LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 582 580: Classic kill first to help

Amid the cheers from the audience, ten players from both sides purchased equipment and left the spring.

"Faker brought Electrocution in this game, while Lin Ran brought Phase Rush. Both of them brought Enlightened Biscuits and Time Warp Tonic as secondary systems."

In the fourth game of the finals, the mid laners of both sides attached great importance to the two small runes of the Enlightenment sub-system.

Although Lin Ran and Lee Sang Hyuk only had one single kill in the first three games, the battle was very fierce.

There were very few casualties. The main reason was that the two of them calculated every detail of the line and the amount of blood as much as possible. When they saw something was wrong, they quickly retreated and did not give the other side a chance.

In the case of very frequent battles, the importance of biscuits and time warp tonics becomes more and more prominent.

The recovery amount provided by the former is more intuitive, and there is also a blue amount of recovery. If you can't finish the biscuits and sell them to the owner of the spring store when you go home, you can even get 30 gold coins, which is called an all-round rune.

The latter provides 5% movement speed when filling potions, which is very useful whether it is pursuit, escape or evasion skills during battle.

"Chi Di and Corejj stood in the river and waited for a while. They took action at 1 minute and 08 seconds..." Su Cheng stared at the big screen, "They want to place wards in the lower half of the CHN team!"

Directed by Little Peanut.

Because Jack chose the Ice Archer in this game, as long as there are no accidents, you can basically detect his position with E [Eagle Strike in the Sky] at level 2.

The Xin Zhao chosen by Peanut in this game is slightly ahead of Qinggang Shadow in the jungle matchup. He wants to replicate the game and gain an advantage in the early stage.

But if his position is detected and he is blind to the Garlic Bastard's jungle route, he will definitely not find any opportunities in the early stage.

After all, Xiaoyao is not a fool and will definitely respond based on his exposed movements.

In order to make himself more comfortable in the jungle, Xiaohuahua asked the bottom lane duo to help set up an eye position in the opponent's red zone and explore the path of the Garlic Bastard.

Due to his excellent performance in the last game, several players now trust his early rhythm ability.

Ruler Emperor and corejj obeyed and invaded the opponent's wild area.

"But the CHN team's formation was very tight. They seemed to be prepared for the Korean team's invasion!"

Lin Ran and his teammates felt that someone might come from the opposite side, so letme and Jack Liu Qingsong guarded the upper and lower half zones respectively.

Anyway, they don't plan to play a first-level team in this game, and they won't lose anything by squatting in their own jungle area.

As a result, Shiba Inu really waited for his opponent.

"Jack's ice shot out thousands of arrows, successfully slowing down KOR's bottom duo from a long distance!"

Ashe took advantage of the acceleration effect of the approaching speed and wanted to continue attacking the kite.

Liu Qingsong was also very decisive.

The moment he saw Korean team Kai'Sa and Thresh appear in his field of vision, he opened his wounds and invested his first-level skill points in W [Grand Debut].

"Luo handed over the flash W, trying to lift up the Korean team's bottom lane!"

Liu Qingsong is also considered a proficient user of Luo.

He is currently at about 600 yards with the South Korean team's duo, which is the ultimate distance of Los Angeles W [grand debut].

As long as Thresh maintains concentration, using E [Pendulum of Doom] to brush down Luo who rushes in from a distance is the basic operation of professional players.

So Liu Qingsong chose to flash forward 400 yards to close the distance between them, leaving almost zero reaction time for corejj to use the pendulum of doom to interrupt the grand debut.

If you want to interrupt Luo's grand debut, you must push back the magic feather during its flight. Once Luo reaches the landing point and prepares to lift the opponent, it is useless to use the Pendulum of Doom. Although it can push Luo away, He will also be knocked away.

Corejj did want to use the Pendulum of Doom to interrupt the opponent at first, but when he saw Liu Qingsong's operation, he immediately gave up the idea and hurriedly commanded Chi Di Lai in the team's voice.

After the golden light flashed behind Luo, two more bright lights passed through the canyon one after another!

"Chiku Emperor and corejj, also hand over Flash!"

Although no one was killed, the audience still cheered loudly.

At this point in the game, even if they were placed in a ward position at the beginning, the audience would be extremely excited, let alone forced to flash.

"Nice!" Lin Ran praised his teammates in the team voice, "Sha Shao played beautifully!"

Liu Qingsong smiled proudly and turned around to record the opponent's summoner skill cooldown in the chat channel.

6.15AD SUP F

"You can come to the bottom lane to catch us," Jack couldn't hold back his excitement, "As long as you come, these two are BOSS!"

"No problem," Garlic Bastard replied. Anyway, the top laner Letme used Ornn in this game. Before level 6, there was no stable control and damage, so the benefits of helping him were not as high as expected.

In comparison, the bottom lane, which has stable slowing and knock-up control before level 6, is indeed a better place.

The atmosphere in the Korean team's voice was slightly solemn.

"My, my, my," Little Peanut apologized hurriedly, "If I had known, I wouldn't have let you go."

It was really uncomfortable during the laning phase when the bottom lane, especially Edici, was outdone like this.

Little Peanut was still blaming himself, and Corejj said, "It's okay, at least the eye is inserted."

Before he left, he still inserted an ornament eye into the red buff camp of the CHN representative team.

Now that we see that Xiaotian did not open from the lower half, we can basically determine that Qinggang Ying opened from the upper half.

In this way, Garlic Bastard's early trends have been initially grasped.

Lin Ran came to the line and saw Li Sang Hyuk raising his hand to attack the minion, and a Q [Dark Sphere] gathered at his feet.

But the Enchantress raised her wand, but she canceled her basic attack and avoided the dark ball by moving laterally.

Lee Sang Hyuk also faked an A draw this time.

Like Lin Ran before, when facing Syndra, the two of them like to use this false draw A technique at the beginning to deceive the opponent's dark orb.

Although Syndra's Q skill has a short cooldown and doesn't consume a lot of mana, the actual benefits that can be earned from this false draw of A are also very limited.

However, it can destroy the opponent's self-confidence and cause pleasant torture.

If they dodge the Dark Sphere a few times and give a thumbs up in return, some players with poor psychological quality will start to get impatient.

Lin Ran, who knew this well, would not be affected.

He felt calm when he saw Li Sang Hyuk using his skills, and his basic attack was aimed at the minion.

In the early stage, Syndra definitely had the right to attack the demon queen, so Lin Ran simply hoarded the line of troops bit by bit, preparing to advance into Li Sang Hyuk's defense tower.

A moment after the second wave of soldiers reached the middle, Enchantress suddenly took advantage of Lin Ran's hand to raise his hand to attack the melee soldiers and stepped forward with W [Shadow's Trace].

Lin Ran frowned suddenly.

Normally, Enchantress would not openly come to exchange blood with Syndra at this time.

Because it's of no use.

Lee Sang Hyuk is in a pushed-out position, and he still has at least 3 soldiers' experience left before reaching level 2.

Without the malicious mark, the damage caused by Enchantress simply casting Shadow Shadow is not very high, and the long cooldown of the skill of 18 seconds makes him unable to fight back in the next short period of time, and he can only be beaten by Syndra. wanton ravage.

Moreover, after Lin Ran focused his basic attack on the melee soldiers, the minions had already reduced their health. He only needed to level A once more to smoothly advance to the second level.

Once you learn E [The Weak Retreat] and then walk straight forward to get close to the spot where Lee Sang Hyuk's demonic shadow left him, the enchantress will be very embarrassed.

No matter whether Lee Sang Hyuk triggers the second W to come back, he will face the risk of being knocked unconscious by his QE.

Although Syndra's output is not particularly explosive before her skill level and equipment are upgraded, with QEA's set, it is still no problem to defeat the Enchantress with nearly 200 blood points.

Enchantress was originally at a disadvantage when facing him in the early stage, and being so consumed by Syndra was a huge loss.

Then comes the problem.

Why did Lee Sang Hyuk want W to step on him and exchange blood with him in this situation?

Unless Faker doesn't know he's about to move up to level two.

This idea only existed in his mind for a short moment before being rejected.

Hi, in an ordinary qualifying match, the mid laner knows how to calculate the crucial experience of leveling up to 2, not to mention Lee Sang Hyuk, and Faker is in good condition today. Lin Ran feels that he will not make such a low-level mistake.

So what is the reason why Lee Sang Hyuk did this?

Lin Ran's mind was spinning a thousand times, and he kept moving his hands, eating the soldiers and rising to the second level.

At this time, he glanced at the information on the small map.

Since Jack has not yet reached level 2, he does not have E [Eagle Strikes the Sky] and cannot get the position of Peanut.

When Xiaoyao opened blue in the upper half of the area before, he pulled the wild and placed an eye position on the upper river.

Now the river crabs above are swimming safely in the river.

Lin Ran had an idea and did not choose to imitate the weak and retreat to compete with the enchantress to gain a health advantage.

Instead, he left a skill point and went directly to the lower river.

The moment he emerged from the grass in the middle road and lower the river, he saw Xin Zhao hunting river crabs!


Lin Ran did not hesitate to invest his remaining skill points in W.

Then he used his telekinesis to quickly catch the river crab with residual blood!

In Summoner's Canyon, Xin Zhao had raised his spear just now, preparing to stab the river crab. This time, the target was lost, and his movements paused for a moment visible to the naked eye.

"Look, Xiaoyao, I've got a big baby for you!" Lin Ran said in a cheerful tone.

Garlic Bastard was overjoyed.

He was brushing up the red BUFF, but he didn't expect to get such an unexpected gain.

"Throw it here!" He was extremely happy and marked a signal under himself.

After Lin Ran threw the river crab into the red buff camp through the wall, Garlic Bastard took over directly.

Since the Swift Crab will fly to its home after being forced to leave the river, Xiaoyao chooses to use basic attacks and take punishment to directly collect it.

Seeing this scene, the audience immediately burst into excitement!

"Wow..." Yutong opened his mouth in an O shape, "Is it true?"

On SBS TV station, Roaring Emperor shouted in disbelief, "How did Ran discover this? There is obviously no sight of the CHN representative team in the lower river!"

Su Cheng also felt baffled. She and Roaring Emperor had the same question. Because the pilot camera and the first perspective were different, they would not always focus on the middle, so they didn't even see the scene of Lee Sang Hyuk stepping forward with level 1 W.

Naturally, there was no way to get close to Lin Ran's feelings and psychological activities.

The audience watching the live event with a black screen had no idea what was going on. They could only understand what was going on at the scene from Su Cheng's few words.

【you still need to ask? Brother Ran must have turned on X-ray. 】

[Don’t be embarrassed, Xiaotou is not a fool! 】

[If I were a little peanut, I would smash the keyboard, but I can still work this way]

[Excellent wage earner, smiling brotherly alliance]

"Axi..." Little Peanut cursed secretly in the contestants' box.

This wave was still directed by him.

He communicated with Li Sang Hyuk in advance and asked the enchantress to go up and exchange blood.

In order to protect the bottom duo who lost lane rights and initiative due to lack of flash, peanut decided to come to the river to eat river crabs and provide as much help as possible to Chi Di and corejj.

As for when to eat this river crab, he had carefully planned it.

If he clears three groups of wild monsters and then eats river crabs, since he is alone in the wild, the clearing speed will be slightly slower. After he clears three camps, Syndra in the middle can also be upgraded to three.

Moreover, Lin Ran has stocked up on troops. When the time comes, Li Sang Hyuk will be trapped in the middle, and Syndra will definitely have to move around. Once he is found to be fighting crabs, with W [Driving Telepathy], he will definitely Working for nothing.

If you brush two groups of wild monsters and then play river crabs, the situation will be the same.

By then, Shiba Inu's ice in the bottom lane will be upgraded to level 2. As long as Eagle Strikes in the Sky finds him farming crabs, the duo of Syndra and CHN who have lane rights will come to support him.

Therefore, Little Peanut decided to quickly eat the Lower River Crab after the red in the first half of the area was promoted to the second level.

After all, normal Syndra's Level 2 learns E [The Weak Retreat], so there won't be much of a threat to him.

Just in case, he asked Faker to come forward and exchange blood, and sold a flaw to Lin Ran. He asked Syndra to learn E [The Weak Retreat] to steal the opponent's health for free, and there were enough benefits to be earned.

But unexpectedly, Li Sang Hyuk's counterintuitive blood exchange aroused Lin Ran's vigilance.

"If I had known better if I didn't do this, maybe the other party wouldn't notice..."

Little Peanut finally understands what it means to cover up something that is unnecessary.

But regret is of no use. There is no way to go back in time now. The crab in the river has been lost, so he can only look forward.

"Xin Zhao failed to eat the river crab, so he had to go back to collect the wild monsters in the lower half of his home...but Xiaotian didn't want him to have an easy time!"

Because Qinggangying ate an extra set of river crabs, he successfully reached level three after defeating his own red buff.

Stuck at this point in time, Garlic Bastard went straight to the wild area of ​​​​Little Peanut.

Xin Zhao's early duel ability is indeed better than Qinggang Shadow.

But it is impossible to complete a leapfrog kill.

After Little Peanut used Punishment to get rid of the blue buff, he still hadn't reached level three.

"Qinggang Shadow E hit the wall and hit the opponent with a second wall kick. After AQA launched a strong attack, Xin Zhao's health dropped a lot!"

Little Peanut could only retreat in despair.

Although corejj's Thresh arrived in time so that he would not face any danger to his life, the wild monsters could not be saved.

Liu Qingsong relied on the flexibility of his level 2 Luo, and directly used E [Qingwu Duo] across the wall to come to Xiaotian's side and accompany him to fight against the jungle invasion.

"Should Xin Zhao run to the upper half?" Su Cheng quickly simulated what might happen next in his mind.

"But if he goes to the top half, what will happen in the bottom half?"

Kai'Sa and Thresh, who were double-dodged in the early stage, if Garlic Bastard becomes murderous, they can kill each other in the bottom lane by force-changing heads.

Chi Di thought in advance that he would not have much pressure on health in the bottom lane against Han Bing and Luo in this game. In order to have more room for team battles and to avoid being killed instantly by the opponent's duo after level 6, he specially brought purification. Used to relieve the opponent's overwhelming control.

This means that the Korean team has no healing skills in the bottom lane. Once Xiaoyao forcibly ganks, it is really possible to die instantly.

"Little Peanut is in a dilemma. If he continues to stay in the lower half, he won't be able to eat wild monsters!"

In the middle, Lee Sang-hyeok was still trapped in front of the tower due to his disadvantage in the military line.

Lin Ran will not push the lane to send support like Faker did in the first game.

With the jungler and bottom lane both currently in the lead, he only needs to firmly restrict Lee Sang Hyuk to the middle lane.

"You two, go back, I have to go up there to develop." Little Peanut gritted his teeth and said.

He could only give up his plan to shelter the duo.

If he continues to stay in the lower half, he will still be at level two.

By then, his Xin Zhao jungler will be completely ruined.

However, Little Peanut didn't do nothing. He inserted a jewelry eye at the entrance of his Three Wolf camp to monitor possible jungle theft by the other jungler.

Emperor Chi felt aggrieved, but he had no other choice but to walk back to the grass in front of the lower second tower and stay in the grass with his assistant Thresh.

"Now the Korean team can't even gain experience in the bottom lane!" Su Cheng said in a loud voice.

The audience in the audience could not sit still.

Many spectators were waving red flags in their hands, apparently preparing to celebrate the victory.

The Korean audience remained silent.

In the early stages of the game, the situation took a turn for the worse from the moment the bottom duo was forced out of the game.

Before hiding in the autistic grass, Chi Di took a look at his own Demon Swamp Frog camp through the wall.

This is used to prevent the Qinggang Shadow from suddenly bursting into flames and arresting people through the wall.

But when this eye position fell, Xiaotian looked at it.

After swiping the Demon Swamp Frog, he stood there, facing the wall.

This made the Korean team dare not move at all.

Once you leave the Autistic Grass and go to the next tower to try to gain experience, Camille will most likely do it directly.

"Is this person crazy?" Emperor Chi cursed.

But he didn't have any solution.

He could only watch helplessly as a whole wave of artillery soldiers were swallowed up by his own bottom defense tower.

The military line is the lifeblood for Edici.

This wave of artillery train lines were all gone, and it was like cutting a knife into Emperor Chi's heart.

Seeing that there were many artillery trains in the line, all of which were eaten by the Korean team's defense towers, Xiaotian reluctantly left the Demon Swamp Frog camp.

Although I saw Qinggang Ying walking down the river.

However, Chidi and corejj did not dare to neglect at all.

I waited in the grass for a few seconds.

Because just when they thought Qinggangying had really left their own jungle area and wanted to leave the grass and go to the bottom lane to fight for troops, they discovered the movements of Garlic Bastard again through the wards arranged by Xiaohuahua at the Three Wolf camp before leaving!

This man has come back with a killing blow!

He deliberately deceived them, making Chichi Emperor and others think that they were going to the lower half of the area, but in fact, after leaving the sight of the Demon Swamp Frog Camp, they immediately changed direction and ran back!

Emperor Chi was shocked and angry.

Fortunately, after Garlic Bastard left the Demon Swamp Frog Camp, he did not walk out of the autistic grass immediately, but waited inside for a while.

Otherwise, if he dares to return to the next tower this time, Xiaotian will dare to cross the tower!

"Why is this guy acting so disgusting?" Corejj, who is older and prides himself on being mature and stable, couldn't stand it this time.

He could only continue to stay in the autistic grass with Chi Di.

After Qinggangying leaves, return to the bottom lane.

The two of them are indeed very stable. After all, they learned from Edgar's Samsung operating style.

It is true that they are not dead, but the army line is really losing money.

A wave of artillery soldiers plus a wave of short-term soldiers, a total of 13 soldiers, were all sent to the defense tower.

This makes the experience gap between the two sides nearly one level.

The gap in combat effectiveness caused by falling behind in level makes Samsung's bot lane even more afraid to make mistakes.

Xiaotian didn't catch anyone, so he could only kill the three wolves.

The Green Steel Shadow brushes wild monsters like this very slowly, and it takes 20 seconds to clear the wild monsters.

And he left the Korean team's lower half of the jungle for nearly ten seconds.

Emperor Chi finally sent the plague god away.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief and returned to the tower to continue the battle.

With the help of top laner Jin Gong, who had control of the line, Xiaohuahua successfully captured the upper river crab.

Even though I made up for a wave of growth, I could even counter Xiaotian's upper half.

But this didn't stop Little Peanut from hating Lin Ran.

If this person hadn't learned W [Driving Telekinesis] at Level 2 and robbed him of the crabs in the river, how could the team be so uncomfortable?

He wanted to find a chance for revenge.

But Lin Ran also understands very well and knows that Xiaohuahua is in the upper half and is positioned very low in the lane.

In this way, if the Korean team wants to link up the middle and jungle, it is not realistic to catch Lin Ran once.

If Lee Sang Hyuk dares to step forward and give him the chain, he will have to eat the weak and retreat.

In the face-to-face situation, Syndra's EQ double hit is quite good.

It is knocked back twice and has a stun effect, which is extremely powerful.

Moreover, Lin Ran also brought Phase Rush. When QE hits, he can successfully trigger the acceleration effect as long as he makes up a basic attack.

Unless Li Sang Hyuk and Xiao Peanut hand over two flashes, there is no chance to kill Lin Ran.

Moreover, they didn't know Xiaotian's exact movements, so they didn't dare to attack Lin Ran rashly, for fear of being counterattacked and directly disrupting their rhythm.

"Can you kill on the road?" Xiao Huahua asked Jin Gong, hoping to find some breakthrough from him.

"No, this person is a bit too stable. He won't come out for a blood exchange at all." Xibaren said with a frown.

After getting Ornn, Laitemi became a completely different person.

As long as he encounters a disadvantaged matchup, he will not choose to fight with the enemy at all, but will only use Q to replenish troops from behind.

This self-contained style of play will lag behind in CS.

But the advantage is that it can maintain your blood volume very well.

Letme also knew that Xiaotian would not come to help them in the early stages of this game.

This method is quite scientific. .

It is almost unrealistic for Xin Zhao and Ryze to get over a tower with full health Ornn in the early stage.

Little Peanut returned in frustration, and could only choose to return to the city after clearing out all the wild areas.

The game time has reached 5 minutes and 30 seconds.

Both junglers started their second round of jungle farming.

"Xiaotian is rushing to the middle, and he hits a wave of wild camp refresh time differences!"

After the Garlic Bastard finished brushing his own red and blue buffs, he squatted in the opponent's jungle area and did nothing.

And Xiao Peanut also went around in a big circle before changing Xiao Tian's wild area.

This resulted in Xiaoyao's four groups of ordinary wild monsters not being refreshed in time, while new wild monsters were already born in Xiaohuatuan's wild area.

In other words, Xiaotian had nothing to do during the period before his jungle area was refreshed.

Lin Ran noticed that he was doing nothing and asked Garlic Bastard to come over and accompany him in pushing the troops in the middle.

"But Little Peanut is also very smart. He knows that Xiaotian has nowhere else to go, so he gave up on the Demon Swamp Frog and Three Wolves that he had just refreshed, and rushed to the middle to prepare to help Li Sang Hyuk!"

What arrived in the middle at 5 minutes and 27 seconds was a wave of artillery troops.

At this time, Lin Ran had been consuming a lot of mana during the laning period, so he didn't have much mana left, and only had a layer of corruption potion left on his body.

It looks like they are trying to push the line back to the city for supplies.

However, Lee Sang Hyuk did not take it lightly.

During this period, he kept cutting the screen to observe the three channels.

Fortunately, there is no first-person viewing system, otherwise everyone would think this is a lunatic.

In fact, this has become a bad habit of Lee Sang Hyuk.

Other players who are responsible for team command have never switched screens so quickly and messily.

Because the online and jungle information on the battlefield is not refreshed so frequently.

As long as you pay attention every now and then, you'll be fine.

And many times, Lee Sang Hyuk's screen-cutting has become a subconscious habit.

He felt uncomfortable all over if he didn't cut the screen for three seconds.

But there is an upside to this.

Many times he didn't understand it clearly the first time he cut the screen. If he cuts it again, he might have some new feelings as the current situation changes.

Such as now.

Jack's ice line rights in the bottom lane are very solid.

In fact, except for a few heroes, most shooters will not have much advantage when facing Ashe.

Although the teamed with Luo has poor laning ability, the Korean team's bottom lane has already handed over all the flashes, and they missed two waves of soldiers before, so their experience is much worse, so they don't dare to be too presumptuous in the laning.

This resulted in the line of troops now being in front of the South Korean team's tower.

Li Sang Hyuk frowned, feeling that things were not simple.

"It's very possible that they will get two out of four. Please help me clear the line of troops as soon as possible. I will also return to the city to replenish a wave of equipment!"

Little Peanut will naturally have no objections.

The experience of having sex for free is not free of charge.

He even used punishment to lower the health of the gun truck.

"The Korean team is also very vigilant. There are less than 40 seconds left before the flashes of Ruler and Corejj turn around. They don't want their bottom lane to die at this critical moment!"

This is the principle followed by the Korean team.

The bottom lane duo has already lost two waves of troops. If they still send out first-blood kills, the line will basically collapse.

"However, Lin Ran did not choose to return to the city to resupply equipment. After the remaining vision provided by the corpses of the Korean team's soldiers on the middle lane disappeared, he chose to cancel the return to the city and went straight to the bottom lane!"

He still has the last corruption potion on him.

Using the instant recovery effect of the Time Warp Tonic, Lin Ran managed to stabilize his mana level at a little over 200.

This is a set of QRE combos deliberately executed, and the damage is definitely enough when it comes to jumping over towers.

After all, Chichi Emperor has no healing skills.

"Qinggangying and Syndra have arrived in the grass behind the first tower in the bottom lane. Faker saw this and handed over the teleport!"

The landing point of TP is on the defense tower.

And Little Peanut is following behind and is about to reach the bottom lane.

"The South Korean team has formed a double-sided attack and wants to launch a counter-attack!"

But what Lin Ran wanted was this effect.

He did not look for the Korean team members in the bottom defensive tower.

Instead, he turned back to see Little Peanut!

"Xiaotian hooked the wall and used the mechanism of the Qinggang Shadow to discover Xin Zhao's position with his blind vision. In conjunction with the flash of E, flash of E, he directly kicked the little peanut out from a long distance!"

Peanut had just arrived near the river grass. In order to get to the lower road as quickly as possible, he chose to walk close to the wall. This was the shortest distance to the battlefield.

Lin Ran was still a long way away from the two junglers. He originally wanted to flash QE to keep up with the control, but seeing that Little Peanut was right next to the wall, he simply saved the flash.

He stuffed the ball into the wall and then launched the weak retreat!

Just like inserting an eye through a thick wall, the thick wall forcefully squeezed the magic ball to the other end of the wall.

This can appropriately extend the casting distance of the weak retreat.

Although this mechanism has a long casting distance, its disadvantage is that it can only push the magic ball to the wall.

Once the opponent is a little further away from the wall, he cannot be knocked unconscious.

But Little Peanut chose to walk close to the wall, which gave Lin Ran a chance.

"The CHN representative team came here to attack the east and west, and their real target is the little peanut!"

Peanut didn't expect that he would be hit even though he was standing so far away from the enemy's midfielder.

"Qinggangying put up red punishment and launched a strong attack. Then he pulled up and directly disabled Xin Zhao!"

First blood is born!

A tsunami roared from the mountains below the stage.

Peanut looked annoyed under the camera.

He couldn't even resist the whole process.

When he woke up from the dizziness, his blood volume was already reduced.

There is no use flashing at this time, he still has the burning effect of Red Punishment.

In the live broadcast room, the domestic audience was talking happily.

[Hey, is this Syndra QE so far away? 】

【Is it right to hunt cattle across the mountain? 】

[YM’s classic feature, if you stop me, I’ll kill the person who helped me first]

The Korean team has shown its decline!

Continue tomorrow...

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