LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 613 611: Failed! (Summer Split is over!)

Gao Zhenning's eyes were blank, staring blankly at the black and white screen in front of him.

Even though he was wearing sound-isolating headphones, he could still hear the noise surging from the stands.

It is not difficult to imagine how huge the momentum is in the venue now!

A few seconds ago, he was still thinking about how to invade the map resources next.

As a result, he accidentally ate the bubbles and died immediately!

"He checked the field of view with his ultimate move..." Song Yijin was also a little frustrated.

The feeling of watching the opposing mid laner kill his teammates in front of him was extremely painful, and he even felt a little guilty.

The director quickly gave a replay of this solo kill.

Since Riot still does not disclose the first-person perspective of the players, it can only replay the video from the viewing angle.

"The question is, how did Brother Ran know that Prince Ning would take this path?" Wawa couldn't figure it out, "Normally, Zoe wouldn't be able to do big moves like this!"

After the explanation he remembered before, he finally understood why Zoe could spot the troll in the fog of war through the wall after activating her ultimate move, but he couldn't figure out why Lin Ran cast it in this way at that exact time. R【Return Jump】.

Miller and Remember looked at each other, their faces equally filled with confusion.

Neither of them knew what was going on.

The barrage was still being discussed intensely.

[Isn’t this a perspective hanging? See the whole picture! 】

[If I have to say it several times, Xiaotou is not a loser! 】

[King Ning was probably confused. He was walking close to the wall of his jungle area and was instantly killed.]

【Troll? 300 yuan that will move! 】

"Cruel day!" Jack was still replenishing troops in the bottom lane when he discovered that the troll was actually killed by Zoe alone. He was immediately overjoyed, "Brother Ran, I believe this Zoe!"

Even Liu Qingsong, who had always been paralyzed, laughed, licked his lips and praised his mid laner in the team's voice.

Among the team members, Jin Gong was the most excited. After shouting "Nice" a few times, he breathed a sigh of relief.

He was killed twice in battle, and King Ning was definitely the culprit. Now that he saw the other party being killed by Lin Ran alone, he felt an indescribable joy in his heart.

"The death of King Ning this time has a huge impact," Miller calmed down and quickly analyzed the situation on the field, "After the troll is resurrected, there will be no time to do anything else!"

The troll died around 6 minutes and 15 seconds, and it took half a minute to resurrect into the jungle.

At this time, the second round of buff camps in the wild area will be refreshed. King Ning will give himself a red buff and then give the blue buff to Song Yijin.

After finishing all this, it will take about eight minutes to brush two groups of wild monsters.

At that time, the Canyon Pioneer team battle is coming, and King Ning will arrange the ward position and compete for neutral resources.

In other words, after this death and before the birth of Canyon Pioneer, King Ning's schedule was already fully booked.

If you want to catch someone or reverse squat, you have to set your own rhythm.

"Brother Gongzi won't be in any danger before eight minutes. You just need to do your own lane well," I remember analyzing, "Brother Ran is using his own way to help relieve the pressure on the top lane!"

The Xiba people are now thriving in the top lane. Although TheShy purchased a Tiamat, this equipment is more about increasing the speed of pushing the lane. In terms of combat effectiveness, the strength is not very high.

After the captain made the Glory, there is no problem in mixing lanes now, but he will lose the right to enter the lane.

If they really had to fight, he wouldn't be that afraid of Sword Lady.

Jin Gong kept the gunpowder barrel on his heel. The Sword Princess Q [Breaking Slash] was unable to smash the gunpowder barrel as soon as it came over. Then he couldn't even cheat W [Laurent's Eyesword] with the barrel or directly come forward to exchange blood. No loss.

"Brother Ran, come over later to get the blue!" Xiaotian couldn't hide his joy.

YM previously had two lanes in the three lanes that were dominant, but only the top lane was suppressed due to repeated tower jumps.

Lin Ran killed King Ning alone this time, which invisibly relieved a lot of pressure on Jin Gong. Now Xiao Yao didn't have to work hard to restore the decline on the road.

Returning to the middle to continue the battle, Broiler was still suppressed by Lin Ran.

At this time, the enchantress has reached level six and has a certain amount of combat effectiveness.

But unfortunately Song Yijin's equipment was a bit poor.

The last time he returned to the city for supplies was before he jumped the tower and killed Jin Gong in 4 minutes. Now the equipment column only had Corruption Potion + Dark Seal + Straw Shoes, and the remaining three minion removers.

Although the Killing Ring provides two layers of [Glory], it adds a few points of magic power to the Enchantress.

But Lin Ran has a pair of law-wearing shoes!

The 18-point fixed spell penetration gives Zoe an advantage in the line.

"But Rookie's positioning is very strong," Watanaru praised. "Even though the army line couldn't be pushed out and was always pressed under the tower, he still managed to dodge a few flying stars and keep his blood volume healthy!"

At first, Lin Ran still used the traditional flying star method - throwing the first stage behind him, and then moving forward again in the second stage to maximize the damage.

However, the disadvantage of this method is that the skill casting speed is a bit slow.

Song Yijin is obviously very proficient in Zoe. During the time when he was pressed under the tower and beaten two or three minutes ago, he probably figured out the opponent's shooting pattern of flying stars. Now he uses this as a basis to move and avoid again and again. Skill.

Lin Ran saw that his flying stars failed to hit several times, and he gradually lost his patience. He began to choose to cast the flying stars at the shortest distance. In the first step, he threw the flying stars at the enchantress in front of him, making it impossible for the opponent to avoid it.

However, because the flight distance of the projectile is too short, the damage it can cause to the Enchantress is ultimately limited. LeBlanc can barely hold the line by relying on the Corruption Potion.

"The gap between the two sides in the three lines has not widened now. I have to say that the basic skills of the two teams are very strong!"

I remember it was a pleasure to watch their laning.

The current CS difference between the three lanes is in single digits, and even the team's total economy is just about the same.

If a team from the middle and lower reaches of the LPL were to compete with them, they would probably be destroyed by now, and they would not be able to keep up with the pace of these two teams.

"After pushing this wave of lines, I will lean up first." Liu Qingsong said to the Shiba Inu.

It is now 7 minutes and 30 seconds, and a wave of artillery soldiers arrived in the bottom lane 20 seconds ago.

The YM duo, which previously had a health advantage in the lane, now controls the bottom lane. Liu Qingsong used the holy shield he had accumulated to eat the artillery cart, and then Han Bing's crazy output quickly cleared out the other minions.

This is the last wave of artillery trains in the bottom lane before the Rift Herald is born.

Liu Qingsong planned to run to the upper half to arrange his vision.

By the way, you can also let Jack take another wave of soldiers alone.

Since he basically had no roaming support in the early stages of the game, he gained a lot of ADC experience in the bottom lane.

Now both of them are still far away from level six.

Even if the next wave of short-term players are eaten together, it is impossible for both of them to reach level six.

Therefore, Liu Qingsong chose to give way to Jack.

In this way, Han Bing can successfully level up to level 6 and learn the ultimate move eight minutes ago.

Ashe will undergo a qualitative change after possessing the ultimate move, and its effect will definitely be stronger than Tahm's open wound. He will make a choice instinctively.

Jack did not object and allowed Liu Qingsong to return to the city to replenish equipment.

Sha Shao bought straw sandals, red crystals and real eyes, and rushed to Dalong Pit without stopping.

IG's choice is the same, but there are only slight changes in details.

Baolan cleared out the artillery soldiers, didn't even eat the remaining soldiers, turned around and walked back.

He did not return to the city, but took a detour to his own jungle area, using the exploding cones outside the blue buff camp, and rushed to the Dalong Pit.

"In this way, Baolan will theoretically reach the Canyon Pioneer faster..."

After buying the straw sandals, it takes 27 seconds to get from the spring to Dalongkeng - which is almost the same as the time it takes Baolan to go directly to Dalongkeng from the lower route.

But Liu Qingsong had no choice but to return to the city to read the message in 8 seconds.

This allowed Baolan to get there first.

Liu Qingsong also wanted to rush over quickly, but reality forced him to do so.

Because Jin Gong did not buy real eyes before in order to suppress Yaoguang and enhance his combat effectiveness.

If Liu Qingsong doesn't buy wards this time, and his own Holy Shield is not fully stacked, and his salary equipment does not have the function of providing wards, then YM will have a vision shortage.

He could only return to the city to resupply.

IG obviously understands this very well. Baolan is seizing this opportunity. The 8-second time difference is enough for him to seize the opportunity.

Shiba Inu is still dealing with the line of troops reaching the bottom lane at this time.

The old thief Sima was unequivocal, using the trap of E [Overwhelming Crowd] to slow down the movement of the soldiers, and then Q [Man Dance Grenade] and W Fatal Brilliance all hit the line of soldiers.

Jhin's line-clearing ability is quite outstanding, and he cleared this wave of short-term lines in a matter of seconds.

Jack's Ice is a bit slower in this regard.

"Jin went up first..." Shiba Inu frowned.

Facing the bottom lane, he could clearly sense IG's strong desire to take over the team.

"Are we going to fight?"

Lin Ran pondered for two seconds, pressed Tab and took a closer look at the lineup.

Before the captain reaches level 13, his combat ability is obviously not as good as that of the Sword Princess. However, with the presence of R [Cannon Barrage], it can also play a good role in narrow terrain such as the Dragon Pit.

His own strength is a little higher than Song Yijin's Enchantress, but the problem is that his flash was used when he killed King Ning just now.

Xin Zhao in the jungle position is at a disadvantage against the trolls. Trundle is easy to perform in this kind of terrain, and his ultimate move [Power Supremacy] can also steal health and resistance. His combat effectiveness is simply the ceiling of the jungle.

As for the duo, Jhin's ultimate move is very intimidating in the Dragon Pit team battle, and coupled with the possible group control effect of the Tauren Chieftain, IG is better than YM.

Lin Ran did some calculations and felt that the chance of winning this wave of Canyon Pioneer team battles was not great.

If you want to win, it depends on the operation and cooperation of both parties.

Lin Ran didn't want to gamble.

"Jack, just lead the lane in the bottom lane. I'll try to wear down the opponent. If it doesn't work, just let him go."

He makes arrangements.

"Jhin has almost reached the middle. At this time, the Canyon Herald is refreshed and the Broiler is successfully positioned. IG takes the lead!"

Since Jin Gong, who was on the road, had no line rights, YM's previous vision at the Dalong Pit was completely dark, and Liu Qingsong arrived at the battlefield one step later than Bao Lan, so he could only drain out the real eye that TheShy had inserted just now. The eye position cannot be inserted at all.

Lin Ran seized the time and asked Jack, who was still pushing the tower on the bottom lane, to shoot E [Eagle Strikes the Sky] into the dragon pit to help light up his vision.

The drone flew all the way to Dalongkeng along the river, and finally lit up the area!

"Pull first, Brother Lan, push forward!" King Ning directed his teammates.

He saw that Jack had no intention of coming to join the group, and he probably understood that YM's strategy was to spend time on the side, trying to replace more resources.

Gao Zhenning will naturally not let his opponent succeed.

The duration of the area illuminated by Eagle Strike is 5 seconds.

As long as they wait for these 5 seconds to end, YM will lose sight of the Dalong Pit again.

At that time, the initiative will be in the hands of IG again.

"IG is very calm!" Miller said with a bit of surprise in his tone, "Is this a sudden sexual transition?"

If it were originally true, after IG took advantage of the terrain, it would be eager to go up and force a group start, and win the victory with reckless energy and hard operations.

But now, this group of people actually started to fight!

"Brother Ran threw a hypnotic bubble through the wall, but Bao Lan blocked him!"

Lin Ran pulled all the flying stars behind him, and then used R [return jump] to smash them out.

He knew that Baolan had been forced out of the flash when facing off in the bottom lane. He had not yet reached level six at the moment, and the Tauren Chief was definitely not considered a meathead.

If this shot hits, it is estimated that Baolan, who is already dissatisfied with his blood volume, will be immediately incapacitated in combat.

After King Ning witnessed Baolan being hit by the bubble, he began to move outward and asked Baolan to hide behind him.

He took a hard hit and his health bar dropped by more than 1/3, but he saved the bull's head and allowed the team to resolve the attack!

Before Lin Ran turned back and jumped back, he inserted an eye into the dragon pit.

However, since IG has prepared the real eye, it will naturally not let this accessory eye survive for too long. It will be cleaned up in three strokes, five divided by two.

Do not let YM see their specific movements.

"Get out, get out!" Lin Ran saw that he couldn't regain his view, and he didn't want to waste time with IG anymore.

After all, Baolan's bull head still had W [Savage Crash] left unused, so Xiaoyao couldn't enter the dragon pit at all.

Moreover, even if the fight is successful, there is no way to pick up the Eye of the Vanguard.

No need to fight hard.

"Brother Ran retreated first, ran to the middle and started pushing the line, trying to put some pressure on IG's line!"

Before, when he was consuming broilers in the lane, he also hit the defense tower a few times. Now, the health of the tower in IG has dropped by 1/3.

Broiler didn't want his defense tower to be damaged, so he hurried to the middle.

However, Lin Ran used E [Hypnosis Bubble] to seal the narrow pass between the IG Sharp Beak Camp and the vertical wall above the middle road, making it impossible for Song Yijin to pass through.

"The broiler can only take a long way to the middle. In this way, Brother Ran will reduce the health of IG's middle tower to half!"

Zoe is not too slow to dismantle the tower. The passive fireworks can add extra damage. Lin Ran's skills are constantly refreshed, quickly reducing the status of the defense tower. When Broiler rushes back to the line, he decisively retreats and runs to the lower half to eat. River crab.

"IG's next tower is in danger... Sword Princess has teleported!"

When Jack saw the teleportation swirl light up, he quickly gave up his plan to continue advancing, abandoned the next tower with only 30% health remaining, and retreated to a safe location.

Although Ashe can use the advantages of slowness and range to continuously pull the Sword Queen in a duel, Jack is more than one level behind and has not returned to the city to replenish equipment for a long time. He still wants to be more stable.

"In this way, IG took the lead in initiating the lane change," Miller looked at the lane splitting situation of IG on the mini-map. "Now TheShy's Sword Girl is soloing in the bottom lane, while Baolan and Sima Laothi appear in the top lane!"

YM had to also change its direction and follow the rhythm of IG.

Lin Ran frowned slightly.

Unlike the previous two games, he could clearly feel the changes made by the IG team.

The playing style is obviously much calmer than before. Although the recklessness of military training ganks is still there, the overall style is not so aggressive.

From Rift Pioneer to the current lane transfer, IG has shown quite good tactical qualities and is completely different from the previous team.

Lin Ran wanted to find an opportunity to regain control of the rhythm in his own hands.

But Canyon Pioneer is still on King Ning and has no plans to use it yet.

On the contrary, this restricted YM.

Once Lin Ran leaves the lane, King Ning may directly place the vanguard in the middle, and then YM's first tower may be directly pushed down.

At nine minutes, Lin Ran finally waited until his teleportation improved.

He can use his movement speed increased by wearing shoes to set the rhythm first, and then teleport back if the situation is not right.

Cut the screen three ways to observe.

Jin Gong in the bottom lane is still overwhelmed by Jian Ji. Although his blood volume is still healthy, his ability to cooperate with Lin Ran's gank is relatively poor.

Once Lin Ran's hypnotic bubble is blocked by Sword Girl W [Laurent's Heart's Eye Knife], it will be impossible to cause a kill.

Lin Ran decided to find trouble on the road.

"Brother Ran in the middle pushed away the wave of artillery trains at 11 minutes and 30 seconds, and is still moving up the road. He wants to cooperate with the duo who is pressing the line to jump over the tower!"

He deliberately hoarded a large wave of troops just to immobilize Song Yijin.

The Enchantress has not yet opened the 55th Echo. If he wants to quickly clear out the minions, he must use both his WR skills.

Such an enchantress would have little fighting power. Even if she was teleported for support, Lin Ran wouldn't be too afraid.

"But Prince Ning is squatting in the grass behind the last tower!" The doll was shocked, "This sense of smell is too sensitive, isn't it?"

Prince Ning’s abacus was also very loud.

He knew that it would be difficult for YM's lineup to catch TheShy's Sword Lady, and the Enchantress in the middle was very flexible and had fake bodies and flashes.

Then all that remains is the road.

He simply developed a jungle brush in the upper half of the area, waiting to counter-crouch.

Just happened to bump into Zoe.

Lin Ran didn't give up there. He didn't want to go all the way in vain, otherwise it would become a river for shopping.

He used the unsealed secret book to become weak and insisted on fighting!

"Zoe hypnotized the bubble wall to hit the troll...but Sapphire came to help block the bubble!"

Previously at the Canyon Pioneer, King Ning used his body to help block the flying stars.

Now it's Baolan's turn to repay the favor!

The moment he ate the bubble, he started R [Strong Will]. When he released the control, he flashed WQ and knocked Zoe into the air!

An icy arrow flashed across the sky!

Magic crystal arrow!

The angle of the arrow was very tricky, and Jack took advantage of the bull's head to push up Lin Ran before using his ultimate move.

In this way, Baolan finally couldn't help block the skills.

The troll fell into a daze and was unable to keep up with the output, threatening Zoe!

"Brother Ran was stopped in place by the old thief Sima Jin's W [Deadly Brilliance]!"

However, the damage done by Jin and Niu Tou alone was not enough to threaten Lin Ran instantly.

He took his time, knocked down a bottle of corruption potion, and took advantage of the fact that the Tau's E [Trample] had not yet reached the full stack, inflicting weakness on the troll who had just recovered from the dizziness.

Use the acceleration effect of W [Stealing Skills] to pull back first and wait for the duo behind you to get into position.

"Tahm used Q [Big Tongue Whip] to keep the bull head, and Han Bing kept up with the output!" Miller increased his speaking speed, "Now the bull head is very embarrassed, he has no means to get close to the YM trio!"

The slowing effect of the ice is very disgusting, and Niutou is in a dilemma. Baolan feels a little regretful now, feeling that there is no need to hand over the two skills of Flash and WQ so early.

Now he was at the front, looking embarrassed.

The old thief Sima did not use his ultimate move first. In 3v3, everyone was still at full health, so he chose to consume his opponents first.

"The troll's weak state has not disappeared. King Ning did not use any skills. He just used E [Ice Pillar] to block Ashe's position. He did not want her to continue to threaten his support!"

At this time, Lin Ran pulled back all the flying stars, then R [Return and Leap] forward, and the heavy artillery successfully hit the Bullhead Chief.

At the same time, he also used the forward movement of his ultimate move to pick up the flash that Bao Lan had cast before.

"Jack flashed past the Pillar of Ice and planned to continue output!"

As soon as the ADC flashed, it was announced that this team battle was going to end.

The atmosphere in the stands instantly became heated.

The red light flashes!

"Teleport from the middle!" I remember shouting loudly, "The chickens are coming to join the battle!"

The next moment, fire broke out.

A wave of cannonballs dropped from the sky!

"The captain far away in the bottom lane also handed over his ultimate move, trying to keep everyone at IG!"

Originally, Jin Gong had been holding on to his ultimate move because he was afraid that when Lin Ran went on the road, IG would take action against him.

Now that he saw Song Yijin teleporting up, he felt relieved.

He and TheShy were the only two people in the entire lower half. Jin Gong, whose life was not in danger, invested his ultimate move in the upper half.

"Xiaoyao is also late..." Miller briefly estimated the strength of both sides' lineups, "I don't think IG will be able to handle this wave of team battles easily!"

4v4 on both sides, but YM has one more captain's ultimate move.

And now Niutou’s skills have been unleashed!

"Xin Zhao flashes in and stabs him directly!"

The Garlic Bastard highlighted his ambition to be trapped in the formation, and his ultimate move [Crescent Guard] swept away the entire IG formation!

Among them, the Bull Head and the Troll were swept into the faces of Lin Ran, Jack and Liu Qingsong.

"Kill the cow head first!"

Lin Ran commanded in the team voice.

Although Baolan has a big move, the damage reduction of the Niutou level R is not particularly high, and Liu Qingsong also set him up with a ignition.

In comparison, King Ning, who just activated his ultimate move, has a relatively high level of openness. If he adds a challenge and punishment, he can resist for a long time.

"YM pours out all his output!"

Baolan finally panicked before dying.

He handed over the ignition to Jack, and then applied the stun effect of E [Trample] to the Tahm closest to him.

Then he was handed over by Lin Ran to pick up the flashing spell fragments and kill him.

Zoe on the screen moved forward, picked up the ignition that Bao Lan handed over before his death, and hung it on King Ning's head!

At the same time, Zoe once again gained the acceleration effect and three missiles.

The effect of W [Stealing Skills] was triggered three times in a row. In this case, Zoe's output and flexibility reached the extreme.

Prince Ning wanted to scold his mother.

From the beginning of the duel, he was first shot with a big move by Han Bing, and then Lin Ran used Weakness on him, followed by the captain's big move above his head!

Now there is ignition!

Give me a way to survive!

"The chicken teleported to the ground and immediately aimed at Jack who didn't dodge!"

Song Yijin wants to kill the Shiba Inu, YM's continuous output point, instantly.

But Liu Qingsong kept staring at him, and when the enchantress used R [Repeat] to copy the shadow of the shadow and jump up, he decisively swallowed the ice into his mouth!

"Rookie was forced to shift his target to Brother Ran...but the output was just a little bit worse!"

After all, there is one less ultimate move. Although the output of the remaining QW is high, Lin Ran still has about 1/4 of his health left.

"The troll was shot through the ice too!"

Jack is almost invincible in this output environment.

On the other hand, the old thief Sima was chased and stabbed all the way by Xin Zhao who had triggered the phase rush, but he couldn't do any damage at all.

"The phantom chain of the broiler was placed on Brother Ran, but Brother Ran handed over his native flash and distanced himself!"

The fourth time to steal magic skills.

Lin Ran caused extremely exaggerated damage in this wave of team battles!

"YM's offensive firepower was so fierce that the broiler was forced to run away!"

He used his clone to help him block Bing Bing's volley of thousands of arrows.

The broiler chicken finally escaped.

"0 for 2, this wave of YM blood is so profitable!" Wawa sighed softly, "IG is not responding sensibly in this team battle!"

IG's string that had been stretched for 11 minutes was still relaxed for a moment.

Lin Ran decisively seized the opportunity.

"The old thief and Broiler retreated to the second tower on the upper road... Jhin activated his ultimate move and wanted to clear the line of troops in front of the first tower!"

Tam, with his big belly, stood at the front alone and swallowed all four bullets!

"I never expected that YM, who didn't get the Canyon Herald, was the first to knock down the first-blood tower!"

The economic gap between the two sides widened for the first time in this round.


"Be steady..." Broiler comforted his teammates in the team voice, "Don't panic!"

"My, my," Prince Ning took the initiative to admit his mistake, "I shouldn't have accepted this wave."

He felt that his combat ability was quite strong. After all, in the Canyon Pioneer team battle three minutes ago, YM did not come to fight IG.

This made Gao Zhenning mistakenly think that YM was a little afraid of him.

But Lin Ran did not issue a team battle command line at that time, simply because he could not get out of his field of vision, and he did not flash.

Now that he has all his skills and the unsealed secret book, Lin Ran has no reason not to take it.

"After King Ning was resurrected, he was forced to summon the Canyon Pioneer from the spring!"

This put YM on guard, and they successfully used their defense without even letting the Rift Pioneer crash out.

"Sword Lady returned to the city and created the Greedy Hydra, and she wants to continue leading the line!"

This time he met and left Jin Gong to use his big move.

Jump over the tower and force blood exchange!

Jiang Chenglu broke through the flaw very quickly, and thrust out three swords in the blink of an eye.

"Captain blows up the powder keg under his feet and retreats quickly using the acceleration effect!"

If you insist on a fight, the captain is definitely no match for Sword Lady.

Jin Gong had nothing to do.

But then he couldn't stay on the line anymore.

When Sword Girl saw him, she stepped forward and slashed him. If she couldn't kill Jin Gong, she would wear him down. Then she used her own Hydra to suck blood to restore her health.

"The captain has no means of reply except oranges!"

"Brother Gongzi seems to be tortured like this!"

Jin Gong simply stayed in front of the tower and did not go out.

But Jiang Chenglu was very fierce. After pushing the line of troops, he would forcefully demolish the tower. He would sharpen his sword against the defensive tower every time and go back to regain the blood.

"Sword Princess is starting to get interesting!" The doll said with great interest, "If we wait a few more minutes and wait for Sword Princess's three phases to be completed, we might be able to take her all the way!"

But Lin Ran wouldn't give it a chance.

For the second vanguard, IG did not come to fight for it.

Lin Ran asked Garlic Bastard to get the Pioneer Eye, then ran down the road to release it, and forcibly helped Jin Gong bulldoze the next tower on the opposite side, which had little health.

Relieve stress for Jin Gong this way.

"Xibaren, please hold on a little longer..."

Lin Ran could only give him verbal encouragement.

"Don't worry, I'm fine!" Jin Gong gave feedback to his teammates.

"TheShy successfully took down two YM bottom defense towers!"

The time comes to 20 minutes.

Lin Ran finally couldn't bear it anymore.

His vision revealed that Baolan had returned to the city. He took another look at the Dalong Pit and found that the real eye he had inserted in it was still there, and an IG artificial eye was blocked. Lin Ran immediately gave instructions.

"Prepare your hands to freeze! Prepare your hands to freeze!"

he shouted.

After returning to the city and making the ghost book, he went straight to the Dalong Pit.

On the way, I used the unsealed secret book to replace teleportation with punishment!

Liu Qingsong followed suit.

"YM's secondary assistants have all been replaced by punishment... This is to rush the dragon!"

Arriving at Dalongkeng, YM Tuqiong saw the dagger and started to attack without hesitation.

"Han Bing and Zoe's big dragon speed is not too slow, IG is still rushing to the dragon pit!"

The chain reaction of the wave of team battles on the top lane occurred at 11 minutes.

The upper half of IG is completely ruined, and the field of vision is completely unreachable.

It's time for IG to pay for their recklessness.

Moreover, the sapphire eyes still highlighted an irregular field of vision that could be blocked by one eye, but he had to use two eyes to block both the front and back.

If the previous version could cast unlimited eye positions, Baolan's approach would be nothing more than a waste of money.

But now a character only has four eye slots: 3 false and 1 real. Sapphire wastes one more eye slot and adds more pressure to IG's field of vision.

This kind of problem will not be obvious in the advantageous game, but now IG is at a disadvantage.

The field of vision wards are not enough. If a few more wards are wasted, the team will be embarrassed.

Because of this, Bao Lan did not empty the YM True Eyes in the Dalong Pit at the first time - because he did not dare to go in without the support of the river vision.

Now that Dalong Pit is completely dark, Baolan can only rush forward bravely.

"Jin Yuanyan's transformation discovered YM's movements, and the dragon's health is running low!"

IG speeds up and rushes over.

TheShy is still leading the lane in the bottom lane, ready to teleport support at any time.

And a circle-shaped artillery fire coverage suddenly appeared under the feet of the four people in front of IG!

"It's the captain's big move again!"

Cannon barrages poured down in waves, giving everyone on IG a bath!

"The slowing effect delays IG's progress!"

By the time Baolan reaches the vicinity of the dragon pit and moves the eye, the dragon's blood volume will only be 2800.

"Prince Ning flashed forward and wanted to grab it!"

However, YM cooperated tacitly and lowered the punishment together with 2100 blood.

Three punishments took down the dragon directly!

"The unsealed secret book is a great achievement. This Baron Nash was unexpectedly obtained by YM Rush!"

There were endless cheers in the stands!

"Not only that, Prince Ning himself wants to give another one!"

Lin Ran took the troll head and returned to the city to get another explosive wand.

"YM takes the Baron BUFF and pushes through from the bottom lane. If Sword Girl wants to split push, she has to go to the top lane!"

But not even a single tower was broken on the road.

Jiang Chenglu looked for opportunities while leading.

But YM showed excellent tactical qualities at critical moments.

While they hugged each other, they also cleared the surrounding wards, not giving the other side a chance to teleport behind them.

Lin Ran kept shaking hypnotic bubbles from the side.

"Zoe is on CD now, the power of the bubble lottery is so terrifying!"

As long as the hypnotic bubble hits, IG has to be purified.

It's not realistic to ask people to help block the cannon.

With Lin Ran's current equipment, one shot could knock off most of the crispy skin's blood!

The two sides faced off in the bottom lane and were attrition.

Finally, Jack found an opportunity, hiding in the fog of war, and shot a magic crystal arrow, aiming at the troll!

In order to block the opponent's movement, Lin Ran deliberately placed E [Hypnosis Bubble] on King Ning's right side.

This forces the troll to move to the left.

But Jack's magic crystal arrow had some anticipation, and it shot to the left!

Successful hit!

The troll king fell into a daze!

"YM has entered the scene!"

When the baby shouted loudly, YM swarmed up and swallowed up all the IG!

Lin Ran was guarding Jack, and anyone who dared to come forward would be hurt by him.

After Xiaotian activates his ultimate move Crescent Guard, he absorbs damage in front and provides an output environment for his teammates.

Jiang Chenglu had to teleport back to fight in a group.

But Sword Girl's team fighting ability is really weak.

As soon as he entered the field and used his ultimate move on Han Bing, Liu Qingsong swallowed the Shiba Inu in one sip, preventing IG from threatening him!

"The ice output is invincible, and Ashe's damage, which is close to the three-piece suit, is extremely high!"

Lin Ran kept flashing and moving in the team battle formation, using his pick-up skills to their maximum effect. His ultimate move [Return and Leap] avoided Enchantress's W Shadow Shadow, and then the flying star hit his opponent hard.

"YM first aimed at Sword Girl, and TheShy used Laurent's Heart Sword to block the wave of output, but Sword Girl is too fragile now!"

Three phases + greedy hydra, Sword Lady's body is extremely fragile at this time.

The moment he was attacked by YM, he had already lost most of his health.

Jiang Chenglu did not give up resistance. The Western sword in his hand turned out to be a flower, flashed close to his face, and kept making holes in Han Bing's body.

But before the last knife A came out, he was taken away by Ashe's arrow.

The old thief Sima used up all four of his bullets, used the burst of movement speed to pull back, and wanted to use his ultimate sniper attack from behind.

But Xiaoyao's Xin Zhao stood in the front alone, using R [Crescent Guard] to block all the bullets coming towards him!

"Jhin was single-guarded by Xin Zhao!" Watanaru said loudly, "This ultimate move mechanism perfectly restrained the fortune teller!"

Because the Garlic Bastard kept blocking the eyeballs, the old thief Sima couldn't even hit anyone else.

Baolan quickly pushed Xin Zhao away, but Jin Gong's captain found the opportunity. After laying down two powder barrels, he flashed forward, Q [Gunfire Negotiation] aimed at the barrels beside him, and then placed the third powder barrel. At Jhin's feet!

There was a loud roar! In just a short moment, Jhin's blood volume dropped by half! "Brother Ran is still standing by and dueling with Broiler... But Zoe's combat power is exaggerated because she has skills to pick up. Enchantress has an empty W [Shadow's Trace], and her output is not enough now!"

Lin Ran finally used the ignition he picked up from Bao Lan to scald the cock to death!

Although he was eventually chewed to death by King Ning's troll flash, but now that Big Orange has been decided, IG is powerless to make a comeback!

3 for 5!

Hanbing and Tahm who survived YM pursued the victory and used the Baron BUFF to bulldoze the opponent's base!

This semi-final is okay

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