LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 619 617: The global finals kick off!

When I woke up again, it was already the morning of the 28th.

Lin Ran glanced at his phone and found that there were still two hours before the gathering time set by Hongmi last night.

He wanted to sleep for another half hour and then get up and wash up.

But when I closed my eyes, I felt that my body was getting hotter and hotter. It didn't work to take off the quilt covering my body. When I turned over slightly, I started to sweat on my forehead.

its not right.

"What's going on?" Xiaoyao, who was on the bed next to her, also woke up from the heat and muttered subconsciously.

"The air conditioner is broken!" Lin Ran put on a short-sleeved team uniform and quickly rolled out of bed.

"Huh?" Xiaoyao put on his glasses and half-leaned on the bed. His brain was still in a down state because he hadn't slept enough.

Lin Ran took a look at the air conditioner and saw that it was indeed no longer blowing cold air. While going out to check, he opened WeChat on his phone and told Vincent the problem.

Just as he opened the door and left, a man rushed out of the next room, complaining that the air conditioner was not working.

An old acquaintance.


"Hey, I heard that you guys arrived in Busan last night... It's convenient to be close," the senior brother said. He was a man of tendons and was definitely strong among professional players. "Damn it, we didn't enter the hotel until four o'clock in the morning today. I woke up from the heat after sleeping for five hours!”

He was obviously very dissatisfied.

"I still want to sleep again, but now it's obvious that I have no chance." Lin Ran went downstairs with him to find the hotel staff and have breakfast at the same time.

Walking straight along the corridor, many doors were opened along the way.

Mr. Dai squinted his small eyes and murmured in a unique voice. The big quail's hair was almost turning into a bird's nest. When he saw Lin Ran and his senior brother were going downstairs, he followed him in a pair of slippers. Come up.

When I took the elevator to the lobby, I found that the counter was already crowded with customers. They were clamoring in various languages ​​to solve the air-conditioning problem.

Lin Ran used mata's translation to understand the lobby manager's loud explanation, "We will solve it right away..."

He also gave a definite answer, "It will be fixed during the day today!"

After being comforted for a while, the customer vented his grievances and knew that the air conditioner would not be repaired instantly if he continued to stay here, so he had to disperse.

At this time, Garlic Bastard, Jack and others also came downstairs, and happened to meet Lin Ran face to face.

"This hotel is really bad," Xiaoyao was still very dissatisfied, "Look at the standards we hosted there last year, and look here..."

He thought the big quail couldn't understand Chinese.

In fact, I still know some simple Chinese communication terms mata, such as the word "hotel".

Combined with the tone of the boy's words, Mata could probably guess what the garlic bastard was talking about.

His face suddenly turned red.

South Korea has a strong sense of honor and disgrace in this regard. The Busan hotel hosted foreign players like this, and Mata Chuan felt that his face was shameful and he couldn't save face.

All I can say is that I feel very unhappy, but I can’t find any reason to refute it.

He casually found an excuse and immediately fled back to the room.

The eldest brother called his friends and found a group of players to go to the restaurant to eat something to fill his stomach.

He is very popular and is very popular in European and American circles. The FNC team members just arrived in Busan this morning and were called over by their senior brother.

The caps who looked exactly like Mr. Bean moved up to Lin Ran as soon as they saw him, smiling and wanting to take a photo.

Lin Ran didn't refuse, and Caps quickly handed the phone to his top orderer bwipo.

Xiao Mao was on the short side and his forehead showed that he was very smart. Before Lin Ran could make any move, he gave a thumbs up to the camera.

Lin Ran originally wanted to change his posture, but seeing Xiaomao's appearance, he could only give him a thumbs up.

Satisfied, Caps took back his phone from his teammates and casually said to Lin Ran, "Luka is not here today, otherwise the three of us can take a photo together."

Luka is perkz's name, and Lin Ran has a good relationship with him.

"It would be fun if G2 couldn't even qualify for the playoffs this year..." Xiaomao laughed evilly and began to hurt others while Ah P was not around.

G2's state this summer was very average. They only lost to FNC in the finals in the spring and won a runner-up. However, the weather turned hot and something suddenly didn't look right with the team.

With a record of 12 wins and 6 losses, they only ranked fourth in the LCS.EU. In the first game of the playoffs, they were swept out by the Rabbitohs 0-3.

When Lin Ran saw the battle report, he felt it was outrageous. He suspected that someone in the G2 team had his account canceled and his body taken away.

Fortunately, G2 fought hard to catch up, first killed the European snake, and then overturned Schalke 04, successfully getting the last ticket to the World Championship in the European division.

But not many people are optimistic about them.

With G2's character of playing with snakes, they might fall in the playoffs.

"Ran, can we make an appointment for a training match this afternoon?" Senior Brother asked expectantly.

North America also knows that its level is not very good. If it continues to play its own way and play internal training games, it will only get better with practice.

We need to communicate more with other external competition regions.

East Asia LPL and LCK are currently recognized as the two strongest divisions.

But if you want to play training matches with them, you have to have a way.

Everyone in the same competition area knows each other well. If three teams come to participate in the World Championship, practicing with each other can solve most of the training competition needs.

If it doesn't work, China and South Korea can communicate and negotiate again. The two competition regions can form a small group to digest all training matches internally.

After all, the LPL division has more linkages with the LCK during the spring and summer splits. In addition, both divisions believe that China and South Korea are far ahead in strength and are unwilling to train with lower-level European and American teams. As a result, Europe and the United States often I can only entertain myself.

If you want to play training games with LCK, you have to have Korean players or Korean coaches in the team. If you have a close relationship, maybe it can work.

As for the LPL, Europe and the United States really have nothing to do.

There are no Chinese players in the team, and there is no phenomenon of domestic coaches going to work in top European and American leagues. They are not familiar with the LPL division at all.

In this case, the senior brother wanted to use his connections to make an appointment with YM through Lin Ran.

"We only need a BO5 for the training match, how about it?" Doublelift looked full of desire.

Team Liquid's qualifying situation this year looks good, and Big Brother wants to go one step further and reach the quarterfinals.

If you can learn some version understanding or routine coordination through the training match with YM, it will be a great benefit to TL.

"...I really can't make the decision on this matter by myself," Lin Ran picked up the tray and went to the self-service area to get sliced ​​bread, fried eggs and ham for himself, "You have to ask our coach."

It was usually the coach's job to make appointments for training matches, and Lin Ran basically didn't bother with it, and it was impossible for him to agree to it without permission.

"Okay, okay," the senior brother looked at Xiao Hao on the side again, "Then let's have a game between the two teams tonight?"

Although in his opinion, the strength of Europe is not as good as that of China and South Korea, FNC is still strong this year, and it will definitely not be a waste to make an appointment for a training match.

FNC's coach was sitting next to him. When he heard that the senior brother wanted to hook up with his team to play training matches, he quickly objected, "No, we made an appointment with VIT when we came over. We will mainly play with them these two days."

The senior brother begged for help, but was unable to find any definite opponent for the training match for the team. After breakfast, he ran to the room upstairs sickly.

When Lin Ran and others returned upstairs, the training room had been decorated.

It's just that the air conditioner doesn't work.

"It's not a big deal if there is no air conditioning in the sleeping area. It's not unacceptable to open the windows at night..." Guo Hao frowned, "But isn't it torture to stay in the training room during the day?"

I woke up from the heat this morning, mainly because I was not prepared in advance. I turned on the air conditioner and closed the doors and windows. As soon as the cold wind disappeared, the temperature in the room would naturally rise. If I slept with ventilation at night, the weather in Busan would not be considered hot.

But training during the day without air conditioning is a torture.

A total of more than 20 square meters of training room, with ten computers and more than a dozen people crammed into it, would be so hot even if the windows were opened.

After repeated communication, Guo Hao asked Vincent to take him to a nearby shopping mall to buy a bunch of small palm-sized fans, which could be placed on the table to blow air.

He stood in the middle of the training room with his hands on his hips and said to his players and employees, "The conditions are like this now. There is no other way. Let's take a moment, Sister Li."

Lin Ran felt quite balanced in his heart.

After all, not only YM is like this, but all participating teams have this configuration.

Just bear with it.

Holding a glass of cold drink in his hand, if he felt hot, he would roll the bottle around his exposed arm to let the cold water droplets stay on his skin.

Every time the fan blows, goosebumps will appear on your forearms.

The other team members followed suit and suddenly felt much better.

Hongmi first lowered the curtain and then turned on the projector so that all players could see their computer screens.

"Let me talk about the version first. This year's World Championship is using 8.19, which has added 3 more minor versions of updated content than our playoffs. Because Riot was frightened by the S5 Heavy Warrior version, so as the World Championship approaches, they also Don’t dare to make drastic changes…”

"Although the contents of these three versions of updates are different, generally speaking, the direction is the same. We will talk about it slowly next."

Homme has sorted out this part of the information and highlighted the key points.

Cognitive version, which is necessary before proceeding to intensive training.

If you do nothing and just play training matches, you will not achieve good results at all.

"The first is... the adjustment of critical strike equipment," Hongmi called up a slide. "The attack power of the Infinity Blade has been reduced by 10 points, the price has been reduced from 3600 to 3400, and the synthesis route has been changed from two big swords to a storm. Great Sword + Pickaxe; and the prices of the four props, Green Cross, Cannon, Arashiri and Electric Knife, have also dropped by 150 gold coins."

"ADCs with attack speed and critical strike style have received a wave of enhancements, which has improved the status of characters like Kai'Sa and Xayah a lot," Hongmi said a common fact that everyone knows, "and the other one has the same The heroes who benefited..."

"Yasuo." Jack replied quickly, his face beaming with joy.

"Yes, it's Yasuo." Hongmi agreed.

When Yasuo was popular in the professional arena during the Summer Games, some players felt that the route of combining two Storm Swords into Endless was very unsmooth, so they chose to make up a bloody hand first, and then switch to Endless.

Now the synthesis route has become BF Great Sword + Pickaxe, which is much more comfortable. You can definitely use the Infinity Blade as the second piece. With full critical hit rate, Yasuo's combat effectiveness will instantly increase by a notch.

The price of Green Cross is reduced by 150, and the price of Endless is reduced by 200. Yasuo's two-piece set costs 350 gold coins less than usual, which means that he can be formed one minute earlier.

This will have a crucial impact on the BP rate and winning rate in the professional arena.

On the surface, Riot Games' move is to enhance the critical hit ADC, but in fact, it 'inadvertently' creates more opportunities for Yasuo to play.

It was obvious that he wanted to bully Lin Ran because he didn't know Yasuo and put pressure on him.

The people in the YM competition and training department were almost stunned when they thought about this.

"Can Kaisha become T1?" Shiba Inu asked, "After all, the price of Lanqi has also dropped."

Hongmi shook his head, "Not good. I think not only Kai'Sa, but also other attack-speed ADCs will have a hard time playing."

"When the Eight-Minute Canyon Herald was born, these ADC equipment were not ready, and their combat effectiveness was too weak to be of any use."

If you choose Kai'Sa or Xayah, don't even think about picking up the first vanguard team. Unless the four positions of midfielder, jungler, and auxiliary are incredibly strong, they can make up for the shortcomings of the ADC.

The problem now is not the strength of the hero's numerical strength but Kai'Sa's inability to keep up with the rhythm of the game.

After taking shape, it is still very strong, but there is no team in the professional arena that will keep Kai'Sa down.

"Another point is the strengthening of Syndra," Hongmi gave the second picture. "Now the base damage of level one Q [Dark Sphere] is as high as 70 points, which has returned to the peak value of the previous two years."

"...Are you crazy?" Lin Ran was stunned when he saw this, "Isn't this a complete invincibility?"

In this version that places great emphasis on line power, Syndra's enhancement will undoubtedly have a fatal impact on the environment.

"The key is that Syndra can swing to the bottom lane," Hongmi looked at the Shiba Inu, "During this period, remember to pick up the ball girl and practice."

Jack nodded in response, "Don't worry, buddy, Syndra will be fine!"

Hongmi nodded and cut to the next picture, "The damage of Akali's ultimate move has been weakened again, but it has only been reduced by 15 points. If it doesn't hurt, you can continue to use it."

"It is worth mentioning that the cooldown time of Sword Demon W [Evil Fire Chain] has been shortened by 4 seconds, and its strength has also increased a lot."

Aatrox's W was weakened once after the second redesign, and this time it is considered a callback.

"Crab's movement speed has been increased by 5 points, which probably makes him look less passive...but I don't think it means much. The reason why this hero can't keep up with others lies in his own skill mechanism, not his basic movement speed."

Then Lin Ran saw that in terms of support, the cooldown of the Tauren Chief's ultimate move had been increased by 10 seconds, and Thresh's base value had been reduced a bit.

In the jungle, the Troll King is still strong. Even if the early damage of Q [Fang Bite] is reduced by 5 points, it will not affect his dominance in the jungle.

"Generally speaking, the updates in these three versions are all minor fixes, which weakened the heroes who were too strong and strengthened the heroes who were too weak." Redmi turned off the slide. "Overall, this is still a It will be a mid-jungle-dominated version, but Riot Games wants to let the ecological chain flourish and encourage as many heroes as possible to enter the professional arena."

"I made a picture with Gou Ba before..." Hongmi took out a stack of A4 paper from his notebook and distributed it to the players present. "It lists the gradient of hero strength and weakness in the professional arena. Three After a minor version update, we made certain changes.”

Lin Ran took it and took a look.

This table by the YM coaching staff is quite detailed. It gives the reasons for the gradient ranking, as well as the recent changes in BP rate and winning rate in the professional arena.

For example, the middle lane.

In the 8.16 version of the playoffs, the BP rate of Enchantress in the five major regions was as high as 82.5%, and the winning rate was 55.6%. This strength is a well-deserved version of T1, surpassing other mid laners.

Zoe follows closely behind, with a BP rate of 77.7% and a win rate of 51.2%. Although not as good as Enchantress, it is still far ahead of other characters.

In today's new form, Redmi placed Syndra between Enchantress and Zoe, and Card Master and Yasuo also successfully entered T1, but next to them it says 'need to be used with the midfield system'.

"Because the S8 World Championship has not yet started, the data collection work of Gou Ba has not yet started. The current hero selection for T1-T3 is very messy, and there are even six or seven characters crowded in the same strength echelon," Hongmi told them loudly Explained, "I will continue to update this table as the game progresses, eliminate some heroes, and adjust their strength and weakness at the same time!"

Only in the competition can we see which heroes are overrated traps in the version, and which characters have emerged and become the objects of competition for major teams.

"I have circled all the heroes you need to practice next," Hongmi said, intending to turn off the projector. "Since most of the teams are still on their way to Busan, there are no training matches to play. Let's start arranging today. A hot hand..."

When Lin Ran heard this, he raised his hand to indicate that he had something to say.

"Doublelift told me this morning that he wanted to schedule a BO5 training match. If we can't schedule a training match now, we might as well give them a try."

Hongmi didn’t expect that its mid laner actually had this function, so she readily agreed.

Although TL is not very strong, it is still a training match after all, and the effect is definitely better than ranked.

"Is it okay to play training matches between the same group?" Guo Hao still had questions.

Hongmi waved his hand, "It's okay. The reason why we don't play training matches in the same group is because we are afraid that we will miss the mark and be targeted by our opponents, which will cause us to lose points and not be able to qualify."

"But it's hard for a team like TL to pose much of a threat to us. Besides, it's just a BO5. When the other two LPL teams arrive in Busan tomorrow, we won't have to look for liquids."

Hongmi just wanted to take advantage of the gap period to let the players warm up their hands.

Lin Ran got up and went to inform the senior brother opposite.

Doublelift was originally prepared to play ranked all afternoon, but when Lin Ran proposed an invitation to a training match, he felt overjoyed.

"That's great, Hot Pot!" He thanked him in half-baked Chinese, his tone sounded like Shanghainese.

"It's okay, it's okay..." Lin Ran waved his hands repeatedly.

"If you have the opportunity to go to Los Angeles in the future, I will be your free tour guide!" The senior brother switched to English and became much more fluent this time. He patted his strong pectoralis major and promised.

The BO5 match went very quickly, and within an hour and a half, YM won.

In the last set, YM felt even better. The three lines were crushed and pushed forward with all their strength. The score reached 13:2 in just 15 minutes.

From the perspective of Redmi OB, the economic gap between the two sides has widened to 5,500, and there is no need to continue the fight.

The entire TL team displayed GG in everyone's chat channel and then exited the game.

"You guys are killing too hard, aren't you?" Jack couldn't stand it anymore. His data in this game was 0/0/0, which highlighted an innocent person. It could be called fasting and chanting Buddha's name, but the three people in the top half were completely crazy. "It's too much!"

"What's more, he still has to thank us." Lin Ran took a sip of Bingkuola and felt refreshed.

"Thank you!" The eldest brother was beaming with joy and even opened the door to express his thanks.

This left the Shiba Inu speechless.

After a brief review, the YM training department went to a Korean barbecue restaurant near the hotel for a dinner.

This is the end of the first day in Busan.

It is very unfortunate that the lobby manager's earlier promise was not fulfilled.

The air conditioner still cannot be turned on.

Hongmi sympathized with their hard work and gave them three hours of leave before letting them come back to training at ten o'clock in the evening.

At this time, the temperature in Busan has turned cooler, and it is not so uncomfortable for everyone to be crowded in a room.

However, this resulted in the training time being extended. Lin Ran did not go back to his room to rest until one o'clock in the evening, which was completely different from his usual biological clock.

Extremely exhausted, he touched the pillow and fell asleep immediately.

When I woke up the next day, the two teams IG and RNG had also arrived in Busan.

At breakfast time, the broiler opened his sleepy eyes and looked very sleepy.

Lin Ran sat opposite him holding a dinner plate.

"Last night, Chenglu turned off my air conditioner again. Does this person have cat cakes?" Song Yijin was very unhappy.

He and TheShy lived in the same room, but he was woken up by the heat this morning, making his cock very angry.

When he was at the IG base, Jiang Chenglu liked to turn off the air conditioner and sleep, saying it was a good way to stay healthy.

Song Yijin doesn't care about health care, comfort is the most important.

He also has his own theory - if the quality of sleep is too poor, will life expectancy be shortened?

Lin Ran pondered for a moment, "...but the air conditioner broke yesterday."

That's not Jiang Chenglu's problem at all.

"Ah?!" Song Yijin's narrowed eyes suddenly opened, "Is it true or false?"

"Why did I lie to you?" Lin Ran spread strawberry jam on the sliced ​​bread. Hearing Song Yijin's words, he was quite confused, "But you don't know?"

Broiler looked innocent, "I don't know. We arrived in Busan at two in the morning, and no one reminded us when we checked in."

At this time, Vincent sat down, grabbed the bread on his plate and wolfed down, "There was something wrong in Seoul last night. My colleague and I ran a round trip, which was hundreds of kilometers away, but I was so sleepy. After dinner, I have to go up and catch up on my sleep..."

Lin Ran asked, "Have you discussed the air conditioner issue with IG?"

"Of course, I explained it on WeChat before leaving," Vincent replied matter-of-factly, "I must do my job well."

Lin Ran understood in his heart and didn't ask any more questions.

If Vincent wants to contact IG, this kind of matter must be reported to the team leader or manager of the management team, and will not be reported to the players individually.

The answer is obvious.

IG management did not explain the air conditioning problem to the players.

It sounds outrageous.

But thinking that this is IG, it suddenly makes sense.

At this point, all 12 teams have arrived in Busan, and the training matches are gradually getting on track.

YM has a lot of invitations for training matches, and all other teams want to compete with them. They want to get a feel for it first and test the game understanding of the current number one team in League of Legends.

IG and RNG are also constantly inviting invitations, and you can basically choose any opponent for training matches.

This is completely different from the previous two years.

At the beginning, the LPL had to unilaterally ask the LCK to play training games with them.

Now, times have changed.

YM's consecutive championships have made the LPL league more and more valuable. IG and RNG are also strong. The three representative teams participating in S8 are almost the strongest lineups in the LPL in recent years.

LCK suffered successive losses in international competitions, and they had to lower their arrogant heads and learn from the LPL.

Hongmi selected the best from the training competition invitations that came like snowflakes, and practiced against strong opponents in the other three groups, gradually exploring the answers to the updated version.

And on October 1st, Seoul, South Korea.

The qualifying round has officially begun.

The eight wild card teams competed fiercely with the four No. 3 seeds in the competition area.

There are only 4 places that can enter the main draw.

If you want to advance to the group stage, you have to overturn a team from the five major regions.

The wild card division is full of energy and does not want to live up to its efforts this year.

But there is a gap between them and the competition area.

The gap is just too big.

Even G-REX, the third seed in the LMS division who was considered the most likely to overturn before the game, has been making great progress.

G2, C9 and GEN all showed their talents. All four major regions won the first place in the qualifying group, and then without any surprise, they defeated the second place in other groups in BO5 and successfully entered the main draw.

The eldest princess came on stage again and started drawing lots with a smile on her face.

This will determine the final team in each group.

Everyone in YM took advantage of the midnight snack time to eat fried chicken and watch the live broadcast.

Flame fumbled around in the glass basin for a long time, and finally pulled out a black ball.

The moment it was taken apart, the eldest princess laughed.

The ribbon is unrolled and faces the audience.


At the bottom of Group A, the GEN team logo appeared!

"Hahahaha!" Jack laughed heartily, "Here comes the point giver!"

YM is not afraid of LCK teams. They always kill every one they see. This fine tradition started from the S6 global finals and continues to this day.

In the World Championship, SSG took the lead - in the S6 quarterfinals, YM swept Samsung out of the competition.

What’s very effective about the program is that they were also the last ones - the S7 Bird’s Nest decisive battle, Samsung achieved the legend of YM’s victory and championship.

The Great Good Man Sanxing emphasizes that there is a beginning and an end.

Lin Ran felt that since GEN had inherited the title of the king of the Samsung Bubble Competition, the fear of YM must still be deeply rooted in their minds.

Seoul lol park backstage lounge.

The moment he saw the result of the lottery, Emperor Chi held his head and let out a miserable cry, "Ahhhhh!"

Just as Lin Ran thought, when he sees YM now, he can recall the famous scene in the S7 global finals when he used a small cannon to revive his opponent with a life-saving cannon.

too disgusting.

Other older generation e-sports people from Samsung also looked solemn, as YM brought them countless painful memories.

The showmaker next to him is the only new member of GEN and has never played against YM before.

Looking at the expressions of the seniors at this moment, I don’t think there is anything to be discouraged about, “Don’t be afraid, brother Zaihe, we will definitely get revenge this time!”

Emperor Chi looked deeply at the newcomer in his family.

Crown thought the same thing last year.

As a result, after the S7 World Championship, everyone was gone.

Thinking of this, Ruler felt better.

Anyway, he wasn't the one facing Lin Ran.

Xu Xiu, please wish yourself well.

The eldest princess then drew G-REX, but since there was already a Flash Wolf in Group B, she moved one place back to Group C.

The final entry into Group B was G2.

Baidu Cloud C9 was assigned to Group D.

So far, all 16 teams from four groups have been announced.

Group A: YM, TL, MAD, GEN

Group B: FW, RNG, PVB, G2

Group C: KT, VIT, 100T, G-REX

Group D: FNC, IG, AFs, C9

Riot Games released the group stage schedule that night.

In the opening match, YM faced GEN.

In the blink of an eye, October 10th has arrived.

Haeundae, Busan Convention and Exhibition Center.

Lin Ran took a sip of ice water and held it in his mouth.

The backstage where he was was now bustling with activity.

16 teams gathered together, and the languages ​​​​of various countries were mixed together, making people confused and noisy.

"You just need to walk in a straight line later," Vincent sat next to them and emphasized to them, "Brother Ran, you will be at the front."

Lin Ran nodded to indicate that he understood.

He bent down and put down the water bottle, holding the Summoner's Trophy in both hands.

Through a wall, the Roaring Emperor's shouts could be heard.

"Summoners here and around the world, welcome to Busan, South Korea!"

His voice was full of passion, "After seven days of qualifying competition, now we finally come to the main round of the global finals!"

"Let's invite the team to appear!"

"Group D, Fnatic!"

The top laners Soaz and Bwipo led the other teammates onto the stage and waved hello to the 1,800 spectators in the stands.

The subsequent appearances of IG, C9 and AFs also triggered a burst of cheers from the audience.

One by one the teams left the background.

In the end, Lin Ran only had five teammates left.

“Finally, let us welcome the two-time Global Finals champions with a round of applause…Young Miracles!”

Hearing the name of his team, Lin Ran slowly stepped onto the stage.

The other five followed closely behind him.

The group of people felt a strong sense of oppression, and the two gold stars on the chest of the team uniform were extremely dazzling.

The spotlight above his head poured down, shining on the Summoner's Trophy in Lin Ran's hand, glowing with little silver light.

The cheers and screams in the audience were non-stop, and even many Korean spectators stood up to welcome the double champion of the World Championship!

Lin Ran steadily placed the Summoner's Trophy on the high platform, and after returning it, he retreated to his teammates.

The cameraman's lens is firmly fixed on the trophy.

"All teams are ready," the Roaring Emperor shouted, "The war is raging in October, let's wait and see who can break out of the siege!"

The spotlights flashed alternately, making people dizzy.

After the rest of the team stepped down, Lin Ran and his teammates did not leave, but sat directly on the player seats at the back.

The GEN team members are also debugging the game settings.

The camera goes to the commentary box.

"Good evening, viewers, I am the commentator Zeyuan!"

"Hello everyone, I remember!"

Two familiar faces appear on the screen.

"This is the live broadcast of the group stage of the 2018 Global Finals!" Ze Yuan said loudly, "The opening match will be held soon. YM, the first seed in the LPL division, will face GEN, the third seed in the LCK!"

"The result of this game will affect the qualifying situation of the entire Group A," I remember gushing, "There are weaker teams like MAD in the group, and TL's comprehensive ability is not strong. Before the game, everyone generally believed that A The two sides fighting for the top spot in the group are YM and GEN."

"Whoever can win this game will have the upper hand!"

Unlike the LPL, which has a series of advertisements after arriving at the expected game time, the start time of the World Championship is basically strictly in accordance with the schedule.

“Without further ado, let’s get into the BP session of the opening match!”

With a crisp sound, the forbidden panel appeared in front of all the audience!

I still have some manuscripts to save, but it’s not easy to divide them into chapters, so I’ll post them here first.

Big chapters will continue tomorrow.

Ps: That Mad is not the European Mad Lions, but the Mad Team from the LMS division. The boss is Shawn Yue. I have specifically marked it in the chapter about the lottery. If there are still readers who have questions, I will explain it.

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