LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 485 483: You like playing Vayne, right?

"Just kill Vayne, leave Olaf alone!" Lin Ran started shouting as soon as he landed, marking the kill signal on Khan's head.

"Ryze flashed forward, and EW locked Vayne in place!" Miller shouted loudly, "Qinggangying and Lucian moved forward and began to inflict damage!"

Since Vayne was moved to the top lane, she had no purification with teleportation, and the 1.5 seconds of imprisonment was enough for YM to humiliate her wantonly!

Khan looked at the declining health bar and found that Qinggangying had no sign of using the hook, and knew that he could no longer use E [Devil's Judgment].

Vayne pulled out her giant arrow and beat back Lucian mercilessly - Khan didn't want the opposing Jin Gong to get any more kills.

As for whether the head will be given to Ryze, that's none of his business. BDD is the one who suffers anyway, so what does it have to do with him, Khan?

Seeing that he was repelled, Jin Gong was furious to death.

He didn't want to use Flash to catch up - after all, Vayne was already in a certain death situation, and he was just trying to grab a head by using Flash, which was not necessary at all.

Seeing the head slipping away from his fingers, Jimu cursed Xiba twice in anger, and even translated it in Chinese, "Shiba" one at a time, for fear that his teammates wouldn't understand.

"Wayne handed over Flash and tried to escape... Brother Keran has triggered Phase Rush and is chasing him all the way!"

Even if Little Peanut throws an ax with a slowing effect, Vayne can't outrun Ryze. Khan finally falls in front of the tower and is killed by Lin Ran's basic attack.

Amidst the excited cheers from the audience, the green steel shadow operated by Garlic Bastard extended its hook towards the wall next to it, aiming at Olaf who had not had time to escape!

"Give me your flash!" the boy said viciously. He felt that the helmet on his good friend Olaf's head was an eyesore.

Little Peanut didn't hear this sentence, but it didn't stop him from showing off.

The golden light flashed, and Olaf successfully avoided the sharp leg blade of the Qinggang Shadow and retreated under the tower!

Although they did not get any more kills, it did not affect the excitement of the three LPL commentators!

"Less than 4 minutes, Vayne is already 0/2!" Wawa beamed with joy. Fortunately, the director's camera was not pointed at him, otherwise the audience would have thought he was cosplaying the Pot of Desire.

"Not only handing over Flash, how will he deal with this soldier line?" Miller smiled.

Just now, Little Peanut came over to protect Khan from pushing the lane. At first, he thought it was impossible for Ueno and Jungle to lose in a 2v2, but who would have thought that the opponent actually called the mid laner over!

Now the top lane has been pushed through, but not completely.

A large wave of troops that did not enter the tower were stuck there by Lu Xian. Looking at Jin Gong's perseverance in resisting the troops with his body, it was not difficult to guess that the Xiba people wanted Khan to die.

"There will be at least three waves of minions stuck here," Omp was very sure. After all, he was an active professional player. He could tell what was going to happen next just by taking a glance at the wave of minions. "There is no room for Vayne to grow!"

Khan is online again, level 3 versus level 5.

Vayne was suppressed by two levels against Lucian, which made her unable to line up.

Khan initially wanted to stand in the grass and gain some experience, but who was Jin Gong?

The other top offensive top laners are better than the West Eight in terms of laning suppression and blood exchange.

But no one knows how to resist stress better than him!

Jin Gong has been in the top lane for such a long time. For the sake of the team, he has gradually transformed from a dean to a top blue-collar top laner. This unique skill of resisting pressure is his unique secret in the top lane.

Putting himself in his shoes, he naturally knew which patch of grass his opponent would hide in to gain experience when he was at a disadvantage!

Using Lucian to slide forward, W [Fierce Bullet] successfully forced Vayne out.

Khan had no way to go, and wanted to kill the top laner's favorite stone beetle, but the little peanut who implemented the quick four play style had just finished eating this group of wild monsters.

He didn't have any resources to farm the entire first half.

You can only go to the middle and make two turns.

But just now, BDD took advantage of Lin Ran's teleportation to hit the road and used his skills to push all the artillery soldiers into the middle tower. Now Ryze is back on the line and still eating ice.

What can he do with an uncontrollable Vayne?

"Come and kill him!" When Little Peanut saw Khan coming to the middle, he immediately came up with a plan.

"Ah?" The Khans were all confused. What kind of operation was this?

"Come on, come on, he didn't show up!" BDD gritted his teeth and became cruel.

Their original lineup has no rhythm. If they don't find some supplementary development for Khan, Vayne will be useless.

"Olav and Vayne broke into the YM jungle along the upper half of the river..." Changmao saw the movements of KZ Ueno and immediately realized their intentions, "They want to capture Brother Ran!"

"Are you crazy?" Miller had a bad premonition in his heart, but he still favored YM, "Level 3 Vayne, plus Olaf, who has lost both buffs, are you really going to catch Ryze?"

Immediately afterwards, he saw Xiaotian rushing to the bottom lane, using the hook to connect the second section of the wall, and fired Grella's flash.

"It's over, it's over." Miller muttered to himself.

Just as he was thinking, seeing Qinggang Ying appearing in the lower half, KZ Zhong Ueno immediately made up his mind to take advantage of the absence of bodyguards to attack Lin Ran!

"Syndra grabbed the magic ball on the ground, smashed it over with telekinesis, and then followed up with E [The Weak Retreat]!"

The magic ball hit Lin Ran's feet. He couldn't dodge this skill without flashing, and was knocked unconscious by the ball.

"Olav and Vayne came out from behind the defense tower!" The doll's tone was full of worry, and even the YM fans at the scene couldn't restrain their inner restlessness!

Lin Ran was hit by an axe, and another dark ball from Syndra and a crossbow from the Night Hunter also hit him. His blood volume, with only tears of the goddess all over his body, dropped to less than half in an instant!

He saw Olaf and Vayne appearing from behind him and subconsciously raised his eyebrows.

Lin Ran didn't expect this group of people to be so crazy.

Is Vayne sick?

He knew that he was quite hated when he teleported up to catch Khan just now, but there was no need to come back with revenge, right?

When will injustice be repaid?

"Brother Ran EW immobilizes Olaf who is closest to him, and then hits him with Q [Overload], triggering the passive shield and phase rush at the same time!"

After Lin Ran was stunned for a short time, he chose the most correct path - to rush into BDD's face.

Syndra had just been shot by the defense tower in order to stun him, and now her health was only about half.

More importantly, BDD has already exhausted all its skills.

Now that Lin Ran is close to Syndra's face, there is no need to worry about being killed instantly by the opponent.

"Olav and Vayne still want to pursue..." Before Miller finished speaking, he saw BDD take a step back from Lin Ran and leave the defense tower. The next person who resisted the tower became a little peanut. He couldn't help but Shouting loudly: "KZ's anti-tower made a mistake!"

Vayne should have been in good condition to resist. After all, she is long-range and can output at the edge of the defense tower's range, which facilitates timely retreat.

As for Little Peanut, it's a close combat. Olaf can't learn how to throw an ax like Draven. He has to stay close to deal high enough damage.

KZ did the same thing.

However, because there is a certain distance between Vayne and Lin Ran, the crossbow damage can only be triggered after a certain delay. In this case, the ax thrown by Little Peanut in the imprisoned state came first, attracting the hatred of the defense tower. !

"Retreat, retreat, we can't kill!" Little Peanut found the warning sound of the defense tower above his head. Knowing that he had no chance to kill again, he immediately chose to retreat.

Khan played a set of three rings, but at only level 3, his damage was a bit low, and Ryze still had nearly 1/3 of his health left.

"Vayne and Olaf still want to escape!"

The director's camera suddenly zoomed out, including the upper river channel in the picture!

Lucian was holding two guns, his eyes full of revenge and anger, and he was rushing towards the battlefield!

"Jin Gong came over to encircle Olaf and Vayne," Miller's eyes lit up when he saw this scene, "KZ, Ueno and Jungle combined are no match for Lucian!"

Peanut and Khan have already surrendered Flash before, and Peanut, who currently has the strongest combat power, has quite average health.

The level-leading Lu Xian's one-on-two attack was just a routine operation.

"Let's go separately!" Khan saw Lu Xian's position through his eyes planted in the grass in the river, and knew that something was wrong.

After originally planning to jump over the tower and kill Ryze, the three of them left together.

However, due to a mistake in the anti-tower, Ueno was unable to join up with BDD.

"I'll sell it, and you find a place to go back to the city." Little Peanut volunteered.

Now the wild monsters in the lower half of his area have not been refreshed, and one death will not have much impact. If Khan dies again, 0/3 Vayne will basically be disconnected.

"Olav went to stop Lucian alone...but Jin Gong didn't even look at him!"

The Xiba people now wanted to stare at Khan and kill him to avenge the previous round. He slipped to avoid Olaf's ax and hit Vayne with two shots.

Jin Donghe was panicked. He was definitely not as valuable as Olaf after being killed twice in a row. He didn't expect Jin Gong to do this to him!

"Vayne shot a giant arrow of demonic judgment to repel Jin Gong!"

Just when the giant arrow was about to hit Lucian, Jin Gong's double spears suddenly shot out the penetrating holy light, penetrating Vayne's body!

Although Khan was in good condition just now, level 5 Lucian's set of output also reduced his health volume by nearly half.

"Sell out!" Xiaohuahua stared at his top laner when he saw Jin Gong. He immediately lost his memory selectively and decisively sold his teammates.

Olaf escaped alone, but Vayne had no choice but to walk to the YM Highlands.

"Khan, what are you doing?" The doll said in an exaggerated tone, "That's someone else's house!"

The audience in the audience burst into laughter when they saw the embarrassed Khan.

Jin Donghe controlled Vayne to circle in front of the high ground for a long time, and finally ran into time and wanted to send him to the tower, but Jin Gong came up and shot W [Holy Bullet] and sent him back to the spring!

"5 minutes 0/3!" Miller was extremely excited, "Khan, are you sure you want to play Vayne?!"

The number of barrages in domestic live broadcast rooms is skyrocketing.

[Khan is so miserable. I feel sorry for him. What about you? 】

[I really wanted to die laughing. I formed a group to catch Brother Ran, and finally got myself involved.]

[How to play with 0/3 Vayne? Just click on it, Jujubaby】

Lin Ran relied on the rune of bleeding gums and continued to line up in the middle lane. He wanted to make some money before returning to the city to buy equipment.

BDD has nothing to do with him. He has not returned to the city to replenish equipment. Now that all three layers of corruption potion have been knocked down, Syndra, who has very little mana left, must save her skills.

Lin Ran used two E [Spell Surge] and an overload, and combined with a few basic attacks, he could clear the line of soldiers.

The two in the middle were promoted to level 6 one after another. BDD, who had completely drained his mana, returned to the city to buy magic shoes, while Lin Ran bought a pair of mercury shoes.

The director split the shot into two, and the audience could see clearly that the movements of Ryze and Syndra after leaving the spring were exactly the same.

Hit the road.

"Brother Ran wants to catch Lu Lu again!" Changmao seemed to have discovered a new world, "But this intention was noticed by BDD!"

Jin Gong had killed Vayne on the high ground before, and returned to the city to buy a Bilgewater Scimitar. The equipment attributes were placed here, and coupled with his own advanced level, Lu Xian was extremely suppressive.

Khan had no experience at all and could only stand in the distance and watch the Xiba people control the line.

Now a large wave of troops has been accumulated and is preparing to advance to the upper tower of KZ.

Even a fool can see that YM still wants to attack Vayne.

Deliberately hoarding such a large wave of troops, if he jumps the tower and kills Vayne one more time, Khan's game will be completely ruined.

BDD could guess what the other party was thinking, so he did not make the [Lost Chapter] when he returned to the city. Instead, he first bought the magic shoes, and then used the extra money to buy a real eye.

He did this because he was afraid that Lin Ran would go back to the city to buy second-speed shoes and go straight on the road. If there was a speed gap between him and Lin Ran, then Ryze could naturally rush to help Jin Gong cross the tower.

BDD has no other choice.

But this time he also brought Little Peanut over. Olaf was not killed just now, and now he has reached level 5, and his combat effectiveness is quite good.

Even if Xiaoyao's Qinggang Shadow comes here, it will be three against three, and KZ still has a defense tower.

How to lose?

BDD calmed down and continued to move forward along the second tower on the upper road. Jin Gong had already eaten the last soldier. In a moment, a large wave of YM soldiers would enter the upper tower.

"Lucian entered the tower with his troops and was also promoted to level 6..."

Before Miller finished speaking, Ryze's R [Warp Path] teleportation array appeared at Khan's feet!

BDD's mood fluctuated instantly.


He has great ambitions. This time, he not only wants to stop YM, but also allows Khan to reconnect!

Thinking of this, BDD's fingers curled up slightly with excitement.

The azure rune teleportation circle finally dissipated, exposing all the creatures carried by the winding warp!


Two bins!

Other than that, it’s deserted!


Just as BDD was about to speak, he heard someone expressing surprise on his behalf in the team's voice.

It was little Peanut. Listening to his tone, it was almost unbelievable.

"Come and help me!" Khan suddenly roared.

When he called for help, Lucian had already pulled out the holy spear and shot the bullet towards Vayne under the tower!

"Does Jin Gong dare to attack alone?" Changmao didn't expect Xiba people to be so fierce, and his tone changed when he spoke.

Jimu Gong kept shooting at Khan, muttering to himself, "W, dot, E, dot, Q, dot..."

This is the trick Lin Ran told him before the game was loaded, saying that it would make Lu Xian's combos smoother.

Jin Gong looked at Lucian's extremely smooth operation and wanted to call Lin Ran brother three times more.

"The Vayne Demon Trial failed to nail Lucian to the wall!" Miller looked at the Night Hunter whose health bar was rapidly declining, and his voice became shriller. "She still wanted to fight back, which attracted the hatred of the soldiers!"

At a rough count, there must be ten minions under the KZ tower, plus the two bins sent by Lin Ran using the winding path. When they are combined together, the damage caused by attacking the crispy Vayne can only be described as terrifying!

"Beep, beep, beep, beep..." Jin Gong kept mumbling according to the technique Lin Ran taught him, and Lucian, who he was controlling, also fired the Holy Spear, pouring all the bullets into Vayne's face!

The damage from Bilgewater's Scimitar was also dealt, and Khan was beaten to residual health in the blink of an eye!

"KZ Ueno arrived in time, Syndra flashed the QE second company, and pushed Lu Xian from a super long distance!"

But at this time, the bullets from the Holy Spear and the focused fire of the minions had already killed Vayne!

"Don't!" Khan saw his single opponent knocking Jin Gong unconscious, and he let out a monkey cry in panic.

BDD was also panicked.

He originally thought he could save Khan, but he didn't expect Khan to fight back against Lucian.

The hatred attracted by the minions announced Vayne's death in advance.

Khan originally wanted to trade this head. When he saw Jin Gong use his sliding step, he knew that his opportunity had come.

In fact, he had two choices at that time, one was to fight back against Jin Gong as he had just done, and the other was to clear the line of troops without firing a single shot.

Both of them will die - even if he doesn't fight back against Jin Gong and doesn't attract the hatred of the minions, he still has to deal one less three-ring passive damage. Jin Gong still holds Flash in his hand, so it's not difficult to kill Vayne.

The former can harvest 300 yuan plus bounty for each person's head, but his own bounty will also be reset, and it is very likely that he will be raised as a pig by YM.

The latter will not reset its own kill bounty, but the problem is that it will not develop either.

In a split second, Khan chose the former.

There is no way, he needs money too much.

If we continue to maintain this economy, Vayne will have no effect in this game. You must know that this is a professional arena, and the opponent will not give Vayne any chance to fish in troubled waters like in the passerby qualifying game.

Khan risked resetting his own head bounty to replace this head.

Who would have thought that his teammates would show up and try to save him!

"My, my, my..." BDD's heartbeat was now increasing, his palms were sweating, and he could only keep apologizing.

Khan really wanted to complain at this time. BDD caused the final harm to Lucian, and the head was naturally his.

The result is that he didn't get the head money to supplement the development, not even the minion.

The 12 soldiers under the tower!

Khan felt his heart bleed just thinking about it.

"What a loss of blood for Vayne!" Miller, who was standing on the commentary table, thought about it and knew Khan's plan, "We didn't get enough troops, and our teammates stole our heads!"

[I really want to laugh to death from BDD]

[Flash the K head, distill it]

[Isn’t this going to cut off all kindness and righteousness with one hand? 】

[Don't be embarrassed, BDD doesn't want Khan's head to be changed back to 300 yuan before sending YM. If you don't understand, don't scream! 】

[Quie, stop your teammates from collecting kills and prevent Khan from sending more kills. BDD really worked hard! 】

The three people on the LCK commentary desk also sighed with disappointment.

Now six and a half minutes into the game, Vayne has only 15 last hits!

0/4/1, what else are you playing with?

Before they could express their opinions, the director suddenly switched the camera to the bottom lane.

Qinggangying finally appears!

The hook rope was hung on the wall, and the second E successfully hit Verus and knocked him out!

"Liu Qingsong flashed with Q [Dark Imprisonment], leaving Pray where he is!"

In order to avoid being controlled to death by the chain, the Rat King also brought purification. At this moment, when Liu Qingsong's control was connected, he decisively handed over purification + flash and retreated desperately!

"Lulu gave out the shield of E [Help, Pixar], trying to help Verus withstand some damage..."

Gloria also handed over the Sheep Transformation skill of W skill, hoping to delay the output of the three YM junglers, but Liu Qingsong used the magic shield given by Morgana to block Jack's control!

"But Qinggangying's powerful attack is too painful, isn't it?!" The baby couldn't help but screamed, "Verus's health bar is about to be emptied!"

Originally, the combination of Xuan Ming and Ming was at a disadvantage in the bottom lane. It was difficult for Verus + Lulu to compete with the combination of Policewoman + Morgana. The Rat King didn't have much health to begin with, but after being kicked like this by Qinggang Ying, it was hard to compete with the combination of Policewoman + Morgana. Hard damage can kill him.

"KZ collapsed!" Miller saw the health of the bottom defense tower dropping rapidly under the fire from YM's jungle. He could no longer suppress his inner excitement. "In just 7 minutes, this bottom tower was about to be pushed down." Lost!"

Originally, this tower still had 70% to 80% health, but I couldn't bear it. Qinggangying's basic attack combined with Q [Precision Etiquette] demolished the tower very quickly, and the top, middle and jungle of KZ were all in the upper half, and no one would come. disturb them.

The artillery soldiers who arrived at the bottom lane at 7 minutes and 7 seconds were exploited to the extreme. When the Rat King came online again, the defense tower's health bar was only 1/4.

With this amount of blood, there is no need for Lin Ran and Xiaotian to come. Jack will come back later after replenishing his equipment, and it will only be a matter of a few shots.

Little Peanut felt that he had no skills at all. The disadvantages of the upper and lower routes were too great. If he wanted to make up for it, he would have to run back and forth. The distance between the two lines was too far.

Fortunately, after BDD in the middle got Lucian's head and the blue BUFF he gave him, he had a certain advantage against Lin Ran, so he didn't need to worry...

"Look at me!"

Just as Little Peanut was thinking about it, he heard BDD shouting for help!

He screened everything and found that Lin Ran was beating BDD violently!

"Brother Ran took advantage of Syndra's opportunity to replenish troops, and Q overload hit first from a distance, then directly handed over the flash that he had just converted and stepped forward, W [Rune Imprisonment] and a basic attack!"

Phase Rush was triggered, and Lin Ran took another step forward, dodging the dark ball cast by BDD.

E [Spell Surge] hangs above Syndra's head, and while casting Q [Overload], follow it up with a basic attack!

Syndra, who had no defensive equipment on her body, lost 60% of her health due to Lin Ran's move, and she continued to pursue, with no intention of giving up!

BDD panicked.

He didn't originally plan to use Purify. After all, when Ryze was not using EW combos, the duration of his imprisonment was only 0.75 seconds, which was fleeting.

But he didn't expect that Lin Ran would be so murderous.

By the time BDD realized that Lin Ran wanted to kill him alone, the short-term restraint and control had disappeared, and a wave of his blood was consumed in vain.

He turned around with R [Energy Pour] and E [The Weak Retreat] to play the Heavenly Lady's Flowers.

There was no suspense. Lin Ran, who had handed over the flash, was unable to avoid it and fell into a dazed state!

"Syndra used W [Driving Telekinesis] again, slowing down Ryze and triggering her own phase rush!"

Quan Yongjun's hosting skills are really good. Increasing his speech speed will not affect his ability to tell everything that happened on the field, and at the same time, he can arouse the emotions of the audience.

Now that BDD triggered the phase rush, he was about to escape, but there was no joy in Quan Yongchen's tone, but instead he was full of anxiety and uneasiness.

"BDD is still running away... Qinggang Shadow is here!"

Quan Yongjun almost broke his voice.

In the KZ Sharp Beak Camp, Hook Suo appeared in front of BDD with Qinggang Ying!

W tactical sweep!

Immediately afterwards, the second section of the wall successfully hit!

"Syndra's purification instantly relieves dizziness!"

But Qinggangying has already used basic attack and Q [Precision Etiquette].

"BDD used the acceleration effect of phase rush to try to escape, but Xiaotian didn't give him a chance!"

Hex Ultimatum!

The Qinggangying let out a light scold, jumped up high, and the barrier covered her and Syndra!

A pick up!

Real damage empties BDD's health bar!

"Beautiful!" The doll exclaimed, "This wave of BDD casualties is very hurtful!"

"KZ is now at a three-way disadvantage and it will be difficult for them to launch an effective attack!"

When Miller said this, he did not forget to mention Qinggangying, "Camille is really the key. Her ganking ability is so stable!"

Qinggangying's set of damage plus strong attack is enough to knock the squishy hero down to residual health.

He looked carefully from God's perspective. Xiaotian and Xiaohuahua were about the same distance from the middle battlefield at the beginning, but Qinggangying's excellent displacement ability allowed her to arrive earlier.

At this critical moment, a second earlier could change the situation of the battle!

With Syndra's death, KZ could no longer find a strong offensive fulcrum and could only defend passively!

At 9 minutes, Jack pushed down the first tower, returned to the city and changed lanes, and got stuck when the Canyon Herald was born and came to the Dalong Pit.

KZ has no ability to resist. Khan wants to switch to the bottom lane after finishing the top lane to continue to develop.

But Lin Ran drove Liu Qingsong and Garlic Bastard, and the three of them went directly to double-team him!

"Little Peanut is right next to him, and he can't do anything!" The old bastard rarely showed any excitement, "He can only watch his teammates being ravaged by others!"

" like to play with Vayne, right?" Jin Gong gritted his teeth and killed Khan with two passive bullets!

"Kill him, catch him and kill him!" Lin Ran also gave the death order.

If you like to use long hands to take orders, you have to pay the price!

Khan took a deep breath, trying to adjust his mentality.

The game time can be seen in the upper right corner of the display.


In twenty-two minutes, he scored 0 kills, 8 deaths and 1 assist.

The CS count is 135, and all he has on his body is the Blade of the Ruined King and a pair of attack speed boots.

The opponent's Jin Gong is 6/1/3, with 240 reinforcements, ruined, attack speed boots, black cut, storm sword and pickaxe.

Khan made a brief calculation and knew that the economic gap between the two top laners was already over 4k.

Although Vayne is strong in one-on-one combat in the mid-to-late stages, she cannot make up for such a large economic gap.

Khan had no doubt that if he dared to look at Jin Gong now, his ashes would be scattered across the street.

Too cruel.

He didn't expect that YM would kill him and keep a close eye on him.

Qinggangying comes once, and Ryze comes again. Even if he tries his best, he still can't withstand it!

Khan recalled the entire record of his previous eight deaths in battle, and was still in shock.

Qinggang Ying was like a ghost, coming to him from all kinds of incredible angles.

Once Hex issued the ultimatum, he was unable to move and allowed himself to be slaughtered.

Is this hero jungler so powerful?

Khan took advantage of the fact that he had not yet resurrected and turned his head to see the reaction of his teammates.

I found that the four people had dull expressions on their faces, and they were obviously a little nervous.

No one could laugh out loud after being beaten so violently. After all, no one was being coerced.

Khan just wants to see his base explode now.

If we continue to play like this, the mentality of everyone in KZ will definitely be affected in the next game.

But contrary to expectations, YM was still playing steadily and step by step, not wanting to rush forward and end the game.

It was pure torture.

Khan now resents Riot for canceling the surrender mechanism in professional games.

YM obviously did this on purpose, just to make KZ lose their mentality as they approach the final game, so that they can win without a fight.

He had no other choice but to mechanically and numbly operate the hero to replenish the line.

The game lasted until 25 minutes.

"Okay, okay, come on, brothers!" Jin Gong returned to the city and bought the Infinity Blade, Yellow Cross and Stopwatch, and pushed up to the KZ high ground with his teammates!

"It's finally here!" The doll's spirits were lifted.

Xiaotian's movements were smooth, and the E hook rope was hung on the ruins of the high ground in the middle of the KZ. He suddenly handed it over and flashed forward, and followed the second E wall back!

E flash E!

From a distance of nearly 1,500 yards, Verus was successfully knocked unconscious!

"Beep, beep, beep..." Jin Gong loaded up his W-fire bullets and opened fire.

The Baptism of the Holy Spear seemed extremely painful under the armor-breaking effect of Black Kiri!

"Three and a half pieces of Lucian, the damage is horrific!!" Miller increased his volume.

The audience also gave me the warmest applause and cheers!

The green steel shadow bounced in the air, sending all friendly forces around Vayne flying!

"KZ still wants to focus on Camille, but Xiaotian has a stopwatch!"

The ding sounds like a death sentence for KZ.

Ryze drove Morgana into the crowd!

When R [Soul Shackles] bound everyone in KZ, the outcome of the battle was decided!

"Jingong is slipping!"

The equipment advantage is really too exaggerated. Although the Xiba people are average in operation, they are better because of the outrageous damage!

Three shots killed the half-healthy Verus, and he forced himself forward and then passively attacked. The cooldown reduction given by the black cut made Lucian like a duck to water!

"BDD also fell, Jin Gong scored four kills!" Wawa jumped up and down excitedly, "There is only one Lulu left, is there five kills?!"

"Another five kills? The other four members of YM chose to enter the spring to create an output environment for Jin Gong!" Miller watched Lin Ran and others rush into the opponent's spring like moths rushing into the flame!

Lucian flashed forward, passively received the body's holy light with two shots, and successfully killed Lulu!

"YM played a wave of 4 for 5! Only Lucian is left alive on both sides, and Jin Gong is about to overthrow the base!"

Lu Xian's bullets poured down, and the two incisor towers were destroyed!

The only remaining main crystal can't stop him!

At 26 minutes and 11 seconds, the KZ base was reduced to ruins!

Another person retired, alas :-(

I'm not in the mood, I'll make up for it tomorrow

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