LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 449 447: Wolf Head Warning!

As soon as God's Perspective loaded the game screen, Miller realized something was wrong.

Although the commentator was far away from the screen, he still saw that the main runes under the heads of Rambo and Troll were different from what he expected!

I remember adjusting my glasses to get a closer look, but the director had already occupied the data panel at the bottom of the screen and gave the specific runes used by the ten players in this game.

"Two predators?" He looked suspicious, "What is YM Nakano doing?!"

I remember looking at each other with Miller, feeling a little guessing in my heart.

The doll next to him is a qualified admirer. Of course, he has not paid much attention to the game itself in recent years. When he saw the predator, he screamed with genuine affection.

"In the last game, RNG used to turn off the lights and let the sheep go. This game, YM will also use its ultimate move!"

In the front row of the infield, Liu Qingsong's mother couldn't understand the game very well. After hearing the explanation, she nervously asked Su Cheng next to her.

"What big move... can they win this game?"

After the second game, she thought her son would easily win a championship trophy as usual. She even thought about her congratulations.

But I didn't expect that YM suffered a tragic defeat in the last round, and Liu Qingsong's mother was inevitably worried.

Although she had heard Su Cheng chatting with the girl next to her before that the probability of YM losing the final with a 2-0 lead was less than 5%, but when her son was competing on stage, the 5% chance no longer sounded to her. Smaller.

"Don't worry," Su Cheng comforted her with a smile, "I won't lose."

Su Cheng seemed calm on the outside, but also panicked on the inside.

After stepping down as an analyst, she didn't know how prepared YM was for the finals, so she could only choose to trust the players and coaching staff.

Her eyes flashed across the contestants' seats not far away, and her eyes couldn't help but rest on Lin Ran.

You will definitely not lose...

On the loading screen, it was known that YM's midfielder and jungler were carrying strange runes, and RNG was still discussing countermeasures.

There was no other way. The coach left the player bench after the BP session. The loading screen of Summoner's Rift had not yet appeared. Heart had no idea that Lin Ran and Xiaosi would mess with the runes.

"They will definitely capture the bottom lane in this game," Mala Xiangguo was affected by the weather in Chengdu and the atmosphere in the stadium. He couldn't help but increase his voice when he spoke because of the heat in Chengdu, "Shi Senming, you and the puppy, be careful!"

"I know, I know," Uzi pursed his lips and agreed, "Protect us more. As long as you push down the next tower, I can carry it."

"Shi Senming, please remember to make the thread a little deeper," Guanhu kept chattering with his voice as a male duck, "Junze and I both have teleportation. If they dare to go down, we will rush to the battlefield immediately to take a backseat."

Shi Senming nodded in response with a serious face, and he didn't laugh. When the spring finals are so serious, everyone is actively preparing for the battle, and when everyone is preparing for a bloody battle, does he want to laugh?

I'm afraid I can't laugh without being coerced.

"The first-level positions of both sides are quite conservative. It seems that they don't want to go to the other side's jungle area to explore the movement of the jungle..." Miller said while looking at the movements of the ten players on the mini-map.

Mainly because there is no need to explore.

Top laner Jin Gong uses vampires to beat Letme's Ornn. This path is a normal one, and you won't even take a look at it before level 6.

It's not that you can't catch him, but the success rate of gank is too low, and it's not cost-effective to catch him on the road at the risk of exposing your own movements.

In comparison, the bottom lane is everyone’s main battlefield.

Therefore, the junglers of both sides must open the jungle from the upper half and brush all the way down to protect the lower half.

Lin Ran walked around the river twice and found that the opponent had no intention of invading the wild area, so he also used the Galaxy Magic Machine God to return to the middle.

When they met for the first time, the first reaction of both parties was to look at the runes and equipment.

Mid Tiger's Thane comes out with the Corruption Potion as usual, the main system is Arcane Comet, and the secondary system brings the enlightenment minion death weapon and time warp tonic.

But when Guanhu saw Lin Ran's outfit, he felt bad.

There are straw sandals + four reds lying quietly in Rambo's equipment slot, as well as 6 minion death weapons that are cooling down and a stopwatch provided by Perfect Timing.

This is so crazy. What kind of trouble are you trying to make?

"Brother Ran's outfit can be called Brother Potion!" Wawa is good at playing tricks and rhythm. "There was an old version that converted blood bottles into biscuits. Card masters often went out like this..."

The barrage has already begun to use "Jujubaobao", and there are also viewers who follow the trend and use "Are you worthy?", setting off a craze for re-reading in the event live broadcast room.

"Be careful, he may go to the bottom lane in the early stage!" Midhu quickly reminded his teammates.

He originally thought that Lin Ran's predators would wait until they returned to the city for the first time to buy shoes before using them, but he didn't expect that his opponent would actually go out and buy shoes directly!

At 1 minute and 27 seconds, the lines of troops connected, Lin Ran stepped forward and activated Q [Arson Feast] to start the barbecue.

Normally, if Rambo plays a solo lane, he will learn E [Electronic Harpoon] at level 1, and just stay in the back and fight in the mixed lane.

But the situation in this game is obviously different.

Mid laner Comet Thain is a melee player, and his combat ability at level 1 is not strong. With only E [Killer's Roar], he cannot suppress Rambo much.

Lin Ran relied on the 4 bottles of blood medicine he had stored in his body and was not afraid of Thain's consumption.

Xiaohu used his killer roar to repel the minions, and at the same time hit Lin Ran, and at the same time smashed out an arcane comet.

But he himself was burned by the edge of Rambo's flamethrower, and his health also dropped by a small bar.

At the same time, Lin Ran's talent for bleeding gums restored a little of his health. The results of the first wave of exchanges between the two sides were almost the same, and Lin Ran suffered a slight loss.

After burning the flames, he continued to raise the drill bit and stab the melee soldiers.

When Guanhu saw Lin Ran's starting outfit, he knew that he would definitely roam for support in the early stage. At this time, he was not surprised by Rambo's move to push the lane.

They also raised their axes to chop down the army line, and the two mid laners lived in harmony in the early stage.

The two junglers, who both started solo in the upper half, started racing. Although the male gun could not keep up with Leopard Girl and Olaf in solo jungle clearing, the efficiency could still crush the trolls.

And more importantly, it doesn't hurt at all to clear the jungle. Graves, who is passive and pure, is not afraid of AD junglers at all in duels in the jungle.

After finishing the red BUFF in the incense pot, he took a detour to find the stone beetle. Although this route wasted more time than opening the wild area in the upper half of the blue area, he could rely on the shotgun and range damage of the male gun to finish the stone beetle. During the beetle period, the Garlic Bastard had just finished brushing the Demon Swamp Frog.

"The male gunman left a small stone beetle, pulled it outside the camp and killed it with one shot. Continued passive pure men rushed to the sharp beak camp..."

The Spicy Pot is stuck at the node where the passive is about to disappear and slides again, so that the Pure Man layer will not fall when it reaches the Sharpbill Camp.

He already has 6 layers of pure manly passive at this time, and after playing F6, he will have 8 layers.

Level 1 E [Quick Draw] provides 6 points of armor per layer, and 8 layers is 48 points of armor. Adding the base value it has, the armor value will easily exceed 80 points.

What is the concept of 80 points of armor in the early stage?

The male gun with the red BUFF is not afraid of any physical output jungle hero!

Malaxiangguo has already calculated his own route in the wild area in his mind, planning to invade in the early stage and let the trolls have a taste of his guns.

The junglers of both sides are clearing their third group of wild monster camps, and the first wave of artillery soldiers in the middle have also connected.

Lin Ran used a small soldier kill weapon to eliminate the artillery soldiers, and Guanghu followed the same method and also handed over the detonator.

Both sides killed a melee soldier at almost the same time and reached level 3.

Previously, Lin Ran used two other small skills to control the temperature around 40. Now he used an electronic harpoon to poke a melee soldier, pushing it up to the dangerous temperature limit of 50.

"Sion charges Q [Cruel Slam] and wants to trade blood with Rambo!"

Lin Ran was not afraid at all. It was difficult to avoid Thain's brutal attack by moving at this time, so he decisively chose to hurt each other.

The two skills of WQ are cast together, and the dangerous temperature gives each skill a 50% effect bonus. The flames keep burning Thain!

The brutal punch that was full of power knocked Rambo up, shattering his shield and reducing Lin Ran's health by a small amount.

Although Rambo flew into the air, the jet would not be interrupted, and the flames also burned clean the shield given by Thane's soul furnace.

He followed up with E [Killer's Roar]. Although Lin Ran hadn't landed yet and could normally follow up with a basic attack, he didn't dare to be greedy and retreated quickly.

If he indulges in this basic attack, he will suffer a big loss.

Rambo now holds 90 points of energy, and can enter red temperature with just one more electronic harpoon.

When the time came, Lin Ran, who had gone out and bought straw sandals, could easily catch up and swing at him with an electric drill.

Thain, who has used up all his skills, does not have the ability to compete with Rambo against A.

Might as well retreat now.

Both sides surrendered all their skills, and Lin Ran suffered a little loss in this round of exchanges.

But the impact is not big.

He controlled the temperature, controlled Rambo to press forward, and forced Thain out of the handover range.

The account holder clicked his tongue, his face full of displeasure but he could only retreat.

The early cooldown time of Thain's three small skills exceeds 10 seconds. Lin Ran is obviously taking advantage of the time difference.

Rambo, who has reached level 3, has entered a strong period. In most cases, the numerical monster warriors cannot defeat Rambo, and you can only avoid its edge by canceling your account.

Lin Ran stood in the pile of soldiers and kept poking at the soldiers with a drill. When the temperature dropped slightly, he used W [Broken Shield] to push it up again, keeping himself in a state where he could enter red temperature at any time.

At this time, there is no way to move forward. Once Lin Ran reaches red temperature, he is not afraid of changing blood even if he holds Q [Cruel Slam].

Lin Ran started the arson feast again, shook his head back and forth to clean up the wave of artillery troops, and then immediately ran down.

"Be careful in the bottom lane," Guanhu signaled to his duo and called the jungler, "Xiang Guo comes to the middle lane to push the lane, and I will accompany you to invade the opposite jungle area!"

When Mala Xiangguo heard the words "pushing the line", he could hardly hold the shotgun in his hand.

"Li Yuanhao, you are really my good brother!" He was so moved that he ate the last Little Sharpbill with his basic attack, then slid out of the jungle camp and came to the middle.

The shotgun hits the minion, refreshes his Pure Man Passive, and then runs to the YM Sharp Beak Camp.

"Rambo has turned on the Predator!" As soon as the baby finished speaking, the wolf head sound effect appeared. Rambo received a 45% movement speed bonus and flew down the road!

"The puppy that was still pressing the line before is already retreating..."

Due to the hasty retreat, the policewoman and Morgana moved closer to each other. Liu Qingsong decisively seized the opportunity to take action!

The golden light flashed, and the bull-headed chief Arista appeared in front of them. The bull's horns thrust forward, and the WQ second company tried to knock the entire RNG duo into the air!

The entire combo was extremely fast, leaving no time for the opponent to react, and even the audience could only let out a scream!

Uzi raised the corner of his mouth slightly, he was deliberately selling a flaw, just waiting for the bull's head to flash twice!

At the moment when the bull's horn was about to hit the policewoman, a black shield suddenly appeared on Caitlin's body!

Another golden light flashed, and Morgana moved 400 yards backward, escaping the fatal control of the Tauren Chief!

"Guigui, Xiao Ming's reaction!" Remember to take a deep breath, "First shield the ADC, then hand over the flash to escape, it can be called a textbook-level reaction!"

Morgana's level one black shield was enough to block the magic damage from the Bullhead Second Company. Uzi was not restrained and calmly retreated with his sniper rifle in hand.

Shi Senming, who flashed to distance himself, used Q [Dark Imprisonment] with his backhand to freeze the Tauren Chief in place.

Lin Ran got out of the grass connecting the bottom lane and the river, but the RNG duo had safely evacuated.

His teammates couldn't keep up with him at all, and Lin Ran couldn't continue to catch up.

The RNG fans in the stands were extremely excited and praised the reaction speed of Uzi and Shi Senming!

【What a quick flash! 】

[YM is going to lose so much. The mid laner Straw Shoes went out just for this wave of gank. If he didn’t catch it, he’s going to be pissed to death]

[If the original Uzi were left alone, wouldn’t this level 2 wave be dead? The black-bone chicken pot is mature]

[Is this also due to Uzi? If Xiao Ming hadn’t reacted quickly, Uzi would have confessed long ago]

The spicy hot pot passed through the middle. Before leaving, he did not forget to use the shotgun to refresh the pure man's passive, and he also ate a minion.

This was obviously an attempt to counter a wild invasion. In order to protect Xiaosi's wild area, Lin Ran had no choice but to turn around and activate W [Broken Shield] and rush to his own Sharpbill camp again.

The current version of the Predator can provide a 15-second acceleration effect, which can last as long as it does not cause damage to the enemy.

With the movement speed of the straw sandals, Lin Ran started running back and forth on the river.

"Brother Ran arrived at the Sharpbill camp very quickly, but Xiaoyao still lost three birds!"

Fortunately, both junglers had used their first punishments and had not yet turned around. Xiangguo could not quickly take down the big hornbill. When he saw Lin Ran coming, he just left the YM jungle with the canceller.

Lin Ran set off an electronic harpoon to threaten, and Spicy Hot Pot did not dodge or dodge, but he took advantage of the skill.

He will definitely not be able to get out of the way just by moving around. If you want to avoid the harpoon, you must use E [quickly draw gun].

But if he uses sliding step, the pure man effect will disappear when he enters the river, and there is no way to use the river crab to continue his passive.

Without being passive, the trolls may launch a retaliatory invasion later, which will be difficult to deal with.

"After Rambo hit the harpoon, he still wanted to move forward. Thain charged up Q [Cruel Slam] to force him back!"

Miller saw the two sides dispersed and just commented: "In this wave, RNG made a small profit and assisted the flash swap, but Liu Qingsong's health was suppressed, and at the same time, the incense pot also lost three small sharp-beaked birds."

"You're right," Watanabe nodded in agreement, "YM must have used the double predator runes to gain an advantage in the laning phase. If the transition is smooth, it would be better to bring normal runes."

Lin Ran returned to the middle lane and continued the battle. He knew that Lin Ran had no predators, and at this time there were no artillery soldiers to create roaming support opportunities for him, so he simply released his lane slightly to avoid Rambo's strong period.

The attempt to catch him failed, and Uzi's suppression continued.

He was already good at Kapu attack distance and got Caitlyn, who had the longest range in the early stage. Coupled with Morgana's harassment, the power was even more powerful.

Jack didn't have Tamm's help in this game, and his lane fault tolerance dropped by several levels. He also accidentally connected with Morgana's Q. The headshot damage from the policewoman's connecting clip knocked him down to residual health.

Fortunately, Jack chose teleportation for line replenishment in this game, otherwise the 40 seconds wasted just by returning to the city and going online again would have resulted in a loss of a whole wave of troops.

Lin Ran saw Jack return to the city to replenish the extraction, and then glanced at the blood volume of the lower tower, and knew that his duo was being tortured.

"Xiaotian, please go back to the city later to mend a pair of shoes. Let's go to the bottom lane for a walk in five minutes." He had to find a way to save the situation for his bottom lane.

At the very least, the defensive tower cannot be pushed too early. Otherwise, if the policewoman is allowed to successfully advance the lane transition, top laner Jin Gong's development will be seriously hindered, and it may even affect the Canyon Pioneer who was born in 10 minutes.

"Five minutes?" The Garlic Bastard glanced at the small map, thought for a moment and then gritted his teeth and made up his mind, "Biao!"

After eating the red BUFF, he decided to clean up the stone beetle camp, and by the way, he went to the bottom lane to explore the situation and confuse Uzi.

"Xiaotian gave up on this river crab, cleared 6 groups of wild monsters in advance, detoured through the triangular grass and came to the bottom lane to Gank!"

However, Uzi's view of the triangular grass was prepared in advance, and Xiaoyao's whereabouts were completely exposed.

"The troll pillar lifted the policewoman up, but Uzi immediately used a 90-caliber rope net to retreat, putting more distance between himself and the Bull-Head Chief!"

The Garlic Bastard had already been mentally prepared for the failure of the gank. He retreated to his own jungle area. When he returned to the city, he specially made a jewelry eye in the grass connecting the lower road and the river.

Returning to the spring, he bought straw sandals, a long sword and a real eye, and headed down the road again.

This wave of Gank is very critical for him, and he can only succeed and not fail.

Since Xiaoyao himself came down from the upper half of the area, when the refresh time of the wild monster camp is 150 seconds, the Demon Swamp Frog and Three Wolves in the upper half of the area will refresh around 4 minutes and 45 seconds to 5 minutes.

If he wants to launch an offensive against the bottom lane around 5 minutes, don’t take advantage of the two groups of wild monsters refreshed in the upper half, because the Xiang Guo Men Gun also opens the wild from the upper half, and the two wild camps at the top of the map are almost are refreshed simultaneously.

The fragrant pot will definitely develop in the upper half of the area at that time, Xiaoyao will show up in the bottom lane, and the male gun will naturally cross the river to counterattack.

Two groups of wild monsters, one positive and one negative, will widen the economic gap of 400 gold coins. If no one is caught in this wave, the small wild area will be at an absolute disadvantage.

"Jin Gong, please change your blood and become more aggressive..." Lin Ran relied on the fact that he could not put much pressure on himself during the laning phase. He used the drill to replenish troops while cutting the screen to observe the three lanes. "It doesn't matter. You can use it with confidence. The male gun is still there." Brushing jungle in the lower half.”

In order to harass Xiaotian, Xiangguo came all the way across the river to harass Xiaotian. In addition, he also ate river crabs, which wasted a lot of time. Lin Ran counted with his fingers and knew that Xiangguo had not returned yet. city.

Jin Gong listened to Lin Ran's words, and the Xiba people used the soldier deplasmer to push the sixth wave of artillery soldiers in, and took advantage of the situation to send an invitation to Letme for a blood exchange.

Letme is excited at first glance. Ornn has never been afraid of anyone in the early stage of the lane swap. W [Bellows Breath] has a percentage damage and a shield that can destroy most of the top lane heroes.

At the end of the blood exchange, Jin Gong was forced to return to the city with remaining blood.

"You walked online and ate the Demon Swamp Frog at home." Lin Ran's signal was marked at the Demon Swamp Frog camp.

"I'll go..." The Garlic Bastard came to the grass behind the next tower and waited for Lin Ran to take his place. Hearing what his mid laner said, he blurted out, "Where are you playing with transfer payments?"

This is equivalent to sucking his blood to fatten the Xiba people!

"Don't let the wealth go to outsiders," Lin Ran joked, "It's better than giving a gun to a man, right?"

He controlled his temperature and waited for the eighth wave of soldiers to arrive.

Give the deplasminator to the ranged soldiers, activate the Q [Arson Feast] at dangerous temperatures, and use the basic attack to roast the minions to residual health, and wait for the second Q to collect them all.

Not to be outdone, Guanhu also stepped forward to push the line. He didn't care about the loss of blood, he just wanted to clear out all the minions.

However, Comet Thane's shortcomings have emerged again. His main E [Killer's Roar] is not as fast as Huang Wen Rambo in pushing the lane.

Lin Ran waited for his skills to improve and continued to operate the Galaxy Magic Machine God. The barbecue stall master spread the flames evenly on each soldier. After successfully pushing the soldier line, he retreated to the tower and returned to the city.

There was no way to interrupt him even though he was too far away. He took two steps forward and saw that Lin Ran was indeed returning to the city and was not playing some trick. He breathed a sigh of relief and went back to fight.

Lin Ran returned to the city and spent 800 gold coins to synthesize the shoes, then EWQ scrolled the keyboard, and first raised the cooled temperature to 50.

At this time, the icon for wearing shoes in the equipment column lights up!

The last time he cast Predator was at level 3, the cooldown was 144 seconds, and it's just getting better now.

After 1.5 seconds of guidance time, he turned on the wolf head special effects in the spring water!

In the eyes of the audience, this was just an ordinary return to the city for supplies. Even the director wanted to cut the screen to look at other locations. If the set delay had not helped them capture this detail, they might have missed it!

"As soon as the wolf's head opens...are we going to teleport next?!" Miller saw Lin Ran standing motionless in the spring, and knew that this predator would never be used to patch up the line.

Sure enough, a dazzling light lit up on the grass ward where Garlic Bastard had planted when he failed in the previous gank!

Amid the cheers of tens of thousands of spectators, another predator opened from God's perspective!

This time the distance was extremely close, and scarlet wolf head marks appeared on the heads of Uzi and Shi Senming!

Uzi was shocked in his heart. He thought there was only one Rambo, but who would have thought that the troll who defeated him a minute ago was actually there too!

"Can you protect me?" He was still seeking support from his teammates.

But Xiangguo is currently killing the stone beetles in the upper half of his house, and it's a long way to get there; Letme was previously lured by Jin Gong to exchange blood, and is in poor condition. The teleportation is probably going to be passed down and beheaded...

There is only one canceled account left!

Midhu was originally waiting in the middle to take advantage of the ninth wave of artillery soldiers to reach level 6. Unexpectedly, YM midfielder took action.

He handed over the teleport the moment he saw the troll appear, wanting to protect his teammates!

"Xiaotian quickly rushed to the battlefield with the help of the predator, and the pillars brought back Uzka who had no time to retreat!"

The slowing effect of the Pillar of Ice made it difficult for the policewoman to move forward, and Liu Qingsong's bull head also drove the horns W [Savage Crash] to come forward!

"Xiao Ming reacted quickly and put a magic immunity shield on Uzi!"

But Liu Qingsong learned his lesson this time. He didn't rush to turn Q [Earth Shatter]. When he saw the black shield above Uzi's head, he chose to activate E [Trample] first, hoping to use continuous magic damage to shatter the black shield!

"The Uzi Black Shield has disappeared. He was forced to hand over the rope net and retreat back, while Xiao Ming threw out the Prison of Darkness to force Rambo to get up!"

Shi Senming's timing was very accurate, and the Dark Imprisonment was extremely precise, trapping Lin Ran in the grass.

But even though he was imprisoned, he could still use his skills!

At this time, another red swirling light disappeared, and the canceled Thain also appeared in the bottom lane!

"Verus flashed forward, E [Evil Arrow Rain] slowed down the policewoman and Morgana!"

And Lin Ran followed the electronic harpoon and aimed at the policewoman!

Uzi ducked to dodge, but then the second harpoon was fired!

He still wanted to move, but was unable to do anything while being slowed down. He was hit by an electronic harpoon at the extreme range of 800 yards!

The electronic harpoon with predator damage reduced Uzi's health to half!

"Slip away!" The situation was not right and he quickly retreated. Xiaohu, who had no ultimate move, recognized the reality and ran back to the middle along the triangular grass.

"The four YM guys swarmed up and killed Uzi without letting go. They continued to pursue Xiao Ming!"

Morgana, who has mastered the skills of flash and QE, is the next piece of meat on the chopping board!

Lin Ran turned on W to break the shield and accelerated forward. The flames continued to burn, and he cooperated with his teammates to deal damage to kill Morgana!

The YM fans in the stands immediately became excited when they saw this. The core of RNG was killed. This is definitely a huge boost to the team's morale!

[10% off? 】

[If you can escape the first day of the Lunar New Year, you can't escape the fifteenth day. Uzi will still have to die! 】

[This is called not forgetting the original intention, and those who dare to catch and die are the Uzi I know]

【Who will survive? YM Nakano gives no way to survive at all! 】

"YM took the lead in tearing the wound in the bottom lane and got two heads of Uzi and Xiao Ming!" Miller glanced at it and continued, "But Uzi has teleportation. To be honest, this death will only delay the policewoman a little. Advancing the rhythm cannot completely suppress her!"

I remember agreeing with Miller's point of view, "It's true. Both heads were taken away by Rambo. Jack's Verus only received two assists. The economic advantage he gained was obviously not enough to turn him around."

Wawa nodded seriously, "The main reason is that Liu Qingsong used the bull head to beat Morgana in this game. If his teammates don't come, the opponent will really have no way to fight back, and they can only be beaten by RNG in the bottom lane."

At the same time, Xiangguo used sliding steps to cross the river and invade the upper half of YM.

Although he had seen the vampire's dissatisfaction when he returned to the line in advance, he was prepared in advance, but when he saw that the Demon Swamp Frog camp was really empty, Mala Xiangguo still cursed inwardly.

YM's offensive against the bottom lane was obviously premeditated!

I forgot that today is 520, and I still have to go out to eat and watch a movie... 7k today, 10,000 tomorrow

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