LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 446 Chapter 444: Military training! An unexpected breakthrough

The Summoner's Rift suddenly arrived. Lin Ran bought a corruption potion from the spring and rushed to the river station.

In this game, his Thane runes were different from those of other players. The main system was still the comet, but the secondary system brought the minion deplaster and time warp tonic.

Zoe, who left the account, brought the unsealed secret book. The follow-up is expected to be a soldier death weapon and a stopwatch, and the secondary department is witchcraft.

"Follow me to take a look at the upper half of the area opposite." Xiaotian swaggered towards the red area opposite, with Lin Ran and Jin Gong behind him.

RNG's upper midfielder is a combination of Ornn, Zhumei and Zoe. Not only does it have poor combat power at level 1, it doesn't even have hard control. The little bastard runs amok, and the opponent who dares to look at him will just hit him with an axe.

YM's top, middle and junglers successfully crouched in the grass in the opponent's red zone. During this period, the position of the RNG players was not discovered.

"Ornn stood in his stone beetle camp and inserted an eye into the red buff grass through the wall!"

The jewelry eye successfully detected the movements of YM and the others, but was then killed by each of them with a knife.

Lin Ran and Jin Gong, who share the ward experience, can grab level 2 in the first wave of soldiers. They know this, and everyone in RNG who uses their field of vision to see the movement of the ward also knows it.

"The fragrant pot needs to be opened from the blue buff in the lower half of the jungle area. This way, teammates can help open the jungle and eat the blue buff very quickly..." I remember taking a look at the mini map and analyzing, "And Xiaoyao still wants to invade RNG's red. BUFF, the junglers of the two teams should start by changing jungle areas."

It seems that with this jungle replacement, Malaxiangguo can live a very stable life in the early stage, but he himself knows that there are dangers in the early stage.

The main problem is the three-way right of way.

As Miller said, both the upper and lower lanes of RNG are at an absolute disadvantage in the early stage, and the control of the lane in the middle lane is still unstable. He, a pig girl who is weak in the early stage, is likely to be invaded by the counter-wild.

In order to speed up the field opening and avoid being invaded by Tahm who has the unsealed secret code, he could only open the field from the lower half of his side.

Xiang Guo sensed something was wrong when he used Letme's jewelry to see Garlic Bastard.

YM obviously did research before the game and was sure that he would open the field from the lower half, so Olaf did not hesitate and led his men directly to invade the upper red zone.

The question now is whether I can be sure to switch to YM's red BUFF. If I can't switch, the pig girl with a single BUFF will still be tortured in the next few minutes.

"Hurry up and fight. I'll go directly to the opposite jungle. You guys can help me drag it out when the time comes. Don't let Tahm Kench come to me!" Xiangguo marked and asked his teammates to cooperate with him. He also used E [Permanent Frozen Field]. Stun the blue BUFF and cut off the wild monster's basic attack, while also pulling it toward the river.

He planned to run to the YM jungle area after eating the first group of wild monsters, and use Punishment to quickly brush up the red BUFF. He should be able to eat the BUFF before Olaf comes here.

At the same time, the two mid laners also started to line up.

As usual, I started to draw the first flying star from the grass in the middle road, and hit three long-range soldiers.

He wanted to clean up this wave of minions quickly, so as to lay the most basic position advantage for the battle for wild monsters in the lower half that might break out later.

Although Lin Ran's push line speed with level 1 E [Killer's Roar] is not as good as Zoe's, it is not much different.

Lin Ran took advantage of the gap after Zoe used her skills to roar and push the melee soldier at the front. He used the damage from the push to consume the soldiers behind him, and then stepped forward to chop with the axe.

The cancel account is very sensitive to this kind of operation, and this move of leaving the protective position of the army line to push the line makes him feel extremely abnormal.

Under normal laning conditions, mid laner Thane does not play like this at level one. When the level of E [Killer's Roar] increases, it is the last word to use the talents of Arcane Comet and Medicine King to frequently consume the opponent and return to the city.

"If he grabs 2 first, he might end up in your jungle area!" Guanhu quickly reminded his teammates, trying to push the line simultaneously, and also inserted a jewelry eye into the grass on the middle road to guard against Olaf who might be caught at level 2. .

The minion death weapon has not yet improved, and Zoe's only way to push the line is to rely on Q [Flying Stars] and passive fireworks.

After canceling the account, he tried to use basic attacks to point the troops, and then waited for Q's cooldown to improve, and then pulled out the flying star again, trying to clear out all three remote soldiers in the back row.

At this moment, Lin Ran suddenly moved diagonally and blocked himself between his long-range soldiers and the flying stars!

Guanhu couldn't get past Thain to collect these three long-range soldiers, so he was forced to throw the flying star into Thain's huge and strong body.

Although the damage of passive fireworks is not low, it is still a step slower than Thane.

"Be careful!" the account holder reminded Xiang Guo again, as the marks kept hitting his feet.

The vigilant Mala Xiangguo's perspective has been placed in the middle, for fear of Lin Ran making any changes.

Theon on his screen knocked down a bottle of corruption potion, then used killer roar and basic attacks to clear out the first wave of soldiers, successfully reaching level 2.

Then Lin Ran suddenly took two steps down!

Xiangguo's mind was filled with images of Lin Ran and various disgusting people crazily invading his wild area.

He quickly pulled the red BUFF into the grass and waved the flail to suppress the wild monster's health. Seeing that Lin Ran didn't rush here, he simply skipped a punishment and said, "I can't eat F6, I'll go find the stone beetle!"

"Sain has now reached level 2 and has the right to the middle lane. The pig girl in Xiangguo doesn't dare to go to the sharp beak bird that is closer to the middle lane, so she can only go to the stone beetle camp!"

Xiangguo had just hit the big stone beetle twice when he heard Shi Senming reminding him in his voice.

"Tam is walking back, I'm rushing towards you!"

He originally opened the wound just to test it. After all, he didn't know which camp in his wild area the incense pot was.

But Shi Senming followed him towards the stone beetle, which undoubtedly exposed the movement of the incense pot.

Right at the Stone Beetle Camp!

Although Xiao Ming moves very quickly, this is YM's territory after all, and the fragrant pot is very close to the bottom lane, so Liu Qingsong got there first!

Now that the bottom lane duo has also reached level 2, Liu Qingsong got into the grass behind the bottom tower. When he saw Xiang Guo still eating wild monsters, he stepped forward to threaten them without mercy.

Xiang Guo boasts of being the master of punishment, and is not afraid of Liu Qingsong coming to grab him. He just tries to block Tam's position with his body.

The big fat catfish stood in the grass with a big mouth. He stuck out his tongue and cast Q [Big Tongue Whip]. The next moment, his tongue was retracted. Using the linkage between Big Tongue Whip and W [Feast], he was still 500 yards away from him. The big stone beetle swallowed into the mouth!

I fuck Li Liang!

Mala Xiangguo almost cursed angrily. He chased after him and tried to stop Tam, but Liu Qingsong just walked straight to the bottom of the tower!

"Xiao Ming rushed over to the wall and cast Q [Dark Imprisonment], successfully hitting Tahm!" Wataba sped up, "The incense pot also keeps up with the output, but the damage of the two of them is not high enough!"

Jack came over with a sniper rifle to help him out.

Tam, who was thick-skinned and thick-skinned, spit out the big stone beetle he had swallowed in his mouth and threw it under the tower. This place was too far away from the wild monster camp, and the hatred value above the big stone beetle was disappearing crazily!

"The stone beetle replenished its health and returned to its nest again..." I remember laughing out loud, "Then Xiangguo will start farming again!"

[How mean, hahahaha]

[YM’s finals are specifically designed to mess with people’s mentality? 】

[Can the director understand something? The camera gives the incense pot a close-up! 】

The backstage director seemed to have heard these words, and the next moment he cut to the scene of the fragrant pot. He pursed his lips and looked unhappy, with a pig liver face already on his body.

Zhu Mei was originally slow in clearing wild monsters, but Liu Qingsong kept going back and forth to waste time. By the time he finished clearing the wild monsters in this round, it had already reached 2 minutes and 42 seconds!

The first wave of artillery soldiers in the middle road had already connected. Lin Ran easily used the minion kill weapon to eat up the artillery soldiers, and upgraded to level 3 Q [Cruel Slam].

In order to prevent Lin Ran from going to the disgusting incense pot again, he also used a minion to eat the cannon cart, and used E [Hypnosis Bubble] to hit Lin Ran.

However, the sleepiness effect will last for a period of time after the hypnotic bubble hits, and this period cannot interrupt Lin Ran's brutal slamming.

Thain's ax struck hard and knocked away a group of soldiers. Before falling into a comatose state, Lin Ran knocked down a bottle of corruption potion to restore his blood volume.

"Zoela is full of flying stars. This shot hits Thain, and the damage is probably not low..." The baby said this, and he saw that the flying stars hit three long-range soldiers!

And Thain took a passive basic attack with fireworks!

"Eh?" The doll was stunned for a moment.

Miller quickly took over the topic, "Xiaohu should be thinking about handling the military line, not about consumption."

Lin Ran woke up from his coma, turned on W [Soul Furnace], and then swung his ax and continued to take troops.

Midhu is now in a dilemma. If he continues to push the line of soldiers, Thain's W will be the first to push away the minions.

If he uses basic attacks to destroy Lin Ran's shield, he will not be able to affect the YM minions during this period, but Thain can continue to use flat A to interfere with the minions.

In the end, Guanhu chose to use basic attacks to destroy Lin Ran's shield, but the ensuing E [Killer's Roar] still cleared all the troops.

"He went to the lower half of the area!" Guan Hu saw Thain's figure moving downwards and disappeared from his field of vision, and quickly reminded Xiang Guo.

Spicy Xiang Guo was so angry that he had just finished farming Stone Beetles. He was afraid of being caught by Thain, so he could only follow the lower route all the way back to his own jungle area and try to farm his own Demon Marsh Frogs and Three Wolves again.

But in the stands on all sides, the spectators who were watching the game from a God's perspective began to discuss it, and there were also bursts of surprised low-pitched shouts.

"What is Thain doing?" I remember blurting out in surprise.

After Thain in Summoner's Rift moved downwards, he suddenly stopped, turned back and approached the wall near his defense tower, and ran all the way up.

Tyrant Zero Thain's bulky body looks a bit silly like this.

But Coach Heart in the RNG lounge backstage felt his heart go cold.

The director gave RNG's vision, and Zoe's eye was inserted into the grass in the middle road separated from Thain by the wall.

This also means that Thain's strong body is buried in the fog of war that makes him invisible, and RNG has no idea of ​​Lin Ran's movements!

"Yan Junze, let's go!" The person with such a threatening posture also panicked.

But Letme was destined not to hear the reminders from her teammates in the background.

He is also panicking now.

The first jewelry eye has been inserted, and it will take 3 minutes for the next eye to be changed.

During this period, he could only huddle under the tower, with darkness in all directions, and he had no idea when the enemy would appear.

Ryze, controlled by Jin Gong, had absolute line control in the early stage. He slowly accumulated troops and successfully pushed a large wave of troops with artillery carts into the defense tower at this moment.

Letme could see the opponent's intention of hoarding troops into the tower, but he felt that the opponent would only have two people at most. It would be difficult for him to die if he had a flash, and he might even seize the opportunity to complete a counterattack.

He still wanted to stay under the tower and fight, when two strong men suddenly emerged from the grass behind the tower!

Olaf and Thane!

Letme's hands suddenly began to shake.

It's not that he doesn't get feedback from his teammates, it's that the feedback his teammates give him is wrong!

Didn't Thain go to the lower half of the area to find the incense pot? Why did you come to me again?

"Teammates, where are teammates?" Letme's heart stopped for half a beat. He had no time to think about why Thain appeared here, and he didn't even have time to say the second half of this sentence.

YM takes action!

"Ryze stepped forward to pin down Ornn with EW, while Brother Ran charged up his Q [Cruel Slam] and prepared to smash it down!"

Also hitting Ornn's body was the ax thrown by Garlic Bastard!

Letme couldn't move. After being knocked away by Lin Ran, he followed up with a burst of damage and was instantly killed!

Jin Gong used the shield provided by bursting two layers of runes to resist the tower, and did not lose much health at all.

Letme, who had seen Ornn weakened before, was very happy, thinking that his signature hero could finally enter the Summoner's Rift.

But at this moment he just wanted to punch the Riot designer twice.

What's wrong with you? Why did you delete the unstoppable effect of W [Bellow Breath] when it is cast?

If it had this effect, I wouldn't have been charged to death just now!

After completing his resurrection in the spring, he cut the screen and looked at the upper tower. At this time, Olaf and Thain were gone, and the account was canceled and a wave of short-term moves was pushed into the middle tower of YM.

Letme felt that Lin Ran would definitely have to return to the city and teleport to the middle to make up the line, so he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"After Ornn was resurrected, he handed over the teleportation, but Thane and Olaf appeared from behind the tower again!" Miller's voice became louder when he saw this scene, "They don't want to give Letme a way to survive!"

Lin Ran was afraid that Letme would cancel the teleportation, so he waited for him to land before leaving the grass with Garlic Bastard.

At this time, the YM middle defense tower was still devouring short-term targets within the range.

If Lin Ran had just teleported after killing Ornn for the first time, he would not have lost troops, but he saw that Letme's TP line-replenishing operation was a bit outrageous, and he felt that he should be taught a lesson.

For this reason, I gave up a wave of short-term, which is a great respect for Letme.

But he himself also felt a sense of revenge.

Lin Ran recalled a misjudgment he made in the previous game.

At that time, the bottom line of troops entered the RNG defense tower. He thought that Shi Senming would go back to gain experience, but he did not expect that his opponent would seize the opportunity to gank and die.

But now, he used the same method to deceive Letme and passed on the pain to RNG!

"YM is going too far!" The children all defended Letme, "Brother Ran is no longer using the troops in the middle, and is he forcing Ornn to have military training?"

Letme stayed under the tower and circled helplessly, filled with resentment and grievances that she had nowhere to express.

You don’t have a troop line in the middle?

If you don’t eat ice, you won’t let me eat it?

Besides, I'm just Ornn, why are you arresting me?

"Wait for my W, just two seconds!" Jin Gong still took the lead in resisting the tower this time. EW immobilized Ornn, Lin Ran and Garlic Bastard kept up with the control, and a set of simple combos easily knocked Letme down to residual health.

"Eat it, you eat it!" Lin Ran saw Orn's health bar clearly and he was halfway raising the ax, so he stopped forcibly and gave the head to Jin Gong.

In this game, he and Garlic Bastard are both front-row tank tools, so their economic role is naturally not as great as Ryze's.

A whole wave of short-term players in the middle were swallowed up by the defense towers, while Xiangguo took advantage of the gap between YM, midfielder and jungler to capture Ornn, and stole the group of sharp-beaked birds that he had not dared to eat before, and then entered the dragon pit by the way, stealing An earth dragon fell.

"RNG still completed its stop loss despite facing the situation of military training on the road. Their resource exchange is also quite good." I remember that RNG did not suffer a particular loss after calculation. "This earth dragon may become the key to victory in the mid-term!"

The main reason is that he believes that RNG's death point is Ornn. The blacksmith only needs to mix up the levels, use a big move in team battles, and then forge for teammates to upgrade their equipment. It doesn't matter if the tankiness suffers a little loss. After all, there are spicy hotpot pigs. My sister is wearing it, and the effect is almost the same.

Hongmi in the backstage lounge was quite satisfied.

So far in this game, all the decisions made by YM were based on his and Gou Ba's pre-match planning.

In order to protect Xiang Guo from being counterattacked in the early stage, RNG couldn't ask Xiao Ming to help open the jungle from the upper half. He could only start from the bottom. In this way, the entire upper half became YM's back garden.

Xiang Guo thought that YM just wanted a set of red buffs from him, but he didn’t know that what Hong Mi and Gou Ba wanted was top laner Letme’s life!

However, Hongmi originally thought that it would be good if he could kill once. Unexpectedly, Letme thought that Lin Ran would return to the middle lane to repair the lane, so he handed over the teleport back to the top lane without hesitation, and actually bought one, got one free, and did it again.

With this death, Letme lost a large wave of soldiers and had not teleported yet. He had basically declared collapse.

As long as Ryze can be fattened up, Redmi's pre-game plan will be considered successful.

Lin Ran returned to the spring and bought a pair of straw sandals and a red crystal, and then teleported back to the middle.

Now he began to use the gradually increasing level of E [Killer's Roar] to consume Zoe. A Killer's Roar plus the burning damage of the comet can knock out more than one health bar.

Too cruel.

The account lasted for a while, and the blood bar swished downwards. Three bottles of corruption potion were all gone, but it was useless.

Why is this person's skills so accurate?

Fortunately, he used W [Spell Stealing Skill] to pick up a redemption fragment from the soldier, and he could barely support himself by relying on the restored blood volume.

Redemption was picked up during the 6th wave of cannon trains. Xiaohu picked it up and cast it. It did restore a lot of health, but it could only stand up to Sion's two roars.

Soon something embarrassing happened.

After the seventh wave of troops was dealt with, he had less than 300 health left. If Lin Ran flashed up and dealt a set of damage, he would probably be killed directly.

If he returns to the city to resupply, the next eighth wave of troops will still be short-term. Without artillery troops, he will lose an entire wave of troops for this return to the city.

Or he has to go back to the city and exchange the unsealed secret book for another one to teleport out.

But Xiaohu still wants to keep this teleportation and other mid-term support. If it is just used to replenish the line, it will be a big loss.

Or call the jungler to force the line of troops through? Once Xiaotian is there, they will probably both die.

As a last resort, he could only find the incense pot to replenish the line under the tower, while he counted the seconds to return to the city, replenished the equipment, and then returned to the middle.

But as soon as the fragrant pot appeared, the boy who had just finished eating the first half of his house was on his way again!

"You still want to arrest him?" I remember I couldn't help it. "This is really endless. Are you just staring at Ornn?"

Xiaoyao took advantage of the line of troops that had just been pushed under the RNG tower and circled back again to take action!

It was still Jin Gong's EW who started with stable imprisonment, but this time it lacked a key control link of Lin Ran, resulting in a round of output that failed to kill Ornn.

"Letme controlled Ornn to use E [Fierce Charge] to hit the defense tower, and also wanted to push up Olaf under the tower..." I remember speaking very fast, "But Xiaotian reacted in time and flashed directly!"

Ryze hit another EQ, and Jin Gong, who accepted the head, successfully increased his head count to 3!

"The account was exchanged for teleportation in the spring. He rushed to the road in time to support him. He picked up the flash that Xiaotian handed over and chased him all the way!"

The moment the garlic bastard saw Zoe teleporting, he knew he was wet with shit.

With his blood remaining, he simply ran away with Jin Gong separately, not giving Zoe a chance to chase them down.

"Ms. Olla's head was taken away by Zoe, but this doesn't solve the problem!"

"It's only been 5 minutes, Ryze with three heads..." Even the doll, who didn't understand the game very well, realized that something was wrong with the situation. "Are you going to raise a big devil later?"

"The more important thing is Ornn!" I remember glancing at the data panel, "What kind of development is Letme doing?!"

When Letme returned to the tower, the eighth wave of short-term was eaten up by RNG's climb to the tower.

At 5 minutes and 30 seconds, Ornn was at level 3, with 0 kills and 3 deaths, and 8 waves of troops made up 11 kills!

"YM's game was beyond everyone's expectations. They chose to go on the road with military training to fatten up Jin Gong. This tactic was very rare in the previous spring split!"

Usually YM doesn't pay enough attention to the top lane, because most of the time it is easier to protect the bottom lane and push the tower.

But in this spring finals, they faced RNG led by Uzi. Anyone with a discerning eye knows how abnormal Uzi's strength is now. In a few games in the playoffs, he played an ordinary Edisi that would be difficult to play throughout the season. Collection operations.

In this case, Lin Ran naturally had to reduce his help to the bottom lane.

After all, you have to pick the weak persimmon, and Letme is the breakthrough.

Although Letme is good at withstanding pressure, it is a 1v1 man-on-man battle on the top lane. It is not said that he can withstand the pressure of two or three people taking turns to jump over the tower!

How does this work? There is no room for maneuver at all!

"The YM duo didn't even think about fighting in this game, and Jack didn't try to advance. He controlled the handover position in front of his tower." Miller never expected that the bottom lane matchup would be like this. , "Jack is holding a policewoman!"

Jack hummed. Although the defense tower guarded by Uzi was still full of health, he was not anxious at all.

But Xiao Ming was anxious.

He saw that the top lane was trained like this by the military, and he radically wanted to gain an advantage in the bottom lane.

It has to be said that Jack is really good at taking Q, even taking two shots of Dark Imprisonment from Shi Senming and Morgana.

Among them was Morgana's Q, which was impossible to hit from a visual point of view, but the inexplicable judgment range made the Dark Imprisonment look like it had turned a corner and hit Jack's body!

Shiba Inu looked confused, and even Liu Qingsong was stunned.

"You can take this, Brother Jack?" He opened the wound and subconsciously marked a question mark at Jack's feet, swallowing him in one gulp while not forgetting to mock him.

"No, is this a bit ridiculous?" Jack himself was confused.

Fortunately, with Tam's protection, and the fact that Ezreal's burst damage is not high at this time, Jack's life is not in danger.

I have something to go out today, so I will write a 10,000-word chapter tomorrow

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