LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 462 Chapter 460: Canyon Relativity

"Try not to hit the front, just keep dragging them with them!" Lin Ran returned to the city and bought a yellow cross and an attack speed dagger, and continued to fly to the bottom lane to try to lead the lane.

He took advantage of the gap before touching the soldier line, released his right hand holding the mouse, took a paper cup and poured a sip of ice water into his mouth.

A good biological clock keeps him in a highly excited state at this moment.

Lin Ran glanced at the small map and said, "I will continue to lead the lower lane. If the opponent hits, try to hold off for a while and I can take the dragon."

The one that will be refreshed soon is a purgatory dragon, and its attributes are quite attractive.

If Lin Ran can seize the bottom lane position, he can use this advantage to kill the fire dragon alone.

"YM's lineup lacks team-building," Wang Duoduo said, watching Jack use Icathia Heavy Rain to clean up the short lane in the middle. EZ jumped in the face again, and EAQ took away less than half of Kai'Sa's health. He couldn't help frowning, " They can't threaten Ezreal at all!"

Kris wanted to nod in agreement with her partner, but suddenly realized that she was on the commentary stage, and the director's screen showed a live game, and even if she nodded, the audience couldn't see it.

She panicked instinctively, and then quickly organized her words before Wang Duoduo continued.

"That's right, YM, whether it's Crow Olaf or Kasha Morgana, is unlikely to be responsible for starting a team. In this case, EZ can keep fighting like this..."

She swallowed the second half of the sentence and looked at the screen on the commentary table with slightly widened eyes!

In the Summoner's Canyon, the middle lines of soldiers connected again. Jack stepped forward to clear the lines of soldiers as usual, not wanting the soldiers to flood into his second tower.

Ezreal jumped decisively when he saw this, and wanted to use a set of skills.

As a result, Jack became anxious.

He has always been the one to jump in other people's faces. How have he ever been so angry?

You haven't been beaten, have you?

Shiba Inu directly activated E [Extreme Overload], and Kai'Sa, who had completed the skill evolution, instantly became invisible and escaped into the void, pulling him to the side and in front.

"What are you going to do?" Liu Qingsong's heart dropped when he saw this scene, "Don't give it away!"

Before he finished speaking, purple projectiles from the void hit Ezreal one after another.

Basic attack + Icathia heavy rain!

In this version, EZ, who does not use Ice Fist, was relatively fragile before synthesizing Seraph. Although Jack died once, his development did not drop too much. This set of skills reduced EZ's HP by 30%!

"With the help of high attack speed and movement speed, Kai'Sa is still moving forward and getting closer," Wang Duoduo sped up and shouted amidst the restless noise created by the audience: "The basic attacks keep hitting EZ!"

Ou Cheng's AQ lowered Jack's health and tried to force him back.

But he didn't expect that Kasha would hand over the healing technique to forcefully fight with him!

Liu Qingsong didn't expect it, but Jack rushed forward at this time, and it was impossible for him to force the Shiba Inu to withdraw.

"Morgana used a black shield from a long distance to withstand the damage of EZ Essence Leap... Ou Cheng had to find his teammates. With teleportation, he lacked a summoner skill, and it seemed that he couldn't win in a duel. Kasha!”

Only then did Ou Cheng realize that he was pretending to be big.

The Magic Cut is still a little short of being stacked up. Although his equipment is slightly ahead, Kai'Sa's one-on-one ability is far better than Ezreal!

"Broxah fired the ultimate explosive bomb from a long distance..." Kris, who was making his debut, was shocked by Kai'Sa's operation. "Jack used his ultimate move to move to the side of the EZ, and while adjusting his position, he avoided the male gun's ultimate move!"

And W [Void Seeking Enemy] was cast when he used R to move, using the movement process to hide the casting action, and successfully hit the EZ!

Jack's proficiency with Kai'Sa is definitely world-class. In critical moments, he not only dodges skills with his ultimate move, but also performs a set of RW combos.

"Rekkles' health has been reduced to the limit, and he was forced to hand over his flash and run backwards..."

Wang Duoduo's eyes widened when he said this, "Hylissang Li Zai Gan God Demon?!"

The Tauren Chief had just arrived at the battle. When Ou Cheng flashed back, he also handed over his own flash.

But this flash is forward!

Brutal collision + earth crushing!

With the FNC fans in the audience screaming in surprise, the horns smashed the black shield given by Morgana to pieces. Arista raised his muscular arms and smashed them at Kai'Sa's feet!

But the next moment, another golden light flashed in the canyon.

Kai'Sa suddenly moved 400 yards backward!

"Jack dodged!" Wang Duoduo breathed in sharply, "Dodge and dodge the Niutou's flash WQ second company!"

Hylissang was stunned for a moment, Morgana's dark imprisonment held him in place!

"Jin Gong used his passive [Frenzy Crow Eater] to pull the bull's head in front of him... YM's output was very high, so he was forced to use his ultimate move to reduce damage!"

However, the Minotaur Chief's health was still declining at an extremely fast rate. Crow's E [Never Go Again] trapped him, and Kai'Sa, who still had half health left, shot out void projectiles to output wildly. Hylissang was two levels behind the rest of the field. The support simply cannot withstand such high damage!

FNC fans who originally thought Jack would die were instantly silenced. A few YM supporters gave out inspiring shouts, which echoed in the huge LCSEU studio!

"Rekkles has too little health, and without a output environment, he has no choice but to sell his support." Kris, a neurotic expert, saw the problem, "Hylissang has a problem communicating with his teammates!"

Ou Cheng didn't want to continue to entangle with Jack after he was hit by Jack's RW combo, but he did not pass this message to Hylissang at the critical moment.

Hailisang thought Ou Cheng was seducing.

Unexpectedly, he was the one who was fooled.

"The Bullhead is dead, EZ is in poor condition, and FNC seems to have lost the ability to compete for this fire dragon!"

[What is Hailisang doing? 】

【Hailisang? Hi, send it! 】

[Is this cow’s head a pig’s nose? Is there anyone who rushes forward like this? 】

[XSWL, teammates all retreated, he flashed up and killed two people in a row]

[Don’t be embarrassed, isn’t this a gift of beef to YM for a taste? 】

[Guigui, Jack’s reaction~]

Lin Ran, who was still involved with the caps in the bottom lane, didn't expect his teammates to be so powerful. He just opened a hole in the face of a frontal disadvantage.

Before he could speak, he heard Liu Qingsong's continuous encouragement from the team's voice.

"Well done, Jack!"

At first, he thought that Jack was anxious and wanted to kill him, but he didn't expect that he would actually make such a move.

The Shiba Inu was breathing rapidly and his ears were red. It was probably that the operation just now made him nervous and excited.

Hearing the encouragement from his teammates, he tilted his mouth and said, "The black shield you gave me is not bad, I will give you 1/3 of the credit!"

Since he has been involved in team command all year round, Jack's reaction is actually not fast enough to easily dodge the bull's head and flash WQ, especially when he is unprepared.

No one else in FNC expected that Helisan would suddenly flash forward, and he was naturally not prepared.

Just now, Morgana's remaining black shield helped him block the Bullhead's W [Savage Crash], and just now he asked Jack to hand over the flash before Q [Earth Shatter] knocked him away, giving him some precious reaction time.

Otherwise, when the bull's head hits W, Jack will be in the process of being knocked back and unable to escape.

"After you take the fire dragon, continue to drag. Immediately stack the EZ magic cutter. Don't give them a chance!" Lin Ran brought the troops to the second tower of FNC. He saw that caps was still guarding the tower, and other opponents also disappeared from the map. , not daring to go deeper, he simply ate a group of stone beetles.

Since he had been split-pushing on the side lanes to search for wild monster resources, Lin Ran's last-hit count had already exceeded the time limit. In only 17 minutes, he made up 200 knives, returned to the city again, bought a green cross, and flew towards the bottom lane.

"Brother Ran still wants to lead alone, and now YM wants to take advantage of the last three minutes before Dalong is born to open up the situation on the wing!"

Caps almost fainted when he saw the green cross on Lin Ran's body.

This version of Phantom Ball provides the holder with a passive - Lament: damage taken from the last enemy hero is reduced by 12%.

This is simply a one-on-one weapon for crispy skin.

It was difficult for him to threaten the purified Lin Ran, but as soon as the green cross appeared, he couldn't even think about killing him.

"Can you please take care of Quinn? The second tower is about to be taken down now!" Caps could only watch Lin Ran push the tower. If he dared to step forward now, he would be kicked by Quinn.

Except for bwipo who is on the road, the remaining three FNC players are still near the middle road, playing a childish game with YM where one side pushes a wave of troops.

"How come?" Ou Cheng now finally has the equipment of Magic Cut + Three Elements + Goddess Tears. Hearing Caps' request, he cut the screen and glanced at the bot lane, "Two or three of us can't catch him."

caps fell into silence.

He knew his teammates were right.

Although YM does not have the means to start a group, FNC also lacks first-hand control.

They relied too much on Hailisan.

But now that the Niutou Chief has not appeared, it is impossible for him to get close to Lin Ran.

The remaining crocodile's stun or Ryze's imprisonment effect can be easily avoided by Lin Ran using purification.

If too much energy is allocated to the bottom lane, the middle gate will be wide open, giving YM a chance to advance in reverse.

I have no choice but to stay frozen like this.

At 21 minutes, Lin Ran successfully demolished the second tower in the bottom lane, then devoured the FNC stone beetle that spawned, turned around and activated his ultimate move and disappeared from FNC's sight.

Since the bottom line of troops has been unable to exit, Halisan was unable to place multiple eye positions in the lower half, and could only insert a circle of vision along the positions of the Sharp Beak and Red BUFF camps.

As a result, they failed to obtain Lin Ran's location immediately.

When Quinn reappeared in FNC's field of vision, he was already at the edge of the Sharpbill camp.

This is a great spot to go around the back!

"Get out, get out, stay together as a team, don't be left alone!" Ou Cheng was still directing his teammates, his tone was extremely urgent and a little anxious.

He was not afraid that Lin Ran, Quinn, would get behind him. After all, he was just a squishie and could not pose much of a threat to them.

But Lin Ran held a real eye in his hand.

Jin Gong's crow can teleport. Once this two-piece Swain comes to the back row, combined with Kai'Sa's ultimate move, it is possible to destroy the entire FNC team instantly.

"The real eye wall fell, Jin Gong's teleportation fell," Kris was shocked, "Is YM going to take over the group?!"

The red swirling light symbolizing teleportation fell outside the wall of the Sharpbill camp, blocking FNC's retreat to the first tower of their home!

"I can't stop him from teleporting!" Bwipo took two steps up the road and found no trace of Jin Gong. Knowing that it would be difficult for him to stop his opponent at this time, he quickly teleported to the first tower.

"The crocodile who is still clearing the troops in the bottom lane also handed over the teleport," Wang Duoduo increased his volume, "YM still wants to keep people on the front, it seems that they really want to fight!"

Jack's W [Surveying Enemies in the Void] hit the bull-headed chief at the back from a very long distance. The boy was even more ferocious. He flashed his ax and successfully retained Hailisang!

FNC is panicking to death and just wants to run away to save their status.

Quinn, who is connected with Valor, is still circling sideways, trying to put pressure on his opponent!

"The Tauren Chief can only activate his ultimate move..."

Hailisang, who has been killed several times in a row, has not yet reached level 11. The level 1 ultimate move can only provide 55% damage reduction. In addition, his own equipment support is not luxurious enough, so it is really not useful in hard calculation.

"YM is really going to be a butcher today, they are just looking at the bull head slaughter!"

Amidst Wang Duoduo's wanton roar, Hailisang's blood volume quickly dropped to the dangerous range, but Ou Cheng had no healing skills and could not save the tauren!

The entire FNC team is planning to sell their support, and even Hailisang himself doesn't want to live anymore. He has died so many times anyway, and this time is no different.

As long as you can protect your teammates.

But outside the tower in FNC, the teleportation light on Lin Ran's real eye that he had inserted suddenly disappeared!

"Eh?" Kris didn't react. "What's going on? Jin Gong isn't coming?!"

The voice inside the FNC team was in chaos.

The opponent's sudden cancellation of the teleport left them scratching their heads.

"I canceled, don't stop!" Caps also tried to direct his teammates, letting bwipo land to support his teammates, while he continued to guard the bottom lane.

He knew that once he teleported to the ground, Lin Ran would definitely use Quinn's high mobility to return to the bottom lane and demolish the high ground.

With Quinn's equipment, it would only take five or six seconds to dismantle the Highland Tower.

But bwipo had its own ideas at this time.

If he teleports to the middle, his own development will be delayed. Jin Gong will definitely take this opportunity to eat up all the wild monsters in the first half of FNC.

It would be cool if he developed better, but bwipo died no less often than Hailisang in this game, and his economic equipment couldn't keep up with Jin Gong's crow.

Teleporting to the ground is just a waste of time, so who will provide him with the nutrients he lacks?

After Jin Gong canceled TP, it was only 1 second before the bwipo teleport landed.

He had no more time to think, so he could only cancel the transmission based on his intuition.

Lin Ran originally just wanted to use this wave of Jin Gong's bypass TP to deceive FNC's double teleportation.

But he didn't expect that FNC would make another mistake!

Backstage in the team lounge, FNC coach YoungBuck saw this scene with his hands behind his head and a look of annoyance on his face.

In the room where the YM competition training department was located, Hongmi and Gouba burst into cheers!

The problem of Europeans starting to get sick as soon as they reach the middle period has been exposed again!

"Look at me!" Amidst the continuous cheers, they could hear Lin Ran's steady voice. He raised his volume slightly to ensure that everyone in the voice channel could hear his words.

The next moment, Quinn suddenly flashed and rushed into FNC's defense tower!

Swirling and plundering!

Quinn kicked hard at Ezreal, and with the feather blades scattered all over the sky when Valor left, he backflip kicked Oucheng!

The damage is secondary, the key is that Ou Cheng has an extra layer of plasma effect!

"Dun, don, don't!" Jack roared, knowing that the opportunity was too late to miss.

He didn't care if Liu Qingsong could react, R [Hunter Instinct] turned into a purple void phantom and rushed forward!

When Jack landed, he saw the magic black shield above his head and knew that Liu Qingsong had reacted at the critical moment.

He breathed a sigh of relief and at the same time used his basic attacks in conjunction with the Icathia Heavy Rain, plus Lin Ran's previous output, causing Ezreal's health to drop to half in an instant!

"Brother Ran flashed over the wall and kicked people, and Jack followed up with his decisive big move." Wang Duoduo looked at the battle that had already broken out on the screen of the commentary desk. "They seized the opportunity and wanted to kill FNC's best-developed Ou Cheng first!"

Hailisang only had a layer of blood skin left, and before he had time to react, he was killed by Xiaoyao's ax with real damage.

"Now FNC only has EZ and the male gun in front of them. They can't block the damage from the YM double shooter!"

Especially for EZ, Ou Cheng now does not have the shield of Seraph's Embrace, and he does not carry any healing skills. He can only use E [Arcane Leap] to try to escape.

Ou Cheng kept pressing Flash, but the Summoner skill that was forced out by Jack in the middle of the last wave had less than 15 seconds to turn around!

It was in these 15 seconds that YM seized the opportunity and killed him!

"Ka'Sa activates E [Extreme Overload] to accelerate the pursuit!" Wang Duoduo's voice was inspiring.

Jack hit Ezreal one after another with void projectiles, and the YM audience in the audience was already excited!

Lin Ran fired a vulnerable normal attack to kill Ou Cheng. At the same time, he also withdrew from the range of the defense tower and continued to fight with Broxah!

The moment Caps and bwipo saw Lin Ran flash over the wall and come to the middle, they knew how wrong they had made.

They wanted to save it but had no chance. They could only watch their jungler fall to Kai'Sa's basic attack!

The scene was completely silent, even the die-hard female fans who held a huge support sign for Ou Cheng at the beginning were silent.

"YM seized the opportunity and killed three FNC junglers one after another. They are going to fight Baron!" Kris exclaimed in admiration, "Brother Ran, is this too decisive?"

Everyone in YM didn't even demolish the first tower and went straight to the big dragon pit. They knew that time was very valuable. If they failed to accept Baron Nash before Ou Cheng was resurrected, it was very likely that Ezri, who rushed to the scene, would be teleported. Er and Crocodile Ryze harvest the battle.

"Bwipo and caps walked towards the dragon pit, but crow immediately activated his ultimate move!"

Jin Gong didn't hide his skills either. He used his ultimate move in advance. Swain spread his crow wings and was enough to intimidate FNC's middle and top players.

"Ka'Sa's sheep knives are stacked up, and combined with the passive plasma, the speed of beating the baron is extremely fast!" Wang Duoduo saw Crocodile and Ryze leaving the baron pit, and immediately smiled, "FNC gave up!"

Accompanied by the desperate roar of the dragon before his death, the five YM people were surrounded by the dark purple Baron Nash BUFF!

"This wave of YM's involvement tactics is very successful," Wang Duoduo praised the previous performance of his team from the division. "They let Jin Gong deceive the opponent's teleportation, and then successfully found the flaw and seized the opportunity to break the deadlock in one fell swoop!"

"In this case, how will FNC deal with Ran Ge's side lane?" Kris began to worry about FNC's next situation.

"Both Crocodile and Ryze on the wing are no match for YM in the middle and top. FNC is forced to retreat steadily and give up all map resources except the high ground!"

YM implemented a 131-point push strategy. Jin Gong and Lin Ran pushed up and down respectively. The remaining three squatted in the middle and ran over like bulldozers.

The economic gap has widened rapidly, and Ou Cheng is now faced with the dilemma of having nowhere to make money. Since he made the two-piece set, the equipment has been discontinued for a long time.

On the opposite side, Kai'Sa used the heads and team economy gained from the previous two chaotic battles to make the Storm Sword and Pickaxe. She has successfully evolved Q [Icathian Rainstorm] and is about to make the Infinity Blade. Ou I was so anxious that I died.

"We have to pick up the team and find loopholes." bwipo realized that the situation was not quite right, and wanted to make up for it quickly. "If we continue to delay, we will definitely lose!"

Caps' Crocodile has now reached the peak of its combat power. As the game progresses, the Crocodile's role in the team will become smaller and smaller, while Quinn's single-band advantage will expand to infinity.

"After I activate R, I will catch a wave of Kai'Sa and interrupt his rhythm!" bwipo put forward his own suggestion.

"Let's try it." Ou Cheng was vague.

Lin Ran is still leading the lane in the bottom lane, but now he relies on the Baron BUFF to stand on the high ground of FNC and demolish the defense towers.

Caps, a boy who loves to laugh, has a gloomy face.

But he really had no choice but to huddle under the tower and clear the line of troops. He handed over E [Rampage] and was kicked by Quinn. After applying the vulnerable effect, he chased and fired three arrows in a row, and the crocodile's health was reduced. Down by half!

"Oh my God, Quinn's equipment is really ahead now," Kris yelled, "The crocodile can't bear the damage at all!"

Lin Ran had eaten a lot of defense tower economy, and with the stone beetles that were refreshed every two and a half minutes before, his equipment was now a bit exaggeratedly luxurious, but he took out a three-piece set including the Infinity Blade in 24 minutes.

The crocodile equipment of caps is not bad, but it is only a black blood-cutting portable Tiamat. It is not smooth enough and its output cannot keep up with Lin Ran.

"Ryze is driving!" Wang Duoduo suddenly shouted, staring at Summoner's Rift, "FNC still wants to fight to the death!"

The rune teleportation array points directly to the ruins of the second tower in FNC, blocking the retreat of Jack, Liu Qingsong and Xiaotian!

"The male guns Ryze and EZ get on the bus, and cooperate with the Tauren Chief on the high ground in the middle, planning to have a four-for-three attack!"

Lin Ran still wanted to get closer to the middle, but Caps followed him reluctantly, not wanting him to activate his ultimate move!

"Brother Ran was forced to start a one-on-one duel with caps. After the rest of FNC completed their detour, they started to attack YM three people with crazy output!"

Jin Gong, who was staying on the high ground on the road, still wanted to help, but his movement speed was too slow and he couldn't catch up in a short time. He could only cast W [Imperial Vision] remotely first.

Lin Ran hit the crocodile with another Q [Dazzling Offensive], but Caps quickly activated his ultimate move [Ultimate Dominance] to boost his health and anger.

Caps obviously knew that he was no match for Quinn who had purification. He didn't have the guts to challenge Lin Ran in a duel, he just didn't want him to support him.

"Pull a little!" Ou Cheng didn't forget to remind his mid laner.

Caps felt like he had been trampled by ten thousand grass and mud horses.

Still pulling? Tell me how this works?

He was ready to sacrifice the moment he stepped forward.

Lin Ran used the attack speed and movement speed provided by the fragile mark to chase the crocodile and shoot fiercely. Caps turned around and wanted to bite him, but with the high movement speed added, he managed to pull Quinn away with a small movement. The distance between yourself and the crocodile!

Caps turned back and walked down the tower again. Lin Ran turned around and chased forward again, focusing his basic attack on the crocodile!

Lin Ran's critical hit probability is now as high as 50%, and the cooldown of the passive [Intrusion] has been reduced by 50%. Now the passive is refreshed again, and he mercilessly attacks with a vulnerable effect.

The previously reduced movement speed and attack speed have increased again!

He saw Caps turn around and wanted to control himself, so he once again took a small step back to distance himself!

Everyone in caps was numb.

Movement speed, attack speed and shooting range are all at a disadvantage. After entering the mid-term, the Crocodile's disadvantage against Quinn becomes even more obvious, and it is basically in a state of invincibility.

The crocodile flashed and wanted to leave, but Lin Ran chased after him and took a sip with dilapidation, then rushed in while resisting the Highland Tower!

"You want to kill them all, right?" Caps has never seen such a person.

He turned around with E and tried to get closer, but Lin Ran immediately interrupted him with E [Spiral Strike]!

The audience saw the whole process of Lin Ran's tugging through the split screen shown by the director. Some YM fans were already shouting Lin Ran's ID!

In the Summoner's Rift, Lin Ran hit another vulnerable effect. Caps was so angry that he waved his weapon Q, but it had no effect, and he had to die suddenly under the tower!

Lin Ran completed a solo kill!

The crocodile didn't even touch him the whole time!

He left the range of the defense tower and glanced at the middle of the road.

Liu Qingsong and Xiaoyao were killed one after another, leaving only Jack, who was still alive, to use his ultimate move to move and successfully reunited with Jin Gong who came to support him.

Killing the two YM players was not without cost for FNC. Both the male gunner and Ryze's health were reduced, but the duo's health was still pretty good.

"Jack, go demolish the tower. Brother Xiba and I will fight together!" Lin Ran didn't want to give up yet, when the sound of an eagle chirped, Quinn and Hua Luo became one again!

"Brother Ran will continue to fight, he is moving very fast now!" Wang Duoduo said in a hurry, "The remaining four people in FNC cannot return to the high ground!"

Lin Ran took advantage of his movement speed and lingered on the side of FNC.

And Jin Gong also activated his ultimate move to enter the field from the side!

"Hailisang used W [Savage Crash] to knock the crow away, but what are we going to do with the remaining Brother Ran?!"

At this time, the director gave the situation on the high ground on the road. Jack had dismantled the defense tower and was preparing to destroy the crystal!

Wang Duoduo understood the overall situation, "Quinn's movement speed is as high as 800, and her position control is very subtle. Only EZ's long hand can hurt him, and the others can't do anything to her!"

This is the benefit of fast movement. Lin Ran stretched the distance wantonly.

The FNC formation moved forward, and Lin Ran took a step back.

However, due to the different movement speeds of everyone in FNC, such movement will cause the formation to disperse.

Lin Ran will move forward again at this time. He always keeps himself in a position where FNC alone can hurt him, and tries his best to create a one-on-one environment.

Liu Qingsong had already reminded him that EZ and Ryze had just exchanged flashes, and he was not afraid that the opponent would suddenly attack.

Seeing Quinn and Valor, who were moving at up to 800 speeds, pulling wildly in front of them like dancing, everyone in FNC was almost suffering from brain congestion.

They were anxious as hell.

"Ezreal's ultimate move failed to hit Kai'Sa who was far away with residual health... The male gun couldn't help but take action!"

Broxah, who was still alive, slid forward and tried to cover Lin Ran with a smoke bomb, but he was shot to death with an arrow!

However, after Lin Ran released his ultimate move, his movement speed dropped a lot.

"Ritz stepped forward and activated Seraph. EW wants to control Quinn!"

The purification special effect appeared, and before the rest of FNC could step forward, Lin Ran used his skills to distance himself again!

The basic attack point is on the minions, and Lin Ran is still using the blood-sucking damage to restore his status.

Now that Kai'Sa has finished dismantling the crystal, she is approaching the Incisor Tower with her troops!

And Lin Ran and Jin Gong were flanked by each other, trapping the three of FNC!

"Ryze's shield disappears, and Crow flashes into the field to deal damage!"

Now Bwipo has also been killed!

"Only Niutou and EZ are left. Will Brother Ran still want to fight?" Wang Duoduo spoke faster, "He took advantage of the crow to attract firepower, widened the distance again, and blocked the FNC duo's retreat!"

"Can it really succeed? Jack has already knocked down an incisor tower!"

"Quinn came back to help dismantle the tower. EZ and Niutou still wanted to defend, but it was too late!"

The dual shooter output capabilities of Quinn and Kai'Sa are too strong, and the FNC main castle cannot withstand their damage!

Coupled with the constant flow of soldiers coming from the high ground on the top road, the health of the FNC base dropped rapidly!

Seeing this, Kris said anxiously: "Brother Bolan's pulling has done a great job!"

"Although Quinn has little control, his deceleration ability is quite outstanding!"

Hearing these words, Wang Duoduo's originally passionate explanation suddenly stopped.

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Kris realized that he had made a slip of the tongue and said speeding up instead of decelerating.

But she had an exquisite mind and quick reactions, so she quickly added, "Because of the theory of relativity, when Quinn accelerates herself, it is equivalent to slowing down her opponent!"

Wang Duoduo opened his mouth slightly and looked at his partner with an incredulous expression.

what are you talking about?

The barrage was full of question marks at this time, and even the explosion of FNC's final base failed to attract their attention!

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