LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 606 604: The 400 yards between life and death

Lin Ran was killed this time and gained the head of King Ning Qinggangying and two assists. After his resurrection, the remaining economy was not very large and he could only buy the red crystal and two real eyes.

"Should we just switch lanes," Jack asked, "should I stand in the middle, let Liu Qingsong roam, and use Canyon Herald to pull the opponent's formation apart?"

"No, no, no, let's continue the laning," Lin Ran wasn't done yet, "I want to occupy the middle and capture Lucian later!"

Jack wants to free up his own support. If he and Lao Wound stand in the middle, Liu Qingsong can often go to the side to provide support.

But Lin Ran felt something was wrong. With the duo in the middle, he would definitely run to the sideline, and then the card's radiation range would be reduced by half.

And he will be a whole map away from TheShy, so there is no way to put pressure on Jiang Chenglu.

Lin Ran didn't want this. He planned to continue the laning phase and use his ultimate move to get some more resources.

After all, YM has the advantage now, and they have the final say whether Summoner's Rift is chaotic or not.

Lin Ran didn't want to change lanes, and IG didn't dare to take the lead in changing lanes. They were afraid that YM would release the vanguard while they were changing lanes and take advantage of the gap when their players were not on the line to continuously advance, so they could only continue to fight like this.

The two commentators were still discussing what King Ning should do next to lead the team to break the game, and the director switched the camera to the top lane.

Lucian, the Holy Lancer, was carrying two guns and chasing Jace all the way!

"TheShy played very fiercely on the top lane..." Miller blurted out, "Although his equipment is inferior, he is not afraid at all!"

Jiang Chenglu's Lucian now has 1 kill and 2 kills. Since he does not carry the money-stealing rune, his economy relies on one kill and last hit, which is several hundred gold coins behind his opponent Jace.

But he was still frantically trying to regain his place with Xiba Ren.

Since Jimu Gong had collected many heads during this period, he had a bounty on him.

TheShy feels that as long as he completes a single kill, he can make up for all the disadvantages in the early stage.

So the style of play became more and more aggressive.

It has to be said that Jiang Chenglu's operation is very good. Lucian's ability to cancel the skill by clicking on the floor and then swinging is a pleasure to watch. The connection between skills and basic attacks is also extremely smooth.

While fighting, you can also use sliding steps to avoid Jin Gong's QE enhanced cannon.

The Xiba people were beaten up, and they couldn't help but feel secretly frightened.

In order to ensure the accuracy of his skills, he specifically cast QE 2nd Battery when making a normal attack shot in the gun form W [Super Charge] to increase the attack speed, in order to use the flat A to hide the crooked cannon's raised hand as much as possible. action.

Although it is not cast close to the face, it is still concealed enough. Logically speaking, the opponent does not have much time to operate.

But TheShy just avoided it!

In addition to reacting extremely quickly, there must also be a little bit of prejudgment involved.

This can only prove that TheShy knows the operation of the hero Jace very well. He can even see through the pants of Piltover's second battalion commander. He knows when Jin Gong will fire and is prepared in advance.

Jin Gong knew that with his current age and playing style, it would not be easy to defeat TheShy in a 1v1 battle. Moreover, if Jiang Chenglu dared to fight so fiercely, there might be King Ning crouching behind him.

If you fight rashly and give away your own head, it will be over.

Now the Xiba people are very cautious. He relies on his teammates to get the matchup advantage. He cherishes it very much and will never waste it.

He chose to continue.

"Brother Gongzi took two steps back and hid in the tower!" Wawa's familiar scream echoed throughout the audience, "Isn't this too stable?"

"Prince Ning is still in the lower half of the district, thousands of miles away from the top. There is no way to catch him!"

Jiang Chenglu was anxious.

He didn't expect this 3/0 Jace to be so cowardly.

How about you just run to the Autistic Grass and stay there?

You are a thousand dollars ahead of me but you don’t dare to compete with me. Are you a human being?

Since Jace's equipment is getting better and better, and the speed of clearing the army line is getting faster and faster, TheShy cannot stock up troops and wear down the HP of the previous tower of YM.

This resulted in a temporary stalemate on the road.

If Jess, who is leading the economy, wants to survive, there is nothing Jiang Chenglu can do.

Ten minutes into the game, both sides were still developing steadily. YM had an economic lead of up to 2800. It was quite good for them to gain this level of advantage against a bloody team like IG.

Moreover, the initiative in the situation has always been in the hands of Lin Ran's card master. He slowly controlled the rhythm and tortured the opponent bit by bit.

In Lin Ran's view, the peak period of IG's lineup is around 20 minutes. When Lucian, Qinggangying and Sindra all make two-piece sets, their explosion will reach its highest point.

In a sense, YM's lineup is also a typical early and mid-term game.

After all, the card is passive, the equipment is acquired quickly, and there is one less ultimate move in the later stage of the head-to-head battle. In fact, the combat ability is not very strong.

What Lin Ran has to do is to suppress the opponent's counterattack at the time when IG is strongest, and then continue to grind slowly, using each of his ultimate moves to accumulate a certain advantage for the team, and defeat the opponent in the final wave.

Prince Ning also realized that if he continued like this, he would just sit back and wait for death.

He wanted to take the initiative and seek a wave of opportunities.

"Rookie, push the lane, I want to find Xin Zhao on the other side!"

Song Yijin agreed and accelerated his speed of pushing the line.

He also scored a kill in the Canyon Pioneer team battle just now. Now he still controls the middle lane with Syndra's strength. He uses W [Driving Telekinesis] to grab a cannon soldier and throw it to his own defense. Inside the tower.

With the help of the turret's attack, the artillery cart was quickly eliminated, and then the dark magic ball and the retreat of the weak were used to deal with the rest of the minions. Then, a line eye was made not far in front of the first tower in YM to detect Lin Ran's presence. Possible movement direction, and then immediately leave the line and go to other places to put pressure.

King Ning's sense of smell in the wild area is very sensitive. He placed a real eye in the grass in the lower river in advance, and then successfully obtained the location of Xiaoyao who came to catch river crabs.

"The Qinggang Shadow Wall came back and kicked Xin Zhao, took the initiative to fight with the opponent, challenged the punishment and cooperated with Q [Precision Etiquette], and wiped out a lot of Xiaoyao's health!"

The Garlic Bastard did not expect that King Ning would still dare to ambush him here despite being killed twice in a row in the early stage.

He was caught off guard and quickly asked for help in the team voice, "Brother Ran, can you look at me?"

Although Xiaoyao's Xin Zhao was much better than King Ning's Qinggang Shadow in a duel in the jungle, he noticed that on the small map, Broiler was already blatantly moving down, while Baolan, due to his own Luo's agility, He also took the lead in double-teaming, and Liu Qingsong's Bronn was a little slower.

If his teammates didn't come to help in time, it would be difficult for him to leave without flashing.

Lin Ran also observed the map information while clearing the line in the middle.

He made a decision immediately.

"There's no other way. Just die, we can't fight this wave."

If he tried to forcefully rescue Xin Zhao, Lin Ran had no confidence that he could save Xiao Yao from Luo, who had the ultimate move.

Moreover, the old thief Sima's Death Song has not used his ultimate move so far. If he is saved with only residual health, his life will be harvested.

He decided to look for opportunities elsewhere.

Since Lin Ran himself carries the runes of the ultimate hunter, his ultimate skill has now improved.

The scarlet eyeballs that reveal destiny once again appear on the heads of the five IG people!

"Where is he going to fly?" King Ning yelled in the team's voice.

And the mini map has already told him the answer.

Broiler had previously set up a line eye in front of the YM middle tower, and successfully saw the card master's head moving upwards!

Now among the entire IG team, the only one in the top half is TheShy's Lucian.

"Move back!" Prince Ning quickly signaled the way forward.

When TheShy saw where Lin Ran was, he wasn't worried. Instead, he smiled crookedly, revealing his big white teeth.

10% off?

By the time you get to a position where you can fly up and hit the road, I'll be gone!

Jiang Chenglu controlled the displacement distance of the card's ultimate move very well.

5500 yards.

It's not enough to fly directly from the middle lane to the top lane.

You have to walk into the river to fly over.

Jiang Chenglu can definitely use this period of time to escape!

And he knew that the card didn't flash, and it was simply unrealistic to catch up with just a pair of mercury shoes.

"TheShy slid back and fired R [Baptism of the Holy Spear] at the same time, trying to persuade Jace in front of him to retreat!" Miller said loudly, "Brother Ran took two steps up and directly started the guidance of the second stage of the ultimate move. !”

The landing position is right next to Lucian!

"Why does this card's ultimate move look so far away?!"

Remember to notice something wrong immediately.

He and Jiang Chenglu have similar concepts of distance. Cards should enter the river before they can fly directly to the upper route.

Lin Ran is currently located on the narrow road between the grass on the middle road and the YM Sharpbill Camp. Logically speaking, it is still a short distance from the river.

But they just flew over!

The card's ultimate teleportation distance seems to be three to four hundred yards longer!

Don't underestimate this distance.

For Lucian, this distance is the key to whether he can escape Lin Ran's pursuit!

Seeing that the card master's ultimate move landed right at his feet, TheShy shook his head helplessly.

He knew he couldn't escape.

The channeling time of Drizzt's ultimate move is 1.5 seconds. He doesn't have level 2 shoes, and he can't run out of the card's attack distance even if he tries hard.

As long as you are stunned by a yellow card, there is absolutely no chance of survival.

He finally figured out how Lin Ran had moved nearly four hundred yards to reach him from such a distance.

Card wall area.

Since the League of Legends mechanism is here, there cannot be any creatures inside the wall, including eye positions and various summons.

The same is true for heroes.

Lin Ran took advantage of this mechanism. The landing point of the second stage R [Destiny] was located slightly above the thick wall next to the triangular grass on the top road.

In this way, the system will force Drizzt's figure out of the wall, allowing the Card Master to successfully move nearly 400 yards and successfully reach the top road!

"Brother Ran landed a yellow card and directly stopped Lucian, who had not flashed, in place. Jess QE's second battery of strengthened artillery, switched forms to keep up with the output, and lowered Lucian's health!"

Lin Ran's last wild card combined with the basic attack took away Lucian's life.

"And in the lower half of the area, Xiaoyao was also surrounded and killed by IG!"

Bao Lan also saved a skill, not even using his ultimate move. He just E Qingwu came to his teammates in pairs, and W [Grand Appearance] lifted Xin Zhao into the air.

The head was finally taken away by the weakling of the broiler!

"However, YM's top and middle two planned to forcefully destroy TheShy's first-blood tower on the top lane... This tower push is a bit fast!" I remember sighing.

Jace's W [Super Charge] increases the attack speed, and Lin Ran has W card selection with a flare effect. The two of them acted as a demolition team on the top lane.

"You can eat Jin Gong's tower yourself," Lin Ran accepted TheShy's head, and did not want to continue to divide the economy of his teammates. After all, this card is a rhythm point, and Jace is the real big brother in the mid-term, "Don't Forgot to put the wire control back!"

Since King Ning and Song Yijin captured Xiaoyao to death in the lower river channel and never exposed their position since then, the YM duo, playing it safe for fear of being overtaken by the opponent, retreated to the grass in front of the lower second tower.

After Jin Gong pushed a tower on the top lane, he controlled the lane of troops, so that when Jack's Kai'Sa switched lanes to the top lane, he would still have lanes to eat, which could make up for his own growth.

"Thank you, Brother Ran!" Shiba Inu thanked him sincerely.

Jack felt that his eldest brother was so considerate and took care of everything. He was so gentle. I really cried to death...

"It's not a big deal." Lin Ran did not return to the city, but went to the IG jungle area to take care of the Demon Swamp Frogs on the opposite side.

While clearing out the wild monsters, he also placed a trinket eye between the second tower and the first tower on IG's top lane through the wall, trying to find an opportunity for TheShy to go online and mess with him again.

"No, are you coming again?" Miller, who was looking at God's perspective, said in a sad and indignant tone, "Brother Ran has gone too far!"

"Lu Xian died three times in 10 minutes. Brother Ran is not giving him a way to survive!"

The YM supporters in the stands did not hide their emotions and laughed out loud.

However, TheShy's anti-gank awareness was fully developed this time. He knew that his top tower was going to be destroyed, and Jin Gong was going to get stuck in a pushback line, so he stopped coming to the top and hurried to the middle.

After Song Yijin and King Ning discovered that YM was pushed up, they also made a temporary decision to push down YM's lower tower for replacement.

IG's middle lane happens to be vacant, and Jiang Chenglu wants to fill the broiler line.

When Lin Ran discovered that Lucian was heading to the middle lane, he knew that he could not reach his opponent, so he chose to return to the city, bought a lunch box and continued to the middle lane.

Now the YM duo rushed on the road, while the Xiba people returned to the city to synthesize Youmeng, another saw-tooth dagger and a long sword, and calmly headed to the lower half.

Lin Ran still adhered to that idea and stayed in the middle to let the Card Master he operated radiate to as much of the map as possible.

Jiang Chenglu found out that Lin Ran was still in the middle, and felt a chill in his heart.

Is this person finished?

He knew the reason why the cards hadn't changed lanes yet.

This is obviously to continue to catch yourself!

"Baolan, take the old thief to the middle," Ning Wang, as the IG commander, was formulating strategies in the team voice at this time, "Let's not let this card stay there anymore!"

Fortunately, YM's bottom defense tower has been destroyed, and the IG duo can switch lanes.

Otherwise, if you continue to let the cards stay in the middle without any pressure from your own side, TheShy's painful torture will never end.

Lin Ran saw the opponent's movements and responded again, "Xiaoyao, just put the vanguard in the bottom lane and help Jin Gong push the tower!"

On the top road, because Jin Gong made a wave of pushback, Jack can now take troops alone.

Liu Qingsong got a brief opportunity to roam offline.

He made two fake eyes and one real eye in the upper jungle area of ​​IG in advance, completely blocking this area.

Without seeing King Ning, I knew that the opponent should be in the bottom lane to prevent Xiaoyao from releasing the vanguard to advance.

After tearing open the wound and just about to leave, he found Song Yijin coming over and wanting to eat the three wolves when he set his eyes in the jungle.

He was so evil that he said, "Let's kill this Sindra!"

Jack heard this and quickly moved to the jungle.

"Liu Qingsong discovered Rookie's movements. He wanted to find trouble for Syndra alone," Miller's voice was urgent. "The ultimate move will knock the unsuspecting Syndra into the air!"

The broiler is still eating the three wolves, but unexpectedly, a bald head emerges from the blue BUFF grass around the corner!

"Just a little longer!" Jack shouted.

The flying distance of Kai'Sa's level one ultimate move is only 1,500 yards, which is still some distance away.

"Bron Q [Winter's Bite] uses the passive to slow down Syndra's movement!"

Broiler's backhand QE pushed Liu Qingsong away, but he couldn't walk.

Even if he uses purification to remove the slowness of Winter's Bite, Braum's R [Glacial Fissure] has constant speed bumps and his movement speed is still very slow.

Jack broke into the IG wild area at this time, and at the last moment before the plasma effect disappeared, he successfully entered the range of R [Hunter Instinct].

"Ka'Sa enters the stage!"

As the baby screamed, Jack flew in front of Syndra, using W [Void Search for Enemies], combined with basic attacks and the Icathian Rainstorm, to instantly reduce Syndra's health!

Broiler looked at Liu Qingsong's head hanging on his head, and finally escaped in a flash, allowing Jack to kill him with a basic attack.

Baolan rushed to the jungle the moment he discovered that Braun was attacking his mid laner.

But it was still a little late, and even if he ran to Song Yijin, the Death Song behind him couldn't follow him. He had no output, and he couldn't kill the people he kept.

"IG is losing blood!" Miller shook his head and sighed, "The chicken carries a bounty!"

Song Yijin had previously harvested two heads from the Canyon Pioneer Group and the Lower River Channel. Although the bounty was not large, the head was worth 450 gold coins.

Jack made a fortune.

"IG also wanted to open a breakthrough in the bottom lane... King Ning kicked directly up!"

Gao Zhenning felt that his and TheShy's personal abilities could defeat YM Ueno, so he took advantage of the gap between Xiaoyao's casting of Canyon Herald and decisively kicked him.

But he still underestimated Jin Gong's output.

Although the Xiba people are very stable, IG's mid laner is now dead, and the duo is in the middle and the other in the upper jungle.

No one can protect IG in the jungle.

He had no scruples and just fired!

Youmeng + serrated dagger + long sword, Jace's combat power at this time is simply full!

"The close-fitting reinforced cannon directly destroyed 40% of King Ning's health!"

Xiaoyao did nothing, just stabbed Qinggangying, and then used his ultimate move [Crescent Guard] to sweep Lucian out, making TheShy unable to deal damage immediately.

Jiang Chenglu watched King Ning go up and his health bottomed out instantly, and he immediately chose to retreat.

"I sold Qinggang Shadow, but how can I defend the bottom tower?!" The baby felt that IG's rhythm was wrong, "They are too high-spirited during this time!"

Previously being completely suppressed by the suffocating rhythm of Lin Ran's cards, a team like IG with an overly aggressive offensive style must be looking for opportunities.

However, YM has taken advantage of its previous advantages to have considerable advantages in terms of vision control and summoner skills.

This resulted in the personal abilities that IG was proud of completely unable to show off!

Instead, it seemed like he was suffering from an illness and kept giving YM opportunities.

"Jace eats another tower in the bottom lane..." I remember seeing the ten-man economy on the data panel and finding that Jin Gong had more than a thousand gold coins. They all felt that Jin Gong's equipment was outrageous, "Brother Gongzi, this is Just ask for the Curtain Blade, with two defense towers and four heads, Jace is simply invincible!"

He didn't even know how Jin Gong was going to die.

In the second Canyon Pioneer team battle, Jin Gong had already bought all the small pieces of the Curtain Blade.

After one shot, IG's lineup without a front row is simply unbearable!

"Brother Ran used the unsealed secret book to sprint out and stood at the front of the formation!"

Sapphire's Luo thought this was a great opportunity, and flashed R and W directly to Lin Ran!

But he never expected that Lin Ran came to sell it on purpose.

"Bron opened the security door, and W [stepped forward] and stood in front of Brother Ran!"

Although Liu Qingsong was charmed, his shield still stood in front of Lin Ran.

"King Ning entered the field and wanted to find Jin Gong, TheShy quickly made a big move!"

But Jin Gong's equipment is really good. The three artillery pieces combined with Jack Kasha's burst can easily kill Camille!

"Sindra pinched the QE second company and successfully kept up with the control!"

The old thief Sima's death song kept Qing from behind.

However, Jack gave Lin Ran a healing spell to prevent the card with the Time Staff from dying immediately.

"IG's equipment is still a little too bad, and Brother Ran's equipment is also very flexible... He took a yellow card and decided on Lucian!"

Then he started sprinting, turned around and left the battlefield.

"Don't let Death Song read his ultimate move!" Lin Ran found a safe location and read the message back to the city.

"Don't worry!" Jack assured him.

The old thief Sima also wanted to directly use his ultimate move to blow up the remaining blood Lin Ran, but everyone in YM stepped forward and closed in to prevent him from using it.

"Brother Gongzi has another shot!"

Amid the exclamations from the stands on all sides, TheShy, who was stunned by the yellow card, was instantly reduced to residual health!

"Ka'Sa flashed up and launched two basic attacks to take Lucian away!"

Broiler still wanted to resist, so his ultimate move [Energy Pour] combined with the power of telekinesis suppressed Jack's blood volume.

"But what should Jin Gong do with it?!"

Jace was like a god of death at this time, constantly producing output from the back row.

"After Brother Ran returned to the city, he handed over the teleportation and rushed to the battlefield!"

Lin Ranhuhu, who had been replenished, was in full swing. The three-color card above his head flashed, and he drew another yellow card to freeze the death song!

"YM will continue to hurt you and keep the old thief Sima here!"

After the old thief dies, he hands over his ultimate move.

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