LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 616 614: Global Finals Drawing Ceremony!

"Stop yelling, why don't you do it because I've already started the live broadcast today?"

Lin Ran leaned on the engineering chair in an extremely comfortable position and looked at the live chat channel on the monitor beside him.

Nowadays, the barrage is densely packed, all with the same content - a warm reminder to the host, there are still 7 days until the end of this month, and your live broadcast has 44 hours left.

Lin Ran made some calculations and the team planned to go to South Korea to start training on September 28th.

In other words, he still has 4 days left to broadcast live.

If you want to get the full salary of the live broadcast contract, you need to broadcast for 11 hours a day.

Shark me!

Lin Ran wanted to cry but had no tears.

Su Cheng, who was sitting next to him, laughed when he saw his expression.

"Look at my computer." She poked her boyfriend's waist.

"What's wrong?" Lin Ran turned off the live broadcast sound and looked over.

At this time, the rhythm of the barrage finally changed. Question marks were raised one after another, and some people accused him of not treating the audience as brothers.

Lin Ran ignored these things and saw the TOEFL scores on Su Cheng's computer.

"29+30+25+26...110, okay!" Lin Ran was very happy for her, "It's the first time I took the test, I think it's pretty good."

Su Cheng smiled proudly, not forgetting to be modest, "I'm okay. I looked at my phone just now and found that there is a big guy at the same level who got 112 in the first test."

"But this time it's settled once and for all. From now on, I don't have to do any crazy training and stare at TOEFL materials every day." She was relieved.

With a TOEFL score of 120, Su Cheng would not be stuck in applying to most schools in the United States with this score, so he could relax and prepare for other matters related to going abroad.

"Let's go out and celebrate tonight," Lin Ran said, turning on the live microphone and speaking to the audience, "I have something I want to report to everyone..."

He only said that he wanted to go out to celebrate, and the barrage reaction was very violent.

[Yes, completely giving up belongs to me]

[Still going out to play? Just forget about the 44 hours you owe? 】

【Open up, open up! 】

[Everyone else drinks heavily at the beginning of the month and makes friends at the end of the month, but Brother Ran is good at it. He doesn’t broadcast at the end of the month, just show it to the end]

[Isn’t this good? Water friends don’t have to stay up late, and anchors can rest. Isn’t this a win-win situation? 】

"There is a lottery ceremony tonight, aren't you going to watch it?" Su Cheng asked with a smile.

"What time is it?" Lin Ran didn't bother to search and asked the audience directly.

After a few barrages passed by, he knew the general situation, "Then I should be back before eight o'clock in the evening. Let's watch the draw together then."

"Look at this... 'I believe you? I will definitely give up when the time comes.' Lin Ran, your image in the hearts of the audience has become like this now?" Su Cheng did not forget to make trouble for her boyfriend.

Lin Ran felt that he had been slandered and immediately began to argue, "If nothing else, the promise is very solid, right?"

Hearing what he said, the audience immediately became interested.

You must know that at this time in previous years, most of the players were in the team's training room. Whether or not to show the video of the players' reactions during the draw all depends on the team's mood.

Fortunately, since the summer split ended too late, YM has not yet closed the team for training. They can still watch Lin Rankai's live broadcast to watch the lottery.

Lin Ran gave up his plan to make up for the live broadcast and took Su Cheng to a Huaiyang restaurant next to the Bund in Puxi.

It is said to be Huaiyang cuisine, but in fact it is a fusion of Chinese and Western cuisine, from ingredients to production methods. There is also Canadian lobster fried rice cake, which is really a weird fusion.

The two of them went there relatively early, and it wasn't even seven o'clock in the evening when they finished eating.

At night, Shanghai's nightlife mode has begun. The Oriental Pearl Tower on the other side of the Huangpu River is shining brightly. The cool evening breeze at the end of September blows on their faces, mixed with a bit of the humidity of the river.

Su Cheng got interested and took her boyfriend along the river bank for a quarter of an hour. Her face was a little stiff before she returned to the car.

Driving back to Tongji Beiyuan, there were still 5 minutes left before the lottery ceremony started.

"You go up first. I'll go to the supermarket outside the community to buy some fruits, bread and drinks." Su Cheng put his hands in his coat pockets, got out of the car and jumped up and down.

Her boyfriend was going to South Korea before the National Day holiday, and she couldn't follow him, so she had to stock up on some supplies for herself.

Lin Ran told her not to buy too much, then ran all the way into the lobby and took the elevator back home.

I just arrived at the computer desk in the study at the last minute before eight o'clock.

He quickly turned on the live broadcast, "Wai Wai Wai Wai?"

"The host has said it before, the promise is very real!" Lin Ran boasted to the audience who came in, "How about it, do I care?"

【? ? ? 】

[Just check it out, right? You don’t want to broadcast more for a minute? 】

[There’s no way it’s like this, I’m such a lazy dog, please give me a look, Sister Li]

[Hurry up and watch the draw! 】

Lin Ran turned on the live broadcast of the event on the Shark Fighting platform, flipped through his phone, and happened to see several other teammates discussing this year's luck in the WeChat group.

He typed in the group chat and asked: [How about we all start a live broadcast and even watch the lottery through the microphone? 】

Yuki Judai: [Wai Ri, Brother Ran, where did you learn the secret to staying around for a long time? 】

After Jack finished typing this line, he also sent a Shiba Inu emoticon.

Among the entire YM team, he and Lin Ran were the only ones who had a personal contract and signed a separate platform.

According to the contract, if Lin Ran and others can complete the broadcast every month, they will receive full salary. If they are not satisfied with the broadcast, the basic salary will be deducted.

Unlike other anchors who have contracts where their entire base salary will be deducted if they miss an hour of live broadcast every month, YM Double C’s current achievements and popularity are here, so they naturally have bargaining rights.

They made plans one step ahead to broadcast for less than the duration, and changed the basic salary deduction into a tiered system.

For example, if you are short of 10% of your time each month, 20% of your basic salary will be deducted. Generally speaking, the more you broadcast, the less you will deduct.

So Lin Ran and Jack saw that they couldn't make up for the entire month, and they also wanted to broadcast as much as possible. After all, who would have trouble with money?

The two hit it off immediately and watched the draw together when Shiba Inu started airing, and other YM teammates also wanted to join in the fun.

When the microphone was connected, the drawing ceremony had already begun, and the group rules of the global finals were being played.

“In the play-in stage, the top-ranked teams from Brazil, CIS, Japan, Latin America North, Latin America South, Oceania, Turkey and Southeast Asia will compete against the third seeds from South Korea, Europe, North America and LMS. Confrontation..."

Liu Qingsong didn't understand, "Then RNG doesn't have to enter the playoffs? Why?"

"Isn't that what happened last year? WE didn't make it to the finals. Liu Qingsong, did your head get squeezed by the door?" Xiaoyao said bluntly, "Or are you just a fish with only 7 seconds of memory?"

"Go, go, go." Liu Qingsong laughed and scolded, recalling the reason.

YM has performed well in major international competitions and won many championships in the past two years. It has accumulated a lot of points for the LPL division, allowing its third seed to not have to participate in the qualifying rounds.

This is also a special case among the five major competition areas in the world.

"Hey, if this is the case, RNG will get 1/3 of the credit for the final result, right?" Shiba Inu asked in the voice with a shy face.

"I think it's good to enter the playoffs," Xiaoyao's unique weak voice reached Lin Ran's ears through the earphones, "You can adapt to the next version in advance. If you play in the group stage directly as soon as you come up, you may not be accustomed to it. Look. If the version is not revealed, people will panic first.”

"That's right," Lin Ran also agreed with his teammates. "After all, training matches are different from games. Without playing a few games with real weapons, it's hard to feel what the focus of the version is."

While several people were chatting, the introduction to the rules of the qualifying competition was over.

The 12 teams will be divided into four groups, and each group is guaranteed to be the No. 3 seed in one of the five major divisions + the champion teams of the two wild card divisions.

The competition format is BO1 double round-robin, with each group competing for two places, and then 4 BO5 games will be played through the first place in the group VS the second place in other groups, and the final winner will advance to the main stage.

Lin Ran didn't look into the specific rules of this part.

Anyway, YM and brother teams in the LPL division do not need to participate.

"I'm back!"

Lin Ran heard Su Cheng's cheerful and lively voice coming from the entrance, and quickly took off his headphones to greet her.

"I bought some blueberry-flavored yogurt," Su Cheng opened the big plastic bag, took out two boxes of yogurt and handed it to her boyfriend, "You put it in the study first, and we will drink it later."

"I think the newly harvested grapes are quite good, so I bought two kilograms." She took out all the food she purchased, turned around and put it in the kitchen, "There is also fresh milk and bread, so tomorrow's breakfast should be ready. "

When the two returned to the study, the lottery guests had already appeared.

Princess Flame.

"Sister Chengzi, look at this handsome guy!" Jack teased, knowing that Su Cheng was sitting next to him.

"I saw it, I saw it," Su Cheng replied lightly, "The handsome guy is sitting next to me."

Everyone in the voice burst into laughter, and Shiba Inu felt like he was stabbed hard in the heart when he heard this.

I felt very unhappy, but I couldn't find any reason to refute it.

In terms of skin alone, Lin Ran is almost the same as the eldest princess. Even if the beauty standards vary from person to person, the Shiba Inu himself cannot say that one of his siblings is ugly against his will.

In the end, C9 from the North American division, G2 from the European division, GEN.G from the Korean division, and G-REX from the LMS division were divided into four groups.

"I think whichever wild card team can pick G-REX will have a much higher chance of qualifying." Lin Ran looked at the group situation.

After all, only one team is eliminated in the group stage of the play-in, so it doesn't matter even if it is grouped with the LCK. When the BO5 is over, it will be really fun to pick the LMS team from the next group.

After all, the gold content in the Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan competition regions is really not high, and there is not enough new blood, and many people have followed Karsa to the LPL, resulting in no newcomers emerging; within the league, such as ziv, Ximen Ye Shuo and other core meritorious members are getting older, and they are not even local There is no way to achieve dominance in the league, let alone compete in the world championship.

The league levels in Vietnam and Brazil have improved by leaps and bounds, and they are showing signs of replacing the LMS as the fifth division.

"I heard that everyone is clamoring to take back the LMS seed spots," Jin Gong, who has returned to his hometown in South Korea, is still sharing the news he has received. "If two are taken back, one of the spots will be given to last year's global competition. The other spot in the championship division of the finals will be competed with the Brazil and Vietnam divisions."

"If we can get four places, it will be much easier for everyone to enter the World Championship." Jack was quite happy to hear this.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were also very excited.

If four spots are really given to the LPL division in the future, then we can have a dream of all four teams entering the quarterfinals!

"You're overthinking it," Lin Ran saw the excitement of the barrage and poured cold water on it without hesitation, "Even if the seed quota is confiscated, that will only happen next year. I don't know if there will be an LMS division in S9." .”

He has a good relationship with Casa and can get first-hand information about LMS from the Wolf King.

Now the Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan divisions are preparing to leave, which is what happened in the past two years. After the departure, the league will still be reorganized. How the future will go is still unknown.

After the draw for the qualifying round was over, the screen turned and it was time to introduce the rules again.

“In the main stage, 12 new teams will be added, three teams from the LPL division, two teams from South Korea, Europe, North America, LMS, and the Vietnam division rankings that won this seat through their outstanding performance in the mid-season. The first team..."

Lin Ran is also very familiar with the group stage rules of the main stage.

After all, he also played in the previous two years.

To put it simply, the first is to avoid being in the same division. The three representative teams of the LPL will be divided into different groups and will not meet before the knockout rounds.

The second is seed seats.

This is different from seed sorting in the traditional sense.

Take RNG as an example. They are the third seed in the LPL region, but after participating in the World Championship, they will be assigned to the No. 2 seed pool.

Among them, the No. 1 seed pool is the summer champions of LMS, LCS.EU, LCK and LPL, which are the No. 1 seeds in the four divisions.

In the North American region, their performance in the Mid-Season Championship was too low and they were removed from the No. 1 seed pool. Their summer champions, Team Liquid, will be assigned to the No. 2 seed pool.

The four teams that advance through the play-in rounds will automatically enter the third seed pool.

In this way, there are 4 teams in the No. 1 seed pool, 8 teams in the No. 2 seed pool, and 4 teams in the No. 3 seed pool.

The four groups will be evenly distributed, with each group having 1 team from Pool 1, 2 teams from Pool 2, and 1 team from Pool 3.

Now the broadcaster has also given the status of the teams in the seed pool.

Pool 1: YM, KT, FNC, FW.

Pool 2: RNG, IG, AFs, TL, 100T, MAD (the second seed in the LMS division), PVB (the first seed in the Vietnam division), VIT (the second seed in the European division).

The eldest princess did not step down, but came to the glass basin containing the team from pool No. 1, reached in and stirred for a while, and pulled out one of the four balls.

"It doesn't matter whoever is drawn, anyway, each group has a pool number one." Su Cheng sucked the yogurt and also watched the draw.

Flame took apart the sphere and unfolded the ribbons inside.

The team logo is extremely conspicuous, two dots of scarlet in the pitch black, like a black dragon opening its eyes.


"Wow, it's us coming up?" Lin Weixiang was very happy, "Jackpot, everyone!"

At the lottery site, the YM team logo appeared below GROUP A, and then the director played a clip of Lin Ran and his team winning the LPL Summer Split championship.

Lin Ran was very interested in the other two teams that would be put into Group A, and Shiba Inu told an interesting story in his voice that he encountered while playing the national server yesterday.

"That person's account plays top laner Four Sisters at night and Organ Star Naru during the day. The DF key position is a day-night inversion. I don't look down on players who use soft assistants. The key is that you are too outrageous."

Jack became more and more enthusiastic as he talked, "Choose Lulu and hide behind your friends from the beginning of the laning, without even using a single attack..."

"This is her fault," Su Cheng said seriously, "The assistant must maintain a parallelogram position."

Jack sought support from another female player at the scene, and his voice suddenly became louder, "That's it!"

Before he could speak again, Su Cheng added slowly, "Anyway, Jack can help pick up the Q. The assistant won't die at all, so what are you afraid of?"

This time even Lin Ran laughed, his voice filled with joy.

"Sister Chengzi is old Qinggangying," Xiaoyao said sadly, "A is even more skilled at picking up and pulling than Jin Gong."

"Huh?" Jin Gong was stunned.

He was eating potato chips, but he didn't expect that he could be injured. In anger, he wanted to twist the garlic bastard's neck through the network cable.

When everyone turned their attention to the lottery ceremony, the eldest princess had already drawn all four positions in the No. 1 pool.

Flash Wolves are in Group B, KT is in Group C, and the former European hegemon FNC is in Group D.

"Come on, come on, the big one is coming, brother Meng!" Lin Ran shouted.

The eldest princess's arm was stirred in the second pool for a long time, and she took out one of the black balls with a mysterious smile.

It was taken apart and the black ribbon inside was displayed to all the spectators.

Team Liquid!

There was not much excitement in Lian Mai's voice.

Their biggest competitors for the championship will either not be assigned to Group A in the first pool, or they will be teams from their own division in the second seed pool and will not meet in the group stage.

The rest of the team is the same as everyone they meet.

Win anyway.

"The number one seed in North America, right?"

The director showed a clip of TL in the North American division of this summer split, and Lin Ran saw several familiar faces in it.

Edici Doublelift and top laner impact.

This is definitely a strong combination in North America, and together they are at the level of a fantasy god.

Far away in the TL base in Santa Monica, Los Angeles, the senior brother saw his club's team logo below YM and blurted out "WTF!"

"What the hell is this?" he yelled, complaining to his teammates, "Why is it YM?!"

Assistant Olleh kept mumbling, "It's over, it's over, what should we do?"

As the No. 1 seed in the North American Division, their mission is the same every year.

That is the glory of recasting the LCS that does not exist.

Breaking out of the group stage is considered a success!

But now they are put into a group with YM. Needless to say, the other party will definitely occupy a qualifying spot.

After all, he was the winner of the global finals, so how could he not qualify in the group stage?

Calculated this way, TL can only compete with the other two teams in the same group for the remaining qualifying spot.

Competition is bound to be fierce.

It is now five o'clock in the morning, and the senior brother's complaints echo endlessly in the empty luxury base.

Teacher Omu was drinking coffee, looking tired and not yet awake.

No matter what, they got up early to watch the lottery and saw Los Angeles at four in the morning.

There is no sun at all.

The drawing of lots for the eldest princess continues.

The next thing he drew was RNG.

The black and gold icons were divided into Group B, led by Flash Wolf.

"Let me tell you, this is a good pick for RNG." Jack judged fairly.

Flash Wolves are recognized as the underdog in the No. 1 seed pool. Many people think that they are actually as strong as the No. 3 seed, but they occupy a spot in the No. 1 pool.

When RNG meets them, the qualifying situation can definitely be said to be easy.

The next thing to be drawn was AFs.

Due to triggering the avoidance principle in the same division, the African team skipped Group C where KT was located and fell under FNC's Group D.

The eldest princess stretched her hand in again, with a smile on her face as if she wanted to give KT a big baby in her own division.

Taking apart the black ball, this time it is really a good opponent.

The second seed in the European Division, VIT nicknamed Little Bee.

What will happen next is the last draw of Group A.

Su Cheng couldn't take his eyes off Lin Ran's monitor.

This draw will basically determine the game situation of Group A.

"Let's do MAD!" Liu Qingsong was still using his skills in his voice, "This way, it's good for you and me, and everyone is good!"

MAD is the second seed in the LMS division. Just by mentioning this name, you can tell how impressive it is.

Moreover, I have seen the strength of this team in the intercontinental competition, and they have given away points properly.

The eldest princess stretched out her white palm and continued stirring in the glass basin.

After a while, he took out one of the remaining four black balls.

Taking it apart, Flame was the first to laugh out loud because he saw the content of the ribbon in advance.

He smoothed the corners of the ribbon and showed it to the camera.


"You're just saying what you say!" Lin Ran didn't expect Liu Qingsong to guess right.

The Garlic Bastard also praised him repeatedly, "You are so awesome!"

"Hey, basic operations, calm down!" Liu Qingsong still pretended to be calm, but he couldn't hide the hint of smile in his tone.

Su Cheng also curved her eyebrows and showed a faint smile.

The two teams in the group are not strong, so YM has no problem qualifying first in the group.

There was also a scene of joy in Lin Ran's live broadcast room.

Everyone in TL on the other side of the ocean also breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Princess Celestial drew MAD. As long as they defeat them and win the team that advances from the play-in round to the group stage, Team Liquid will most likely qualify.

The drawing ceremony is not over yet.

Although the three teams in Group A where YM is located have been determined, they only need to wait for the end of the qualifying rounds to determine the last team in the group before the game can begin.

But Lin Ran and several other teammates continued to watch with the mentality of watching the fun.

In the subsequent draw of Group B, the eldest princess picked PVB!

The No. 1 seed in the Vietnam Division!

"It's not like that, brother!" Shiba Inu was dumbfounded, "Is it true or false?"

The PVB team, whose team logo resembles the Chicago Bulls, fell into Group B with RNG and Flash Wolves!

"RNG's draw... is amazing!"

As the third seed in the division, RNG's luck draw today was extremely outrageous, and they got the most favorable grouping situation for them.

Lin Ran glanced at the chat channel in his live broadcast room and found that this group of viewers who were not afraid of big things were starting to get busy again.

[Isn’t this a promotion while lying down? 】

[RNG is firmly in the top eight, and if YM is included, as long as IG gets some energy, we can have the three teams meet up in the top eight! Oh ho ho ho...]

[If RNG can't qualify from the group despite this, I suggest traveling directly back from South Korea, it's not far anyway]

[Isn’t this a secret operation? The spicy beef belly is really real, and there are also this kind of fish belly groupings? 】

[Why is it said to be a good sign? 】

Lin Ran's WeChat message kept ringing.

When I opened it, I saw that it was a message from a canceled account.

He was also watching the lottery ceremony and found out that he was in the same group as Flash Wolves and the Vietnamese team. He was overjoyed and showed off to his good brother Lin Ran.

Tigger: [The princess is so handsome! (I meant both puns) It’s really a good sign! 】

Lin Ran sent a few words of congratulations at first, but he didn't expect that Midhu continued to send messages in Didi.

He was forced to reply - [If you show off again, I will let Liu Qingsong curse your group for not qualifying. Master Tie just now successfully predicted that MAD will be placed in our group]

Mi Dehu, who was in his hometown in Henan, saw the news and chuckled in a drake voice, and replied with a question mark.

It's just a question mark, surely it's not showing off, right?

The eldest princess then drew the 100T team logo.

The second seed from the North American Division was assigned to Group C where KT was located.

Then the rest of the team will be settled.

IG was assigned to Group D.

At this point, the 12 teams in the group stage have been grouped.

Group A: YM, TL, MAD

Group B: FW, RNG, PVB

Group C: KT, VIT, 100T

Group D: FNC, IG, AFs

When Jin Gong saw the three teams in Group D, he couldn't help but sigh, "...This is a bit like a death group, right?"

Lin Ran glanced at it briefly and nodded in agreement, "Don't tell me it's true."

As the absolute overlord of Europe this year, FNC's double crown in spring and summer is enough to prove their dominance. The three cores of Xiaomao + Oucheng + bwipo are stable enough, and the wild support abilities of Hi Laisong and Broxah are also quite outstanding.

Many European viewers have high hopes for FNC, believing that this European giant has the ability to guarantee the top four and advance to the championship.

As the second seed in the LCK division, the African team performed quite well. The strength of the upper, midfield and jungle composed of the Tigers' old players Kuro, Sprite, and Kiin is guaranteed. Kramer in the bottom lane can develop steadily and wait for team battles before taking over the game.

Needless to say, IG's regular season performance in the Spring and Summer Splits was almost perfect, with full bloodshed and highly entertaining games. It was almost impossible to sleep while watching IG's games. They were either fighting or on their way to a fight. .

When these three teams are put together, it is difficult to distinguish the obvious strengths and weaknesses from the surface strength, which is completely different from the two groups AB.

[Group D is OK, every scene is explosive, a must-see]

[To be honest, I am not surprised who wins every game in this group]

[Wow my IG, princess, can’t you be more lucky? There are three tough guys in Group D, why don’t they have any LMS experience babies? 】

[Don’t worry, there is an LMS in the finals, maybe we will be assigned to Group D]

Lin Ran glanced at the barrage, then tore off the yogurt cover and ate the rest.

"The lottery ceremony is done, I..."

He was about to say that he planned to go off the broadcast and go to sleep, but the barrage started to remind Lin Ran that he still had 43 hours of live broadcast time to make up.

"Chengchengcheng! Can't I just broadcast it?" Lin Ran lost his temper because of them and could only promise the audience to broadcast for another hour.

He originally wanted to log in to the Korean server account to play a maintenance game, but he didn't expect that there was something wrong with the accelerator. After trying it twice, the delay was very high.

Forced to have no choice, Lin Ran could only play in the national server.

He opened WeGame and immediately beamed with joy, "Hey, do you want to update?"

This computer has not played the Chinese server for a long time, and there are about five or six versions of updates to download.

Lin Ran hummed a song, feeling that he could live in an upright manner for a long time.

"It's not my fault!" He got the advantage and behaved well, "I can't help it, who made the Korean server's accelerator not easy to use?"

At this point, the corners of his mouth raised uncontrollably.

Su Cheng tried her best to hold back her laughter when she saw her boyfriend looking like this. While he was still live broadcasting, she put on sound-isolating headphones to preview the upcoming class.

By the time Lin Ran entered the top of the canyon, it was already a quarter of an hour later.

"Let's not worry about how long the queue is, just play one game, okay?" Lin Ran pre-selected the midfielder position and started queuing, "How come it takes five or six minutes to queue, and another 5 minutes to enter the BP, and then we only need to play a 35-minute game. I can make up an hour.”

He pulled it apart bit by bit, and what he said was reasonable and well-founded.

The audience also felt that there was nothing wrong with this time calculation method.

But within two minutes, Lin Ran's account was lined up with nine other players!

"So fast?" Lin Ran went in without expecting it, and said to himself in surprise.

Although the player base in Top of the Canyon is not very large, there are more people who can't bear to play games at night, and Top of the Canyon itself has more games per capita in the high tiers, which makes up for the shortcomings of the player base.

The audience in the live broadcast room was very dissatisfied when they saw this.

[Okay, it takes five or six minutes to queue, right? 】

[I’ll just wait until the other side makes 15 shots after entering, so that Brother Ran can steal half an hour of time]

[Can you arrange for Brother Yishou to drag him out for forty or fifty minutes and torture him?]

[Is there even 1% of games in Top of the Canyon that can last forty or fifty minutes? 15 minutes of big disadvantage, /ff; 20 minutes of losing the dragon, still /ff, drag it to 40 or 50 minutes, just leave it here and dream]

Lin Ran showed Card Master before starting BP.

Several teammates had a tacit understanding and deliberately avoided Drizzt when banning.

Ever since Xia Jue and Lin Ran used the card, this hero instantly became the darling of the high-scoring pub game.

There are many high-scoring players who are proficient in cards. Now the BP rate of Drizzt in the Master King game has increased by several levels.

But there was no ban on the opponent's game either.

Lin Ran was on the first floor of the blue square and locked onto it effortlessly.

Then on the second floor opposite, the fishman was directly locked in seconds, highlighting a calm and confident figure.

"Come on!" Lin Ran was quite excited to see this game.

Murloc plays cards, which is also a common counter in the mid lane of League of Legends.

Lin Ran was gearing up and getting ready.

After logging into the loading interface, he found that the ID of the little fish man on the opposite side was pretty cool - think about what Brother Ran would do.

what's going on?

Lin Ran was confused and glanced at the barrage subconsciously.

From the numerous barrages, he grasped the key points.

"Is this mango fish?"

Lin Ran had heard of this name.

In the Korean server, he can often be ranked in the rankings. He can be regarded as another Fizz brother after the white truck in the Chinese server.

But the way of playing is different.

This person is very resource-hungry. I can eat three lanes for one person, and even the jungle area is under his control.

It feels like a variant of Zhang Jiawen's body odor.

"No, why would he have such an ID?"

Lin Ran couldn't laugh or cry.

The audience reacted very quickly, and even a slight delay in the live broadcast could not stop them from posting comments to keep up with current events.

[Faker: Why does Ran’s Korean server account have that kind of ID? 】

[Today I’m waiting for a mango fish to beat up the idol! You still want to hang out for a while, right? 】

[Seriously, this ID is quite interesting. I will change it later to: Think about what the factory director would do]

[The factory director will ask you to abandon the pig and run away! 】

"It doesn't matter so much," Lin Ran said immediately when he saw that the game had been loaded, "This deck of cards will play the teaching game of the little fish man, just watch my operation!"

This pub ranking session is very short. Tomorrow we will officially enter the World Championship stage, so hurry up!

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