LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Recent issues, please explain.

Yesterday, this chapter said that some readers reported that before S8, I would make solutions to key games, but now it seems tasteless and has a tendency to be homogenized with other e-sports articles on the market.

I haven't been in the mood to write words all night, so I'll just explain:

① The problem with the solution to the key game: As of the S8 season, the actual key game is the BO5 Spring Finals. There is a solution to the problem, and I have written it out before, which is RNG’s Kai’Sa system.

This system can be said to be the biggest contributor to RNG's impressive record from the spring of 2018 to MSI. Whether it's KZ, EDG or IG, several other teams that play Kai'Sa don't feel like RNG. Kai'Sa +Vampire was RNG's trump card before Xia Tian, ​​and it was very stable when used.

In this case, I explained from BP in Chapter 440 that RNG will target Rockbird and Ryze when choosing Kai'Sa's system, mainly because the double C of Vampire and Kai'Sa have no lane rights, and the jungle is easy to be invaded. Karsa He Xiangguo, both of them are junglers whose early rhythm cannot be broken. In order to protect the jungle area, RNG can only sacrifice BP.

In Chapter 441, the YM response method I wrote is mainly to fight for the lane rights with strong heroes in the middle, and then let Liu Qingsong and Tamu bring unsealed secrets in exchange for teleportation to help the invasion.

This point of unsealing Tahm Kench is well-documented - on May 11, 2018 MSI, KZ played against RNG. Greera was unsealing Tahm Kench and invaded the Xiangguo jungle to help Xiaohuanan establish an advantage.

Once RNG falls into a disadvantage in the jungle, their sacrifices in BP will be in vain.

Since Kai'Sa + Vampire have no rhythm driving ability, and Xiao Ming is tied up in the bottom lane and it is difficult to roam, the overall situation is too dependent on the jungle. After Xiangguo/Karsa is at a disadvantage, the only rhythm point is gone, and they can only be passively beaten and beaten. It’s also normal for things to snowball to the end of the game.

Some readers feel that I didn't write it because I didn't use a whole chapter to explain it completely, but divided it into two chapters. Chapter 440 talks about BP, and Chapter 441 talks about how to deal with the game.

This is actually a point, that is, how to break through RNG's Kai'Sa system.

It is already very difficult for the coaching staff to break down the opponent's mature system in BO5, and it is impossible to expect the coaching staff to carry the entire final.

In order to find loopholes in Kai'Sa's system, I spent a weekend's free time to scrape the videos of RNG from the playoffs to MSI, then listed the data, used the Apriori algorithm to dig out the BP data, and watched it slowly.

② Homogenization: To be honest, I don’t see any trend in this regard.

I have also read other popular alliance articles on the market, and I can also know where my advantages are.

Make the game more like a game.

Of course, the price I pay is too much thinking time. I don’t like to copy BP. In every game, I review the updated content in the real version at that time, watch the video, and look for any problems and popular play styles at that time. trend.

Then do it yourself, combine the version with the playing style of the team and players, and slowly make BP.

The regular season is okay, there are more jokes, and BP is relatively simple; the playoffs are more serious, and I have to check it several times after each BP list, which takes a lot of time, often causing the update time and word count to lag behind. Not on.

Even at the expense of updates, the results obtained are pretty good.

I’m going to brag a bit here. I’ve finished the two great god alliance novels, Xigua and Ziye. Ours is currently the highest-ordered e-sports novel, and it’s also the highest-ordered realistic alliance novel in the history of Qidian—Chaos God Xigua Ziyedu. It's a fiction that doesn't describe real players and teams.

The 24-hour latest chapter subscription is still close to half of the average. It is not easy to achieve this for a book with 2.4 million words.

After the spring split, the S8 season has reached 1/3. Originally, I planned to finish it around August according to the normal rhythm, but after careful calculation, it seems that there are too many S8 games, and it may be postponed by a month.

After reaching the peak of S8, there may be some extra chapters that will be updated later.

If this achievement were to go downhill, it would be easy to push it to four to five million words. With the current growth rate of average subscriptions, if it reaches 4 million words, you can still get a 10,000 subscription badge.

Water is okay, but not necessary.

I also wanted to save some character, so I dragged it like an old lady’s foot-binding cloth. It was uncomfortable for everyone to see, and it was also uncomfortable for me to write.

The average subscription record at the end of this book will be broken by the next book.

Ps: Tomorrow’s big chapter will make up for what I missed today.

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