LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 595 593: I come with the shadow and leave with the shadow! 【9k big chapter】

Amidst the roar of exclamations from the audience, through the view provided by the defense tower in the middle lane, he could clearly see Akali triggering the second stage E Falcon Dance and flying over!

When the account holder saw Lin Ran's behavior, his first reaction was surprise, and then he was ecstatic.

How dare you?

Without the ultimate attack, Dazzle, and the E skill, is it possible for you to defeat us?

Idiot's dream!

Akali E Falcon Dance's flight speed is 1,500 yards per second, and she is now on her way here.

The battlefield in the bottom lane has already begun.

"Xin Zhao from Xiaotian took the lead. He used E [Fearless Charge] to stab the troll in the triangular grass!"

Casa put a red punishment on the opponent, and AQA first launched a set of strong attacks on Xin Zhao.

"Xin Zhao successfully knocked the troll away with the third Q claw attack, and then followed up with W [Wind Slash and Electric Sting]!"

Juhua Xin's original output was not low, but due to the challenge punishment, the damage dropped a lot.

Fortunately, he triggered Phase Rush and avoided Crow's E [Never Again] by moving slightly.

At this time, Akali kept doing backflips and quickly entered the field. Her posture looked like a variation of the famous Neymar roll in this year's World Cup.

I stumble towards you!

Kasa, who was fighting Xiaoyao, kept his attention on the river. When he saw Lin Ran coming, the corner of his mouth curled up in a happy arc.

Previously, he had been holding the E skill in his hand but not handing it over, now is when the skill comes in handy!

Pillar of Ice!

With the King of Trolls roaring angrily, a thick and strong Optimus Prime got stuck in front of Akali!

This road is blocked!

The outrageous thorn's little face turned pale with fright, and he was forced to stop rolling and stop in place!

"Casa's pillar casting was so perfect!" The doll let out a familiar scream again, "Intercepted Brother Ran halfway!"

I have to say that in the use of trolls, Kasa has simply reached the pinnacle.

Lin Ran was still about 700 yards away from the triangular grass, so he could only rush to the battlefield on foot.

At first, Garlic Bastard thought that Lin Ran could arrive successfully, so he chose E to fight Kasa.

Now he realized that something was wrong and immediately chose to retreat.

Fortunately, he brought Phase Rush. After gaining the movement speed lead, Xin Zhao successfully distanced himself from RNG's midfielder.

All the account cancellation and Casa skills have been handed over, and there is no strong pursuit ability. They can only pass through the triangular grass and prepare to continue to encircle Jack and Liu Qingsong on the lower route.

"Don't retreat!" Lin Ran dissuaded his bottom laner from retreating, "We must fight this wave, you can't escape if you run!"

He had just issued a counterattack instruction, but the YM duo did not retreat immediately, but instead engaged in detours with the opponent.

Now there is still some distance to the bottom of the tower. If you want to retreat, you will definitely be stopped by RNG midfielder.

Lin Ran decided to let the team members fight back on the spot.

"Jin fired the fourth bullet at Xia A, and at the same time hit Uzi and Xiao Ming with Q [Man Dance Grenade]..." Miller suddenly increased his speaking speed, "Liu Qingsong's Luo also handed over W [Grand Appearance] ], I want to knock Tam and Xayah away!"

Liu Qingsong's skills were very tricky, allowing him to hit Tahm in the center of his grand debut and at the same time cover Uzi in the corners.

Tear the Wound knows that Uzi has been in hot form since the spring split. Without the cooperation of other control effects, it is impossible to knock away the opponent just by making a grand appearance.

He used the edge of the grand entrance to cover Xayah, just to force Uzi to move, and in this way to allow the opponent to produce as little damage as possible.

The primary target to be knocked away is still Xiao Ming.

"Xiao Ming was lifted up, and Jack's Jhin gave W [Deadly Brilliance] at the right time!"

This shot successfully hit Shi Senming and locked him in place.

However, Uzi was not a vegetarian. He saw Jhin raising his hand and raising his gun stiffly, and then launched a feathered basic attack. He took advantage of the situation and activated E [Barb] to take advantage of the opportunity to control Jack.

There was no suspense. Jack had no chance to dodge the barb. He was also imprisoned in place and was sucked away by a crow in the distance.

"Brother Ran took the opportunity to close the distance, and the second stage of R [Exterior and Internal Killing Dazzling] stabbed over!"

Akali let out a light scold, and the Ninja Scythe passed through the bodies of Uzi and Shi Senming easily.

After landing, hit Tahm with a basic attack first.

With the double-penetration special effect of sudden impact, and the passive Hidden Dragon Seal, the damage of Lin Ran's basic attack is not low. Combined with Luo's ignition, Shi Senming's health has become reduced.

"After Tam landed, he turned on his white shield and took another lick of Akali!"

Lin Ran's Q Hanying successfully hit the RNG duo. At the same time, he spread the Xia array underneath him. After entering the shielding state, he accelerated forward, pulled out the passive Hidden Dragon Seal, and struck Uzi with another knife.

"Uzi was forced to hand over his healing skills and wanted to continue escaping with his support!"

But Jack ignored it and activated the healing technique, leading his teammates to speed forward!

Only then did Xiaohu realize that something was wrong, and their current position was very unfavorable to them.

Because Lin Ran used the displacement thrust of Akali's second-stage ultimate move to reach the battlefield on the lower lane first, this caused the RNG formation to be completely divided.

Currently, Uzi and Xiao Ming are moving under their own tower, trying to survive.

The three people in YM were in hot pursuit.

Guan Hu and Kasa have just come online, but not to mention that they are still far away from their own bottom lane, and there is a certain distance between them and YM mid and bottom lane.

The most critical thing is that RNG's middle and jungle are composed of trolls and crows. After Casa casts E [Pillar of Ice], they have no suitable means of pursuing.

Li Yuanhao couldn't help but feel anxious when he saw this scene.

The team originally wanted to surround and suppress YM's bottom lane, but they didn't expect that the formation was completely torn apart now.

"Xiao Ming can't take Uzi to cross the three YMs and join his own midfielder. His blood volume is too low!"

The effect of the YM three's concentrated fire on Tahm just now is now revealed.

If Shi Summing swallows Uzi, turn back and find your own Crow and Troll.

With low blood volume, he would probably die suddenly if he took only two steps. At that time, Uzi will have to be spit out, so that Xia will be attacked by the YM trio at close range.

It can be said that Lin Ran came to disrupt the bottom lane and allowed YM to complete a counter-encirclement and suppression campaign.

"YM listed his target as Tahm...Xiao Ming's health is running low!"

Shi Senming could only hand over the flash, but still did not give up his escape.

"Brother Ran flashed forward, Q Hanying triggered slowdown again!"

Followed up with another basic attack, and successfully got Tahm's first blood!

The cheers from the audience were deafening.

"Chasing, chasing, don't let them go!" Seeing Uzi hiding in the next tower of RNG, Lin Ran didn't want to jump over the tower to kill the opponent, and instead aimed at the trolls and crows behind him.

"Kill the troll first and leave the crow alone!" His command was very clear.

Jack turned around and hit Kasa with a basic attack.

"Xin Zhao came over again with a spear!" Wawa blurted out, "Xiao Yao was crippled just now, and now his blood volume has increased again!"

After the Garlic Bastard escaped before, he went to his own stone beetle camp, used punishment and jungle knives to get a lot of blood back, and now he has entered the field again.

Moreover, it blocked the opponent's retreat route. He and YM's other midfielders and bottom midfielders were flanked on both sides, blocking RNG's midfielder and jungler in the middle!

"The crow activates his ultimate move [Devil's Ascension], which looks very bluffing... but YM ignores him at all. Their target is the troll!"

Frequent cross between basic attacks and skills, Lin Ran now has a full stack of conquerors. Not to mention the magic power gain, he can also convert 9% of the damage into his own healing amount.

Moreover, he himself had not been harmed just now, and his blood volume was now very healthy.

In this state, Akali's fighting power is explosive.

"Casa knew he couldn't fight head-on with his opponent, so he handed over his flash and planned to retreat!"

This time Xiaoyao didn't give any face, W [Wind Cutting Electric Sting] combined with the flash to slow down the opponent, took two steps forward and used triple claw attack to pick off Kasa!

The cooldown time of the troll's level E Ice Pillar is as long as 24 seconds. Kasa's skills have not improved now, so naturally there is no means of escape.

"The head was finally taken down by one bullet from Jhin!"

The canceled account is still there sucking blood.

The damage was indeed not low, and Jack's health was reduced to about 1/3.

"Jin flashed and retreated to his own half, successfully widening the distance between himself and Xiaohu!" Miller almost laughed out loud as he looked at Crow, who had no straw sandals and could only rely on basic movement speed to pursue him, "Zhongdan Si It’s really hard for Wein to charge forward without phase, he can’t catch up with anyone at all!”

Midhu gritted his teeth, but was still reluctant to hand over Flash.

If he flashes forward and chases after him, he can indeed blow up Jack.

But he himself had to fall to the ground.

Flashing + one of your own lives in exchange for a head without a bounty, I don’t think it’s worth it to close your account.

"Both sides retreated. In this wave of 4V4 team battle in the bottom lane, YM successfully played a wave of 0 for 2!"

Wawa repeatedly lamented, "Faced with the severe situation of being outnumbered by four and two, YM still managed to execute the tactics perfectly. They divided the RNG formation and defeated them one by one!"

"It's the same problem again," Miller's voice became excited, "YM's group of people are too flexible. If you can't kill them in one wave, if you withdraw, there will be a chance for a second wave to enter!"

"Brother Ran received a first-blood kill and an assist. After being targeted, Akali not only was not suppressed, but actually developed!"

The audience was still recalling the scene where Lin Ran crossed the entire lower river to come to support the battlefield.

Although it was stuck by a troll pillar on the way, it did not affect the visual impact of the overall picture.

After all, he is a hero who has just been reborn for less than a month, and many skills have not yet been developed.

[Can Akali still play like this? 】

【More cheese! 】

[This is too cruel, what else does Akali bring to teleport? 】

[One thing is that Xiaohu has already huddled in the innermost part of the tower. Who would have thought that Brother Ran could follow up from such a long distance? 】

"My, my, my..." Li Yuanhao was extremely distressed and said in the team voice, "I can just teleport back to the city."

That way, there is 100% chance that Lin Ran will not be able to keep up with him.

He felt that he was too greedy.

At that time, I only had 1,300 gold coins on me.

This number is very embarrassing. Crow is not a regular mage, and the equipment purchased cannot be the Lost Chapter, but the Staff of Time.

Xiaohu wants to get around 1,450 gold coins so that he can make lunch boxes and dark seals when he returns to the city, so that his online battery life and damage can be improved to a higher level.

Unexpectedly, this wave of troops was so greedy that Lin Ran seized the opportunity.

"It's okay, let's be steady and take our time... we can just fight the vanguard later." Uzi comforted his teammates.

On the other side of the YM player bench, everyone was extremely excited.

"Handsome Brother Ran, can you follow me like this?"

Xiaotian happily started to develop and praised his mid laner.

Others also expressed their opinions in the team's voice.

Jack, who had narrowly escaped death, had transformed into a Lin Ran iron fan, and kept boasting in the team, "That is to say, Brother Ran can perform this kind of operation, and you can't do it with anyone else!"

"The R1 tower jump and E Falcon Dance are so daring!" He praised. "RNG still wants to take advantage of the mid laner's lack of TP to kill his buddies with four packs and two? Just dream!"

"Basic operations, basic operations." Lin Ran replied with a smile, signaling to his teammates not to make a fuss.

This time he returned to the city and successfully made a technological revolver and two long swords. He was getting closer and closer to his first completed equipment, the technological gun blade.

After returning online, he was no longer so afraid of crows.

The level of Q Cold Shadow is getting higher and higher, and the amount of recovery it provides becomes more and more impressive.

Coupled with his own AD and AP double bonuses, he now has little pressure to clear the army line.

Both sides entered a short period of development.

In the blink of an eye, the two times have reached about 7 minutes.

"Jack, can you take this wave of pushback lines yourself?" Liu Qingsong asked in the team voice, "I want to do some vision work near the Canyon Pioneer."

At 7 minutes and 7 seconds in the bottom lane, there was a wave of artillery troops.

At present, the position of the army line handover is slowly pushing back in the direction of ym.

Liu Qingsong planned to leave the bottom lane first, go to the upper half of the area to help arrange the eye positions, and then come back when the artillery troop line was approaching the tower.

In this way, he can not only help the team relieve the vision pressure on the map, but also give some experience to Jack.

Since they had previously fought a team battle in the bottom lane, they returned to the city to replenish their supplies. During this period, they lost the experience of several minions. If they continued to develop in the bottom lane until about 8 minutes, the bottom duo would not be able to reach level 6.

As soon as he leaves like this, Jack can reach level 6 in the short wave at seven and a half minutes.

Whether Jhin has the ultimate move or not has a completely different impact on the overall situation.

Of course Jack wouldn't refuse the offer.

Liu Qingsong swaggered to the top half

Luo was very mobile in the early stage. He drove the scan in a circle, then placed a real eye on the upper river channel and prepared to return to the bottom lane.

Uzi suddenly shouted in the team voice, "Casa, stop him!"

Shi Senming was very shrewd. When he discovered that Liu Qingsong left the bottom lane to roam, he also disappeared from the line.

However, he did not go to the upper half of the map. Instead, he made a large circle and entered the enemy wild area from the intersection of the YM Sharpbill Camp and the Lower River Channel.

Without stopping, we reached the position between Xiaolong Pit and YM Red Buff Camp.

There is an exploding cone here. Tam licks it with his tongue and launches himself into the YM stone beetle camp.

In this way, he perfectly avoided the sight of Jack's previous place in the triangular grass, and unknowingly went around to the grass behind the lower tower of YM.

Casa immediately realized what he wanted to do in the bottom lane and quickly agreed.

He successfully captured Liu Qingsong's traces at the lower river pass.

Turn on W Frozen Realm to pursue, and then use AQA to start producing output.

"Casa is stalling for time!" Miller, who was watching the game from a God's perspective, also noticed RNG's thoughts. "Tahm and Xayah have already taken action!"

Jack initially thought that Liu Qingsong could reach the bottom lane in time, so he hung under the tower.

Unexpectedly, the torn wound was dragged by Kasa. Now he has no way to dodge or heal, and he doesn't even have any room to operate.

Facing Shi Senming who was coming from behind, he knew he had no hope of escaping, so he simply danced on the spot.

Liu Qingsong was very uncomfortable being harassed by Casa. He cut the screen and saw Jack being beaten. He was anxious but could do nothing.

At this time, Lin Ran's voice came from the team's voice, "You just shoot him, I will be there soon!"

Liu Qingsong did not hesitate and quickly handed over W to make a grand appearance.

"The troll's pillar blocked Luo from the air...but Brother Ran followed up from the side!"

After getting first blood, the line situation in the middle has been approaching a 50-50 split.

When this kind of battle breaks out in the YM jungle area, Lin Ran will undoubtedly be able to take the lead and provide support.

He even directly used the W Xia Formation to provide himself with an acceleration effect.

After closing the distance, Q Hanying took the lead in slowing down the opponent, and then pulled back a passive Hidden Dragon Seal.

Kasa knew that he had angered the opponent, and he wanted to retreat, but there was no chance.

There was no flash, no pillar of ice, and he couldn't escape the opponent's pursuit with just his feet.

"The troll still wants to go to the crow, and wants his teammates to provide him with shelter!"

However, Lin Ran was not afraid at all. The crow that had canceled its account had not yet improved its ultimate move, so it did not pose any threat to him.

"The crow moved to the position between the troll and Akali and released the imperial vision, hoping to stop the opponent from moving forward!"

Lin Ran pulled back with a falcon dance.

Seeing that his jungler's health was low, Li Yuanhao knew that Kasa might be killed if he continued to use skills, so he moved sideways to help his teammates block the Falcon Dance.

But Lin Ran immediately triggered the second stage E skill and followed him.

The Hidden Dragon Seal provides double the distance for his basic attacks. With one strike, Kasa can't bear it.

"Luo Ye used Qing Wu to double follow up to Akali's side, and hit the troll with his basic attack point!"

Lin Ran's last basic attack, which was full of Conqueror stacks, successfully took Casa away!

"In the end, only Xiaohu escaped alone, and the two sides fought 1 for 1!"

But now it is 7 minutes and 35 seconds. After Casa is resurrected, the time will reach 7 minutes and 50 seconds.

At 8 minutes, Canyon Pioneer will be refreshed.

"Control your vision and prepare to take the vanguard." Lin Ran said calmly and continued to direct the team forward.

Without the RNG of the jungle trolls, it is impossible to compete with them for vision in the Dragon Pit.

"YM eats up all the vision step by step. After the trolls are resurrected, it will be difficult for RNG to regain the vision in time!"

Miller looked at the movements of both sides in the Summoner's Rift, "RNG finally decided to force YM's bottom lane tower and gain an earth dragon at the same time!"

This is the most appropriate way to stop loss.

"Rift Pioneer was finally accepted by Xin Zhao, and Brother Ran now holds two heads, and he is already a bit unstoppable..." Wawa was worried.

After Jack was resurrected, the YM duo moved to the middle lane, while Jin Gong ran to the bottom lane to develop alone and continue to resist the pressure.

Lin Ran forced Xiaohu to lead the lane development with him on the top lane.

Now the crow is no longer his opponent.

After Akali reaches level 9, she has a fifth-level Q. The damage to minions has been improved to a certain extent, and her ability to push the line is almost to the extreme.

And there is another key point.

After Lin Ran brought Shuhu to the top, Li Yuanhao stayed away from his own blue BUFF in the lower half. He and Kasa now had no advantage, and they did not dare to enter YM's upper half to counter jungle invasion.

Without the support of blue buff, Raven can't match Akali in pushing the lane.

Lin Ran even pushed the line of soldiers away, then went directly to the defense tower on the top road and attacked it with the Ninja Scythe.

Xiaohu initially wanted to use skills to deplete Lin Ran's health.

But he couldn't kill it at all, so Lin Ran used the E skill "Falcon Dance" to keep the distance.

When the next wave of troops arrives, Akali can use the cold shadow of her Q skill and the blood-sucking effect of the technological gun blade to restore her health.

If Xiaohu's mana is not replenished, it will be further weakened.

Midhu is bored to death now.

Lin Ran's style of play is purely disgusting.

After falling into a disadvantage, the Crow was unable to pose an effective threat to Akali.

"Can you help me?" Xiaohu asked for assistance in the team voice.

He really couldn't stand it anymore. Every time Lin Ran finished his troops, he would come up and touch the defense tower twice. Although Akali is not the fastest hero in the league to demolish towers, she is not slow either.

If it continues like this, the first tower on the road will be pushed down soon.

The disadvantage of bp is now revealed.

Uzi pushed the line in the middle. Although he had a certain advantage against Jack, he was unable to wear down the opponent's defense tower.

One reason is that Xayah has short hands, and the other reason is that Jhin's wave clearing ability is too strong.

Moreover, Liu Qingsong also left a holy shield every time to clean up the artillery soldiers.

The military line could not reach under the middle tower of ym at all, and the duo was naturally unable to advance.

"I can't help you," Casa thought for a moment and said, "Once I leave the center, the other side will definitely release the vanguard."

If there is no jungler on the front, this pioneer RNG cannot handle it at all.

"Let me help you once. We shouldn't be able to kill him. It's good to be able to guard the tower!" Xiao Ming said.

He exchanged the unsealed secret book he carried for a teleportation, then handed over the TP and headed straight to the road.

"But Brother Ran didn't talk nonsense to them at all. He immediately fled the battlefield with a big move and a falcon dance!"

The two stages of displacement were as long as 1,500 yards. Tam and Crow were beyond reach and could not pursue them at all.

In the middle lane, YM directly released Rift Herald, hoping to carry out demolition work on the middle lane while Tahm was away.

Jack even directly raised his gun to try to cover his eldest brother Canyon Pioneer.

"Come on, let's snipe from the middle!" the Shiba Inu said nonchalantly.

As a result, he raised his gun, and the troll suddenly appeared, erected a pillar of ice, and forcibly interrupted Jhin's ultimate move.

However, Liu Qingsong next to him was not finished yet. He stepped forward with his ultimate move W, trying to control the troll with charm.

"Xin Zhao kept up with the output with his forward stab, and Jhin also used Fatal Brilliance to freeze him in place!"

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Casa's quick eyesight and quick hands used Xin Zhao's ultimate move, successfully absorbing the double resistance and health.

Finally, with his remaining health, he flashed over the wall and escaped.

"But the Canyon Pioneer did hit one head firmly," Watou said loudly. "Although this can't destroy the middle tower directly, there is not much health left!"

In order to protect his mid-tower, Shi Senming had no choice but to activate his ultimate move and rush back.

Lin Ran, who handed over his ultimate move, returned to the top lane and continued to advance the defense tower.

Xiaohu had been tortured to the point of losing consciousness.

All the minion removers on his body have been used up. Now if he wants to clean up the minion, he must have two Qs and cooperate with the Imperial Vision.

Lin Ran continued to take the opportunity to come up and touch it twice.

The health of the upper tower gradually became more and more dangerous from the original full health.

"Isn't this too shameless?" Miller put himself into Xiaohu's perspective and felt that he was about to suffer a cerebral hemorrhage.

Lin Ran did not confront the opponent head-on at all. If you come over, I will retreat, and the person facing me will start to attack.

After all, the three heroes Xin Zhao, Luo and Jhin are not weak in combat power, and they have both control and output.

Once the RNG personnel who came to assist the road chose to retreat, Lin Ran continued to implement his advancement strategy.

There is only one reason for being confident. No one in RNG can play solo with Akali, who is 2-0.

Neither can Laitemi. In order to ensure his laning suppression, he deliberately made a small anti-armor.

Although Akali is a magician and a martial artist, her main skill output is magic damage.

Even after being careful, he still couldn't reverse this disadvantageous situation.

"No, no, let's just get together and start pushing, otherwise the opponent will be too disgusting!" Uzi also noticed something was wrong.

The lineup RNG chose for this game is generally biased towards team battles.

Their formation is quite solid and they are a typical teamfight bulldozer.

Although Shen also has certain side effects in the mid-term, he is not very competitive against Sword Demon and Akali.

The main thing is to rely on the front.

Uzi felt that if they continued to be dragged on, they would be tortured crazy by Lin Ran.

It's better to just get together now.

Xiaohu couldn't wait to do this and readily agreed.

"Except for Shen, all members of RNG are now concentrated in the middle, planning to advance into the enemy's defense tower as a group!"

Tam stood at a relatively back position, always alert to YM's maneuvers around the back, and at the same time, he could also provide appropriate protection for Uzi.

The two half-tanks of Troll and Crow stood at the front.

The three of them firmly protected Xia in the middle.

Uzi's last-hitting ability has always been good, and he also gained a Jhin head, so his development is really good now.

He has already made attack speed boots and Lanqi, and the damage is not low.

And ym currently has no way to effectively cut Xayah.

When Luo forced the troll flash just now, he had already used his ultimate move.

It is difficult for Xiaotian's Xin Zhao to find the back position.

If the group started head-on, it would be impossible for him to rush in and threaten Xayah.

"The Sword Demon is currently stuck on the wing, and Akali has no way to enter the field from the front..."

"Ym seems to have nothing to do with RNG's bulldozer lineup!"

From the moment RNG teamed up, the offense and defense of both sides completed a reversal.

"I'm going to hit the road now and push the first tower. You guys in the middle will be patient for a while." Lin Ran knew that there was no chance to enter the market now, so he simply continued without going back and continued to lead the lane.

Fortunately, he had worn out a lot of HP on RNG's upper tower before, and now he can demolish the first-blood tower alone. Otherwise, once the economy of this first-blood tower is taken by Xayah, Uzi will take off.

"Akali received the first-blood tower bounty, but the middle defense tower was also bulldozed!"

The most intuitive feeling brought by the first tower on the road is that the view near the vanguard is better.

Lin Ran took advantage of his single line advantage and directly placed the real eyes and false eyes around the Canyon Pioneer.

“The 14-minute Rift Pioneer is about to be born, and RNG’s desire to take over is very urgent!”

At this time, Jin Gong regained the advantage in the match against Letme.

He doesn't use basic attacks at all, and naturally can't trigger the heavy damage effect of anti-armor.

First use three stages of Q to reduce Shen's health and replace the health gap between the two sides, and then use the Death Sword Qi and the Darkin Blade to attack.

Letme was also helpless.

He knew that anti-armor was not the best choice when facing the sword demon, and the death penalty was a better tool for serious injuries.

But the problem is that he has no extra money.

I made Tiamat to clear the line. If I bought another death sentence hanging, I invested 2000 gold coins in going back and forth.

Clearly not worth it.

He could only do a small anti-armor, but now he was chased and slashed by the sword demon.

"Letme was beaten home, so she decided to hand over the teleport and directly cover her teammates to the Canyon Pioneer!"

This time it was Lin Ran's turn to feel something was wrong.

He took a look at his teammates' equipment. Xin Zhao hadn't made the three phases yet, and Sword Demon only had a black cutter.

Everyone doesn't have much room for peace, and if they enter rashly, they are likely to be surrounded and suppressed by RNG.

He decided to give up this vanguard and instead let Jin Gong push down the opponent's bottom tower, and at the same time let Xiaotian get the refreshed Fire Dragon.

"If they don't pick up the team, we'll use Baron to force the opponent out!" Uzi didn't want the game to drag on for too long.

Otherwise, the YM131 push formation is put out, and there is no RNG good juice to eat.

"YM is still avoiding the battle. They are dragging Akali and Sword Demon's equipment..."

Miller stood on the commentary table and saw it clearly, "RNG summons the Rift Herald and is going to hit the second tower!"

In this wave, Liu Qingsong used his life to slow down the opponent's advance, allowing Xiaotian to punish and take away the vanguard.

However, the second tower was hit one end and is now crumbling, and was eventually stolen by Uzi.

The economies of both sides have become closer again, with YM only leading by 1k gold coins.

"The time is about to reach 20 minutes, and Akali returns to the city to replenish a wave of equipment!"

Technological gun blades, ghost books, magical shoes, explosive wands, and dark seals.

And Uzi also made his second core piece of equipment, the Rapid Fire Cannon.

"Xiaohu used the unsealed secret book in exchange for a punishment, RNG set up a formation and started fighting directly!"

They just took advantage of YM's unopened secrets and only had one punishment. There was no way they could compete with RNG for the Baron.

"The goal of our team fight is to kill people and keep the people on the opposite side in the Dragon Pit as much as possible!" Lin Ran emphasized the mission of this team fight.

Everyone indicated that they understood.

"YM is also moving towards the Dragon Pit. If they want to win this wave of team battles, they must kill Uzi's Xayah!"

At this time, the director gave a prompt, and Xiao Ming used the unsealing secret book to become weak.

Now Miller was worried, "Xayah and Shen's ultimate moves, Tahm's Swallow and Weakness... It's really hard for Uzi to die!"

Liu Qingsong took action directly.

He knew that his grand debut with W might be blocked by the troll pillar, so he chose to directly flash R and W without giving the opponent any room to react.

"Shen and Crow were immediately charmed to the edge of the dragon pit, but Liu Qingsong still wanted to go in!"

Xiao Ming quickly swallowed Uzi into his mouth, making his opponent unable to control him.

"The Sword Demon activated his ultimate move, and the crow guarding the entrance of the Dragon Pit also responded in kind!"

Both of them have status-type ultimate moves and look majestic.

"The troll pillar stuck the sword demon and sealed the entrance to the dragon pit!"

But this can’t stop everyone at YM.

Xiaotian's Xin Zhao and Xibaren's Sword Demon both handed over their E skills and rushed in.

"Jhin activates his ultimate move and supervises the battle from a distance!"

Uzi jumped out of Tahm's mouth, and with two basic attacks and the focused fire of his teammates, Liu Qingsong was crippled.

Lin Ran, who had been beside OB before, finally took action.

"R's internal and external killing spree stunned Shen, and at the same time he jumped into the dragon's pit!"

The stun time is only 0.5 seconds, but for Lin Ran, it is enough.

While he hit Xayah with his technological gun blade, he also shot Shen with a Falcon Dance projectile, thus shortening the distance between himself and Xayah.

Cold Shadow!

Lin Ran's two-and-a-half-piece Akali has a very high output. Coupled with the output of the technological gun blade, even if it is weakened by Xiao Ming, it still reduces Uzi's health by 40%.

"Shen recovered from the dizziness, but was knocked away by the sword demon again!"

Then Xin Zhao's ultimate move swept him out again.

When Letme was freed from control, he immediately used E in conjunction with Flash to taunt Lin Ran.

But along with the golden light flashing inside the dragon pit, there is also an afterimage!

"Akali used the second stage of her ultimate move to rush directly to the innermost part of the dragon pit, avoiding Shen's E-dodge... However, Uzi activated her ultimate move and avoided the damage!"

Uzi has no problem with his condition and is very focused.

However, Lin Ran refused to give up. He stood behind Xia and waited for the opponent to land. A basic attack with the Hidden Dragon Seal hit Uzi!

This knife directly forced out Uzi's healing skills!

"Proud to protect Jane!" Xiao Ming didn't expect Lin Ran to be so cruel, so he quickly shouted in the team voice.

The dragon pit was a mess. Kasa had no control skills. He could only use his physical body to deal damage after taking a big move.

In the distance, Jack fired shot after shot, hitting Crow and Shen, slowing their pace.

Letme's Shen also used his ultimate move as a last resort, hoping to protect Uzi's safety.

"Xayah used her barb, but she didn't control Akali who was stuck to the wall!"

Lin Ran waited for the barb to end and triggered the second stage E Falcon Dance.

He had previously marked Shen with his shuriken, but now he successfully distanced himself from Kasumi.

But before flying away, he used Q Hanying to penetrate Xia's body again in the air!

"Xin Zhao flashed forward and sent Xia flying with three claw strikes!"

Fortunately, the shield was thick enough and Uzi was still not killed.

But just when everyone in RNG focused their attention on Uzi, Jhin's fourth bullet hit him hard with the sound of breaking through the air!

The target is the big dragon that has become half-blooded!

Jhin's super bullet has a killing effect. Once this big dragon is snatched away by YM, it will be all over.

Xiaohu flashed directly to help block the gun!

"But what about the sword demon!"

Jin Gong has been making a fortune in silence before, but now he has the support of equipment and the damage is not low. Q3 flashes and hits Uzi hard!

"Dodge so fast!" Miller shouted angrily.

With a bit of anticipation, Uzi flashed to the side when Jin Gong took action in Q3.

He narrowly dodged the fatal attack, and kept throwing feathers out of his hands, harvesting the blood of everyone in YM!

"Brother Ran who just left has entered again!"

As the baby screamed at the top of his lungs, Lin Ran threw the Xia Formation at his feet, regained his energy and moved closer again, cast Cold Shadow, flashed out his passive, and took away Xia's life with a knife of Hidden Dragon Seal!

I come with the shadow and leave with the shadow!

Outrageous Thorn scolded lightly, and under the protection of everyone in RNG, he was stunned to capture the enemy's general!

The scene was filled with cheers!

"Can this kill Xia?" The screams echoed in the venue!

"Akali, who comes into play for the second time, is simply invincible. With all the Conquerors stacked up, he looks like a God of War!"

"The punishments are all down, RNG will take down the dragon, but it will be difficult for them to escape!"

The core output Xia fell to the ground, and RNG's resistance ability instantly dropped by several levels!

"2 for 5, RNG is losing blood!"

At the moment when the prompt to destroy the opponent appeared, two teleportation lights appeared in front of the second tower of RNG on the road!

"With 30 seconds of resurrection time, YM doesn't give it a chance and plans to bulldoze the opponent's high ground!"

Lin Ran returned to the city and made a magical stick. In the team battle forced by Liu Qingsong at 25 minutes, he once again performed a set of unreasonable combos. He used hard damage to kill Flash in seconds and still had 22 seconds to turn into Uzi. !

Without any obstruction, RNG was completely defeated. The moment Uzi was resurrected, the RNG main crystal exploded!

A little late...

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