LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 555 553: Tit for tat

Waves of deafening sounds arose at the scene, the hot atmosphere had been completely ignited, and the audience's expressions were extremely excited!

Fighting again and again in Summoner's Rift is like stacking captain's powder barrels one after another in the stadium, and the last shot burns them all and detonates them!

"...In the end, YM won the first round," Miller realized when he saw the explosion at the IG base and breathed a sigh of relief. His heart was finally high because of the frequent battles in the arena. Landing quietly, "50 heads broke out between the two sides in 36 minutes, and they were fighting almost every moment!"

Wawa felt a little unfinished, but he remembered his role as a commentator and immediately said seriously, "I can only say... YM is very good at brawls, and the lineup he chooses can easily perform well in team battles."

"That's right," Miller nodded in agreement, "The lineup and play style chosen by YM are completely different from when they met BLG last week. They can even be said to be two extremes."

"When facing BLG, YM's overall style was more stable, and operations were postponed until the later stages before making the final decision," he explained. "When facing IG, they became reckless. They fought from beginning to end, and fought whenever there was a chance. , YM will never back down!"

Playing late-stage operations with BLG, and fighting with IG in the early stage, YM showed two playing styles in two adjacent BO3s.

Many viewers suspect that the five people in YM are more or less schizophrenic.

A week ago I could hold back for half an hour without fighting, but now I fight for one minute without exchanging blood, and it feels like there are ants crawling on my body.

In this river?

At this time, the director's camera showed the IG player seats, and Miller opened another topic at the right time, "IG has a little contradiction in its casting lineup and playing style today."

"My original expectation was to rely on the strong mid-field combination of Syndra and Xin Zhao to survive the early stage and provide support for Vampire and Sivir. This way, there would be enough damage support for team battles on the end game, and it would be coordinated with Rakan and Xin Zhao's first move to start the team. , can produce good results.”

Wawa interjected, "But I didn't expect that IG didn't want to develop in this round. They played from beginning to end. In a sense, they restricted the heroes on their two sidelines!"

TheShy's vampire is pretty good, its combat ability is quite satisfactory, and it can still escape after rushing into the back row. YM rarely actively seeks out Vladimir in team battles. When fighting King Ning in the back row, it can supplement its growth with two heads.

The old thief Sima was not so lucky. Not to mention Sivir's frail body, she didn't even have the ability to move. In front of Qinggangying and Galio, she was just a 300-dollar figure who could move.

"Yes," Miller said with a smile, "YM's system of doing whatever you want is not afraid of you and me fighting in a team fight, let alone the existence of Braum and Qinggangying. Xiaoyao even took the red pill in the last wave. When I got up, I really regarded myself as the absolute core of the team.”

Wawa made a joke next to her, "It turns out that Camille is the real AD Carry. She is really bad at being big-mouthed and can't keep up with her teammates' fighting rhythm!"

When the team battle started, Xiaoyao's equipment looked really scary. After he entered the field in the first wave, he circled around and used the wall to jump up when the opponent was not paying attention. The real damage caused by the A-cut was ridiculously high. Everyone in IG is completely overwhelmed.

Unlike the previous single-player Qinggang Shadow, Camille, who lives in the jungle, has an additional warrior jungle knife.

It doesn't seem like a big deal, but it adds an additional 10% cooldown reduction.

Paired with the power of the three phases, it is 30% CD.

You know, the full-level cooldown of Qinggang Shadow E [Hook Rope] is 10 seconds. Counting the 30% cooldown, it only takes 7 seconds to get better.

It can be said that the equipped Qinggang Shadow is the best among warriors in terms of flexibility and damage production.

At this time, the post-match output panel also appeared in front of everyone.

The audience in the audience burst into harsh laughter, and the barrage also found a new hot spot for discussion.

【What did I see? Dazui 19436 Sivir 17570, a 36-minute game, calculated this way, the average output is only about 500, which is really impressive]

[The average output of Que, Jack and the old thief should have been 650+, but this game has lowered the data a lot]

[There is a saying, Big Mouth must have done thousands of damage just by relying on his passive]

[Jack's overall performance was 3/9/11, and Sima Laothief was 1/7/15. If I just looked at the KDA, I would have thought it was from the auxiliary]

[I see that in every team battle, ADC is the first to fall, two old unlucky guys]

[AD status quo! It's the same as Brother Ran said, who is a normal person to play ADC in this version? Aren't mages good? 】

[Take it down, Broiler started with 2/0 in the early stage, and ended up with 4 kills and 7 kills. Do you think mages are very useful? 】

Lin Ran strode into the backstage lounge.

"Hurry up and change a paper cup for me!"

Guo Hao was about to greet him with a smile, but he didn't expect Lin Ran to say such a thing.

"What do you mean?" He was very confused.

Xiaoyao on the side said sadly, "He drinks water every time he wins a team battle. As a result, there were too many team battles today. He always squeezed the paper cup and crushed it."

"Fortunately, the base of this paper cup is quite strong, otherwise the water inside would have spilled out, and there would have been a live broadcast accident."

"Boxes, boxes, boxes!" Jack smiled.

Guo Hao took a closer look and saw that the cup in Lin Ran's hand had been deformed.

"This water can't even be filled into the cup. It really needs to be replaced..." He quickly went to get another disposable paper cup.

"Where did I throw the original paper cup?" Lin Ran looked around but couldn't find the trash can in the lounge.

Bai Jiahao, who happened to be eating egg tarts, raised his hand and said in an unclear voice, "It's over here with me!"

Lin Ran walked over and took a look and found that the black garbage bag was tightly covered by Bai Jiahao's legs. No wonder he didn't notice it before.

“This garbage bag is really good at hiding it!”

He threw the cup in and said to Bai Jiahao, who was promoted to the second team this summer, "Don't you eat every day? Why do you eat egg tarts every time you come here?"

"This thing is delicious," Bai Jiahao raised his head and looked at Lin Ran with innocent eyes, "My dream before I became a professional was to eat egg tarts every day."

"...That's really a very simple dream." After Lin Ran said this, he went to find other teammates.

A group of players and coaching staff gathered together for what appeared to be a meeting.

"What are you going to eat after the game tonight?" Lin Weixiang is very concerned about dietary issues.

Jack thought for a long time, but he didn't think of any particularly satisfactory restaurant.

The main reason is that he is allergic to seafood, which has narrowed the range of restaurants he can go to.

"How about going to the bungalow?"

Hot pot is the most versatile food. No matter all over the country or at home and abroad, you can find a sense of identity with the food culture in the churning hot pot.

"No," Lin Ran objected, "It's just a money-stealing thing. How much did the meal at Hongbin Restaurant cost when I went to RNG's home stadium last time? With an average of three to four hundred per person, you can eat to your heart's content. What can you eat in a bungalow?"

"...Same." When Jack thought of the three words "Hongbin Building", all he could think of was the soft and delicious oxtail.

Three to four hundred can be used to pay for a pot in a bungalow. If you order a few pieces of meat, the menu will start in four figures. This group of boys went over to have a meal, and they couldn't stop eating.

People like YM are not short of money, but no one's money comes from strong winds. If you think about it carefully, compared with other restaurants, the price-performance ratio of the bungalow is indeed low.

If he won the summer championship, it would be acceptable to have a meal to celebrate.

"How about going to Haidilao!" Jin Gong suggested. He liked the tomato pot there.

Guo Hao said at this time, "I know there is a Turkish restaurant called Pasha that tastes pretty good. It's near Huaihai Middle Road, on our way back to the base."

"Pasha?" Jack's ears perked up when he heard the familiar name, "Isn't that someone who plays CSGO?"

"...It's not important, it's just a name." Guo Hao was speechless.

"Of course," Liu Qingsong said, "if we win 2:0 today, we will go to Haidilao. If we win 2:1, we will go to a Turkish restaurant."

"What if we lose?" Lin Weixiang asked abruptly.

"You can't lose, how can you lose?" Mr. Tie was very confident.

Big eyebrow was reluctant, "If, I mean if..."

"You still want to go out to eat after losing?" Xiaoyao was surprised, "Isn't there a Kaifeng dish? Each person can take two spicy burgers back to eat."

"Ning Wang's Zhao Xin E came into the crowd, R [Xingyue Guard] directly swept away the YM formation, and TheShy's Sword Demon rushed in directly!"

With his wings spread out, Aatrox swung his heavy sword and slashed at the enemy camp wantonly.

Baolan's Shen used his ultimate move to boost TheShy's health, preventing him from dying in the first place.

"Rookie's Galio takes off!"

The Colossus of Justice soared into the sky, and the green flames ignited when the tough bear appeared, instantly engulfing everyone in YM!

Sima Laothief's Syndra QRE launched Tiannu Sanhua to provide team control for teammates.

Although Xiao Qinggangying killed the old thief Sima alone, and the clockwork demon controlled by Lin Ran also used shock waves to roll up the three IG generals, one Xin Zhao and one sword demon cleared all the YM back rows. !

All the dogs at the scene let out loud shouts and cheered for the home team they supported!

"It turns out that when playing Brawl, don't choose Clockwork," Miller said loudly on the commentary stage, "Orianna can't keep up with the rhythm of Brawl in the early stage. This hero has no level or equipment, and her combat effectiveness is really poor! "

From the viewing angle, you can clearly see that at 28 minutes into the game, the head ratio between the two sides was 17:24, and YM was 7 heads behind.

On the data panel, Clockwork had 301 CS and a battle loss ratio of 2/4/9. Although it ranked first in the game in terms of CS, its economy was not leading.

The main reason is that the early battle between the two teams was too fierce, and there were a lot of casualties. Professional players have basic skills in handling the line of troops here. Even if the battle is frequent, the last hit will not fall too much.

The gold coins provided by the soldier line + heads have caused the economy of everyone in IG to expand rapidly, far exceeding the development timeline of regular games.

Even if Lin Ran supplemented this large number of minions, it was still of no use. The Sword Demon with a thick white shield, Xin Zhao and Galio, and the pressure provided by IG's top, middle and jungle players were suffocating.

Even if Clockwork without displacement skills tried its best, it still couldn't withstand the opponent's aggressive lineup.

The time was finally fixed at 28 minutes and 22 seconds.

IG relied on the chaotic fighting style to recover a round!

"Damn it," Jin Gong, who took off his headphones, said eloquently, "Brother Ran, you are deliberately manipulating this and don't want to eat Haidilao, right?"

As he spoke, he grabbed Lin Ran's fate by the back of his neck and tried to shake him from side to side.

The audience and the commentators both know that the problem lies in the clockwork, and Xiba people naturally know it too.

The problem is that this clockwork is Lin Ran's choice.

"What does it have to do with me..." Lin Ran still tried to quibble, "Look at how much the other side is targeting me?"

"In the first round, I banned Sword Girl, and in the second round I banned Olaf Zoe. I have to kill four of my heroes and I have to grab Galio first. What else can I choose?"

When Lin Ran said this, he was like a little bear.

IG is no different from the 5-ban mid laner. In Lin Ran's opinion, this is simply crazy.

Broiler's personal strength is not weak, why are you targeting me like this?

"Then there's no need to choose Clockwork," Xiaoyao was also unhappy, "Why don't you get Ryze? You can't lose to Galio in the laning, and at least you have point control in early team battles, which is much more useful than Clockwork! "

He gritted his teeth when talking about the hero Clockwork.

In the early rounds of this game, Lin Ran arrived on the battlefield in time, but it was useless in the early stages of the game.

Unless Lin Ran cheats to change the hero's values, Clockwork Demon will not be as useful as Galio in the early stage.

Not only is there no control, there is no harm.

Several times, King Ning's Zhao Xin had only a little bit of health left, and he managed to escape by relying on the acceleration effect of Phase Rush.

If the damage of Clockwork is slightly higher, the situation will be completely different.

"It's okay, it's okay," Lin Ran patted his teammates on the shoulders, "We lost a small game, and it's time to start the Turkish feast tonight!"

"Hurry up and work harder," Jack rubbed his belly. "I don't want to go back to the base and eat spicy burgers."

"Put it on me!" Lin Ran patted his chest.

10 minutes later, players from both teams sat on the player benches again.

The audience burst into applause!

In the two games, a total of nearly 100 heads broke out.

The audience really enjoyed watching it, and the visual effects can only be described as explosive.

Wawa and Miller were still chatting on the stage.

"In today's BO3, I feel that Galio's priority has been much higher than before," Wawa first started the topic.

Miller immediately followed, "That's it... We can also see from these two games that Galio's domination of the battlefield in the early stage is extremely exaggerated."

"The control is full, and the body is not as fragile as an ordinary mage. After the changes, the two rings can have good output ability in the early stage."

He talked eloquently, "And if there is no shortage of front row in the team, he can even bring Predators to improve his support roaming ability. Coupled with teleportation and ultimate moves, Galio can definitely be the first in early fights." The time has come.”

Miller wanted to continue talking, but received a reminder from the director that the BP panel had appeared in front of the audience!

"YM took advantage of the priority to choose the side and got the blue side, and disabled Xin Zhao first!"

In the second game, King Ning's Juhuaxin still had a full rhythm in the early stage, which caused a lot of trouble to YM.

Hongmi was defeated in the first game, and decided to let the players try to use their personal abilities to solve the problem in the second game.

It turned out that he couldn't deal with it, so he didn't hesitate and simply bought Xin Zhao a house in the ban position.

"IG sent Draven to the ban position..."

YM chose the troll in the second ban.

It's still the same old thinking. The troll is the only one who can restrain Swain. Now that it is blocked, Jin Jingzhu will naturally not let the crow out.

"The last ban in the first round is, as expected, Yasuo!"

Jin Jingzhu saw YM's banned position and thought for a moment, "Let's ban Galio."

Different from the previous game, IG is on the red side in this game. Relatively speaking, BP is passive in the first round, and the ban position is not too sufficient. It is difficult to 4-ban the mid laner like in the second game.

At the same time, he also knew the importance of Galio and did not want to give the Colossus of Justice to YM.

Simply ban it to save worry and effort.

"You should play the mage version with him in this game," Jin Jingzhu reminded the broiler, "pay attention."

"No problem!" Broiler geared up.

He wanted to suppress Lin Ran in the first game, but unfortunately failed. In the second game, he chose Galio and wandered around without focusing on the lane.

The third game that is about to start is his last chance in the regular season.

Song Yijin must grasp it carefully.

"YM's first choice, I got Qinggang Shadow!" Wawa let out a voice, "This BO3 Xiaoyao has played two games of Camille, and now she feels hot!"

"IG took out Syndra and Shen, but the ball girl still has to swing the middle and lower double C!"

Hongmi stood behind the YM player bench and communicated with his team members.

"What are you going to use to burn the pot?" Hongmi wanted to give Lin Ran a hero in the first round, leaving the remaining position for Jack's Kai'Sa.

"Let me think about it..." Lin Ran's mind was spinning rapidly.

Since IG did not target BP, there are still many strong mid laners left in the version outside.

Lin Ran thought carefully and then made up his mind:

"I'll use Enchantress!"

"Okay." LeBlanc is the current T1 mid laner, so Redmi will naturally have no objections.

"YM won the double C of Kai'Sa + Enchantress, let's take a look at IG's final selection of heroes in the first round..."

The muscular bearded man appears in IG's hero selection box!

"Olav!" Miller analyzed, "This should be the jungler. There is a small chance that the broiler will use it to hit the target."

"The probability is too low," Wawa continued, "After all, Olaf has no advantage at all against the flexible Enchantress. Apart from being able to clear the line in the early stage, there is no other advantage."

Hongmi thought the same way. In the second round, he did not target Ning Wang's jungle hero pool, but instead banned Sword Demon and Jessun to limit TheShy's space to play.

Jin Jingzhu targeted Liu Qingsong and blocked Thresh and Niutou.

"IG's fourth choice...Zoe!"

The appearance of the Twilight Star Spirit made the audience excited.

Enchantress vs. Zoe in the middle, this is undoubtedly a bloody battle!

Moreover, the two mid lane heroes have quite good flexibility and burst damage, and their upper limit of operation is extremely high.

Compared with Galio, who was selected in the previous two games, Colossus of Justice has a stable style and prefers defensive counterattacks, while LeBlanc and Zoe are evenly matched, going head-to-head.

The audience can faintly feel the smell of blood in the air.

"YM came up with the combination of Luo and the captain to add some chips to the team battle!"

Because IG has selected two mage heroes, Zoe and Syndra.

Then Jiang Chenglu is destined to supplement AD output on the road.

With Jayce being banned, there is almost no top lane AD hero that can restrain the captain.

As long as Jin Gong is allowed to transition smoothly to the mid-term, the captain's combat effectiveness will be enough to destroy team battles.

I have to say that Hongmi Abacus is very loud.

But Jin Jingzhu refused to let him get his wish.

An unexpected character appears in Baolan's selection interface!

He has dark skin, holds two guns, and his eyes are full of deep-seated hatred for revenge.

"Lucian!" Miller almost broke his voice, "This is top laner Lucian, TheShy is about to begin!"

Under the camera, Jiang Chenglu smiled like a child, as if he had found true happiness.

"The crooked sun... what a lock!" Jack exclaimed, "As expected of you TheShy, let's start living up to expectations!"

"Ah?!" Jin Gong was dumbfounded.

He really didn't expect this move from Lucian.

"It's okay to fight normally, don't be nervous," Lin Ran comforted Brother Xiba, "Try not to die, you can do it."

While the contestants were still communicating, the rhythm of the barrage exploded.

[Can Lu Xian play solo in this version? Wasn't the effectiveness of the ultimate move's bullets in clearing troops reduced? 】

[That means you can't go to the middle lane. After all, the mid laner has the right to lane, but it's unsatisfactory to go to the lane. Anyway, the long hand beats the short hand, and he can be ravaged without a big move]

[Hey, dear, I remember the story of Huni’s two-gun logging. Is it okay to play Lu Xian in the top lane? 】

[Be cautious and optimistic, after all, the long-hand AD is basically the father of the captain. No matter what, there should be no problems in the laning]

"It's basically not difficult for Lu Xian to beat the captain and order the buckets," Watanabe frowned, "This game is really a test for Brother Gongzi!"

"Let's wait and see what kind of performance TheShy can perform with top laner Lucian in this round..."

The lineups of both sides are finalized.

Blue square YM: top laner Captain, jungler Qinggang Shadow, mid laner Enchantress, bottom laner Kai’Sa + Luo.

Red side IG: top laner Lucian, jungler Olaf, mid laner Zoe, bottom laner Syndra + Shen.

The loading bar ends and Summoner's Rift arrives!

Congratulations EDG!

I caught a glimpse of the finals and will make up for it tomorrow...

PS: After this round, the Asian Games plot begins.

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