shots and hit one shot in total. Instead of stealing money and mana, I lost 1/3.

He gave up the idea of ​​continuing to consume Uzi and simply replenished his troops honestly.

The assistants on both sides routinely returned to the bottom lane and disappeared again after eating the minion experience. At this time, everyone in the duo had reached level 6.

Uzi ran into the grass, saw the opportunity and fired a W [Void Search], and the purple void shock wave was shot towards the EZ under the tower!

When the Shiba Inu saw this void stalking enemy, his first reaction was to move to avoid it, but he was currently in the blind spot between the defense tower and the wall, and the space provided for him to move was not very large.

At this time, it was too late to use E [Arcane Leap]. Jack could only watch Ezreal, whom he was operating, attach Kai'Sa's plasma mark.

Originally it was just a simple wave of consumption, but the health bar above Kai'Sa's head suddenly thickened, and a white shield appeared!

"Shen's big move!" Wawa didn't expect Uzi to suddenly attack. He was not ready yet and his commentary was high-pitched and sharp!

The pilot shot showed the top road, the Eye of Twilight under the tower formed a hand seal, and bursts of purple light emerged from the teleportation array from bottom to top!

"Ka'Sa used R [Hunter Instinct] to fly over and tried to jump over the tower to kill EZ!"

The Phantom of the Void shuttled through space and suddenly appeared behind Jack, and the Icathian rain poured down!

The next moment, Tahm's R [Abyss Submarine] mark appeared under the YM Tower, and a series of signal marks flashed on the mini-map!

Except for Jin Gong who was not teleported, everyone else was rushing towards the lower road!

"Shen Luo wanted to use taunt to control EZ, but Jack reacted quickly and immediately handed over E [Arcane Leap] to successfully distance himself!"

But the posture is holding and flashing!

Zaishen is about to arrive at E [Secret Truth! At the end of [Shadow Binding], he suddenly handed over the flash to adjust the distance of the skill, and used the last part of the taunting state to touch Ezreal's body!

It was too late to react at this close distance. Jack was held in place by the taunt. Kai'Sa calmly dealt plasma damage. The attack speed bonus provided by E [Extreme Overload] allowed her to continuously shoot void projectiles, plundering EZ's health. Empty!

"Ezreal without healing is still too fragile and vulnerable to Kai'Sa!"

As soon as the baby finished speaking, Tam came out of the ground with Jace!

"Tamu's Giant Tongue Whip was thrown out and hit the target successfully!" Miller glanced at the small map, "Xiao Ming is about to arrive on the battlefield, I think I can save him..."

Uzi immediately distanced himself. Now the ADC is no longer the shooter who had a certain level of tankiness and could ride on his face for output. Even now, he knows that the first task in team battles is to find an excellent output environment.

Xiao Ming handed over the flash, E [Double Dance] and put it next to Uzi, activated the big move [Jinghong Gap], then handed over the second stage of E to the posture, and pulled out the W to make a grand appearance, toward Lin Ran and Liu Qingsong. Attack!

Luo's long dance moves instantly crossed the big screen, arousing cheers from RNG fans!

Seeing that Lin Ran was about to take advantage of Luo's charm and knock him away, Liu Qingsong opened his mouth wide at the moment when Luo's intoxicating breeze was about to hit Jace, W [eat with joy] and took Lin Ran into his mouth!

"Beautiful!" Miller couldn't help clenching his fists and shouting angrily, "Tahm took all the control, but saved Jace!"

Tam's devouring took a long time. Lin Ran waited for Luo's ultimate move to disappear, and then he jumped out of Liu Qingsong's mouth. He raised his hand and fired, and the electric energy surged through the acceleration gate in front of Jace and flew towards Kai'Sa!

At this time, the shields provided by R [Hunter Instinct] and Shen's ultimate move had disappeared. Uzi still wanted to turn around and use his position to avoid the skill, but Lin Ran's shot fired at a very fast speed and at a tricky angle, hitting it accurately!

"Jace's damage was very high. This one shot took out nearly 40% of Kai'Sa's health!"

Although Lin Ran died once, he had taken two heads, including first blood, and had plenty of gold coins. Now that he has the serrated dagger + Caulfield's war hammer in hand, the attack power of the panel is already good, plus The armor-piercing effect is fixed, and one shot will make a fragile-skinned body like Kai'Sa tremble with ecstasy!

Uzi turned around and tried to pull, trying to deal damage. His basic attacks kept focusing on Tahm, and the high attack speed boosted him. When he went A, he also tried to increase the distance to prevent Lin Ran from threatening him immediately.

A strange cry came from Wuhu in the sky, and Xiang warriors fell from the sky and hit Uzi!

The YM players showed their talents and arrived at the battlefield one after another. However, RNG midfielder Olaf and Vampire did not move. In addition, this is the enemy's territory and the road is far away, so the arrival speed will naturally be much slower.

"Uzi used treatment to restore his blood volume, and at the same time, he also moved to twist away Zach's rubber slingshot!"

This kind of chaotic battle clearly reflects Uzi's current strength.

For skills like EZ and Tahm, he can dodge by moving. For Zach's Elastic Slingshot, he uses healing to accelerate, and then moves to dodge.

Just highlight one outrageous thing.

"When Xiaotian lands, punish Lan first and slow down to keep Kai'Sa!"

At the same time, Q [Extended Strike] slapped Uzi. The movement of raising his hand was very subtle, but Uzi was still aware of it, and he flashed to distance himself!

"Xiaotian followed the flash, R [dynamic pinball] grabbed Uzi and brought it to Jace's face!"

Uzi's operation has reached the limit, but the protection RNG can give him is still too little. After surrendering all his skills, he has nowhere to escape and can only be wrapped in Zac's ultimate move!

Lin Ran activated his super charge to increase his attack speed, switched to hammer form and jumped on Kai'Sa's face, attached it to Ignition, and took Uzi away with three hammers one after another!

"Vampire and Olaf arrived late. They are in good condition, but they lack the means to enter the battlefield!"

Kasa is now the lowest level in the game, and has not even reached level 6. He doesn't know what he is going to use to enter the battlefield.

"Brother Ran took advantage of the situation and swallowed up all the troops in the bottom lane, while Jack handed over the teleport to the middle lane to replenish the lane." Miller saw that both sides had stopped and quickly analyzed the pros and cons of the team battle just now, "It seems that YM has a little troops. It’s not a loss at all. Although the teleportation skill that Jack brings can save his life, it’s still quite good to replenish the line and gain growth.”

"And more importantly, Jin Gong has been leading the lane and pushing towers during this period!"

Accompanied by the remembered commentary, the director quickly switched the camera to the top lane. At this time, the health of the previous tower guarded by Shen had dropped by half. It is estimated that by the time the posture comes online again, this defense tower will be crumbling!

Lin Ran knew that Uzi had handed over the double summons, and wanted to take this opportunity to grab a wave of bottom laners to see if there was a chance to continue to kill Uzi.

But Xiao Ming and Casa stayed in the bottom lane like two bodyguards, protecting Uzi at all times and allowing him to safely recruit troops to supplement his economy.

But in this way, Lin Ran was freed himself. Shi Senming was only focused on helping Uzi and had no time to care about Jace, so he could roam around.

"Get the top laner. Jack, you and Liu Qingsong will come directly to the canyon when the time comes. They won't dare to pick up the team!" Lin Ran decisively directed his teammates to change the focus target, staring at the military training without flashing his posture.

He just fired a shot from a distance and left the rest to Xiaoyao and Jin Gong.

Since RNG Nosuke focused all his attention on protecting Uzi, Shen who stayed on the top lane was like a lonely orphan. Without the help of his teammates, he could only die in front of his teammates.

In less than 4 minutes, Stance died twice in a row and gave up a tower on the top lane. Now its development has fallen by a level behind Jin Gongcrow.

[Is this the level of posture? 】

[I don’t understand why RNG used stance in the first game. It was of no use at all. The line was not as strong as Jin Gong, the pressure was not as stable as Jin Gong, and the team fight was not as ruthless as Jin Gong. Was he sent here to increase pressure on Uzi? 】

[Don’t be embarrassed, the main thing is to test where Uzi’s limit is. In the finals, play with a heavy load first]

Coach Heart, who was sitting in the backstage lounge, also looked unhappy.

He had already made up his mind, no matter whether he won or lost in this game, his posture would definitely be changed.

The stance's laning is indeed a bit better than Letme's, but its strength is limited. Not only compared to monsters like TheShy, there is a certain gap compared to Jin Gong.

His main role for the team is the hero pool. He can play heroes such as Captain, Crow, and Kennen, providing a certain guarantee for the team.

But after finishing the BP in the first game, heart found that YM ignored the gesture at all and regarded him as a Letme.

As a result, he also used his stance as a letme, using a Shen to fight against the crow in the lane to resist pressure, and then waited to support his teammates.

Then why should I get up? When it comes to dealing with pressure, it’s better to let Letme do it. This is their specialty.

At this time, the game has reached 10 minutes, and the Canyon Pioneer is refreshed on time.

Just as Lin Ran predicted, the RNG bottom lane duo had no intention of coming to Dalong Pit to compete with them for resources.

First, because Uzi's flash has not improved yet, its combat effectiveness is not very high. Once it is hit by Zac, it will be over.

Second, the Canyon Pioneer is extremely far away from the bot lane. Uzi and Xiao Ming do not have Tahm R [Abyss Submarine] like YM bot lane, which can carry out long-distance displacement. If they forcefully pick up the Pioneer group, they will inevitably lose their troops.

Xiaoyao, who had been waiting there for a long time, couldn't wait to start outputting, and Jin Gong, who controlled the upper route, also rushed over.

"RNG seems to be giving up on competing for Canyon Pioneer. Jack and Liu Qingsong are also planning to take the newly converted Abyss Submarine and try to switch routes to the middle..."

After getting the vanguard, Xiaotian directly summoned it to cooperate with the duo in advancing to the middle!

Guan Hu had just taken out his first large magic-binding orb. He originally wanted to give Lin Ran a set of health bar disappearing techniques to show off his power, but he didn't expect that he couldn't find Lin Ran's location at all. Instead, EZ takes Tam to suppress himself in the middle!

"River Pioneer crashed into me, and the health of RNG's middle tower dropped by nearly half in an instant!" I remember glancing at the small map in the lower right corner. "Uzi and Xiao Ming came to the middle lane a little slowly in order to deal with the bottom lane troops. Jay Si's cannon has been set up!"

Electric energy surges!

Jace roared angrily, and the enhanced cannon was so fast that Kasa had no room to move. He wanted to use punishment to attack the exposed eyes on the back of the Canyon Pioneer. His blood volume evaporated by half in an instant!

"No one dares to poke out the eyes on the back of the Canyon Pioneer. Everyone in RNG can only try to break through from the front!"

However, the consumption ability of Jace and EZ gradually entered a strong period. With Jin Gong dragging them on the road, only Casa's Olaf could serve as the front row.

But his development is really poor!

Not to mention Lin Ran, he couldn't bear even Jack's water gun!

"Casa's blood volume has been reduced, and YM still wants to continue to advance..."

Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore. He activated the magic-binding orb and stepped forward quickly. R [Blood Plague] swayed on the three people in front of YM!

The high damage temporarily forced YM back, but the vampire without its ultimate move in the early stage will have little effect in the following time.

When YM gathers again later, it is only a matter of time before a tower in RNG collapses!

At 12 minutes, Lin Ranka led his teammates to report for a team push at the last moment when the vampire's ultimate move was ready.

This time RNG slightly slowed down YM's advancement and gave up the first tower!

"YM is about to enter the familiar snowballing rhythm in the jungle again," Wawa said pertinently. "Although RNG caused some trouble to YM in the early stage, it did not hinder the progress of the entire team!"

Uzi stood up quickly after making the Sheep Knife. He frequently used W [Void Search for Enemies] to look for opportunities. As long as there were no more than three heroes around when hitting the enemy, he would move forward with Shen's ultimate move. fly.

In this way, although there is a risk of sudden death if you advance too aggressively, YM's attack can be delayed every time you succeed.

At 22 minutes into the game, the head ratio between the two sides was 6:13, and YM's leading economy stabilized at around 5K.

"Although Ezreal's equipment is a little inferior, he at least made a two-piece set and reached a strong stage..." Miller saw the movements of the five YM players, "They should want to join the team and advance."

Lin Ran already had the Black Blade Youmeng in hand, and the three pieces of armor-piercing equipment were quite powerful.

After Kasa was targeted by YM in the early stage, he began to habitually get lost in the mid-term, not knowing what to do.

In addition, after the jungle area was invaded, YM wards were everywhere, and all his jungle clearing movements were under the control of his opponents.

If the wild area is countered, Kasa will not have enough economy to buy equipment.

At 22 minutes, he didn't even make the second big meat suit, which was extremely disappointing.

With this kind of equipment, Olaf couldn't withstand Lin Ran's cannon at all, and was forced to give up the split push and return to the middle to join his teammates.

"Shen has reached the middle lane, but Jin Gong is still leading alone in the bottom lane. The second tower in the bottom lane is going to be threatened!"

His posture was so anxious that he wanted to quickly return to the bottom lane, but as soon as he lost his position, Lin Ran's reinforced cannon followed up like a gangrene on the bone, knocking out half of Olaf's health!

"Zach, who was hiding in the grass, is heading towards the upper half of the jungle, and he's taking EZ with him!"

Miller lowered his voice, thinking they were going to do something cool.

As a result, the two of them broke away from the line and rushed into the wild area, straight to the dragon pit!

"Two people are starting to fight now?!" I remember I didn't expect YM to have this kind of gameplay!

Although EZ and Zac were slow in beating the baron, they did not arouse RNG's suspicion.

After all, Zach is unlikely to appear frontally. This kind of character must be hiding in the dark vision, ready to strike and deliver a fatal blow to his opponent.

The director also showed shots of the mid laner and Baron Nash. Seeing the Baron's blood volume dropping continuously, the RNG fans in the audience were already shouting excitedly, wanting to remind their home team members of what was going on in Summoner's Rift!

But everyone in RNG, who was concentrating on the game, knew nothing about it.

It wasn't until the dragon's health dropped to half, Lin Ran suddenly put away the cannon, retreated to a safe place, and then took Tahm's R [Abyss Submarine] to the dragon pit that RNG finally reacted.

You've been fooled!

"RNG doesn't want to give this big dragon to YM, and they even asked the group to go to the river!"

When Jin Gong handed over the teleport, his posture also equipped Xiao Ming with a big move!

"Luo Kai R [Jinghong Gap], combined with the flash and W grand appearance, rushed into the dragon pit again!"

"Sell Jack!" Lin Ran yelled, signaling Liu Qingsong to protect himself, not Jack.

Tam whined, then swallowed Jace into his mouth to protect him, but Jace's life and death was at the mercy of him!

"I..." Jack was dumbfounded.

He didn't expect his teammates to sell him out so decisively, without any hesitation, exposing himself to Luo's control!

The moment Luo charmed Jack, Uzi's eyes lit up.

"Come with me!"

He suddenly turned into a void phantom and got close to Jack, and the heavy rain from Icathia harvested EZ's health!

Except for Xiaotian, who was still fighting the dragon, everyone in YM rushed out and planned to beat up Kai'Sa!

Uzi curled his lips, holding the evolved E [Extreme Overload] in his hand. As long as the opponent is weak, he will enter the invisible state, so that he can avoid the skills and take the opportunity to delay the duration of the weakness!

But Lin Ran ran out of Tam's mouth, and Uzi hadn't seen Liu Qingsong surrender yet!

Jace's enhanced cannon struck with a sound of breaking through the air, mixed with other people's skills!

"Uzi entered the invisible state and accelerated his position to avoid some skills..."

He still took a shot from Lin Ran. Just after he was released from the invisible state, Liu Qingsong showed weakness and hung up!

"Tahm's hand has been weak until now, and he has destroyed Uzi!"

Open the wound and think clearly.

If Kai'Sa enters the field and he becomes weak, then Uzi will show off.

But when he was weak, Uzi couldn't freely use E [Extreme Overload].

Kai'Sa without E is looking for death if she rushes into the crowd.

If E is handed over and he goes up to weaken, Uzi's output ability will drop a lot!

Dalong let out an unwilling roar and fell under Zac's punishment, while Xiaotian squatted in place and jumped up again to fly towards Uzi!

"Ka'Sa used dodge to avoid Zac and get close to her, but Jace was chasing after her!"

Weakness is too restrictive for Kai'Sa, and with the help of Jin Gong Crow, Uzi was killed by Lin Ran with a hammer just after he killed Jack!

The remaining Xiaohu in position C entered the arena but was completely blocked by the Golden Crow at the front!

The lineup was divided, and RNG, which lost Uzi, was defeated!

Gala's positioning!

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