LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 594 592: I learn the secret! Falcon Dance

RNG fans took the lead in shouting, and supporters of other YM teams followed closely behind, creating deafening cheers.

Today's RNG home court was packed with seats.

The released tickets simply cannot satisfy the audience who want to watch the game live, and more people can only follow the game on the online platform.

Ten heroes from both sides have already purchased equipment and left the spring, while two commentators took advantage of the players' rush to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of both sides' lineups.

"YM is a typical multi-core lineup in this game. Top laner Sword Demon, mid laner Akali and bottom laner Jhin have three output points. The jungler Xin Zhao can also provide tankiness and some output, and can even be paired with Luo Entering the venue to harass.”

Miller spoke quickly, "RNG's side is relatively single. In the early and mid-term, Troll, Shen and Crow all have good combat effectiveness, but in the later stage, it is inevitable that the output will be weak. At this time, Uzi needs to step up. .”

Wawa echoed from the side, "However, RNG's lineup is not bad. The support points in the early and mid-term are quite strong, and Tahm also has a certain protective ability, which can create a good output space for Uzi."

"I can only say that it is more suitable for RNG, and they are the only ones in the league who can play this way."

In the first game of the semi-finals, both sides maintained great restraint.

Mainly because the abilities of the level 1 regiments on both sides were quite average, all ten of them simply stood at the entrance of the river, forming a long snake formation to take up defensive positions.

The director saw that neither side had any intention of breaking out into a fight, so he occupied the data panel and first listed the runes of the ten people.

"Xiaohu's runes have changed in this round. He did not bring the currently popular Phase Rush, but chose the unsealed secret book, which was paired with a stopwatch, minion remover and time warp tonic!"

Normally, the Crow mid laner is different from the top laner. He needs to carry phase rush to make up for his shortcomings of being too bulky, so as to achieve the purpose of entering the field in team battles.

In this round, Xiaohu gave up this option and chose to unseal the secret book. It was clear that he wanted to use his frequently changed summoner skills and potions to drag Lin Ran to death in the middle.

Anyway, there are troll pillars that can trap the opponent in team battles, so he doesn't worry too much about entering the battlefield.

"Haoxuan, help me catch him, and then let's go to the bottom lane together!" Guihu said to his jungler in the team voiceover.

Purely based on the lineup, RNG will help Shen on the road in this game. He has stable control and is very efficient in cooperating with the troll gank.

But the tactical core of this game is undoubtedly Uzi’s Xayah in the bottom lane.

Casa intends to feed Uzi. As long as Xia doesn't die in the team battle, YM and the others will fall under their bulldozer attack.

Hearing Xiaohu's words, he felt that the two of them had just thought of the same thing, "Okay, okay, no problem!"

Miller and Wawa were still watching the game from a God's perspective, and they clearly saw the jungle movements of both sides.

Xiaotian brushes from top to bottom, while Casa brushes from bottom to top.

When Lin Ran came to the line, he did not step forward to attack at the first moment. Instead, he shrank back.

After Akali's current level 1 Q Cold Shadow's damage was reduced, her output is not very high.

Moreover, although the Outrageous Thorn and Swain's Q skills both deal damage within a cone range, in terms of casting distance, Han Shadow has only 500 yards, slightly behind the 700 yards of Crow's Q [Touch of Liberation].

When Lin Ran couldn't pull out the passive Hidden Dragon Seal, he had no movement speed bonus and could easily be pulled by the long-armed tiger.

He didn't want to take the risk.

Although Akali's current Q Cold Shadow can provide a certain recovery effect when the energy is released at 180 points and above.

However, because Lin Ran did not choose Taste of Blood as the secondary rune, but instead used Sudden Impact, the amount of recovery was not as much as expected.

In order to ensure the safety of the line, Lin Ran decided to place the line of troops in front of the tower and slowly replenish it.

However, Xiaohu had no intention of pushing the line. He stood motionless on the side of the pile of soldiers. It seemed that he just wanted to replenish his tail knife and control the line of soldiers on his side.

Lin Ran frowned when he saw this scene.

After all, Crow has a long hand in the early stage. If he wants to, he can get the line rights from Akali who has been cut. What's more, his move to the back just now made it clear that he was going to release the line.

However, Lin Ran also took action to cancel the account, which made Lin Ran wary.

The trolls controlled by Kassa are much stronger than the bastard Xin Zhao.

Normally, the RNG mid laner should control the line, and then assist the jungler to invade the counter jungle or capture people, so as to help Casa expand his jungler matchup advantage.

Lin Ran didn't believe Xiaohu didn't know such a simple truth.

In this case, Meade Tiger has to let go.

There is only one answer left - RNG wants to take advantage of itself and build the team's early advantage by catching the opponent.

"The other side should come to arrest me, Xiaoyao, can you look at me?"

Lin Ran didn't try to think that he could fight one against two.

He decisively chose to shake people.

"I can come to the middle," Xiao Yan, who was clearing the jungle, glanced at the middle lane, "but I have to eat a group of river crabs."

Anti-crouching still delays the rhythm in the early stage. The Garlic Bastard doesn't want his development to lag behind the opponent's.

"Then I'll push the line, and you can eat the crabs from the river." Lin Ran responded.

In this duel, YM used Sword Demon to defeat Shen on the road. Aatrox at level 1 was simply ridiculously weak and had no ability to fight against the waist. Controlling the lane was even more impossible.

In the bottom lane, Jhin + Rakan face Xayah + Tahm Kench.

No matter how strong Uzi is in laning, level one Xayah is useless. She has short hands and no barb, so she is no match for Jhin.

In other words, the YM duo can firmly control the bottom lane.

In this three-line situation, it can be said that it is not difficult for Xiaotian to rely on the power of the middle and lower lines to capture the river crab.

Garlic Bastard thinks so too.

He didn't want to have a 1v1 men's battle with Casa in the jungle this game. After all, Xin Zhao couldn't take advantage of the trolls at all.

In the current version, in order to supplement the early ganking ability and mobility, Xin Zhao can only use Phase Rush.

As for the troll, it is a strong attack. In terms of runes, Xin Zhao naturally has the upper hand. Moreover, due to the hero's characteristics, the troll has Q [Sharp Teeth Bite] which can reduce Xin Zhao's attack power, so his one-on-one ability should be stronger.

The combination of the two makes Xiaoyao very uncomfortable when facing Casa alone.

In this game, Garlic Bastard stands out in the jungle to avoid fighting.

"Xiaotian ate crabs from the lower river, and then returned to his wild area to continue farming..." Miller worked hard to capture all the information in the Summoner's Rift, "And Kassa ate crabs from the upper river..."

Although Lin Ran controlled the line in the middle, due to Akali's relatively short range, Guhu simply stood behind to replenish troops and did not step forward to exchange blood at all, so he was not able to gain the crow's health in vain.

When the second wave of troops was reduced to the last long-range soldier, Lin Ran walked upwards.

Just now, after Xiaotian ate the Lower River Crab, he went deep into the enemy's jungle area and inserted an ornamental eye in the middle of the RNG blue buff and the Demon Swamp Frog camp.

Seeing the empty blue BUFF camp, YM had a preliminary grasp of Casa's movements.

Lin Ran could tell that Kasa's route of action was to drive upwards.

Therefore, he wanted to make an eye in the upper half to detect the opponent's jungle troll's next move.

If you want the effect of this jewelry eye to be better, it stands to reason that it should be inserted deeper.

But Lin Ran didn't dare.

It's not that he's timid, it's just that this time is awkward.

He is only at level two, and his combat effectiveness is not very strong.

And now the time node has reached 2 minutes and 29 seconds.

Lin Ran knew Kasa's early jungle opening route in advance. The trolls opened the jungle from the blue BUFF in the lower half. With the help of Uzi and Xiao Ming, the jungle clearing speed was faster. He also knew the trolls by estimation. Almost reaching level 3.

If he had arranged his wards deeper, if he encountered Kassa, he would most likely be chased to death by a level three troll.

Therefore, Lin Ran just placed his vision at the pass connecting the upper river outside the enemy's Sharpbill camp.

He did not directly choose to place his ward in the F6 camp, mainly because the opponent basically did not attack this jungle area in the early stage. Without Tiamat, trolls without range damage would spend a lot of time eating the razorbill.

With his eyes placed there, he might not be able to detect Casa's position at all.

On the top road, because Jin Gong was always pressed, the ward position could not be placed in the triangle grass. Lin Ran was afraid that the troll would enter the river from the triangle grass on the top road, so he made a large circle to launch a gank raid. Finally, after comprehensive consideration, he decided. This eye position.

Just enough to see a jungle area of ​​RNG and cover most of the upper river.

After arranging the ward position, Lin Ran returned to the middle lane, just in time to get the experience of the last long-range soldier in the second wave of RNG.

"I'll be in the middle right away!"

Garlic Bastard is in high spirits.

In this version, the jungler can reach level three faster than before the mid-season, mainly because the river crab provides the experience equivalent to a group of jungle camps, and it is easier to farm.

Xiaotian even had red and blue buffs plus a river crab, and he had already reached level three in just over 2 minutes and 35 seconds.

"Come to this grass!" Lin Ran put a mark on the grass below the middle road.

He was very sure that RNG had no vision here, because Xiaohu didn't go there at all.

"He should be catching me when I reach level three..." Lin Ran moved forward to replenish his troops while communicating with the Garlic Bastard.

Xiaoyao said that he knew this well.

If Akali reaches level three, it will be difficult to die if the opponent does not have hard control. The shielding effect of the Xia Zhen and the displacement of E Falcon Dance make her very flexible.

The Garlic Bastard also felt that if Casa wanted to catch Lin Ran, he would definitely be stuck at the third level.

This is RNG's best chance.

Lin Ran was still supplementing the minions in the middle, while Garlic Bastard kept his position firmly outside the 1500-yard experience gain range, preventing himself from sharing Akali's experience.

After eating all the melee minions in the artillery line, Lin Ran successfully reached level 3.

But there is still no trace of the troll.

Even the ornamental eye that Lin Ran had previously placed between the RNG Beak Camp and the upper river channel did not detect Casa.

"What's going on?" Xiaotian was a little confused, "Kasa is really coming to arrest you? Is there something wrong?"

"...My sense of smell should be right." Although Lin Ran said this, his tone was a little uncertain.

"Could it be that the opponent noticed that I was counter-crouching, so they gave up the gank?" Garlic Bastard put forward another idea.

"It's possible." Lin Ran replied, his brows furrowed, puzzled.

"I'm going to clear the jungle first." Seeing that Kasa hadn't appeared, Xiaotian quickly wanted to clear his own jungle.

He has only buffed two sets of red and blue buffs on his own wild monsters, and there are still 4 wild camps that have not been buffed.

If he continues to squat in the middle, his own rhythm will be delayed.

Lin Ran didn't stop him either.

After all, I have reached level three and have the initial ability to protect myself, so I am not too afraid of trolls coming to catch me.

The current line of troops in the middle is a bit poor.

Previously, in order to seize the line rights, he pushed the middle line of troops, but he did not push all the wave of troops in - Akali is very troublesome for the hero to eat the cannon truck.

As soon as the push speed slowed down, the fourth wave of soldiers continued to come up, and the handover position of the soldiers was stuck in front of RNG's middle tower.

Lin Ran had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue cleaning up, otherwise he would definitely have to control the line if the account was closed, and he would be very uncomfortable by then.

Since the upper half of the eye position he had previously arranged has not disappeared, his position is also slightly higher.

The middle road is peaceful.

The cancel account is very stable, and it seems that I plan to develop with him steadily until the end of the world, and then wait for the team battle period to work hard again.

The fifth wave of soldiers has arrived. Lin Ran saw that the melee soldiers had reduced their health and wanted to step forward to make up for it.

Guanhu subconsciously took a step back, and then suddenly stepped forward, closing the distance between him and Lin Ran!

At the same time, drink a bottle of corruption potion to increase your movement speed!

Lin Ran realized something was wrong and quickly wanted to step back.

At this time, an angry shout from the King of Trolls came from the earphones!

A Kasa carrying a big stick suddenly emerged from the grass below the middle road!

The doll's voice, which had been low for three minutes, suddenly rose up, "The troll turned on W [Ice Realm] and accelerated forward, E Optimus Prime hit Akali!"

The moment the pillar appeared, Akali fell into a immobilization effect. She took out a piece of soul fragments and pulled Lin Ran one step in front of her.

"Akali hands over her W cloud formation to enter the shielding effect, increases her movement speed and then pulls it upward!"

However, Crow hit Akali with the area damage of Q [Touch of Liberation].

Although this does not break the occlusion effect, it does provide a brief blurry view - the outline and location of the Outrageous Thorn can be seen, but cannot be selected, similar to enemies seen with a scanning lens.

But that's enough.

Midhu controls Swain, and E [Never Go Again] takes action!

"Brother Ran didn't dare to lose control anymore, so he threw Falcon Dance backwards, hit his Xia Formation, and successfully retreated a distance!"

But then an extremely evil devil eye appeared on the ground one step behind him!

W [Imperial Vision]!

"Brother Ran, are you going to dodge..." Wawa was still a little hesitant.

Lin Ran chose to resist hard.

He walked straight back and received the prejudgment Imperial Vision shot from the account. While being revealed, he also fell into a 20% slowdown state that lasted for 2.5 seconds.

"The troll caught up and AQA launched a strong attack, leaving Brother Ran with only two bars of health left!"

Some YM fans in the audience who had a strong sense of empathy began to scream in low voices.

But Lin Ran drank the blood bottle and used Q [Cold Shadow] to slow down the two opponents, and then used the acceleration effect given to himself to pull back one step.

When the troll continued to bully forward and continue to pursue, Akali suddenly rolled forward in the opposite direction and successfully distanced herself from the RNG midfielder!

"Second Stage Falcon Dance, Brother Ran flew back to the Xia Formation!"

Akali, who passed through the ring, held the Hidden Dragon Seal passively, waving her sickle and ran downwards!

RNG's midfielder is beyond reach!

The YM supporters in the audience breathed a sigh of relief and felt like they were alive again.

"Guanhu and Kasa have surrendered all their retention skills, but they just couldn't kill Akali!" Miller couldn't help but sigh, "Brother Ran is really stable, and this doesn't even bother him!"

"The calculation of damage is still too accurate," Wawa directly boasted, "Brother Ran knows that the output of the opponent's midfielder and jungler is not enough to kill him, so he might as well save his skills."

However, in the voice of the RNG team, the atmosphere was not at all depressing or disappointing.

"What a profit, what a profit!" Kasa looked excited.

Xiaohu also grinned.

They didn't originally want to kill Lin Ran this time. It would be great if they could force him to flash. But if that didn't work, they could use a wave of status to force his opponent home.

The purpose has been achieved.

Lin Ran clicked his tongue and hid in a safe place and returned to the city.

This wave was not caused by his carelessness.

But the enemy is too cunning.

The time point when Kasa launched Gank was 3 minutes and 03 seconds.

This is very subtle.

Normally, the jungler's speed three is between 2 minutes and 33 to 2 minutes and 40 seconds.

The next 10 seconds are the peak gank period for junglers in most versions.

If there is no chance, the jungler will choose to wipe out his jungle area, upgrade to level 4 and then choose to capture people or return to the city to resupply equipment.

And if you don't eat river crabs and only farm 6 groups of wild monsters, with the current version of jungle heroes whose farming speed is not fast, it takes 3 minutes and 20 seconds to punish them alone.

Five groups of wild monsters and river crabs are added at about the same speed.

In other words, the jungler who has been promoted to level 4 will have to wait until about three and a half minutes to launch a surprise attack online in the current version.

Lin Ran resisted the 10-second high gank period after Su San. He originally thought that Kasa would not come to the middle until three and a half minutes, but he didn't expect that his opponent was half a minute ahead of schedule.

After pressing the data panel, Lin Ran discovered that Kasa's last hit count was 16.

This means that the trolls only farmed 4 groups of wild monsters.

This is completely a designed conspiracy.

Lin Ran was caught off guard.

It can only be said that Casa has very good control over the early rhythm. He knows when online players will relax their vigilance, and he seizes this opportunity to gain an advantage for himself and his team.

Lin Ran was also helpless. Since the RNG midfielder had already pushed the fifth wave of troops under his tower, he could only hand over the teleport.

Otherwise, this wave of short-term lines without artillery vehicles will be quickly wiped out by the defense towers.

"Both sides have ceased their activities and calmed down for the time being..."

Wawa looked at the two teams that were still developing, "Xiaotian was not idle just now. He ran to the top lane to help catch a wave of letme, driving the opponent back to the city and easing the pressure on Jin Gong!"

And RNG's offensive is one link after another, and it is not over yet.

The time came to 5 minutes and 50 seconds.

"Prepare your hands to freeze! Prepare your hands to freeze!"

Amid Uzi's urgent voice, Casa's troll had already arrived at the bottom lane and was ready to make a real eye in the triangle grass.

Then shield YM's jewelry eyes.

Originally, the YM duo was still trying to suppress RNG's bottom lane. When they found that the vision of the triangular grass suddenly disappeared, they also saw the figure of the troll, and they quickly wanted to retreat.

And at this moment, the scarlet teleportation light lit up on the Triangular Grass Real Eye!

"Crow from the middle!"

the doll blurted out.

"At the same time, Letme is also running down the tower, trying to support the ultimate move!"

Miller's brain was spinning rapidly, "RNG wants to create a TP gap. They want to use the information sent by Akali's previous play to roll the advantage to the bottom lane!"

Jack and Liu Qingsong are not in a good position at the moment, and RNG's midfielder has already formed a double team!

"If it doesn't work, sell me!" Jack shouted in the team voice.

It's difficult for him to run, but Liu Qingsong's Luo is still quite flexible.

"No, no, no, this wave can fight!" Lin Ran saw the Garlic Bastard in the lower half and shouted quickly, "Jin Gong, watch Shen and don't let him come down!"

Xiba people agreed in one fell swoop.

Because Xiaotian was caught on the road just now, letme returned to the city to replenish supplies. At the moment, the blood volume is very healthy.

Yan Junze didn't want to go back to the city and use his ultimate move to help in the bottom lane. Going back to the city twice in a row would be too time-consuming, and would clearly reveal his intentions - he was in such good condition and had to go home in a short time. Nothing good happens.

Therefore, he chose to retreat to a safe position and use the ultimate move remotely.

But this gave Jin Gong the opportunity to interrupt.

"Sword Demon activated his ultimate move and accelerated forward. Q1E flashed in conjunction with it and knocked him back from a long distance, interrupting Shen's ultimate move guidance!"

Wawa saw the whole process through the footage of the road given by the director.

In the middle lane, Quhu, like Letme, huddled under the tower and handed over the teleport.

However, he was prepared in advance. He was very far away from Akali, and there was a soldier between them.

Lin Ran cut the screen and took a look at the bottom lane, judging the situation of the battle and thinking that I had the advantage.

Therefore, without hesitation, he turned forward and passed the soldiers between himself and the crow.

Then he threw out E Falcon Dance!

Accurately hit Swain at the extreme distance!

This didn't interrupt the teleport, and the crow ended its guidance and headed to the bottom lane.

But Lin Ran's Akali also turned over and ran towards the battlefield!

"Second Stage Falcon Dance!" The doll's voice was shrill, "Brother Ran just followed!"

No matter where the opponent is, as long as he is marked by Falcon Dance, Akali can take off!

The outrageous thorn passed through the river and headed towards the bottom lane quickly!

Today's game... people are dizzy.

I'll make up for the big chapter tomorrow, I guess.

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