LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 617 615: Trip to Busan!

Lin Ran acted quickly, bought four red straw sandals, left the spring and ran towards the river.

While the character was moving, he started teaching.

"Let's take a look at the lineup before we start the game..." Lin Ran pressed the Tab key, and the player ranks appeared on WeGame on the side.

His account has not played in a ranked match for a long time. Last year, he was a master with zero win points. As a result, the players currently ranked are basically players near the first rank.

Mango Fish, who has a high score in the national server, is sprinting into the Korean server during this period, preparing for an encounter with a professional brother during the World Championship. The reason why he met Lin Ran was because he played a maintenance game on the trumpet at the top of the canyon before the broadcast.

The blue side where Lin Ran is: top laner Sword Demon, jungler Leopard Girl, midlane card, bottom lane Spear of Revenge + Thresh.

The red side is: top laner Kotou, jungler Xin Zhao, mid laner Murloc, bottom lane Ice + Braum.

Different from the professional arena, the selection of players for the national server rankings is based on one's own whim.

The main reason is that there are too many guys with unique skills. After getting the hero they are good at, their strength will increase by leaps and bounds. Once they are banned or robbed, their level will drop several levels.

The hero pool makes them and limits them.

"Our blue team's lineup is quite good," Lin Ran rolled his mouse over the portraits of several of his own heroes. "Three lanes of control, and all lane rights, Leopard Girl will be very comfortable in the jungle. Where can he catch it?" All the way.”

"The opposite side is very strange. This dog leader chose neither fish nor fowl..."

However, Lin Ran saw the player data on the side showing that the dog head had played 2100 games, and took another look at the ID - Po Tian Yuanshen, Gou Batian.

Thinking it was a unique skill, he continued to analyze:

"The top laner is too weak, and the opponent's jungler Xin Zhao will most likely hit the bottom half. After all, the Freljord combination of Ice + Braum has a good ability to slow down and retain people. After the mid laner Murloc reaches level 6, There are also preemptive controls like QR that can be used together.”

Obviously, the upper half of the red side cannot fight, their control ability is weak, and all three of them have short hands, so they can easily be kited.

After talking about the lineup, Lin Ran talked about runes again.

"Look at my runes in this game. The main system is still the unsealed secret book, but the secondary system has been replaced by [Resolute] pupae and bone plating..."

Lin Ran spoke in a broken voice, treating the audience in the live broadcast room as elementary school students, for fear that some people would not understand.

"It's different from the previous Xia Jue's dominant sub-system, mainly because the opponent in that game was Syndra, who had a stronger consumption ability. If the gums bleed, it will be much more comfortable to have recovery in the opponent's line."

"We are fighting short-handed fishmen now. Melee assassins like Fitz are quite afraid of bone plating. This rune can block a lot of burst damage," he spoke very fast, "As long as he doesn't get hit by him in one set, Just drop it.”

"I am more confident in this round. My native skill is teleportation. If you are afraid of being singled out, you can just use a weak one."

Lin Ran glanced at the barrage while speaking, wanting to see the audience's reaction.

[Okay, redefine ‘confidence’]

[If you are so confident, why should you use bone plating and pupation? If you go up and fuck him, it will be over? 】

[Guess whether the Mango Fish will start with the A soldier in this game? 】

[A single pawn on the line, and the game is over.jpg]

When Lin Ran turned his attention back to the game, the soldiers were about to attack.

The other nine players all recognized him and were still getting close to him in the chat channel.

Leopard Girl: [Brother Ran, can you give me a friend spot? I have been a fan of YM for ten years】

Think about what Brother Ran would do: [Let’s discuss it, Brother Ran, can you be gentle? 】

The opponent's jungler Xin Zhao issued a threat, [If Brother Ran doesn't give me a friend position today, I will squat in the middle. I will come at level 1 and leave only at level 18! 】

Mango Fish is still chatting with the audience in his live broadcast room, "The opponent in this game is Brother Ran. I can only say that it is not unfair to lose, okay? If I can kill him once, then I will make a profit."

After saying this, he turned around and saw the words of his jungler. He felt that this guy just wanted to eat his own troops, so he immediately sent a question mark.

Lin Ran also gave a unified reply to the friend status question - [If you don’t add friends to this account, please let me know, Sister Li]

After typing, he focused on the game.

The time has come to 1 minute and 25 seconds, and the first wave of soldiers in the middle are about to meet. He and his own soldiers came to the line together.

"Don't worry about Soldier A first, let's see what the Murloc's tactics are..." He held down the S key and stood motionless next to his long-range soldier.

Mango Fish breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed his left hand on the keyboard a little.

He was originally worried that Lin Ran would take advantage of the point where the troop lines had not yet been handed over, and use his body to force the troops to block and push back the troop line. He was even prepared to step forward and interfere with the force.

But Lin Ran didn't do that at all, he just quietly followed the troops to the middle.

Mango Fish was relieved, and the little fishman who was operating it did not come forward and shook the sea stone trident in his hand.

"Muloc players should have seen Dopa's video. The 8102 murloc player card doesn't even push the line first."

Lin Ran was not surprised either.

After all, the player's level is always improving, and Mango Fish is also the king of high scores. You will never make the mistake of starting with the A soldier.

He said into the microphone, "I'm going to show you how the cards should be used to defeat the fishmen now."

After Lin Ran finished speaking, he stepped forward and took the initiative to hit the soldier.

Mango Fish frowned, and he immediately chose to retreat.

Since the opponent took the initiative to destroy the balance of the army line, then simply release the line and slowly develop.

After Lin Ran attacked the minions, he noticed that the murlocs were retreating, so he stepped forward without hesitation and stood next to the opponent's three melee soldiers.

At the same time, he raised his hand and hit the remote soldier with another poker card.

Seeing this scene, Mango Fish's suspicion turned into reality - Lin Ran wanted to push the line slowly and accumulate soldiers to enter the defense tower.

Thinking of this, Mango Fish became impatient.

If Lin Ran was really allowed to create this kind of position, he would be very uncomfortable.

When the time comes for a last-ditch attack from the tower, you will be tortured by long-hand cards!

Kassadin players have been complaining that their beloved hero only has 19 points of initial armor. What did the Murloc players say?

Fizz's initial armor is only 22 points!

Moreover, in order to ensure the explosion, Mango Fish not only carries the electric shock in the main system, but also carries the sophisticated [fatal strike] in the secondary system.

This is his regular belting method, and there will basically be no changes.

The advantage is that the burst damage is very high, and in small-scale team battles, you may be able to hit seven in and seven out, and the upper limit is very high.

The disadvantage is that the laning is relatively difficult. The dominance + precise guidance method makes the fishman not have much recovery ability, and the blood volume and armor are not high.

If Lin Ran hoards troops into the tower, Mango Fish feels like he will be ripped off by Drizzt's basic attack.

He wanted to step forward to deal with it, but at this moment, the three-color light flashed above the head of the standing card, ready to start selecting cards.

The mango fish stopped when he saw this.

After all, the first-level murloc's combat ability was quite weak, and because he had taken two steps back, he had kept a certain distance from Lin Ran. If he forced himself forward, he would definitely be tortured by his opponent.

As long as Lin Ran is not sure about the color of W [Card Selection], he will not dare to hand over E [Ancient Spirit/Elf], otherwise the card will draw a yellow card and he will lose a lot of life points.

The little murloc didn't hand over E and rushed to the side of the army line on foot. It was estimated that he would have to take two of Lin Ran's basic attacks and lose about 100 blood.

Mango Fish calmed down and felt that he was not in a hurry. He planned to wait for Lin Ran's W card selection to end before organizing his troops.

During this period of time, Lin Ran did not ignore soldier A, but took a step back to get close to his own melee soldier.

When the duration of the card selection was about to end, a blue card was locked.

Although the blue card does the highest damage, it actually has the lowest combat effectiveness.

After all, it can only provide a mana recovery effect, unlike the stun of the yellow card and the slowdown of the red card, which can allow Tristra to cheat the opponent for nothing.

This looks like a great opportunity for the little murlocs.

Mango Fish was a little hesitant.

He can now step forward, wait for the opponent to throw out the blue card, and use E [Elf] to eat it while threatening the card's health.

But he was unwilling to perform a blood transfusion like this.

Lin Ran went out with straw sandals and 4 bottles of potions, so he had a certain advantage in movement speed. If he released his E skill in seconds, the slowdown effect would not be applied after hitting the opponent. He would probably be pulled by the card and chased by the card several times.

Moreover, the early cooldown time of Level 1 E is as long as 16 seconds. After it is cast, it will completely enter the skill vacuum period. If you dare to step forward, you must take advantage of the card's basic attack and skills.

If you use E [ancient spirit/spirit] to stay in the air for a while to increase the skill range and slowing effect, the problem will be even more troublesome.

Because Lin Ran's current position was close to three melee soldiers.

If Mango Fish chooses to use a wide-range E pole vault to slow down the opponent and avoid being pulled by Card Master, he will still hit a lot of minions.

Lin Ran has only used A two soldiers so far. If he hits a full E, it will reduce the health of the opponent's soldiers, and the YM soldiers will become even more vulnerable.

Even if the card does nothing next, the handover position of the army line will move to the front of Lin Ran Tower.

The result of Mango Fish doing this is no different from A-attacking the minion at the beginning.

Mango Fish studied it for a while and finally decided to wait until the blue card above Lin Ran's head was thrown out.

Lin Ran waited patiently, and when the blue card's duration was about to end, he threw it at the long-range soldier.

"When fighting the murlocs, you must push the line of troops slowly. You must not be in a hurry," he said in a relaxed tone, explaining as he fought. "If you push the line into the tower quickly, Fizz will handle it very quickly. You won't be able to do it at all." Opportunity consumes the opponent.”

After Lin Ran finished throwing away the blue card, 15 seconds had passed since the match started.

Mango Fish just moved forward and got close to the soldier line, trying to reduce the HP of Lin Ranfang's melee soldiers as much as possible so that the soldier line could not accumulate them.

Lin Ran did not hesitate, and launched a basic attack on the little fish man. While reducing the mango fish's health, it also attracted the hatred of the opponent's minions.

This makes Mango Fish miserable.

Although he was using basic attacks to change the state of the soldier line, Lin Ran held the soldier line to attack the target, causing all the attacks of his own soldiers to fall on the card alone.

During this period, Lin Ranfang's soldiers continued to attack the Mango Fish soldier line, so no significant changes were found in the comparison of the two sides' soldier lines.

Lin Ran's minions still had a slight health advantage.

This advantage is not particularly big, it can be said to be quite fragile. If Mango Fish dares to use E [Eccentric] to push, it will instantly change the trend of the army line and form a pushback line for the card.

Mango Fish was cautious and found that he had lost control of his troops and could only be described as powerless.

Lin Ran's doing this was equivalent to using his own blood to exchange for control of the troop line.

Although this plate of mango fish contained a corruption potion, it was not enough to consume Lin Ran who was out of the house with four reds.

He has the A soldier, and Lin Ran has the A soldier. If he keeps changing like this, he will definitely lose.

Mango Fish was forced to give up and take two steps back to prepare for the slow push.

After Lin Ran drew away the hatred of the soldiers, he swaggered forward and drove the murlocs away from the soldiers' line.

"Don't look at me. In order to keep pushing the line slowly, I have consumed nearly 30% of my health, but it is actually very profitable," Lin Ran explained to the audience. "Losing 30% of my health now will prevent you from waiting. It will be eaten by the little fishman later."

"Don't rush to use the four bottles of red on me. Anyway, the little murloc on the opposite side is using teleportation. The damage now is not enough to kill us." As he spoke, he used a basic attack point to kill a melee soldier with residual health.

After the second wave of minions arrived in the middle, Lin Ran killed four more minions by using the tail knife, and then he said with satisfaction, "This way, the slow push line is officially formed."

Now Mango Fish has 4 melee soldiers and 2 long-range soldiers left. Lin Ran, the melee soldier with slightly thicker health, has blocked the handover position near the Mango Fish defense tower.

"I am only one minion away from reaching level 2. The little murlocs will never dare to step forward." Lin Ran manipulated the card to move to the jungle area on the opposite side. "Now you can see the benefits of pushing the lane slowly, right? ?”

He marked the lower channel and at the same time switched the perspective so that the audience could clearly see what was happening.

Our own leopard girl at level 2 is chasing Xin Zhao to fight!

Since both sides started in the second half of the jungle, with the help of the bottom lane, they took down their first wild monsters in less than 1 minute and 40 seconds. Therefore, they all chose to eat another group of wild monsters before rushing to the river to eat them. Crab.

Juhua Xin cleared the jungle a little slower than Leopard Girl. As soon as he entered the river, he bumped into Nidalee. He didn't dare to look back and hurriedly slipped towards his own jungle area.

The Leopard Girl refused to give in. She used the red BUFF on her body to attack twice more before turning around and going back to eat the Swift Crab.

"Having controlled the center lane, Xin Zhao didn't dare to attack Leopard Girl because I might arrive," Lin Ran explained to the audience. "Since I only repaired the tail sword, I deliberately controlled the combat effectiveness of the soldiers on both sides. The slow push line is not particularly large now, and my soldiers do not have a clear numerical advantage. Even if I go to the river to support this wave, it will be difficult for my own soldiers to kill the opponent's soldiers by focusing their fire. I will not lose much. .”

"You know, the card hero's point control in the early stage is very bad. If I go to support and flash the yellow card to control Xin Zhao, it will be useless even if he cross-flashes. Leopard Girl can keep up with the kill no matter what, and gain a lot. 400 gold coins for blood." Lin Ran said.

"The little fishman on the opposite side can only watch, because he is only level 1 now, and his army line is very poor."

[Okay, I learned it! 】

[Hey, dear, why did I resist the hatred of the soldiers before? That’s it.]

[Is this a professional player? The level of troops is really high]

[If I were Xin Zhao, I would be disgusted to death. It is obviously an advantage to rush into the level 2 wild area with a phaser to defeat Leopard Girl in a one-on-one fight, but the one who is dragged down by the lane will be let go]

"What should we do next?" Lin Ran was persuasive.

"Of course I want to go up there and get a ward!" He took out a minion, and then set off towards the upper half of the area, placing his first trinket eye at the junction of the opponent's Sharpbill camp and the upper river.

"I inserted this eye in front of the little fish man, and I am not afraid that he will know about it, because if Zhao Xin from the opposite side wants to come and eat river crabs, the fastest route is to go up the river from F6, and then he will be exposed to us Under the eye position..."

In his spare time, Lin Ran cut the screen to draw a route map for the audience, "If Xin Zhao doesn't want us to see the movement, we have to take a detour to the upper half of the area, but the exploding cones between the Red BUFF camp and the Dalong Pit are very important. It will not be refreshed until 5 minutes later, and Xin Zhao cannot jump directly into the dragon pit from here."

"Then there is only one road left, which is to go from the triangular grass on the upper road to the upper river. But that way, it will take at least 10 seconds more," Lin Ran said with a dry mouth, "By then the Leopard Girl will have already Eat the crabs from the lower river and rush up the river."

"In other words, no matter what, Xin Zhao will definitely lose the Twin River Crab at the beginning," Lin Ran continued, "Three lanes were suppressed and the Twin River Crab was lost. This is what Xin Zhao will face later. What, you don’t need to say more, right?”

He picked up the water glass and poured it into his mouth.

The audience witnessed all this with their own eyes, just like a script that had been written long ago, developing according to Lin Ran's ideas.

Leopard Girl, who controlled the Twin River Crab, began to use her flexibility to continuously invade Zhao Xin's jungle area, torturing the opponent's jungler until death, and had no time to worry about Gank.

Lin Ran was able to continue to suppress in the middle.

"Please pay attention. The little murloc has learned W since level 2, so he doesn't have the ability to stick to his face. If he reaches level 3, Fizz will have the ability to change his face." He was still slowly pushing the line, only adding Tail knife, let the soldier line stack up in front of the mango fish tower.

Lin Ran now has 15 CS, while Mango Fish only has 4.

For these 4 knives, he exchanged 150 points of health for them.

"So we have to try our best to break the blood volume gap before this happens," Lin Ran explained while pushing the troops into the tower, "Look at what I did."

He began to adjust the range and attack interval of the defense tower again, and performed the familiar blood exchange without damage.

The murloc without Q [Naughty Strike] cannot resist.

Mango Fish can only be beaten under the tower, and try to recruit as many minions as possible.

Amidst the warnings from the defense towers, the Card Master used his excellent movement speed to pull back and forth, constantly lowering the little murloc's health, and the turret didn't even hit Drizzt once.

Mango Fish couldn't help shouting, "Brother Ran, please stop torturing me!"

With just three basic attacks, the little fish man will lose nearly 150 health points, which is more than the recovery amount of a bottle of corruption potion.

Moreover, the repeated aggro of the defense tower resulted in the turret not clearing the minions under the tower in time, and the artillery soldier's health was still fully half.

When the cannon truck was reduced to low health, Lin Ran used W to draw a yellow card and directly A to the little fish man.

If Mango Fish gets a yellow card and gets dizzy, the defense tower will help him replenish the artillery soldiers. He has no other choice but to use E [Ghostly Spirit] to jump up and land immediately to eat the artillery soldiers.

Lin Ran then followed up with his Q [Universal Card] and hit it with a basic attack. Then before the defense tower fired the attack, he knocked off a bottle of blood medicine and retreated.

"This operation is very critical. The little fish man's E now has a 16-second cooldown. I'm going to force him out now. After Fizz reaches level 3, he won't dare to rush over to exchange blood without core skills." Lin Ran explained. Reasonable and well-founded.

After Mango Fish cleaned up all the minions under the tower, there was only one bottle of corruption potion left on his body. Even so, his health was only half.

"Oh my god...this pressure is too much." His face turned pale.

Although the little murloc he used was indeed a bit tight in the early stages of the laning, Mango Fish also claimed to be Fitz's unique skill brother, but after falling into the trap arranged by Lin Ran, he no longer had the ability to fight back, and was led by his opponent. Nose goes.

Replenishing troops under the tower is even more torture.

He now only has one less soldier than Lin Ran, but the difference in blood volume is really huge.

The most critical thing is that after Lin Ran stocked up and slowly pushed the line into the tower, because Fitz did not have the appropriate skills to clear the troops quickly, and the defense tower was stuck and bombarded, the transfer point of the fourth wave of troops between the two sides was still in Mango. Inside the fish tower.

Needless to say, a pullback line belonging to Lin Ran was formed.

This trend is irreversible.

Mango Fish wants to finish pushing the army line quickly, and then return to the city to resupply, so as to save teleportation.

He cleared the line of soldiers against the card master's basic attack, and then wanted to go home quickly.

But Lin Ran grabbed the four short-term soldiers, 1 near and 3 far away, and used his body to attract the soldiers to attack him, pulling them out of the attack range of his own defense tower.

"I..." Mango Fish was furious.

If these four soldiers are blocked by cards outside the tower, the position of the soldier line will not change much in the next two or three waves of minions.

He took a look at his remaining health, which was less than 30%, and realized that there was no way he could force Lin Ran back. If he dared to step forward, he might be hunted down.

He had no choice but to return to the city and teleport over to forcefully clear out this wave of minions.

"Did you see it? The teleportation gap just came out," Lin Ran said in a calm voice, "We still have a lot of blood. We don't need to go back to the city. We can go to other roads after reaching level six." Rhythm."

At five minutes, Leopard Girl once again caught traces of half-health Xin Zhao in the jungle. Now Nidalee is leading Xin Zhao by one level with Challenge Punishment, and her combat effectiveness is not weak.

After meeting A twice, he placed the clip in front of him. Although he missed the Q in the lottery, he still switched forms and pounced.

In the leopard form, he threw out a set of skills, and then brought the opponent to the clip. Xin Zhao did not dare to step on it, so he could only avoid it carefully.

Nidalee returned to her human form after her cooldown improved, gave herself a mouthful of milk, increased her attack speed and launched a basic attack towards Xin Zhao.

After this combination of punches, Ju Huaxin was stunned. Seeing that his blood volume had bottomed out, he had no choice but to escape in a flash.

The leopard girl followed decisively, hit her opponent with her spear, transformed into a leopard form and pounced on him to bite him to death!

"This blood must be credited to 1/3 of our troops' line processing, right?" Lin Ran was always ready to take credit, "If Leopard Girl's Twin River Crab didn't start the game, would she be able to walk sideways in the jungle?"

[Isn’t this just eating alone? 】

[Do you have any credit for the hammer? I don’t recognize it! 】

[You don’t even have an assist, so you just take credit, right? 】

"彳亍, I'll let you know later." Lin Ran began to mark the jungler and motioned to come over and help push the lane.

This kind of effort will not waste anything, and it can also earn a lot of army experience in vain, which makes the Leopard Girl's level advantage in the jungle even more exaggerated. Naturally, Nidalee will not refuse, and comes with a set of skills and punishment to help her mid laner. Forcibly pushing the 5 minute and 30 second gun carriage line under the mango fish tower.

When Mango Fish discovered that Lin Ran had reached level six, he immediately sent a signal to the side and even pinged the card's ultimate move twice.

"Go back to the city to replenish supplies first, and see who is easier to kill?" Lin Ran cut the screen to observe, and finally made a choice, "The decision is yours, Goutou!"

After taking out his CD shoes, murder ring and red crystal, Lin Ran hurried up the road.

After the dog-headed player got the early warning, he had already huddled under the tower and started to replenish the tower sword, but this still failed to dispel Lin Ran's idea of ​​​​catching him. He moved forward along the upper route. When the dog-headed player was covered by his ultimate move, he activated it. R【Destiny】!

Gou Batian is very cautious, but after all, he is not Jin Gong, and there is no way that the soldiers under the tower will not eat it.

Lin Ran landed in the previous tower and pinned his opponent with a yellow card. The Sword Demon activated R [Great Destruction] and then executed a smooth combo to kill Nasus.

Potian Yuanshen, Gou Batian: [Don’t come on the road, ants, to disturb this god’s retreat, you know? 】

Lin Ran saw this message in everyone's chat channel, and he was confused, "Are there other people like this?"

It can only be said that the dog head successfully attracted Lin Ran's attention, and he planned to do it again later.

Because Lin Ran and Leopard Girl pushed the middle line of troops, Mango Fish had no teleportation and was unable to support him. He could only watch his teammates being caught to death while he was slowly clearing the line of troops.

Lin Ran was even able to save teleportation and use the speed of his CD shoes to walk back to the middle, only losing a few soldiers.

Mango Fish has reached level six and is eager to kill a wave of laning kills.

He was always looking for the angle from which QR would take action.

Seeing his anxious look, Lin Ran decided to give him a chance.

The little fish man couldn't wait, Q minion followed by R [Giant Shark Attack], and successfully hit Lin Ran!

"Don't panic, okay? Do you think he has done enough damage?" Lin Ran showed his calmness, with three-color lights flashing above his head. The moment the shark bit him, he drank a bottle of blood medicine and used the time warp tonic to top it up. A measure of blood.

The moment he landed, he just received a yellow card.

Because Lin Ran had a pair of boots of clarity and a time-distortion tonic, even if he was bitten by a shark, his movement speed was not very slow and he was still walking down the tower.

The little murloc's basic attack W [Sea Stone Trident] stabbed the card in the butt, triggering electrocution and reducing Drizzt's health to 60%.

Bone plating does its job.

At this time, Lin Ran and Mango Fish were in a close relationship. He didn't do anything fancy and just threw away the yellow card.

In this case, the little fishman didn't have much time to react, but the mango fish relied on his prediction to successfully pole-vault in mid-air when Lin Ran took out the yellow card, eat the card, and then slapped the card hard. .

Even so, Lin Ran still has 1/3 of his blood left!

The little fish man chased A twice, and the card had about 150 health remaining and fled into the tower.

At this time, Fitz's Q [Naughty Strike] was less than two seconds away from turning good. Mango Fish calculated that even QA couldn't die with the card's HP.

After all, Lin Ran still has the recovery from the blood bottle. If he rushes in and jumps over the tower to kill him, he will be easily exposed.

"Skeleton plating and red crystal are too disgusting!" Mango Fish was furious, "This card is too weak. As long as there is no equipment to support the blood volume, I can kill it alone with this bowl!"

But Lin Ran calculated that the damage to Mango Fish was not enough, so he deliberately seduced him.

This time he deceived the little murloc's ultimate move. In the next 100 seconds, Fizz will not pose any threat.

Lin Ran returned to the city to replenish his health, and then used his teleportation to rush directly to the top road. He flashed the yellow card and cooperated with his top laner Sword Demon to kill the dog head again.

Potian Yuanshen, Gou Batian: [Bold! Zhao Xin's son, why don't you come to rescue him soon? This God has been targeted! 】

The quotations from the second grade were sent directly to the public screen, which made Lin Ran amused.

This time when he returned to the middle, he directly replenished his lunch box and boosted his health.

Mango Fish wanted to kill him right now, but the opportunity was too hard to find. Lin Ran used the unsealing secret book to make him weak, and he couldn't die even with his ultimate move.

Finally, at 11 minutes, Lin Ran was able to feed the shark while Lin Ran was replenishing his troops, but Lin Ran directly used the stopwatch provided by [Perfect Timing] to avoid damage from the shark, allowing the Mango Fish to return without success again.

The snowball of Leopard Girl in the jungle is getting bigger and bigger, which indirectly affects the three-way alignment.

After getting help from him twice, Sword Demon lived up to his expectations. With the help of Leopard Girl Canyon Pioneer, he pushed down the dog-headed first-blood tower, completely establishing an advantage in the game.

After flying on the road again to help the sword demon kill the dog head, Lin Ran said to the audience in the live broadcast room, "Did you see? This is called rhythm!"

Now he has participated in three kills, while Mango Fish has 0 kills, 0 deaths and 0 assists. He is firmly tied in the middle and unable to move.

Mango Fish was dejected. He passed by his own wild area and wanted to eat a set of F6 to supplement his economy. As a result, the wild monsters had been wiped out by Leopard Girl, a locust in the wild area.

"No, no, brothers," he looked at the time and immediately surrendered. "I can learn a lot even if I lose this set today. I think it's quite profitable."

Gou Batian was still typing on the public screen, claiming that he would not surrender until the world was destroyed.

But in the end, I obediently clicked 'Yes' in the surrender column.

Seeing the opponent's base turned into ruins, Lin Ran stretched out and said, "Let's get off the air!"

The barrages flew across the live broadcast room.

[This card is really powerful, it makes me sick anyway]

[The main thing is to control the field and control the rhythm. Brother Ran has this style of play. How can he play with another card? 】

[Mango Fish tried to kill it alone several times but failed, and the damage was just a little bit worse]

[Am I the only one who noticed that Ran Ge originally claimed to be broadcast for an hour, but it was reduced to half in the end? 】

Lin Ran waved goodbye to the audience, turned off the live broadcast room and planned to take a rest.

September 27th.

The YM competition and training department gathered again and prepared to go to South Korea.

This time the S8 global finals, the qualifying stage is arranged in Seoul, while the group stage is located in Busan, a coastal city.

"Jingong and Hongmi have already rushed over. We can just meet up at the hotel when the time comes." Guo Hao dragged his suitcase and was still communicating with several team members.

"Have you seen a Korean movie called "Train to Busan"?" Shiba Inu was very energetic and kept talking, "We can re-make it today..."

After hearing this, no one wanted to talk to him at all.

After taking photos at the airport, the YM team boarded the plane and prepared to take off.

After Lin Ran waited for the flight to stabilize, he connected to the wireless network and started reading the news.

After all, the flight from Shanghai to Busan only takes 1 hour and 55 minutes. There is no time to sleep, so it is better to see what is new.

In the end, Lin Ran really found out.

Riot Games released the theme song and MV for the S8 Global Finals.


The group stage starts tomorrow!

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