LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 497 495: All rocks turn!

The doll standing next to him couldn't help but sigh, "TOP is a little bit broken after this wave, and the blazing rhythm has been lost!"

The level 2 prince himself was in a strong period. He traveled all the way around to get to the lower river. He originally wanted to kill people and get goods, but he ended up getting himself involved instead!

How does this work?

"Jace was resurrected and handed over the teleportation. Xiaoyao's rock bird passed through the middle and rushed to the upper river. He wants the double river crab to start!"

Taliyah relied on her passive [Pumice Rush] and the increased basic movement speed after the version update. She arrived at the destination in a few seconds with a brisk pace. The rock protrusion combined with the stone penetration to quickly eat the river crab.

The rich experience of wild monsters allowed him to directly upgrade to level 3. At the same time, the health recovery effect of killing river crabs also raised Taliyah's health bar to 60%.

"There are still four groups of wild monsters in Yanque's house that haven't been eaten. This is extremely developed!" Miller couldn't help but sigh when he saw Yanque's faster and faster clearing speed. "The prince on the other side can only try first." Upgrade to level three!”

Xiong Xiong had a sullen face and said nothing. When he wasn't smiling, he was quite cold, looking like a cold-blooded killer.

He had figured it out when he was resurrected just now.

It was obvious that the level 1 group was tricked by YM.

The opponent didn't know where they figured out that they would invade the upper half of the area as a group, so they crouched in the grass in the blue area in advance, lowering Braum's health and delaying ppgod's launch time.

Then there is a series of chain reactions.

The auxiliary line was slow, and the YM duo did not even help the jungler. They directly grabbed the lane to start the game. In this way, Jiu Meng could only release the lane alone. As a result, the optimal path to support the river in the bottom lane was seized by the YM duo.

Only later did the TOP duo get stuck at the pass for several seconds by Liu Qingsong alone.

Xiong Xiong knew very well that even if the YM duo occupied such a favorable position, winning this wave of river team battles would have been very difficult. If Lin Ran hadn't relied on the boldness of the skilled artist to pull Bronn so that ppgod could not threaten the others, He then absorbs the damage to the limit, sells blood to escape, and finally teleports over to harvest the battlefield. TOP really doesn't necessarily lose.

The strong initial combat capability in the lower half gave him and his teammates the confidence to take over the team in the first place.

However, YM used early tactics to seize the geographical advantage, allowing the bottom lane to arrive on the battlefield early, using the time difference to smooth out the gap in lineup strength between the two sides, and then used its tyrannical personal strength to win this wave of balanced team battles.

Xiong Xiong could only say that he was convinced.

He had never seen such outrageous technical tactics and teamwork before in the secondary league.

But he was also very confused, why did YM know about the blue BUFF he had at Level 1 to invade the upper half of the area in a group?

Miller in the commentary box also took advantage of the absence of conflicts in the Summoner's Rift to make reasonable guesses.

"It should be the credit of the YM coaching staff. The information they collected before the game helped the players accurately judge the initial invasion trend of TOP," he expressed his thoughts. "After catching Bronn by surprise, he learned that ppgod had returned to the city. The duo who was unable to go online immediately seized the right to go down the route, and Liu Qingsong also went to the junction of the middle lane and the river to take a look, obviously well prepared for the river crab team battle in the lower half."

The doll acted as a curious baby beside him, "Then how did YM know in advance that Xiong Xiong would come to fight for the river crabs?"

"This..." Miller was suddenly speechless.

He found that with his own level of understanding, he still couldn't explain this problem.

In fact, Lin Ran had guessed at that time.

Moreover, Redmi did not conduct too in-depth research on TOP before the game, and Gouba only emphasized the opponent's action hot spots in the first 10 minutes.

In other words, even the route of TOP's initial group invasion was guessed by Lin Ran.

For YM, there is no need to make a regular season like a world championship with great fanfare. The club will collect the holidays late and must make good use of the limited time. For them, studying the version is better than targeting a team in the upper reaches of the league. more important.

In this kind of matchup, it would be enough for Lin Ran to make a judgment on the spot.

It was a guess, not a blind guess. Lin Ran analyzed the information with his keen sense of smell to judge the situation, tried to estimate the most likely action plan of the other party, and then directed others to respond.

There is a huge gap in the strength of the first-level teams between the two sides. With TOP holding Braum, this hero's first-level team strength is ridiculously high. He can basically crush the enemy with combat power. Even if there is no fight, he still has to take the opportunity to catch the opponent. The open field route, otherwise it will be a waste of the natural advantages brought by the hero.

Professional teams will naturally be wary when they see the opponent getting Braum. No fool will let the opponent's first-level team get killed.

In this case, the greatest value of jungle invasion is often to use eye positioning and strong invasion to disrupt the opponent's jungle rhythm and establish an early advantage for one's own side.

In the current version, besides the double BUFFs, the most important thing in the early stage of the jungle is the River Crabs, which are moving experience and gold coins. Whoever can control all two River Crabs in the early stage will have the advantage in the early stage.

At that time, Lin Ran felt at first glance at TOP's lineup selection that his opponent was very ambitious.

Kennen, Prince, Jace, Varus + Braun, the early combat effectiveness of several points is quite strong, they can all be considered good brothers who can help grab river crabs.

Lin Ran felt that if Xiong Xiong just wanted to have a smooth start and each side eats a river crab, then Xiong Xiong would be wasting the early advantages of Bronn and Prince.

He planned in advance and was wary of the opponent's possible double-river crab opening.

If TOP wants to get the Double River Crab, the easiest way is to invade the top half at the beginning.

Because if they break into the lower jungle area of ​​YM and drive Xiaoyao to the top of the map, it will be impossible for Xiongxiong to grab the River Crab - the top and middle of YM are Karma and Lu Xian, which are single-line heroes with bug-level strength in the early stage. , protecting Xiaoyao from eating crabs without any problems.

Xiongxiong could only do the opposite, invade the upper half of the area, and then rush all the way to the bottom. With the help of his own prince's level 2 advantage and the help of his teammates, he could get rid of the crab from Yanque.

After all, under normal circumstances, TOP Verus + Braun will definitely push the lane. With Jess in the middle, there is no problem in coming to cover him together.

And once he grabs the Lower River Crab, Xiaoyao doesn't dare to go up the river to replace resources - in this version, the Double River Crab + any group of wild monsters can upgrade the jungler to level 3.

In this case, even if the boy grabs the river crab, there is no way to upgrade his level. The level 2 rock bird will not have much influence on the battle situation; if Xiong Xiong accidentally gets the river crab, it will be different for the prince who has been upgraded to level 3. .

Invading the Ueno area as a group was what Lin Ran expected TOP would most likely do in order to snatch the Twin River Crabs.

That's why he took the two Ueno brothers and crouched in the grass in the blue zone at the beginning.

Anyway, you won't lose anything if you can't squat down. Xiaotian can take advantage of the situation and eat the crabs on the river with the help of Jin Gong and Lin Ran.

For a hero like Rock Bird, if you can eat a river crab at level 2, it will be considered a success.

Unexpectedly, TOP actually obediently slipped into the trap Lin Ran set for them.

Then Liu Qingsong's spiritual and unconventional eye position directly sounded the death knell for TOP's defeat in the team battle in the lower river.

"Xiao Nao finished eating his three wolves and the Demon Marsh Frog, and then went straight on the road, hoping to cooperate with Jin Gong to catch a wave of zoom!"

The high mobility of the Rock Bird in the jungle was fully utilized by the Garlic King Ba. Taliya quickly rushed to the line on a skateboard made of rocks, passing through the triangular grass on the upper road, trying to double-team Kennen from behind the tower.

The Garlic Bastard is very sensitive to the position of the jungler. He is sure that the prince will not be able to rush to the scene of the jungler in the first time.

Because after Xiong Xiong died in the river team battle, he saw himself crossing the middle road and rushing to the upper river.

When a normal jungler sees the opponent's movement path, he will definitely rush to the upper jungle area after resurrection to scour the upper half of the area first.

The reason is simple. Once Xiong Xiong goes to the lower half and is discovered, the groups of wild monsters in the upper half will no longer be wanted. They will definitely be devoured by Xiaoyao with the help of the strong protection of Karma and Lu Xian.

The prince goes to the upper half of the area, how to brush?

It is possible to open the red or stone beetle, but it will definitely not start from F6 - the planned route in the wild area will be completely messed up. If you go all the way up, you will have to turn back a circle to eat the second half of the wild area.

In other words, no matter what, among the three groups of wild monsters in the upper half of the jungle, the Sharpbill camp closest to the middle is definitely the last to be brushed.

Since Xiaoyao had finished eating river crabs and had also killed two wild monsters, the Three Wolves and the Demonic Swamp Frog, he calculated the time and knew that the prince should be playing F6, so naturally he could not get on the road right away.

Xiaoyao felt free to take action.

"Karma's ability to push the line in the early stage was quite strong, and now he has pushed the line to the Kennen Tower!"

Jin Gong first used Sanskrit Mantra and Q [Soul Flame] to successfully slow down, and then stretched out his spiritual chain to bind Kenan.

At the beginning of zoom, I wanted to wait for the bastard to turn W [rock protrusion] and then use flash to dodge two skills at the same time, but Xiaotian's skills were very tight. It was obvious that he wanted to wait for the spiritual chain to take effect before using the rock protrusion to connect the control.

"Seeing that the spiritual chain was about to be formed, Kenan finally couldn't bear it anymore and handed over the flash to avoid being tied under the tower!"

But as soon as this happened, he appeared next to Yanque.

"Brother Gongzi put the E [Encourage] shield on Xiaoyao, and then stood on the edge of the defense tower to resist the tower!"

Xiaoyao laid down a stone formation, and then used basic attacks and stone penetration to knock out the electrocution first.

He knew that it was very difficult to hit the rock protrusion without the control of his teammates, so he simply didn't let go.

"Zoom's blood volume dropped very quickly. He activated E [Mystery! Thunder Armor] and wanted to speed up the process of superimposing a storm mark on the rock bird!"

Since Kennen doesn’t have W [Secret Essence! [Electric Blade]'s passive special effects, and if you want to trigger the stun passive effect of Thunder Seal, you have to use the three skills of QWE.

The speed of playing the passive in this way was too slow, and Xiaoyao took the opportunity to steal a lot of damage. By the time Kenan threw the shuriken and stunned him, Zoom's health had been cleared.

"The bearded prince arrived at the critical moment, and the second company of EQ cooperated with W to slow down the rock bird!"

However, the prince who did not flash was a bit far away. The dragon's impact did not lift the Garlic Bastard into the air. Only the slowing effect of W [Golden Holy Shield] kept him.

"Leave me alone and leave quickly!" Xiaoyao directed Jin Gong. He reacted quickly. After recovering from the dizziness, he took a step outside the TOP tower. W [Rock Burst] brought a bit of anticipation. Put it between yourself and the bear.

If the prince stepped on it, he would be pushed away. If he didn't step on it, he would have to stop where he was and be distanced by the rock bird.

"Xiongxiong stepped forward and dealt Rhythm of War damage, but the rock bird is in very good health now!" The baby saw it clearly from a God's perspective, "It's difficult to kill with this damage!"

The rock protrusion lifted the prince away, and Xiaoyao ran away without looking back.

Because he turned around and took a step outside the TOP tower, he did not enter the shooting range of the defense tower. The rock burst hit the prince, and the tower did not hit the little bastard.

"There's no flash. The second company of EQ has also used it. Xiongxiong can't catch up at all!" Miller wanted to cheer when he saw this scene, but then he thought about it. After all, this is an internal league in the LPL, and he couldn't be too nervous. Too partial.

"Wuhu!" The little sparrow who escaped from death let out a cheerful and clear voice of celebration. YM fans in the audience were also extremely excited and shouted one after another.

【Good to catch! 】

[I said before that Yanque couldn’t catch people. Do you understand how Zoom died? 】

[There is a saying that it is really disgusting to catch people in Yiyantu. If you have a teammate who can control you, why don't you start military training? 】

[This prince is really a pig-nosed man. If you change to a normal jungler, this rock bird will be gone long ago]

[xswl, let’s change it to the one with the bug, and change it into a flash one for you, right? 】

Xiaoyao was already smiling.

Yanque beat the prince. He had such a huge advantage in the early stage, but he didn't know how to lose?

"How about it, I can't help it..." Before he could take credit, a kill prompt appeared in Summoner's Rift.

(Holy Lance Ranger) YMRan killed TOPKnight (Guardian of the Future)!

"Wairui, you are so strong, Brother Ran!" Xiaoyao quickly changed his face and changed his tune.

When the audience saw this kill prompt, they became even more excited!

They didn't see the middle camera during the whole process. It wasn't until the kill information appeared that the director cut the camera. At this time, Jace's body in the middle was almost cold!

[Director, where are you at Ganima? 】

[If you don’t know how to cut the screen, you don’t have to cut it! 】

[I went to interview as a director and failed, why? Because I have hands]

[It is said that LPL is the first division. Guess how good this director and commentator are? 】

The director also realized that he had made an oversight in his work and quickly retrieved the replay.

The two people on the commentary desk were also staring at the screen attentively, "Knight still has 50% of his health left, but he has consumed all the corruption potion; Brother Ran has a little more blood, and the situation of blood exchange is about the same, but his troops have already entered the TOP mid-tower Already..."

The moment the prince showed up on the top lane, Lucian pulled out his two guns and rushed directly towards Jace under the tower, while there were still two Bins left in the sixth wave of TOP troops under the tower.

The W [Holy Bullet] is very particular about how it is cast. It just happens to be thrown out when the cannon fire from the TOP tower hits the artillery soldiers.

"Brother Ran blocked the defense tower attack!" Miller blurted out.

The defense tower also has an attack speed. Since it has already fired one shot, it has entered the sage mode in a short period of time. If you want to switch to attack targets, charge up and fire, you have to wait for a while.

Lin Ran took advantage of this to complete the free prostitution.

"W followed two passive shots, first knocking off the skeleton's coating, and then used E [Cold Pursuit] to cancel and swing back to launch a strong attack. Knight hit Lu Xian with a face-to-face QE!" The doll spoke quickly, and his mouth seemed to be burned. Arrived the same.

There was no way, the two mid laners were really operating too fast, and the director wouldn't slow down the playback. If he didn't move faster, all the kill shots would be played out.

"Jace activated W [Super Charge] to max out her attack speed, switched to hammer form and hit it!"

When the Leap of the Sky was about to hit Lin Ran, Lu Xian's gun muzzle ejected a bright holy light, piercing his body!

After the strong attack triggered vulnerability, the damage of the penetrating holy light was also improved to a certain extent. After Jace died at level 2, he had no money to buy other equipment. Now he only had the corruption potion that he had consumed.

Level 4 Jace's health bar is only 760, even if he transforms into a pupa, it will be useless. 50% of his health cannot withstand Lin Ran's high burst. What's more, there is a wave of YM artillery soldiers under the tower to help, and the damage is completely Not lacking.

"Lu Xian used another basic attack to take Jace's life!"

Before Zhuo Dinglin died in battle, he finally hit the hammer form E [Thunder Strike]. Along with the bombardment of the defense tower, Lucian's health bar was about to be emptied.

But the moment he got the head, the azure upgraded light surrounded Lucian!

Originally, to upgrade the single player line to level 5, you need to consume all 6 waves of soldier experience. When Lin Ran started to jump the tower, there were still two bins in TOP that had not been dealt with.

The experience points gained by killing the opponent alone allowed Lucian to directly complete the upgrade!

The sudden increase in blood volume helped Lin Ran withstand the bombardment, and he survived with less than 50 blood points left!

After watching the whole killing process, the audience was completely excited, and the venue was filled to the brim with noisy sounds containing various emotions!

"Oh my god, isn't this too extreme?" Wawa said in an exaggerated tone, "Brother Ran will be replaced if he doesn't block the defense tower attack!"

Miller couldn't help but sigh, "Really, are the details included in Brother Ran's calculations? If you are half-healthy, you can complete a single kill over the tower, and Knight will be at a huge loss!"

Zhuo Ding sighed. He didn't expect Lin Ran to act so quickly. As soon as Xiong Xiong showed up on the road, the man started jumping over the tower without giving him any time to react. By the time he wanted to leave, it was already too late.

Lin Ran was also surprised.

He didn't want to survive this Bo Yue Ta.

As long as Jace can be replaced under the tower, Knight without teleportation will lose a lot of troops.

He blocked the defense tower and bombarded him just to successfully complete the kill without causing any trouble.

After all, the preparation time left for Lin Ran was too short. The moment Prince Xiong appeared on the road, he took action decisively.

In just a few moments, it was impossible for him to calculate all the damage done to the defense tower and the dual-form Jace, and it felt like he was almost like a bully.

But being able to die once less is a surprise after all...

"Teleport, Kenan has teleported!" Liu Qingsong had nothing to do in the bottom lane, and he didn't want to watch Jack replenish his troops, so he simply became a war reporter, cutting the screen to watch wherever there was a battle.

At this time, he saw the teleportation light shining in the grass above Lin Ran, and he quickly reminded his mid laner.

Lin Ran had never been in the habit of shopping on Taobao when he returned to the city with residual blood. When he saw the teleportation light up, he retreated to the tower.

"I'm here, don't panic!" Jiemugong, who had just escaped from the prince's pursuit with Xiaoyao, also handed over the teleportation, and the landing point was the first tower in YM!

"Zoom wants to TP down to take over Lu Xian. This is indeed a good opportunity!" Miller keenly noticed that the E [Cold Pursuit] in Lin Ran's status bar had not changed yet.

"Although Jin Gong handed over the teleportation, he didn't have time to return to the city. He has no equipment and health, and his blood is not considered healthy..." The doll was still a little hesitant, "Can this really protect his teammates?"

Zoom was the first to land, opening E [mysterious meaning! Thunder Armor] accelerated towards Lin Ran!

But Lin Ran took advantage of the teleportation time to run out nearly 1,000 yards, and it was impossible for Zoom to catch up immediately.

When Lucian ran under the tower, Jin Gong also teleported to the ground. He immediately put a layer of shield on Lin Ran, and at the same time blocked him physically, and also used Q [Soul Flame] to slow down Kenan!

"He can't get his A!" The doll's tone couldn't help but contain a hint of schadenfreude, "Zoom is going to be so angry!"

Zoom, who looked like a Kirby, gritted his teeth and watched Lin Ran, who was still alive, using speed to run out of his shooting range. He could only vent his anger on Karma.

Q shuriken takes the lead, and then uses W to detonate the storm mark on the still-healthy Karma.

Still missing a trace of blood.

As long as he can make up for a basic attack, Karma will die!

But he happened to use Flash when he was on the upper wave and was jumped over the tower!

Now zoom has no way to touch these two remaining health points on YM!

"The rock bird is here," the doll only had time to say, "It's so fast!"

The chain reaction after the version change is finally revealed. The 15-point increase in movement speed and the enhancement of the passive [Pumice Rush] make Yanque's current mobility much higher than before!

Taliyah emerged from the grass on the middle road, and the stone penetration and stone scattering arrays were sprinkled in front of Kenan.

"Zoom has to retreat, he can't withstand the high burst of rock bird!"

When Xiaoyao hit his first round of output, the audience realized something was wrong.

This skill's damage combined with electrocution directly reduces Kenan's health by half!

The rock bird was slashed, but the cut was due to its ability to clear troops, which did not reduce her damage. Moreover, the jungle rock bird can also use electrocution to increase the burst, and its output ability is not inferior to that of the mid-level units at that time!

Zoom wanted to leave at this point, but it was too late.

Without flashing, he was chased all the way by Xiaoyao. Finally, Yantu forced him out of position, and then used Stone Penetration to take him away!

"The head ratio is 5:0, the top midfielders, top junglers, all collapsed!" Miller couldn't help shouting.

Xiong Xiong had just rushed to the middle with his halberd, but he could only collect the body of the chubby Kenan.

He hasn't had time to bring out his shoes yet, and it's not like King Ning comes out with his own AJ.

The prince's movement speed was still too slow in front of the rock bird.

He was so angry that he wanted to punch the table.

From the moment the top laner was jumped over the tower, he took one step at a time, and could never keep up with the opponent's rhythm. He couldn't even keep up with the hot buns he was eating.

"With such a big disadvantage, I think the first Canyon Pioneer must be given up," Miller was still analyzing the situation. "TOP has no capital to compete for."

"It's true. When Brother Ran returned to the city, he just picked up the Bilgewater Scimitar. This equipment..." The baby saw that Jace knocked out 20% of Lin Ran's health with one shot. As a result, Lucian sucked it back with just a few shots, and Bengbu immediately He paused, "Jace's poke has no effect at all now!"

No one in the TOP team spoke anymore.

Zhuo Ding originally didn't talk much, so he just kept his head down and played his own game when he was at a disadvantage.

Top laner Zoom died in two waves in a row, his face slumped as if he was wearing a mask of pain.

Xiong Xiong is a newcomer who has just come on the field. Compared with this group of players who have been in the starting position for a year, there is no gap, but they cannot be called familiar. Naturally, he does not dare to command his teammates at will.

Fortunately, the team's leader, ppgod, is not autistic and is very passionate when playing games.

"We released the first vanguard, Xiong Xiong, come and get the dragon, and we will slowly change resources!"

Xiong Xiong obeyed his orders, cleaned up the lower half of the area, returned to the city to replenish his equipment, and then brushed the red BUFF in the upper half of the area. He arrived at the bottom of the map on time around 8 minutes ago, ready to replace the dragon while YM was attacking the Canyon Pioneer.

"Xiao Xi didn't go to the upper half of the area at all. He came to Xiaolong Pit with his people!"

Everyone was confused when Xiong Xiong saw the rock bird.

What are you doing?

If there is a vanguard, why don’t you fight?

The garlic bastard doesn't care about that.

If he has the advantage, he is my master. I want all the neutral resources!

Who is playing resource replacement with you?

I have an advantage, why do you still want to take something from me?

"Yanque's ultimate move directly blocks the road, and Brother Ran's ultimate move opens the way!"

Beep beep beep beep!

All the bullets from the Baptism of the Holy Lance poured into the faces of the prince and Bronn.

Even if ppgod raised the security door, he couldn't bear the fact that Lin Ran's equipment was too good, and a lot of his health was still wiped out.

"Prince EQ passed through the rock bird wall curtain, and Bronn also handed over W [Stand Up]. The two successfully escaped, but what about the Canyon Pioneer?"

In Miller's roar, the earth dragon was captured by the rock bird.

The Garlic Bastard went straight to the Canyon Pioneer in the upper half of the area without looking back.

"TOP is still going to give in! If they keep fighting like this, their disadvantage will only get bigger and bigger!"

Wawa realized that the balance of the competition had completely tilted towards YM.

"Isn't Yanque's ability to snowball too strong after he got the chance to wear shoes?"

Coupled with the effect of Pumice Rush, Yanque's movement speed now exceeds 500 points, and normal heroes cannot catch up with her even if they buy five-speed shoes.

For the jungler, movement speed is the lifeblood.

In an advantageous game, movement speed determines how many resources the jungler can obtain within a limited time and how many waves of attacks can be launched.

In a disadvantageous situation, movement speed determines whether the jungler can rush to the battlefield immediately to get kills, as well as his ability to escape to protect KDA.

"After taking the Canyon Herald, the rock bird went straight to the road, hoping to catch Kenan!"

Lin Ran was now acting as a thug, following Yanque, stuffing two guns into his opponent's mouth and shooting wildly.

"Lucian's output is too high even though he's already ruined it!"

Zoom retreated in time, but Lin Ran caught up with him with a set of output with sliding steps, and was forced to hand over the flash that he had just converted.

"The first tower on the road was pushed, so Xiaotian directly summoned the vanguard and planned to push all the way over!"

The destruction of the defense towers also led to the fall of the wild area.

Xiongxiong found that he had done nothing, and as a result, all the wild monsters in the wild area were gone.

The number of last hits of the junglers on both sides is increasing rapidly.

"Lucian is also giving resources to Yanque. Xiaoyao returned to the city this time and took out the Fu Neng Echo jungle knife and a murder book!"

Lin Ran understands very well that since his teammates are fat, it is not impossible for him to be a dog.

After all, YM is not always carried by him.

The garlic bastard who published the murder book is really shark crazy, and Liu Qingsong also abandons Jack and joins the wandering camp.

"The Bullhead Hex flashes and connects with the second WQ, and the Rock Sparrow makes up for the output..."

The rock synapse spread the damage of the stone formation, directly knocking out the half-blood Verus!

"What kind of injury is this?!" Miller was stunned.

Sharing his opinion were the spectators who came to watch the game.

Suddenly, there were endless exclamations!

Yanque's performance wasn't over yet. Xiaoyao took out a ghost book in 17 minutes and turned Yanque into a high-explosion assassin. As long as the skill hits, the opponent will either die or be disabled.

At 21 minutes, as Dalong was killed by YM, Xiaoyao's economy was enough for him to buy a magic piercing staff.

At this point, you have the Garlic King's eight-step method of wearing shoes + Fu Neng Echo + Ghost Book + Magic Penetration Staff + 18-layer Murder Book in hand.

"The rock bird directly moved sideways, blocking the way home for the TOP people outside the high ground!"

The doll shouted in an exaggerated tone, "The TOP double C has no displacement, it can't get through the wall curtain at all!"

Not only them, Zoom's Kenan also has no displacement ability, so he can only be at the mercy of others!

The stone piercing stone at full level is smashed down like a meteorite. Combined with the stone array and rock protrusion, the damage will explode instantly!

"Is this the charm of the rock bird jungler?" The doll shouted in disbelief, "TOP is melted!"

With a wave of four kills, Xiaoyao, with a record of 11/0/9, bulldozed the TOP base with his teammates!

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