LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 447 445: Despicable foreigner! (A big chapter with 10,000 words!)

"The advantage of RNG now lies in the development of double C," I remember glancing at the data panel. "Uzi's EZ suppressed a lot of Jack's health and a few CS; the account was canceled after eating one of Olaf's heads. , with the blue buff in hand, we also took back the line rights."

Lin Ran in the middle can't continue to push the lane. The cooldown reduction and mana recovery provided by the blue BUFF have made Zoe's current lane clearing ability and combat ability rise several levels.

He could only huddle in front of the tower and try to connect the wires.

During this period of time, he felt very proud. After pushing the army line, he frequently went to the jungle to support, helping Xiangguo recover from its early disadvantage.

"Xiao Yao was brushing his own sharp-beaked bird, but Zoe inserted an ornament eye here before and successfully detected his movements!"

After learning about the Garlic Bastard's movements, the account holder continued to clean up his troops in the middle, pretending to know nothing.

However, at the moment when the boy was about to kill the last sharp-beaked bird, Midhu suddenly threw E [Hypnosis Bubble] towards the camp!

The bubble extended its distance through the wall and successfully hit Xiaoyao who was unprepared!

"The incense pot is crouching in the grass behind the red buff with his back to the wall. He stands up and is ready to cause trouble for Olaf!"

The Garlic Bastard used Flash on the top lane to avoid Ornn's E [Fierce Charge]. Now that he has no means of escape, he can only watch Zoe shoot through the wall and destroy his health!

"The Fragrant Pot Pig made a sudden advance and hit Olaf, triggering aftershocks!"

At first, Garlic Bastard wanted to throw his ax and escape, but Xiangguo used W [Winter's Wrath] to slow him down, quickly stacked up four layers of passive, and the Permafrost Field locked him in place.

"Olav, who has no ultimate move, can only wait for death. The incense pot accepts this head!"

At the Grand Rubik's Cube Performing Arts Center, RNG fans who witnessed Letme being subjected to military training finally found an outlet. They saw their home team launching a counterattack and waved their flags and shouted!

Xiang Guo, who just got the head, is not satisfied yet. He wants to take advantage of this opportunity to kill the garlic bastards to get back all his early disadvantages!

"Grab the bottom lane, come on!" Xiangguo used the explosive fruit to eject himself to the stone beetle camp, wipe out Xiaoyao's wild monsters, and upgrade himself to level 6!

Due to the cancellation of his account and a trip to the top, Mala Xiangguo, who gained a lot of extra army experience in the middle lane, completed the overtake of Xiaoyao in level at this moment!

"Wuzi and Xiaoming pushed their troops under the YM tower, and Pig Girl threw her big move from a distance!"

The Ice Prison blocked the blind spot under the tower, and Jack had no way to go. He relied on Liu Qingsong and W [Feast] to help block the skills.

"Morgana W cast Gutter Oil at Jack's feet," Baby said mid-sentence, suddenly raising her voice, "But he struck east and west, and used Q [Dark Imprisonment] at close range to instantly immobilize Tam!"

River Lord Tahm's W can swallow his teammates for 4 seconds, which is a magical ability to prevent tower overruns.

RNG knew it would be difficult to kill Jack, so they targeted Tahm Kench.

"Ezreal maximized his output and forced Tahm's white shield out!"

Upon seeing this, Uzi retreated slightly, led his teammates out of the range of the defense tower, and then continued to output.

"Jack took the opportunity to run out, but Liu Qingsong's head was taken away by EZ!"

Two heads made the RNG fans in the stands even more excited.

At the same time, the suppression on the top lane continued.

Jin Gong, who has three heads in hand, is two levels ahead of Letme. The outfit of Straw Shoes + Lost Chapter + Sapphire Crystal has extremely high burst damage, and also has a lot of mana and movement speed support.

"Jin Gong's double E plus Q [Overload] created the acceleration effect of two layers of runes, and he bullied him again. E combined with W [Rune Imprisonment] to freeze Ornn in place, and the basic attack and Q Overload were fully matched. Set output!"

Phase Rush was triggered, and Jin Gong chased him all the way, crushing Letme's health to a minimum.

"Letme is going back to the city again." I remember feeling that Letme was really miserable. "He still has no room to fight back. He can only be chased and beaten all the way."

The disadvantages of level and equipment gave Letme no room to perform, and he was now just a punching bag.

After returning to the city, I barely made up a magic resistance cloak. When I returned to the line again, the line of troops was pushed under the tower by Jin Gong. Fortunately, there were artillery vehicles blocking it, so Letme did not lose too many lines of troops.

In the middle, Lin Ran was still resisting the pressure, but with the recovery effects provided by the Corruption Potion and Time Warp Tonic, he could barely hold on.

After Xiaoyao was resurrected, he wanted to come to the middle lane to help, trying to catch an account to relieve the pressure on his single lane, but he was persuaded to quit by Lin Ran.

"Leave me alone, just go and catch me!"

Jack, who had just escaped with his life, also encouraged Xiaoyao in the team voice, "That's right, that's right, help Jin Gong and push him up the tower quickly!"

Shiba Inu has been suppressed by Uzi until I can't breathe, and he urgently needs to break the upper tower to free his old father to help in the bottom lane.

At this time, both sides returned to the city to resupply, and then used teleportation to return to the line. Many viewers habitually glanced at the equipment column, wanting to see what key equipment the two ADCs would replenish after returning to the city for the first time.

As a result, all their attention shifted to other places.

[The policewoman was knifed by EZ, right? 】

[Can Jack play? 】

[Guigui, Uzi’s suppressive power~]

[The next tower of RNG is still full of health. Is this the policewoman? i got it]

[I never thought that Uzi could become a father even with an EZ]

However, obviously no one in the YM team paid attention to how many knives Jack was suppressed, or how much health he pushed down RNG's tower.

After all, Jack failed to get any help from his teammates during the previous laning phase, which was very fatal for the Piltover policewoman.

With no one to protect him and no one to help him, he didn't dare to cross the river, let alone suppress Uzi. In addition, he was caught by Xiangguo just now, so it was normal for him to be suppressed and get a little CS.

The reason why I didn't help Jack was because YM didn't want Shiba Inu to follow the conventional policewoman's style of play in this game.

In their opinion, Caitlin is a tool for pushing towers in the mid-term. As long as she doesn't die in the laning phase, it's fine. This is also one of the intentions of Redmi to give Liu Qingsong Tamu.

Once Jingun Ruiz takes away the first tower on the top lane, the bottom lane will be liberated. By then, with the existence of the Canyon Pioneer, the delay in the advancement rhythm of the female policeman in the early stage can be made up for.

Lin Ran was quite comfortable in the middle lane - he didn't even think about suppressing him. After all, Comet Thain couldn't suppress him at all. He controlled Zoe to push the troops in the middle lane and then ran to the river in the upper lane, hoping to give Jin Gong a little. pressure.

At this time, he saw Zoe's remaining blue BUFF circle disappearing, and he was finally proud. Now his E [Killer's Roar] had been raised to level four, and Zoe couldn't bear the push.

But after the blue buff disappeared, he immediately retreated and disappeared from Lin Ran's sight.

Lin Ran glanced at the time stamp in the upper right corner. As expected, the game had reached 7 minutes.

He instinctively sensed that this was an opportunity.

"I'll hit the road and demolish Ornn's tower directly!" Lin Ran made a quick decision.

There happened to be a wave of artillery soldiers in the middle at 6 minutes and 57 seconds. He decisively used the minion killer to eliminate the artillery soldiers, and then used all three small skills. After clearing the line of soldiers, he walked swaggering up the road.

"Zoe went to the lower half to get the blue BUFF!" Seeing this scene, I remember getting excited, "Brother Ran took this opportunity to eat the minions and went straight to the top road!"

Since Xiangguo Pig Girl is opened from her own blue BUFF, around 7 minutes is exactly the refresh time of the second set of blue BUFF.

Based on this information and Zoe who suddenly retreated and disappeared, Lin Ran concluded that the account was closed because he was going to cheat.

"Although Thain found an obscure location, he was still discovered by RNG!" Wawa also noticed that on the mini map, RNG's warning signals were marked on the road one after another!

Lin Ran walked up the grass along the middle road, not wanting to avoid RNG's line of sight.

After all, the people in RNG are not stupid either.

Under normal circumstances, a person who has canceled an account will not play blue alone - Zoe's 7-minute blue BUFF alone is time-consuming and laborious, and there must be a fragrant pot next to her to help.

As a result, RNG's midfielder and jungler are all in the bottom half, and Ornn becomes an orphan again.

As soon as he left the middle road, he could naturally guess Lin Ran's movements. Not only was it unnecessary to deliberately hide his whereabouts, it would even waste time.

"Ornn immediately wanted to abandon the line of troops and retreat, but it was too late... Ryze used his ultimate move to directly block the road!"

R [Turning Realm Jump] is turned on, and the rune teleportation array seals the retreating position of Letme Tower!

The next moment, the roar of the Undead God of War resounded throughout the Summoner's Rift!

Lin Ran crossed the entire upper river channel with a brutal charge, running unimpeded all the way, and successfully reached the upper road!

"Olav also used ricochet to jump over the wall from the RNG red zone, blocking Letme's escape route!"

Letme, who has not yet reached level 6, can only wait for death under the tower!

Ryze still started with EW, and then used Q [Overload] to create a shield. Lin Ran took advantage of the 1.5-second confinement effect to charge Q [Cruel Slam], and Xiaotian next to him was responsible for keeping up with the output.

"Ryze once again harvested heads..." Miller looked at Ornn who fell under the tower for the fourth time in this game and couldn't help but sigh, "Now that Ornn is worthless, YM still wants to kill him?"

In fact, YM's goal is this top tower, killing Ornn is just a piece of cake.

However, seeing his opponent Letme barely manage 22 last-hit hits in 7 minutes, Lin Ran felt a sense of accomplishment.

It's cool, it's really cool.

Ornn's development is so good, he deserves 1/3 of the credit!

"You all go, I will eat this tower by myself!" Jin Gong, with the help of his teammates, knocked the RNG defense tower down to its remaining health, and quickly let Lin Ran and Garlic Bastard leave.

The two tool men Thain and Olaf left the top lane. Jin Gong still felt that Ornn was too developed, so he did not kill the remaining health defense tower at the first time, but let the top tower eat as many minions as possible.

After a wave of artillery vehicles and troops were all consumed, he took action and ate the entire 650 gold coin bounty of the first-blood tower.

"RNG's midfielder didn't want to give up the opportunity. They turned around and carried out a 4-pack of 2 in the bottom lane to interrupt the policewoman's rhythm!"

But RNG doesn't have Ryze's ultimate move to block the road, nor does RNG have Lin Ran's R [Barbaric Crash] that can travel long distances.

Besides, Mala Xiangguo had just used its ultimate move before, and it hadn't gotten better at this time.

RNG, which lacks stable and hard control, can only rely on the account cancellation E [Hypnosis Bubble] to win prizes.

Midhu Zoe does have a skill, which is much better than some mid laners. The placement of the hypnotic bubble is very tricky and ruthless, specifically to block the movement of Jack and Liu Qingsong.

"The YM duo had no choice but to retreat. Jack simply stepped forward and ate the bubbles, which were then swallowed by Tam!"

In this way, Jack will not be affected by the hypnotic bubble, and Liu Qingsong can successfully escape from the defense tower.

"Xiao Ming throws Q [Dark Imprisonment] from a long distance, and the angle is very tight!"

Liu Qingsong couldn't avoid handing over Flash, but Zoe, who had canceled his account, came over the wall. He picked up Flash and wanted to pursue it. Tamu's giant tongue whipped him and licked his saliva all over. The slowing effect forced him to give up the kill. .

"This is the role of Tahm Kench!" Watanabe didn't understand. "Why did RNG release it when drafting? You know Liu Qingsong just won an MVP with Tahm Kench in the last game!"

"According to common sense, we should really respect it." Miller also thinks that RNG's BP in this game is weird. "The first-hand control of Zoe, Piggy and Morgana will be circumvented by Tahm. If you want to start a team, You have to kill Tam first.”

Seeing that they had taken the double C set of Zoe + EZ, which was powerful in the mid-term, but had a big disadvantage in the early stage, everyone in RNG was not anxious.

Play slowly, it will be YM's turn to worry later.

"RNG failed to kill people, so they turned to take over the fire dragon that was refreshed. One earth and one fire. The attributes of this little dragon's refresh are quite ideal!" I remember praising him repeatedly, "What's even more outrageous is that the next one is still a fire dragon! "

"The battle for the river dragon will be Zoe's paradise later. In addition, Jack's policewoman has lost her advantage in the laning phase. RNG is very likely to gain another dragon!"

The doll started to dream, "If they can get two fire dragons, it will be a 16% AD/AP bonus!"

Miller first interrupted his partner and asked him to wake up. "Ryze even took away RNG's stone beetles before returning to the city. When he returned to the city, he took out the Archangel's Staff!"

In less than 8 minutes, Ryze, who was able to take out the first piece of equipment, was a big devil.

Although the Rune Mage's power period has not yet arrived, this power period theory is obviously not applicable to Jin Gong whose equipment and level dominate the entire field.

A set of his three EWQ skills can knock out half of Crispy Skin's health, and as the mana of the Archangel's Staff stacks up, the damage will only get higher and higher.

"Jin Gong didn't go up any further, but went straight down the road with all his equipment. What was he going to do?" The baby was so surprised that he didn't forget to scream twice.

Uzi, who had just reached level 6, was stunned when he saw Ryze appear in front of him.

What does it mean?

Your policewoman and Tam didn't change lanes and go on the road?

"YM just shakes down the top laner and plays it as a three-man lane!" Miller has never seen this kind of play, and at this time he is not sure what the purpose of YM is.

Ryze used a set of double E and Q [Overload] to clean up the back row of soldiers, while the melee soldiers had a little residual health left, and were all eaten up by Jack's Q [Peacemaker] piercing bombs.

"The three of YM teamed up and pushed the troops to the foot of Uzi Tower!"

Policewoman Jack fired a shot at the defense tower, but Shi Senming still felt unsatisfied and tried to use Q [Dark Imprisonment] to immobilize Ryze.

"Ryze's Q [Overload] directly broke Morgana's black shield, and the surge of magic combined with the W rune imprisonment locked her in place!"

Jack seized the opportunity and placed clamps on Shi Senming's feet. Tam also stuck out his tongue and took a lick. His tongue hit Morgana's exposed white skin. The saliva stuck to her clothes and wetted her clothes, revealing her exquisite body curves.

"The clip is generated, the policewoman clicks on the headshot and then submits the EQ..."

When the policewoman's headshot damage was generated, Xiao Ming's health was less than 1/4. Even if Jack was not equipped well, another headshot from EQ could easily kill him.

At the critical moment, Uzi suddenly jumped forward with E Arcane Leap and helped his support block Caitlin's 90-caliber rope net!

The headshot damage hit Ezreal, but Jin Gong was still resisting the tower's output. He used the movement speed increased by phase rush to pursue forward. A set of AEQ hit Uzi firmly, and the power of the blue rune hit him. EZ, lower his blood volume to less than half!

The audience at the scene couldn't help but exclaimed in disbelief when they saw the damage. Ryze's damage was outrageous!

"Morgana quickly activated her ultimate move to prevent YM from jumping over the tower. Tam swallowed Ryze into his belly and circumvented Morgana's soul shackles!"

Although RNG successfully saved their lives in the bottom lane, they were in poor condition and had to retreat for supplies!

Ezreal has no means of recovery, and Morgana's milk supply is insufficient. Uzi has less than 500 health left and dare not defend the tower. Once Ryze flashes a skill, he will be sent back to the spring.

"The incense pot hasn't reached the bottom lane yet. It looks like YM can wear down a lot of the defense tower's HP!"

Malaxiangguo originally returned to the city to buy equipment after collecting the fire dragon. At the same time, he went to the upper half of the area to brush his red buff and the other two groups of wild monsters.

He didn't expect that Jin Gong would suddenly come to the bottom lane to help advance the YM duo before they returned to the city, so he could only rush to the bottom lane.

But when he came to the bottom lane, Shi Senming and Uzi were both at reduced health. How could he, a pig girl, defend the tower?

"No, a pig girl alone can't stop the three of YM. He must call his teammates!"

Letme finally reached level 6 at this time. After teleporting, he was still asking his teammates for their opinions, "Do you want to fight? I can rush over!"

"No, no, no, don't fight, we are short of DPS!" Uzi quickly rejected the proposal, "Just wait for me to set up a two-piece suit and be more stable!"

The main reason is that RNG's output core is still trapped in the middle by Lin Ran and cannot reach the battlefield. They lack burst damage and it is difficult to cause a fatal blow to YM.

"RNG's ability to resist is limited, and Jin Gong will work with his teammates to demolish this bottom tower!"

With the equipment replenished, the female policeman's tower push speed was much faster than before. Two waves of troops destroyed the bottom defense tower.

"YM defeated the two outer towers on the upper and lower roads in a row. The situation is great!" YM fans in the audience cheered wildly, but Miller in the commentary box could only turn up the volume again, letting his voice echo loudly in the entire performing arts center. echo.

"Policewoman and Tam return to the city to replenish equipment and then hit the road. At the same time, they must control the Rift Herald that will spawn next!"

I remember after saying this, when I saw the economic panel of both parties given by the director, I suddenly remembered the doubts they had in mind before.

"Is this the reason why the policewoman didn't help the policewoman in the early stage, but protected Ryze?" He murmured, "Ritz unplugged the upper tower, and then came to the bottom lane to help the policewoman advance. This is equivalent to the policewoman pushing the tower. The rhythm is not delayed!”

After listening to their partner's words, the other two commentators were also lost in thought. Anyway, they all pushed down a tower. In terms of results, YM's protection of Ryze was the same as helping the policewoman advance, both of them got two defense towers.

The difference is that it is Ryze who gets the first-blood tower bounty, not the policewoman.

This makes Jack's three-piece critical attack a bit slower, but the same benefit is that Ryze is now somewhat invincible.

"RNG has also transferred the bottom lane duo. They seem to want to decide the outcome with YM at the Canyon Pioneer!" Wawa said in a hurry. At this time, the small map from the God's perspective was marked by constant signals from both sides. The entire dragon pit was destroyed.

Lin Ran didn't expect RNG to compete with them.

But having already made mercury shoes, glacier armor and crystal bracers, he decided to fight.

Now Olaf and Ryze's fighting power is quite strong. As long as they spread out their formations up and down the river, they will definitely not lose.

Others in YM think the same way. Jack now eats the team economy of two defense towers, and his equipment is no worse than Uzi.

"Letme teleport here first. In order not to delay the team battle, Jin Gong gave up pushing the lane in the bottom lane and also handed over the teleport!"

Lin Ran and Garlic Bastard stand in the front row closest to the Dalong Pit, while Jin Gong and Jack, the two main DPS, stand in the middle. Liu Qingsong's Tahm Kench plays a protective role and stands at the back of the team battle formation. .

The five YM people had just taken their positions. Before they could set up their eye positions, a golden crescent moon flew over from a distance!

"Ezreal's ultimate move is very accurate, blocking YM's movement space!"

Lin Ran stood in the front and used W [Soul Furnace] to absorb the damage, but Jack behind him was in trouble.

With his movement speed, walking will definitely not be able to avoid precise barrages. To avoid the EZ ultimate move, you must hand over E [90 Caliber Rope Net].

However, the E skill has a very long cooldown. If you use it now, what will you do if your opponent hits it later?

The Shiba Inu thought for a while but held back and took this precise barrage.

But during the whole thought process, he subconsciously moved and twisted his waist. At the same time, the boy in front of him moved in the opposite direction to avoid the barrage fired by Ezreal.

However, the jungler and ADC moved in opposite directions, accidentally tearing a gap in the YM team battle formation.

The gap exposed Jack, but only for a moment.

The next second, Olaf, who had avoided the EZ ultimate move to maintain his condition, would turn around and move, filling the gap again with his body.

However, RNG, which has been fighting against each other all the way in the playoffs, is no ordinary person. What they want is this opportunity!

Above the side, a hypnotic bubble passed through the wall to extend its range, just passed through the previous gap, and hit the policewoman extremely quickly!

"Xiaoyao wanted to use his movement to help block the bubbles..." Watou clenched his fist hard, "But the movement speed was a little slow, so he failed!"

Xiaotian handed over his flash when he went on the road and jumped the tower 5 minutes ago, and now he only has 7 seconds left before his flash will improve!

In this 7-second gap, he couldn't help his teammates block the skills!

Along with the slightly excited voice of the commentator, the hypnotic bubble continued to fly and aimed at Caitlin!

Shiba Inu was shocked.

He saw the position of his jungler and thought that the servant could help him block this bubble. After all, Olaf had a big move, so it wouldn't hurt to take control.

But he didn't expect the Garlic Bastard to be a step too late. When he realized something was wrong and wanted to hand over the E [90-caliber rope net], it was too late.

Piltover policewoman Caitlin moved sideways, but before he could fly out, he was hit by the hypnotic bubble!

The excited screams of RNG fans could be heard vaguely in the audience!

In a sleepy state, a sheep's cry came from in front of me!

The huge ram magma element passed through the bodies of the policewoman and Olaf, and rushed towards Ornn not far away!

"RNG has to start a team first when it finds an opportunity!" Miller's eyes lit up, "The policewoman's position is very dangerous now!"

The ram magma element flew past, and Jack fell into a coma. Liu Qingsong stood behind him and waited for a moment.

Seeing Zoe's full flying star flying over the wall towards Jack, she swallowed him in one gulp.

"The flying star hit Olaf and the damage was very high!"

Zoe is now considered a well-developed core DPS in the RNG team. Although Lin Ran wandered many times, he was unable to restrain his account from being canceled.

Now he also has the two small pieces of Magic Wear Shoes + Lu Benwei's Echo. The high damage caused by the flying star combined with R [Return Jump] is enough to reduce Olaf's health volume by 1/3, who has no magic resistance equipment!

Lin Ran was at the front, moving back and forth to help block RNG's control. He could keenly judge the battlefield situation - from the moment Jack was caught with the opportunity to hit the hypnotic bubble, YM would go on the defensive.

He cannot activate R [Brutal Charge] and directly attack the RNG crowd. This will not only fail to block it, but will also cost his own life.

What he has to do is to block RNG's main output, so that Uzi and Guanhu cannot threaten their back row at will.

At this moment, the ram magma element has arrived in front of Letme. He pushed forward hard, and the second stage of R [Call of the Forged God] did not aim at Tam, who was holding the policewoman in his mouth, but flew towards Ryze!

Letme is worthy of being the salt man of Orn this season. Uncle Yang, a master blacksmith, also plays well. His big move is extremely accurate. I don’t know how much higher his level is than those players who are crazy about Yang Guo!

"The second-stage sheep hits Jin Gong, and the RNG generals try to keep up with the output!"

Shi Senming's Morgana took a tentative step forward at this time, trying to confuse the opponent.

Lin Ran was afraid that he would get involved, so in order to avoid losing contact with his back row, he also took a step back.

But in this way, the entire RNG formation will crush forward!

"Pig Girl Pig suddenly rushed forward and flew towards Thane... At the same time, she flashed to the side and threw her ultimate move towards Ryze!"

Xiaotian planned to take over the control of Pig Girl, and then use his R [Twilight of the Gods] to relieve the control, but he didn't expect Xiang Guo to be so decisive, and the flash control was too fast!

The flail was thrown into the sky by Ryze, and the realm of the Extreme Ice Prison fully expanded, once again locking Jin Gong in place and unable to move!

The screams of RNG fans in the audience have become one, resounding throughout the Rubik's Cube Performing Arts Center!

"Rizz, Rizz, Rizz!" Uzi said important things three times, and the kill mark signal kept clicking on Jin Gong's head!

Moving to the dragon pit, he hit the EZ skill limit distance, and WQ hit Jin Gong!

"Jin Gong is in a very disabled state. He hasn't moved so far!"

Although the Xiba man is well equipped, he only has the Archangel Staff and his body is very fragile. He has not used any skills, and it is difficult to refresh the overloaded shield, and his health drops rapidly!

Liu Qingsong had spit out Jack from his mouth, and the policewoman drew her gun while arranging the clip.

But Caitlin's role in facing the enemy's charge is quite limited, and Jack's output is not very high!

"Morgana also wanted to flash Q to keep up with the control, but Brother Ran blocked it!"

Lin Ran flashed directly and hit Shi Senming's face. It looked like he was a porcelain expert, and he successfully absorbed this key dark imprisonment!

At the same time, he also raised his ax and charged up his Q [Cruel Slam] in preparation!

"Morgana simultaneously activated R [Soul Shackles] and wanted to keep up with the control. Olaf decisively used his ultimate and started slashing!"

Shi Senming took advantage of the opportunity to set up Jin Gong to ignite it. Instead of giving the E black shield to himself, he gave it to Uzi in the dragon pit!

The next moment, Ezreal jumped out of the dragon pit and used E [Arcane Leap] to come to Jin Gong's face. With his passive [Spell Power Up] already stacked up, his attack speed was very fast, AQA connected quickly, and he hit Jin Gong. Kill him!

The Xiba people couldn't hand over Flash until they died!

"Ryze!" I remember wailing, and the YM fans at the scene also sighed with dissatisfaction, while the RNG fans were so excited that they couldn't express themselves in words, and the sound of the collision of cheering sticks made the whole place agitated!

"RNG's team fighting skills are too strong. Can this kill Ryze instantly?" Wawa was extremely excited.

"With such a big disadvantage in the early stage, they can still save the situation!" Miller roared, "This is RNG. They fought all the way from the playoffs to the finals. At this moment, they have shown enough teamfighting strength!"

YM's strongest force was killed, and the final outcome of this team battle needs no introduction.

Lin Ran was still planning to cut his losses. After smashing Morgana away with his sharp ax, he activated R [Brutal Charge] and hit her backwards. He used the unstoppable state to avoid Morgana's soul shackles and took advantage of the situation to knock Uzi up.

But Uzi made a smart flash and successfully escaped to the side to continue output!

"Zoe moves forward simultaneously. She picks up the summoner's skills in the river and starts the pursuit!"

I remember speaking as fast as Gatling, "This kind of pursuit battle has completely become the world of RNG. Zoe and Ezreal are simply invincible!"

The direction of the barrage in the live broadcast room instantly changed, and now it is RNG fans' turn to take power.

[Good boy, the team battle is picturesque]

【This is RNG! 】

[Account cancellation finally has some effect! 】

[What is Jin Gong doing? 】

[I told you not to help Jin Gong, couldn’t you just let him play by himself? Give him all the resources, and he will die suddenly in a team battle]

"Sell me, sell me, you go!" Lin Ran saw RNG chasing after him at this moment, and knew that the opponent would definitely bite a piece of YM's flesh before he would give up. He, the tool man in the front row, also had to shine for the team. , sacrificing himself to let them escape.

He turned around and hit Morgana with E [Killer's Roar], intending to stick to the opponent.

"Pig Girl filled Thain's body with frost effects, and E [Permanent Freeze Field] successfully locked him in place!"

At this time, even Thain, who was in pure meat armor, could not withstand the fire of the five RNG players for long. Lin Ran's Thain quickly turned into a corpse.

Seeing Shi Senming close at hand, he decisively activated his death impulse and received an explosive movement speed bonus. After transforming into a corpse, Thane hit Morgana in the face with his sandbag-sized fist!

"Treat, treat!" Shi Senming shouted in the team voice. Without flashing, he was about to be beaten to death by Thain before his eyes!

Uzi, who was concentrating on outputting corpses, then remembered that he also had healing skills in this round, and he quickly activated the skills to give Morgana a mouthful of milk.

But the sandbag's big fist struck again and again, and successfully hammered Morgana to death before the RNG team could kill the zombie Thane!

"It's not bad," Baby pondered for two seconds, feeling that he had to make up for YM. "Although they killed Thane and Ryze, they barely used Morgana's head to make up for the economy."

"Huh?" I remember questioning subconsciously.

Is this okay?

Throw a Canyon Pioneer, and the Fire Dragon will be refreshed in 13 minutes. RNG puts the Pioneer in the middle, and YM has no way to fight in the river!

It can be said that most of the advantages YM accumulated in the early stage were given away by this wave of team battles!

"My, my, my," Jin Gong repeated his apology over and over again in the quiet voice of the team, with a look of regret on his face, "I shouldn't have missed it."

If he could hand over Flash the moment Ornn's second-stage sheep collided with him, he would not be affected by the next series of controls, and naturally he would not die.

Ryze, who is ahead in level and equipment, is invincible in head-on battles during this period. If the front row can hold him back and create output space, Jin Gong can harvest them all.

"It's okay, it's okay..." Lin Ran glanced at the data panel and found that Letme Ornn was still two levels behind Building Block Gong. At the same time, his last hit count had just reached 50. Although the team advantage no longer existed, he had raised Ryze in the early stage. The single advantage is still huge enough.

"Jin Gong, you can lead it alone later. Don't join the group. We will help you." He gave the command.

"Where's the next fire dragon?" Jack asked, wiping his mouth.

"Give in, give in." Lin Ran now imitated the old-timer EDG.

You can give in, you can give in!

"RNG Canyon Pioneer was placed in the middle, covered and hit hard, and the YM tower was instantly reduced to residual health!"

The shortcomings of Lin Ran's frequent wandering finally came to light. As a result, the middle tower's HP was not very healthy due to too many wanderings. When the Canyon Pioneer came down, the defense tower could not withstand it at all.

"YM retreats to the second tower. Xiaotian is developing steadily. Clean up the camps of the Sharp Beak Bird and the Three Wolves first!"

If you don't eat these two groups of wild monsters at this time, one of the towers will be destroyed later, and the jungle camp on this line will become the back garden of RNG.

"Jin Gong is still on the road as a solo lead, Letme can't control him by herself!"

The equipment that the Xiba people temporarily stagnated after the last death in battle has been updated again. Ryze now also has mercury shoes in hand. With toughness and magic resistance, Letme can't keep up with the amount of shield provided by Overload when playing Ryze.

RNG didn't want to worry about it. YM's most powerful point was sent to the solo team. They only needed to defeat their opponents in a frontal battle.

In 14 minutes, RNG collected another fire dragon; in 18 minutes, YM's next tower was defeated; in 23 minutes, RNG used the account cancellation to repeatedly poke consumption on the side, and successfully took down the second tower in the middle!

"The economic gap between the two sides is still tight, and RNG's lead is only 1K gold coins..." Miller raised his head and glanced at the economic panels of both sides.

"Mainly due to Jin Gong's unscrupulous solo play during this period, he successively destroyed the two second towers of RNG's top and bottom lanes, plus the wild monster resources he plundered along the way, his development has completely exceeded the timeline!"

Mercury shoes + Seraph + Ghost Book + Magic Penetration Staff, Ryze's equipment can only be described as luxurious.

But YM has monsters here, and so does RNG.

Uzi managed Ezreal for 280 dollars in 23 minutes, and the YM defense towers that were knocked down one after another gave him a wider space to farm money.

It's the same as what Olaf, the bastard bastard, said - there is no grass growing wherever he goes, and Uzi is simply going to make up for the damage in the next round.

Looking at the dissatisfied green light on his face, the audience has no doubt that if League of Legends can kill his teammates, Uzi's teammates will dare to do it.

This advanced development allowed him to figure out a three-piece suit in 23 minutes.

Cloth armor shoes + magic cut + three-phase power... and the archangel's staff!

"What kind of gameplay is this?" When Wabi saw something strange in the equipment column after Uzi returned to the spring, his first reaction was that he bought the wrong thing.

"Huh?" Miller also noticed something strange, but he himself was still confused.

Ezreal in Summoner's Rift left the spring without stopping. Uzi's face looked normal under the camera, and it didn't look like he bought the wrong equipment at all.

After seeing the strange equipment in Uzi's backpack, the five YM players also frowned and didn't know why.

"Wrong equipment?" Liu Qingsong was stunned.

"...It doesn't look like it." Jack felt that something was fishy.

"Don't worry about it for now, just take care of yourself!" Lin Ran did not let the discussion continue, "Jin Gong, continue to lead the line!"

There were also whispers of discussion in the stands on all sides, and the barrage in the live broadcast room kept passing by crazily.

As RNG gradually regained its advantage in the second game, many viewers who thought the game had lost its suspense came back, making the live broadcast room's popularity and number of simultaneous viewers reach new highs.

【What are you doing? 】

【Double cultivation of magic and martial arts EZ? Uzi is out of his wits, is there any harm in doing this? 】

[The advantages are too great to pretend? 】

[I only know that APEZ can face Edici in seconds, but what kind of trick is Demon Sect + Seraph? If you want attack power, you don’t have attack power, if you want magic power, you can’t be strong...]

Backstage in the RNG lounge, Coach Heart showed a proud smile.

This is a big gift they are preparing to give to YM.

The most powerful thing about money-stealing EZ nowadays is that he takes shape extremely quickly.

In most cases, EZ will find a two-piece set around 17 minutes, which is around this time, the Demon Sect will transform into Demon Cut, and its combat effectiveness will reach its peak.

From then on, until the key C position in the game is completed with a three-piece suit, it is EZ's absolutely strong period. Whether it is one-on-one or group play, the output capacity and fault tolerance rate will be maximized.

This is also the reason why EZ has been favored by professional players since the new rune system was updated.

There is no need to inject too many resources, and the freely developed EZ can provide output guarantee for the team in the mid-term.

However, as the version changed, and with the popularity of tank tanks in the jungle, EZ gradually became lonely again, mainly because the hero Ezreal was too slow to play tanks, and his output ability against the front row was far inferior to Xayah and Kai'Sa.

Due to EZ's limited skills, he cannot cross the front row to directly output the opponent's crispy skin, which makes the output ability in team battles quite unstable.

In this case, RNG's substitute player found a new outfit idea by using Monster A.

Demon Cut Seraph's Double Goddess Tears playstyle.

Seraph can provide EZ with a good amount of mana, which has a certain linkage with the additional damage of Magic Cut; it also has a shield to increase its fault tolerance; in addition, many of EZ's skills have magic power bonuses and can also directly increase damage.

The A monster used customization to perfect this set of equipment, but he was not used in ranked, but was used by the RNG coaching staff as a hidden move.

This double-goddess tear play can prolong the strong period of EZ, and at the same time enhance its output ability and self-protection ability, it is a unique skill!

After Uzi released his equipment, he couldn't wait to show it to his opponents.

"Xiao Ming put a black shield on Uzi, and EZ jumped in the face and hit the policewoman... Oh my God, this damage!"

Jack ate a set of EQAW and only had 1/4 of his health left!

He fled in a panic, handed over the rope net and retreated, but the precise barrage that followed, he could only dodge to avoid!

The audience who had doubts about this costume before suddenly fell silent.

This output ability is so scary!

"Big dragon, big dragon!" Uzi marked the dragon pit.

The policewoman who didn't flash back to the city, this is an excellent opportunity to fight the dragon!

"The four members of RNG headed to Dalong Pit as a team, but Jin Gong and Letme were still leading alone in the bottom lane..."

Jin Gong is already threatening RNG's bottom lane tower, and Ornn has no way to deal with him.

"What should we do about Dalong?" Xiaotian was still asking for the opinions of other people in the team.

"You drag him while I go find Jin Gong!" Lin Ran shouted.

He saw EZ's weird build and high explosive damage, and knew that he couldn't fight RNG head-on.

If you want to win, you have to find another way!

"Foresight Transformation has seen RNG's trend of beating the dragon. At present, Baron Nash's blood volume is still healthy..."

Fortunately, RNG's lineup is not particularly fast against Baron, and Garlic Bastard and Liu Qingsong can still catch up.

"Zoe's bubble sealed the road, so Olaf couldn't just use his ultimate move to rush in..."

At this time, the artillery soldiers in the highland tower on the lower road suddenly turned on the teleportation light!

"Sain!" I remember blurting out, "YM is trying to steal the house!"

Fans who were originally worried about YM losing the dragon were instantly excited!

The Rubik's Cube Performing Arts Center is getting hot!

"YM fought to the death, and Thain also took the mixture. This wave will at least destroy RNG all the way!"

The director cut the picture and passed the footage of RNG on the bottom road high ground to all viewers!

"Beat the dragon!" Uzi knew that the four people in front of them couldn't go back at this time. They could only return to the city by taking down the big dragon and using the BUFF effect.

But the hypnotic bubble effect disappeared, and Olaf and Tam had entered the river!

"YM Nosuke didn't even go in, he just stood outside and harassed me!"

Drag it, just drag it hard!

Xiaoyao is now creating opportunities for the two foreigners from Shangzhong and Zhongshan!

"Morgana wanted to go up and save someone, but Tam swallowed Olaf into his mouth to protect him!"

Everyone in RNG was worried, the dragon still had 2800 HP left, and at this time, news of Ornn's death had been heard!

Letme also wanted to use his ultimate move to clear the line of troops, but YM took action decisively!

"Ryze flashed EW, and combined with Thain's Q [Cruel Slam], the control was fully activated, and the damage was extremely high. Letme was instantly knocked out!"

I remember shouting hoarsely, "Why aren't RNG going back to the city?"

Xiaoyao's Olaf finally activated his ultimate move, avoiding Xiangguo's R [Icy Prison], and at the same time threw his ax into the dragon pit to interfere with them!

When every second counts, Baron Nash roars and escapes into the void!

"The dragon was taken down by RNG. They each climbed up the wall and planned to return to the city!"

The RNG bottom lane high ground has been destroyed!

Moreover, Jin Gong also activated his ultimate move, trying to transport the troops directly to the front of the Front Tooth Tower!

At the last moment when Lin Ranka's quasi-winding jump takes effect, he casts R [Brutal Charge]!

Thain's body passed through the teleportation array and appeared in front of the RNG incisor tower, crashing into the defense tower with a roar!


"Olav flashes up to the dragon pit, Blue Punishment interrupts Zoe, Q throws against the current to interrupt Morgana, and he goes to find Pig Girl!" The doll's voice became extremely high-pitched due to excitement, "Xiaotian fights alone. Cut off RNG and the three of them return to the city!"

Your family is gone, brother!

Olaf held the ax to remind every opponent and wanted to shout into their ears.

"Where's EZ?" Jack arrived belatedly with a sniper rifle in hand, and he shouted in the team voiceover!

"I'm looking for it!" Liu Qingsong was sweating profusely. He had just licked EZ with his giant tongue whip. Now that the skill has cooled down, he has also lost Uzi's location information.

Standing in the dragon pit, Liu Qingsong poked an eye through the wall into the triangular grass on the upper road. He happened to see Ezreal before starting to read back to the city!

"Olav goes after Zoe again, no one can interrupt EZ..."

The next moment, the sniper scope was aimed at Uzi!

Bullets roared out, and Caitlin successfully interrupted EZ one second before he returned to the city!

In an instant, the crowd at the Rubik's Cube Performing Arts Center roared!

"The key policewoman's ultimate move! RNG took the baron but couldn't return to the city!" Watanaru yelled excitedly, "Sion and Ryze are going to bulldoze their base!"

RNG Yesuke returned to the city, and faced only the exposed main castle with residual blood!

Ryze fired runic energy, combined with Thain's axe, and destroyed the RNG base amidst the cheers of thousands of people!

The author's promise has always been true, and every ten thousand words means ten thousand words.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

Ps: gala my superman!

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