LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 608 606: Familiar rhythm control!

Song Yijin started his own seduction plan.

When he saw a ranged soldier with reduced health, he immediately started cutting cards.

After the color of the card above his head turned blue, he locked it and took a step forward.

A blue card was thrown at the soldier with residual health, and at the same time he recovered a little blue energy for himself.

Song Yijin tried to use this method to lure Lin Ran forward to fight.

After all, the card master he is operating now has no possibility of drawing a yellow card, and the only damage skill in his hand is Q [Universal Card].

And in order to finish the damage, he also walked into the range of Enchantress's skills.

This is an excellent opportunity for blood exchange.

If Lin Ran stepped forward to consume it at this time, it would be a pure profit.

And as long as the opponent dares to step on W [Devil's Shadow], King Ning's Qinggang Shadow will take action.

But what surprised him was that Lin Ran did not use Shadow Shadow. Instead, he chose to knock down a bottle of corruption potion. He used the acceleration effect provided by the time distortion tonic to step forward and fired a Q [Maleficent Demon]. Seal], and then follow with basic attack.

It seems that he plans to use his basic attack to trigger electrocution in exchange for blood.

Song Yijin noticed that Lin Ran's position was not right either.

The Enchantress walked straight forward, instead of approaching the card near the top, and quickly closed the distance between the two.

This means that LeBlanc is still in the lower position in the middle, far away from King Ning in the grass.

The two are superimposed together, instantly arousing the vigilance of the broiler.

I've done this, but you still haven't come up to exchange blood?

And he moves so carefully...

There is obviously something fishy about this!

"He has eyes here!" Broiler immediately overturned his previous conclusion and marked the signal in the grass above the middle road where King Ning was.

Only then did he realize why Lin Ran deliberately approached the IG Sharp Beak Camp above when he was moving.

That's obviously a deception!

He pretended to place a ward in the F6 camp through the wall, but in fact the real ward position fell in the grass above the middle road!

In this way, once King Ning was deceived and chose to attack Lin Ran, he would be exposed to his sight as long as he entered the grass above.

This man is really insidious and cunning!

The always good-tempered broiler also cursed in his heart.

Just play a laning match, why don't you just play with your scheming?

King Ning was also furious.

the reason is simple.

In the previous confrontation with YM, he had been squinted once by Lin Ran's trick.

Are you going to use the same trick a second time?

Do you think I'm a fool? !

The fire in Gao Zhenning's heart suddenly emerged.

"Fuck him, fuck him!" he shouted over the team's voice.

Since he had been discovered by the enchantress, he simply walked out of the grass above the middle road.

When Lin Ran saw this scene, he also knew that the IG midfielder had reacted.

He quickly tried to distance himself from the other party.

The Qinggang Shadow operated by Gao Zhenning did not give out the hook at the first moment, but continued to push Lin Ran downwards.

He believed that there would be no Xin Zhao behind Lin Ran.

If Xiaotian was already in place, Lin Ran could have blatantly used his only displacement skill, Shadow Shadow, to trick him into taking action when the broiler was trying to show his weakness.

And based on the current strength of the midfielder battle, YM is in the absolute lead.

But Lin Ran didn't do this, and Gao Zhenning concluded that there was no one behind him to help him.

that's the truth.

There was indeed no one behind Lin Ran.

After seeing the traces of Prince Ning, he chose to act deliberately, pretending not to know anything, and tempting his opponent from time to time.

But he kept holding W [Devil's Shadow] in his hand, which prevented IG's midfielder from catching him, thereby delaying Gao Zhenning's time and letting King Ning squat in the middle for a while to slow down his opponent's development.

Unexpectedly, Prince Ning, a reckless man, became so angry that he directly came forward to fuck him.

"The Qinggang Shadow rested on the wall near the bottom in the middle, and kicked the second section of the wall towards Brother Ran!"

Lin Ran was forced to have no choice but to quickly hand over the demon shadow and leave.

Then Prince Ning stood waiting at the spot where his demonic shadow had left him, not wanting him to come back and take advantage of the situation.

At the same time, there was an IG team logo on the top of his head, which looked mean and attracted cheers from many douchebags in the stands.

Lin Ran had no choice. If he returned to where he was, he would be beaten by the IG midfielder and jungler.

If you want to capture soldiers, you can only make a big circle and rush back to the middle.

But in this way, he will miss out on a lot of soldier line experience. After all, the current handover position of the soldiers is in front of the IG tower.

If King Ning keeps wandering around the middle lane, Lin Ran will be very difficult to deal with.

He could only shake people and called Xiaotian to the middle to help deal with this wave of troops.

"I feel good!" Gao Zhenning suddenly smiled when he saw Xiaoyao rushing here carrying a spear.

Although he wasted a lot of time, the same was true for Garlic Bastard.

His mind is balanced.

"You help me push the line directly in, and I'll make a wave of pushback."

Lin Ran directed the jungler to help him.

Xiaoyao felt that she was not at a loss, after all, she could share a wave of short-term experience equally.

Song Yijin also felt that he could accept it. After all, Lin Ran, who was facing him, would lose a lot of experience points.

"Theshy is still pressing the line. He has maintained an aggressive position from the beginning of the game, constantly suppressing Kenan!"

In the first three minutes of the game, Lucian fully proved why among the many shooter heroes in this version, he is the only one who can play solo.

As long as he slides forward and uses a set of skills to hit the level A and hit a strong attack, it is absolutely impossible for Jin Gong to win in exchange for blood.

The main reason is that the hero Kennen is currently relatively embarrassed, and there are very few cornerstone runes suitable for him.

The Xiba people did not dare to steal money, so they could only choose the snake oil rune of Alley to fight in the lane.

But Alley's shortcoming is that his explosive output is very low. Facing Lucian who is riding on his face, Kennen has nothing to do.

After all, when fighting back, he can't always catch the basic attack with the mark of the storm.

And once W [Secret Truth! [Electric Blade] is a passive mark provided by the active effect. If he wants to get a stun effect, he has to use E Thunder Armor to get close to Lucian's body.

When the time comes, he won't be able to take advantage of the blood exchange.

Therefore, Jin Gong simply acted cowardly and did not fight back when he was beaten. As long as his health was not wasted too much, he chose to use Q [Second Truth! Chidori] Replenish troops from a distance. If you can't do it, don't force it. Try your best to ensure your own blood volume.

Because King Ning is in the upper half, once his blood volume is suppressed too low and the Qinggang Shadow comes to jump over the tower, things will be bad.

"Don't eat, don't eat!" TheShy grinned and showed his front teeth, smiling happily.

Jiang Chenglu's advantage in the top lane is gradually established, while Jack and Liu Qingsong in the bottom lane are living a very comfortable life.

Shiba Inu used Ashe's powerful consumption ability, passive slowing effect, and acceleration of approach speed to repeatedly pull Baolan's three basic attacks.

After taking the lead to grab second place, he and Shao Shao gained the line advantage.

However, the old thief Sima and Bao Lan themselves did not want to grab the line. In order to prevent the jungler Xiaoyao, they did not dare to push the line out.

Control the minions in front of your tower, where they can develop safely.

"The Enchantress in the middle has ushered in a pushback line. Brother Ran's last hit has been tied by the card..."

Although Song Yijin had not used cards for a long time, he got used to it for two minutes and is now playing well.

The details of the positioning when pushing the troops are very careful, not giving the Enchantress a chance to consume him, and the defense is watertight.

Upon seeing this, Lin Ran simply put the pushback line into his tower.

He only replenished his tail sword, trying to keep the line of troops in his tower as long as possible.

Now the 7th wave line has arrived, and the handover location of the soldiers is located in the middle tower of YM.

The defense tower helped to swallow up this wave of short-term attacks bit by bit.

The YM soldier is now safe and sound.

Therefore, after all the troops in the seventh wave were killed, Lin Ran successfully accumulated a wave of short-term troops and headed towards IG's middle defense tower again.

Song Yijin could guess Lin Ran's thoughts.

Under normal circumstances, the first minion in the 9th wave of solo lanes can be upgraded to level 6.

Based on the current trend of the troops, when the ninth wave of soldiers arrives in the middle, the troops will be hoarded by Lin Ran and pushed into Song Yijin's defense tower.

In this way, Broiler has a lot of minions that he has not eaten. In addition, the soldier line is located in front of his tower, which will prevent him from using his ultimate move to fly to the side as soon as he reaches level 6.

Broiler felt dissatisfied at first. After all, the worst thing he could do was wait for two more waves of soldiers, wait for the minions to push out, and he could still activate his ultimate move.

But when he thought about it, he felt something was wrong.

At this moment, a drone pierced the sky and illuminated the fog of war along the way!

There is no doubt that the ice shooter from the bottom lane is pushing the lane!

The angle of the drone was very tricky, and it found King Ning who was still farming his own stone beetles in the upper half.

This made Broiler feel more uneasy.

Why does Ashe cast Eagle Strike at this time?

What should YM do to find out where King Ning is?

Broiler looked at the two waves of soldiers in front of him again and felt that everything had the answer.

Lin Ran wants to cooperate with Xiaoyao to catch him!

Song Yijin quickly inserted the jewelry eye into the grass below, separated from the First Tower.

Sure enough, I saw Xin Zhao looking at him with eager eyes!

During the Garlic Bastard period, he returned to the city once for supplies and bought a red jungle knife and a long sword.

At this point in time, Xin Zhao's combat effectiveness is extremely strong.

"Ning, can you help me?" Song Yijin quickly asked his teammates for support.

You must know that his summoner skills in this round are teleportation and flash. Once Lin Ran is tied up with a phantom chain, he will probably be unable to escape.

King Ning also knew that he could never let Song Yijin die in battle.

There are too many minions under the tower. If the card loses one life, it may cost nearly two waves of minions.

So he chose to run over and help the broiler out.

By the way, I can gain experience of a wave of troops.

Lin Ran knocked down another bottle of corruption potion and pushed his troops into the opponent's defense tower.

Song Yijin's muscles were tense, ready to be overrun by YM's midfielder. While handling the troops' lines, the three-color card above his head flashed.

If the opponent dares to jump over the tower, he will draw a yellow card, and with King Ning and the tower father who are about to arrive here, he will be able to complete the counterattack nine times out of ten.

At that time, he will control the entire rhythm of the game!

Just when Song Yijin mobilized all his energy and planned to deal with this battle.

The trickster enchantress opposite him turned around and ran away!

And in the grass below separated by a wall, Xiaoyao's Zhao Xin did not hesitate and left their sight.

Prince Ning and Song Yijin were confused and couldn't figure out what was going on for a while.

It wasn't until Baolan shouted in the team's voice that they came back to their senses.

"Xialu Liang teleported!"

Baolan was cautious by nature, so when he was pushed out of the line, he invested his vision in the grass behind the first tower.

Unexpectedly, I saw a blue teleportation swirling light!

YM only has two teleports, among which top laner Jin Gong is still enduring the torture of TheShy online.

Then there is only one answer.

From LeBlanc, the Trickster!

"When Xiaoyao ate Luhe Dao Crab a minute ago, he placed a ward on the wall here!" Miller has a good memory.

Garlic Bastard inserted the ornament eye from the river into the grass behind the side of the IG next tower. This was a standard mata eye, so the director gave a close-up of it, which made Miller pay attention.

I didn't expect it to come in handy now.

"The broiler wanted to call King Ning to come over to prevent the tower from being overturned, but he didn't expect that Brother Ran had no intention of attacking the middle lane, but aimed his spearhead at the bottom lane!"

The doll looked excited.

The audience in the stands also cheered for YM.

The second game lasted nearly 6 minutes, and the first battle officially started!

"Come here and help us!" Baolan was still asking for help from his teammates.

Broiler is only at level 5 now. If you want support, you must need a TP defense tower.

But there are currently two waves of troops under his tower.

More importantly, in order to deal with YM's possible mid-tower attack, W [Card Selection] has already been used.

Even if he teleports to the defense tower, there is no yellow card to provide enough control for the team.

Broiler thought for a moment, but still rejected the proposal to go to the bottom lane for support.

The top laner TheShy has not yet settled his troops, so he will naturally not hand over the teleport. Jiang Chenglu plans to continue to expand his matchup advantage in the top lane.

This also means that the old thief Sima and Bao Lan can only rely on themselves to gain a chance of survival.

"Range, who is at level 6, landed on the ground, and the demon shadow tracked over the wall and entered the range of the first tower of IG's bottom lane, and threw two QR skills towards Verus!"

The evil seal of malice was triggered, and the health of the old thief Sima, who was not very healthy, was instantly reduced to 1/3 by the YM duo.

When Baolan's Shen handed over the taunt, Lin Ran triggered the second phase of the shadow trace in time and returned to the original place.

"Jack stacked up his Q [Archer's Concentration], flashed forward and started outputting!"

The old thief Sima gave him a healing spell and wanted to retreat to the rear and escape.

But Lin Ran followed up from the side, and a basic attack had an electric shock effect on him. The phantom chain that came immediately was blocked by Bao Lan sideways.

But this no longer affects the overall situation.

"Verus handed over the flash, but Brother Ran followed the flash and took him away with a basic attack!"

There was thunderous applause, mixed with cheers and whistles!

Baolan was afraid of being tied to the spot by the phantom chain, so she quickly handed over the flash and barely escaped with a chance.

"Brother Ran successfully received first blood, and the old thief also lost an entire wave of soldiers in the bottom lane!"

Miller couldn't help but sigh, "I never thought that Brother Ran would be the first to attack in this middle battle!"

"And the timing was really stuck, because we were targeting the gap between Rookie cards that had not yet reached level 6," I remember adding, "Brother Ran was attacking in the east and west, pretending to hit the jungle, but in fact the target had already moved to the bottom lane. With the help of teleportation behind the advancing army line, we successfully gained the advantage from him!"

The five IG people looked solemn.

They felt like they were a little stuck in the rhythm of YM again.

Exactly the same as the previous game...

I was dragged into a meeting all day today, and I was very tired when I came back in the evening. I had to go to bed early today because I coded 4k.

There will be a big chapter tomorrow!

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