LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 583 581: The Demon King’s Last Dance and CHN’s Deadly Rhythm! Final chapter of Asian Games

"This wave also deceived Lee Sang Hyuk's teleportation. We will be more relaxed in the next 5 minutes!"

Su Cheng looked happy.

No matter from which aspect, the CHN team's capture of Zhao Xin's first blood operation by Little Peanut this time is a very profitable thing.

Peanut was furious.

He wants to find an opportunity now and quickly regain his position.

"After Little Peanut reached level 6, he emptied the one real eye we left in the grass in the lower river, and then prepared to retreat... No!"

"He turned back and continued walking to the CHN wild area," Su Cheng frowned, "Little Peanut is paralyzing and confusing us!"

The eye position is the same as that of minions. After being killed, the remaining corpses will still provide vision for a short period of time.

Peanut utilizes this mechanism.

He first pretended to retreat, creating an illusion for the CHN team, and then immediately changed direction and broke into the lower zone of the Garlic Bastard.

"Little Peanut is holding a spear and hiding in the Sharpbill camp of the CHN representative team..."

Su Cheng was slightly worried, "His target is Lin Ran!"

Peanut always retaliates against others.

What's more, Lin Ran is now one of the core members of the CHN team. Killing him will cut off the enemy's rhythm and at the same time fatten up Lee Sang Hyuk. Why not?

Lin Ran, who was facing off against Faker in the middle, did not activate the full map control and was completely unaware of the enemy jungler's movements.

However, when he saw Little Peanut appearing in the lower half of the river, he instinctively operated Syndra to move upward, away from where Xin Zhao might appear.

At the same time, Lin Ran and Lee Sang Hyuk also kept a certain distance, so that the other party could not use the displacement effect of the shadow to tie themselves up.

He did everything he could to minimize his chances of being caught.

But Lin Ran never expected that Little Peanut's Zhao Xin would be hiding in his wild area.

The moment he raised his hand to apply the knife, a golden light flashed.

Accompanied by the worried sighs of the Chinese people and the excited cheers of the Koreans, Zhao Xin used flash to come to Lin Ran's side and behind!

Crescent Guard!

Amidst the metallic sound of weapons clashing, Syndra rose into the air and was knocked flying close to the Enchantress!

"Lee Sang Hyuk moved quickly, W got close, R repeated his old trick of replicating the shadow of the shadow, stepped on Syndra's face, E [Phantom Chain] hit, and then followed up with the malicious mark!"

A set of skills creates electrocution.

Then Xin Zhao fearlessly charged forward, followed by W [Wind Slash and Electric Sting], and reduced Syndra's health to the extreme.

Lin Ran finally used QE twice to push Xin Zhao away. W used his telekinesis to grab the magic ball and hit it on Little Peanut. He wanted to escape, but as soon as the phase rush was triggered, the phantom chain locked him in place.

Xin Zhao made up for the output, and finally gave the head to the Enchantress.

"Beautiful decision, successfully killed the opponent's general!" Roaring Emperor's heart finally dropped, "Xianghe and Wanghu want to continue to move up after pushing the troops in the middle!"

"Letme's mana has bottomed out, and this is a great opportunity for a double-team!"

Since Letme had been using skills to replenish troops in order to maintain his health and not be consumed by Jin Gong's Ryze, he didn't have a lot of mana left.

The Roaring Emperor is already imagining the Korean team’s successive rhythmic outbursts.

Now that the game time has reached 7 minutes and 40 seconds, as long as they go to the top lane and kill Ornn, the Korean team can take over the Rift Herald!

"Come up, come up, kill his head for me, and we'll take off!" Jin Gong was eager to give it a try.

The Korean team’s midfielder also feels that the future is bright.

If Ornn can be killed and the Xiba people gain some development, he can be released in advance and continue to suppress the top laner Letme.

"Let's go up first. If Syndra hands over the teleportation, we'll wait for her to land, and then let Brother Han Quan's Ryze jump on the winding path to take us to the middle to push the tower!"

Little Peanut said.

He remembered that Lin Ran had teleported, but if the opponent insisted on protecting Letme and used TP after resurrection, Lin Ran would be unable to take advantage of the wave of troops that had just advanced into the CH team's defense tower in the middle.

Moreover, Jin Gong's Ryze used his ultimate move to push forward, and Lin Ran still lost a lot of HP from the middle tower.

No matter how you calculate it, this is going to be a loss.

"The Korean team's midfielder and jungler are heading up, but Xiaotian is also aware of the opponent's movements. After he returns to the city and uses his first blood economy to make a warrior jungle knife, he rushes up!"

At the same time, the CHN representative team continued to communicate in their voices.

"Yan Junze, can you withstand it?"

Hearing Lin Ran's question, Letme's mood was extremely high: "Let's start a fight, they have no chance of winning!"

"Brother Ran, don't pass the tower. I'll give you a ward later," Garlic Bastard said in an urgent voice, "Let's also give them a double-double attack!"

"No problem." Lin Ran responded, his tone full of confidence.

Lee Sang Hyuk finally realized something was wrong.

Letme, who was staying under the tower, seemed too calm and calm.

Normally, when a top laner sees himself being jumped by three people, his first reaction is to be a little scared.

But why did Laitemi look so calm, even a little impatient, flashing an RNG team logo?

Is he mocking us?

Li Sang Hyuk didn't react for a while.

When he walked to the blue buff camp of the CHN representative team, Faker finally realized that he had overlooked a fatal problem.


Since Letme was playing Ryze, who has a relatively long range, in this round, he did not choose the rune of Grasp of Eternity, but brought the [Unsealed Secret Code].

The time is now closer to eight minutes.

This also means that Ornn has a fragment that replaces the summoner's skill.

In Li Sang Hyuk's impression, there seemed to be no prompt for Ornn to change summoner skills in the team chat channel.

"Has he changed summoner skills?" Faker quickly asked his teammates.

He wanted to confirm the answer to this question again.

"...No." Jin Gong's tone suddenly became serious, and he realized what the problem was.

"Sell out!" Lee Sang Hyuk knew that this wave of three players in the upper, middle and jungle fields against Ornn would declare bankruptcy.

Aoun stood waiting under the tower, obviously trying to trick them into coming over, and then use the Clarity spell later to catch himself off guard.

as expected.

A message prompt appears in the team chat channel.

Ornn replaced Teleport with Clarity!

"Quickly retreat!" Lee Sang Hyuk raised his voice.

But it was too late to leave now.

A sheep's cry echoed through the canyon, and magma elements rushed in.

"Qinggangying has arrived on the battlefield!"

In order to rush to the upper half of the area as soon as possible, Xiaotian used E [Hook Rope] to move. Now that he has not grasped the skill well, he can only use W tactics to sweep and slow down Xin Zhao first.

But this has already put the Korean team in a dilemma.

Since Little Peanut carries Phase Rush in this game, he also brings two small runes, Swiftness and Water Walking, that enhance movement speed.

This makes his running speed slightly faster than Lee Sang Hyuk's Enchantress.

In other words, he is now closer to the top.

Camille's arrival directly separated the two of them, making it difficult for Xin Zhao to retreat.

Xiaotian inserted a ward at the foot of Peanut.

The next moment, the teleportation light lights up!

"Sindra is here!"

The supporters of the CHN representative team cheered loudly in the audience, setting off waves of noise in Mahaka Square.

"Save me, I can't die!"

Little Peanut has a strong desire to survive.

It is now 7 minutes and 47 seconds. If he dies, the Canyon Pioneer will be refreshed soon, and the Korean team will have no capital to compete for.

Li Sang Hyuk also knew this, so he tied the phantom chain to Qinggang Ying, trying to imprison Xiaotian in place.

Jin Gong also gritted his teeth and took action at this time.

When the magma element was about to return to Ornn, he flashed to close the distance and rushed into Letme's upper tower. E plus W Rune Confinement controlled the Sheep Blacksmith!

Now Ornn was forced to stand motionless, unable to release the second stage of his ultimate move to hit the magma element.

"Jin Gong fired a Q [Overload], detonating the passive and phase rush effects, and then accelerated out of the range of the defense tower!"

"Get back to me," the Xiba man shouted loudly in his voice, "I'll use my ultimate move and let's go together!"

Little Peanut didn't dare to hesitate, and charged forward fearlessly, stabbing with the basic attack of Q [Triple Claw Strike]. After using the W Wind Slash Electric Stab to slow down Xiao Tian, ​​he also successfully triggered Phase Rush.

This was the fastest way for him to produce runes. If there was no acceleration effect and just relying on one pair of legs, Little Peanut knew that he had no chance of survival, so he could only do this to find a chance of survival.

After stabbing someone, Peanut quickly wanted to escape.

But at this moment, Lin Ran had already landed.

Now the teleportation only has 3.5 seconds of guidance time, and he rushes to the battlefield very quickly!

"The dark magic ball combined with the energy pouring directly poured into the enchantress not far away!"

Li Sang Hyuk just wanted to prevent the phantom chain tied to Xiao Yan from being broken, and imprisoned the green steel shadow in place so that Xiao Peanut could escape quickly. Unexpectedly, Lin Ran actually aimed at him.

The weak ones who came immediately retreated like a goddess scattering flowers, pushing all 4 magic balls on the ground out!

"Xin Zhao, who had neither dodge nor strength, could not dodge the skill at all, and fell into a dazed state instantly. He was as unable to move as the imprisoned Qinggang Shadow!" Su Cheng stared at the screen and spoke faster, "Little Peanut just tried to trigger Phase Rush was also kicked out of Qinggangying's strong attack, and now he has very little health left!"

Lin Ran went home to replenish his equipment once, and now he has the two missing pieces of equipment, the Chapter and Straw Sandals.

The magic power is placed here, and combined with Syndra's high damage in the early stage, the Enchantress' health volume is instantly reduced.

Lee Sang Hyuk had lost a bit of health during the laning phase before, but now he had taken advantage of Syndra's two QR skills, and was hit with the passive [Flower in the Mirror, Moon in the Mirror], triggering the invisibility effect.

The garlic bastard didn't even care about the weak Zhao Xin who was kicked out of the attack by him. He went straight to Li Sang Hyuk.

But after the invisibility state was released, the real and fake bodies of the Enchantress appeared in the Summoner's Rift at the same time, making it difficult to tell which one was real and which one was fake.

Lee Sang Hyuk was very calm. He operated two LeBlancs to move simultaneously in the face of danger. At first glance, there was no flaw at all.

"The Qinggang Shadow's E skill improved, the hook hit the wall, and then the second section of the wall was kicked back up!"

Seeing the wall of Qinggang Shadow coming towards him, the two beauties also started to move.

One of the bodies blocked the wall, while the other enchantress continued to rush towards the river, hoping to meet Jin Gong.

Xiaoyao didn't show up, so he had no choice but to kick the enchantress beside the wall.

His eyes lit up and he immediately shouted loudly, "It's really here, look at me!"

After saying that, he activated R [Hex Ultimatum], targeting the escaping Enchantress a little further away, enveloping her in his hexagonal barrier!

But at this moment, the trickster enchantress behind her who had been kicked unconscious recovered from her dizziness. Q followed by W and instantly stepped on the green steel shadow in the barrier!

There was an uproar in the audience in an instant!

The Korean audience raised the Taegeuk flag in their hands and cheered for Faker!

"Xiaotian guessed wrong!" Su Cheng was very upset, "He was deceived by Faker!"

The Garlic Bastard was horrified, knowing that he had been fooled, but there was nothing he could do.

Because he pursued too far forward, it was difficult for him to get help from Lin Ran in the first place. Moreover, after taking advantage of the skills of Xin Zhao and Enchantress, he didn't have much health left. Without displacement skills, he He can only be chased and killed by the fake enchantress!

"Xianghe brought the enchantress to the extreme!" Roaring Emperor roared on the commentary stage, "He deliberately used his true body to stay in place and blocked Qinggang Ying's second wall return, thus making Tian have doubts about his true and false body. Misjudgment!”

"This is the meaning of Faker's ID!" Madlife was excited. "The fraudster successfully deceived his opponents on the field!"

Most people would use the enchantress's fake body to block her real body's skills. Garlic Bastard also thought so, but he never expected that Li Sang Hyuk would actually do the opposite.

He chose to let his real body eat the wall, so that the fake body he created in Jinghua Shuiyue confirmed his real identity with Xiao Yan, thus deceiving Qinggang Ying's ultimate move.

Lin Ran had just used W [Driving Telekinesis] to throw out a dark magic ball and send Little Peanut back to the spring. He was stunned for a moment when he saw Xiao Yao being deceived.

He immediately moved forward and wanted to pursue, but the Enchantress launched a basic attack, successfully killing Qinggang Ying with the burning effect of the corruption potion.

Lin Ran finally used a dark magic ball to force out the enchantress's flash.

Laitemi, who was approaching from the top road, wanted to catch up, but Jin Gong directly activated his ultimate move and fled with Lee Sang Hyuk.

"Can this be a 1 for 1?" Yutong took a breath of cold air.

The members of the Korean coaching staff in the backstage lounge even relaxed their brows, feeling the pressure in their hearts drop sharply.

If this wave of enchantress is killed and Qinggangying survives, the CHN team will successfully capture this canyon pioneer, and the snowball will soon get bigger and bigger.

Looking at it now, although after this wave of competition in the first half, the Korean team is dead and disabled and can no longer participate in the competition for the first canyon pioneer.

However, Lee Sang Hyuk's stop loss work was also quite smooth this time, which prevented the CHN team from getting the advantage they wanted.

There are many Chinese people lurking in the live broadcast rooms of major competitions on Mouse Channel. At this time, seeing the whole battle, they immediately became emotional.

[Guigui, isn’t this enchantress too fierce? 】

[He is really calm and can operate in this situation]

[What a ruthless enchantress, she truly deserves to be a signature hero, I’m so impressed! 】

[Today’s mid lane is really the pinnacle showdown, Li Tiandi dreams of returning to S6]

However, the snowball accumulated in the lower half has gradually begun to roll.

Just when Lin Ran and Letme started to take action against the Rift Pioneer, Liu Qingsong first used Flash W [Grand Appearance] to force out the flash that Thresh had just turned.

Then Jack advanced the army line and took action suddenly.

"The ice shot out a big move, blocking the movement of the lower duo!"

Jack knew that Chichi Emperor had purification and the acceleration effect of E [Extreme Overload], so the magic crystal arrow was not easy to hit.

In contrast, Corejj's Thresh currently does not have shoes or any displacement skills. As long as the distance is not too far, you can basically hit your opponent.

"Liu Qingsong's Luo has activated his ultimate move [Jinghong Gap], and he looks like he wants to jump over the tower!"

Chi Di knew that once Corejj ate the magic crystal arrow and Luo's control caught up, his support without flash would definitely die.

Therefore, he chose to overload to the extreme limit, use the acceleration effect to pull to the side, block in front of Thresh, and immediately purify and avoid control after eating the magic crystal arrow.

At this time, Luo had already rushed in with the acceleration effect.

"Look at Luo!" Emperor Chi saw Liu Qingsong rushing forward and shouted in the team voice. At the same time, he hurriedly ran to the side again, fearing that he would be standing in the same direction as the assistant and be controlled by Luo Lai with two flowers at the same time.

"Don't worry, just watch my operation!" Corejj was very confident.

He knew that Liu Qingsong didn't show up either, thinking that the other party had little room for maneuver.

"Young Master Tie ran straight under the Korean team tower... Do you really want to jump over the tower like this?"

Su Cheng was still slightly worried.

Corejj looked at Liu Qingsong who was getting closer and closer to him, but did not hand over Q [Death Sentence].

Mainly because Thresh's Q skill is really slow to raise his hand, and he is not sure that the opponent's target is him. Once Luo changes direction midway and goes to find his own unpurified Edici, his Q skill will be very slow. Raising your hand will put the ruler in a desperate situation.

Seeing Liu Qingsong continue to charge forward without any intention of handing over W [Grand Appearance] at the extreme distance, Corejj knew that it would be very difficult for him to interrupt Luo's RW by relying on his reaction alone.

For the same reason, once the distance is close, the flight time of Luo's grand debut will also be shortened, making it not so easy to interrupt.

He first moved backwards, making Liu Qingsong think that he had no intention of blocking him at this time. Seeing that Liu Qingsong was still rushing forward, and there was only less than 500 yards away from him, he chose to activate his ultimate move [Netherworld Prison]. , and then launched E [Pendulum of Doom] in front of him.

Corejj thought that his backward movement just now deceived Liu Qingsong, and the opponent would definitely seize this opportunity to fly over with W [Grand Appearance].

If so, it will be his turn to open the wound.

In his mind, he was already imagining the scene where he and Ruler would fight back after interrupting Luo's grand appearance. If the opponent didn't flash and wanted to escape, he could only use E [Qingwu Duo] to stick to Han Han behind. Bing's side.

When the time comes, the hook he has left in his hand will not be just for free. Kai'Sa will burst out and there will be no suspense about Luo's sudden death.

You are so crazy that you dare to climb Thresh's tower?

You haven’t been beaten, right?

But at this moment, Luo, who was rushing towards him, suddenly turned his head and took a step behind him.

There were exclamations in the audience!

With this small step of turning his head, Liu Qingsong used the acceleration effect to avoid Thresh's push of the pendulum of doom!

Corejj is like falling into an ice cave.

He was really panicked.

Before he could react, Liu Qingsong finally made his grand debut!

"Knock back and charm!"

The moment the ignition was put on, the ice shooter from behind also kept up with the output.

In Corejj's view, Luo's knock-up control time seemed extremely long at this time.

He pressed the keyboard desperately, trying to throw out the hook as soon as he regained his freedom.

But unfortunately, he failed.

A wave of control combined with damage directly killed Thresh, who had little health!

"Oh my God!" Yuzhen shouted in surprise next to Su Cheng, "Is there such an operation?"

In the eyes of the audience, Luo He transformed into a dancer who shuttled freely as described in his background story. His steps were elusive and extremely elegant!

The dance is graceful, but Thresh's operation is extremely cumbersome in comparison!

"Luo Li danced back to Han Bing's side in pairs. Liu Qingsong suffered the bombardment from the defense tower and the burst damage from Kai'Sa's AQW. When he was about to die, Jack successfully saved his life with the healing technique he carried!"

"Wai Ri..." After watching his assistant's control show, the Shiba Inu praised him, "You are so handsome, aren't you?"

Lin Ran had just finished eating Canyon Pioneer with Letme, and he cut the screen when he noticed a kill message appeared on the bottom lane.

He was confused. "What happened?"

"When this round is over, you go back and watch the video," Jack said with a crooked smile, "I don't think this operation is included in the highlights!"

Even Xiaoyao, who usually likes to tease his wounds, was full of praise for him this time, "Niu Niu Niu, your prediction is too cruel!"

Liu Qingsong licked his lips and laughed, "Do you know what it means to stand in the atmosphere?"

As a professional support player, Madlife has a very thorough understanding of the game between the two sides.

"This time Corejj was shown off by Crsip... He was too impatient and didn't hold his breath."

Speaking of this, Madlife's heart kept falling.

Lee Sang Hyuk's performance in this final was indeed perfect, but the other teammates were somewhat unstable.

On the other side of the CHN team, apart from Lin Ran, the others were also very eye-catching.

Can we really win if we keep fighting like this?

Even the Korean audience was shocked by Luo's anticipatory step-back performance.

[Holy shit, what the hell kind of operation is this? 】

[ @Director, come in quickly and show me slow motion! 】

[It’s really scary. The performance of the two teams today simply crushed other teams in the Asian Games]

[You don’t really think that the other six teams will pose a threat to China and South Korea, do you? Didn’t everyone think that the opponent in the final was destined to be the CHN team? 】

[The champion support is really strong, this hand is amazing! 】

The more Hongmi watched in the backstage lounge, the more he felt something was wrong. Now, except for Lee Sang Hyuk and Jin Gong, the whole team was doing well, but the other three people felt a little suppressed in terms of development and performance.

Lee Sang Hyuk was facing the lane in the middle, but the bottom lane almost collapsed.

After his auxiliary died in battle, Emperor Chi did not dare to stay under the tower and was forced to abandon another wave of troops.

Now the gap in reinforcements between him and Jack was 20 knives away, and the economic gap was as big as a human head.

"Everyone, please be calm. If we delay the split-pushing single-player until the later stage, our chances of winning are not low." Lee Sang Hyuk comforted his teammates and kept their mentality calm.

In the later stage, relying on the 131-point push of Enchantress and Ryze, the Korean team could indeed torture their opponents.

The only drawback is that the frontal battlefield is easily accessible. After all, the team-starting abilities of Hanbing, Qinggangying, Luo and Ornn are no joke.

But in general, they did have a fight until the later stages.

"I know, I know." After being shown off, Corejj's forehead and palms were sweating now, and he was a little nervous.

He could faintly hear the cheers erupting from the audience, which seemed to be mocking him.

"The vanguard is on the opposite side."

After the Ice Archer used Eagle Strike to detect Xin Zhao's position, Lin Ran took the lead in pushing through the middle lane, wandered to the bottom lane, shattered the Eye of the Vanguard, and released Purple Garlic.

The Korean team's bottom defense tower was instantly destroyed, further widening the economic gap between the two sides.

"The upper and lower sidelines are preparing to change lanes for development. The CHN representative team has slowed down its pace a little. They are waiting for the next Canyon Pioneer!"

The importance of this final goes without saying. Although it seems that we can advance as a team, it is still a bit risky.

Lin Ran decided to end the game in a relatively conservative and steady way.

The game time quickly came to 14 minutes.

"We have to take over this vanguard group." Lee Sang Hyuk said in the team's voice.

If the CHN team is allowed to gain an advantage again, they will be very uncomfortable.

The two Canyon Heralds destroyed the defensive towers and then brought pressure on the field of vision, which would put the Korean team at a disadvantage in the Baron team battle in the next 20 minutes.

"Fight them! We all have ultimate moves and flash now, so we are not afraid of the opponent!" Little Peanut said in a fierce tone.

Players from both teams had the same idea, arranging their troops in the upper river channel where the Canyon Pioneers were, and arranging their vision.

"Each person on both sides has real eyes, inserting them one by one, and at the same time eliminating the eye positions created by others..."

In the past nearly 5 minutes, no battle broke out in Summoner's Rift.

Now the two parties are facing each other on both sides of the river, and a tense and anxious atmosphere is spreading in the canyon.

The audience knows that the war is about to break out.

"Hanbing hit the vanguard first and took the lead in pulling the wild monster out of the dragon pit!"

This time, the five members of the Korean team moved forward and took a step forward in an instant.

However, they took no further action.

The Rift Herald's health is still very healthy. The Korean team can first pull a wave on the side and let Chi Di's Kai'Sa cast W [Void Seek Enemy] from a distance, or let Lee Sang Hyuk's Enchantress W step forward and use QE two skills are consumed.

Jack's Ice has been attacking the Vanguard with basic attack. Now he has done the damage. Relying on the blood-stealing effect, resisting the Vanguard will not hurt him that much.

As the Pioneer's blood volume dropped step by step, the atmosphere became increasingly tense.

"Who should I drive better?" Liu Qingsong kept clicking the mouse on the floor, operating Huan Lingluo to move around the field of view to get stuck.

He's also looking for a position where he can start team fights in a more stealthy way.

But unfortunately, the Korean team's team battle formation was quite neat, and the eye positions in the surrounding grass were also very well arranged. There was no opportunity to tear open the wound.

"Let Yan Junze come first." This is what Lin Ran thought.

Ornn's ultimate move is a magical skill, whether it is used to force him out of position or directly initiate a team fight.

This is why Sheep Blacksmith now dominates the frontline tank heroes, even Sion can't compare to him.

After hearing Lin Ran's command, Letme naturally had no objections.

He didn't expect to be able to drive to the opponent's relatively flexible back row, so he simply stared at Xin Zhao standing at the front.

After all, Juhuaxin is a warrior, and no matter how fleshy he is, his frankness is limited. If he can control the little peanut, the CHN team can kill him in seconds.

A sheep's cry echoed through the canyon again!

The magma element rushed from a distance, passing through the bodies of Thresh and Xin Zhao in turn!

"Little Peanut saw something was wrong, so he jumped up and stabbed the Canyon Pioneer in the back!"

Immediately afterwards, he flicked the spear in his hand hard, R [Crescent Guard] drew an arc, and the forced displacement effect caused Ornn, Luo and Ice to fly out!

"Xin Zhao's ultimate move successfully prevented Ornn's second stage magma element from colliding with him!"

Letme is also quite frustrated.

So far in this game, he has not let go of a complete ultimate move. Jin Gong's Ryze interrupted once, and Little Peanut's Xin Zhao came again.

But this is what Lin Ran wants.

"Kill Xin Zhao first!" he said in the team voice, then took a step forward, stepped into the circle of Xin Zhao's ultimate move, condensed the dark magic ball under the little peanut, and at the same time used his telekinesis to catch him Get up and throw again.

"Ice gives magic crystal arrow power!"

Xin Zhao's ultimate move is only immune to damage from outsiders, but it cannot block control.

"After Ai Xi successfully stunned the enemy, he also walked into the circle and started outputting like crazy!"

Su Cheng took a deep breath. There was no room for her to breathe in the upcoming team battle, so it was best to read it all in one breath.

"The Korean team also rushed forward and wanted to quickly finish this wave of team battles!"

Lin Ran, who made Luden and wore magic shoes, once again concentrated his Q [Dark Sphere], and then used his ultimate move on Ryze, who was rushing to the front.

All five magic balls smashed over!

Then comes E [The weak retreat]!

The Korean team knew what Lin Ran was thinking when they saw Lin Ran using his ultimate move, and they wanted to dodge immediately.

Lin Ran knew that it would be difficult for such a conspicuous weak opponent to retreat and hit an opponent who was farther away.

So he added some ingredients to it.

A golden light flashed in the river above!

"E flash!"

In Su Cheng's soft drink, the trajectory of the dark ball in the river suddenly changed due to Syndra's position change!

This surprised the Korean team members!

Kai'Sa, Thresh and Ryze were all knocked unconscious!

The shocking screams that suddenly erupted from the scene even covered up the sound effects of the scene and quickly spread into an ocean!

In the KOR team, except for the little peanut at the front, only Lee Sang Hyuk, who was hiding at the far side just now, was not controlled by the team.

The purified Chi Emperor just hid away from Sindra's scattered flowers. Unexpectedly, Lin Ran actually used flash to adjust the retreat trajectory of the weak one.

After he was pushed unconscious, he was stunned for a moment and did not immediately hand over the purification.

When the three Korean coaches in the background saw this scene, their hearts trembled.

It’s over!

The next moment, Luo activated R [Jiu Huan Gong], flashed +W [Grand Appearance], and instantly entered the battlefield!

Emperor Chi wanted to hand over Purification again, but it was too late.

He was lifted into the air!

"The Green Steel Shadow hooked onto the wall and rushed over. Although Thresh, who had not yet fallen into the charm, used the Pendulum of Doom to interrupt the wall, the ultimate move [Hexian Ultimatum] still blocked the ruler!"

Ruler handed over the flash but it had no effect. After being punished by Qinggangying in red, Xiaoyao AQA quickly launched a strong attack!

"Ka'Sa's basic attacks and ultimate moves allow you to distance yourself while gaining a layer of shield!"

Xiaotian followed the flash in an instant, and the second stage of Q [Precision Etiquette] directly suppressed Kai'Sa's health to the remaining health!

"Ruler hands over the flash..."

Jack Hanbing shot W [Thousands of Arrows]. Although Chichi Emperor flashed away from the Qinggang Shadow, his life was taken away by the Shiba Inu.

"Kasha, this is a flash of death!" Su Cheng was stunned.

"The Korean team is going to collapse!"

Kai'Sa, one of the core C positions, fell to the ground like this, leaving KOR with no room to fight back.

During the 1.5-second long period for the weak to retreat and be stunned, Liu Qingsong did not miss this opportunity, allowing himself to activate his ultimate move and roam among the enemy's back row, charming them one by one.

Lee Sang Hyuk stood at the far side, E [Phantom Chain] hit Luo, and after attaching Q Malicious Seal, he added another basic attack, triggering the electrocution, and instantly beat Liu Qingsong to residual health.

Then, in conjunction with Thresh's basic attack and ignition, he fell to the ground even though his wounds were torn.

"The little Peanut who was carrying him at the front couldn't survive. He destroyed the ice and was finally sent back to the spring by Syndra's dark ball!"

The next person to be targeted was Jin Gong's Ryze.

Ryze is definitely weak among mages in team fights, and it is very difficult to find the output position. After being stunned by the weak Lin Ran, he was accidentally hit by the ice and was hit by thousands of arrows.

Then he was chased and shot fiercely by Ashe, who had an approaching speed.

He turned around and wanted to perform a phase dash and then escape, but Xiaotian would not let him go. The tactical sweep directly hit the outer edge, adding a slowing effect!

"Jin Gong can't escape by running. He plans to turn around and forcefully deal damage!"

The effect of Ryze's double E [Spell Surge] before he died, combined with the overload of damage, directly detonated the CHN team's health bar.

Lower the blood volume of Lin Ran and Qinggang Ying.

"On the Korean team, only Thresh and Enchantress are left running away!"

The red flags were flying in the stands, and all the domestic spectators were venting their inner excitement!

"Chasing, chasing, chasing, you can keep killing!" Garlic Bastard shouted while also marking the cooldown time on his skill bar.

As long as he waits for the CD of his next hook to improve, even if he can't kill the Enchantress, there is no problem in killing this Thresh.

"Qinggang Ying waited until the skill cooled down, hooked into the wall, and then returned to the wall with two sections. However, the Enchantress released W [Shadow Shadow] + R [Repeat the same trick], and the two sections of displacement opened up the body, trying to continue to escape! "

Lin Ran and Jack are both short-legged. They just want to kill Corejj's Thresh, then go back and take away the vanguard.

Thresh has no displacement and is really easy to kill.

Although Li Sang Hyuk avoided Qinggangying's second wall return, Corejj was not so lucky.

He handed over the flash and planned to delay it for a while, but Lin Ran aimed at the position and prepared to launch a second consecutive EQ to stun the opponent.

Just when Lin Ran was condensing the magic ball, trying to push the weak ones out and retreat, a seductive figure suddenly appeared beside him!

"The Enchantress triggered the second phase of the Shadow Shadow and returned to its original position!"

Faker returned to the position where he had appeared before 1300 yards, which made many spectators at the scene unprepared.

"What does he want?"

Yu Tong, who was beside Su Cheng, screamed.

What happened next in Summoner's Rift told him everything.

In fact, although the CHN team was trying to pursue, they did not ignore the two shadow trace marks left by Lee Sang Hyuk near the river dragon pit.

They have always distanced themselves from both imprints.

But the river is really too narrow and crowded, so even if you keep your distance, you won't be far.

Now Lee Sang Hyuk turned back to attack, and the cooled-down E [Phantom Chain] followed up and flashed, instantly hitting Jack who was nearly 800 yards away from him!

The malicious mark hit immediately, and with the splash effect caused by Luden's echo, the mark exploded. Han Bing, who originally had little health, could not change his fate of death even if he handed over his healing skills!

"Kill the enchantress, kill the enchantress!" Lin Ran shouted in the team's voice.

But Xiaotian, who had already kicked Thresh in the face, had no means to leave and could only aim at Corejj first.

"Ornn gave the Q skill, and W wants to save a fragile effect!"

Faker ignored the blacksmith who had no use after using his ultimate move and set his target on Lin Ran.

This happened to be Lin Ran's skill vacuum period. He stood there and faced Lee Sang Hyuk.

He had no flash, no escape or control skills, and could only face Lee Sang Hyuk's pursuit calmly.

"The cooldown of Enchantress W has improved, step forward again!"

Lin Ran, who also had little health left, also returned to the spring.

"Thrust on the other side has been killed by Xiaotian," Su Cheng frowned, "This wave is a three-for-four..."

"No, it's not over yet, Lee Sang Hyuk is still performing!"

Ornn's E rushed forward and tried to knock the Enchantress away, but LeBlanc used Shadow Shadow to return to her original position and dodge again.

In front of the flexible Enchantress, Ornn looked extremely cumbersome.

"Q follows the basic attack, and the Enchantress continues to wait for her skills to cool down, and finally pulls a little bit to kite Ornn to death!"

"Is this okay?!"

The audience was stunned.

Inside SBS TV station.

"4 for 4, Sang Hyuk saved the Korean team!" The roaring emperor now had veins popping out on his forehead and clenched his right fist.

"Thanks to Enchantress, he actually took down three enemy generals by himself in the end game!"

Madlife couldn't help but sigh.

The Korean chat channel exploded instantly.

[Faker, the pride of Koreans, my pride! 】

[I’m so stupid, this enchantress is so awesome! 】

[In this way, it can be 4 for 4 in the end, which is outrageous! 】

[Ran's wave of E-flash is also very strong. He turned the weak retreating into a group control skill! 】

Since Xiaotian was the only one left in CHN, he couldn't kill the Canyon Pioneer himself, so he could only kill two groups of wild monsters to suppress the fright.

It can be said that Lee Sang Hyuk almost saved the Korean team's early decline and gave him and his teammates another chance to fight.

"My, my, my," the Garlic Bastard still blamed himself, "If I don't take it with me to charge into the back row of the opponent this time, I would just take the vanguard."

He felt a little impatient.

If the wave just now can quickly wipe out the Korean team, and then win the Canyon Pioneer, it will almost establish an absolute advantage in the early stage.

It's just a matter of time before it turns into a victory.

As a result, this time it was manipulated by Lee Sang Hyuk.

"It's okay. Let's wait a little longer. There's no rush at all."

Lin Ran calmed down his teammates and marked his runes.

A storm gathers.

This rune with excellent growth potential will give him endless possibilities in the later stages.

"If you want to deal with the Enchantress, just buy two more stopwatches," he commanded. "If you don't want this vanguard, just don't use it. Our next wave won't be easy to fight."

Lin Ran was still a little apprehensive about this, mainly because he himself had no flash, and it was really difficult to receive it.

Fortunately, the Korean team is also a little scared.

They have truly seen the power of CHN's head-on battle.

No matter what, they can start a team fight.

And once a head-on battle begins, the Korean team will be crushed against CHN's rushing lineup because they don't have front-facing tanks and absolutely strong control.

"Both sides maintained sufficient restraint and did not fight as a team. Instead, they started pushing and leading the line from the side!"

Both teams wanted to find a breakthrough.

Lin Ran set his sights on Emperor Chi.

In the team battle on the last wave, Chi Di used all his double moves, but still died in the battle.

In Lin Ran's opinion, he is the best candidate for a breakthrough.

Therefore, he wanted to blow up Emperor Chi at all costs.

"Syndra pushed the middle lane, teleported to the jungle, and went straight to the Korean duo on the top lane!"

EQ2 Company, which was close to the corner, successfully hit Kai'Sa.

"The energy poured down and hit him directly. Ruler didn't even have time to activate his ultimate move, and he died instantly!"

Corejj even gave him a lantern but couldn't save him.

"Is this Edisi?" Shiba Inu asked, "It's two levels behind. He'll die if he touches it even slightly."

He even felt that Emperor Chi was a bit miserable.

Ruler rubbed his eyebrows, feeling quite helpless.

He thought that this was just an opportunity that someone found during the vacuum period when his purification and flashing had not improved.

But he never imagined that this was just the beginning.

After Lin Ran discovered the cash machine, he took his two brothers, Ye Fu, and frequently caused trouble for Emperor Chi and Corejj.

As long as the opponent dares to leave the high ground, they will kill them.

The disadvantages of carrying purification are clearly demonstrated at this moment. .

Although he can release the control, he has no way to deal with the damage.

Although Lin Ran died twice, he still had no shortage of heads and troops.

A well-developed Syndra, killing an adc without healing is no different than a joke.

A set of skills can knock out the opponent instantly, and Chi Di even owes him a lot of blood.

After dying twice in a row while fighting on the road, Su Cheng couldn't stand it anymore.

"Ruler is Ruler again, his game is too miserable!"

In the early stage, because he was hit by Flash, Xiaoyao came over and blocked two waves of his troops.

Later, because his auxiliary Thresh died in battle, he had no choice but to give up another wave of troops.

Three consecutive waves of deaths followed.

Who can he talk to for reason?

Little Peanut did come over and squat, but Xin Zhao's retention methods were really poor.

Lin Ran ran away so fast after using Phase Rush that Peanut couldn't catch up.

"Both towers on the top lane were pulled out by CHN, but the Korean team did not waste this time. They successfully pulled down one tower on the middle and bottom lanes."

But what happened was that Emperor Chi's hands were shaking more and more.

Corejj has nothing to do now. The wild area is so dark that he doesn't dare to go in at all.

CHN completely let Laitemei's Ornn go, placing heavy bets on the other four.

But Ornn is only good at this. Even if he collapses, he will still be useful. He doesn't know how much higher than Kaisha.

Lee Sang Hyuk helped Jin Gong kill letme twice, and Yan Junze didn't panic at all.

The Chi Emperor has been very stable in receiving troops under the tower, but still can't stop the crazy CHN team.

Lin Ran used w to use his telekinesis to throw the Korean team's stone beetle into the ruins of the opponent's second tower on the top lane, blocking the opponent's movement, and then used EQ to push the ball again!

"Ruler was so frightened that he handed over Flash!"

But then Camille climbed over the wall and ran over.

The opponent was stunned with a wall kick, and AQA successfully killed the opponent with a strong attack and red punishment!

Lee Sang Hyuk finally couldn't bear it anymore.

He went to the Ueno area, trying to keep the opponent, but failed.

Liu Qingsong's Luo is standing in front. If he dares to get close, he will directly use his ultimate move.

Over time, Lin Ran discovered that Chi Emperor's operations had begun to deform.

Decided to add more fire to him.

Lin Ran and Xiaotian stood at the bottom of the high ground to block them. Emperor Chi now didn't even dare to go out of the high ground gate.

Jack's Ice is in the middle. As soon as someone from the opponent disappears, he will immediately report the point, and then cooperate with the eagle to shoot into the sky. The Korean team has nowhere to hide.

"Are you going to play or not? Are you going to play or not?" Ruler gritted his teeth in anger when he could not get any substantial help.

Now that the game has reached 25 minutes, he has died 6 times.

This is almost unacceptable for a standard Korean ADC.

Not only that, his development was also extremely different.

Arashiri's attack speed shoes and the small parts of the sheep sword can barely upgrade the Q skill.

"It's okay, I'm very fat." Jin Gong was quite optimistic.

Since there are no CHN players to control him, and with Lee Sang Hyuk's help, he has now successfully suppressed Letmi's 50 CS hits, while still having a head lead.

"We are together, let's end the game in one wave!" Lin Ran knew that Chi Emperor was not purified now, so after going back to replace his hat, he led his teammates and ran towards the Dalong Pit.

He felt that the mentality of Eddie Xi on the opposite side was almost disturbed.

Since the upper half of the jungle was previously under their control, even the Dragon Pit did not escape the team's control.

"The Korean team is already rushing towards the Dragon Pit, but Ryze is still leading the lane in the bottom lane. He wants to take the opportunity to remove Ornn's second tower in the bottom lane!"

Laitemi wanted to clear the line at first, but after taking a set of skill output, he found that Ryze's damage was very high, so he could only retreat temporarily.

"The CHN representative team directly activates the Baron. They want to force out Ryze's teleportation!"

Although Qinggangying, Syndra and Hanbing were not particularly fast at beating the baron, they were definitely not slow either.

Not long after, Dalong's blood volume dropped to half.

The steady Corejj emptied his field of vision step by step, and then rushed to the top of the dragon pit with Little Peanut.

"Letme Aoun has reached the upper half of the area through teleportation. After waiting for a while, he exchanged the unsealed secret book for a punishment!"

"CHN will kill this big dragon in seconds!"

The Korean team rushed over, and Lin Ran flashed directly into the dragon pit!

Due to the team's field of vision above the dragon pit, Lin Ran knew that only Nosuke and the other two were at this position.

So he was very bold.

The moment he flashed up, he threw out E [The Weak Retreat]!

Korean team Nosuke was stunned for a moment.

You obviously didn't release the dark magic ball. What does this weak man's retreat mean?

However, Little Peanut instinctively released R [Crescent Guard].

Corejj didn't react at all.

But then, Syndra threw a magic ball from behind!

The magic ball appeared on the retreating trajectory of Syndra's weak ones, and actually continued to come up!

"Syndra used EW once!"

Su Cheng blurted out.

As long as the distance is properly controlled, EW can have the same effect as EQ.

And this is not commonly used in Syndra's combos, so many people can't react.

Amid the exclamations of countless spectators at the scene, Corejj and Little Peanut were both knocked unconscious!

This was followed by the magic crystal arrows shot by Han Bing below the dragon pit.

"Lin Ran's Q Dark Sphere successfully hit, and Thresh was instantly killed!"

The developed Sindra instant crispy skin is not too simple, it is just a matter of two or three small skills.

"Xin Zhao was stunned and couldn't get down from the dragon pit at all. He received both CHN punishments and successfully accepted Baron Nash!"

The scene is already boiling!

Lee Sang Hyuk panicked.

He originally wanted to walk in from the river, but he changed his mind and wanted to kill Lin Ran first.

As a result, W Demonic Shadow stepped over him, and Lin Ran responded with a QR six-ball ultimate move!

It makes no sense!

"The Enchantress appears passively and directly, this time Luo Fei comes up!!"

No matter what, the combination flashes, the real body and the fake body are charming together!

"Ryze has been doing his best under the dragon pit, and Kai'Sa has also activated her ultimate move and flew down!"

Xiaotian is waiting for Emperor Chi.

The moment he saw Kai'Sa, Hex's Ultimatum hit him square in the face!

I have to say that the previous psychological blow to Ruler was very critical. Ruler actually flew into Jack's face, but he didn't even realize that there were two bodyguards beside Shiba Inu.

"Chichi Emperor has been killed!"

Two seconds after Ruler entered the field, Kai'Sa fell to the ground.

And above the dragon pit, news came that the Enchantress had died in battle!

"No more, no more miracles!"

Yutong stood up with a cry, "Ritz tried his best to maim the person, but Jack flashed forward and dealt damage with all his life, leaving him alone!"

Ornn's last basic attack broke the fragile mark and killed Jin Gong!

"30 seconds of resurrection time, is this going to happen?!"

The cheers from the audience were deafening.

The CHN representative team pursued the victory and bulldozed the opponent along the top lane, crushing the opponent's hope of comeback!

Finally, the Korean team’s base crystal turned into fireworks and shattered into pieces!

12,700 words, please give me a guaranteed monthly pass, is this okay?

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