LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 498 496: A familiar game!

"I can only say that it was unexpected," Wawa looked at the lights above the stage focusing on the YM contestant seats. "In only 23 minutes, YM crushed the victory!"

Miller also took a deep breath, "The mobility and strength shown by Xiaoyao's rock bird jungler in this game are simply outrageous!"

"Since the laning period has ended, the TOP people leading the lane will never dare to cross the river, otherwise the rock bird will definitely rush over!"

Taliyah can be said to be everywhere, with a movement speed of more than 500 points and the long-distance displacement of R [Wall Curtain], making her pursuit ability extremely powerful.

And after Liu Qingsong's bull head also started to roam, the output of the rock bird became more stable - Alistar started with WQ, and as long as the opponent did not fight, dodge and hide, followed by rock protrusion and stone array.

The super high burst is enough to kill everyone in TOP except Braum in seconds!

"Furthermore, Yanque's snowballing ability is also very strong in advantageous rounds," Wawa added next to him. "Q [Stone Penetration] has a low cooldown and a high burst after reaching the maximum level, and its ability to duel is also guaranteed."

The two commentators did not hesitate to praise their words, making the Garlic Bastard's rock bird look like nothing in the sky or on the earth.

"On the other hand, Xiong Xiong's performance in this game was relatively average," Miller glanced at the record chart, "To be honest, it didn't drive any rhythm."

"In the team battle in the river at level 2, EQ 2nd Company was dodged by Xiaoyao. Before he could grab the river crab, his game was over."

The baby nodded in agreement, "Yes, although the prince's participation rate is as high as 100%, this data is not true. After all, Jarvan is good at assisting, and TOP only got two heads in total. It was Jack who led the people to the spring in the end. Sent."

Although Xiong Xiong is just a newcomer who has just landed in the top league.

But Wawa and Miller wouldn't take care of his feelings.

There are countless players who can enter the LPL in a year. Some people are short-lived and can still leave a few classic shots of themselves on the court. More people are lifted out of the starting position without even taking a seat. Only in the LPL There were only a few splashes of water in the sea, and then there was no sound.

The two commentators have been working on the stage since the founding of LPL, and they can only describe this kind of thing as normal.

Newcomers are nothing new to them, and they don't need to take special care of them. If they can say a few words of encouragement, it's considered quite good.

Xiong Xiong, who had just taken off his headphones, listened to all the words of the two commentators and could only show a bitter smile.

Although he is not old, he is also about to get married. Like the mid laner opposite who plays with two guns and gags, he is ready to argue with his partner as soon as he reaches the legal age. He also knows a little bit about the world, and he has started from the secondary league. The eyes of Xiong Xiong who had climbed up all the way showed a sense of seeing through the vicissitudes of life.

This commentator didn't give face to his opponent's big-headed Shiba Inu. He couldn't bear to watch TOP being beaten into the light of Wuling, so he led his teammates to rush into the spring and sent a wave to prevent them from being blocked.

Look at people!

This is called emotional intelligence!

"Wairly!" Jack sat down on the gaming chair as soon as he walked into the lounge, "I went to the opposite spring to do damage for a long time, but why is the little bastard still the highest output?"

"I'm vomiting. If I had known better, I wouldn't have killed the two heads on the other side." He scratched the back of his head. "I could have saved KDA."

On the TV screen in the room, the garlic bastard looked gentle and elegant wearing glasses, his smiling lips were slightly raised, and the two gold stars on the chest of the team uniform were shining brightly.

With a record of 11/0/9, 32.43% of the output, the last hit difference in the opponent's position is +88, and the economic difference in the opponent's position is +6596. These data are already ridiculously exaggerated.

Especially the economic difference of 6596, these 11 kills and 9 assists plus the last hit gap account for most of it. In addition, there are team bounties for demolishing towers and barons. It is not an exaggeration if you think about it carefully.

But this is the jungle position!

In the past year, the professional arena has been dominated by junglers such as Zhumei and Zach, although Olaf and Troll also appeared at the end of this spring split, and even a male gunner appeared at MSI.

Although the jungler is still the position with the strongest ability to drive the rhythm in the early stages of the battle, the economic gap in the matchup will not be as exaggerated as in the previous two years.

In the final analysis, they are all based on functionality. Even if there is a mad dog-style ganking character in the early stage, after the laning period is over, resources must be given to the C position. He only needs to be responsible for starting a group and front-line tasks.

After repeated attacks by the fist, the jungle position can no longer recreate the glory of the S6 World Championship, and the legendary showdown between Xiao Peanut and Mr. Ming can also be difficult to repeat.

The audience is used to seeing the jungler start a team fight in the middle and late stages and then die suddenly due to poor equipment. Xiaoyao's previous MSI five-kill male gun has shocked them.

Now another rock bird appears with an economic gap of 6596!

Is it possible that after the mid-season version, the jungle position really needs to become the master?

Su Cheng, who was still watching the game in the audience, took out his tablet computer from his backpack, placed it on his round and compact knees, and typed quickly with his fingers.

She came here not only to watch her boyfriend compete, but also to make early plans for the Asian Games.

Although there are still two months until the Jakarta Asian Games League of Legends performance project starts, Su Cheng cannot be ready by then. The version has to be smoothed out little by little. If the steps are too big, it will easily hurt the hips.

Although she hasn't gotten the game video yet, she is just sorting out the categories of data that need to be sorted out. The entries are clear. She doesn't need to use her brain when she gets home and can just do mechanical work.

However, after being away from the competition for more than half a year, Su Cheng was still a little fussy with the data categories. Fortunately, she still had some previous data summaries on her tablet, and she finally managed to write them out after much stumbling.

At this moment, deafening cheers suddenly sounded from behind her!

Su Cheng didn't have to think twice to know that YM was on stage again. She put away the tablet and took out a nearly one meter long banner with her boyfriend's cartoon avatar printed on it.

Lin Ran, who had just come on stage with a paper cup, glanced down the stage and saw his girlfriend shaking the support banner in her hand. Against the backdrop of the lights gathering and scattering above the venue, she looked even more cute and cute with her bright eyes and white teeth.

Lin Ran squinted his eyes and relied on the vision bonus provided by his glasses. He knew that what Su Cheng was holding in his hand was another new aid to the ship that he had never seen before.

On the banner, a huge Shiba Inu head is revealed above the left shoulder of his cartoon portrait, and on the right shoulder is a little tortoise.

I don’t know where the club gets all the flowers.

"Brother Ran, what are you looking at?" Jack wanted to chat with Lin Ran about whether he could give him a dog later, but following the gaze of his lieutenant, he really found a dog.

"Holy shit!" When he saw the support banner, his chubby face turned red immediately, "Which idiot operator created this crap?"

Liu Qingsong also saw the banner held by Su Cheng in the front row and immediately said dissatisfied: "What are all these? Why isn't I there?"

"Yes, why not me?" Jin Gong also agreed.

When the two of them said this, Jack became smug, "Hey, the only ones who can get on the banner are cards. Jin Gong and Master Tie are too popular, so there's nothing we can do about it."

Liu Qingsong licked his lips and was about to launch a verbal attack, but when he looked at the camera, he immediately kept a straight face and remained silent.

The people from Xiba were quite curious and wanted to ask the question, "Then why are we so popular?"

He was really confused.

Jin Gong originally thought about whether it had something to do with his nationality, but Liu Qingsong also has a domestic household registration book, and his popularity is not very high now. Not only is he beaten by Double C, he can't keep up with the Garlic Bastard.

"Ask the team's fan management about this. They can explain it to you all day and night." Lin Ran felt that everyone understood the answer, and he didn't want to explain it to those he didn't understand.

Shiba Inu interrupted decisively, "Why? Because Jin Gong, your skin is too dark..."

He was still talking and laughing, looking like he was tired of living.

Although there was a camera, the Xiba people were not afraid at all, and instead pinched him.

Fans in the audience couldn't help but burst out with good-natured, teasing laughter when they saw this scene.

Lin Ran watched coldly. This was the first time he compared the skin color of the two people.

Jin Gong's skin is indeed a bit dark, which is really rare in South Korea, which pays special attention to beauty and facial care. His dark S5 came to LPL with Samsung Cross and KTA duo. It would be a surprise to fans who have only recently paid attention to the game. Seeing his face, I thought he was the one who was deceived into digging coal.

The Shiba Inu is much richer. Although it has grown so much that its waistline has increased by one foot, it is not ugly and can be regarded as a handsome fat man. Grandparents like this hanging - it looks like a New Year picture doll on the wall.

"Jack, you look a lot like your opponent's top laner," Xiaoyao said sadly. He and his teammates had already walked to the players' bench, "Twist your head and take a look."

Shiba Inu didn't want to turn his head, but Jin Gong pinched his neck with a little force, and his head tilted away.

"Don't tell me, it's quite similar." Lin Ran glanced at Zoom, who had a disapproving expression on the other side of the stage, "If you two retire and spend all your money, you can make money by selling movies, like that New Year painting dolls can be regarded as re-employed.”

Jack smiled and cursed, broke free from Jin Gong's control, and sat on his chair.

Miller, who was in the commentary box, was still teasing after seeing this, "YM just won the game and is in a very good mood now. On the other side, TOP doesn't seem to be so relaxed, especially on zoom. He really didn't have much room to perform in the last game. It's inevitable now." His face looks a little bad."

Around 4 minutes into the game, a wave of top lane was overturned. After zoom was revived, he wanted to pick up Lin Ran's head in the middle lane, but it turned out to be a real teleport. TP landed and gave Xiaoyao 300 yuan.

After two waves of deaths, Kennen has not developed any more.

Zoom originally wanted to enter the field with the prince in a team fight, but as soon as he rushed in with the E+ Rocket Belt, he was sent directly back to the spring by Lucian's ultimate move and Rock Bird Piercer.

He pinched his fingers impatiently.

Although before the game, Zoom knew that his chances of winning in this opening game were not high, he could not lose so humiliatingly.

Almost zero-blocked, who can withstand this?

He plans to carry the team's banner this round.

"The second round of BP has officially begun!" Amidst the crisp sound of metal, the doll's spirit was lifted, "TOP chose the blue side in this round, and disabled the rock bird first!"

"Sure enough, this hero was suddenly turned into a jungler by YM. TOP had no time to respond and had no choice but to send him to the ban position." Miller said.

Hongmi was also unambiguous and directly blocked Qinggangying.

Although there is currently no sign that anyone in TOP is very good at this hero, Xiaoyao's terrifying Qinggang Shadow at MSI, coupled with the recent mid-season version changes, still sent Camille to the jungle position. T1 level.

"The second option, TOP bans Luo, while YM bans the prince..." Watou laughed, "Isn't this a bit funny?"

It's not like they didn't know how the prince behaved in the last game. YM actually wanted to ban him. From Wawawa's point of view, this was simply murderous.

Xiong Xiong also tightened his mouth.

He didn't expect that he would be targeted after he played so badly in the last game.

too disgusting.

“The last ban in the first round of TOP gave the position to Zoe, while YM gave it to Enchantress!”

These two mid lane heroes who are very early in the power period are both the current version of T1. Since the opponent has banned one first, Redmi naturally has no reason to give the other character to the blue side.

"The TOP blue side grabs it and takes Ornn directly!" Miller's eyes lit up, "This is also Zoom's signature hero!"

Uncle Sheep is simply a hero tailor-made for the top blue-collar top laners in China. He has tankiness, early control in team battles, team-building equipment, and a very good laning ability among tanks.

Just perfect.

Zoom is also Aoun's unique skill. I have no choice but to force it, Sister Li.

My mid laner, Knight, and my bot lane, Jiu Meng, both play like a bottomless pit of resources. They can eat as much as they can. They wish they could eat three lanes at a time and use up all the money on the map.

The team's resources are limited. If the mid-to-bottom double C takes too much, Zoom will naturally have to sacrifice its own development.

Among the top lane heroes who are effective in team fights without eating up resources, Ornn is almost the only one, so zoom training naturally needs to be focused on.

"YM continues to take Karma, and by the way, Kai'Sa is also robbed!" Wawa is still analyzing carefully, "I think this hand of Karma is still for Jin Gong. The combination of Kai'Sa and Apocalypse in the bottom lane is inevitable. Isn’t it too weird?”

Miller thought the same way, "Jingong has really become addicted to the hero Karma since he came back from MSI."

During the West Eight Mid-Season Tournament, when faced with Karma, whom the coach selected for him, he was still worried about his hero proficiency.

But now, he just begs for red rice and says I want it.

Stealing Karma and walking on the road is pure torture. It produces a Holy Grail and a Incense Burner. After completing the Book of Killing, the remaining items are all meat items. Team battles are a mess.

"The top two and three choices are Verus + Braum," Wawa was a little surprised. "This is different from the previous game. They have lowered the priority of the jungle position in BP!"

The raging Prince showed up in the first round, but in this game, there was no intention of taking the jungler in the first round.

After the mid-season version update, in this era where protecting the jungler's development is the absolute core in the early stage, TOP's move is undoubtedly a bit outrageous.

"Want to use bigger tricks? That's not realistic, right? In this game, YM is the red side with the counter position..." Miller was still guessing.

Actually the reason is very simple.

TOP coach Bobby doesn’t trust Xiong Xiong that much anymore.

At least this BO3 won’t.

Bobby originally didn't want to change junglers, but the manager said he wanted to put Sadness on the bench to calm down - because his contract is about to expire this winter, and Sadness and the club have not yet reached an agreement on whether to renew the contract. consistent.

Under normal circumstances, the management would make some mistakes without affecting the team's performance. TOP didn't want to let Sadness go to the water dispenser at first, but they didn't expect that the youth training would send a bear.

Anyway, I played YM in the opening game, and my chances of winning were not high, so I just gave it a try.

Bobby was still a youth training coach last year. He has little prestige in TOP, so he has no choice but to comply with pressure from above.

As a result, Xiong Xiong's performance in the first game made him very disappointed. Naturally, Bobby didn't trust the new jungler that much.

"YM's third choice directly confirmed Spider!" Miller was quite excited, "This is also Xiaoyao's signature hero!"

The moment they saw the Spider Queen, the YM fans watching the game immediately burst into cheers!

The Garlic Bastard also pursed his lips and smiled while listening to the noise coming from the audience.

In the second round of BP, YM took the lead in banning Nightmare. It was a bit disgusting for this hero to turn off the lights and cooperate with Ornn. Hongmi Chunjue was tricked by RNG using this trick, and he will never forget it.

"TOP chose to ban the crocodile..." Miller held his chin, "This is a bit interesting, I want to cheat to get banned."

"Oh?" The doll raised his eyelids and started to praise again, "How do you say it?"

The two cooperated very well, and Miller was already prepared. "With the lessons learned from the previous game, TOP will definitely guess that Karma is the top laner. This crocodile will most likely be the hero who bans Brother Ran."

"Obviously, TOP wants to choose the sword girl for knight. This is the version of the hero who is most afraid of crocodiles in the current mid lane ecological environment..."

Wawa continued to ask, "But YM is on the red side and has the priority of the fourth choice. What if Brother Ran takes Dao Mei first?"

"Knight also has Yasuo," Miller was well prepared. "Since the golden left hand debuted, Yasuo has not been used much, but it has a 100% winning record and its proficiency is guaranteed."

"And the happy man is very good at hitting knife girls."

Wawa's tone suddenly became brighter, "I didn't expect that Brother Ran would have a day when the hero pool was not enough!"

The audience burst into laughter.

Even passers-by know that Lin Ran is terrible at playing Yasuo. Fortunately, there has been no version of Happy Man Domination in the past two years, and Lin Ran also knows how to deal with the opponent's Yasuo, otherwise he will really fall over. What a shit.

[I didn’t expect that Brother Ran would be here today too? 】

[Hahaha, I don’t know Yasuo, so I have to ban the sword girl. Isn’t this too frustrating? 】

[I feel so happy now when I see him being deflated, and I don’t know why]

[It’s okay, I don’t know Yasuo, and Brother Ran doesn’t know Yasuo either, ∴I = Brother Ran]

Hongmi was also stunned. He patted Lin Ran on the shoulder, "It's okay. I can understand even if I don't know Yasuo. No one is perfect."

Anyway, Yasuo is not a strong hero most of the time, and unlike Zoe, a hero that has been popular in several versions, Lin Ran will not be able to do it.

Lin Qishi smiled.

He really didn't expect TOP to dare to use such tricks to disgust himself.

Tired of living, right?

"Hongmi, help me get another round of Lu Xian."

Lin Ran rarely made a request, so Hongmi naturally had to agree.

This was originally a strong hero and was also on Redmi’s reserve list.

"YM finally banned Dao Mei, while TOP chose to ban the Tauren Chief!"

This can be said to be the best auxiliary partner for Kai'Sa in the current version, and TOP doesn't want to leave it to his opponents.

"YM directly locked up Lu Xian!" Miller raised his eyebrows, "This is a bit interesting. Did Brother Ran compete with Lu Xian in today's opening match?"

YM fans burst into cheers when they saw Lin Ran taking out the Holy Lance Ranger again, and Su Cheng also waved the cheering stick in his hand.

Lu Xian is Lin Ran's first championship skin. Just like Zed's position in Faker's career, it is of great significance.

"But YM's lineup also has hidden dangers," Wawa thought for a moment and said, "Although there are Spiders and Karma, their ability to produce output in team battles is not very strong."

"Quie, YM still relies on two shooters to provide the main output in team battles." Miller also discovered the shortcomings of YM's lineup. "If Ornn is allowed to develop, the team battle frankness will be ridiculously high."

As soon as he finished speaking, the old dream locked the hero instantly!

"Tristana!" The doll glared and immediately started shouting, "The mid laner beats Lu Xian with a small cannon! This was Brother Ran's response when he faced his junior Lucian last year, and now Knight wants to use her to deal with her. Brother Ran!"

[Guigui, the show is about to begin! 】

[I didn’t expect the two Edicis to take the middle road]

[How to fight in the middle? Lu Xian will never be able to beat Xiao Pao in this life, right? 】

[Now I have to tell you the story of S7 Ran Ge’s level 2 cannon jumping in the face and killing the junior high school student Lu Xian alone]

After the audience in the event live broadcast room saw Zhuo Ding's choice, countless barrages suddenly appeared, densely covering the entire screen!

“TOP finally chose a barrel jungler to make up for the team’s lack of AP output!”

Amid the hustle and bustle of the audience, YM took out the Deep Sea Titan in the fifth choice.

At this point, the lineups of both sides have been determined.

Top of the blue side: top laner Ornn, jungler Barrel, mid laner, small cannon, bottom lane Verus + Braum.

Red square YM: top laner Karma, jungler Spider, mid laner Lucian, bottom lane Kai'Sa + Titan.

"To put it bluntly, I think TOP has a certain advantage in terms of lineup." Wawa said unceremoniously.

Miller also echoed, "I think it would be better for Brother Ran to keep a counter position. There is no need to choose such a tightrope lineup. It is too difficult to deal with Ornn in team battles."

Zoom took two deep breaths, picked up the paper cup and took two sips of iced Coke.

After selecting this lineup, he knew that he had a heavy burden on his shoulders.

As long as he can develop, put the cloth armor, anti-armor, blue shield and three physical defense equipment there, plus a piece of magic resistance equipment, YM double C team battles will be scraped for him.

But if he doesn't develop, then the spiders and Karma alone can kill him.

Lin Ran on the other side of the stage pinched his fingers and checked to make sure that his runes and summoner skills were correct before turning his head to look at the TOP side.

Zhuo Ding looked sideways at the same time, as if he had a tacit understanding.

The two looked at each other in the distance, saying nothing.

Summoner's Rift came suddenly, Lin Ran bought the Dolan Sword and the blood bottle, and headed straight for the river with his teammates.

On the other side of the canyon, Merlin gunner Tristana was humming a tune while holding the cannon, and also rushed to the river with her teammates.

ppgod led people to invade the lower jungle area, and everyone in YM who did not want to conflict with Bronn retreated calmly.

Everything was extremely restrained, just waiting for a spark to explode the whole place.

It’s going to be a big chapter tomorrow, I’ll just finish this scene.

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