LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 450 448: Fatal Operation!

"The incense pot can only defeat the three wolves, and then try to find trouble with the vampires..."

Graves in Summoner's Rift holds a shotgun and emerges from the grass behind the upper tower.

A sheep cry was heard, and a huge ram magma element came galloping from a distance!

"Jin Gong doesn't panic, let's use the big move Blood Plague first!"

Letme knocked out the second-stage sheep and was dodged by the vampire's blood pool, while the incense pot stepped forward and covered his face with smoke bombs.

Jin Gong, who couldn't see anything clearly, was knocked into the sky by Ornn's E [Fierce Charge], followed by a set of output from the male gun.

"The vampire's ultimate move takes effect and restores the blood volume. RNG's damage in the jungle can't keep up!"

Jin Gong, who moved freely, used the defense tower to start the King of Qin walking around the pillar. The Spicy Pot wanted to hit River Vladimir with one shot, but there was a tower between them, causing all the shotguns to hit the indestructible defense tower!

Xiangguo was extremely irritable. He was already very annoyed when he saw that a group of Demon Swamp Frogs were missing when he came to fight against the wild. Now this vampire is still treating him like a monkey?

But the damage was not enough. He hit the defense tower again, but he could only swallow his anger and give up in frustration.

"Ornn's ultimate move was replaced by the vampire's ultimate move," Miller was still analyzing the confrontation between the two sides. "Both RNG's bottom laners were killed, while Xiangguo was replaced with a group of three wolves, which was a loss of blood!"

Lin Ran quickly returned to the middle lane using the map running ability provided by Fa Wearing Shoes. Since he canceled his account and handed in the teleport, the middle lane troops were not pushed by Thain. He only lost one gun truck this time when he roamed the bottom lane. .

Keeping himself at a dangerous temperature, as long as Thain dares to step forward, he will just roll the keyboard with his face. Xiaohu, who was unable to return to the city before, is now facing an embarrassing situation.

He had devoured all his supplies.

In order to keep up with Lin Ran's pushing speed and prevent Rambo from wandering around at will, Guanhu brought a minion remover instead of cookies in this round.

This caused him to be unable to keep up with his supplies. Three bottles of corruption potion lasted for a long time, but were eventually dragged down by Rambo who had no blue bars.

Now that the account is closed and returned to Quanshui, Lin Ran will definitely use the minion remover to quickly push in this wave of artillery troops. By then, he will lose the entire wave of troops.

However, the artillery and carriage lines did not go back to resupply, and there would be two short waves later, making it even more inconvenient for the Meade Tigers to return to the city.

He has only one way: return to the city and use his ultimate move to get back to the line quickly, so that he won't lose troops.

But the consequences of doing so are also obvious - without the ultimate move or teleportation, in the next 140 seconds, the Thain he operates will have no chance to drive the rhythm.

After thinking about it for a moment, I decided to lose a wave of troops.

He's not Uzi, soldiers don't have their lives.

For mid laner Thain, rhythm is definitely more important than this line of troops.

If Rambo is allowed to use the Predator to support the bottom lane, RNG will be over as soon as Uzi collapses.

After RNG got the mid-to-top combination of Ornn + Thain, its team battle output relied entirely on the dual shooters of Uzi in the bottom lane and the jungler.

Among them, Uzi is the absolute core, and his development must not be bad.

I plan to close my account and lose some troops, and use my ultimate move later to support the duo.

Xiangguo also knew that he had to protect Uzi. After catching the top lane, he went to the lower jungle area and cleaned up all the three wolves and the magic marsh frog.

But at this time, YM has ended a wave of encirclement and suppression of the bottom lane. Jack and Liu Qingsong are still under the tower, and he has gained nothing when he comes to the bottom lane.

"Wait until I finish brushing the red BUFF and then come to the bottom lane. Wait a minute. There's no rush to push this defensive tower!" Xiangguo returned to the city after brushing the river crabs, preparing to add a wave of real eyes and jungle knives.

"I know, I know!" That's what Uzi said, but he had a fierce expression on his face after being killed once, and his movements became more and more aggressive, as if he wanted to press Jack to death.

Xiangguo frowned, feeling that Uzi's play was a bit overdone, but then he thought about it, YM had no predators in the middle and jungle, and Rambo's teleportation was also handed over in the last team battle.

There really seems to be no problem, Uzi can definitely play more aggressively.

Let it be.

After Xiang Guo quickly returned to the city, he quickly headed towards the upper half of the area.

His calculation was just right, and his red buff was refreshed in 6 minutes and 50 seconds. At this time, YM's predator in the middle and jungle had not yet recovered, and there would be no danger in the bottom lane.

When he finished the red BUFF and came to the lower half, he wished that Lin Ran and Garlic Bastard would come to capture the bottom lane.

By then, Thain has his ultimate move, Ornn has his teleportation, and RNG can gather 5 people in an instant and keep all YM's people.

"The situation has reached a stalemate," I remember seeing the movements of the ten players on the mini-map and realizing this problem. "It's almost 8 minutes now. YM's next tower has very little health left. If it drags on any longer, the female police officer will Get a tower and start a snowball!”

Verus charged up Q [Piercing Arrow] and wanted to consume the policewoman, but Uzi moved at a right angle and easily dodged this sharp arrow with a withering atmosphere.

Caitlin raised her sniper rifle and clicked on the defense tower whose health had dropped by half. When the artillery trooper arrived at the bottom lane at 8 minutes and 37 seconds, she would probably be able to push down the tower.

"Someone come and help me!" Jack felt that he couldn't stand it anymore.

Under normal circumstances, it would not be so miserable for him to fight Uzi in the laning, but the key is that Liu Qingsong took the bull head, his laning ability is extremely weak, and WQ cannot push the opponent, so it is basically useless, so he can only use his passive [Triumph] Roar] Give the Shiba Inu two mouthfuls of milk.

This feeling is the same as if your own support took the Stone Man and didn't care about the life or death of your teammates.

Lin Ran is still facing the lane in the middle. He also wants to roam during this period, but there is really no chance.

This person who has canceled his account has worn a pair of mercury shoes for the first time since he returned to the city, and he will probably need to make an adaptive helmet later.

In order to avoid being consumed by Thain too much health during the laning phase, Lin Ran specially ordered two levels of W [Broken Shield]. Even if he has not made any spell-power equipment so far, as long as he withstands the dangerous temperature Above, the bonus of Shattered Shield can completely defeat Sion's E [Killer's Roar] and Arcane Comet.

But Hu Hu was not a fool. After spending two waves, he discovered Lin Ran's strange shield strength and could guess the clues.

Even if his skills level up, Lin Ran still has the talent of bleeding gums, and even if he sucks blood, he can't consume it.

Midhu, who had ordered Level 3 Killer's Roar, decisively changed his skill points and chose Q [Cruel Slam] as his main point.

As a result, the blood exchange ability has been reduced a lot, but the clearing speed has indeed been greatly improved, and it is not slower than Rambo.

The similar speed of pushing the lane made it difficult for Lin Ran to move to the side lanes - Guanghu stopped him with his body after pushing the lane. Before he could open the Predator, a bunch of signals were probably clicked.

It has to be said that when a strong pure front row like Thain is used to play in the middle, it does put a lot of restrictions on Lin Ran.

He has no way to use various suppression methods to reduce the opponent's health, and creates room for himself to roam by forcing the opponent to keep returning to the city.

Moreover, the strike was like an electric baton. Lin Ran felt like he was facing two defense towers in the middle.

He's too steady.

Lin Ran took a deep breath. Now he was in a hurry and got the bull head for Liu Qingsong. He was originally going to cooperate with him to attack the bottom lane.

However, the account closure does not give a chance, and Xiaoyao alone cannot attack the bottom lane - once Morgana's control is taken, or Xiang Guo counter-crouches, the wave of small-scale team battles will be defeated directly.

The player on the opposite side seemed to realize that YM was having trouble finding a rhythm. He danced excitedly in the middle and gave Lin Ranliang a thumbs-up expression.

The director also captured this scene and even recorded Lin Ran's helpless lip-smacking action, which made RNG fans burst into laughter.

RNG fans are very happy now. As long as this continues, the heavy artillery of the female police and male guns in the team battle will definitely destroy YM!

"Are we going to lose this game?" Liu Qingsong's mother heard the commentary and observed the reaction of the audience, and she could guess that the current situation was not good for YM.

"In other words..." Su Cheng knew that if the situation continued to be deadlocked, it would put a lot of pressure on YM, but she still said stubbornly, "Didn't you see that YM is still leading economically?"

"Hmm..." The middle-aged woman hesitated for a moment and finally asked, "Then why is there an advantage in being economically leading?"

Su Cheng was speechless for a moment.

Why do middle-aged people like to ask this kind of question?

She suspected that if she continued to explain, she would kill a certain team again.

Lin Ran, who was sitting on the player's bench, had beads of sweat on his forehead. He had been going smoothly all spring and finally felt the pressure he had not felt for a long time.

If we lose this round and are dragged into the final round by RNG, the morale of both sides will not be at the same level by then.

And not to mention that RNG still has the priority to choose sides in the fifth game. When the time comes...

At the critical moment, Lin Ran's thoughts flew further and further, and finally he took a sip of the drink in the paper cup, letting the refreshing coolness flow down his throat and gradually spread to his limbs, and then he focused his attention. to the game.

"In this way..." A prototype of the strategy emerged in his mind, "Jack, have you finished teleportation?"

"There are still 15 seconds left," Jack glanced at his summoner skill bar. The last time he handed in the teleportation line was less than 4 minutes, and now it is about to turn around, "What's wrong?"

"Xiao Xi and I are driving the Predator down, please pay attention..." Lin Ran said his plan and marked it on the map for his teammates to hear clearly.

The three people in the commentary box saw the King of Trolls coming to the bottom lane and turning around, but the Xiangguo Mangun rushed over again and forced him back.

"What Xiaoyao did was unable to alleviate the disadvantage of the bottom lane!" Miller followed the scene shown by the director and found that YM's next tower only had less than 1/3 of its health left, and he couldn't help but feel anxious.

After Garlic Bastard finished shopping in the bottom lane, he immediately changed direction and ran to the middle lane. Using the movement speed provided by the straw sandals, he rushed to Lin Ran to help push the lane!

"He made a time difference!" Wawa's eyes lit up, "Now Brother Ran's Rambo is freed!"

Guan Hu also wanted to rely on his thick skin to step forward and use Q [Cruel Slam] to clear the line of troops, but his skill was interrupted by the troll's big pillar, so he could only let the YM midfielder attack this large wave of cannons. The troop line advances to the middle tower.

"They're going down!" Guanhu saw Lin Ran and Xiaoyao disappear into the grass below the middle road, and immediately clicked on the signal to remind, "I have a big move!"

Letme also returned to the tower immediately, "Let them grab the bottom lane, I will teleport around the back!"

"The male spearmen of Xiangguo are squatting in the grass. They are ready to face this wave of YM attacks!"

RNG showed unparalleled teamwork ability at this moment. Now as long as YM dares to take action, they can form a counterattack in an instant!

The corner of Uzi's mouth raised slightly. He held the sniper rifle calmly and continued to shoot at the lower tower of YM.

YM is anxious!

He is usually very impatient, but now he enjoys seeing his opponents in trouble where they can't open up the situation.

Uzi just refused to run and told YM clearly that there was someone behind me.

If you have the ability, come and catch me. If you can catch me to death, I will fall here. If you don't come and catch me, this next tower will fall. That's what I said!

From God's perspective, Rambo and the Troll King both activate predators!

The wolf head special effect appears, and YM's midfielder rushes towards the lower lane!

"Rambo and Troll are about to rush to the bottom lane. Uzi and Xiao Ming's movements are not concealed at all. It is obvious that there is an ambush behind them!" I remember roaring loudly, "Is YM Nakano going to take action now?"

"I'm so anxious!" Watanabe sighed, "But this is also a rare opportunity. If they don't take action, they will die slowly!"

The dual predator routine is more useful in the laning phase. When it comes to the laning development phase, Lin Ran and Xiaotian will not be able to find opportunities so easily. Under the protection of Morgana, the policewoman who has been dragged down to develop will be able to fight in three teams. The gun can cripple the front row of YM.

YM must take action, Lin Ran knows this very well, and everyone in RNG also knows it!

A bright red wolf head mark has appeared above the head of the RNG duo. The figures of Rambo and Troll rushed from the mouth of the river and came into view one after another!

"I'm driving!" Guanhu knew that now was his chance. After all, it would take some time for him to reach the bottom lane. If it were a little later, with Rambo's burst damage, he could kill the RNG duo before he reached the bottom lane. .

He operated Thain to change form, and with a loud roar, he flew towards the bottom road!

At the same time, at the eye position arranged by Shi Senming in the triangular grass, the teleportation light flashed simultaneously, and Ornn from top laner Letme!

"The five members of RNG have assembled in an instant!" Miller couldn't hide the excitement in his voice, "This is a bag, waiting for YM to get through!"

Now the fish is hooked!

When the RNG fans in the stands saw all this, they immediately shouted in excitement!

As long as YM gets into the hole, RNG will gain a big victory!

"Let's go, let's go!" Lin Ran heard the sound of Thain's ultimate move and knew that the plan was successful. At the same time, he also saw the mark given by the teleport. He and the boy suddenly changed direction and entered their own jungle along the triangular grass on the lower road.

Then the two of them rushed up all the way!

With the predator rune activated, they moved so fast that no one could react!

The high-pitched cheers of RNG fans suddenly stopped in their throats.

To the audience watching from God's perspective, it looks like they have made a big circle!

【? ? ? ? 】

[How about counting steps on WeChat while shopping? 】

[Don’t be embarrassed, you drove the Predator so fast, how could it be for shopping? This is obviously a physical test running around the stadium]

"What's going on?!" The doll's screams shook the sky and shook the eardrums of everyone in the Big Rubik's Cube Performing Arts Center. "What are Brother Ran and Xiaotian doing?"

He didn't know, and the account holder and Letme were also confused.

"Should I come down?" Letme never had any ideas, so he had to let his jungler and Edisi give him feedback.

"No, no, no, they're probably setting up the tower!" Xiangguo saw Rambo and the troll leave from the triangular grass, and the tight muscles in his back relaxed slightly.

In his opinion, YM found that he could not interfere with Uzi getting a tower, so he deliberately used the Predator to cheat his skills to stop his losses.

Guanhu had already reached the middle area between Xiaolongkeng and the lower lane. Upon seeing this, he stopped his ultimate move and prepared to run back to the middle lane to continue to replenish his troops.

At this time, Lin Ran had ended his 15 seconds of predator time, successfully ran back to the middle with the help of his secondary shoes, and activated Q [Arson Feast] to start clearing the line of troops.

"Two predators, exchange Thain's ultimate move and Ornn's teleportation," Miller was still evaluating. "If you don't count the first-blood tower in the bottom lane, YM's skill exchange is not a loss."

Xiangguo's male gunman was still squatting in the grass. He was still uneasy and insisted on waiting for Uzi to knock down a tower before returning to the city.

Of course, gaining experience from the soldiers is also one of the goals.

Verus, controlled by Jack, quietly retreated into the grass behind the lower tower.

When he saw Guanhu crossing Xiaolongkeng and reaching the grass in the middle road, he suddenly handed over the teleportation that had just cooled down, and the landing point was in the Xiaolongkeng river behind Guanhu!

This eye position was inserted by Lin Ran when he drove the Predator past the river!

"Ah this..." Miller took a deep breath, as if the hot atmosphere in the venue affected him. What he said at this time also stoked the fire in everyone's hearts, "YM wants to attack from both front and back, and kill the account. !”

When Midhu saw the teleportation light behind him, he immediately wanted to retreat, but the giant monster gave him a pillar and blocked his position again!

Seeing that the play was almost over, Lin Ran rushed down the river after pushing the troops, preparing to surround and suppress the three people and kill them!

"Look at me!" The Meade Tiger's duck voice echoed in the team's voice!

"I'm rushing, I'm rushing, can you pull down a little bit?" Shi Senming saw that his mid laner was being targeted, and hurried from the YM Tower to the river to catch up.

The incense pot is also running here, but RNG Nosuke only has straw sandals, and his moving speed is really slow!

"Verus landed, and the evil spirit arrows rained down, and the arrows kept hitting Thain's body!"

Xiaoyao, who had been promoted to level 6, also gave him an R [Power Supremacy], absorbing his low health and dual resistance.

Nowadays, Thain, who only has a pair of mercury shoes on his body, is as brittle as a piece of paper!

"Closing the account, flashing back and trying to distance yourself, but Verus still has a big move in his hand!"

Midhu was moving the moment he flashed out, trying to twist his waist to avoid Verus' R [Corruption Chain].

However, the Thane hero model was a bit too big, and Jack's shot was very accurate. Xiaohu failed and was trapped in place by Verus!

"Rambo and Verus played full output, and finally Jack's Q [Piercing Arrow] triggered a full layer of withering effect, successfully killing and canceling the account!"

The doll let out a long sigh, "Close the account, close the account~"

Morgana and the male gunman who arrived late were unable to collect Thane's body. They could only watch the corpse-turned-Thion spinning around in the river like a headless fly. Then the crystal on his chest cracked and the body was broken into pieces. One place.

"YM midfielder and ADC ran to the middle..." I remember thinking in horror, "Are they going to change towers?"

"Excellent decision-making and judgment!" Miller couldn't help shouting, "Xiaohu has been killed. Should RNG defend this middle tower?!"

"If we are defending, we must move all junglers and supports back to the middle!"

This time, everyone in RNG, who was originally relaxed and comfortable, panicked.

"Shi Senming, come back and accompany me to knock down the tower!" Uzi shouted, wanting Xiao Ming to follow him and knock down the bottom tower with only 20% of its health left.

"Xiao Ming, come with me to hit the middle!" At the same time, Xiangguo also shouted in his voice. He felt that the tower with residual health could be pushed down at any time. He was not in a hurry and had to hold on to the middle tower with higher strategic value. is the most correct choice.

The two commanders in the team had differences in decision-making at a critical moment, and Shi Senming was confused.

I'm thinking that I can't influence the clone, so I can't go down and back again, right?

You guys should come together quickly!

"I'll eat the tower myself, Shi Senming, you follow Xiang Guo to the middle!" Uzi was very mature this spring. He chose to compromise and let Xiao Ming do the defense.

After failing to convert both summons, he still wanted to take this first-blood tower alone.

"Hit, beat, beat!" Lin Ran shouted loudly when he saw Shi Senming and Xiangguo rushing towards the middle through the river ward where Jack had teleported before.

"I'm in position!" Jin Gong took advantage of the time wasted while teleporting under the Letme tower to quickly push the wave of soldiers in, and then gave the message to his teammates.

Liu Qingsong, who received dual feedback from the top laner and mid laner, did not hesitate. The moment he saw Uzi raising his gun and preparing to point the tower, a golden light flashed, the horns pushed forward, and then he suddenly raised his muscles. Yu's arm hit the ground around him heavily!

The earth shatters!

The exclamations from tens of thousands of people at the scene resounded through the dome of the Rubik's Cube Performing Arts Center!

I remember seeing the director's camera suddenly cut to the bottom lane. His tone, which was calm at first, suddenly raised his voice, "Liu Qingsong showed no mercy, flashed WQ and sent Uzi flying into the sky!"

In Summoner's Rift, when the Tauren Chief activated E [Trample], he inserted an eye behind the policewoman.

The teleportation light lights up again, coming from Vladimir in the spring!

"Jin Gong teleported here, trying to kill the puppy while RNG Nosuke rushed to the middle!" Baby's forehead was sweating. In this half minute, YM suddenly increased his speed. The successive rhythms not only knocked out RNG, but even he couldn't react. Come.

"After the puppy landed, he handed over the rope net and wanted to distance himself so that Niutou wouldn't stun him with E, but Jin Gong had flash!"

After landing, Jin Gong R [Blood Plague] covered Uzi's body, and then accumulated power to accumulate new blood stars!

"Without double summons, Uzi can only die in battle, and the situation in the middle is not optimistic either!"

Although Xiangguo used his ultimate move [Ultimate Explosive Bomb] to kill all the minions in the middle tower, the next wave of soldiers came up again!

"The troll is chewing the tower very fast. Morgana put a black shield on herself and activated her ultimate move to defend the middle tower!"

But the troll pillar had already turned around, blocking Xiao Ming's retreating position. Lin Ran maintained a dangerous temperature, and two skills roasted Morgana's health to waste!

"Xiao Ming's stopwatch hasn't turned around yet, so he can only choose to flash to distance himself... But in this way, this Zhongyi Tower will be completely unable to defend!"

Letme ran all the way from the top to the middle, using his ultimate move from a long distance to clear the line of troops.

But even if the middle tower with little health left has no troops, YM will forcefully demolish it!

With the doll's incredible commentary, one of the towers in RNG was the first to be broken!

"YM's command and execution are too outrageous!" Miller couldn't believe his eyes. "Who can believe that it was YM who took the lead in destroying the first-blood tower!"

I remember my brain was spinning rapidly, smoothing it all out, "They first used the dual predators to trick Ornn into teleporting and Thain driving, and then used their movement speed advantage to switch lanes and return to the middle, forcing Xiaohu to rush to the middle."

"Verus teleported to kill and cancel the account, YM three people came to the middle to push the tower, and deceived the male gun and Morgana, while Jin Gong teleported to kill Uzi who was alone in front of the YM tower! "

After talking a lot, I remember to finally explain YM’s action decision at this minute clearly.

"In just one minute, YM switched from defense to offense and came back to life, successfully taking the early advantage into his own hands!"

The audience was in an uproar, and the RNG fans who had been preparing to open champagne at midfield to celebrate the home team's entry into the deciding game were instantly silenced.

The large number of YM fans suddenly rose up, and the faces in the audience changed at the speed of light, but that was it!

"Beautiful!" Su Cheng, who was in the front row of the infield, looked at the big screen. The huge Summoner's Rift reflected the light in her beautiful eyes.

Having worked as a professional analyst, she was impressed by the tactical literacy shown by YM just now.

This is the biggest change brought to YM after the arrival of Redmi!

Other teams can also use this set of lane switching tactics, but the benefits will definitely not be as good as YM!

The strong execution ability allowed the five YM players to follow each other step by step throughout the entire tactical operation. The fast-paced snowballing forced RNG to make mistakes, thereby seizing the opportunity to maximize their profits.

Hongmi, who was watching the TV screen in the team lounge backstage, let out a long sigh of relief. With a faint smile on his lips, he shook hands with Guo Hao, Gou Ba and Jiang Chenglu in turn.

This line transfer operation and advancement made the director praise him repeatedly. Taking advantage of the fact that there was no battle happening in the Summoner's Rift, he simply replayed the rhythm of YM from beginning to end.

The audience in the event live broadcast room also came to their senses, and the barrage rushed across the screen like flowing water.

【Good rhythm! 】

[RNG people are all fainted]

[Guigui, can this blood tower be obtained by YM? I really vomited]

【Jack directed it! 】

The Shiba Inu who was mentioned in the barrage shared the bounty from the First Blood Tower and grinned excitedly, "Brother Ran is a great commander! I really have you!"

"Of course, you don't have to look at who my buddy is," Lin Ran helped the team get a perfect rhythm and relaxed temporarily, "I'm not bragging, this decision is the only one in the world!"

"Are you really pretending to be good?" Garlic Bastard said cheerfully.

Lin Ran was quite pleased with himself, took another sip of tea, and continued to give orders.

"Scavenge his wild area, and then come directly to Canyon Pioneer."

Their current line switching operation lasted from 8 minutes and 35 seconds to 9 minutes and 20 seconds, and now there are 40 seconds left before the Rift Pioneer appears.

Although this period of time is enough for YM to return to the city for supplies and then rush to Dalong Pit, but in that case, they will not be able to seize the view of the entire upper river.

Without vision, it is easy to be ambushed.

Whether it's Morgana drawing a bonus Q or Thain's grass charging Q [Cruel Slam], it will cause a lot of trouble to YM.

Lin Ran simply took his teammates to control the upper river view in advance, not giving RNG a chance to come over.

"No problem, just wait for me!" Liu Qingsong returned to the city after cooperating with Jin Gong to kill Uzi, replenished his real eyes and rushed to join the large army.

"Do you need me to come?" Jin Gong also asked in the voice. Now that the team has opened up and the game has entered the mid-term transition stage, communication has become more frequent.

"No, no, no, as long as we stand in a good position, the other side will never come!" Lin Ran was very sure.

RNG has never fought except for the policewoman's ultimate move, and the R skills of the others are cooling down. As long as the vision is controlled at the river pass, RNG does not dare to go in!

"Go down the road as soon as Xiangguo leaves. It looks like we are going to get rid of this canyon pioneer!"

The voice in the RNG team was dull and silent. After the last wave of deaths, Uzi's newly adjusted mentality was about to collapse again.

He felt a little regretful.

If I had known earlier, I would not have allowed Shi Senming to guard the tower in the middle.

If the support was in the bottom lane at that time, he would not be driven by the Bullhead and the Vampire at all, and the first-blood tower would naturally belong to him.

Even though the middle tower is going to be destroyed, it's still much better than not being able to get anything now, right?

"Let's grow for a while and see if we can defend it." Xiangguo's voice also softened. Although he didn't think that his decision to take Xiao Ming back to the middle was wrong, the result was that RNG lost his wife and troops.

"The Canyon Pioneer was also eaten by Rambo. Brother Ran is going to have a big mask when he returns to the city!" I remember that I didn't expect that the situation would take such a dramatic turn. "How are we going to manage Rambo's development?"

2/0/1, 95 dollars in 10 minutes, plus the economy of a one-blood tower, Lin Ran’s equipment is now ridiculously outstanding!

"More importantly, the policewoman did not get the first blood tower. Now Uzi has no way to advance the rhythm and can only passively defend according to YM's lane situation!"

The first tower of the policewoman's bottom lane is important here. If the defensive tower is knocked down first, the policewoman who switches lanes in advance can control the other line of troops.

As long as the soldier line is pushed out, the auxiliary jungler can arrange the field of view, thereby further expanding the radiation range of this advantageous path.

The team slowly took advantage of the female police officer to eat away the resources in the jungle, and used vision control to advance with more and less or as a team, and finally won the game.

But now it is YM who takes the initiative.

As long as Lin Ran doesn't let go of the Rift Herald, RNG will have to send two people to guard him - one person simply can't guard his developed Rambo, and the Rift Herald will push all the way when summoned.

The field of vision was suppressed, and manpower had to be assigned to find Lin Ran. The remaining people had no way to accompany Uzi to advance on other roads.

"With such a huge disadvantage, RNG can't even guard its own jungle area!"

Now that Xiangguo faced a dark wilderness area in his home, he could only explore forward cautiously.

Sometimes before even seeing the opposing hero appear, a bright red wolf head mark appears above his head!

Afraid of being detained by the predators' accelerating trolls, he had no choice but to abandon the wild monsters and find some development elsewhere.

"The economic gap between the two sides is still widening. The Pioneer has not yet been summoned, but it is already approaching the 4K mark!"

At 14 minutes, Lin Ran finally summoned the vanguard and bulldozed RNG's previous tower!

And Jin Gong also used the vampires who gradually came to a strong stage during this period to reduce the blood volume of RNG's lower tower.

Taking advantage of RNG's opportunity to deal with the Rift Pioneer, Lin Ran took the lead and seized all the resources in the opponent's jungle area.

The game entered the middle stage, and the female police officer, who had not received sufficient financial support before, fell into a low combat effectiveness.

Because Xiangguo lost several groups of wild monsters in a row, its development was also poor. The two cores had no output, and RNG did not dare to try to start a group.

YM played steadily and expanded its economic advantage to 7K at 20 minutes!

At this time, even the most optimistic RNG fans realized that there was not much time left for the home team.

"YM returns to the city to replenish supplies. Brother Ran's Rambo has already taken out his magic piercing stick!"

Lin Ran's equipment is extremely luxurious, including magic shoes, a large mask, a magic stick, a stopwatch, an explorer arm guard and a demonic codex!

He led his teammates straight to the dragon pit, without even setting up an ambush, and started Rushing as soon as his real eye was inserted!

"RNG hasn't reacted yet?" Wawa yelled.

By the time everyone in RNG realized that the YM team members had disappeared from the map for too long, Baron Nash's health had dropped to 5,500!

"RNG is heading into the jungle as a group, Morgana is scanning for fear of being ambushed..."

But just when they entered their red BUFF, a wolf head mark suddenly appeared above their heads!


"Get out, get out, get out!" Xiang Guo was afraid that he would be ambushed. Rambo's combat capabilities at narrow intersections in the wilderness were too terrifying, and he had to avoid his sharp edges.

"Have you been cheated?" Miller was dumbfounded. "There is only Rambo in the Dragon Pit!"

Uzi reacted halfway through and circled around so that his vision transformation could be inserted into the dragon pit.

As soon as the blue ornament was inserted, he saw that the dragon only had 2,200 health left!

"It's too late, YM successfully captured the dragon!" I remember roaring angrily, "Can a predator still use it like this?!"

[Hahahaha wolf head warning! 】

[RNG is really cowardly, but you should go for it! 】

[How come? Rambo’s ultimate move can burn out Uzi and Incense Pot’s HP, making them impossible to defeat, right? 】

Uzi's face flushed, and he knew the situation was over.

"YM advanced steadily and broke three highland crystals one after another!"

A steady stream of super soldiers poured into the RNG high ground. At this time, the problem of insufficient line clearing ability was finally exposed.

Mages with no range damage, stunted male guns and female police officers can't clear these super soldiers at all!

The RNG fans in the stands held their heads in their hands and looked up at the big screen with helplessness written in their eyes.

The surrounding YM fans have begun to celebrate the birth of the Spring Split Champion in advance!

Su Cheng picked up her phone and started recording, wanting to record the moment Lin Ran won the championship.

The five YM people who were resupplying equipment followed the super soldiers to the RNG front tooth tower!

Lin Ran turned on the Predator, found the right position, and pulled out the R constant-temperature burning sideways, covering Morgana and the policewoman!

Q Arson Feast is on, flash forward to maximize the output, and at the same time activate the golden body evasion control!

Physically force a group start!

The YM supporters in the audience set off a wave of cheers, and the Bullhead and the Troll stepped forward one after another, handing over flashes to start the team battle!

"Uzi is still outputting, he hasn't given up yet!" Wawa lamented, "But the damage of Verus and Rambo is too high, he has no room for output at all!"

Jack now has one more big thing than Uzi. Seeing that his opponent still wants to pull him away, he decisively flashes his face and kills Uzi with three arrows plus the Q piercing arrow!

"No more!" Miller yelled, "No more miracles!"

"The RNG base is going to be destroyed!"

With the deafening noise from the commentary and the audience, YM was overwhelming and smashed the opponent's main crystal into pieces!

RNG this early period u2026u2026

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