LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 604 602: Against fate!

The screen switched to the commentary box, and three old faces, Doll Miller and Remember, appeared in front of everyone.

"Wow..." the doll said in a familiar tone, "The game hasn't even started yet, but I can already feel the hot atmosphere!"

"The attention paid to this final is indeed unprecedented," I remember echoing. "One of the two sides is YM, who aspires to become the first five-time champion in LPL history, and the other is the ancient giant IG who wants to return to the top!"

"After three generations of reorganization, IG is finally going to regain its former glory." Miller said this with emotion.

He is considered to be one of the oldest commentators in the LPL division. He has watched IG have its ups and downs and stumbles all the way to achieve today's results and be able to stand on the highest level stage of the league.

From the older generation of e-sports figures such as PDD and Sun Yeyou, to the broiler kakao coal mining brothers, they led the twin stars into the S5 global finals.

Then the child Youshen moved to the jungle position, and recruited Tabe, Yuhuang and others to rebuild again.

It was not until the arrival of TheShy, Ning Wang and Sima Old Thief that IG truly regained its new life.

“Without further ado, let’s see who wins and which team can win the Silver Dragon Cup at Nanjing Youth Olympic Park!”

As soon as the baby finished speaking, the director's camera switched to the contestants' seats of both sides again.

Ten players and the head coaches of both teams are ready.

Amidst the cheers of the audience, a sonorous and powerful crisp sound resounded throughout the audience. The exciting summer finals officially begins!

"IG has the priority to choose sides in this finals. In the first game, they got the blue side for themselves. They will first ban Thresh, which Liu Qingsong is good at!"

Since the coaches of both teams were fully prepared before the game, the bans in the first game of the final were all step-by-step and were implemented according to the tactics developed by their teams.

So the banning process went very quickly.

YM chose to ban the Ice Archer.

In the 8.16 version, Ashe's strength remains high. This is considered a regular banned position, and the three commentators are not surprised.

"IG blocked the Niutou Chief in the second move..." I remember frowning, "This is really trying to restrict Liu Qingsong."

Seeing this scene, Hongmi did not hesitate at all and ordered Xiaoyao to ban the troll king.

Su Cheng knew that the direction of the BP script in the first game was the same as predicted by the post in the forum.

What YM mainly restricts is IG's stronger offensive midfielder; and what IG needs to do is to block Liu Qingsong, who has more frequent linkages with Lin Ran and Garlic Bastard, to prevent him from tearing his wounds, leaving the lane, and going to the jungle and other lanes. pressure.

"For the last banned position in the first round, IG gave Ran Ge's Galio," Wawa locked his eyes on the ban list of both sides, "and YM blocked Akali!"

Miller explained, "Brother Ran's Akali skills are obvious to all, but Rookie and TheShy are not vegetarians either."

IG is currently very strong. In addition to its outstanding personal strength, it is also very strong in the mid-to-upper swing. It is no problem to switch heroes.

This is exactly in line with the version trend.

Among the middle and upper characters in the current version of T1, Urgot, Sword Girl, Sword Demon, and Akali can all be swung.

Jiang Chenglu and Song Yijin used their deep hero pool to make IG's BP very easy to do and have a natural advantage.

Homme, who was on the red side, also had to disable the outrageous thorn, for fear that the two monsters in the IG would sway together.

"IG's grab on the blue side..."


The three commentators were stunned for a moment.

Kim Jing-soo’s selection strategy was unexpected.

Before the semifinals, although Lucian was relatively strong, he was still a little above T2, and there was still a certain distance from the real version becoming popular.

And in this set, IG actually showed up first!

The three commentators looked at each other and knew this very well.

At the end of the semi-finals, IG's understanding of the version has changed again.

I just don't know if this change is correct.

"And there's another benefit to Lucian," the doll continued to gush beside him, "that is, you can swing up and down the road!"

Because Lin Ran did a lot of disgusting things with Lucian in the past two years, Riot has weakened the damage of R [Baptism of the Holy Spear], and now he can't even deal with a wave of short-term attacks after a round of ultimate moves.

In the middle lane, where laning power is crucial, Lucian is basically unable to appear.

However, since most of the time the opponents on the top lane are short-handed heroes, Lucian can firmly control the lane power even without using his ultimate move, so he is not affected too much.

Going down the lane is also Lucian's regular play method, and the old thief Sima's proficiency is also guaranteed.

"YM chose Braum, and the other position was given to Xin Zhao!"

Remember to try to make an analysis, "The purpose of taking Bronn is mainly to break up the partnership between him and Lu Xian. After all, there are 7788 bot lane supports that have been banned. It is difficult for the remaining combinations to be combined with Lu Xian + Bronn." In the confrontation, YM has nothing to do. If they don’t want their duo to fall into a BP disadvantage, they have to draft Braum.”

"But this brings about a problem... that is, YM cannot produce magic core heroes in the bottom lane," I remember saying. "The combination of mages and Braum in the bottom lane can only be described as neither fish nor fowl."

After all, in addition to the security door, Braum's core skill is the passive [Concussive Slam] that can trigger the stun effect through the stack of basic attacks. It is also very difficult for the mage to perform a concussive slam because his attack speed is too slow. One thing is that the two simply cannot go together.

In other words, after YM got Braum, it was determined that Jack must use ADC.

Jin Jingzhu scratched his chin with the black notebook in his hand, looking thoughtful.

"...Ning, you take Qinggang Ying, Baolan, take down Luo." He didn't want to expose the result of Lucian's swing, and planned to hide it until the opponent's top laner chose a hero.

Now Nosuke is sure.

Hongmi thought for a moment, "Jin Gong, which hero do you think is better to defeat Lu Xian?"

Although IG did not reveal that the Paladin Ranger will definitely be on the road, Redmi still made preparations in advance.

"Lucian..." Jin Gong frowned and kept sliding the scroll wheel, trying to find an easy character to deal with in his hero pool.

But it's hard.

The great thing about Lu Xian is that he has an advantage against most single-lane heroes.

Although theoretically speaking, the tank will not be that hurt when facing Lucian after making a small anti-armor.

But the problem is that the small anti-armor is not brought with you when you go out. How to make the transition during the period before making the equipment is very difficult.

If the tank has a small piece of anti-armor and Lucian is ruined, why should he use a hammer?

"Ranguo, your game..." Xibaren turned to ask his mid laner, hoping to get some help from him.

After receiving Lin Ran's affirmative reply, he spoke:

"Jess, other heroes are really not that good."

Jin Gong didn't want to choose his own signature captain. Once IG really moved Lucian to the top lane, he might be autistic by using the captain, and the barrel would not be able to explode at all.

If Jace uses his back hand to hit Lucian, he will still be suppressed in the lane, but choosing other heroes will be a big disadvantage. Piltover's second battalion commander has not short hands and can still hit the lane, so at least he will be able to hit Lucian. There is a little ability to fight back.

And more importantly, Jin Gong knew that Lin Ran would come to help him in this round.

If Jace takes advantage in the early stage, Lu Xian will be very uncomfortable.

After seeing YM get Jess in the third pick, TheShy's eyes immediately lit up.

"Lu Xian, give me a nest!" He said in broken Chinese, "Jesse, I don't need Lu Xian for this one, throw some coins!"

Jin Jingzhu originally didn't want TheShy to play with his long hands so indulgently, but when he saw his enthusiasm, his lips moved for a moment without saying a word to stop him.

"If you play Lucian, you must have an effect in this round, do you understand?" Jin Jingzhu communicated with his top laner in the team voice.

He also wanted to establish his authority as a coach.

"I understand!" TheShy replied in Korean, grinning widely as he spoke, "Just don't worry."

"In the second round of BP, YM focused on the middle lane, banning Enchantress and Zoe," remember to let go of your voice, "while IG banned Sword Demon and Sword Girl!"

When Su Cheng, who was sitting in the front row, saw this, he felt that IG was trying to convince Lucian to go on the road.

Otherwise, there is no need to ban both Sword Demon and Sword Girl. After all, TheShy is also very proficient in these two heroes.

"Let's choose Kai'Sa for Jack first, and Lin Ran will wait for the last move to choose the counter position." Hongmi made the arrangements.

Although IG has invested a large amount of ban positions in the bottom lane, Jin Jingzhu is just afraid that Liu Qingsong will be released in advance and roam to support other YM players, so the banned heroes are all auxiliary heroes. There are still many heroes that Jack can choose. .

The main reason is that this version is slightly deformed. Except for Ashe, the other characters in the shooter are not very strong.

Xayah and Kai'Sa are the rare ADC cores in the current version. Jack's selection of Daughter of the Void also adds some chips to the team in the mid-to-late stage.

"In the fourth choice, IG showed Syndra, which is also Broiler's signature," I remember not being surprised by this. "Then the last choice, let's see how IG chooses..."

Before he finished speaking, Baolan had already decided on the team’s final choice!

"Death song!"

Miller laughed, "This is also the old thief's signature hero. He has no shortage of choices this summer!"

"In this case, IG is sure to move Lucian to the top and let TheShy use him to face Gongzi's Jace!"

The IG lineup was all locked in, and the excited shouts of the dogs came from the stands!

In their opinion, TheShy’s Lucian is absolutely trustworthy!

"Brother Ran is the only one left who hasn't chosen a hero yet," Wawa looked at his two partners, "but there are really not many strong characters left in the middle..."

Sword Demon, Sword Girl, Akali, Enchantress and Zoe all took the ban position, while Syndra was also snatched by Broiler.

"How about Urgot?" He first expressed his opinion.

Remember to follow Wawa's words and assume in your mind that Lin Ran chose Urgot in the last counter position, and then comprehensively consider the lineups of both sides.

He felt it was inappropriate, but he remembered that he did not directly refute it, but instead said in a different way, "I just discovered a point that everyone ignored before."

"What do you say?" Miller was admiring from the side.

"Even crabs and crows were not taken seriously," I remember talking about it. "In this final, we can see that the ice and trolls that can be kited were banned in the first round, but neither side touched them at all. The two heroes are not even banned or selected in the second round of picks!"

"This is really..." Miller fell into deep thought.

"In the semi-finals three days ago, YM first proposed Urgot's solution, which was to use long-hand singles to suppress the laning, and use a lineup with deceleration or acceleration to carry out team battles."

After hearing what their partner said, Wawa and Miller nodded in agreement.

In that game, YM used top laner Lucian and jungler Troll, which completely restricted Letme.

The Urgot controlled by Yan Junze at the time was completely unable to enter the field. Even with the acceleration of Sivir's ultimate move and his own Glory of Justice, it was of no use. Before he could rush in, he was interrupted by the troll's pillar.

"Troll is indeed the best character to deal with Crab and Crow, but Trundle is not a must-have to limit Urgot," I remember saying. "Take YM's lineup as an example. The supports and fighters they chose Wild heroes also have a certain ability to resist strong attacks!"

Braum's R [Glacier Fissure] and Xin Zhao's R [Crescent Guard] can both work well in blocking crabs from rushing in.

"In my opinion, the combination of Lucian + Troll that YM used before can be separated from the lineup and developed into a universal tactic!"

I remember that I was a Flash Wolf analyst before. Although it was a long time ago, my thinking was still much more vivid than many commentators.

"To suppress Crab with a long hand, you actually need to use a top laner with strong enough laning ability, or ask the jungler to suppress it. You just need to put a certain amount of pressure on Urgot. Crab's opponent in the first 15 minutes is As long as you can't gain an advantage in the lane phase, it will be impossible to get a solo kill."

"In the middle and late stages, when facing the Crab's charge, you need to pull appropriately. You don't necessarily have to use Troll. In fact, most heroes are more flexible than Urgot. As long as the Crab cannot successfully enter the battlefield, this hero will The effect is not that big.”

I remember saying my conclusion at the end, "As long as the team doesn't force the lineup, taking Urgot against a strong team is definitely not a good choice."

According to the theory I remember, only by force opening can the Crab enter the field unscrupulously. If the team only has Urgot as the first hero, it will easily be kited by the opponent.

And this pulling skill becomes more obvious the stronger the team.

For teams at the level of YM and IG, teamfight pulling is a must-have basic skill.

Facing strong teams, the role that the Crabs can play is quite limited.

Once Crab fails to achieve success in the mid-term team battle, he will be of little use on the wing. He is nothing more than a toy for heroes such as Sword Demon and Sword Girl, and his single-player ability is almost zero.

And because the skill mechanism of Crab is here, Urgot can provide stable control except E flash, and the rest of the time it is not easy to cooperate with the jungler to catch people in gank - R [Fear Beyond Death] Although it has a slowing effect, But in the eyes of professional players, as long as you keep a little distance, it's impossible to get hit, and you can dodge it by twisting your waist.

This leads to a situation where if the top laner chooses Urgot, his own jungler will not be able to help.

What's more, even if it helps, it won't have much effect. After all, it's just a crab.

If you want to raise a top laner, wouldn't it be better to choose a Sword Girl or a Sword Demon?

Urgot is more like a rogue character that the top laner is forced to choose when he cannot get help from his teammates.

This is indeed the case, both Hongmi and Jin Jingzhu thought so.

With a deeper understanding of the version, Urgot, who was extremely strong at the beginning of the playoffs, has gradually become unpopular. His bulky flaws are too obvious. It is easy to be countered by long hands when picking first, and then everyone will have their money stolen. Wen is in trouble.

If it's a second choice... there are so many better counter heroes, why should I play a stupid crab?

The two coaches had a tacit understanding and unanimously pushed Urgot into the cold in the first game of the final.

I remember that when explaining his thoughts, Lin Ran had already discussed his choice with his teammate's coach and asked Liu Qingsong to lock him down.

A man with a low brim covering the upper half of his face appeared in the last hero selection box of YM.

He also held a red card in his hand, which symbolized fate.


The three commentators spoke in unison, unable to conceal the deep surprise in their voices.

"Real or fake?" The baby wanted to question at first whether Liu Qingsong changed his pre-selected hero from Lulu to a card, but he found that the choice was confirmed after tearing the wound!

"I really chose it!" I remember being in disbelief. "How long has it been since we saw the hero Kadika appear in the professional arena?"

Miller next to him received the information prompt given by the background director. He held his ears and said loudly:

"The last time the card appeared in the LPL was back on February 27, 2018, and the user was Xiye!"

This means that after six and a half months, Drizzt is back on the LPL stage!

The auditorium in the stands was boiling like boiling water!

Even the barrages went by like a flood.

[Is this YM’s hidden trick? 】

[Can the card’s laning ability hold up against Syndra? Don’t be unable to roam around by then, then you will become a school beauty]

[But Brother Ran is really brave, he dares to choose cards in this kind of game! 】

[I think the card is not as good as Ekko. Isn’t Ekko, Rango, pretty strong? Just use it to beat Syndra? 】

The commentators who calmed down also began to analyze the lineup objectively.

"YM finally chose a card for Brother Ran so that he can protect his top laner Jayce and target TheShy at the same time!"

As we all know, Card is the character with the strongest sideline radiation among the mid-lane heroes, even more terrifying than Galio.

As a result, Jayce and Lucian, who were facing each other on the top lane, reversed their offensive and defensive positions at this moment.

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue square IG: top laner Lucian, jungler Qinggang Shadow, mid laner Syndra, bottom lane Death Song + Luo.

Red square YM: top laner Jayce, jungler Xin Zhao, mid laner Card Master, bottom lane Kai'Sa + Braum.

"Both teams showed their unique understanding of BP selection in the first game of the finals," Wawa commented. "Obviously, after the semifinals, they had different views on the version. Now it's up to us who can take the lead. Got a head start in the finals!”

In the IG player bench, head coach Jin Jingzhu was still exhorting his players.

"Remember to prevent the card from wandering after reaching 6, and arrange vision along the middle road to get first-hand information about his wandering!" Then he patted Broiler on the shoulder, "This game mainly depends on you, if If we can keep him in the middle, we win half the battle."

Song Yijin nodded solemnly. He used to always have a simple and honest smile on his face, but now he was also extremely serious.

In all senses, the focus of this game is indeed on the center.

As long as he can block Lin Ran's roaming, TheShy on the top lane will crush Jin Gong's Jace.

And once Jace and the cards are useless, the entire YM team will collapse.

After taking a sip of ice water to stimulate his body, Broiler checked his runes again. After confirming that they were correct, he communicated the plan for this game with his teammates.

At the same time, the head coaches of both teams took off their headphones and left the players' bench.

According to the requirements of the rehearsal last night, the two set foot on the Summoner's Rift in the center of the Youth Olympic Park Stadium stage.

From the perspective of the spectators in the stands, they seem to be leaving the base of the blue and red teams.

The two walked along the middle road to the center of Summoner's Canyon.

There is a pedestal in the middle of the first tower in the blue and red square, with a silver dragon cup placed on it.

Hongmi shook hands with Jin Jingzhu as a sign of friendship, but they both turned around and left without any further exchanges.

This section of the road is quite far, and it only takes half a minute to go back and forth.

After the two coaches left, the director switched the camera to the audience.

I found my face appeared on the big screen, and the stands were once again greeted with screams and cheers.

Against the backdrop of these sounds, the unique sound effects of Summoner's Rift coming resounded throughout the venue!

Ten heroes from both sides were born in the spring.

The equipment grid under the data panel kept beating. The players quickly bought one piece of equipment after another. When the spring gate opened in 15 seconds, they rushed out of the high ground and headed straight for the wild area.

The director took advantage of the fact that before the two sides met, he first gave the rune configuration situation.

"Brother Shy still chose to attack hard in this game, instead of stealing money like the Jin Gong version of Lucian did in the semi-finals..."

Jiang Chenglu has his own understanding of the game. In an interview before the finals, he publicly stated that he would never bring the rune of stealing money.

Because he was very confident in his ability to suppress the line. As long as he could completely suppress his opponent, the few gold coins brought by the Stealing Omen were nothing at all.

In contrast, strong attack significantly improves Lucian's burst.

"Brother Ran is the standard [Unsealed Secret Book]. The small runes are perfect timing, minion remover and time warp tonic. The secondary system carries the taste of blood of the master and the ultimate hunter!"

The former of the secondary runes provides line recovery, and the latter provides ultimate cooldown reduction, which is very critical for the card.

The three commentators watched as Liu Qingsong took the lead and led the four teammates behind him across the river into IG's upper half of the jungle.

"YM relied on its Braum and cards. The first-level team was very strong and launched an attack on the top half!"

Lin Ran also commanded in the team voice, "Let's drive Qinggang Ying out, don't let her hit the road before 4 minutes!"

YM had studied King Ning's video beforehand, and Gao Zhenning himself was also their former teammate, so they had some understanding of his style of play.

Lin Ran knew that King Ning was a pure and reckless man, and the ferocity of gank was no less than that of Mala Xiang Guo.

Therefore, his choice was to use the first-level team strength of his lineup to directly drive King Ning out of the top half.

As long as Qinggangying cannot reach the top road, Jin Gong will face much less danger in the early stage.

The plan was indeed successful. IG's lineup was unable to compete with YM at the first level.

"In this way, King Ning can only open the field from his own lower half, which will greatly hinder his rhythm!"

For Gao Zhenning, the bottom lane is definitely not easy to catch.

As long as there is a line of troops during the laning phase, the damage of Sima Laothief's Death Song will be greatly weakened. The YM duo is not as easy to catch as it seems.

At 1 minute and 25 seconds, Lin Ran returned to the middle after confirming that IG had no intention of coming to forcefully defend the jungle.

Broiler clicked his equipment slot out of habit, and his facial muscles froze instantly.

Straw sandals plus 4 bottles of life potion!

Are you possessed by Brother Yaoshui? Do you like buying medicine so much?

With these four bottles of life potion, plus the battery life recovery from Taste of Blood, Lin Ran is obviously going to reach level 6 online!

Song Yijin knew that if he consumed him, he might have drained all of his mana before he even drained Lin Ran's blood bottle.

Moreover, the potion combined with the Time Warp Tonic will also provide an acceleration effect, and coupled with the movement speed of the Straw Shoes itself, the card can better avoid Syndra's Q [Dark Sphere] during the laning phase.

Broiler's brain was spinning rapidly, thinking about his next laning strategy.

Lin Ran also frowned.

After the rune revision, he felt that the card had been weakened.

Previously, Drizzt could bring movement speed essence in his runes to ensure his running speed, catch up with the enemy and immobilize him with a yellow card.

The rune brings another Thunder Lord's Edict, as well as a damage burst.

But not anymore.

Runes and talents are merged, and there is no movement speed support, replaced by the magic power that comes with selecting runes.

However, the card does not require AP attributes so much in the early stage, and that little bit of magic power does not improve it much at all.

This selection was mainly due to tactical needs.

Lin Ran saw that Broiler had no intention of exchanging blood, and Syndra just huddled near the IG long-range soldier, trying to replenish his tail.

He also reproduced this style of play, that is, without A soldiers, allowing the small soldiers to wear out naturally.

When facing most heroes, it is more comfortable for a card to control the line of troops in front of the tower. This way, the risk of being caught is not great and it can develop smoothly.

However, Broiler didn't intend to let him get his wish. He took two steps forward, pretending to be an A soldier, and wanted to trick Lin Ran into exchanging blood with him.

If Lin Ran uses Q [Universal Card] to consume, he will definitely hit the IG minions. In this way, the troop line status becomes the YM side's advantage, and the troop line handover position should naturally move towards the broiler tower.

If Lin Ran uses basic attacks or W [card selection] to consume, it will definitely attract the hatred of IG minions.

In this way, the IG minions attack the card, while the YM minions attack the enemy line as usual.

The IG soldiers will still be at a health disadvantage, and the soldier line will still advance towards the broiler tower.

In other words, no matter Lin Ran uses various methods to consume him, as long as the card dares to touch him, the mid lane matchup of this game is over.

When the army line was pushed in front of the broiler tower, he could call the jungler and ask King Ning to come and capture Lin Ran.

At that time, this card master without any means of displacement will be a cash machine.

When many players encounter this situation, they will subconsciously hit Syndra.

After all, the ball girl looks like she is going to attack the minion at this time, so exchanging blood at this time is a waste of money.

When Syndra reacts, the card can use its movement speed advantage to widen the range of the basic attack.

But Lin Ran was not fooled.

He took a step back, putting some distance between himself and his cock.

Upon seeing this, Song Yijin quickly canceled the basic attack he was about to make when he encountered the minion.

Both sides deliberately did not interfere with the minions, which resulted in six melee soldiers becoming reduced to residual health at the same time.

Neither of them was in a hurry to finish the attack, but waited until the melee soldier's health was completely reduced and even the small soldier could kill it at once before taking action.

This can interfere with the status of the troop line to a minimum.

The two sides didn't seem to do anything special, but in fact, Lin Ran and Broiler had already played a game.

The outcome was undecided, but Song Yijin was a little anxious.

When operating Syndra, he has offensive pressure.

If Lin Ran can really develop to level six smoothly and smoothly, then the card will have the ability to change the situation!

But no matter how he tried to seduce him, Lin Ran would stick to his turtle style.

Anyway, the card has a passive function that can add troops and money, so missing two bins is not a big problem, as long as the experience is not leaked, it can be accepted.

Just when the middle lane was at a loss, the junglers on both sides had already started their first wave of offensive.

"King Ning reached level 3 and came to the bottom lane for a gank. The hook hit the wall and he kicked back the second section of the wall!"

The target is directly aimed at Jack's Kaisha.

The old thief Sima also left some points to learn W [Wall of Pain] at level 2 to slow down the Shiba Inu.

"Liu Qingsong's Braum raised the security door and blocked the damage ahead!"

Jack chose to resist.

With the wound open and the guardian providing a shield, he would definitely not die.

"Ka'Sa was knocked into the air by Luo's grand appearance and followed the control... the damage was indeed not enough!"

Jack knocked off the blood bottle and returned to the tower with the remaining blood, ready to continue developing. He brought a quick step in order to have the ability to restore battery life.

"Xiaotian also took action on the other side. His E [Fearless Charge] stabbed Lucian, forcing the opponent to slide back, while Jace flashed and followed the hammer form with Q [Leap of the Sky]!"

This was obviously an attempt to dodge, and TheShy was unwilling to do so, but he had no choice but to hand it over.

If he reacts slower and is slowed down by Jace, Xiaotian's Xin Zhao may also be able to follow and kill him forcefully.

It's better to flash out early and preserve your own status.

Although there have been no kills in Summoner's Rift, there is an atmosphere of tension everywhere.

Finish writing one tomorrow

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