LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 609 607: YM’s design, IG fell into the pit! (A big chapter with 10,000 words!)

Faced with such a predicament, Song Yijin did not want to stay in the middle as a ground-bending spirit.

After King Ning accompanied him to clear the two waves of troops under the tower, he was also looking for a good opportunity for support.

But now Xiaotian's Xin Zhao has long disappeared, and it is useless for him to fly to Garlic Bastard with his ultimate move. After all, it is impossible to defeat Xin Zhao in a one-on-one card duel.

Don't even think about it in the bottom lane. Baolan has not yet reached level 6, and he has not yet flashed. It is simply unrealistic for him to play 2-on-3 with his teammates in the bottom lane.

After thinking about it, the final target to kill was Jin Gong on the road.

If Kennen can be caught in two waves, TheShy will take off and become IG's new rhythm point.

"Chenglu, hurry up and push the line into the tower!"

He urged the top laner in the team voice.

"No..." TheShy replied, with a bit of helplessness in his tone, "This person just retreated far away, not even gaining experience!"

When the Xiba people saw that the card had reached level six and there were faint signs of moving towards the upper lane, they had already withdrawn from Jiang Chenglu's sight.

This obviously does not want to give Song Yijin the opportunity to fly up and grab orders.

TheShy was very frustrated with his solidity.

But Jiang Chenglu had another plan in mind.

After he brought a wave of soldiers into YM's top defense tower, he walked straight forward and came to the position between the first and second towers of the opponent's top lane.

Then he inserted an ornament eye under his feet, and then went back to dismantle the tower.

One reason for doing this is to prevent Jin Gongka from gaining experience at the edge of his vision. After all, the experience acquisition range is 1,600 yards, and the hero's vision range is only 1,350 yards. He felt that if he didn't make this accessory eye, his stress resistance would be full. The Xiba people might hide in the narrow gap 1350 yards away from him and within 1600 yards of the IG soldier who died in battle to steal experience.

The second is to threaten opponents.

Broiler's cards are teleportable.

If Jin Gong dares to return to the tower to take advantage of the troops, he will face the risk of being forcibly Gank by the Broiler.

But if he doesn't come back, Jimu Gong will lose a lot of soldiers.

TheShy arranged all this and felt a little proud.

He used himself as a benchmark and felt that a normal top laner would eat these two waves of minions even if he fought to the death.

Binxuan is the lifeblood of the top laner.

Jiang Chenglu knew that Jin Gong was very stable, but in the face of this situation, he must have had to submit obediently.

When the time comes to hand over the single card in his family for teleportation, he will accept the head!

But TheShy still underestimated the stability of his opponent.

At first Jin Gong could even endure the darkness for three minutes, but now it was just two waves of troops, which was nothing to him.

He squatted in the closed grass in front of the second tower, not even knowing the experience of the soldier line, and allowed his own defense tower to eat up the soldiers one by one!

"Wow, wow, wow, Brother Gongzi, this is too steady!" The baby looked along the director's camera and felt that Jin Gong's move was outrageous.

There was also a rustling sound in the stands.

Even the audience couldn't stand it anymore. They rarely saw such a pitiful top laner in the professional arena.

[You don’t want to eat this soldier either? You must be too cruel to yourself]

[Jin Gong, you are a real cow. If you put it on me, you must go up and smell it.]

[Whoever hears it will die, TheShy’s eyes are here, I’m afraid you won’t come over]

[It’s true that TheShy knocked me out, hahaha, Gongzi brother stood out and didn’t fight back]

The fact is that Que's situation is also true. Jin Gong would rather miss out on experience than come forward, which is really impossible for TheShy.

He is never afraid of others attacking him. Jiang Chenglu is confident enough to defeat his opponents in operation.

But I just can’t handle a top order like Jin Gong.

I don't want to compete with you at all, I'm just cowardly to do last-ditch attacks, and trying to kill me alone is just a daydream.

If you dare to ask for help, I will turn around and run away, even leaving my troops behind.

There is only one principle of Jin Gong. You can suppress me, but I will never support my father.

If TheShy does not gain the head economy, then he does not have extraordinary development. During the team battle, he will not be difficult to solve. Lin Ran and three other teammates will help Jin Gong solve this difficulty.

If the Xiba people gave away kills because of greedy troops, and TheShy developed an economic lead in the game, then the other four teammates would be helpless, and it might even become Jiang Chenglu's personal show in the team battle.

Jin Gong understands this very clearly. It is difficult for him to win against TheShy alone at this time, and the opponent is still using a dominant lane hero in this game.

Jiemugong doesn't want to put any pressure on his teammates.

And the YM team did not live up to Jin Gong's expectations.

After the bottom lane duo returned to the city to replenish supplies, Liu Qingsong operated Tahm Kench to the top lane, intending to relieve his top laner from a wave of pressure.

Originally, TheShy wanted to stand in the middle of the first and second towers of YM and create a wave of his own pushback line by forcibly blocking the line.

But the arrival of the torn wound ruined his plan.

He is now equipped with average equipment and does not dare to challenge the two heroes on the opposite side. He has to retreat slightly to allow the YM soldiers to successfully come online and get entangled with the IG side's line battle.

Liu Qingsong wasn't done yet, he had already come. He simply helped to the end and pushed this wave of soldiers in the center of the top lane into TheShy's defense tower.

The Xiba people were finally able to return to the city to replenish their health and got a chance to breathe.

Now more than six minutes into the process, he has only replenished 30 soldiers. Including the bonus salary provided by the system, it is less than 1,000 gold coins.

Jin Gong bought two amplification books and a real eye. When he went online, he placed the eye between the first and second towers, excluding the accessory eye that TheShy had made previously, to prevent IG from forcibly teleporting to catch him.

After getting all this done, he stepped forward safely to finish off the attack.

"After Brother Ran got the first blood, he went back to the city and bought [The Lost Chapter] and the True Eye. The equipment is slightly ahead of the cards!"

Song Yijin didn't find any chance on the road just now, so he simply returned to the city to replenish his supplies.

However, because it took a little time to clear the line of troops accumulated under the tower in the middle, if he went online on foot, the time would be a little later, which would inevitably miss two Bin's experience, but he wanted to save his own teleportation.

After comprehensive consideration, Broiler chose to combine his entry-level straw sandals into mercury boots, which can help him better pursue the enemy. The magic resistance and toughness provided are also very effective when facing the enchantress. At the same time, he can also use the movement speed to help Get yourself back online quickly.

He used the remaining gold coins to buy a dark seal.

When Lin Ran saw the equipment Song Yi was entering and exiting, he immediately became aggressive in his movements.

Obviously he was sure that the broiler could not pose a threat to him. Moreover, Xiaoyao's ward position previously arranged in the lower half of IG also saw King Ning's movements, so he became even more unscrupulous.

This situation intensified after Lin Ran got his second refreshed blue BUFF at the beginning of seven minutes.

With the mana guaranteed, Lin Ran is no longer stingy with his skills and relies on the high amount of magic power provided by [The Lost Chapter]. Start using Shadow Trace to clear the line quickly.

After pushing down the line of troops, he did not go to the jungle to put pressure on others.

Instead, he stayed in the middle, constantly firing basic attacks and skills, threatening the broilers who wanted to hit the bottom of the tower.

This made Song Yijin miserable.

The combination of mercury shoes and dark seal combines movement speed, smoothness and toughness, and can increase the amount of potion recovery. The number of [glory] layers that the dark seal can add can also pave the way for the subsequent synthesis of the murderous book.

But it's not without its shortcomings - it's more defensive, but it inevitably lacks some damage.

And another point is that there is no mana blessing.

He chose straw sandals + four reds as his starting outfit. There was no problem in the early stage of laning. After all, Enchantress's equipment at that time was not very good, her skill level was not high, and her damage was low and her CD was long, so her ability to push the line was not fast.

Broiler can also take the time to use blue cards to help restore a little mana.

But now that Lin Ran has equipment and blue buffs, and his troops have been piled up in front of his tower for a long time, the broiler is very embarrassed at this time.

Because he has no blue BUFF.

At the beginning of the game, King Ning forcibly invaded YM's upper and jungle areas and took the lead in stealing the blue BUFF, so Lin Ran could get his own blue in about 7 minutes.

But broiler chickens can’t.

Xiaoyao started from the red BUFF in the lower half of YM. By the time he wiped out the blue BUFF on IG, the time had already reached more than three minutes.

With all the calculations, it would take about eight and a half minutes for Song Yijin to get his own blue BUFF.

Without the support of mana, Card Master looked extremely embarrassed.

Level 1 W [Select Card] costs 40 blue points, but the blue card recovery amount is only 50 points.

In other words, a blue card can only restore 10 blue points to the card master.

The level 7 card has level 4 Q [universal card], and the mana consumption of each Q skill is 90 points.

This is simply living beyond one's means.

Moreover, the card equipment does not have much magic power, so Song Yijin's line clearing speed becomes very slow.

Even if he has a minion remover, he can't guarantee that he can quickly clear out every wave of soldiers.

Lin Ran relied on himself to push the line quickly and cool down quickly, so he would come up and touch him from time to time.

Soon the broiler only had one health regeneration potion left.

Now that the time is approaching 8 minutes, Canyon Pioneer is about to refresh.

"Let me help you!" Gao Zhenning offered.

He wanted to quickly liberate the broiler chicken, form a linkage between IG's midfielder and jungler, and drive the rhythm in other lanes to look for killing opportunities.

Song Yijin did not object.

He was really under a lot of pressure now, and Lin Ran was clearly determined to use up all his health and mana before he would give up.

"Kill him once now, let's move to the upper half, and use the upper lane right to directly take the vanguard!"

Song Yijin arranged.

Prince Ning was very careful this time. He knew that Lin Ran's Ghost Poro and Ornament Eye might be present near the middle lane.

Therefore, I started scanning in advance to ensure that I would not be discovered by YM.

"You can join me this time!" Song Yijin was still swaying people, trying to get his top laner to join him.

He was afraid that Xiaoyao's Xin Zhao would squat behind him. If there was a midfielder duel, the heroes he and King Ning would play would definitely not be as good as YM's midfielder.

Jiang Chenglu responded.

He has now made a bunch of small pieces to synthesize the Bilgewater Scimitar. Although the combat effectiveness is not that strong, as long as he is willing to teleport and join the battle, he can definitely help the team build an advantage.

As soon as he responded, he used Q [Transparent Holy Light] to pass through the minion and hit Kenan from a long distance. At the same time, he also fired a W [Holy Bullet], which kept wearing down Jin Gong's health.

This is to pave the way for when the battle breaks out later, to suppress Xiba Ren's condition and prevent him from teleporting.

"Prince Ning has arrived at the grass above the middle road and is ready for a surprise attack. Now we are just waiting for the Enchantress to reveal her flaws!"

Miller sees the whole picture from God's perspective.

There were also many YM fans in the stands who were worried, fearing that Lin Ran would be ganked by King Ning.

And Lin Ran, who was gradually trapped in the dense network set up by IG, was not unaware of it.

In his chat channel, a prompt appeared.

The card master exchanged his teleportation for ignition.

This is the effect of [Unsealed Secret Book].

But Lin Ran was unmoved. After a moment, the demonic shadow still stepped forward, and hit Drizzt with a malicious magic seal and a basic attack.

He is waiting for the opponent to draw a card. If Song Yijin draws a yellow card, he will trigger his second W and return to the original position to open up.

If the opponent does not draw a yellow card, then he will perform another basic attack, trigger the electrocution, and then go back.

Seeing Lin Ran step forward, the three-color card logo immediately appeared above Song Yijin's head.

And the first one that happened to appear was a yellow card.

Along with the unique sound effects, Song Yijin locked it down!

"Brother Ran immediately retreated to his original position and kept a distance from the card!"

This distance is close to 1,000 yards, and normal basic attacks will definitely not reach Lin Ran.

The broiler has been bullied for a long time, and this time he finally stopped being beaten passively.

He drank the last bottle of blood medicine on his body and used the acceleration effect of the time warp tonic to take a step forward.

Coupled with the increased movement speed of the mercury shoes, the distance between the two people was quickly shortened.

The next moment, a golden light flashed!

The Card Master flashed forward and brought the Enchantress's figure into his normal attack range.

While the ignition was hanging on the head of the scheming enchantress, the yellow card was also thrown out!

At the same time, the green steel shadow emerged from the grass above.

"Brother Ran didn't flash, he is very dangerous now!"

I remember yelling.

Ning Wang's Camille has just been upgraded to level 6 because she helped Song Yijin solve two waves of middle troops and gained a lot of experience.

The level 6 Green Steel Shadow is paired with the level 7 Card Master to kill a trick enchantress without flashing. The success rate is quite high.

"Zhao Xin, who sells the sky, is guarding Xiahe Road. When he sees that his family is in trouble, he rushes here as soon as possible!"

Not only him, but the bottom duo also started to move towards the middle.

However, since Jack and Liu Qingsong just gained the bottom lane advantage through Lin Ran, the duo currently has lane rights and can head to the battlefield first. However, Sima Laothief and Bao Lan can only take a detour and cut into the river from their own blue buff camp, which will waste a period of time. time.

TheShy, who was on the road, consumed another wave of Thunderbolt Bobby's health, and then turned back, intending to get rid of Jin Gong and send support.

The director hurriedly gave a shot and let the scene return to the battlefield in the middle.

"Ning Wang E [Hook Rope] hit the wall, and the second section of the wall moved forward, trying to kick the Enchantress!"

During this period, Lin Ran had recovered from the yellow card stun state. After all, the yellow card stun duration of Level 1 W [Card Selection] was only 1 second.

But now he doesn't have the shadow or flash of the demon shadow, so it's impossible for him to avoid the Qinggang shadow's wall return.

He simply took advantage of King Ning before he could kick him, and used E [Phantom Chain] to hit the card master who was a little further away from him. Broiler had just lost his Q [Universal Card], and now he wanted to use his normal attack to make up for it. harm.

This flat A has already taken action, and the body is in a state of stiffness, unable to avoid the chains at all.

"Brother Ran used his ultimate move to copy the phantom chain, and successfully tied it to Qinggang Ying." Miller increased his speaking speed, "After King Ning kicked the opponent unconscious, he set up Challenge Punishment, and R [Hex Ultimatum] hit. Enchantress, use the increased attack speed effect AQA to launch a strong attack!"

Coupled with the card's previous yellow card + universal card + basic attack, LeBlanc's passive Mirror Flower Water Moon has been triggered!

The Trickery Enchantress enters the invisibility effect for one second.

From God's perspective, Lin Ran kept moving forward, making it impossible for Song Yijin's Card Master to escape from the shackles of the phantom chain.

Finally, the moment he emerged from invisibility, the phantom chain was successfully triggered!

"Camille and Drizzt are all trapped in place!"

At the same time, the Garlic Bastard emerged from the grass below the middle road.

Without hesitation, he flashed forward to close the distance, and E [Fearless Charge] stabbed Drizzt in the face!

He knew that Song Yijin had just handed over Flash in order to immobilize Lin Ran, and it would take some time for W [Card Selection] to improve, so this was undoubtedly the best target to kill.

"Challenge and Punishment are installed, Xin Zhao's output is very high!"

Card Master released Mercury Shoes, which only provided magic resistance but not armor. Faced with the threat of Xin Zhao, he was actually still a little fragile.

The moment Xin Zhao appeared in everyone's sight at IG, Lucian, who was on the road, also avoided Kenan's pursuit and handed over his teleportation!

"I can't come," Jin Gong reminded his teammates loudly, "the blood volume and the status of the soldiers' line are too bad!"

After TheShy chose Lucian, its suppressive power has reached its peak. Jin Gong now has only 1/3 of his health left. If he is forcibly teleported, he may not die suddenly on the ground.

He studied it carefully and decided not to go, but to deal with his own troops on the top lane.

Lin Ran responded and continued to run away.

The 1.5-second confinement effect of the phantom chain is quite significant, and neither the card nor the Qinggang Shadow can move now.

Since there were no teammates in the upper half, and Jiang Chenglu's teleportation blocked his way back to the first tower, Lin Ran could only pass through the grass below the middle lane and try to catch up with his duo.

Just now, in order to ensure that his phantom chain could imprison Song Yijin's card, he took two steps upward.

Now if he wanted to retreat further, he would have to get closer to Prince Ning, who had come to him with Hex's ultimatum.

Gao Zhenning showed no mercy and cast W [tactical sweep]!

Since the outer edge of the skill has an 80% slowing effect and the damage is higher, Lin Ran didn't want to take advantage of it, so he could only turn around and move.

He was already trying his best not to get close to Qinggang Ying.

But King Ning still used the extended basic attack effect of Q [Precision Etiquette] to hit him.

The real damage of this kick directly reduced his health to less than two bars.

The ignition effect on the top of his head has not disappeared, and the red punishment is still burning his health bar.

"But IG's midfielder seems to have no damage that can threaten LeBlanc!"

The doll discovered the blind spot.

Prince Ning had just escaped from the confinement effect. Even if he flashed forward and slashed forward, the damage would never be enough to kill Lin Ran.

We can only wait for Lucian to land.

"The Card Master has been knocked into the air and there is not much health left!"

Originally, Song Yijin had been consumed by Lin Ran for a while online, and his health was not very healthy. Even after taking a bottle of blood medicine, his health was still not high.

Xin Zhao's damage in this situation is simply staggering.

After the triple claw strike flies away the opponent, he follows up with W [Wind Slash and Electric Sting], knocking the card down to residual health even before Lucian hits the ground.

Prince Ning felt that Lin Ran would die, and wanted to turn around and help Song Yijin.

"TheShy enters the stage!"

Jiang Chenglu used Lin Ran's champion skin in this game - in fact, he prefers the brilliance of the Yuan Plan. However, he used that skin in the previous game and was trained by Lin Ran like crazy, so his result can only be described as miserable.

He felt that the skin was somewhat stained with mold, which made him a little unlucky, so he switched to the YM champion skin which felt good in this round.

Now TheShy was trembling with excitement when he thought that he could use Lin Ran's skin to kill Lin Ran himself.

This is so cool!

Since there was still a short distance between him and Lin Ran after landing, Jiang Chenglu chose to slide forward and hit the enchantress with two shots.

But the light of the corruption potion suddenly appeared on LeBlanc!

The blood volume instantly recovered a little!

"The ignition effect has disappeared. Brother Ran still holds a bottle of corruption potion in his hand," the doll said very fast, "Now it comes in handy!"

Because the broiler's ignition was set very early, Lin Ran never had the chance to use the potion. Now that the burning effect finally disappeared, Lin Ran immediately drank the potion and instantly restored 63 points of blood, while also gaining 5% of his migration. Quick bonus!

Amidst the cheers from the entire audience, the Trickery Enchantress still had over a hundred points of blood left!

Since the strong attack was not triggered, Lucian's burst damage was much lower.

However, TheShy originally knew that his two basic attacks could not kill Lin Ran, so after sliding forward and raising his hand to shoot two shots, he immediately followed up with Q [Transparent Holy Light]!

As long as the skill hits, this enchantress is a BOSS!

The damage trigger of the body-transparent holy light has a short delay effect.

Just when the holy light was about to hit LeBlanc, a golden light flashed across the river!

A fat catfish appeared behind the Fairy Trickster with wind at its feet, and swallowed her in one gulp!

Successfully helped Lin Ran avoid the damage before the holy light penetrated him!

"Oh my God!" I remember that I couldn't control my voice, and there were faint signs of his voice breaking. "Liu Qingsong rushed to the scene as quickly as possible!"

And Miller also discovered the key point, "He used the unsealed secret book in exchange for a sprint!"

Although it could only be used 5 seconds after switching to sprint, when the torn wound was almost in the middle of the river, Liu Qingsong still opened it in order to get to the battlefield as soon as possible.

Now it was the little time he could save in this race against time to help Lin Ran survive!

There were thunderous cheers at the scene. Su Cheng and the family members of the YM team members beside her kept waving the cheer sticks in their hands, their pretty faces turned red!

"Fuck!" TheShy cursed eloquently.

He didn't expect that Tam would be so crazy and would use all his skills just to save Lin Ran.

IG's duo was still in the middle of the river at this time, nearly 2,000 yards away from the battlefield, which was quite out of reach.

Lin Ran could stay in Tam's mouth for a full 4 seconds!

In these 4 seconds, his life will not be in any danger!

Jiang Chenglu lost his first target, but he didn't want to attack Tamu who was too frank, so he repositioned his target to Xin Zhao, who was dueling with Qinggang Shadow.

Xiaoyao's last basic attack combined with the damage of Challenge Punishment killed Song Yijin, and then used the triggered phase rush effect to try to retreat.

After all, unlike Gao Zhenning, he has no experience in the middle lane, and he also wasted time to give Lin Ran a blue BUFF. As a result, he has not yet reached level 6, and his chance of winning in a one-on-one duel with Qinggang Shadow is not that high.

Jiang Chenglu didn't want to give up following up with Lin Ran, and he didn't want to let Xin Zhao leave, so he decisively activated R [Baptism of the Holy Spear], intending to help his own jungler make up for the damage.

But Lin Ran stayed in Tam's mouth and still didn't give up.

He operated his fake body to help stand between Lucian and Xin Zhao!

"Brother Ran, this is too exaggerated!" Wawa repeatedly praised, "He used his fake body to help block a lot of damage from the Baptism of the Holy Spear, and helped his teammates maintain their health!"

Many YM supporters in the stands screamed lowly when they saw Lin Ran's operation. The sound of 20,000 people gathered together, which sounded huge!

After the 4 seconds of swallowing effect ended, Lin Ran left Tam's mouth.

He is still located in the lower river channel, with less than 200 health points.

The battlefield is now divided into several areas.

Xiaoyao's Zhao Xin and Ning Wang's Qinggang Shadow are on the middle line, TheShy's Lucian is in the middle between the middle line and the river, Lin Ran and Liu Qingsong are slightly lower, and Jack, Sima Old Thief and Bao Lan are on the middle line. Near the center of the river further down.

TheShy had just been paying attention to Lin Ran in the river, and as soon as he noticed his appearance, he subconsciously wanted to take away the head.

However, Liu Qingsong took a sip of his Q [Giant Tongue Whip] in an attempt to slow him down. Jiang Chenglu reacted surprisingly, twisting the skill away with his habitual right-angle movement, but this put a little distance between him and Lin Ran.

Before Jiang Chenglu could dodge and pursue him, a piercing arrow flew from the river in the distance!

"The old thief wants to kill Brother Ran from a distance!"

The old thief Sima was fully charged, and the arrows were filled with the aura of corruption.

Just when she was about to pierce LeBlanc, the Trickery Witch suddenly moved a short distance to the side!

"The Shadow is Lost!" I remember shouting from the commentary desk, and the sound was transmitted to every corner of the Youth Olympic Park Stadium through the speakers, "Brother Ran's W has been turned!"

The cooldown time of the fourth level Shadow Shadow is only 12 seconds. Lin Ran has a blue BUFF and the missing chapter provides 20% CD, which results in a cooldown time of only 9.6 seconds.

After a series of battles, he finally acquired his key escape skill.

The cheers in the stands became even more exaggerated, almost to the point of lifting the dome of the venue!

"Can you run like this?!" Miller's voice was filled with disbelief.

When the old thief Sima was accumulating his Q Piercing Arrow to kill Lin Ran, Jack was not idle either, and kept dealing damage from the side.

Four basic attacks quickly filled up Q [Archer's Concentration], and a shower of arrows shot at Varus!

"The old thief doesn't have two moves, he will be killed by Jack alone!"

Old thief Sima didn't expect that he wouldn't be able to kill Lin Ran like this. Even if he surrendered the flash distance, it wouldn't be enough.

Jiang Chenglu initially thought that his teammates could take away the head, so he did not follow the flash immediately.

Now it's too late to dodge again.

There was a little problem with team communication.

He could only watch Lin Ran escape!

Just when the dogs were resigned to their fate, thinking that Lin Ran was going to escape, a waist rushed out from the side!

"Be careful to use E taunt to get close to LeBlanc..."

"He hooked up the ignition!"

Deadly iodized salt!

Lin Ran also thought that he was determined to run away and was ready to start drinking water in celebration. However, he was still happy too early.

The moment he saw Baolan suddenly appear, he immediately realized something was wrong, and quickly triggered W [Shadow Trace] to return to the original place.

But Ignite doesn't have any trajectory, it's an instant skill, and he can't dodge it at all.

Although Shen is only level 5, the ignition damage is enough to kill him.

Lin Ran's facial expression during this period could be described as changing at the speed of light. In the end, he could only sigh and accept his fate.

"The trick enchantress finally stopped showing off!" I remember that I didn't expect Lin Ran's death to be so dramatic, but he still completed his work conscientiously, "Xiaotian is trying hard to pull Prince Ning up, not wanting Qinggang to shadow him. Go and participate in the battle in the lower river and create an output environment for your teammates!"

When TheShy saw Lin Ran being trapped and ignited, he also ran to the upper battlefield nearest to him to help King Ning deal with the garlic bastard.

And below, Jack and Liu Qingsong are now encircling and suppressing the IG duo.

The opponent has not yet reached level 6, and is no match for Han Bing and Tam in terms of combat effectiveness.

After Lin Ran died in battle, he started to cut the screen to direct OB to his teammates.

"You kill Verus first and then Shen. This kid doesn't taunt or flash, so he can't threaten you!"

"Xiaotian, go up a little further and help me get rid of the middle line of troops before you die!"

When the Garlic Bastard heard this, he immediately cursed, "You are so disgusting, you have to squeeze out every last drop of my oil before you die, right?"

Although he said that, he still used normal attacks to push forward the short wave that stayed in front of the first tower in ig.

In this way, when Lin Ran is resurrected and returns to the middle, there will be a wave of pushback, and the situation is very favorable to him.

"Lucian killed Xin Zhao with his last shot, but in the second half of the showdown, YM had the absolute advantage!"

Verus has an empty Q and no double move. In this case, it is impossible to defeat the ice shooter.

Jack was unequivocal, and the last basic attack combined with W's salvo of thousands of arrows took away the head.

Then he set his sights on Baolan.

Shen wanted to run away at first, but Jack's basic attack stuck to him.

Han Bing used the approaching speed and a movement speed bonus. The Shiba Inu quickly moved forward, connecting arrows in his hands, and finally took down his head!

"YM played two for three, and they also tricked Lucian into teleporting, which was a huge profit!" Watanabe said loudly, "This wave of team battle is actually a 4-on-5, but I didn't expect Brother Ran to manipulate it!"

"The two chains of Enchantress are very crucial. One of them briefly saved her life, and the other sentenced the card to death!"

The cheers from the audience were like waves, slapping heavily on the walls of the gymnasium, and then echoed in the space.

【This enchantress is so handsome! 】

[A handsome man can use a hammer to ignite and suppress all the bells and whistles! 】

[Brother Ran used a fake to baptize Xiao Tian with the holy spear. It really moved me, Rem! 】

[Liu Qingsong’s flash is also very important. It really impresses China’s good teammates. Why can’t I encounter this kind of support in ranked? 】

[I suggest you look for the reason within yourself. Honey, if you can play at Brother Ran’s level, your assistant will probably have to beg you to kill him in exchange for money to buy equipment]

"Ah..." Song Yijin stroked his forehead, looking annoyed, "If I had known, I would have bought some magic power equipment."

The output was only so small, but Lin Ran was forced to delay it for seven or eight seconds, messing up the entire battle!

What Broiler feels now is regret.

Very regretful.

"My, my, my..." Jiang Cheng apologized in immature Chinese, but he couldn't speak Mandarin for the next words, so he had to switch to Korean.

"If I had known earlier, I would have flashed it quickly, but in the end, I wasted too many skills just to kill the enchantress."

Like many operational monsters, he also likes to save flash.

I didn't expect that something would happen in this province.

The YM team's voice was full of cheers.

"Well done, Brother Ran!" Jin Gong was enjoying his progress on the top lane.

This wave of theshy teleported to the bottom lane. Although one kill was gained, the overall economy did not gain any lead.

Because he lost nearly two waves of troops.

Jin Gong, on the other hand, developed well on the top lane for half a minute, and now he has gained back some experience.

"Will our Canyon Pioneer be let go?" Jack, who survived, asked proactively.

King Ning and Jiang Chenglu ran to the top half, but after a while Jin Gong didn't see each other appear on the top lane.

Without even thinking about it, the other side must have launched a vanguard.

Now Xiaotian and Lin Ran are dead, and there are still about 10 seconds before they can be resurrected.

Without home guards, they have 30 seconds to reach the Canyon Vanguard battlefield.

Let's just say that YM only has three top laners and bottom laners who can participate in this battle.

"We can give in, but we have to force the card to teleport out!" Lin Ran quickly made a decision.

Jack and Liu Qingsong understood clearly. They walked straight through the middle and headed towards the upper half.

On the way, he also used Eagle Strike to explore the sky and provide help to his teammates.

"Jin Gong came down from the top road and formed a double flank with his own two, planning to fight for this vanguard!"

Miller didn't know the inside story.

Song Yijin also didn't know that although his team members were in good condition, there were only two of them, which occupies a numerical disadvantage.

After his resurrection, he quickly teleported to the Canyon Pioneer Pit, and at the same time held a yellow card in his hand to prevent the other party from stepping forward.

The YM personnel achieved their goal and decisively chose to retreat.

"The first Canyon Pioneer was acquired by IG, but we still have to see how they change the line," I remember being worried. "After all, the current situation is not very optimistic for them!"

Although I got the Rift Herald, the key point of the problem has not been solved yet.

The card cannot be moved.

In addition, Qinggangying has also used his ultimate move, and it is difficult for IG to pick up the rhythm again.

The two sides did not change lanes, Lin Ran still stayed in the middle.

But his playing style became more and more arrogant.

Lin Ran knew that the cock was not showing up now, and it was not easy for Qinggangying to catch him unless he was big enough.

Enchantress is almost invincible in this situation.

After all, Drizzt's yellow card has a ballistic trajectory. As long as Lin Ran controls the distance, he can use W to return to his original position before the yellow card hits him.

This makes it very difficult for broilers to exchange blood.

Lin Ran stood out as a confident person.

"IG has to slow down their pace," I remember saying loudly, "They seem to want to wait for Qinggangying's ultimate move to improve, and then use their lane switching advantage to advance as a group!"

The time came to 11 minutes and 30 seconds in a blink of an eye.

There is still no chance to use the card's ultimate move, but Qinggangying's second R has already been turned.

King Ning also wanted to catch a wave of Lin Ran to free the broiler.

But this time TheShy's TP did not improve, and Liu Qingsong came to the battlefield again with his long-range ultimate move [Abyss Submarine].

After successfully rescuing Lin Ran, YM Zhongfu waited until Xiaotian arrived.

In the end, Broiler without escape skills could only be chased to death, while Qinggangying could only hand over Flash.

"YM played 0 for 1, IG lost again!"

Miller finally saw something was wrong.

"Why does IG have to fight near the middle every time? The advantages of the cards cannot be used at all!"

Drizzt is a hero who is strong in catching singles and split-pushing.

But IG decided to place the battlefield in the middle.

Here, the role of cards is far less than that of Enchantress.

This left the three commentators puzzled.

But in fact IG is also very helpless.

If the battlefield is not placed in the middle, the Broiler will not be able to be liberated at all.

Lin Ran took full advantage of Enchantress's strengths and kept harassing her from the side, preventing the Card Master from maintaining a good health volume.

Moreover, the line rights have always been in Lin Ran's hands. If King Ning does not come, the broiler will be very uncomfortable and unable to swim at all.

This is a proper beating.

"IG's Canyon Pioneer is about to expire, and King Ning no longer cares about expanding his advantage. He can only run to the top lane and release it to help theshy push down the first-blood tower on the top lane!"

But the price paid was that the health of Song Yijin's first tower in the middle was reduced by half.

At the same time, the advancement of the bottom lane also continued.

Jack seized the opportunity and directly activated his ultimate magic crystal arrow to immobilize Verus.

The two sides fought each other, but fortunately Shen's sword formation helped block many basic attacks, otherwise the old thief Sima might have been knocked out of the line to kill.

"IG's bottom lane can only retreat to supply status, but YM showed no mercy and began to advance the bottom lane's first tower!"

Except for theshy on the top lane who still maintains his matchup advantage, IG's other two lines currently have considerable disadvantages.

Song Yijin took two deep breaths and forced himself to calm down.

The current situation of the team is very unfavorable, and he is also thinking about solutions.

Broiler kept recalling the last game. What did Lin Ran do when he used cards to face his Syndra?

In that game, Lin Ran firmly controlled the rhythm in his own hands, and Song Yijin felt that he could also follow suit.

But then he realized something was wrong.

The situations in the two games are completely different and there is no way to apply them.

In the mid-term, Lin Ran took advantage of Xiaotian being caught by King Ning in the jungle and decisively gave up the life of his own jungler. Taking advantage of Song Yi's support, he used his ultimate move to fly onto the road and catch Jiang Chenglu to death.

But looking at it now, King Ning can't beat Xiaotian in the jungle.

If the two junglers really met 1 on 1 in the jungle, King Ning might even be killed directly.

Lin Ran didn't have to support his teammates at all. He only had to hold on to the lane in the middle and watch the Card Master prevent Song Yi from going in to support.

What to do in this situation?

Only then did Broiler realize that he had fallen into the trap designed by ym.

Card Master is not as invincible as imagined in this version.

He needs junglers to coordinate.

It is best for this jungle hero to be absolutely strong, so that after gaining an advantage in the jungle, he can follow the invasion and snowball.

But when Ning Wang Qinggangying faced Xin Zhao, he obviously did not meet this condition.

Neither Song Yijin nor head coach Kim Jingzhu noticed this at the beginning.

The pause was so short that they had no time to think about it.

At the beginning of the second game, I got this hero by grabbing the ban.

Only now did they discover the problem.

After thinking about all this, Song Yijin couldn't help but feel chills all over his body.

The trap is buried deep.

And IG has stepped on it.

What to do next?

Jin Jingzhu also considered this.

He finally figured out why after the second set of BP, Hongmi showed such a confident smile when shaking hands.

Although YM’s other options are not as good as IG.

But in the crucial midfield, YM got Enchantress + Xin Zhao!

This can be said to be one of the strongest midfielder combinations in the entire league!

But at that time, he could only do the next best thing and get the Qinggang Shadow for Prince Ning.

After the midfielder hero combination fell into a disadvantage, Song Yijin and Ning Wang did not take advantage of the operation and linkage, and could not rely on hard power to fill the BP loopholes like they did when facing other teams!

IG can't open up the situation in the middle and jungle, and now there is no rhythm!

In the YM lounge on the other side of the backstage, Hongmi was high-fiving Guo Hao, Gou Ba and Jiang Chenglu.

In his opinion, the execution of the team members was quite perfect.

Next, as long as Jin Gongluo's development can be supplemented a little more...

Then there is no problem.

Is this chapter big enough?

Ps: I thought I could finish this game...

Now that you have adjusted your schedule, let’s push forward immediately! I promise, I’ll continue the chapter tomorrow!

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