LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 556 554: What happened in the middle?

Along with the cheers and cheers from the audience that never stopped for a moment, the rune equipment of both sides was also displayed in the game viewing perspective by the director.

"TheShy's Lucian is no different from the others. As usual, he has a strong attack + witchcraft sub-system with mana flow and storm gathering..." Miller glanced at it, "Rookie this time brought the electrocution and enlightenment sub-systems. The style of play is Very fierce!"

Many players who play Zoe like to carry Alley in this version, pursuing extreme suppression. However, Song Yijin feels that when fighting against Lin Ran, he has to use high bursts to deal with him. Alley's tricks that wear down his health a little bit have no effect on him. generally.

Mainly because this guy rarely exposes his flaws in the lane, and can only use Alley very few times, but the electrocution with CD for a long time can come in handy.

Another reason is the rune changes.

Many players have focused the 8.14 update on the weakening of a series of heroes such as Sword Demon, Sword Girl, and Rock Bird. However, hidden in the corner are the changes to [Ghost Poro].

Now, after the hero carrying this small rune enters the grass for one second, the accessory will be replaced by the Ghost Poro. The casting process is like laying an egg, placing the Poro at his feet for 300 seconds and using it as a ward.

If Poro is discovered by the enemy, he will collapse and flee in terror, and the runes will also enter a 60-second cooldown.

However, what is different from before is that if the hero or the ghost Poro cast is in enemy territory, the hero will be provided with adaptive powers that grow according to level.

For a mage, level one has a full 5 points of spell power.

In the early stage, this gain was already exaggerated.

In order to bring the Ghost Poro of the Domination system, Broiler has no choice but to give up the cornerstone rune of the Witchcraft system, Alley - after all, the sub-system of Enlightenment is a must for Zoe.

"IG's first-level team lineup is relatively stronger, with Shen and Olaf at the front. They are unscrupulously planning to invade YM's lower jungle area!"

Liu Qingsong stood in an open position in his jungle area and guarded for a while. When he saw the opponent rushing towards him in a group, he knew that he had no way to defend, so he had to retreat and give up the lower half of the area to his opponent.

"Brother Ran crossed the upper river, stayed for a second in the grass on the outside of the red buff in the upper half of IG against the wall, and released the Ghost Poro!"

He already knew that King Ning was coming to invade the lower half of his side. Under normal circumstances, Olaf would not go up the road in a short time, and the Poro was very safe here.

Back in the middle, Lin Ran and Broiler clicked on each other's status bar at the same time.

Ghost Poro's extra 5 points of magic power are very conspicuous. Both of them are experienced mid laners, so they still have the ability to catch such changes.

Moreover, based on the early movements of both parties, the location of Ghost Poro can be roughly guessed.

Song Yijin started the game with all the flying stars as usual, walked out from the grass, and bombarded three long-range soldiers with one cannon.

Zoe has also been frequently weakened in the last two versions, but the designer's focus has been on W [Spell Stealing Skill], cutting off the damage and movement speed bonus, and the core skill Q [Flying Star Intrusion] was not targeted.

Coupled with the 5 points of spell power given by Ghost Poro in the early stage, the flying star's HP suppression of minions is now increasing.

In the early stage, Enchantress was useless in front of Zoe. Even if Song Yijin handed over the only flying star, Lin Ran would not dare to jump on it to exchange blood.

He can only stand on the same level as the back row ranged soldiers, raise his wand to point IG's melee soldiers.

Lin Ran noticed that Broiler did not bring a minion to remove the mass in this game, but chose the perfect time in the Enlightenment system. He was probably afraid that he and Liu Qingsong's Luo Rush would control him for an instant in the mid-term, so he chose to bring a stopwatch to save his life.

He felt that Broiler might even make up for Zhongya's hourglass. After all, IG's lineup has no shortage of output. It would be great if Zoe could save her life.

The remaining enlightenment rune is not displayed, but there is no suspense. It must be the time warp tonic. Nowadays, any hero who can go out and buy the corruption potion will choose it with the enlightenment sub-system.

Because it is so powerful, very cost-effective and versatile, you can never go wrong with it.

Lin Ran was multitasking. While pondering the purpose of the broiler carrying the runes, he also took down all three melee soldiers in turn.

And just when he raised his hand to eat the last melee soldier, Song Yijin suddenly knocked down a bottle of corruption potion and filled up the flying stars again, but this time he did not bombard the ranged soldiers, but aimed at the Enchantress!

It looked like I was going to come up for blood exchange.

The basic attack with passive fireworks has already hit Enchantress, and the powerful and heavy flying star smashed towards Lin Ran!

Lin Ran didn't expect Broil Chicken to do this, but he reacted very quickly. He was afraid that Zoe would use the movement speed bonus provided by the Time Warp Tonic to force electrocution, so he handed over the W [Shadow's Trace] dodge skill backwards, and then Trigger the second stage of W and come back to continue the last hit.

In this way, he wouldn't suffer a loss if he exchanged one skill for Zoe's layer of corruption potion.

But the corners of Song Yijin's mouth rose slightly.

This is the effect he wants.

"Ning Wang's Olaf finished the YM red zone, and then went around to brush a group of sharp-beaked birds..."

Lin Ran, who had just reached level 2, inserted a jewelry eye into the F6 camp through the wall and successfully saw Olaf.

The moment he saw Prince Ning, he sensed something was wrong.

Olaf has too much health.

Normally, in order to ensure the efficiency of clearing the jungle, Olaf needs to control his blood volume and use the attack speed increasing effect of his passive [Fury of War].

But now King Ning's health is still 80%, and he obviously hasn't taken much damage from wild monsters.

Will King Ning make such a low-level mistake in clearing the jungle?

Lin Ran felt that the answer was naturally no.

If the opponent maintains health, he must have a plan.

He immediately cut the screen and looked down the road.

As expected, the IG duo relied on the early strength of Syndra and Shen to accumulate troops!

Just as Lin Ran was about to remind him, Liu Qingsong already spoke.

"They seem to be coming to the Tower..."

If IG really plans to jump over the tower to kill the YM bottom lane duo, it can explain why Olaf needs to maintain his health.

"I can't get through." Xiaoyao, who was rushing to farm river crabs, responded immediately. He was in the upper half of the area with high mountains and long roads. It was impossible for him to circle the earth at level 3 to defend against ganks.

Jin Gong also expressed the same idea. The main reason is that the captain's previous level teleportation is of little significance. The health value of the gunpowder barrel decays very slowly. The difficulty of detonating it is comparable to the sky. Without the gunpowder barrel, Pu Lang The only remaining ones are Q [Gunfire Negotiation] and Fiery Sword Technique, which are similar to artillery soldiers.

Neither the Ueno brothers could catch up, and only Lin Ran could provide help to the bottom lane.

"Just hold on a little longer, and I'll be right away..."

Lin Ran's voice stopped suddenly.

He originally wanted to say that he could teleport down to support.

But then he recalled that he had handed over W [Shadow's Trace] just now.

The cooldown of Enchantress' level 1 W is as high as 18 seconds.

This is also LeBlanc's most effective line-clearing method in the early stage.

During the period when there was no trace of the magic shadow, the Enchantress could only stand there while being pushed madly by Zoe, and she didn't even have the strength to resist.

How can he roam around if he can't handle the line of troops?

You can't give up a large wave of soldiers and force TP to go down.

Thinking back to the previous scene where the broiler was full of energy and filled with corruption potion and threw flying stars, Lin Ran realized later that he had been fooled.

"It's okay, just die. I'll try to eat two more bins." Jack looked very free and easy.

"...Can you deal with three people?" Lin Ran said suddenly.

"It should be possible to change." Liu Qingsong replied immediately.

Hearing this, Lin Ran made a decision, "Then I'll hold Zoe off, and you can try to gain more money."

He began to harass Zoe frequently, not wanting to let the cock easily push away the line of troops.

But the Enchantress's early combat power was too weak, and Song Yijin was hiding in the pile of soldiers. Even if Lin Ran used QW to electrocute with one basic attack, he would still be attacked by a large number of minions.

The third wave of artillery cart lines have already connected in the middle. With the help of the soldiers accumulated before, Zoe's hypnotic bubble hit the artillery cart, and then threw the flying star to deal double damage, easily pushing the line of soldiers into the middle tower of YM.

Although Lin Ran brought a minion kill weapon, it was weakened once by the fist. It can only be used 240 seconds after the start of the game, which is 4 minutes, and it is still in the cooling state.

Seeing Zoe retreating backwards, intending to leave his sight before teleporting towards the bottom lane, he gritted his teeth and followed.

"King Ning ate the stone beetle and emerged from the grass behind the YM lower tower, ready to attack the bottom lane!"

Miller followed the director's camera to the bottom lane and quickly increased his speaking speed, "Sima Old Thief and Bao Lan also pushed their troops under the tower. This is indeed a perfect opportunity to escape the tower!"

But the three players from IG did not move immediately.

They are waiting.

Waiting for the delivery of the broiler.

The next moment, a melee soldier under the tower lit up with a scarlet light!

Zoe from Broiler!

The director created a corner in the game viewing angle to let the audience see the situation in the middle.

Zoe handed over the teleport at the midline, and LeBlanc operated by Lin Ran was not far behind her.

But the Enchantress only has two levels. Sharp-eyed viewers noticed that in the status bar in the lower left corner, LeBlanc only had two skills, QW and QW, that were on!

Without any interrupting skills, Zoe's blood volume is still very healthy even if the Enchantress uses electrocution.

The audience burst into excited cheers, while many YM supporters felt chilled.

Once Zoe is allowed to teleport down, Jack and Liu Qingsong will have no chance of survival!

Broilers think so too.

Sapphire's Shen is ready to freeze his hands, King Ning's full-blooded Olaf is guarding the back, and the YM duo is as weak and helpless as a lamb waiting to be slaughtered!

After taking the corruption potion and using Q [Flying Star Intrusion] to deceive Lin Ran's shadowy shadow, the opponent fell into the trap set by himself!

Christian Song Yijin was very excited, "I'm sure I'll take these two heads on the road, even Jesus can't save them!"

He looked at LeBlanc who was like a follower, feeling very proud in his heart.

It's almost enough to use a set of skills, but it's just incompetent rage anyway...

Under the gaze of the broiler, the Trickery Fairy did not step forward to consume herself, but suddenly pulled back a step, turned around, and hit the artillery soldier under the YM tower with her Q [Malicious Seal].

W [Devil's Shadow] stepped on it!

While inflicting the second stage of damage from the Demon Seal, he also eliminated two melee soldiers with residual health!

A bright light suddenly lit up above LeBlanc's head!

"The Enchantress has been upgraded!" Miller noticed what happened in the corner of the viewing system. He knew what it meant for the Enchantress to reach level 3.

Lin Ran triggered the second stage of the Shadow Shadow to return to the original position, learned E [Phantom Chain] in seconds and threw it towards Zoe who was reading the teleport!

There was no suspense. The Twilight Star Spirit, motionless on the spot, was a target in front of the Enchantress. The chain hit the cock with incomparable accuracy!

"I can't seem to get down!" Song Yijin didn't expect Lin Ran to be able to level up at the critical moment.

At this time, the director enlarged the middle screen that was previously located in the corner of the OB system so that everyone could see it clearly and carefully!

The duration of Phantom Chain is 1.5 seconds, and the current version of teleportation guidance is 3.5 seconds...

At the moment when the teleportation light above Zoe was about to disappear, the phantom chain took shape, imprisoning Zoe in place!

"Oh my God!" Wawa's surprise was palpable, "Brother Ran really interrupted the teleportation!"

The YM fans in the audience changed their faces at the speed of light, and their shouts were endless, echoing through every corner of the venue!

The faces of all the losers were ashen. Song Yijin's teleportation was interrupted, which meant that they only had three people in the bottom lane!

Can this wave of jumping over the tower be successful?

"Do it!" Prince Ning couldn't hold himself back.

He wasted so much time in the bottom lane. In order to prepare for this wave of tower jumps, he even delayed his jungle clearing time.

If you don't get something, this wave will be a blood loss.

Baolan heard this and operated the Eye of Twilight to use E [Second Meaning! Shadow Bound].

The moment he hit Luo, he flashed again and let his body pass through Jack!

During the whole process, Shen drew a 7 on the map!

The barrage immediately began to play jokes about ancestor Severn, while in Summoner's Rift, tower jumping continued.

"Jack Purified released the taunt, and used a backhand basic attack to hit Shen with the Icathian rainstorm!"

"The old thief Syndra's dark magic ball cooperated with the weak to retreat and knocked out Kai'Sa, but the enemy in the void has already been shot!"

Coupled with the bombardment from the defense tower, Baolan's blood volume dropped rapidly, and the old thief Sima was forced to give him a healing spell.

But Prince Ning picked up the ax and hit him head and face with the real damage caused by the reckless swing.

Miller's tone was urgent, "Liu Qingsong ended the taunting state, lightly danced into pairs, first put a layer of shield on Jack, and then used W [Grand Appearance] to aim at Olaf!"

Shao Shao did not choose to lift Bao Lan. In his opinion, this Shen who did not flash was destined to be dead.

Golden light flashes!

"King Ning used his flash to dodge Luo's blow, and then used two axes to deal with Kai'Sa, and at the same time he started to deal damage to Liu Qingsong!"

Gao Zhenning was completely stunned.

Because Shen was now dead, the continuous damage caused by the red BUFF he carried caused Olaf to attract hatred from the defense tower.

It was impossible to run away, so he decided to kill Liu Qingsong with his backhand.

The lower the blood volume, the fiercer Olaf becomes. With three ax blows, the blood volume of the wound is in danger.

"Luo handed over the flash and pulled back, and the defense tower landed another shot, successfully killing Olaf!"

"The old thief Sima also flashed forward, and the dark magic ball cooperated with the basic attack to take Luo's head!"

In an instant, four people were killed in the bottom lane, and only Syndra was left to continue to develop clear troops.

"Two for two!" the doll said loudly, "This is already a very acceptable ending for YM!"

"When YM faced a desperate situation of four packs and two in the bottom lane, first Ran Ge rose to 3 and blocked the broiler in the middle lane, and then relied on the duo's own operation to just change two heads!"

The broiler is very depressed.

He had even thought about what equipment to buy after teleporting to the bottom lane to kill people, but who knew that Lin Ran could actually calculate the experience to level 3 in a critical moment?

With the first two waves of soldiers plus the three melee soldiers in the third wave, the single line hero can be upgraded to level 3. This is basic common sense, and Broiler naturally knows it very well.

He calculated carefully and found that the number of remaining health soldiers in the wave of soldiers pushed under the tower was not enough to level the Enchantress up to level 3.

However, the defense tower's continuous shelling reduced the health of the artillery soldiers, allowing Lin Ran to take the opportunity to take them away. With the experience of an additional artillery vehicle, LeBlanc could upgrade!

When the broiler thinks of this, he wants to slap himself.

Why should I take those two steps back?

Can't we just teleport directly in front of the YM Tower?

The two steps back gave Lin Ran a chance!

Moreover, when he was teleported just now, he was given a set of electrocution output by Lin Ran in vain, and now his health was at a disadvantage.

Song Yijin felt regretful and blamed himself.

He desperately wanted to regain his place.

But don’t dare to suppress it too much.

Because Xiaotian's Green Steel Shadow has not yet appeared, and while King Ning has not yet been resurrected, if he presses too deep into the line, he may be ganked.

The situation in the middle also became deadlocked.

"The captain buried a gunpowder barrel in the grass, hoping to catch Lucian by surprise with two barrels..."

As soon as the baby finished speaking, Jin Gong threw out the second barrel. At the same time, Gunfire negotiated and hit the powder barrel with only one health left in the grass.

Seeing that Lucian was about to be injured, TheShy casually slid forward, dug into the bushes, avoided the damage from the gunpowder barrel, and started to connect points with both guns!

A set of damage caused Brick Gong to complain incessantly. The captain had no countermeasures and was chased all the way to the bottom of the tower, with only a short health bar left.

If it hadn't been for Orange's crushing blow, TheShy would have flashed into the tower to chase him.

"Guigui, TheShy's suppressive power!" The doll marveled.

Miller followed the director's camera and looked in front of the IG tower. Jin Gong had just exploded a double barrel. Although Lucian was not hurt, the health of many IG soldiers was reduced.

"The key is this wave of soldiers. If Jin Gong returns to the city, he will probably be stuck for a while!"

The Xiba people also knew that they had made a mistake.

TheShy has been standing in the pile of soldiers. If he wants to consume the barrels continuously, he will inevitably explode the minions.

After coming back to his senses, Jin Gong didn't bother to reflect on himself, and quickly shook Xiaotian over to help clear the line.

The Garlic Bastard has just wiped out all three groups of wild monsters in the upper half of IG, and he is eager to come to the top to split his troops.

He also plans to continue his outfit from the first game, buying Tiamat to brush the jungle and play himself as the C position.

"Qinggangying went to the top lane to try to solve the problem..." Miller was shocked when he saw the next scene, "What is TheShy doing?!"

"He's chasing two people by himself!"

Lu Xian moved extremely wildly, taking advantage of the fact that he had reached level 4, and kept pouring bullets towards YM Ueno!

The garlic bastard didn't dare to hand over the E [Hook Rope], not to mention whether he could kick the agile Lu Xian. Even if he kicked him, he would probably not be able to win.

After all, Qinggang Shadow's wild jungle attack is inherently damaging. Even though Xiaolu's wild jungle skills are quite good, he still can't bear the hero's lack of jungle recovery ability.

When he has insufficient health, he is likely to be manipulated by TheShy if he kicks him up.

Lu Xian really did it!

"No, no, we can't untie this army line." Xiaotian couldn't stand it anymore. If he was on the road waiting for Jin Gong to return to the city to replenish the TP state before it came online, King Ning would probably come over too.

Ueno was playing 2v2 at this time, and they had no chance of winning.

"You go, I'll take care of it myself." Jin Gong didn't count on him anymore.

After the Garlic Bastard left, TheShy's oppression had just begun.

He blocked the line of troops in front of the tower, and stepped forward to push Jin Gong, who had just been teleported back, out of the experience area.

Prince Ning even came here to have his real eye patched, for fear that TheShy would be caught and die.

The Jimu Gong people almost fainted.

He didn't even plan to join the army, he just wanted to gain experience. What was wrong with him?

But whether the captain shines or not, they are two different heroes.

Go down with the Q of radiance and two immortal grips, which can give people a mask of pain.

Without Yao Guang, the captain is just a younger brother.

Obviously, Jin Gong is the latter.

He was already overwhelmed in the lane.

From time to time, the director would give a shot of the road, and he would find Jin Gong standing there, weak, pitiful and helpless.

This situation lasted for three minutes!

For three whole minutes, Jin Gong didn't get a single soldier, which made everyone sad and in tears.

"Brother Gongzi, this is so tragic!" The baby couldn't help but speak out for Xiba people.

Miller also sighed with emotion, "This is the disadvantage of the captain playing Lucian, there is really no way to fight in the lane!"

[Hahahaha I’m going to die laughing]

[In less than 7 minutes, the order difference was almost $30]

[Every shot of TheShy is despicable, and he actually gets stuck! 】

[Jin Gong is really tolerant. If I didn’t eat ice cream for three minutes, my mentality would explode.]

It was not until 6 minutes and 50 seconds that the Xiba people were finally stuck on the edge of the 1,600-yard experience zone and successfully upgraded to level 6. They quickly activated their ultimate move to clear all the top lane troops and prevent Jiang Chenglu from getting stuck.

At this time, Lucian had reached level 7, and his combat power was invincible.

During this period of time, Xiaotian was not idle either. He went to the bottom lane and used E to flash E to forcefully catch the old thief Sima who did not flash to death.

King Ning, while protecting the top road, attacked two groups of wild monsters from Xiaotian.

The economic gap between the two sides has remained within 300 yuan.

"IG is ready to compete for this canyon pioneer. Their current lineup is almost invincible..."

Before he finished speaking, the director suddenly switched the camera to the middle!

The two mid laners have already been fighting in the grass above!

The enchantress clone has been triggered, but Zoe's health is less than 30%, and she is still imprisoned in place by phantom chains!

Miller was speechless for a moment. The duel was almost over, so you cut the camera?

However, he adjusted slightly and still said loudly, "The battle situation in the middle is very anxious. Brother Ran's R [Repeat] has reproduced the phantom chain, and he still wants to keep Zoe!"

"After the chicken regained freedom, he flashed and pulled back. Brother Ran immediately flashed and followed, but the chain was not broken!"

1.5 seconds later, Zoe was trapped in place again!

At this time, her health bar was less than one bar left!

"The cooldown of Broiler's Q skill has improved, and he wants to counterattack after pulling up all the flying stars!"

But between Feixing and the residual-blooded enchantress, a fake body suddenly inserted!

Feixing doesn't know how to fight with guns, so he can't turn around and get around the fake body.

Song Yijin could only hear a crisp sound as the flying star hit the mirror image of LeBlanc!

But the real body was unscathed!

Lin Ran's basic attack, with the effect of the corruption potion, harvested her life!

"What's going on?!" The screams appeared again, "Why did you kill him alone?"

The scene was filled with exclamations!

The barrage filled the screen with question marks, and everyone’s reaction was exactly the same as the doll’s.

What happened in the middle just now?

I'm not in a good state. I'm thinking about the plot of the Asian Games. Let me adjust and update less today.

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