LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 471 469: Unexpected Choice

"Since YM ranked first in the group stage, they also got the priority to choose sides in the first, third, and fifth rounds of the semi-finals." Zeyuan saw the BP screen appear and first informed him of the information provided by the backstage director. The audience watching the live broadcast said, "YM chose the blue side for this round!"

"In the first ban position, YM was very decisive and blocked Ezreal directly!" I remember taking advantage of the situation and answering, "Currently they don't seem to have found a way to deal with the little yellow hair."

Zeyuan agreed, "But the consequences are acceptable. It's just to put EZ in the ban position. Anyway, this hero is already strong, and YM's ban position has always been relatively sufficient."

At this time, Zhuo Ding sat beside him without saying a word, letting the two commentators perform.

"FNC chose to block Qinggangying and not release this mid-to-upper swing position!"

Red Rice then blocked the troll, which was the hero Broxah used most in the group stage. With high proficiency and the strong characteristics of the Troll King itself, Broxah can walk sideways in the jungle.

Homme strives to create advantages for Xiaotian and Lin Randuo in terms of BP, and the trolls will naturally not give it to their opponents.

"FNC backhandedly banned the policewoman..." I remember hissing, "This is a bit aimed at Jack's hero pool!"

Zhuo Ding finally spoke. He tried to speak clearly, "The ADCs that can still be used currently are Xayah, Big Mouth, Kai'Sa and Verus. Jack knows these four heroes, so there is no need to worry about the hero pool."

Compared with the monotonous jungle position in this version, there are many strong ADCs, and there is basically no situation where the bottom lane is completely blocked from the BP level.

"Then what's the reason for banning female police officers?" I remember humbly asking for advice. Although he worked in the professional arena back then, his current analysis level in BP is obviously not as good as that of active players.

Zhuo Ding saw clearly, "Just... I think FNC wants to get an advantageous combination for the bottom lane and seize lane rights."

"Is that so?" Zeyuan asked his own question, "I thought it was the policewoman + Morgana quick promotion system that FNC used before to be wary of YM."

"This is one of the purposes." Zhuo Ding was a little anxious, and he unconsciously speeded up his speech, and his voice became unclear again, "The reason for blocking the policewoman Morgana is to ensure that she has the right to go down the lane."

I remember quickly saying: "I understand what you mean. On the surface, FNC banned female police officers to prevent YM from choosing the speed promotion system, but the underlying intention is to seize the advantage of the lower route rights."

Zhuo Ding nodded repeatedly. He was rather stupid with his mouth, and many times what he said was difficult for people to understand immediately.

Ze Yuan, who was beside the two men, suddenly realized that he was only analyzing the surface, but in fact he had to dig deeper to see the opponent's tactics.

Knight calmed down. While the three of them were chatting, YM had already banned Hailisan's Law in the third move. He continued: "The last ban position in FNC should be given to Verus. He started in the laning phase. Although the effect is not as good as that of a female police officer, the repressive power is also very strong."

As soon as he finished speaking, the blank area of ​​fnatic's first-round banned position on the BP screen was filled with Verus's avatar!

The barrage in the event live broadcast room was so dense that it almost occupied the entire screen.

[666 is fine with this hand]

[Great prophet? 】

[Yuyanjia, hurry up and crawl out from under the table, I know it’s you]

[I have to say, professional guys still have stuff]

Ze Yuan and Qi Yi looked at each other, obviously shocked by the prediction ability of professional players.

However, after all, they had been on the commentary stage for a while, and their expressions and demeanor were not exaggerated, but their words of praise were not lacking at all. They praised Zhuo Ding until his face turned red.

"YM grabbed Kai'Sa," Zeyuan joked, bringing the topic to the game again, "FNC chose Crow and Karma!"

When Zhuo Ding saw FNC's choice, he thought for a moment and said, "This is a very good idea."

"Troll is now in the ban position. If FNC selects Karma again, Crow's two biggest counter heroes are gone. It will be difficult for YM to restrict it!"

Hongmi on the stage also noticed this, "Let's get more heroes who can pull us, and try not to let the opponent run away."

"Assistant Fengnu..."

Liu Qingsong licked his lips again, "Are you sure? I am an average woman."

"It's okay," Hongmi patted him on the shoulder, "Feng Nu, a hero, can't jump to death suddenly, so you just have to die twice."

Jack's ears turned red, "What are you implying?"

Hongmi retreated after starting the group, ignoring Jack at all, and turned to look at Jin Gong, "Can the top laner take... the big tree?"

This is a very difficult decision. Before FNC has determined the split situation, selecting the top laner is destined to withstand pressure.

"彳亍, no problem." Xibaren thought for a while, and he was used to sacrificing for the team, so he decided to follow the coach's advice.

When the Twisted Dryad's profile picture lit up in the YM selection bar, the audience in the domestic live broadcast room became anxious.

[The top laner in the tree shape has taken over? 】

[Good guy, dreaming back to three years ago]

[What’s the matter, you don’t want people to play with the big trees anymore? 】

[Are some people suffering from ptsd caused by EDG? YM doesn’t play often, so it’s not okay to choose a game like this? 】

FNC coach youngbuck was also stunned when he saw the big tree.

No other reason.

This hero is really unpopular right now.

After the mid-season rework last year, Dashu became popular with his new ultimate mechanism. However, the update of Big Bug and the emergence of the new tank Ornn caused his status in the top lane tank to decline rapidly.

In terms of tankiness and team contribution, he is not as good as Blacksmith Ornn, and in terms of threat to the back row, he is not as good as Big Bug's W flash R.

It’s so embarrassing, I’m stuck here without getting up or down.

Now even EDG, the spokesperson of Dashu, no longer plays, so you can imagine how unpopular it is.

However, Youngbuck frowned, and after careful consideration, he found that Dashu seemed to be somewhat restrained in his own lineup.

The Son of the Tree provides deceleration, and the ultimate move Tree World Arrival can also block the accelerated rush of Crow and Karma.

After hesitating for two seconds, he decided to choose the rock bird first for caps.

"Wow, this Taliyah," I remember exclaiming, "FNC is trying to close the door!"

"The rock bird first sealed the road in the team battle, and then the Kalma group accelerated and rushed forward with the crows..." The more he thought about it, the more outrageous he felt.

In the second round of BP, FNC first sent Lin Ran's Zoe to the ban position, not wanting him to put too much pressure on caps.

The hero Yanque's laning is similar to that of Galio. He highlights an autistic style of play. After pushing the lane, he runs away without exchanging blood with the opponent.

However, Little Sparrow's current popularity in the middle cannot be compared with that of S7's Galio. First, due to his brittle body and low fault tolerance, coupled with unstable control, his jungle combat capabilities are far from those of peak Galio.

Moreover, the cooldown time of Taliyah's Q [Stone Penetration] in the first few levels is very long, the damage is not high, and the push speed is not fast.

Zoe can put huge pressure on Taliyah during the laning phase. Youngbuck knows that both sides are in the middle, and he is comfortable passing by in the caps. Only then will the entire FNC be connected. Naturally, he will not release the twilight protoss to Lin Ran. .

"YM banned Olaf, it seems he is going to target broxah!"

Immediately afterwards, FNC blocked Malzahar, and YM chose to ban Scorpion Lailai.

Youngbuck was pacing behind the players' bench.

He still has jungler and ADC to choose from. He originally planned to leave the counter to the jungler, but now that the troll Olaf Scorpion is gone, he feels that Xiaotian is likely to choose the signature Lee Sin.

In this case, there is no need to reserve this counter position for the jungler. It would be better to select the few jungle heroes first.

"If you remove the blind monk, the opponent will probably choose Pig Girl or Zach..." Youngbuck looked at his jungler, "Can you invade?"

Broxah glanced at the lineup. His top laner was a crow, and his mid laner was a rock bird. The line advantage was here. Isn't the invasion casual?

"no problem!"

He agreed immediately.

"FNC got the jungle Lee Sin, which is a bit like grabbing instead of banning..." Zeyuan felt that something was wrong, "This way, there won't be many heroes left for Xiaotian!"

"Like Zhumei and Zac, they are no match for the blind monk in the jungle, let alone mid laner Yanque with caps," I remember looking embarrassed, "This mid-jungle confrontation is going to be at a disadvantage!"

Zhuo Ding continued to be a transparent person next to him. Following the footage provided by the director, he saw YM and the others still talking and laughing, and felt that things were not as simple as imagined.

Sure enough, a ridiculous jungle hero was locked up on the fourth floor of YM.

Gun-fire maniac Graves!

"Male gun?!" I remember being stunned for a moment, obviously I didn't expect Garlic Bastard's choice, "It's been a long time since I saw Xiaoyao choose this hero!"

"Are you confident?" After Jack locked the male gun, he still teased Xiaoyao, "Don't cheat us."

"Don't bark, stinky dog," Xiaoyao pursed her lips in a smile, shaking the warm baby in her hand, "The labor man has a gun."

Hearing this, Jin Gong couldn't help but muttered, "What nonsense are you talking about? I really beg you to use your male gun to help me win a game."

Lin Ran was stunned and could only drink water to cover up his smile.

"Oops..." Xiaoyao's mentality changed a little after being messed with by two teammates, and his tone was quite impatient, "You can just watch my performance."

He is really confident.

Last year, YM experienced a difficult time after the mid-season. The main reason was that Riot suddenly changed Rift Herald, which suddenly left Xiaoya at a loss.

During this period, the YM coaching staff proposed a variety of plans to keep him competitive in the jungle.

Su Cheng, who was still a team analyst at the time, proposed a resource-plundering invasion tactic that was almost a jungle-style play.

Garlic Bastard tried this method, but his thinking suddenly changed from a rhythm jungler to a resource wild core, which caused his performance during that period to be very difficult.

However, after Xiaoyao gradually adapted to it, he felt that this wild core style of play was also very satisfying.

The main thing is to be able to ride on the opponent's jungler and pee, which is a pleasure that is difficult to experience when playing a hero like the blind monk.

In this game, he has to prove his ability.

"There is still one winning unit left to choose..." Zeyuan avoided the topic and saw a purple-skinned garlic appear in Liu Qingsong's hero selection box, "This Lulu should be playing with the light on."

The next moment, the open wound locked onto a hero who shocked the whole audience!

"Star Casting Dragon King!" Zeyuan's voice sounded faintly broken, "Is it true or not?"

Even though he was a commentator who had seen a lot of things in the world, he couldn't control the surprise in his heart at this time.

Unpopular, an unpopular hero like the top laner Dashu!

"Dragon King has been tepid in the professional arena since the S6 World Championship." I remember it was unbelievable, "Brother Ran will use it to deal with Yanque today!"

[Big tree, male spear, dragon king? S6 Renaissance, right? 】

[Isn’t the chosen lineup too weird? Is there really any output in the early stage? 】

[Just ask if you don’t understand. Ran met the Dragon King? 】

【? ? ? Guess what hero he used to win his first LPL championship]

[Is there anyone still doubting Brother Ran’s hero pool? One day he might come up with a Teemo mid laner and crush the opponent in the same way]

【Really? I don’t believe it, Yasuo is a thief]

The barrages are disturbing and arguing, but BP is still going on.

"FNC finally picked Sivir for Rekkles!" Remember to calm down and focus on the hero chosen by Ou Cheng, "They really want to play the acceleration system!"

"The crow cooperates with the double acceleration of Karma and Sivir. This entry speed..." Zeyuan felt terrible just thinking about it.

Many FNC fans at the scene also felt that their lineup did well.

What kind of valuables did the YM across the street choose?

Dashu and Dragon King, who haven’t appeared much this year, and Xiaoyao’s male gun, which he hasn’t used in more than a year...

What do you use to fight FNC?

They feel that choosing this lineup is half the battle. Many Europeans spontaneously shouted FNC's team name in the audience, and some adapted a short section of lyrics from "Viva La Vida" into a song featuring FNC players. The content attracted applause and cheers from many people.

Caps on the player bench frowned.

He was afraid that Lin Ran would choose these weird heroes.

Starcast Dragon King is definitely unpopular now, but this has little to do with the Riot update.

From S6 to now, Dragon King has not only not been hit by a single sword, but even reduced the cooldown of his ultimate move by 10 seconds last year.

However, the selection rate has been declining frequently. In the five major competition areas, except for the unique brother Huhi, almost no players will choose this hero.

First, because there are substitutes, although the roaming abilities of Galio and Rock Bird are not as strong as Dragon King, they are still sufficient.

Moreover, these two substitutes play a much stronger role for the team in the mid-term than the Dragon King.

Second, this hero is very demanding in the early stage. Once he fails to seize the opportunity to expand his advantage, the output in team battles is not very high.

In addition, Dragon King has relatively high proficiency requirements for players, and it is far from being as easy to use as Galio Rockbird. Unless the version is very popular, few players will spend energy to practice. After all, the time cost is too high. It’s easy to be thankless.

But caps took a look at the lineups of both sides.

Blue square YM: top laner Big Tree, jungler male spear, mid laner Dragon King, bottom lane Kai'Sa + Feng Nu.

Red side FNC: top laner Crow, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner Rock Bird, bottom lane Sivir + Karma.

If they want to start a team, they have to count on a head-on acceleration sprint, allowing the crows and blind monks to rush in.

But the three heroes on the opposite side, Dashu, Dragon King and Feng Nu, all have countermeasures, which can prevent FNC from entering the field.

How to fight this team fight?

The three people on the LPL commentary desk were also discussing the lineup issues of both sides.

"I think it's difficult for both sides to take the initiative to start a team fight in this round," Zeyuan first put forward his own thoughts. "The pulling power given to them by the lineup is too strong."

I remember not answering, but looking at the golden left hand next to me, "Knight, what do you think?"

Zhuo Ding said without hesitation, "YM's lineup is relatively better."

"Oh?" I remember starting to flatter him, "How do you say it?"

"Before Yanque reaches level 6, YM's ability to seize opportunities is much better than that of FNC." When it comes to the game, Zhuo Ding is not so nervous. "And in the middle stage, the male gun and Kai'Sa start to exert their strength. As long as they can withstand the strong period of the Crows' two-piece set, YM will be able to dominate the battle."

"It's really delayed until the late stage, and FNC doesn't have a solid front row, and there's no chance of winning against YM's double-shooter lineup."

Zhuo Ding's words gave reassurance to the audience in the domestic event live broadcast room. Fans who were originally doubtful because of YM's strange lineup were reassured.

No matter what the choice is, you still have to see the results to know the effect.

Summoner's Rift descended on the Paris Zenith Arena. At this moment, the audience burst into earth-shattering cheers, mixed with bursts of applause. It was like a surging tide, which was shocking!


The sound was so loud that the YM members who had not yet left the spring heard it clearly.

"You can really scream," Garlic Bastard gritted his teeth and looked very unhappy, "Wait for 15 minutes and see if you can still be so excited..."

Zeyuan on the commentary desk received the information given by the director and was as excited as if he had discovered a new world.

"G2 and Perkz just sent a tweet, which is very interesting..."

"Oh?" Remember to be flattering, "What is the specific content?"

Zeyuan had a smirk on his face, "A very simple sentence, it's for Fnatic - nimensidingle."

【? ? ? ? Are you starting again? 】

[Who are you hinting at? (The dog’s head saves life)]

[Muay Thai warns against depression! 】

[Why does G2 know so much? Do they all know this? 】

[I really like a sentence in San Shao’s diary——]

This is a famous meme created by EDG manager Sanshao at the S5 Global Finals held in Europe three years ago. It will be more effective when combined with EDG, which was later swept out by FNC.

Unexpectedly, after three years, G2 actually said this sentence again.

The target is still FNC, but this time their opponent is not EDG, but the more powerful YM.

Lin Ran bought the corruption potion and rushed to the middle road.

He brought Phase Rush this game, and his secondary systems were minion death weapon and time warp tonic.

“Brother Ran’s summoner skills in this game are very interesting,” Zeyuan discovered the blind spot, “Flash + Ignite, this is going to eat meat!”

I remember that I was still introducing the runes of both sides, "Caps's main system of Rock Bird is Ai Li, and his secondary system also brings minion death weapon, but the other small rune becomes Astral Insight... This summoner skill is a trick, right?" ?”

"Yanque brought healing skills," Zhuo Ding turned the words around twice in his mind, "Obviously he wants to hit the middle field, but Brother Ran's intention to ignite the fire is also obvious - he can cooperate with the burst damage of the male gun. Be the first to kill one person in seconds."

Zeyuan also thinks so, "After the enhancement of ignition in version 8.6, the attributes are now superior to the healing technique. Coupled with the serious injury effect, the combat effectiveness is indeed much stronger than the healing technique."

Caps saw Lin Ran's summoner skills when the page was loading, and knew that he had been tricked.

He bit his lip, "Do you want to fight invasion at the first level?"

"No fight, no fight," Broxah rejected the mid laner's suggestion, "Our level 1 control is not enough!"

It is impossible for the Rock Bird to learn W [Rock Burst]. They only rely on Crow's E [Never Go Again]. The control effect is quite limited. Even if they catch the YM team member, they cannot cause a kill.

And once YM groups crouch down, the price they pay will be too high.

"None of the five members of FNC bought the scan. It seems that they don't plan to play a first-level group." Zeyuan glanced at the movements of everyone in YM and found that they were also in a long snake formation, defending along the river. "Both sides started quite steadily. , neither of us knows the jungler’s movements!”

From a God's perspective, you can see that Xiaotian started from the bottom half of the area. With the help of the bottom lane duo, the male gun cleared the jungle extremely fast. After a burst of Icathian rainstorm, Graves closed it with one shot. Red BUFF can be easily upgraded to level 2.

In the middle, Lin Ran activates W [Star Dome Surge], standing on the side to ensure that his outer star track can affect five soldiers, and he can kill the remaining melee soldier with normal attacks.

Caps knew that no matter what, the first-level rock bird could not defeat the Dragon King, so he simply used Q [Stone Penetration] to target Lin Ran.

Stones hit the Dragon King's body one after another.

In order to ensure that his outer star track could hit as many minions as possible, Lin Ran simply did not dodge or dodge, and drank a bottle of corruption potion to inflict this set of damage.

The director's camera panned to the middle lane. Zhuo Ding saw that the two commentators had just finished talking about the laning situation in the bottom lane and had no intention of continuing, so he tried to communicate and said: "The output of Yanque at level 1 is not high now, mainly because of the talisman. In the revised version, she can no longer directly trigger the thunder with stone penetration."

Taliyah used to have Thunder at level one, and as long as the five stones of Q [Stone Penetration] could hit 3 of them, hitting Thunder would be a free exchange of blood.

However, the "independent skill" was added to the triggering conditions of electrocution, making it difficult for Taliyah to explode at level 1. The forced Yanque players could only choose Alley as a substitute.

But this set of output on the Dragon King can only be described as neither painful nor itchy. The corruption potion that Lin Ran drank can restore the blood volume.

"The Dragon King quickly pushed through the first wave of soldiers and headed towards FNC's Sharp Beak Camp!"

Lin Ran's positioning is undisguised. After all, this is not S6 anymore. Now normal people know that the Dragon King quickly pushes the first wave of troops and then steals a bird on the opposite side, so that he can reach the top before the second wave of troops arrives. level 2.

"Broxah has been prepared for a long time. He is currently in the red buff camp above the Sharpbill!"

As the European champions this spring, FNC naturally has two tricks up their sleeves. Broxah thought of Lin Ran's possible move before entering the Summoner's Rift.

For this reason, he specially chose the red BUFF to start with, so that he could reach the sharp-beaked bird as soon as possible.

But the problems Broxah faces are also very real.

He didn't finish the red buff.

The middle line of troops was handed over in 1 minute and 27 seconds. It only took Lin Ran 7 seconds to push the first wave of troops. Including the time to move to F6, it was only 1 minute and 40 seconds.

The refresh time of wild monsters is 1 minute and 30 seconds. In 10 seconds, broxah can't finish the red!

The blind monk who has not reached level 2 has no ability to retain people at all!

"You hold on a little longer, and I'll give you a penalty upgrade of 2!" He could only command the caps to help.

"I was going to miss a wave of troops in the past!" Caps felt that his jungler was crazy. There is still some time before the handover of the second wave of troops. If he comes to the jungle to help retain people, he will release all the troops in this wave. Enter the defense tower.

But before he could take action, Lin Ran took action first.

When I was operating the Dragon King's basic attack point on the Little Sharp-Beaked Bird, I placed the trinket eye across the wall in the red BUFF camp, and happened to see the blind monk who was clearing the jungle!

"Brother Ran saw Broxah's position..." Remember looking at the Summoner's Rift on the screen, "He insists on eating this little sharp-beaked bird!"

broxah couldn't help it.

You've seen my location and you still want to eat my wild monster?

Blatant robbery, right?

"The blind monk took the punishment with his basic attack, pocketed the red BUFF, and punched the Dragon King with one punch!"

Lin Ran didn't panic, and used his basic attacks in conjunction with the inner-orbiting planet to devour the small sharp-beaked bird.

The moment he reached level 2, he learned Q [Galaxy Surge].

Aurelion Sol created a new star core and stunned the blind monk!

"But Broxah reacted quickly and kicked out the Tianyin Wave before he was knocked unconscious!"

I remember being anxious, "Caps's rock birds are also coming here, they want to surround and destroy the Dragon King!"

Lin Ran did not panic and retreated, taking advantage of the dizzy period to increase the distance between himself and the blind monk.

"Broxah follows up with his second Q, and then a basic attack to trigger the Conqueror!"

However, Lin Ran hit the blind monk with his basic attack and inner orbit damage. Combined with the previously detonated star core, the three pieces of damage successfully triggered the phase rush!

"The Dragon King speeds up and escapes, Caps can only go back and continue to eat the line!"

Lin Ran's wave of harassment reduced his blood volume by half, but it also successfully delayed the blind monk for a lot of time.

More importantly, he also has a lot of information.

"He has no punishment!" Lin Ran shouted while recording the punishment time of the opponent's blind monk in the team chat.

In this game, Li Qing has some magical boots and astral insight as secondary tying, and the summoner's skill cooldown is reduced by 5%.

This also means that the 90-second cooldown of Punishment has been reduced by 4.5 seconds.

"The second punishment is 2 minutes and 55 seconds?" Xiaotian calculated quickly. He originally planned to go all the way up, but he changed his mind when he learned that his opponent's punishment had not improved.

He ate his F6 and quickly crossed the river and rushed to the blue BUFF in the lower half of FNC!

"The blind monk seemed to realize that something was wrong. He did not choose to eat other wild monsters, but went straight to his own blue zone..."

I remember looking at the shot that included the male spearman and the blind monk at the same time, I estimated the speed of Li Qing’s jungle clearing and said, “It’s not fast enough. Xiaoyao can get here in time!”

"Brother Ran helped to delay it for a while, and since the blind monk was alone in the wild the whole time, his speed couldn't keep up with the male gunner with the help of a duo!"

Xiaotian used the [Walk on Water] rune to accelerate across the river and enter the opponent's jungle area. At first sight, he saw the empty blue BUFF camp.

He glanced at the mini map again and found that the FNC blue BUFF logo had not disappeared.

The Garlic Bastard naturally knew that the wild monster was dragged into the grass by the blind monk.

"The male gunman made a quick decision and went up to the grass next to the blue buff camp to make an eye!"

The blind monk was inserted into the jewelry eye!

"Broxah wants to escape, but Xiaoyao doesn't give him a chance. He slides forward to slow down his basic attack, and cooperates with hitting the wall Q [End of the Road] to lower the blind monk's health!"

Originally, Broxah was beaten by Lin Ran at the Sharp Beak Camp, and his health was not very high. In order to drag the blue buff into the grass, it was difficult to perform more precise jungle operations, and he was punched several times by wild monsters. The blood volume is only 60%.

At this moment, the male gun's attack exploded, knocking him down to the point where his health was reduced!

"The blind monk has used his jewelry eye. Without punishment, if he wants to escape, he has to flash!"

Zeyuan was very excited. He was still observing the mini map at the same time, "The FNC duo is already on the way, and Brother Keran has also upgraded to level 3 and is running here!"

At 2 minutes and 27 seconds, the artillery carriage and soldiers connected with each other in the middle. Lin Ran opened the outer track. The star sky skyrocketed and cooperated with the minion remover. After destroying the artillery carriage, he pushed the entire wave of troops under the Rock Bird Tower. In the process, he also Improved his level.

Caps was forced to have no choice but to deal with the troop line under the tower, although he also used the minion remover to eat the artillery cart, and the stone penetration to eat the melee soldiers to reach level 3. He also gave up the remaining minions and went to the jungle to support.

However, the Dragon King who has reached level 3 moves very fast, and E [Star Stream] flies towards the blue zone!

"I don't know how much faster this speed is than Yanque's passive!" Zeyuan blurted out.

Lin Ran even came to the blue zone earlier than FNC who pushed the lane!

"The blind monk couldn't hold on any longer and was forced to hand over Flash!"

When Broxah saw the Dragon King appear within his field of vision, he knew he had to run away.

Otherwise, if Lin Ran's DF Second Company came over to ignite the fire, he would have to explain it here.

"The blue BUFF was accepted by Xiaoyao. He was not satisfied yet and decided to target the Demon Swamp Frog!"

"Xiaotian, this is too crazy!"

Lin Ran knew that the fourth wave of soldiers had not yet reached the middle, so he was not in a hurry to return to the line and simply stayed with him.

"The FNC duo arrived here, but they are only level 2!"

All YM midfielders and junglers have been upgraded to level 3, and the male gun has double BUFFs. With the passive superposition of pure men, his combat power is very exaggerated.

In a real fight, the three of them from FNC may not be able to beat YM's midfielder.

"Give it, give it, I'm going to the upper half!" Broxah finally gave up. He knew that Liu Qingsong and Jack would never sit idly by and ignore it. They would also rush over after taking care of the bottom line.

At that time, FNC will only be defeated.

"The Blind Monk returned to the upper half to farm his own Sharp Beak Bird, and Xiaotian had to counterattack a group of Three Wolves!" Zeyuan saw the movements of the gang godfather Graves and couldn't help but praise him, "They are just like bandits. !”

Zhuo Ding, who had not interrupted before, finally spoke, "These two waves can show the strength of the Dragon King. The speed of early support and the radiation range in the wild are too exaggerated!"

"Broxah felt that his bottom lane was pushing the lane, and he wanted to hold on to the blue buff, but Sivir and Karma couldn't rush to the battlefield as fast as the Dragon King. He lost to the wild monsters this time, and even handed over Flash in vain... …”

Having said this, his eyes narrowed and his speech was extremely clear, "This flash seems to cause a chain reaction!"

The male gunman in Summoner's Rift handed over punishment and ate the big shadow wolf, then escaped and rushed to the middle. During this period, he raised his gun and ate a small wolf, while he left the other small wolf in the camp.

"I'm going to my own house. Look at me!"

Xiaoyao began to let his teammates surround him. The previous practice of jungle-style play allowed him to command without any psychological burden.

"Brother Ran, let me help you push the wave line!" He is very considerate and helpful.

"I have to thank you, right?" Lin Qishi smiled.

But he didn't object. After all, pushing the army line would free him up and allow him to support everywhere.

He let the male gunman come over with a Q to lower the health of the minions, and then pushed out with a Q [Galaxy Surge] to clear out the minions.

"YM midfielder joined forces again, heading towards the upper half..." Zeyuan looked at the movement of the two, "They are going to defend the blue buff, and the blind monk is already fighting!"

Jin Gong heard the reminder from his teammates and also went to the jungle to double-team, completely ignoring the half wave of minions in front of the tower!

Bwipo, who pushed the line, also hurried to the blue zone.

"Broxah handed over the punishment to take the blue buff, but he can't leave!"

Xibaren and YM Zhongye were flanked by two sides, blocking the blind monk's retreat like a dragnet!

"Give me the head!" Xiaoyao stood up alone.

"The economic significance of the Dragon King and Dashu is obviously not as great as that of the male gun. The heads are allocated to Xiaotian. He can also farm his own Three Wolves and Demon Marsh Frogs this time, so he is making a lot of money!"

On the other side, Broxah was so frustrated by Lin Ran's repeated intrusions that he almost collapsed!

I overestimate myself...

I’ll write these first, and then I’ll do a big chapter tomorrow.

Ps: There is a monthly ticket activity in the comment area.

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