LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 612 Chapter 610: The magical hypnotic bubble!

Seeing the kill prompt appear, Gao Zhenning smiled crookedly, his expression slightly satisfied.

Want to use Ashe to watch my jungle activities?

Then I'll take action before your ice reaches level 2 and see what you do!

Lin Ran was also surprised by King Ning's secondary attack, but he still comforted his teammates in the team voice.

"Don't be anxious, just take your time."

Jin Gong scratched his forehead and made a muffled sound.

To be honest, any online hero who is ganked by the opponent's jungler at the second level will inevitably feel a little irritated.

However, the Xiba people must suppress their inner anxiety and focus on the game.

If impulsiveness starts to take over, you will fall right into the trap of King Ning and IG.

Although Jin Gong usually talks about Xiba when playing in qualifying, he is very calm on the field.

After all, a professional player must be able to manage his emotions well.

"Fortunately, I brought Immortality." After resurrecting, he handed over the teleport and joked with his teammates, "If I brought stolen money, wouldn't it be over?"

If he carries the Omen of Stealing, he will definitely be very uncomfortable when faced with the Sword Lady's attack after being taken out of first blood.

The Immortal Grip is much more comfortable. Combined with the pupation and bone plating in the small runes, it can provide him with good stability and play a crucial role in the early stage of the lane.

"Then I'll look at the troll's position later." Jack, who was still developing steadily in the bottom lane, said.

Now that King Ning has shown his face, you can probably guess the subsequent jungle route. After the Shiba Inu reaches the second level, there is no need to directly use the eagle to hit the sky. It will be better to hold it in your hand.

"No problem," Lin Ran responded, "When necessary, I will mark it for you before releasing it."

He maintains a stable line in the middle.

The early enchantress was definitely no match for Zoe.

Lin Ran wanted to be more cautious at the beginning of the game, but when he saw King Ning running to the top lane to catch people at the second level, he simply became more aggressive.

Use your Q [Flying Star Chaos] and passive fireworks to continuously advance the army line.

Song Yijin wanted to struggle and resist at first, but the Enchantress he was operating was really weak.

The cooldown time of W [Shadow's Trace], the core skill for clearing the army line, at level one is fully twice that of Zoe's Q [Flying Stars], and the damage is even lower.

Not to mention the gap in passive damage. Zoe can pull out two passives by casting a Q, and the speed of pushing the line is extremely fast.

Song Yijin wanted to step forward to exchange blood, trying to lower Lin Ran's blood volume so that Zoe could no longer handle the advancing troops unscrupulously.

But what a coincidence, just when he wanted to take advantage of Lin Ran's skill vacuum after casting Q Flying Star, he found that Granny Zoe raised her hand and fired a passive basic attack, clicking away a weapon with W [ Skillful Spell Stealer] A minion of spell fragments!

Pieces fell.

Lin Ran's mood was as exciting as opening a blind box. The moment he saw the fragmented model on the ground, his eyes lit up.

Rocket belt!

An honest person with a soft personality like Broiler wanted to scold Xiba angrily.

Give Level 3 Zoe the active effect of a Rocket Belt, how can he exchange blood for a duel?

If they really want to fight, after Zoe throws the rocket belt, she can also trigger the active effect of Spell Stealing Hands, which increases the damage and movement speed...

Slip away!

"Rookie was forced to retreat and move his troops in!"

When Lin Ran saw the enchantress opposite him take two steps back, he was not in a hurry to pick up the spell fragments on the ground, but continued to push the line.

He now knew very well that as long as the fragments of the Rocket Belt were still on the ground, LeBlanc would never dare to come up and exchange blood with him.

Then he simply waited until the last moment before the spell fragments disappeared and then picked them up.

The spell fragments dropped by minions last for 20 seconds and can be used for 60 seconds after being picked up.

In other words, as long as Lin Ran clicks on the time, during these 80 seconds, the cock enchantress will not be able to cause any more trouble.

He wants to make the most of his scattered advantages.

Broiler frowned but had no other choice but to let Zoe hoard the third wave of artillery soldiers and push them under his tower.

The Enchantress still has an advantage over many mages in terms of tower swords. After all, she has Q [Male Seal] to assist in replenishing troops.

But the problem is that LeBlanc is also a purely skill-based hero. If she gives up her skills in order to repair the tower sword, the Enchantress's combat effectiveness will drop several levels, and she can only be bullied by her opponents at will, without the ability to fight back. .

Lin Ran's proficiency with Enchantress was also very high. He knew very well that LeBlanc was at a weak point when he was under the tower, so he did not hesitate and began to use his strength to bully others.

After pushing the troops forward, he kept consuming Song Yijin.

As long as the Enchantress uses basic attacks or skills to hit the last hit, Lin Ran will take the time to give her some flying stars or pyrotechnic basic attacks to torture her opponent repeatedly.

The distance of the Zoe he used was very tight, and it was stuck at the very edge of the defense tower's range. He waited until the defense tower had locked onto the minions and launched artillery fire before attacking the broiler.

In this way, even if the defense tower sounds a warning and switches the hatred target to Zoe, it will be useless.

The attack speed of the turret is 0.83, and there is a certain interval between each shot. Lin Ran only needs to leave the range of the defense tower before the next shot is fired.

Then, when the defense tower locks on the minion again, he can run into the shooting range again and deal a set of damage to the Enchantress.

The IG mid-tower issued early warnings time and time again, wanting Zoe to get out quickly.

But Lin Ran jumped repeatedly at the edge of the shooting range, and in the end the defense tower didn't even hit him with a single shot!

I jumped in, I jumped out again...

In the stands, the audience gave warm applause and cheers to this pleasing picture!

"Wow..." The doll said a familiar tone particle again, "Brother Ran is playing with the defense tower!"

The cock bit his lower lip.

This was not the first time he had seen this kind of skill in blocking defense towers. His top laner TheShy's skills in this area were not inferior to Lin Ran's, and were even better.

What's more, he can do it himself.

But this does not prevent the broiler from being suppressed very uncomfortable.

The whole time, he could only watch Lin Ran jumping sideways repeatedly, not daring to fight back at all.

Once Lin Ran is attacked with basic attack or Q [Malicious Seal], the large wave of artillery soldiers will change the attack target and lock on the body of the enchantress.

At this time, the output of a wave of soldiers is higher than that of the mage. Song Yijin's resistance will only reduce his blood volume faster.

He was extremely miserable, and his eyes looking at Zoe were full of anger.

Isn't this person afraid of me as a jungler?

Lin Ran felt comfortable, and while LeBlanc was clearing the artillery line, he lowered the Enchantress's health to half, and then retreated with satisfaction.

If he dares to press the line like this, he will naturally have something to rely on.

Why does the jungler's second level capture come so unexpectedly?

Because from a jungle planning perspective, this is a loss-making deal.

It's okay to catch the middle lane, but it will expose your whereabouts. Even if the jungler can't catch anyone, he can still go to the other half of the area to continue farming.

If you capture the upper and lower wings, it will waste a lot of time in the jungle.

After reaching the second level, it takes about 10 seconds to get from the jungle camp to the side road, and 20 seconds to return. Regardless of whether it is successful or not, it will take some time to gank the raid.

Calculating carefully, grabbing the wing at the second level will waste about half a minute.

Most junglers in the professional arena don't do this, so many online players are defenseless against secondary ganks.

Even if someone is caught, the jungler will still lose experience. In the following period, he must rush to the jungle to make up for his lost experience, and at the same time, he must keep up with the opponent's wild monster refresh time.

Only in this way can you ensure that you will not lose your rhythm in the next period of time.

In Lin Ran's idea, since King Ning had ganked once in the early stage, he must still be in the jungle development stage.

However, he knew that the other party was a reckless man. Just in case, and worried that King Ning would forcefully catch him, Lin Ran deliberately moved downwards, where his own jungler could seek shelter.

"Xiao Wei just took advantage of the gap between King Ning's second-level capture and traveled a long way to the lower half of IG. He used Brother Ran's line power to cover up and ate the blue buff on the opposite side!"

That's not all yet. The Garlic Bastard is wreaking havoc in IG's lower jungle area, and even wants to eat King Ning's Three Wolves and Demon Marsh Frog in one go.

Anyway, Gao Zhenning's troll didn't flash. Even if they met face to face, as long as he could use phase dash, his life would not be in danger.

Moreover, Xiaoyao also placed an ornamental eye at the entrance of the opponent's Three Wolf camp to monitor King Ning's movements.

So far, this eye has not found the figure of King Ning's troll.

Based on this information, Lin Ran could probably tell that King Ning was still active at the top of the map, and was most likely located in the Ueno area of ​​YM, replacing Xiaoyao's wild monsters.

Therefore, as long as he moves slightly lower, Prince Ning who has not flashed will not be able to catch him.

This is indeed the case. Gao Zhenning did have the idea of ​​​​coming to the middle to help the broiler before, but seeing that Lin Ran was too careful with his positioning, he had to give up this plan.

The laning torture in the middle is not over yet.

Since the third wave of artillery soldiers had been hoarded by Lin Ran before, they were all pushed into Broiler's defense tower. During this period, he kept jumping horizontally repeatedly within the range of the defense tower, attracting the attention of the turret, which caused the turret to help Song Yijin clean up. The soldier's speed is slightly slower.

When the fourth wave of soldiers arrived, the handover position was still in the IG middle tower.

The line of troops naturally pushes back in the YM direction.

But Lin Ran ignored it and continued to clean up the soldiers. To do this, he also drank a bottle of corruption potion, and the flying stars continued to hit the soldier line.

This is obviously to destroy the pushback line and let the minions continue to advance towards the IG middle tower.

"Brother Ran is pushing the line hard!" Remember to react, "He has made up his mind to consume another wave of Rookies under the tower!"

Song Yijin had nothing to do with him.

Although Broiler also carried a minion remover in this game to ensure its ability to push the line.

But after being weakened once, the use time of the minion death weapon has been delayed to 4 minutes, and it cannot be used at this time.

In addition, the rocket belt Lin Ran picked up has not been used yet, which makes Song Yi dare not make mistakes when he throws the rat weapon.

When the fifth wave of soldiers arrived in the middle, Lin Ran once again accumulated a large number of soldiers and pushed them into the broiler's defense tower.

The director's camera was focused on the middle.

The scene a minute ago was repeated again. Lin Ran was still showing off the defense tower, and the chicken had no other way to get beaten under the tower!

[Hey guys, am I watching a replay? 】

[Brother Ran is quite capable of suppressing the line! I can’t even get the broiler yet]

[The main problem is the hero. The hero Zoe is so disgusting in laning and has no natural enemies at all]

[There is no way, it was bad luck that Brother Ran picked up a rocket belt, so he could only get beaten without fighting back]

Lin Ran also used his expiring rocket belt this time, and the Enchantress' health was reduced again.

"Rookie is really exhausted!"

Song Yijin initially wanted to maintain his form and continue to rely on the line, but now he has changed his mind.

He drank all the medicine on his body, maintained a good condition, and cleaned up the soldiers under the tower.

Then he retreated to the shadow area behind the tower and began to read the message back to the city.

"In this way, Broiler has to hand over the teleportation line when he returns to the city. Now he is suppressed by 5 soldiers..." Miller glanced at the status bar of the mid laners of both sides, "But Brother Ran doesn't have much mana left! "

After Lin Ran discovered that Broiler Chicken had returned to the city, he stopped interfering with the trend of the army.

In this way, the sixth wave of artillery soldiers will still push back the line. This time Lin Ran plans to control the line firmly in front of his own tower.

After all, Xiaotian has now eaten up the lower half of IG's jungle area, and now there are no neutral resources to compete for.

Lin Ran had nowhere to go after getting the line control, so he simply moved his troops over to ensure his own safety.

This was all calculated by him.

As long as he doesn't make mistakes, he can continue to suppress his opponents, gradually expand his laning advantage, and finally roll up his personal advantage and turn it into a team advantage.

Song Yijin's return to the city did not dilute the smell of blood in Summoner's Rift.

The screen switches to the road.

Miller found that Jin Gong had a bottle of reusable potion that he had not consumed yet, but still had more than 70% of his health. The bottle of reusable potion that TheShy brought with him when he went out had been eaten, and he still had half of his health.

"Brother Gongzi is living a very comfortable life now, and his last hit is almost the same as TheShy!"

While talking, there was another fight on the road.

It has to be said that TheShy's operation is very detailed. After the displacement of Q [Breaking Slash], he always stays outside the captain's normal attack range, so that Jin Gong cannot hit himself with normal attacks.

But Jin Gong was not a vegetarian either. He had previously put the powder keg on his heels.

In this way, even if the swordswoman stabs forward with her air-piercing slash, she still won't be able to reach the gunpowder barrel in the first place.

Seeing that TheShy dared to move forward to exchange blood for consumption, Xibaren directly placed a second gunpowder barrel next to the opponent, and then slashed at his feet with A, detonating the barrel with one bar of blood!

The powder barrel next to TheShy was also affected, causing a series of explosions.

He didn't want to take any damage, so he quickly raised W [Laurent's Heart Sword] to block it.

"Brother Gongzi had expected it. He used a basic attack to detonate the gunpowder barrel while moving to the side, successfully dodging Sword Queen's W!"

I remember watching the top laners on both sides engage in psychological warfare, and quickly increased their speaking speed, "Then the captain will use the acceleration effect to move forward and use A to fire a passive fire knife on Sword Princess!"

True damage burned on Fiona, draining TheShy's health.

Jin Gong ate TheShy's A+E [Deadly Stab], and Fiona's first sword of the fatal stab had a slowing effect, but the duration was only 1 second.

Xibaren was not in a hurry to throw out Q [Gunfire Negotiation], but ate an orange to release the slow state. During the period of stiffness after eating the fruit, he took Fiona's second sword.

But this is harmless. Jin Gong took advantage of his acceleration state not to end, and first opened a distance of about 300 yards from Sword Princess, so that the other party could not attack him.

A moment later, Jiang Chenglu was hit with a single shot. The dense green light, which symbolized the breath of life, was drawn out of Sword Girl's body and inhaled into Captain Plank's body.

The two sides distanced themselves and the fight came to an end.

After Jin Gong finished eating the orange, he still had about half of his health, while TheShy's health bar was only 1/3.

"Jin Gong is very detailed!" Miller boasted directly, "He waited for a while before throwing Q, just to trigger the effect of the Grasp of Immortality!"

The dolls all found Xibaren's operations pleasing to the eye, "Brother Gongzi, the captain's proficiency is guaranteed, he is indeed a signature hero!"

"I just said that Sword Lady's lane is not easy to fight," I remember saying. "The captain only needs to make good use of the Grasp of Eternity and slowly consume the lane. Once Sword Lady brings Stealing Omen and doesn't steal supplies, it will be good for her." The line will soon run out of status!”

The three commentators are still struggling with the exchange of blood in the top lane just now.

But the director suddenly zoomed out and included the first half of YM!

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the Troll King cleared all the wild monsters in the upper half of the area, successfully upgraded to level 4, and was ready to go to the grass behind the upper tower of the YM with a big stick!

"What does this mean?" Baby's voice was a little shriller, "Does Prince Ning still want to come to Yue Tower?"

"But now IG's top lane troops can't enter the tower at all!"

Since Jin Gong had a smooth ride on the top lane, the handover position of the troops was still far from the advancement tower.

However, this did not dispel Gao Zhenning's determination to cross the tower.

He inserted his jewelry eye at the edge of the YM upper tower's range.

The next moment, the teleportation light lights up!

"Transmission from the broiler!" Miller followed the picture given by the director and saw Song Yijin in the spring still supplying equipment when he handed over the TP.

Dark seal + straw sandals + real eyes.

This ring is obviously meant to be stacked after killing Jin Gong.

IG has decided to kill!

The IG fans in the stands immediately burst into thunderous cheers. They saw their home team launch their second offensive four minutes into the game!

Jin Gong can't deal with this.

No matter how steady he was, he never imagined that the opponent would choose to forcibly cross the tower when there were no soldiers under the tower!

Lin Ran was also confused.

He is still counting down the seconds to return to the city, and now IG is about to take action on the top lane. Should he hand over the teleport or not?

If you cancel the return to the city and teleport directly, the amount of mana on his body will not be much.

If he insists on returning to the city to replenish supplies, he may not have to collect the corpses of the captain until he is transferred to the road again.

After thinking about it and hesitating for a moment, Lin Ran handed over the TP directly!

He knew that IG's overall idea in this game was to fatten up TheShy's Sword Girl and rely on a single belt to win the game.

Lin Ran couldn't let the other party succeed easily.

He will definitely protect Jin Gongzhou!

"Xiaoyu, go directly to Xiaolong." Lin Ran instructed.

Because Garlic Bastard ate an extra group of wild monsters, he is still wandering in the lower half of the area.

He knew that the mid laners of both sides were running to the top lane, but his duo was still pressing the line, so he decisively went to Xiaolong Pit.

This wind dragon is a lossless profit, which is equivalent to what they earned in vain.

"IG started to take action before the Enchantress landed. Theshy slashed forward through the air and successfully poked the flaw in front of the captain!"

This time, he was bound to win by jumping over the tower and killing Jiang Chenglu.

The captain is already a corpse in TheShy's eyes.

One is because Gangplank used the orange during the duel just now. At this time, facing control and burst damage, the captain has no ability to fight back.

The second reason is because of the powder keg.

Jin Gong spent two barrels on the last wave to exchange for blood.

The captain can only store a total of three powder barrels now. After using one, it will start to recharge immediately. The recharging time is 20 seconds.

TheShy's calculation was very accurate. From the moment the captain placed the first powder keg to this moment, there was absolutely no 20 seconds.

In other words, Planck currently only has one bucket in his hand.

The threat that the captain can pose is much smaller!

No matter whether the powder keg is placed at Gangplank's feet or next to TheShy, it will hardly have any effect!

Jiang Chenglu's exchange of blood in the last wave has already paved the way for the three of them to cross the tower and kill. Now it's time to reap the results!

"The troll got the pillar and stuck the captain back who was still trying to retreat!"

King Ning did his job, and with a relatively healthy health, he took over the task of resisting the tower, so that his teammates could safely deal with the damage.

Since Song Yijin was the first to hand over the teleportation, he would land about 1 second earlier than Lin Ran.

"After Broiler arrives on the road, Q [Malicious Seal] hangs on Gangplank, and then throws out the phantom chain first!"

This is mainly used to cheat flash.

In order to drag Lin Ran to the ground, the Xiba people gritted their teeth and handed over Flash.

"LeBlanc's W [Shadow's Trace] stepped on the captain, followed up with a basic attack to trigger electrocution, and successfully took Gangplank away!"

At this time, Lin Ran also joined the battle.

When he landed, he threw the hypnotic bubble towards the troll who was resisting the tower.

Upon seeing this, King Ning first withdrew from the range of the defense tower. Without flashing, he also wanted to avoid the skill by moving.

However, the position of Lin's gas bubble was sealed perfectly, and the distance between the two was not that far, so the troll still managed to get this control skill!

"Sell me, sell me, it's okay!" Gao Zhenning looked distraught.

Since the captain never caused any harm to him, even if Lin Ran killed him, Gangplank would not assist.

It’s not a loss no matter what.

After all, he had finished killing all the wild monsters and was going back to the city to resupply.

"Ran Ge pulled the flying stars and killed the troll with one shot!"

Miller's focus is not on this, "The key is that the captain has already killed 0 and 2 in 4 minutes. This time he has not teleported, and he can't even make up for the line of troops!"

"If this continues, Brother Gongzi's rank and economy will be severely squeezed..."

I remember frowning, "Now TheShy pushed the sixth wave of artillery troops to the YM tower. With first blood and an assist, he returned to the city and directly took out Tiamat and a real eye. , get ready to start pushing the line non-stop!”

And even if Jin Gong had the help of going out to install the blue crystal, he still didn't have enough gold coins to buy Yaoguang after his resurrection.

There is still 22 gold coins left.

In the end, he could only wait in the spring water for 10 seconds before he could collect the 700 gold coins, buy Yaoguang and rush on the road without stopping.

Since Binxuan had already entered the tower at this time, Lin Ran could only help Jin Gong eat the artillery cart. After returning to the city, his financial situation was also very embarrassing.

The number of gold coins is less than 1200, so I can't afford the missing chapter.

In the end, Lin Ran could only wear a pair of barefoot shoes, and used the extra gold coins to buy a real eye.

Fortunately, this plate is supported by Corruption Potion and Mana Flow Tie, and the mana amount is barely enough.

"Xiaotian took over the wind dragon, and the two sides resumed the battle, but the trend of the troops in the middle looks very favorable to Brother Ran!"

The pushback line that Lin Ran had previously controlled in the middle came in handy.

When the two sides went to the road to support, the middle line of soldiers had not moved. Now that they returned to the line again, the handover position of the soldiers was in front of Lin Ran Tower.

The broiler chicken lost five soldiers.

Lin Ran, on the other hand, leisurely began to clean up the soldiers, only repairing the tail sword, trying to control the soldier line in place.

A conflict also broke out in the bottom lane at this time.

Jack caught the sapphire bull's head and used the shield of the holy object to repair the cannon truck. He hit the opponent with a salvo of thousands of arrows, triggering the acceleration effect of his own approach speed, and chased him all the way forward.

"Sapphire W [Savage Crash] tried to push away the ice...but Liu Qingsong swallowed Ai Xi with great food!"

Jack immediately emerged from Tam's mouth. After stacking the stacks, he activated Q [Shooter's Focus] and began to output wildly!

"The Taurus was forced to use Q [Earth Shatter] to knock Tahm back up, triggering the aftershock effect on himself!"

The old thief Sima was also doing output beside him.

But this did not stop Shiba Inu.

"Jack is not afraid at all!"

The Ice Archer kept pushing forward, arrows pouring down from his hands, and combined with Tahm's Q [Giant Tongue Whip], Sapphire couldn't move!

In order to avoid being hit by Ice R [Magic Crystal Arrow] and Zoe's Hypnotic Bubble, Sima Lao Thief specially used purification in this game.

Without treatment, Baolan was forced to hand over Flash to distance herself.

"YM's bottom lane has opened up the situation a little bit..."

Lin Ran was not idle either. He controlled the wave of soldiers for a while and found that Broiler couldn't wait any longer. He stepped forward and wanted to force the wave of soldiers into the YM defense tower.

If the soldier line is not handled, as long as Lin Ran wants to control it, the soldiers can stay in front of the YM Tower for two or three minutes, which will make Song Yijin very uncomfortable.

"Xiaotian, come directly and catch him!" Lin Ran understood the other party's intention and put the Garlic Bastard in position in advance.

Liu Qingsong left the line at this time and placed an accessory eye between the IG blue buff and the Demon Swamp Frog camp.

This eye successfully saw Prince Ning's movements at 5 minutes and 10 seconds.

Trolls are farming Frogs.

Only then did Xiaotian feel relieved and take action.

"The Enchantress handed over the W Demonic Shadow Tracer to clean up the military line..."

At this moment, the Garlic Bastard emerged from the grass, flashed E [Fearless Charge] and stabbed the Enchantress directly in the face!

"The broiler was shocked and forced to hand over Flash!"

Song Yijin was afraid that if his skills were slower, he would be caught up by Lin Ran.

This time, his life was saved, and the Shadow Shadow Trace also cleared all the military lines in front of the YM Tower.

The line of troops will push back later.

The broiler breathed a sigh of relief.

As usual, Lin Ran waited for the flash fragments on the ground to disappear before picking them up.

The time has come to six minutes.

The characters in the middle and upper single-player lines have generally reached level six.

Except for golden tribute.

Having died twice in battle, his experience was just over half of level five.

"King Ning came all the way up, and he wanted to take advantage of the vacuum period after Jin Gong handed over the flash to plan a gank on the road!"

However, this time the Garlic Bastard has stepped up its supervision of the heroes on the top lane.

When the troll attacked, he was in the top half and rushed to the battlefield immediately to save his top laner.

"Fortunately, King Ning ran fast and used a pillar to isolate himself from Xin Zhao!"

Even so, he was still beaten, and his blood volume was probably a little over 60%.

Lin Ran, who was still facing each other in the middle lane, watched King Ning's troll figure disappear into the triangular grass on the top lane.

Judging from the last moment before the fog of war covered it, King Ning was going to move to the lower half.

This is also understandable.

After all, in the upper half of IG's jungle area, the second round of wild monsters that were just refreshed have all been eaten by King Ning.

If you want to continue to grow in the jungle, you must go to the lower half of the area.

Lin Ran's mind was spinning rapidly while he was facing the line.

Now a river crab has been refreshed on the map, located exactly in the lower half.

If King Ning works hard, he can eat it before Xiaotian arrives.

If you think about it this way...

The troll must get to the lower river as quickly as possible.

The path is to follow the triangular grass on the upper road, walk above the dragon pit, along the narrow road between the wall of the middle road and the IG Sharpbill Camp, and run to the river in the lower half.

"Want me to help take a look at the troll's movements?" Jack asked.

"No, no, no, if you put it above E, it will alert the enemy." Lin Ran objected quickly.

He thought about all this and used the unsealed secret book to replace teleportation with ignition.

Then walk to the vertical wall above the middle road near your own defense tower!

He calculated the time correctly and used R [return jump] to cross the wall and reach the grass above the middle road!

And in this startling glance, he saw the troll on the narrow road between the middle wall and the IG Sharpbill camp!

It's now!

Using the Enchantress Flash that he picked up before, Lin Ran suddenly moved forward and threw out E [Hypnosis Bubble]!

The bubble passed through the wall and successfully hit the troll who was still separated by a wall after using R [Return Jump]!

"What's going on?!" Wawa yelled, "How did Brother Ran see Prince Ning's location?"

"He obviously didn't set eyes on that narrow road, but he saw Prince Ning's position!"

The director deliberately adjusted the view of the YM side. In full view of everyone, Lin Ran, who was in the grass above the middle road, inexplicably had a view of the narrow road!

"Zoe's ultimate move mechanism!" Remember to blurt out, "Returning and jumping allows Zoe to have a wide field of vision effect, ignoring the wall and observing the surrounding environment!"

The hero's field of vision range is 1,350 yards, which just allows Lin Ran to see King Ning in the fog of war!

Gao Zhenning didn't react either.

As he was heading towards the lower half of the area, a sleeping bubble suddenly flew over from the grass.

Who would have thought of this?

After all, when the broiler reported its location just now, Zoe was clearly close to the YM wild area!

He was completely unprepared!

The sleepy state slowed down the troll's movement, and he was stunned in place before he even took two steps!

Lin Ran finished his ultimate move at this time and returned to the inside of the vertical wall near his defense tower.

He pulled back full of flying stars.

Then hand over your own native flash!

Zoe crossed the wall and entered the grass above the middle road!

While accelerating forward, the flying star smashed out!

The next moment, Lin Ran separated the wall and placed ornamental eyes at the troll's feet.

Along with the heavy artillery flying star, there was also a ignition thrown on the troll!

There was a crisp sound!

The troll's remaining health bar disappeared in an instant with more than half of it!

"Cooperating with the damage done by the skill-stealing hand, I can kill Prince Ning instantly!"

"One single kill!"

The doll couldn't control the excitement in her heart, and learned the mantra her partner remembered, "My old swan!"

"This hypnotic bubble... can only be described as magical!"

The big chapter will continue tomorrow!

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