LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 470 468: Special Training

Chapter 470 468 Special Training

"Huh?" Jack's first reaction when he heard this was that he had been kicked.

But then I thought about it, he just won the MVP yesterday and his performance was pretty good. There is no reason why he should not be allowed to play in the knockout round!

"Could it be that..." Lin Weixiang looked happy, "Is it true?"

He, as a nominal substitute, can't really compete on stage, can he?

Hongmi was still mumbling something, Jiang Chenglu hadn't translated it yet, and Lin Weixiang was quite complacent.

"Oh, you said I am a starter in the secondary league, why did I come to MSI..."

As soon as he spread his hands, before he could fill the cup, he heard Jiang Chenglu's translation.

"Jack, delete all the friends in your European server account, and don't add anyone to the training matches these two days. No one can get your friend status."

When the Shiba Inu heard this, he immediately became angry.

This is not to make him a starter, it is obviously to cause trouble!

"What about me?" When Lin Weixiang heard this, the little flame of hope in his heart was instantly extinguished.

"You..." Hongmi was also asked by him. Since it was not easy to undermine the confidence of the team members, he had no choice but to say: "You also have a chance."

Lin Weixiang breathed a sigh of relief.

Although people on the Internet said that he only came to Europe to travel, even Lin Weixiang himself thought so before setting off.

But when it came to the game, Lin Weixiang could only sit in the backstage lounge and watch his teammates compete on the field.

It would be a lie to say that I am not envious.

Since winning the championship in S7, Lin Weixiang has been much richer than before thanks to his share of tournament prize money and the skyrocketing advertising revenue from the live broadcast room.

If you include the share that the VN champion skin brings to him, not to mention achieving financial freedom, he is not short of money.

The wealth goal has been achieved, and what Lin Weixiang is now pursuing is naturally personal achievement.

He also wants to play in this MSI.

"Jack, this is your EZ record, right?" Hongmi put a screenshot of the searched record on the big screen in the lounge.

Everyone saw a row of little yellow-haired avatars. The earliest European server ranking record was on May 10, but there were only two games. It was probably a routine matter.

Starting from losing to Longzhu in the first round of the group stage, Jack's EZ ranking record began to skyrocket.

At first, everyone in the training room was laughing, because the record was really terrible, with statistics like 0/7 or 1/8 that were close to super ghosts. If others saw it, they would think he was an actor.

But as Hongmi swiped the screenshot upwards, the qualifying time was getting closer. Everyone saw with their own eyes that the results changed from a page of red to a mixture of red and green, and the results were getting better and better.

"You practiced EZ 39 times in 5 days," Hongmi stopped sliding the mouse and said with appreciation: "Not bad."

This effort was seen by everyone. On the game day a few days ago, Jack sat in front of the computer in the backstage lounge after the game and started ranking practice, racing against time to improve his hero proficiency.

39 EZ games in 5 days, this amount of training is already exaggerated.

It's not the offseason. Players still have training matches and main match tasks every day. On average, they play nearly 8 EZ qualifying games a day. Even Redmi, which has strict training requirements for players, has to praise it.

After all, there is no second time assassin particle in the world, and Jack does not have the magical skill of repeatedly going back in time and space for 50 training games a night.

"That's it." The Shiba Inu, who had worked hard these days, accepted Hongmi's praise, and his paws almost danced to the sky. "Brother, your ability to practice heroes is obvious to all, right?"

The least worrying thing about him is the hero pool. Heroes like Jhin and Xia can be taken out and played on the field as soon as they enter the league. Although EZ is not good, his attitude of hard training is here, and people have to admire him.

"How did you practice?" Da Mei asked his question.

His eyes were dazzled looking at this series of EZ ranking records.

Especially when he saw Jack losing to KZ in the first round and playing Ezreal in 7 consecutive sets in one night, he felt even more sincere admiration.

These 7 ranking games are separated by less than an hour. They are obviously selected consecutively. Is this still a human being?

Lin Weixiang believes that his concentration is definitely not enough. Using a hero for 7 consecutive games would be better than killing him with one knife.

He could continue practicing only after playing two games of Edici and then another game of Sword Girl to relax.

"Well, it's a long story..." Jack pretended to sigh.

Not only is Ezreal performing well in the professional arena, his pick rate and winning rate in the pub rankings are also high.

You must know that the server characteristics of each major competition area are different. For example, the Korean server emphasizes teamwork and is relatively stable online, while the support speed is extremely fast when fighting in the jungle. For example, players in the Chinese server are very good at playing Summoner's Rift. The polar chaos implements the principle of taking life and death lightly and taking action if you don't accept it...

But one thing is the same.

The high-level players on all servers are all slaves, and they will play whatever hero is better to win against them.

Therefore, high-scoring players are the ones who choose the most professional characters in the league, which also makes Ezreal almost non-banned in high-scoring segments.

In order to be able to continue to choose Xiao Huangmao, Jack tried his best and racked his brains to discuss with his teammates using his limited English vocabulary to let them lock the EZ in advance to avoid being snatched by the opponent.

In order to become a hero, the Shiba Inu has taken great pains.

"By the way," he suddenly remembered the business, "Hongmi, why don't you let me continue practicing?"

After listening to Jiang Chenglu's translation, Hongmi answered him, "Because it's not necessary."

"I have also been watching your ranking videos in the past two days. Now your Ezreal proficiency is not a big problem, especially in the laning phase. There are no flaws. The difficulty mainly lies in mid-term processing."

"You always like to have an E face. You have died too many times." Hongmi hit the nail on the head.

Jack scratched the back of his head, with a somewhat uncomfortable smile on his face, "Don't be embarrassed, the essence of EZ, a hero, is his E face."

"That's true," Hongmi did not deny Shiba Inu's statement. He also knew Ezreal's characteristics. Jumping in the face can attract the opponent's firepower output, while also improving his skill accuracy and explosive ability. "But The problem is that your timing was not right."

"Every time you jump up to disgust your opponent, you don't check to see if your formation is well-arranged, whether the key heroes' equipment and summoner skills are complete, and whether the team can defeat the enemy..."

Hongmi talked a lot and pointed out Jack's mid-term mistakes one by one.

"Qualifying can certainly improve your understanding now, but the speed is still too slow. We don't have time to wait for you to practice." Hongmi said.

Jack nodded repeatedly when he heard the explanation.

There are still three days left before the finals, during which he will also play in FNC. The time is quite tight and there is basically no opportunity for a lot of practice.

"We have a lot of people here," Hongmi looked around the room. In addition to the players, there are also coaching staff, managers, translators and several video teams responsible for shooting and editing. "Open customization and 5V5 will accompany you for targeted training."

"This can quickly improve your mid-term understanding of Ezreal, and customization will leave no trace as long as you quit midway and delete all your friends. KZ will definitely have no idea what we are doing."

Hongmi said with a smirk, "Their research on Jack EZ is still in those few qualifying games where they don't cheat or carry. Once they meet in the finals, they will definitely relax their vigilance."

The garlic bastard's narrow eyes widened, "Oh my god, this is too cunning..."

Not only him, but several other team members also showed extremely surprised expressions. Lin Weixiang even showed a puzzled expression, "Why can this guy come up with such a dirty trick with his little head? Is it because I am too stupid or he is too smart?"

"I have a question!" Lin Ran raised his hand.

"Say." Hongmi looked at him.

"If we want to use some kind of deception, I suggest Jack still play two EZ games in the two days of qualifying," Lin Ran stood up and expressed his opinion, "There is no need to carry more, just maintain the state of the previous two days."

"Acting should be done to the end," he explained. "If Jack has been practicing so hard these two days and suddenly stops playing EZ before the finals, it will definitely make the KZ coaching staff suspicious. He plays two games a day and doesn't want to have a better record. , making the opponent think that Jack's EZ cannot be practiced in a short time, and our strategy was successful."

"WDNMD, you bunch of idiots..." Lin Weixiang gasped as he listened, feeling that his young and innocent heart had been greatly impacted.

"Hey," Jack liked to do such disgusting things, and he was a little excited when he heard Lin Ran's suggestion, "Then it's settled!"

In Summoner's Rift, Ezreal charged forward, using Arcane Leap to rush straight into the face of the opponent's formation.

However, the teammates behind him failed to react immediately, resulting in a bit of a disconnect in their own team fight. Even if Ezreal had a flash, he could not escape death and was directly smashed by his opponent.

"I..." Jack looked at his black and white screen and was speechless.

He was already very cautious this time, and before jumping in the face, he walked backwards first, and then used E [Arcane Leap] to jump forward.

But Hongmi gave the YM training department employees on the opposite side a death order and only stared at Jack the whole time.

As soon as the Shiba Inu stepped forward, everyone's skills poured down on Jack like a downpour.

This group of people includes Guo Hao, Gou Ba, and three employees from the video team. They all have different levels of alliance, but it is still no problem to focus on Aidixi in seconds.

"Communicate, communicate!" The lights outside the window came on, and the Arc de Triomphe in the distance looked majestic and brilliant under the light. Hongmi also slapped the table and shouted to Jack.

He mentioned this word no less than 10 times this afternoon, and even memorized the Chinese pronunciation from Jiang Chenglu, "Every time you go up with E, you must report it to your teammates. Do you understand?"

Jack bit his lip and nodded, indicating that he understood.

"I know that sometimes the opportunity for E-face is fleeting, and if you hesitate for a moment, you may miss the opportunity," Hongmi, who switched back to her native language, spoke quickly. Fortunately, Jiang Chenglu is a Korean and has a good professional level, "I It doesn’t mean that you have to get the conductor’s permission every time you dance..."

Hongmi walked up behind Jack and patted him hard on the shoulder, "Listen, I trust your on-the-spot judgment. What you have to do is tell all the team members your judgment."

"They are mentally prepared in advance so they have time to react. You have to trust your teammates, they can protect you!" Hongmi shouted at Jack, "Do you understand what I mean?"

After giving Tian Zao, Hongmi did not forget to give him a stick, "If you continue to show off your face without discipline, I guarantee that you will not be able to play in the finals..."

Before he finished speaking, Jack was all excited, "I understand, I understand!"

"Take a rest for a while," Guo Hao was responsible for calming the atmosphere. He went to the corridor to get the burger takeout, "I ordered a burger, how do you guys taste it?"

Lin Ran took a bag and opened it, which contained a standard package of burgers, fries and drinks. There was also a small box of guacamole on the side of the fries wrapper.

Although Jack had been scolded just now, nothing could stop him from making a living.

He opened the burger wrapper and took a big bite, letting all the ingredients such as beef patties, cheese, butter bread, pickles and other ingredients enter his mouth. After chewing two mouthfuls, he thought about it for a moment before making a comment:

"The taste is just average. I don't think it's as good as the burger we bought in Berlin."

Guo Hao poured the sauce on the French fries, "When we win the final, let's eat serious French food."

"Who's treating us?" Liu Qingsong took a sip of coke, still concerned about this issue.

"Whoever wins the FMVP can be invited," Jin Gong said. "We can't let the brothers help him win the honor and have to pay for his meals, right?"

When Liu Qingsong heard this idea, his eyes suddenly lit up, "Who is in favor and who is against?"

He raised his arms first.

Anyway, he is a support, and the probability of winning FMVP is very low. Only S4mata can win this honor. For Liu Qingsong, this is equivalent to a wasted meal.

He was still yearning for French food after his wounds were torn, but Lin Weixiang reached out and spread ketchup on his cheeks, then ran away laughing.

"If I don't beat you for three days, why don't you go to bed?" Liu Qingsong, who has never been used to having big eyebrows, put down his hamburger and ran towards Lin Weixiang, vowing to take revenge.

But Big Eyebrow has a simple mind, but his limbs are well developed, and his long legs can run very fast. In terms of escape speed alone, he has a bit of the charm of the ancestors of Severn fighting in the canyon.

"Come and catch me, catch me..."

The serious and tense atmosphere in the training room was instantly swept away.

"Welcome to France!" The local host invited by Riot Games stood in the center of the stage at the Zenith Arena. "Today, this grand event, the League of Legends Mid-Season Championship, comes to Paris for the first time!"

"I think everyone present knows the two sides on the first day of the knockout rounds," the host waved his arms, his figure hidden under the suit strong and powerful, "Let's shout out the names of the two teams!"

This is entirely the proportion of fans at the test site.

Although YM is now very popular in the European League of Legends circle, it cannot be compared with local teams like Fnatic.

Not to mention that FNC has now formed an all-European class!

This is the same as RNG's all-China class. If the results are very poor, there is no use in drawing Huazi. Once the results start, the attention and resources they receive will be several levels higher than other teams.

The absence of Korean players allowed European audiences to show unprecedented support for FNC. Together with substitute Soaz, human-shaped boards of 6 players were erected in all directions of the Zenith Stadium!

Upon hearing the male host's words, the audience immediately burst into thunderous cheers and applause!


The sounds converge into a stream, no less powerful than the Seine River flowing in Paris.

YM fans are like a boat. When the whole audience shouted FNC's name, they struggled to support but were unable to do anything. They could only let the surging voice swallow up all their support.

"First of all, let us welcome Young Miracles!" The male host waved his arm, and Jin Gong led his teammates from the backstage to the stage.

"Top laner GimGoon, jungler Tian, ​​mid laner Ran, bottom laner JackeyLove assists Crisp!" He introduced the YM players in turn, "and substitute LWX, and coach Homme!"

I have to say that the French pronunciation really opened Lin Ran's eyes. He didn't even notice that his ID was read out until the end.

There was a burst of applause from the audience, and the audience supporting YM held up black and red flags with the team logo, waving flags and cheering for their beloved players on the field.

But other than that, there was no other welcome sound, and there was even a small group of unqualified European spectators who booed them.

Seeing this scene, everyone in YM was a little embarrassed.

But they are not at a loss, after all, this is a small scene for them, and it pales in comparison to the overwhelming boos during the Kaohsiung Intercontinental Game last year.

"What are you doing?" The Garlic Bastard muttered. The cheers at the scene were so loud that Lin Ran could hear him clearly.

"You have to ask Brother Ran and Hongmi about this. They are the two who commanded it!" Jack is a master of stress resistance, and he can still laugh at this time.

Lin Ran smiled disdainfully.

He has also been surfing in the past two days, and he has read the matryoshka discussion threads on Reddit, so he naturally knows where the European audience is angry.

They are still bitter about Lin Ran's choice of FNC in the semifinals.

If we had followed last year's ranking of first vs. fourth in the group, the European audience would not have thought there was any problem.

But the choice of the opponent in the semi-finals of this mid-season tournament was left to YM. Lin Ran chose FNC under such circumstances, which would naturally not satisfy the Europeans.

Most of the audience is sane. The rules give YM the right and it is not their turn to speak. Therefore, although they are dissatisfied, they will not boo at YM.

But there are always a few weirdos in a group of people. The size of the Zenith Stadium is much larger than that of the LCSEU studio. As the number of spectators increases, the precious things causing trouble will gather in a pile.

"Today we will build a European library on site." Lin Ran said to the little bastard with an extremely firm tone.

The boy stretched out his hand to smooth his bangs and bumped his fist against Lin Ran.

"Next, let us warmly welcome the European overlord... Fnatic!" the French male host said in a long tone.

The wave of sound waves that had already formed a river at the scene boiled over instantly!

"Top laner Bwipo, jungler Broxah, mid laner Caps, bottom laner Rekkles assisting Hylissang!" Every FNC player came out and received cheers from the audience.

The popularity of the double C in the middle and lower parts completely overwhelmed several other teammates. The shy Caps was not used to being called the King of Europe by the audience. He shyly waved to the audience, and then revealed Mr. Bean. Signature smile.

Rekkles looked like shit, with his blond hair neatly combed back, revealing his sharp features. Hearing the cheers from the audience, he hammered his chest hard with his right fist.

"Substitute SoaZ and coach Youngbuck!" The host waved his arms, and Lin Ran was afraid that he would accidentally tear his suit.

"Now I announce that the knockout stage of the 2018 Mid-Season Championship has officially begun!"

The brief opening ceremony ended, and the signal from the commentary box in the LPL match live broadcast room was cut in time.

"Good afternoon, fellow summoners!" a very recognizable voice said, "I am Zeyuan."

"Hello everyone, I am the commentator Remember!" Remember introduced himself and said, "There is a mysterious guest who also came to our commentator's seat today!"

The mysterious guest's unclear voice makes people guess who he is at a glance.

"Hello everyone, I am Knight, the top mid laner."

[Guigui, today’s commentary lineup is very comfortable]

[With an active professional brother, my understanding of the game is still guaranteed]

[Where do you feel comfortable? Afghanistan’s mid laner is here, even if he understands it, you still can’t understand it]

[One thing to say, Queshi]

[This is better than the bastard Kris, what is the Canyon Theory of Relativity all about? 】

I remember knowing that Zhuo Ding is usually introverted, so he took the initiative to warm up the conversation by bringing up topics.

"This is also the first time for the left hand to come to our LPL commentary booth..."

Zhuo Ding nodded. He saw Zeyuan pointing at his microphone and just then he realized, "Yes, that's it."

"What are you doing this offseason?" Remember, he is not in a hurry. He has to take it easy and bring his left hand to his own rhythm.

"Just... go home and spend time with your parents, and then start a live broadcast to play Rank." Zhuo Ding is an honest child, and he told the truth about his vacation plans. "If I have nothing to do, I will also watch the game."

Now I remember to find the entry point and bring the topic on the right track, "Knight, what do you think of today's battle between YM and FNC based on the group stage of the mid-season?"

"The focus must be on the mid lane. Caps versus Ran Ge. This should be regarded as a duel between the top mid laners in the world," Zhuo Ding said here, speaking much faster, "Whoever can grasp the advantage can win. Contest."

"Generally speaking, YM is on the offensive, while FNC is responsible for the defense. Whoever cannot hold on first will lose."

Zeyuan finally spoke, "From the data point of view, this is also the case. FNC's performance in the group stage can only be described as drag. The average game time was close to 37 minutes, and they basically played bladder games."

"On the other side, YM's average game time is almost 30 minutes, which is enough to prove that the styles of the two teams are very different."

At this time, the director gave the specific data of the two teams' mid laners on the big screen.

Lin Ran was slightly behind in terms of average output, but he was ahead in other statistics.

"This is the data gap caused by the team's style," Zeyuan talked eloquently. He can really talk. "FNC's average game time is here. You must know that the game enters the middle and late stages, and the core of a team battle is after the equipment level is improved. The C position can deal thousands of damage, which Brother Ran cannot do."

I remember to answer the question at the right time, "After all, our YM is a team that relies on early offense. We always end the game very quickly, so we don't have much time to deal damage to Brother Ran."

As soon as he finished speaking, with a crisp sound, the first round of BP in the semi-finals began!

I've written half of the BP, but it's hard to send it out. It's too uncomfortable to cut it off like that.

Just leave it until tomorrow, I'll finish the whole game.

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