LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 605 603: You’re really good at playing cards.

Song Yijin is not done yet. The game has progressed to this point. King Ning attacked YM in the bottom lane, but he did not get a kill, and he could not even force out the summoner's skills.

But Xiaotian went on the road and replaced TheShy's flash with Jin Gong's flash.

This is a very subtle signal.

Lucian without a flash is very easy to be caught, and the initiator of catching the rhythm is most likely Lin Ran, who is facing off.

And it happens that Lucian's safety in this round is crucial. Whether TheShy can develop smoothly will directly determine whether IG can win.

Song Yijin didn't want his opponent to upgrade his last hit so steadily, so he took two steps forward and came to a parallel position on the side of the YM long-range soldier.

This position is very radical. In normal laning, the mid laner Mage will not come to this place, but Broiler is determined to suppress his opponent.

Lin Ran saw that Syndra was about to cross the line of soldiers, and knew that even if he exchanged blood with the broiler at his current position, he would not provoke a focused fire attack from the opponent's line of soldiers.

He took action decisively, hitting Syndra with a basic attack, and at the same time activated W [Card Selection], and the red card flashed above Drizzt's head.

Broiler is also very detailed. He first uses Q [Dark Sphere] to consume it. Since this skill will not arouse the hatred of the minions, it can make him lose some blood immediately.

The dark ball happened to be stuck at the moment when the card's basic attack was released. Lin Ran chose to use the skill forcefully, and then locked in his card selection at the moment when the red cards above his head alternated.

The order of changing the three-color cards of card W is red, yellow and blue, and this card is golden yellow!

"Syndra followed up with a basic attack, and handed over E [Weak Retreat] the moment the yellow card immobilized her!"

Lin Ran originally wanted to hand over the Q [Wild Card] while he was still stunned.

But after a second thought, I gave up this plan.

There was a funny scene in the middle.

The mid laners of both sides were knocked unconscious and unable to move!

However, Syndra has attracted the hatred of the minions, and currently YM's troops are outputting it.

"The stun time of the yellow card is slightly shorter than the retreat of the weak. Syndra wakes up first!"

The yellow card stun time of Level 1 W [Card Selection] is only 1 second, while the retreat of the weak is 1.5 seconds. During this 0.5 second, Broiler used W [Driving Telekinesis] to grab a magic ball and hit Lin Ran. At the same time, he also added a basic attack.

After doing all this, the broiler left calmly using the acceleration effect provided by triggering the phase rush.

He did not go for a basic attack, because then Lin Ran, who had recovered from the dazed state, would respond with a card, and at the same time, he would be attacked by the minions for one more round.

Not a good deal.

"The mid laners of both sides retreated... Hey, why didn't Brother Ran release his Q?" Wawa finally realized.

Because Lin Ran didn't use his skills, he was at a disadvantage in this blood exchange. He probably had over a hundred points of health compared to Song Yijin.

"Binxuan!" Miller shouted, realizing the key point, "Binxuan is going to enter the tower!"

Lin Ran did not use the universal card because the three cards thrown out would wear down the HP of the IG line.

The enemy's minions are not lost. At the same time, the IG minions are still attacking the YM minions as usual. Syndra, the broiler, attracts the attacks of the YM minions when crossing the soldier line to exchange blood. In this way, the IG minions will have a health advantage. As a matter of course, the line handover position was pushed towards the front of Lin Ran Tower.

Lin Ran used his own health disadvantage in exchange for the troops arriving in front of the tower, which allowed him to develop stably for a while.

Song Yijin clicked his tongue, feeling that the opponent's card-playing hero was an old man, and the opponent could always use various methods to replace himself with resources.

For example, this wave of blood exchanges can make him handle it like this.

Although there is a disadvantage in blood volume in the short term, in the long run, this wave of cards can be regarded as creating a safe development environment for the next two to three minutes.

However, Song Yijin would not sit still and wait for death. Now that the position of the military line had reached the card tower, he had to find another way to regain the position.

"The game has progressed to 4 minutes and 10 seconds. Both junglers returned to the city for the first supply!"

Previously, with the help of his teammates, Xiaotian forcibly invaded the top half of IG and drove King Ning to the bottom lane.

Now that he has returned to the city to replenish his supplies, without Bronn's help, it is naturally impossible for him to go to the jungle to force Gao Zhenning's position.

The main reason is that IG Shangzhong has absolute line rights at this time. Both Lucian and Syndra can take the lead in supporting the jungle, and Xiaoyao does not dare to enter the opponent's jungle at all.

Song Yijin picked the right time and took a look at YM's sharp beak camp through the wall.

However, Xiaotian's movements have not been seen, and even Liuniao's family has not been refreshed yet.

The jungle camp reset time is now 150 seconds, which is two and a half minutes.

"He shouldn't be in the top half." Prince Ning marked it.

Since F6 has not been refreshed yet, and combined with the reset of his wild monsters, he can probably guess the early opening route of the Garlic Bastard.

Xiaoyao first brushed the upper half of the IG jungle area, then ate the river crabs and caught them once on the road, then returned to the YM side to brush the stone beetles and finally eat the razorbills.

In this way, these two wild camps will be refreshed last.

In other words, Xin Zhao must not be on the top lane now, because there are no wild monsters in the entire upper half for him to develop.

"I'm going to catch Jace directly!"

King Ning was very decisive, and he finally found an opportunity.

"Don't worry, this card can't be teleported." Broiler promised confidently.

Now that the army line is in front of Lin Ran Tower, it would be outrageous if he could make the Card Master leave the middle to support.

The three commentators from God's perspective saw King Ning's movements and sensed what he wanted to do.

Just when King Ning was about to reach the triangular grass on the upper road, Xiao Yao finally appeared within the sight of the broiler chicken's previously arranged eye position at the sharp-beaked bird camp.

Moreover, the Xin Zhao he was operating was still rushing up the road, obviously preparing to go to the top of the map to eat the stone beetles that were about to spawn.

When Prince Ning saw this scene, he raised his lips slightly.

It's too late, little brother!

When you come over, collect the body of Jace.

"Jin Gong has not flashed yet. Lucian has already begun to push the lane. If this wave cooperates with Qinggang Shadow to complete the kill, Jace will be very hurt!"

Now that the game is five minutes old, what happens to be the top lane is a wave of short lines.

If Jin Gong dies in battle, even if he teleports himself, the defense tower will completely swallow up this wave of short soldiers during his resurrection time.

By then, the economic gap between the two top laners will be completely widened.

But at the moment when Ning Wang Qinggangying passed by the triangular grass, Jin Gong suddenly switched forms, cooperated with E [Acceleration Gate], and retreated quickly!

Not even a whole wave of minions that haven't entered the defense tower yet!

"Oh my god, can he even notice this?" I remember I couldn't believe my eyes.

From a perspective without the fog of war, they knew that the Xiba people had no vision to see King Ning coming to arrest him, but this man retreated inexplicably and ran to the Autism Tower in front of the Second Tower without hesitation. Grass!

The audience in the stands cheered endlessly!

YM supporters waved all kinds of cheering objects and cheered loudly for Jin Gong's keen sense of smell!

Barrages flew by in unison.

[Wairui, what kind of gameplay is this? 】

[There was no vision along the way. Did Jin Gong turn on the perspective? 】

[Don’t be embarrassed, Xiaotou is not a fool]

[Can he predict Prince Ning’s movements in advance? It’s too outrageous! 】

[Oh my god, is this the sense of smell of the world's best pressure-resistant top laner? 】

Even IG's junglers can't handle this.

what's going on?

"How did he know I was there?" Prince Ning was puzzled.

Gao Zhenning kept scanning all the way to make sure that he was definitely not discovered by YM's eyes.

"Military line!" Jiang Chenglu said awkwardly in Chinese, "I pushed too hard!"

Normally, Lucian would definitely have absolute line power when facing Jace.

Whether to push quickly or slowly, the initiative of the army line is always in Lucian's own hands.

And TheShy just made a quick line push in order to jump over the tower and kill, hoping to push the line of troops under the Jin Gong Tower as soon as possible.

This move aroused Jimugong's suspicion.

Normally, Lucian would definitely push the line slowly at this time.

To hoard a large wave of soldiers into the tower, you can cooperate with the YM defense tower to create a pushback line when the next wave of artillery soldiers arrives.

In this way, you can control the position of the troops in front of your tower in 5 minutes and 40 seconds.

The reason is also very simple - the card will be upgraded to level six around five and a half minutes.

If Lucian controls the line of troops in front of his own tower at this time, there will be no cards with line rights in the middle, and it will be difficult to fly over and forcefully capture him.

After all, the distance is too far.

This approach is the most reasonable for TheShy, who is currently not flashing.

But Jiang Chenglu happened to push the line quickly.

If the minions enter the tower quickly, the defensive tower will eat up all the minions before the next wave of soldiers arrives.

This will cause the artillery line handover point at 5 minutes and 40 seconds to be reset in the middle of the top lane.

And as long as Jin Gong doesn't forcefully push the line, the position of the army line will definitely hover around this.

That card has a high probability of flying directly onto the road to provide roaming support, and TheShy will face a very dangerous situation.

Jin Gong felt that it was impossible for a top laner of TheShy's level not to be able to figure out such a simple question.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

Quickly push the line into the tower. Since there are not many minions in the tower, Lucian cannot consume them much.

There is only one possibility left.

TheShy is ready to jump over the tower.

Therefore Jin Gong directly chose to retreat.

He would rather lose the experience of a wave of soldiers than die once.

TheShy was extremely annoyed.

But that was all he could do.

Just now they saw Xiaotian's Xin Zhao walking up.

If he doesn't push the troops quickly, but instead uses the method of hoarding troops to push the soldiers into the YM tower, Xiaoyao will definitely be able to counter-crouch when the time comes.

Jiang Chenglu had no choice, but Jin Gong's sense of smell was too sensitive.

"Although Brother Gongzi will lose a few soldiers, what he gets in exchange is his own safety!" Wawa said in admiration.

As long as he didn't die, Jace could accept being briefly stabbed by Lucian.

Jin Gong's calm handling prevented him from being killed in battle!

"I'll help you get stuck again." King Ning said to TheShy in the team voiceover.

Since the lane is now pushed into the tower, the next wave of troops will be reset to the center if no intervention is made.

At that time, when the card reaches level 6, Jiang Chenglu will be in great danger.

King Ning came to gank this time but didn't get anything, but he didn't want to bring his own top laner's rhythm. If he killed TheShy once, it would be over.

So he felt that he had to help Jiang Chenglu deal with it.

Now that the fast push line has been completely formed, it is not impossible to create a push back line.

King Ning took a few steps forward and stood between the first and second towers on the upper road of YM. He held back the next wave of YM artillery troops coming to prevent them from moving forward.

Just continue to block the line, and when IG's wave of artillery soldiers drives straight into the YM defense tower, King Ning will leave the line and let go of the wave of YM soldiers he has held.

In this way, the troops of both sides will converge and hand over in the previous tower of YM.

With the help of defensive tower bombardment, the YM artillery line will gain advantages in health and quantity.

In this way, the pushback line will be formed, slowly pushing to TheShy's side, and he will not lose any pawns, and the subsequent safe development will be perfect.

However, the Garlic Bastard obviously guessed the other party's intentions.

He quickly headed to the road, wanting to help the Xiba people rescue themselves.

"The arrival of Xin Zhao has relieved the pressure on Brother Gongzi. IG Ueno no longer dares to force the line to be blocked!"

Although in terms of 2v2 fighting ability in the jungle, Lucian + Qinggang Shadow is definitely stronger than Jayce + Xin Zhao.

But after all, King Ning has held back a whole wave of artillery soldiers. If a fight really breaks out, the damage of the small soldiers' concentrated fire will definitely not be low.

Although Gao Zhenning is a reckless man, he is not stupid. In this case, he will naturally not forcefully collide with his opponent.

After repeated defeats, he was forced to leave with TheShy.

If the line fails, the top lane handover point will still be reset to near the midline.

Later, TheShy may be caught by Lin Ran's card.

Jiang Chenglu also knew what this meant and frowned slightly.

Broiler cut the screen to look at the troops on the top lane, and roughly understood TheShy's mood. He quickly reassured his teammates, "Don't worry, I'll press the card position."

He still has a certain advantage over the lane in the middle.

Now five and a half points of the artillery troop line rushed to the middle, and the broiler began to move upwards consciously.

If Lin Ran wanted to avoid his sharp edge and not be threatened by Syndra, he had to move downwards so that the line of troops was between him and the ball girl.

This will be safe.

But if you move downwards, the card will not have enough distance to fly up the road.

Lin Ran thought for a moment, then cut the screen to observe the top lane troops, and found that TheShy was already working hard to control the lane and keep the junction point of the troops in the center.

"Jin Gong, can you still hold on?" Lin Ran asked.

Xibaren immediately responded, "...I'm actually fine."

"Then I'll wait and wait. I won't be able to move my ultimate move for now." Lin Ran said.

There is currently no particularly good opportunity. If we force the flight, too many resources will be wasted.

"There was a fight between the two sides in the bottom lane," Miller's eyes followed the guide camera and switched to the lower half. "Liu Qingsong's Braum W [Stand Up] was close to the minion, and his Q [Winter's Bite] hit him. Death song!”

Baolan's operation was very smooth, and he knew that it would be useless to knock Braum away now. He used Qingwu Double to give Death Song a shield, and then immediately took W [Grand Appearance] and moved forward, trying to control Kai'Sa. .

Moreover, his landing point control was very tricky, just one step in front of Kai'Sa.

If Jack wants to step forward to deal damage, he will be hit by the launch control; if he retreats, he will not be able to deal with the old thief Sima, and will be separated from Liu Qingsong who has already rushed over.

Jack would definitely not retreat when faced with this kind of situation. He had no choice but to do so. Such was his character.

He stepped forward decisively, and before being knocked away by Luo, he clicked on the basic attack to connect with Icacia Heavy Rain, and forced a set of output.

"With such a blood exchange in the bottom lane of both sides, IG still suffered a slight loss!"

Bao Lanluo's combat effectiveness is not strong in the early stage. Except for W [Grand Appearance] which can provide control, he basically relies on basic attacks and Q for output.

Moreover, Braum's shield was too outrageous in the early game.

The output of Death Song's Q interspersed with normal attacks in the early stage is not low, but the flat A damage is blocked by the torn security door, which ensures that Kai'Sa's health is always very healthy.

At the same time, the old thief Sima brought teleportation, not weakness. Without a summoner skill in the fight, his health naturally could not be guaranteed.

"The old thief handed over the flash and was forced to distance himself. Baolan also used the second stage of the dance to double up and return to his teammates!"

"YM's bottom lane has opened up the situation a little bit," Miller commented. "In the Canyon Pioneer team battle later, this Death Song does not flash, and it may become a breakthrough!"

But so far, neither side has suffered a loss.

This is extremely abnormal for two teams that are completely bloody.

The key to the lack of kills was that Lin Ran kept holding his ultimate move.

It is no exaggeration to say that the card R [Destiny] can change the balance of the battle in an instant.

It can reach the battlefield in 1.5 seconds, which is simply a magical skill.

And there is a yellow card upon landing, which can provide control and output, which is extremely powerful.

Even IG is very wary and dare not take action easily. Once Lin Ran comes to support, he may be able to make a big move.

The reason why YM didn't take action is also very simple.

Lin Ran wanted to maximize his profits.

There are currently no opportunities on the field, but they are not very good.

The ultimate move of the card has a three-minute CD in the early stage. If Lin Ran does not get more resources, then during the period when the ultimate move cools down, the initiative in the game will be controlled by IG.

To put it simply, the ultimate move of a card is a kind of deterrent. As long as you hold on to it, the opponent will not dare to take action.

As a result, both parties have entered a period of stable development.

But the broiler chickens are miserable now.

There is no way he can return to the city now.

Once he leaves the middle, he has no way to limit the roaming support of this card.

In order to avoid being targeted by Lin Ran and Xiaotian for military training, Song Yi entered this game and specially brought purification to remove the yellow card.

This means that once he returns to the city without teleportation, there will be a gap of about 40 seconds in the middle. During this time, Lin Ran can leave the line at will.

However, it is not a problem if it continues like this. Until 7 minutes, there is only one corruption potion on the broiler.

If he continued like this, he wouldn't be able to go home to resupply until the Rift Pioneer team battle.

Once YM decides to take over the group. His Corruption Potion Syndra basically does no harm.

On the other hand, Lin Ran can resupply at will if there is teleportation. Once the team battle starts, the combat power of the cards that have purchased equipment will be much higher than him.

Broiler felt that he had to go back to the city once.

This way, with the equipment later, it would be more convenient for him to suppress Lin Ran.

"Ning, please come over and help me guard the military line," he asked proactively, "I'll buy the equipment."

It's now seven minutes exactly.

There happens to be a wave of artillery troops in the middle. The opportunity chosen by Broiler to return to the city is very suitable. He will not lose many troops if he buys the equipment and rushes over.

Gao Zhenning responded and rushed over immediately.

For him, it is simply a great good thing that these military lines are free of charge.

But in this way, Lin Ran successfully obtained the position of Prince Ning.

He thought this was a great opportunity to wander around, so he started switching screens quickly, pressing F2 to F5 over and over again.

The bottom lane is currently located in the center, and the YM duo does not have any means to force the attack, so it is not easy to catch them.

Lin Ran quickly set his sights on the road.

Theshy found that Lin Ran had not moved since he reached level 6, and that Broiler kept forcing out positions when facing the lane, preventing the cards from reaching the top lane, so he felt relieved and just forcibly stocked up his troops to push the lane into the tower. , and wanted to create a wave of push back.

However, since there was also a wave of artillery troops arriving immediately on the road, the pushback speed was not that fast, so TheShy was still wandering not far in front of the YM Tower.

Lin Ran looked at the chat box again and found that Shy's flash would not improve for another 28 seconds.

good chance!

Lin Ran's eyes lit up.

He immediately arranged the next tactical arrangement in the team voice, and at the same time used the minion remover to kill the artillery soldiers, and then connected the red card with the Q [universal card] and threw them all out.

After a few more basic attacks, since the card's attack speed is relatively fast, it doesn't take long to clear this wave of troops.

After pushing the army line, Lin Ran immediately retreated.

"TheShy, be careful, the cards are coming to find you!"

King Ning's reaction was not slow. When he noticed that Lin Ran was clearing troops quickly, he realized that the enemy might be about to take action, and quickly sent a reminder to his top laner.

He kept getting closer to the card, and even gave up the line of troops that was pushed under the tower by the opponent, just to prevent Lin Ran from taking action.

"But Brother Ran moves very fast. He knocked down a bottle of blood medicine on his body, which triggered the rune movement speed bonus of the time warp tonic!"

There was already a certain distance between the two sides, but now the distance is getting wider and wider.

Seeing that Lin Ran was about to disappear from his sight, Prince Ning couldn't help but feel anxious.

After all, the guidance and transmission time of the card's ultimate move is only 1.5 seconds. If the two are a little farther apart, King Ning will not be able to interrupt it at all.

The hook hit the wall, and when the second section of the wall came back, he wanted to kick Lin Ran unconscious.

Anyway, he has reached level six, so he only needs to stay close. If Lin Ran wants to fly with R, Hex Ultimatum can block the card.

But when he just crossed the wall and came to Lin Ran, he discovered that another heroic man carrying a spear emerged from the YM Sharp Beak Camp!

Xin Zhao!

"Xiaotian was squatting next to him, and Brother Ran was pretending to walk up the road, but he was actually fishing!" Miller said with regret.

IG fans in the audience also sighed in disappointment.

Prince Ning reacted quickly. The moment he saw Ju Hua Xin, he wanted to run back.

"Xin Zhao flashes to follow up, E [Fearless Charge] rushes in and challenges punishment, and the triple claw attack wants to knock the opponent into the air!"

Qinggangying itself cannot beat Xin Zhao, and without the E skill, now Camille is not as powerful as Xin Zhao in terms of burst output or sustained combat ability.

Lin Ran took a quick glance and roughly judged that Xiao Yao would win. He dumped a wild card to make up for the damage while adding an assist, and then continued to take a step up, avoiding Qinggang Ying, and decisively activated R [Destiny] !

"The card is heading straight for the road!" Wawa couldn't hide his inner excitement.

Since TheShy immediately ran two steps back after receiving the reminder from King Ning and opened a slight distance, there was still a little distance between the landing point of Lin Ran's ultimate move and Lu Xian.

"But TheShy didn't flash, he didn't have the ability to escape at all!"

At this time, there were exactly 13 seconds left before Jiang Chenglu flashed.

It was in these short 13 seconds that Lu Xian was sentenced to death.

Lin Ran was given a yellow card as soon as he landed, and he followed up with a flash and threw it directly on top of Lucian's head!

"Jace's QE second battery reinforced cannon successfully hit, accelerated and switched forms and jumped up!"

Even if the yellow card level one stun lasts for only one second, it is enough for Jace and Drizzt to unleash an explosive attack.

"TheShy doesn't have much health, and without flash, he can only forcefully turn around and fight back!"

W clicks, Q clicks, a set of bursts was played, which also reduced Jin Gong's blood volume to the extreme.

When Lin Ran saw this, he quickly ordered his head: "You eat Xiba people!"

Jin Gong never expected that Lin Ran would take the initiative to kill someone, so he was overjoyed and took Lucian's life with one blow.

Since Jiang Chenglu had just pushed back the line, it wasn't long before the artillery and troop line reached the top.

This wave of troops must be pushed. If not, Jiang Chenglu will teleport back and directly control the troops, which will be troublesome.

"I'll take the soldier line, and you hurry back to the city!"

Lin Ran urged, marking the level of the death song at the same time.

At present, the old thief Sima has reached level 5, and this period of time is obviously the time point for Death Song to rise to level 6.

Lin Ran couldn't predict when he would be upgraded. If Jin Gong continued to stay and clear out troops, once the old thief Sima reached level 6 and used his ultimate move, he would not be able to return to the city in time.

That's why Lin Ran chose to give up his head to Jin Gong after he was beaten to a pulp.

In this way, Jin Gong would still be at a loss even if he couldn't draw troops. With the first-blood kills, he could instantly make up for the economic gap caused by his previous disadvantage of replenishing troops, and even get a little lead.

Lin Ran has a wave of soldiers to push forward, and with his passive presence, he can also gain a lot of gold coins.

"Prince Ning in the middle will also be killed!"

Qinggangying has no room to fight back against Xin Zhao with full skills.

After the Garlic Bastard triggered the phase rush, he chased and slashed all the way.

Broiler was already rushing as hard as he could, but he was still a little slower after buying [The Lost Chapter].

He could only watch helplessly as Prince Ning died in front of him.

"I don't have a field of vision!" I remember feeling sad, "King Ning was really a bit reckless to kick him!"

"Buy one, get one free, YM has made a lot of money with this trend!"

[You dare to kick this, Brother Ning? 】

[Isn’t this YM classic fishing? The mid laner uses the rhythm to trick the opponent into taking the bait, and a jungler squats behind to kill directly]

[Ning Wang might as well build a big move before he dies to limit the cards, so that the top order doesn’t have to die]

[According to your statement, Qinggangying handed over his ultimate move and still gave him first blood, but he didn’t want Canyon Pioneer? 】

"Liu Qingsong, come here and set up the field of view. We will directly attack the vanguard later!"

Lin Ran commanded.

He drew a blue card to help him regain blue, and then used the universal card in conjunction with the minion remover to quickly clear the top line of artillery soldiers.

Now all the IG junglers are dead, and the Rift Herald will be refreshed in half a minute. This is a great time to lay out the vision.

Liu Qingsong responded, immediately abandoned his ADC and rushed to the upper half.

"Let's not let go of this vanguard, he can fight!" Prince Ning's tone was laced with anger.

He realized that he had been deceived by Ym, and anger surged up in his heart.

Neither he nor Jiang Chenglu used their ultimate move when they were killed last time.

The combat effectiveness is almost full.

"You guys go first, I still have the teleport in my hand!" Old Thief Sima also gave feedback to his teammates in the team voice.

He wanted to hold Jack off in the bottom lane, return to the city to replenish a wave of equipment, and then teleport to the Rift Pioneer.

But Jack is not a vegetarian either.

After pushing the army line, he walked directly to the top road. Even if he didn't replenish his equipment, he still wanted to force himself to participate in this wave of team battles.

"Brother Ran returned to the city to replenish a handful of radiant lights, then synthesized a pair of mercury shoes and teleported them to the middle route!"

In fact, this is not a normal installation of the card. Logically speaking, the current version should make the Time Wand first.

But if he only uses the Explosive Wand, Lin Ran still has gold coins to spend, and it only provides one magic power attribute.

If the lunch box is taken out, there is no harm, and only frankness is of no use.

Lin Ran gave up on making the Time Wand first and bought Yaoguang and Mercury Shoes.

Now the cards have movement speed, damage, and resistance, which can increase your combat effectiveness to the extreme.

This is to take on this wave of Canyon Pioneer team battles.

"YM took the lead and Xiaotian pulled out the Canyon Pioneer!"

Since the troops on the top lane were almost cleared by theshy who was teleported back to the lane, Garlic Bastard did not pull the vanguard up, but moved towards the middle lane.

After all, there are Braum and cards there. They have cleared out the minions and now have a certain troop advantage.

The IG team members were close to the top road, facing each other from a distance across a large dragon pit from the YM team members.

"Old thief Sima's Death Song returned to the city and created the missing chapter. He also handed over the teleportation and rushed to the battlefield!"

The moment he landed, Jin Gong fired a reinforced cannon from a distance!

With the serrated dagger and two long swords, Jace's output is quite high!

The audience at the scene was already worried. In their opinion, this wave of team battles would determine the success or failure of the early stage situation for both sides.

"Let's pull together and fight slowly," Lin Ran shouted in the team voiceover, "Look at my yellow card, I will kill each one!"

He used the unsealed secret book to replace a barrier, and now he still had a bottle of life-restoring potion on him. He knocked it down immediately and obtained the effect of the time-distortion tonic.

5% movement speed, combined with Lin Ran's mercury shoes, made his movement speed approach 400 points in an instant.

At this time, when no one else had made level 2 shoes, Lin Ran's movement speed could only be described as terrifying!

He was approaching from the flank, red, yellow and blue cards flashing above his head.

The moment he picked up the yellow card, he took a step forward.

Everyone in IG retreated together.

They all know that in this situation, whoever is caught by a yellow card will suffer a series of subsequent injuries, and it is not impossible to die suddenly on the spot.

"Death Song used W [Wall of Pain] and wanted to stop the cards from moving forward, but YM decisively turned around and started to attack as the vanguard!"

Lin Ran held back the yellow card and did not take action.

If they were a normal team, they wouldn't want to continue playing in a team with YM at this time.

This location is very average, and Lin Ran's yellow card is a strong deterrent.

But ig just happens to be tough.

"Go, go, go!"

King Ning didn't care so much, the hook hit the wall, and the second section of the wall kicked back towards Lin Ran who was at the front of the YM formation!

Although the dash distance from the second section of the wall was not short, Lin Ran still used his own movement speed to avoid being kicked by the Qinggang Shadow.

King Ning was now no more than 200 yards away from Lin Ran. When he saw the card master move his hand, he immediately activated his ultimate move [Hexian Ultimatum]!

King Ning wanted to avoid this yellow card by using the unselectable state!

What surprised him was that what Lin Ran threw out was not the yellow card above his head, but an ordinary wild card!

Lin Ran successfully deceived him by raising his hand!

Since the two were too close at the time, King Ning could no longer see clearly what skill Lin Ran was using before deciding whether to use R to evade it.

"The Qinggang Shadow who just landed received a yellow card from Brother Ran and was frozen in place!"

Liu Qingsong's Braum W came up and used his Q, Winter's Bite, to put a layer of passive on Camille!

"Lucian used his ultimate move!"

The Holy Spear fired wantonly, but Liu Qingsong raised the security door and stood firmly in front of Lin Ran.

"Bron absorbed a lot of damage, and Luo also moved forward!"

Sapphire E went to King Ning and gave him a shield, and W immediately made a grand appearance to threaten Lin Ran and Liu Qingsong.

Lin Ran didn't flash and had to be knocked into the air.

"Syndra QE used stun control twice in a row, and Death Song also stepped forward to deal damage!"

Jack's Kaisha gave Liu Qingsong a mouthful of healing power and forced him to breastfeed.

Lin Ran's life is not in danger yet.

Mainly because there is no high amount of physical damage to hit him.

Since he has a pair of mercury shoes, although the magic resistance provided is not much, it is still enough to withstand these batches of damage in the early stage.

After King Ning fell into the yellow card and was stunned, everyone in YM piled up Braum's passive on him and knocked him out again.

"Camille's blood volume dropped crazily, but King Ning handed over punishment on the Canyon Pioneer and regained a little blood...while Lucian was still outputting crazily."

In terms of ability to deal damage, Jiang Chenglu is definitely one of the best in the top lane.

While YM was focusing on King Huo Ning, he was also constantly outputting Xiaotian from the side.

"King Ning fell to the ground first, and Broiler also used his ultimate move!"

Song Yijin didn't dare to use his skills at will before, mainly because Liu Qingsong's Braum was holding a shield in front of him, and his skills were easily blocked. Now that the security door has been removed, he is unscrupulous.

Q followed the ultimate move to pour out energy, and a total of 5 magic balls were stuffed into the card master's body in turn!

However, Lin Ran opened the barrier and took the damage abruptly!

Even with the ignition given by Baolan Luo, Drizzt's blood volume is still half!

The old thief Sima wanted to blow him up, but Lin Ran pulled him back and used his high movement speed to easily dodge.

He was in average condition and did not try to withdraw from the battlefield, but continued to wander on the flank.

Anyway, he has no bounty on him now and is still only worth 300 gold coins.

"Lucian is still outputting, theshy's damage is not low!"

Jiang Chenglu had the Bilgewater Scimitar in his hand, which had bonus battery life and attack power. He kept stealing points from the flanks and crippled Xiaotian first.

Seeing that the opponent was retreating, he did not continue to pursue him, for fear of falling into the opponent's circle.

He chose to point his finger at Bronn.

"Bron with remaining blood quickly fell to the ground, but Xiaotian took the opportunity to take down the Canyon Pioneer!"

The purple-skinned garlic turned into the Pioneer Eye and landed in the center of the entrance to the Dragon Pit.

However, because the battlefield had reached the upper river grass at this time, the YM team members did not pick up the vanguard immediately.

"Look at my yellow card!" Lin Ran shouted in the team voiceover.

He circled around and walked directly above the dragon pit, using exploding cones to descend into the dragon pit.

In this way, Lin Ran came to the side of the IG formation.

At the same time, he held a yellow card in his hand.

The moment he saw Lucian, he threw the cards away!

"TheShy reacted very quickly, sliding and flashing, trying to get back to his own formation!"

The yellow card had already been issued, drawing a golden trajectory and freezing Lu Xian who had just returned to his double C!

Immediately afterwards, a purple phantom passed through the air!

"Jack is flying up!" the doll screamed.

There was an incredible exclamation in the stands!

From their God's perspective, Jack got into the IG four-man formation alone, his posture was like a moth flying into the flame!

Everyone in IG has almost lost control, and now they are unable to stop Kai'Sa who rushes into the formation!

"Jack R+W searches for the enemy in the void, cooperates with the Icathia Heavy Rain, and uses two more basic attacks to detonate the plasma!"

Lin Ran's yellow card had a dazzling effect, and the output was not low.

Kai'Sa's explosive ability is also one of the best among ADCs. The two of them cooperated and instantly beat Lucian to the lowest level of health.

A holy white light flashed!

"Jace's enhanced cannon has also been activated!"

Broiler has already tried hard to help his own laner block the attack.

But because the pass in the wild area is too narrow, if you help block it, everyone will take advantage of it together.

Three shots in one shot!

Although Jace's dominance at this time, which possesses a serrated dagger, is not as good as Lucian's, it is not lower at all!

"Lucian was killed!"

When Jack saw Jiang Chenglu dead in battle, he immediately flashed to distance himself and successfully escaped!

But Lin Ran in the dragon pit had nowhere to escape.

The old thief Sima came up and insisted on killing him, so Lin Ran simply started to move away.

"I moved down to dodge a Death Song Q... and then moved sideways at a right angle to dodge another Q!"

Lin Ran took full advantage of the movement speed bonus of the mercury shoes.

After twisting off the two Qs of Death Song, he was also forced into a blind corner by the old thief Sima.

Broiler stepped forward and used Q Dark Sphere to take him away!

"Ka Ka finally ended his sinful life!"

However, Lin Ran finally let the old thief Sima stay in Longkeng.

"There is no death song that flashes. I can only wait to die on the spot, and the head will be taken by Jace!"

Lin Ran's screen was already black, and he simply continued to instruct his teammates in the team voice chat.

"Spread out, spread out, don't give him a chance to make a big move to recover the remaining blood!"

The three teammates were very orderly and spread out to prevent Death Song's Q skill from knocking them down to residual health.

"IG was forced to leave, but in this way they only played 3 for 2, and Rift Herald was also acquired by YM!"

"Brother Ran, this card is so crucial!" I remember sighing repeatedly, "This is really a yellow card and a head!"

The end of the Canyon Pioneer team battle also marked that YM had an absolute advantage in the early stage. The audience in the stands kept shouting and cheering!

A big chapter of 10,000 words, okay.

There’s a lot to write, so I’ll continue tomorrow.

Ps: Hanwha’s jungler scored 0/12/1 in three bo5 games today, with one assist in the game, which is the same number of assists I wrote about Icuzz when I played S7 against lz...

Mapping reality belongs to yes.

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