LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 486 484: The black rose will bloom again!

"Congratulations YM!" The worries that the baby had aroused due to Khan Vayne's wonderful performance in the previous game were all gone at this moment, leaving only full of joy, "2:1 won the match point first!"

The audience in the audience and in the live broadcast room cheered for joy. Now the home team they support is only one step away from the highest podium!

[Jin Gong also has five kills, Ye Qingjie]

[Woooooo Khan stopped smiling, and he didn’t even have the face of a champion]

[Just the explosive kill! Khan likes to play Vayne, right? Keep playing! 】

[The question is, how successful is Vayne in this game with Uzi? 】

[Don’t be embarrassed, this bowl, this bowl is Uzi’s arrival to protect the LPL region. The traitor Khan wants to use Vayne without applying for it? dream! 】

Miller couldn't help but sigh, "The performance of several YM players was really impressive today. Jack and Jin Gong both got five kills!"

"If you include the five-kills that Xiaoyao and Ran Ge got in the previous games, then YM has a total of four five-kills in this mid-season!" Changmao also joined in next to him.

"Oh my god..." Liu Qingsong looked at Lucian's outstanding performance on the data panel after the game, feeling like he was jealous.

So sour.

"Are you the only one left who hasn't gotten a Penta Kill now?" The Garlic Bastard was still inserting the knife into him, his smile widening, "Hahahaha, I'm going to die laughing!"

"RNM assistants have no human rights!" Liu Qingsong sighed while holding the paper cup.

Jimu Gong didn't know how to comfort his good brother. If Liu Qingsong hadn't taken Lin Ran's car to the center of the KZ crowd and activated his ultimate move in the team battle, he might not have been able to get the pentakill.

He scratched his head in distress, "Have you ever had a pentakill in the auxiliary position?"

"No," Lin Ran followed them and drank all the drinks in the paper cup in one gulp, "I don't remember seeing an auxiliary five-kill in a professional game."

Liu Qingsong thought about it carefully and felt that he had no hope.

Even in the S6 Global Finals, which has the most explosive auxiliary damage in recent years, heroes like Zyra Fire Man have never scored five kills.

Not to mention the current version.

What about Morgana, Braum, Tauren, Tam...

If this kind of hero can get five kills in the professional arena, he can basically be sure that the opponent will be coerced into opening the game.

He couldn't help but sigh.

The tearing wound reminded me of a sentence I had seen before - if I had never seen the sun, I might have endured the darkness.

If he had been playing in the support position, he wouldn't be so obsessed with pentakills.

The key is that before joining Greedy Sa, Liu Qingsong beat Eddie Xi.

Back then, he was Uzi's substitute at OMG. Although he couldn't even make it to the training matches, he had to admit that this position was really easy to get five kills, and it was also the easiest to attract the attention and cheers of the LPL audience.

Seeing all four teammates unlocking achievements, Liu Qingsong couldn't help but feel the taste, and his thoughts were flying wildly.

"Ai Yamei," Lin Ran saw that Liu Qingsong was still thinking and patted him on the shoulder quickly, "Your auxiliary control show has been very good in these games."

Jack was also speaking for him, "That's right, which support company proves itself with five kills?"

"As long as you can stand in front and help me pick up Q, you are my brother!"

Liu Qingsong was not troubled by this emotion for long. He knew that now was not the time to think about these personal honors, so he ran over and pinched the back of Jack's neck, hoping to divert his attention.

It turned out that the Shiba Inu gained a lot of weight after coming to Europe, and even the meat on its neck was thickened, making it feel dull to the touch.

"If you continue to eat like this, I guess your neck will be gone." He reminded her kindly by tearing the wound.

He turned his head to look for the Garlic Tortoise. It had to be said that the turtle's neck was long and slender, and it was just right to pinch it. It felt great in the hand.

The three people in the LCK commentary booth looked at the MVP data chart given by the director, their expressions declining.

"Ah..." Imp was at a loss for words and didn't know what to say.

The director didn't know which corner he pulled out a photo of Jin Gong's makeup. Xibaren raised his right hand upward, making a gesture of holding a gun. He looked full of freedom.

This photo reminded them of Lucian who went on a killing spree in the last game.

"Lu Xian had 11 kills, and his damage ratio was 39.53%. He also had five kills, and his opponent's economic difference was +6934..." Quan Yongchen was stunned when he saw the data panel.

too exaggerated.

What is the concept of economic difference?

Two attack speed items plus a pair of attack speed boots!

"Oh... Lu Xian!" TheShy, who was still in the IG base, applauded rather childishly when he saw Jin Gong winning the MVP.

Baolan behind him took off his headphones and looked at the victory sign on his monitor with satisfaction.

First win!

The door to the training room was pushed open, and Song Yijin walked in humming a Chinese song that TheShy couldn't understand. He was holding a McDonald's paper bag in his hand and exuding an aura of joy.

Baolan seemed to have heard of this song, and at this time she sang a chorus, "Forgive me, this is a song for no one~"

Seeing the tacit cooperation between his mid laner and his support, TheShy puffed out his mouth and called the broiler over in Korean:

"Yi Jin, come quickly and watch the game..."

Song Yijin was in high spirits on happy occasions, and did not bother to correct TheShy's problem of calling him big or small. He moved his gaming chair over and took out a Big Mac burger from the paper bag.

"You haven't eaten yet?" TheShy glanced at him, a little surprised.

He remembered that when Broiler left the club this afternoon, he said that he and his partner were going to play outside.

It's already nine o'clock in the evening, what can I do to delay my meal?

"There are also French fries, do you want some..." Broiler simply poured out all the food in the paper bag and shared it with his teammates. As soon as he opened the iced Coke with a straw, he saw the MVP photo on TheShy's monitor.

"? (What?)" Broiler was shocked, "Did the director play the wrong photo?"

"Top laner Lucian?"

His tone was extremely urgent.

TheShy was very satisfied with Broiler's response. As expected, he was not the only one surprised, "It was top laner Lucian, and Kingzone used top laner Vayne."

"They are really...a bunch of lunatics," Broiler took a bite of his burger and couldn't help complaining, "Is this moving all the Edisi to the road to rejuvenate themselves?"

It's not like he hasn't seen top laner Lu Xian before. Korean compatriot Huni once used Holy Lance Ranger to cut trees, but the effect was quite average.

If it's a less important game and the whole thing is done to satisfy the audience, Broiler will understand.

But this is the MSI finals!

TheShy was very interested in this, his eyes were shining, "After watching this game, I think top laner Lu Xian is feasible."

Is this an illness?

Broiler swallowed the beef in his mouth and glanced at him, "The key to the summer competition is, don't cause trouble!"

"Ai Yigu (Ai You)..." TheShy sighed, switched the screen and clicked on the version update in the Korean server client interface, "Yi Jin, take a look at the content of the mid-season version."

Broiler looked along.


He was shocked inside, but the Korean commentator TheShy was watching was still commenting on the game.

"After this game, the mentality adjustment of the KZ players is a big problem," CloudTemplar commented very pertinently. "To be honest, YM could have ended this game in about 20 minutes, but they didn't..."

As a retired player, he is well aware of these tricks in the game. "An extra 6 minutes of delay can maintain YM's own morale and state, and also weaken KZ to a certain extent."

The mentality of the advantaged side is completely different from that of the disadvantaged side. YM drags them as they please because they know that Khan Vayne's development is really poor and does not have any ability to make a comeback.

The extra 6 minutes are just for the KZ mentality.

Although professional players have played not only 10,000 but also 8,000 games in ranked or training games over the years, and they have played countless disadvantageous games, and they all have a certain ability to withstand pressure.

But it's different now.

This is not a simple qualifying game, nor is it a routine training match every afternoon or evening, this is the MSI finals.

YM's ruthless crushing not only won the game, but also shattered KZ's confidence.

"We will take the blue side in the next game," head coach Hiari has been chattering since the KZ players returned to the lounge. "There is no other way. We have to..."

He looked at his top laner who was in a daze next to him and patted his notebook hard in an attempt to wake Khan up.

Hiari doesn't want to talk about tactics at this time. Finding a way to solve the morale problem of the players is the top priority. Otherwise, one by one will be defeated later. No matter how perfect the tactics are, the players need to cooperate.

"Don't be decadent, don't be depressed, we haven't given up yet!" He turned up the volume and asked the players to focus on themselves.

"It's just 1:2, we're not behind 0-2, what are you afraid of?" Hiari tried hard to let the emotion in his voice reach the hearts of every team member, "We just need to win this set and tie the score to 2 The tie is 2, YM is the unlucky one!"

He looked at the increasingly confident expressions of the team members and felt that he had inspired another skill. At this moment, he struck while the iron was hot and continued: "Do you know how long it has been since YM played a full BO5?"

The players looked at each other, their minds still recalling YM's game records in the past two years.

It does go back a long, long time.

"If we are forced to the last step, do you think YM will panic?" Hiari loudly raised the atmosphere in the lounge.

This is very simple logic.

The higher a person climbs, the more afraid he is of falling down and being doomed.

The same goes for YM.

The KZ players who figured it out immediately took action.

It’s not very blue. Wouldn’t it be enough to win two games in a row?

There was a knock on the door, and the employees of Riot Korea were reminding them that the intermission was about to end. Hiari finally finished, "Don't forget why we came to Europe this time."

"Don't forget that we worked hard all spring to prove something."

Everyone's breathing quickened.

The MSI championship trophy is the biggest goal of all professional teams in the past six months, and it is what all players want to get their hands on.

Moreover, this trophy is not only related to the team and players, but also closely related to the glory of the competition region.

It is true that the LCK does not have to worry about whether it has the first seed pool seat in the global finals like the North American region. After all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Although the LCK has repeatedly failed in international competitions in the past two years, its strength is still crushing. European and American divisions.

They just want to win YM once.

In the past two years, different Korean teams, from SKT to SSG, have challenged the same giant on the throne again and again.

Now shouldering the heavy responsibility of rebuilding the glory of LCK, KZ has also become a new challenger.

No one wants to fall closest to the championship trophy.

The largest Rat King clapped his hands and motioned for everyone to come to him.

They folded their palms together, as if to communicate their strength.

"KingZone! Fighting!"

The unique Korean English accent echoed in the team lounge.

With an expressionless face, Lin Ran opened a can of Red Bull and poured all of it into a paper cup with the MSI logo.

Originally, Su Cheng said that this kind of functional drink was not good for the body and should not be consumed regularly, so he gradually stopped drinking it.

But before going on stage, he still opened a can for himself.

To be honest, Lin Ran could hardly feel the improvement in his on-the-spot reaction caused by functional drinks. This is probably why Red Bull and Devil's Claw are not banned in e-sports competitions. Professional players can drink them at will.

But sometimes, I just want to buy some psychological comfort.

Lin Ran took a sip, then closed the lid, "Can you go?"

Vincent took a look outside and after receiving the signal from his colleagues, he retracted the arm that was blocking Jin Gong.

"Come on, come on!" He was still cheering YM on.

This sound merged with the sudden burst of cheers from the stands on all sides, making it difficult to hear clearly.

However, this did not prevent everyone in YM from noticing Vincent's kindness through his mouth shape. Lin Ran punched him and quickly stepped onto the stage.

The stands on all sides were packed with spectators. As the game progressed, the enthusiasm of the supporters of both sides did not subside, but showed signs of intensifying.

Especially when Lin Ran appeared on the stage, he could feel the uncontrollable excitement and excitement of the audience.

"Welcome back to the game!" Wataba said loudly, "Now the LPL division team YM leads KZ two to one!"

Miller brought up the topic first, "I just received news from the director that KZ took the initiative to choose the blue side in this game!"

"Does this mean that KZ has no trump card?" Wawa expressed his understanding, "After all, the red side has a counter position."

Changmao took advantage of every opportunity, "I feel like KZ has to choose the blue side."

"If they are on the red side, Ezreal will definitely be banned. Even the Qinggang Shadow KZ can't handle it," he said. "The two fixed ban positions on the red side are here, and KZ will forcefully choose red. Fang will only suffer a big loss from BP."

The doll responded repeatedly, and he felt that the idea of ​​long hair was more convincing.

"I still hope that YM will continue their efforts in this game and win it directly to KZ!" Miller, an older generation e-sports player who has experienced the ups and downs of the LPL division, is now a pure YM fan, not to mention that he is still fighting outside, and he is brainless. Just blow it and that's it.

Even if you lose health, it's not a big problem, but if you die from a Gank, your head will be very dry.

But Miller hopes he will never have to use these words to deceive his audience.

The crisp sound of metal echoed in the venue, as if a switch of some kind of product was triggered, and the audience instantly burst into earth-shaking shouts and cheers!

"The KZ blue side banned Qinggang Shadow first!" Miller analyzed. "Although Khan and BDD are proficient in heroes, they were not prepared to play wild Camille before the game!"

If it is only used to sway the two single lanes in the middle, it is of no value. YM will definitely retaliate and use Vayne to deal with it.

Although Peanut has played several Green Steel Shadows, he has never used Camille in the jungle position.

The selection of heroes in the professional arena does not only depend on the player's proficiency, but is closely related to the coach's tactics and lineup matching. Hiari was obviously unprepared for this. The little peanut simply selected Camille, which was useless without the cooperation of teammates.

KZ could only ban her.

Even yesterday, the mid-to-upper swing Camille was still an absolute strong point.

But today, this has become a weak point targeted by both sides.

This is the charm of a cup competition system such as the Mid-Season Championship. Only one version is played, and the champion teams of each major region have a thorough understanding of it. The understanding of the version reaches its peak, trump cards emerge in an endless stream, and the game is much more enjoyable to watch than the league system.

"YM chose to ban Ezreal," Wawa smiled, "it's better to give Pray some respect!"

Everyone can trust the Rat King's EZ. It is a must-have hero for the Korean ADC. You will definitely feel confident when you take it out.

In the second round, KZ blocked Kalma, while Redmi sent the Trolls to the ban position.

Miller frowned slightly, "YM is very targeting Little Peanut. Until now in the finals, he has probably taken more than half of the team's ban spots!"

Peanut shook the warm baby in his hand, helplessness written on his face.

When his opponent does this, it makes sense that he has no rhythm, right?

YM originally didn’t want to disgust Little Peanut, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Top laner Khan has a sea of ​​heroes. In this MSI alone, he has used 10 different top lane heroes, which cannot be restricted at all. There is no need to target mid laner BDD, Lin Ran can completely suppress him; the bottom lane can be selected in this version. There are too many heroes and there is no need to target them.

After much deliberation, it would be easier to lock up the little peanut.

"The last ban of the first round...KZ gave it to Zoe, and YM sent Thain to the ban position!"

Since Hongmi suffered a loss, it has made up its mind not to use Glacier Sion for KZ again. The level 1 hero's interference ability in the jungle is really disgusting. If Khan has too strong a presence in the early stage, he will frequently invade the jungle with his teammates. If so, Xiaoyao's rhythm will be severely affected.

"Eh?" Changmao discovered Hua Dian, "In this way, the Xialuo group is released!"

"Ka'Sa or Kasumi?" Hiari asked the players from behind the players' bench.

The Rat King thought for a moment, "Ka'Sa, Ka'Sa is more stable."

The price for this is to release Xia Luo.

Hiari carefully deduced the next BP of both sides, and felt that he would not necessarily lose money if he let Xia Luo go.

In fact, Xia Luo has been weakened twice now. Version 8.6 reduced the cooperative combat ability between Xia Luo and Luo, and version 8.8 cut off the piercing damage of feathers.

Today's Phoenix Legend is no longer as unsolvable as the famous animation of God Uzi in the S7 World Championship. It is a strong bottom lane combination, but it is not comparable to Ezreal.

"Okay, let's take Kaisha first." Hiari readily agreed.

"YM was very decisive, they locked the Xialuo combination in seconds!" Miller looked at the BP panel, "KZ took out the male gun and Ryze in the second and third picks... Xiaohuanan was finally able to use his powerful heroes in this game. Yes, it’s not easy!”

Hongmi stood behind the players' table and paced back and forth. The opponent's Ryze was clearly in a swing position. KZ would not determine their solo lane split in the first round of draft. After all, their strong midfield and midfield abilities are what they are famous for. The essential.

"Xiaoyao, what do you think is a good shot for a man?" Hongmi made a list of several options in his mind, planning to let the Garlic Bastard choose on his own, "Qianjue, Blind Monk..."

"Qian Jue." Xiao Si knew that there were not many heroes in his hero pool who could deal with the male spear. The blind monk was absolutely unable to fight, and the spider version was not strong.

Only Kindred is left.

In the second round of BP, Hiari began to target Jin Gong. Crow and Captain, two of his more proficient top lane heroes, were banned by him.

"This hand is good at banning KZ!" Miller's eyes lit up. "I banned Crow. I chose Ryze before, but now the AP top laner is basically gone!"

Currently, there is only one vampire top laner available as a mage, but this hero is absolutely countered by Ryze.

In other words, Jin Gong cannot help the team compensate for spell damage in this round.

As a result, mid laner Lin Ran cannot use a highly suppressive AD mid laner like Lu Xian, otherwise the team's lineup will become a chopper team.

Although Hiari was not well-known before, he did not suffer much disadvantage against Redmi's BP in this final, which is enough to prove his strength and he can shoulder the LCK championship.

"YM first banned Bron and then banned Tam..." Without thinking, the doll said, "This is aimed at Gloria!"

The two protective auxiliaries were all disabled, leaving little options for Papa Grella.

"Ornn!" Changmao looked at the goat that appeared in Jack's selection box, "Jin Gong needs to team up in this game!"

Redmi was paving the way for Ornn when it banned Braum. After all, what Uncle Goat fears most is that Braum's ultimate move is confiscated by the security door.

After much thought, Gray Rath could only choose the Bull Head among the few heroes he had left.

The hero Alistar can use his W skill to restrain Ornn's second-stage ultimate move, which is considered a good choice.

Morgana is also a good choice against Ornn, but the problem is that she has difficulty stacking plasma effects on Kai'Sa.

Moreover, after Little Peanut chose the male gun, KZ's lineup lacked control and the ability to start a team first. Grela sacrificed the laning to make the team more comfortable.

"KZ's last choice..." Miller looked at the flashing BP special effects in the opponent's selection box and was a little worried.

Although the opponent chose the blue side, he was still afraid that KZ would reveal another trump card.

"Illaoi!" The unconcealed surprise of the doll beside him was conveyed to the ears of Miller and the millions of LPL viewers watching the game through the commentary!

"Is this KZ's last card?!" His voice was high-pitched.

There was a lot of discussion on the barrage.

【Tentacle Mom? Turtle]

[This is just disgusting, right? Can this hero play in the professional game? 】

[Illaoi is just an idiot, he can't even keep up with Nuoshou]

[I guess I chose it just to match Ryze at 131. Illaoi is very good at single-on-one combat]

Khan under the camera pinched his fingers, his eyes blazing.

The face of the champion is back.

In this game, he chose to believe in himself.

As long as Ornn is defeated in a single line, with his and Ryze's strong split-pushing ability, YM has absolutely no way to defeat them!

Miller also discovered KZ's intention and couldn't help but turn pale.

The lineup that YM has now has no means to counter the single belt!

Once Khan and BDD can develop, they will pose a huge threat to YM on the wing!

Liu Qingsong's face was as usual, and he lit up for two seconds as usual. Then he licked his lips and instantly changed the hero!

The black rose will bloom again!

The charming and enchanting voice echoed in the Zenith Gym!

"LeBlanc, the Fairy Trickster!" Miller's eyes widened, completely ignoring the wrinkles appearing on his forehead, "Brother Ran is so courageous..."

"After the redo and callback, the Enchantress will have her first match in the Mid-Season Championship!" The doll started yelling again.

The audience's exclamations and admirations were endless, reaching Lin Ran's ears through sound-isolating headphones!

Su Cheng, who was watching the game in a rental house in Shanghai, was also stunned.

"Really? Are you so brave?"

The director gave the data of Enchantress. When version 8.8 was called back, the spring games of the five major regions had come to an end.

In other words, Lin Ran’s enchantress is her debut in the professional arena after the redesign!

【Absolutely amazing! ! 】

【Wairui, I really dare to choose】

[Choose a hero with 0 appearance rate in the final round of MSI, which is awesome]

[With such courage, he deserves to be burned in Brother Shi No. 1 Middle School]

[I look down on anyone who singles out a tank in the final round and acts like a pure Jβ bastard]

[... There is something to be said for the final game of Enchantress MSI. Are you all so confident? 】

Lin Ran took a sip of the energy drink in the paper cup, mixed the runes, and then glanced at the lineups of both sides.

Blue square KZ: top laner Illaoi, jungler gunner, mid laner Ryze, bottom lane Kai'Sa + Tauren Chieftain.

Red square YM: top laner Aoun, jungler Qian Jue, mid laner Enchantress, bottom lane Xia + Luo.

"This lineup...YM is betting on team battles!" Miller frowned, showing no signs of relief. "KZ is more of a solo player overall!"

Changmao also nodded in agreement, "The key point for both sides in the early stage is the middle and jungle."

"Male Spear + Ryze and Kindred + Enchantress, whoever can open up the situation first will take the initiative!"

After the audience saw the appearance of Illaoi and Enchantress, two unpopular heroes in the current version, the wave of excitement surged in the venue, and the momentum was overwhelming!

When Summoner's Rift arrives, the noise reaches its peak in an instant!

I still have some manuscripts saved, so I’ll send them out in one go tomorrow.

Ps: Lao Wang’s new book "I", if you are interested in history, you can read it

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