LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 464 462: Revenge

"Why didn't YM choose Ezreal?" Miller almost fainted when he saw YM's BP on the blue side.

I remember being surprised, "If you don't want to take it, you can completely ban it. There is no need to release it for the opponent to take!"

"EZ is now a strong version, even much better than Kai'Sa!" Miller was originally very excited when explaining the China-South Korea war, but he didn't expect that YM came up and gave him a big hand.

"YM chose to release EZ in all the games in the past two days." I remember watching KZ under the camera and everyone was still discussing fiercely. In the end, Khan locked Xiao Huangmao and couldn't help but frown, "They are trying Can you find a way to deal with Ezreal in the group stage?"

[In ancient times, EDG selected Lucian three times, but now YM chooses Xiao Huangmao three times! 】

[Don’t be embarrassed, didn’t you win the first two games? 】

[Jack was very strong in the FNC game. How bad was the TL game? If Brother Ran hadn’t grabbed the baron, do you think you could have won? 】

[Why don’t you respect the version? 】

Jack on the player bench was holding his fingers and still didn't believe in the evil. He used Verus in this game to try to put pressure on Xuan Ming and Xuan Ming during the laning period.

But the ideal is very full, and the reality is very skinny.

Jack and Liu Qingsong's laning pressure is not particularly strong, and their original skill points and playing styles do not focus on this.

This resulted in Xuanming and Ming being at a slight disadvantage in the line-up, but it was completely acceptable.

Moreover, KZ also played a disgusting trick in this game - the top laner Khan chose Sion with [Glacial Amplification], and rushed to the YM jungle with his teammates at the first level, but no YM person was found in the first half. , and ran to the lower half.

I have to fight with YM.

Seeing that the army lines were already gathering on the upper road, Khan refused to leave and was completely focused on the Garlic Bastard.

This left Lin Ran and others helpless.

If you give up BUFF, Xiaoyao will be at a disadvantage in the early stage; if you insist on fighting KZ, Thain and the others will not be able to handle it at all!

After all, this is not the later stage. When Thain's damage is not high, YM can still ignore him. Nowadays, the frankness and output of everyone in the level 1 group are about the same, and most of the damage comes from basic attacks.

Thain was extremely powerful, and the basic attack retention effect of [Glacier Amplification] combined with the intimidation provided by the passive corpse, YM was beaten and retreated in embarrassment, and Xiaosi had to give up his wild monsters and go to another wild area.

As a result, Xiaosi's jungle area was completely destroyed. When Khan found an opportunity, he left the lane and went to the jungle area to harass the garlic bastard.

"Glacier Amplified Thane..." Hongmi in the backstage lounge held a notebook and recorded the tactics used by KZ in this game, while studying the opponent's early jungle ward position.

The male gun operated by Little Peanut in this game was extremely aggressive, and it felt like a dream back to S6.

The Garlic Bastard is struggling to hold on, but the strength gap between the top professional players is not big. Giving up a BUFF in vain at level 1 is enough to start the snowball rolling in the jungle.

The jungler matchup was suppressed throughout the game. Lin Ran tried to roam several times but was intercepted halfway by Peanut, leaving him with no chance to support the wing.

After dragging it to 20 minutes, YM fell behind 3K economy.

The Rat King, who had been 0/0/0 before, finally showed his power. With the power of the three-phase magic cut, he first scored three kills in the fire dragon battle, and then scored four kills in the key team battle in the first half of the river!

"This is Ezreal!" I remember exclaiming, "The question is, why does YM have to be given to the opponent?!"

He still couldn't understand this point, "There is something wrong with YM's understanding of the mid-season version!"

Under the camera, Jack held his forehead with his hands and pursed his lips tightly, looking very unhappy.

There was no problem with his early game in this game. After all, Verus is a proficient hero that he claims can be played directly without training, and his output in team battles is very high.

But just can't win.

The output ability and life-saving ability of this version of EZ are simply not comparable to that of Verus.

Jack stood in the front and risked being directly pushed up by Thain's ultimate move, and the twitching A was picturesque; while the Rat King huddled behind and lightly shot out a few streaks of white liquid, and his output from the front row was no less than him.

Jack could only look at his monitor helplessly. Even Lin Ran fell in the previous team battle. Now that the five-man YM team was wiped out, he couldn't even grab the baron when facing TL.

After winning the Baron BUFF, KZ did not give YM any chance to make a comeback, and called the whole team to rush to the high ground. After two minutes of struggle, Khan found an opportunity, and R [Barbaric Crash] knocked away Xiaotian and Liu Qingsong mercilessly.

"Pray is safely outputting from the rear, no one can threaten him!" Roaring Emperor Quan Yongquan on the LCK commentary table raised his voice and was extremely emotional. "YM, who have been on the throne for a long time, have to pay the price for their BP today!"

At 31 minutes, the YM base crystal shattered, and everyone could only regret the defeat.

"Now YM and KZ have four wins together and are tied for first place in the group in the first round of the round robin!"

[Expansion, just expansion, right? 】

[It’s understandable if the red side releases EZ, but I didn’t expect it if the blue side releases it but doesn’t take it]

[It doesn’t matter if the players expand, can the coach also expand? I wonder if you didn't win the game on the court, how could this BP be turned into a pile of shit? 】

[Isn’t it the team members’ fault? Whose blue party wants to ban the little yellow-haired one? Jack can't take out the pot and give it to Hongmi, can he? 】

This China-South Korea war is the first confrontation between LPL and LCK on the international stage in the past six months, and it naturally attracted the attention of many viewers.

This defeat obviously did not satisfy them.

After a hurried handshake, Lin Ran picked up his peripherals and followed his teammates backstage.

As soon as he entered the lounge, he saw the MVP makeup photo of the Rat King on the TV screen.

According to the data of 9/0/4, the average CS per minute is 11, the average output per minute is 777, and the output ratio is 44.3%...

"This is the current version of Ezreal's ability to dominate the balance of power!"

At the end of the game, the signal also switched to the live broadcast of the host LCSEU. The commentator Meidc saw the data of the Rat King and said impassionedly, "An invincible shooter who combines output intensity and self-protection ability, Pray's performance is perfect!"

Lin Ran frowned as he understood what the European commentator was saying.

However, the atmosphere in the team is still good. For them, this is just a group match. The Garlic Bastard is still communicating with Jin Gong about the details of Khan Thain's invasion of his jungle area in the last game.

"I think it would be better if you just change to the jungle area from the beginning," Jin Gong suggested. "This way, even if KZ invades by force, it will be useless."

Liu Qingsong interjected, "Actually, we just need to improve the field of vision in the jungle, give the defensive eye position an advance, squat in the grass, leave two controls to kill Thain and his corpse first, so that the opponent cannot attack Win us."

Hongmi closed the notebook with a calm expression. She habitually turned the black pen in her hand and looked up at Jack, who was not participating in the discussion among the team members.

"Do you understand now why we need to practice EZ?" Jiang Chenglu quickly translated the head coach's words.

Jack rubbed his chin, his face flushed but he nodded without saying a word.

He finally figured it out. Although the release of EZ did not stop the team's progress when facing FNC and TL, it was actually extremely dangerous.

In one game, he relied on Lin Ran's single belt pull and his own search for opportunities to win; in the other game, Lin Ran's Zoe grabbed a big dragon and took advantage of TL's frequent mistakes to complete the comeback.

In these three group matches, Ezreal put tremendous pressure on YM in the mid-term. If it weren't for the individual strength of the players, YM would most likely have lost three games in a row.

This is the version of the hero. In a balanced situation, unless the operational ability and team decision-making are one level ahead of the opponent, they will suffer.

If he knows how to use EZ, he can easily win these games without spending a lot of time.

Especially this game against KZ really made Jack realize the crisis.

If this continues, his hero pool will drag down the entire team.

YM is not strong enough to ignore the version.

On the contrary, a large part of YM's strength comes from the version adaptability of the players and coaching staff.

But now he, Ezreal, who can't take action, is dragging down the entire team.

A sense of shame welled up in his heart. For Jack, who was known as a genius, he obviously couldn't accept this reality.

He placed the keyboard and mouse in front of the spare computer provided by Riot Games in the lounge, turned it on and logged into his European server account. Taking advantage of the fact that there was still some time before the start of the next game, he first practiced two sets of EZ in qualifying.

Hongmi didn't say much, what he wanted was Jack's attitude.

Ezreal was released in three consecutive games, and the price paid was far less than Redmi expected. Being able to win against FNC and TL successively is enough to prove YM's current team status.

Even if the BP is terrible and even deliberately releases strong heroes, YM is still a world-class team.

YM, with four wins and one loss, is still ranked first in the group. As long as they maintain good form in the second cycle, their ranking will not be low.

Especially in this game against KZ.

Hongmi did his best homework in advance to prepare for failure. Unexpectedly, he killed two birds with one stone. He not only made Jack realize the necessity of practicing EZ, but also successfully lost the game.

He intended to lose, but he was not coerced.

The purpose is simple.


Before this game, KZ lost the battle with Flash Wolves. If it loses to YM again, KZ, which has lost two games, will basically only be ranked first in the theoretical group in front of YM, which has won all.

In this way, KZ must hide its tactics in the second round-robin.

I don’t necessarily want to be disrespectful on purpose. After all, it’s not Oscar night, and I still have professional ethics, but it’s impossible to expect them to come up with something new.

Let nature take its course. It's best if you can win, but if you lose, you will lose your appetite.

Lie flat.

Hongmi doesn’t want its biggest competitor in this MSI to be this badass. He wants to let KZ show (bao) and show (lu) more tactical reserves in the group stage.

But it is certainly unrealistic to ask the horse to run and not eat grass at the same time.

Only then did Redmi decide to release Ezreal in the first round against KZ, giving KZ a stronger lineup.

This gives the KZ coaching staff hope that if they can win against YM, they will once again become a strong contender for the top spot in this mid-season group.

As expected, KZ handed over the trump card of glacier amplification Thain to accompany his teammates in the first-level invasion. This early attack on the jungle is obviously to contain YM's early offensive, and KZ will win half if it interrupts Xiaoyao's rhythm.

Hongmi was very satisfied with this. After this game, he knew that KZ must be energetic and prepare carefully for every game in the second round of the round.

Because KZ has already paid a certain amount of sunk costs, this hand laner Glacier Thain not only put them first in the group, but also put the team on the fire.

If the team performs poorly in the second round and loses the top spot in the group, then the tactics exposed will be worthless and can even be called a blood loss.

KZ could only bite the bullet and move forward, winning group matches one after another.

Thinking of this, Hongmi and Gouba looked at each other, and the two of them showed a tacit smile of success.

In the evening in Berlin, Lin Ran was blow-drying his medium-to-short black hair in a hotel double room, and at the same time he clicked on his phone to initiate a video call.

Su Cheng's face appeared on the screen. She must have just taken a shower. Her face was rosy and her long hair that was not completely dry hanging down her shoulders looked very attractive.

"Are you okay today?" She got straight to the point and asked Lin Ran about today's game with a bit of worry on her face.

"It's okay," Lin Ran replied honestly, "I just lost a group match."

Perhaps it was because she had just taken a shower. Su Cheng's eyes were as bright as water, and her soft gaze swept over her boyfriend's face. After hearing his words, she was still a little suspicious.

"Really? I don't believe it."

Her strong thirst for knowledge led her to continue: "I saw that during the interview after the last game against Flash Wolves today, your face was stiff and you didn't smile at all. You are obviously not in a good mood."

Lin Ran retorted to his girlfriend, "Oh, should I laugh when the interview is so serious?"

"Besides, the schedule and training matches are so close, it's reasonable to be a little tired, right? That person is tired and doesn't show an expression..."

"Okay, okay!" Su Cheng interrupted him quickly and quickly moved the topic away from Lin Ran, "Is Jack okay?"

Today, in addition to scolding Redmi BP, the domestic e-sports forum was talking about Jack's inability to play EZ. When the audience got excited, it was inevitable that they would get angry.

Su Cheng was afraid that Jack, who liked to read comments, would be affected.

"It's very good and lively," Lin Ran put away the hair dryer, "I had three McDonald's Big Macs for dinner today, plus a large glass of Coca-Cola and a side of French fries."

"Hey, are you so generous?" Su Cheng sighed.

Lin Ran was very optimistic, "With that comment, you want Jack to break through? It's impossible."

Jack, who was practicing Ezreal alone in the lounge, felt an itch on the tip of his nose and couldn't help but sneeze.

Then, without caring about the operation, he took the Q from Thresh on the opposite side.

"I*!" The Shiba Inu breathed out, "Which pig-nosed man is scolding me behind my back?"

It was Grella who assisted him in this game.

Dad originally thought that Jack could easily avoid the hook, after all, Xiao Huangmao still had E [Arcane Leap] in his hand.

But he didn't expect that Jack would answer Q so easily!

"Axi, Li Zai Gan God Demon?" He quickly manipulated the bull head to take two steps forward to block the opponent's skill burst. At the same time, he did not forget to ping a few question marks at Jack's feet.

But Dad's WQ was thrown away by Thresh's Pendulum of Doom, and the opponent Eddie Severus' set of skills and control directly killed Jack in seconds!

Dad was so angry that as long as he won this game, he would become the king of the European server if he refreshed his score tonight. He didn't expect someone to backstab him!

A series of yellow question marks appeared on Xiao Huangmao's body.

"What's going on?" The tall Rat King had just finished his dinner and squeezed into the training room while sucking on Coke. When he found his assistant, the Canyon Pianist, clicking words in the chat channel, he let go of the straw and asked quickly.

If it were Khan playing the piano, the Rat King wouldn't even bother to give him an extra glance. After all, he's already used to it.

But Grilla has always been a good-natured person, and he doesn't often type to complain in qualifying matches.

This is definitely a rarity.

"JackeyLove, why can he get Thresh Hook while playing an EZ?" Dad finally found someone to talk to and quickly complained to him, "I don't have E skill or flash. Is this an operation that a human can do? ?”

The Rat King laughed unsympathetically and almost spit out the coke, "Fan Xuan, isn't this a good thing?"

"He doesn't know EZ, we will definitely win the finals!"

Gloria thought about it carefully, and it seemed like this was the case.

Two more sneezes came from the YM training room next door.

"Who is behind the curse on you?" The Shiba Inu rubbed the tip of his nose with his paws, looking unhappy.

Entering the fourth match day, YM has gradually adapted to this biological clock of getting up early and rushing to compete. Although it is impossible to adjust to the peak state at 7 or 8 o'clock in the evening, it is more than enough to cope with the competition.

Except Lin Weixiang.

Ever since the rule of getting up at 7 a.m. was implemented during the main competition, he always looked like he couldn't wake up. The dark circles under his eyes were so thick that Lin Ran thought Big Eyebrow was cosplaying Gaara.

Lin Weixiang yawned all the way. He was the last one to leave the hotel lobby with his bag on his back. He squeezed into the BMW and closed the door hard, then rested his head on a comfortable leather chair.

"What's wrong with him?" Hongmi, who was in the front passenger seat, saw Da Mei's depressed mental state through the rearview mirror and asked curiously.

"He stayed up late again last night," Liu Qingsong pushed Lin Weixiang with a look of disgust, "This person's biological clock is as messed up as his brain, and he gets more excited as the morning approaches."

Since arriving in Berlin, in order to adapt to the schedule, the training matches of the YM training department are not until nine o'clock at the latest. The remaining time is left to the players to freely rank. The time for going to bed and turning off the lights is 11 o'clock in the evening.

But it was Lin Weixiang's excitement period at that time, so he naturally had no intention of sleeping. There was no need to play anyway, so he simply stayed up late playing games in the training room.

Hongmi was glad that she had no plans to let Lin Weixiang play this time, otherwise this person would probably have outrageous performance during the game.

He couldn't help but sigh when he thought of this.

YM is really a weird team. Lin Weixiang, Jack, and the two Edicis don't know Ezreal. This is simply a fantasy in the LCK!

Now we can only count on Jack to correct his training attitude, otherwise this MSI is not expected to be easy.

In the next game against EVS in the Vietnam Division, Redmi sent Ezreal to the ban position, and showed an honest look of correcting the mistake after realizing it, which actually made many domestic audiences heave a sigh of relief.

Lin Ran pinched his metacarpal bones with a serious look on his face. Those who didn't know better thought that Lin Ran was preparing for the MSI finals.

He still remembers the time when the Vietnamese mid laner used Crocodile to avoid the flash of his sword girl's ultimate move by moving upright.

There is also a GIF saved by Su Cheng, which captures all of his angry expression.

Lin Ran is petty and holds grudges.

Today he had to show off his prowess and let the Vietnamese and Su Cheng see how powerful he was.

Anyway, he is really not familiar with the EVS team. GAM, which YM gave away keyboard and mouse peripherals in last year's mid-season, failed to break through this time.

Since he is not familiar with it, he can kill him blatantly.

"Ran chose the crocodile and in turn pinned the opponent's Irelia!"

European commentator Meidc turned up the volume, "This is exactly the same as the mid lane selection of the two teams in the first round!"

"Is he going to give a forehand and backhand lesson?"

Froskurinn, nicknamed Maomao, smiled brightly, "Ran came here for revenge this time. He probably still remembers the famous scene where he was shown off when he failed to jump over the tower."

She is not usually responsible for the commentary of LCSEU. Her main job is to watch the LPL English stream which is not widely watched.

This time, YM was invited to the event because she was participating in the competition.

Maomao followed the principle of letting guests do as they please, and started getting ready when they arrived at the commentary desk.

She slowly took off her black suit, revealing a black team uniform with the BMW logo on it. The diagonal scarlet beast claw marks were extremely conspicuous, and the YM team logo towered on the chest.

"Now, I am a big fan of Ran!" Maomao turned around and showed the audience the Lin Ran ID printed on his back.

"Yes," Meidc also took off his clothes, revealing the EVS uniform, "Now I am a supporter of the Vietnam Division..."

"I have to say, their team uniforms are really hard to buy. It took me a lot of effort to find a link on the official website." Meidc laughed.

"In this game, Ran will definitely lead the team to crush EVS!" Maomao expressed quite enthusiastically.

"Crocodile A slashes the minion into a red fury, and E [Rampage] crosses the line of soldiers and prepares to attack!" Zeyuan looked at the situation in the middle lane and suddenly sped up his speech, "The sword girl has very little HP, it is very possible Got killed!"

"Warzone realized something was wrong, handed over the flash and wanted to escape, but Brother Ran flashed to follow, and used basic attacks and W [Cold Prey] to immobilize him!"

Dao Mei reacted very quickly and immediately activated W [Dance of Distance Breaking] to block the damage.

However, the control cannot be counteracted, and the sword girl he operates can only stand in place and be stunned for 1.5 seconds!

"Brother Ran slashed with two basic attacks, adjusted his position backwards to let the soldiers stop in front of him, then followed up with the second stage of E [direct collision], and passed through the long-range soldiers again!"

E will provide 2 rage points for each minion it passes through, and 10 rage points for each hero it passes through.

With the three minions and the sword girl, one stage of E alone provided him with 16 points of anger, and two stages of E increased his anger to 32 points!

Coupled with the previous three basic attacks, Lin Ran's previously cleared anger value rose again to 47 points!

"Brother Ran followed up with another basic attack, his anger turned red, and the tyrant struck wildly to kill Dao Mei!" Zeyuan was extremely excited, "The proficiency of this crocodile must be too high!"

"Red Fury W + Red Fury Q, the crocodile's skill set is fully damaged!" Hallucination, who has always been calm and self-possessed, rarely gets excited.

"The game only lasted 3 minutes, and Brother Ran completed a solo kill!"

Under the camera, Lin Ran had an expressionless face and pretended to be an expert. He took a sip of ice water while the countdown to return to the city took place.

Today he must make his opponent pay the price!

Five and a half minutes into the game, Lin Ran successfully reached level 6 and gathered troops to cross the tower.

"The crocodile stayed at close range, and first used basic attacks to target the sword girl, and deceived the dance of breaking out!"

"Red Fury W bit it, activated the ultimate move, canceled the back swing, and connected with a basic attack at the same time!"

The level 6 crocodile equipment is already a lot ahead. As long as the sword girl can resist the damage of the dance of breaking out, the rest will be a matter of course.

Irelia without Flash is the next piece of meat on the chopping block.

Lin Ran finally used AQ to cripple Dao Mei, and the two E segments smoothly connected and left the range of the defense tower!

"Rangesha is crazy!"

At the same time, a battle also broke out in the bottom lane. Jack and Liu Qingsong used the combination of Verus + Braum to easily kill each other!

"The middle and lower two are blooming!" Zeyuan shouted, "YM's performance today is extremely strong!"

It’s true that everyone in EVS looks disgusted.

They just won their first mid-season victory from TL yesterday.

Now, just like the national football team, "theoretically it is still possible to qualify."

But they also knew that the team could already book flights back to Ho Chi Minh City.

Originally, EVS wanted to perform well in the second round of the group stage, trying to attract some fans to the team on the international stage.

Who would have thought that this YM would not give any face at all!

In 15 minutes, the head ratio between the two sides was 11:0, and the economic difference was as high as 8K!

The game lost its suspense early, and everyone in YM took out all the anger they suffered from KZ yesterday on EVS!

Lin Ran scored 4 solo kills in this game, and the death roll of the crocodile lingered in Dao Mei's mind like a nightmare.

"This is the correct way for the crocodile to fight the knife girl!" The cats at the scene were so excited that their voices trembled, "Just by jumping over the tower unreasonably, Irelia can't resist at all, and she can only let others ravage her!"

At 18 minutes, YM summoned the Canyon Pioneer. Xiaotian and Jin Gong successfully started a team fight and played a wave of two for five. After the team destroyed the opponent, they drove straight into the middle high ground and flattened the EVS base in one wave!

Please give me a monthly ticket...(guilty orz)

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