LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 463 461: Facing a powerful enemy!

The five YM contestants took off their headphones, feeling relaxed and happy. Even Liu Qingsong, who usually kept a straight face in front of the camera, had a smile on his lips.

He also shook hands with Jack, who performed very well in the middle of the inning.

But even so, there wasn't much discussion about YM's victory in the live broadcast room barrage.

The audience was all shocked by Kris's remarks.

[Explanation: What is this thing? 】

['Although Quinn has little control, his deceleration ability is quite outstanding.' Is there any Chinese teacher who can teach me how to explain this? 】

[Don't be embarrassed, what I mean is...forget it, if you can't get round, anyway, don't be embarrassed! 】

[Didn’t someone tell you? In the theory of relativity, Quinn's acceleration is equivalent to FNC's deceleration, don't you understand? 】

[I really didn’t understand it]

[Founder of Canyon Relativity, Boxboxboxboxbox]

Kris on the commentary desk naturally couldn't see the controversy on the barrage. She was still complacent, feeling that she had completed a wonderful smoothing.

At this time, she was in an excited mood and said loudly: "Congratulations to YM, for winning another victory on the second match day, leading the standings with 3 wins and 0 losses!"

Wang Duoduo also felt that his partner's previous statement on the theory of relativity was a bit outrageous, but it was impossible for him to express any further opinions on this statement during the live broadcast. He could only continue to evaluate the game that had just ended.

"FNC showed good confrontation ability in the early stage of the game, but in the middle stage, they made several mistakes one after another..."

He watched the YM players leave the players' bench to shake hands with each other, "We all know that you can't show your flaws when facing a team like YM. Once they seize the opportunity, it will snowball one after another. Unable to turn over.”

Kris nodded matter-of-factly. She wanted to agree but didn't know what to say, so she could only say dryly: "That's it."

Nowadays, the barrage pays a lot of attention to her. Even Lin Ran is no match for Kris. Every sentence will make the audience think about it for a long time.

【That's it? Pretending to be meow, right? 】

[I regret turning on the commentary voice for this game]

[Wang Duoduo’s overall control of the field is okay. Don’t let him analyze it. Can Tengjing give some help to bring back those professional players who are on vacation? 】

[What about Uzi Dancing? If you’re not playing MSI, you’ll just have a live broadcast at home and have dinner. Why are you leaving them idle?]

The barrage is still criticizing Kris. Although Wang Duoduo’s business ability is not very outstanding now.

But without comparison, there is no harm.

With Kris around, Wang Duoduo seems to be at a much higher level.

If his partner wasn't always talking about weird theories, he would still enjoy explaining things with Kris.

After shaking hands, Lin Ran trotted back to the lounge, just to take a look at the MVP of this game.

When he saw his makeup photo on the TV screen, he finally laughed out loud.

"Jack, Jack," he turned to look at the displeased Shiba Inu and patted his own Edici on the shoulder, "After all, this world still belongs to me!"

Jack curled his lips in displeasure.

His mistakes in this game have been kept to a minimum. Except for being killed by Ou Cheng's big move when he returned to the city from the tower in the early stage, there was no one killed in the game.

This is natural for Bang, but it is a once-in-a-decade experience for Jack's type.

After all, Shiba Inu's classic operation is to ride in the face to win cups. Although the number of deaths and damage sustained cannot compare with the top laner, it can still be regarded as the best in the ADC position.

Moreover, Jack's performance was also crucial when he faced the advanced EZ twice in the mid-term.

But there was still a big mountain pressing on his head.

Lin Ran also only died once in this game, but his single-band advantage was too exaggerated. Caps only played a good role in the two small-scale team battles in the early stage. After that, he has been suppressed by his opponent, basically belonging to defense. Ta is a conjoined twin.

Moreover, Lin Ran was the first to kill Ou Cheng in the first wave of FNC; the last wave was even more top-notch, and even allowed Kris to create the famous commentary scene of the Canyon Theory of Relativity.

It can only be said that both YM and C played brilliantly in this game, but they just chose the one with better performance.

"Brother Ran, you've already won the MVP. Why don't you treat me to a pork knuckle tonight?" Jack's face turned from gloomy to bright, and he wanted to blackmail Lin Ran for a meal.

"You master EZ, and I'll treat you to ten German pork knuckles." Lin Ran patted Jack's shoulder.

After listening to Jiang Chenglu’s translation, Hongmi also turned to Jack and said, “You really are this EZ, when can you take it out?”

Shiba Inu felt that he was losing his temper, "How can you win without practicing? Ou Cheng is so fat in the early stage of the game, isn't it useless?"

It's not that he hasn't practiced EZ, after all, he is considered a strong hero in the version.

But it is not placed in a very high position, but placed at the same priority as heroes such as Kai'Sa and Big Mouth.

This has resulted in his EZ proficiency not being particularly high.

It is definitely possible to choose, but the effect is not as good as other ADCs.

But he was still a little arrogant after just winning the game, and he thought that not being able to get EZ out would not affect the overall situation.

Hongmi frowned.

I'm afraid there is something wrong with this person's thinking.

He needed to calm Jack down.

In the next game, the Vietnamese team successfully gave FNC a point, and Ou Cheng's gloomy face finally showed a smile.

Although they failed to defeat YM, FNC, which scored the third point, still secured its position tied for second in the group.

This is already a surprise for them.

If we work hard, we might be able to beat KZ and come back second in the group.

This is the return of the glory of the ancestors.

Next, YM will face the North American champion TL.

Hongmi continued to play Ezreal this time. The senior brother didn't expect such a good thing, so he quickly arranged for Damu to arrange EZ for him.

TL's entire lineup consists of Shen, Olaf, Malzahar, EZ and Braum, which is almost a four-guarantee-one system.

This is the only version in the past two years that can use four protections and one EZ. The dual cultivation of Magic Cut + Seraph gives Ezreal terrifying endurance, damage and fault tolerance. Coupled with the protection of other people in the lineup, death It doesn’t fall off but also has output.

Jack still used Kai'Sa, and the bottom lane showed a stable development, but in the mid-term, the situation changed.

Liquid's mid laner Pobelter used Malzahar to tie Lin Ran's Zoe in the middle.

As long as the missing chapter is made, Grasshopper's line clearing ability is ridiculously outstanding. With the two small skills of EW and the minion remover, an entire wave of lines can be cleared quickly.

Garlic Bastard repeatedly tried to find opportunities to help Lin Ran open up the situation.

However, Teacher Omu is a very stable person. He operates the Eye of Twilight and uses teleportation and ultimate moves to repeatedly help the mid laner ease the dilemma.

Although there was a gap in the overall strength of the two teams, until 15 minutes, YM's economic lead only remained at 2K gold coins.

After that, it was time for the senior brother to exert his strength.

With Magic Cut + Three Phase Power, Ezreal completely dominated the battle in the mid-term!

At 26 minutes, the senior brother started a team fight physically, and with the protection of Shen and Braun, he scored four kills!

There was only one poke point left in YM, Lin Ran and Zoe, and the rest were all sent to the spring to wait for resurrection!

"Doublelift, the light of North America!" The LCSNA commentary box was filled with excitement. Commentator Kobe Bryant roared angrily, "They successfully played 2 for 4, and then moved to the Baron Pit. Is TL going to break the unbeaten streak of defending champion YM today? ?"

Nowadays, the number of viewers on the Mouse Channel is growing like crazy. Compared with the beginning of the game, the number of online viewers has increased by a full 2.2 times!

The North American audience, who are accustomed to being Buddhists, are excited for the first time since the mid-season!

The chat content in the event live broadcast room went by quickly, leaving no time for reaction. The various emoticons and emoticons were enough to prove the uncontrollable excitement in the hearts of the North American audience!

They have been eager to prove the strength of their division for a long time. When North America is about to win the Baron, it will only be a matter of time before YM is overthrown!

The die-hard North American fans who were originally lurking in the event live broadcast room like IG dogs are finally proud and proud!

[Doublelift, my superman! 】

[Quote - I am not targeting anyone, I am saying that everyone here is...]

[This is the true strength of NA! @Fnatic, come in and see how your North American dad beats YM! 】

In the second half, the commentator Hao Kai was hoarse from a wave of team battles. At this time, he had not yet recovered, and his voice was hoarse.

"If TL gets this big dragon, this EZ with four guarantees and one will never die!"

Lin Ran's Zoe has very limited effect in the late stage, but how can Jack's Kai'Sa break through TL's heavy defense and kill Ezreal?

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that YM has fallen into a dead situation.

With a weak lineup and a wave of mistakes, losing this game seemed inevitable.

"What are Ran doing?!" Kobe, the North American commentator, suddenly became alert, and his body leaned forward involuntarily as he stared at the screen.

In the Summoner's Rift, Lin Ran, who was on the red side, took advantage of the three remaining TL players to run to focus on the Fire Dragon. He wandered around the wild area and successfully picked up Ezreal while the Summoner's skill fragment remained for 40 seconds. The teleportation handed over earlier!

After receiving the teleportation, he immediately returned to the city. On the way, he inserted a real eye under his feet to prevent himself from being discovered by TL.

Returning to the city in 8 seconds, Lin Ran only had two pieces of equipment: Lu Benwei's Echo + Ghost Book. In the last wave of team battles, he participated in killing the opponent's support and top laner. Since he didn't get any kills, he didn't have any extra economy in his backpack.

With a total of less than 700 gold coins, I couldn't buy any equipment that could significantly improve combat effectiveness.

He knew that this was YM's last chance. If this dragon fell and EZ synthesized Seraph, the team would really have no chance of a comeback.

Lin Ran gritted his teeth and spent 500 gold coins to buy a witchcraft mixture, and another 150 gold coins to buy two real eyes.

The teleportation lights up, and the landing point is located on the tower above YM's residual health!

As for TL's remaining midfielders and Edisi, the speed of fighting the dragon was not as fast as expected. Lin Ran first used the accessory vision transformation to light up the dragon pit when he landed.

Seeing that Baron Nash's health was still 5,500, he breathed a sigh of relief and rushed to the Dragon Pit relying on the movement speed effect of Home Guard!

"When Brother Ran returned to the city, he used the unsealing secret book to exchange his ignition for a punishment!" Rita discovered Hua Dian, "He also wants to snatch this big dragon!"

This information about changing summoner skills was also captured by everyone in TL. They formed a circle along the dragon pit and protected Baron Nash in the middle like a treasure.

"TL doesn't want to give up yet, they insist on taking down Baron Nash!"

In fact, Team Liquid is in a difficult position at this time.

Double C Grasshopper and EZ don't have any health recovery methods, so they are in a very disabled state just to fight this big dragon.

With their remaining health, they have no fighting power.

EZ has handed over teleportation before, but now the cooling time has not improved yet.

In other words, if TL chooses to let go of Baron Nash, the resurrected YM team will take advantage of the poor condition of Ezreal and Grasshopper to take over Baron.

I'm afraid I won't be making a wedding dress for someone else by then.

The arrow has to be fired when it is on the string.

Although the eldest brother doesn’t know much about China, he has learned a lot of idioms from his parents and elder brothers.

This is the perfect word to describe this scene.

Fight to the end!

"The grasshopper saw Zoe's position through the vision of the partition wall, and wanted to use his body to block the flying star!"

Lin Ran didn't hesitate anymore. He inserted his true eye and saw that the dragon's health was close to the killing line, and the grasshopper was still trying to silence himself, so he directly handed over R [Return Leap]!

Zoe entered the dragon's pit and stuck it in Malzahar's face!

In Summoner's Rift, the lively and cute little girl made a face at the TL three in the dragon pit, and then the golden light flashed and she moved between Malzahar and Olaf!

The next moment, the flying star shines, and two thunders strike down one after another!

Kobe's face turned red and he clenched his fists. At the critical moment, he maintained the professional ethics of commentating and screamed without losing his composure.

But under the control of the radio equipment, he heard the thundering cheers coming from the LCSEU studio!

"What happened?!" His partner beside him couldn't hide the disappointment in his voice, "Ran actually got the baron!"

At this moment, the deep purple light glowing on Zoe’s body was so dazzling!

The cheers coming from the audience were also mixed with Lin Ran’s ID!

The chat channel in the Mouse Channel live broadcast room was frozen for a moment. After returning to normal, rows of expressions of ridicule, ridicule, or anger were seen across the screen.

The Europeans who had just been ridiculed by the North American audience seized the opportunity to yell back.

The North American supporters who had been notified by friends and family before and thought that TL was going to overthrow the double champion YM are now holding their heads in their hands with despair on their faces.

From heaven to hell, it is just a punishment gap.

[Trash Olaf, can you win this punishment? 】

[Olav is level 13 and Zoe is level 15, so let’s just fight for punishment, right?]

[Pig Nose, we all have advantages, why do we have to fight the Baron? 】

[Ran, you ruined this family! 】

"Can you keep him?" Kobe originally thought that his division was going to win the game, but unexpectedly something unexpected happened, and Lin Ran came out halfway and took away the fruits of their victory!

The 1-second return jump duration has ended. Zoe returned to the top of the dragon pit with the skipping rope. Punishment triggered the magic-stealing skill, which provided her with a good movement speed!

"Elder brother arcanely jumped over the wall, and he wants to keep YM's only dragon species here!" Hao Kai began to explain in a breathless manner again, with a bit of disbelief in his voice, "Is he crazy? The two teammates did not flash , I can’t keep up with him at all!”

"Doublelift, Li Zai Gan God Demon?!" Kobe just rushed to the players' bench and pressed the mouse of his senior brother.

Lin Ran didn't expect that his senior brother would dare to follow him. He turned around and hit the EZ with a hypnotic bubble, and then used his own movement speed to distance himself. During this period, he took an arcane shot, but he still had 1/3 of his health left. Not a big problem.

After waiting for 1.5 seconds, the drowsy state coerced EZ into a coma. Lin Ran then threw out the meteor that had cooled down and hit the senior brother hard at the full distance!

The two-piece set of Zoe, coupled with the magic power provided by the Witchcraft Mixture and the Baron BUFF, this fully loaded flying star, plus the passive basic attack with [Fireworks], will make the big brother very few. His blood volume was instantly cleared!

Doublelift punched the table in great annoyance, knowing that he was in a hurry.

【I'm sick, oh, oh, oh, oh】

[Senior Brother, do you dare to jump up here? 】

[Niubi, I’m still not happy after giving away the dragon buff. If you don’t kill me today, don’t even think about leaving! 】

Hao Kai straightened his back instantly, "TL's decision-making in these two waves can only be described as chaotic. They lost Baron first and then gave EZ kills. Do they really know what they are doing?"

The voice in the TL team was completely silent.

The excitement and excitement after winning the team battle just now had long since dissipated.

Their handling of the teamfight after they won was too rough.

There was really no need for them to touch this big dragon.

If you don't open the dragon, the subsequent chain reaction will not occur.

At this time, the director also gave a replay of Shang Bolin grabbing the baron.

"After Brother Ran returned and jumped, he used flash to adjust his position to ensure that he would not be stuck in the flying star position by TL people, and then pulled the flying star in place..."

Hao Kai is indeed a former professional player, and his sharp eyes can see details very clearly, "He also used Luden's Echo to deal some damage!"

After the damage from the flying stars and Luden was poured into Baron Nash's body, the dragon's blood volume instantly dropped by 400 points. This damage was much higher than Olaf's real damage.

Coupled with the fact that Lin Ran was ahead in level and had a higher level of Punishment Kill than Olaf, with so many bits of luck, he successfully got Baron Nash and turned the tide of the battle in one fell swoop!

The Liquid team lost their good situation and made mistakes one after another. Their mentality collapsed and they were slowly brought back to the situation by YM.

It was not until the 37-minute ancient dragon team battle that Lin Ran, who was the first to stand at the pass, succeeded in a sneak attack, lowering the health of TL jungler Olaf, and the team decisively opened the dragon.

Team Liquid also tried to fight for the ancient dragon, but Olaf flashed down, and the dragon missed it and hit him.

YM naturally won the Double Dragons and flattened TL's base in one go!

"A very difficult comeback!" Hao Kai's vocal cords almost burst, "YM fought fiercely for 40 minutes and gained his second victory today!"

"Tomorrow, YM will face the last opponent in the first round of the round robin - the KingZone team!"

The branch here works too hard overtime and doesn't get off work until 10 o'clock... I'll send these first and make up the rest tomorrow.

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