LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 620 618: Come! Have a blast! (EDG rush rush)

"YM was on the blue side in this game, and they sent the Tauren Chief to the ban position right away!"

Zeyuan is still talking about the analysis, "There is no problem with this choice. Throughout the entire qualifying stage, Alistar's appearance rate and winning rate are very high..."

"Although the cooldown of the ultimate move [Steadfast Will] has been increased by 10 seconds, this does not greatly affect its strength," I remember echoing, "The Tauren Chief's strong attack ability is a bit too stable, and there is basically no counterattack. means."

This version has no shortage of output. It has three cores: upper, middle and lower. Even the jungler can make up for a certain amount of damage. What it lacks is the ability to start a group and resist damage.

Alistar is a near perfect fit.

GEN banned Syndra without hesitation.

Now that Ball Girl has been strengthened, the numerical damage in the laning phase is ridiculously high, and Lin Ran's hero proficiency is no problem. If it is not disabled, YM will probably grab it in blue, and there may not be a good showmaker juice by then. have eaten.

"YM's second ban slot was given to Yasuo, while GEN banned Galio!"

In the last ban position of the first round, Redmi chose to block Kenan.

This is also Cuvee's signature hero. When you use it, the team will feel confident. His stable entry into the team battle can produce tons of output.

After all, he is known as the King of Yodel. Even though Kennen is not an absolute T1 choice now, YM still gives Cuvee enough respect.

GEN coach Edgar was still pacing behind the players' bench, recording the BP deduction of the opening game in his notebook.

He was very well prepared as he had three days of rest before the opener.

At present, BP is following the normal procedures, and it does not exceed Edgar's expectations.

According to the pre-game plan, with only the last banned slot left, Edgar could only choose between ice and cards.

There is no way, there are really not enough ban seats.

If these two heroes were released, one on each side, then YM would definitely choose Han Bing.

Master Ai's priority is ridiculously high. In contrast, Card Master needs to cooperate with the jungler in the current version, which does not mean that it cannot be restricted.

"Disable Ashe. The opponent may choose a card system. I will give Xu Xiu the Enchantress..." At this point, Edgar patted his mid laner on the shoulder, "Try to limit him during the laning phase. one time."

Xu Xiu held Nuan Baobao in her hand and looked serious, "I will try my best."

Although he had been clamoring to avenge the team and the seniors before the game, showmaker was not so arrogant when it came to the field.

Xu Xiu knew who she was facing.

The opponent is recognized as the number one mid laner in the world, and even the number one player in League of Legends e-sports.

That’s why he used the word ‘try your best’.

"YM decisively grabs the troll!" Remember to analyze, "This is also a good choice, it can ensure the strength of the jungle!"

"After the damage of Q [Fang Bite] was weakened, Trundle's strength dropped slightly, but it can be regarded as being released from the ban position." Zeyuan said with a smile.

At this time, the director gave the statistics of Trolls in the play-in stage - the ban rate was 23.8%, the selection rate was 64.2%, and the winning rate was 50%.

It is definitely considered the current version of T1 jungler.

"This hero has the power of strong attack. He can stand out as a rogue in a single fight in the jungle. In addition, he has E [Pillar of Ice] and R [Strength] in team battles, which can provide considerable help to the team."

I remember summing it up by saying, "Troll is a bit like Ashe in the shooter position, strong in the early stage, but still functional in the mid-to-late stage."

The two commentators focused on the troll's kung fu, and GEN also made its own choice.

"Yao Ji + Luo!" Zeyuan's eyes lit up, "This pair of midfielders and auxiliaries is very flexible, and the strength is not low!"

Hongmi walked up to Lin Ran and asked his opinion, "Do you still want to use cards?"

Now YM has got what is generally considered to be the strongest jungler in the version. It has support in the jungle, and the selection of cards can indeed create a good linkage effect.

"...No problem." Lin Ran agreed happily.

In fact, there is Akali out there that can be used. Her operation is elegant and smooth, and she can automatically become the most eye-catching presence in the room.

However, Lin Ran doesn't play the game just to shine, winning is the most important thing.

The cards look simple and unpretentious, with no difficult operations.

But for the entire YM team, this is the best choice.

Hongmi asked him to lock Drizzt by himself, and then asked Garlic Bastard to choose Jace, making it clear that he wanted to raise Jin Gong.

GEN's last pick in the first round was Qinggang Shadow for the jungler.

Zeyuan swept through the top three choices of GEN on the red side, "Enchantress + Luo + Camille, GEN's lineup is very flexible!"

"This is probably why they chose to play Haru in the opening game," I remember saying. "After all, if An is the leader, it may be difficult for him to control this type of jungle hero."

Since the second half of this summer split, Anbixin has subconsciously taken a back seat.

He could feel that he was out of his depth and his playing style no longer fit the version.

Leader An's own play style tends to control the map. He is more accustomed to using characters like Pig Girl. In the early stage, he uses his vision to completely and frequently replace resources in the jungle to avoid direct conflicts with the opponent. This will be reflected in the mid-to-late team battles. The strength of herbivorous jungle.

But now, the jungle is full of macho men. Characters such as Green Steel Shadow, Troll, and Xin Zhao have completely squeezed the living space of herbivorous functional junglers like Pig Girl.

Moreover, neutral resource replacement in the jungle is no longer free.

Two minutes of river crabs and eight minutes of canyon pioneers force you to join the team, which leaves An Bixin with no time to replace resources. As long as the first round of river crabs and the first pioneer are lost, the jungler and the The team is basically at a disadvantage in the early stage.

Leader An was beaten violently in several games this summer. If something went wrong, he quickly retreated and asked the team to bring up the substitute jungler Haru.

In comparison, Haru's playing style is more ferocious. The hero pool is full of fierce heroes such as blind monks, male spearmen, spiders, and poodles. Qinggangying's proficiency is not a big problem.

"In the second round of BP, GEN first sent Jack's Jhin to the ban position." Zeyuan stared at the BP panels of both sides. "It seems that they still want to be wary of YM's tool ADC."

"YM blocked Lucian, probably because they were afraid that Jace would be suppressed in the lane...GEN went even harder, not even releasing Verus!"

Hongmi said to Liu Qingsong, "Let's ban Dao Mei and don't let Cuvee take advantage on the top lane."

Irelia is still very restrained against Jace in the lane. Piltover's second battalion commander is afraid of being betrayed by the warriors. After the sword girl reaches level six, she can give him a set of skills in seconds.

Edgar directly locked Xia to Chidi, and formed the Phoenix Legend with corejj.

"Although this version of Xialuo combination is not low in strength, compared with last year's global finals, the gap is a bit big." I remember commenting.

Zeyuan took over the topic, "But now the price of critical equipment is much cheaper. Xia's equipment can be formed a minute faster than before, and when Niyu faced the card master, his ultimate move [Storm Feather] Blade] can avoid yellow cards, I think this is why GEN chose her."

While talking, YM's fourth and fifth choices were decisively decided.

But the hero he pulled out was surprising!

"Leona and... Bomberman?"

Zeyuan was in disbelief, "What happened? Is this the wrong choice?"

But under the camera, all YM members were laughing, even Hongmi and Jiang Chenglu were stunned.

How does this seem like a wrong choice?

The scene was in an uproar. Although the venue of the Busan Convention and Exhibition Center was not particularly large, there were nearly two thousand spectators seated. The noise they created at this time completely enveloped the stage!

On the interface of the BP panel, the director also gave instructions on the selection of Bomberman.

In the qualifying stage, the mid laner Ceros of the Japanese representative team DFM once played Giggs in a game, but unfortunately he failed to win the game.

"This is Bomberman's return to the global finals after 1,471 days!" Remember to speak louder, "The last time he appeared was back in the 2014 World Championship, and the user was EDG's mid laner U at the time! "

"And the user of Giggs in this game will be JackeyLove in the bottom lane!"

Today's LPL event live broadcast room is overcrowded. After all, it is the first day of the main game. The opening game and YM's traffic have made the game extremely popular.

After seeing Jack choose Bomber, the barrage flew by like snowflakes.

[66666, NM is really outrageous]

[Just get ready on the first day of the race, right? 】

[This hero is biss with me! Every time a bug comes out, Ziggs’ secret shop comes out, which makes my teeth itch]

[Bomberman + Sunshine Girl go down the road... It seems really feasible. If the support gives control, Bomberman's skills will never be empty]

[Leona can also counter Luo, which is really comfortable]

GEN was stunned by this bomber.

Edgar frowned even more.

He banned three heroes: Ice, Jhin, and Varus, and then snatched Xayah. He felt that Jack would definitely use Kai'Sa's stable development to delay the late stage lineup.

Who would have thought that YM would just pull out a Giggs!

This completely disrupted the team's plans.

However, Edgar is also a veteran coach who has experienced many battles, and he knows that he must not panic at this time.

Otherwise, these players who are younger than him are likely to have an unbalanced mentality.

"Cheng Zhen, what do you think of Sword Demon?" He looked at cuvee, "Or do you want to use long hands?"

Cuvee glanced at his hero pool.

Gnar and Kennen are now banned, and one of his most skilled top laners is Captain.

However, Gangplank had no advantage against Jayce and had no choice.

"Just the Sword Demon." He reluctantly agreed.

The lineups of both sides are determined.

Blue square YM: top laner Jayce, jungler Troll, mid laner Card Master, bottom lane Bomberman + Leona.

Red side GEN: top laner Sword Demon, jungler Qinggang Shadow, mid laner Enchantress, bottom laner Xia + Luo.

“Looking at the lineup alone,” Zeyuan said after careful consideration, “I think it’s still a battle between the midfielder and the jungler. If YM can protect top laner Jayce, he can form a team with Bomberman in the bottom lane during the team battle. The double poke combination constantly threatens GEN."

"GEN's advantage lies in its flexibility. If it can really be played, the upper limit of this lineup is still quite high..." I remember the pertinent comment, and then I noticed another problem.

"It is worth mentioning that Crab was not banned in this game and did not get a chance to play."

Zeyuan had wanted to say it for a long time, but now he saw the topic brought by his partner, and he became excited, "The crab has received a 5-point base movement speed increase in the 8.18 version. It can be said to be a big hit in the qualifying stage."

"But no one paid attention to it in today's opening match. I have to say that there is a difference in understanding the version of the qualifying round and the main game."

In the semi-finals against RNG, Lin Ran and his teammates used a pulling lineup and long-hand laner Lucian to firmly suppress Urgot, which exposed Crab's weakness.

But in the qualifying stage, Crab is still the hottest T0 top laner.

In a total of 42 games, Crab was banned for 23 games, played in 19 games, and won 13 of them. The BP was as high as 100%, and the winning rate was 68.4%, which can be called a terrifying evaluation.

This is simply an extremely exaggerated data performance. Although it cannot keep up with Leopard Girl in the S6 World Championship and Kalista in the S7 World Championship, it can be regarded as the strongest among the heroes that can appear.

The main reason is that the hero Crab is too brainless and is a jack-of-all-trades choice in the top lane.

As long as the opponent's top laner doesn't use a long-handed character, even if his own jungler doesn't come to help, Urgot can still develop stably in a free-range state.

Use the unsealed secret book to replace an ignition, and there is even the possibility of a solo kill.

Moreover, in team battles, Crab has a very broad space to play. Once the R [Fear Beyond Death] kills the enemy, it will provide a very stable fear control for the team.

If you want to restrict Urgot, you must first not let him enter the field easily. Use your positioning and slowing skills to keep pulling. Once the crab is slowed down, it will be a fool.

Even if you are accidentally cut into the field by a crab, you must not panic.

When the opponent releases his ultimate move, he must quickly distance himself, or keep his teammate's health healthy and prevent him from entering the drag kill line.

After all, the reason why Urgot is so strong in team fights is because of this ultimate move.

As long as the R skill cannot execute the hero, half of its effect will be nullified.

YM has already given all the answers. When encountering crabs, you need to pull more and cooperate better in team battles, so it will be easy to deal with them.

But this group of wild card teams in the finals obviously does not have these abilities.

There are many problems with their pulling ability and teamfight coordination. Even though they dominate the local league and sweep the world, their problems will be exposed under high pressure when they come to the world championship stage.

Urgot can enter the field almost every time, throw out his ultimate move, and use W [Purge] to spray randomly, pulling back the enemy with residual health and frightening the opponent.

When facing weaker opponents, crabs are simply an invincible weapon.

Weak bums don’t know the correct way to eat crabs, and some know how to handle them, but they don’t know how to do it.

Now in the main stage of the group stage, the average level of the team has risen a lot, and heroes like Crab are not that strong.

Hongmi and Edgar obviously knew this, so they both released Urgot.

Before the game started, the director interrupted an interview video.

showmaker sits in a chair facing the camera.

The narrator's voice sounded, "This time, the showmaker will face the two-time global finals champion YM in the group stage. It is the first time for the showmaker players to step onto the world stage. What do you want to say?"

Xu Xiu thought for a moment and gave his own response, "The opponent Ran is a senior that I respect very much and an admirable opponent. His YM is very powerful."

"Everyone knows what YM's goal is this year... but we will do our best to stop YM's progress, live up to everyone's expectations, and defend the glory of LCK!" He is determined.

When the Korean audience in the stands heard these words, they immediately screamed with excitement.

For Koreans, Xu Xiu's answer undoubtedly touched their hearts.

This year's World Championship will be hosted in South Korea. They don't want YM and Lin Ran to continue to maintain their dominance over the League of Legends e-sports program.

That figure has been sitting on the throne for two years, and it's time to step aside!

The camera turned again, and Lin Ran, who was much taller than Xu Xiu, appeared on the big screen.

There were also many domestic students who came to Busan today. They held YM team flags and support items in their hands. The moment they saw Lin Ran, they kept tapping their light sticks to cheer for their beloved players!

The narrator changed the question, "Earlier, Riot Games announced the top 20 players participating in the 2018 Global Finals. How do you feel about winning the honor of being the strongest player again?"

In this year's TOP20, all YM members are on the list. Lin Ran ranks first, Xiao Yan ranks fourth, Jack ranks seventh, Liu Qingsong ranks eighth, and Jin Gong ranks tenth.

They account for half of the top ten player rankings!

When Lin Ran saw this list, he felt that Riot was giving up on itself.

This is the well-known poisonous ranking list, and the players on it are basically crotchless. The two exceptions are Faker in S5 and himself in S7.

Lin Ran suspected that Riot Games was angered by YM's Murong Fu's style of play in the summer games, and he didn't know how to weaken them. In the last step, he simply started to play poisonous milk, hoping to use this metaphysical trick to kill YM.

"What do you think?" Lin Ran replied calmly, "I don't think it's surprising. This isn't the first time I've topped this list."

"In this global finals, I will continue to show my dominance," he said, pausing for a moment before continuing, "Let's start with GEN first. We haven't seen each other for a year. I heard that they have a new mid laner. …”

"Then let me see their strength. Don't let me down."

[Crazy crazy crazy Xiao Ran is here]

[‘Let me see their strength’, how about putting it here to attract hatred? 】

[It’s okay, the GEN members are all wearing headphones, so they can’t eavesdrop on the interview. They don’t know yet]

[It’s useless even if you eavesdrop. I wonder if GEN doesn’t speak Chinese, do you think he’s playing LMS? 】

The barrage was still chattering and noisy, and Summoner's Rift descended on the Busan Convention and Exhibition Center at this moment!

The signal sound has echoed throughout every corner of the venue!

All ten players started from the spring and walked towards the river.

"The lineups selected by both sides for this game are equally capable in the first level. To be on the safe side, they each chose to stand in a long snake formation along the river to defend..." I remember letting out a sigh of relief.

After all the preparations, the global finals have finally begun.

"Brother Ran's set is still the main system [Unsealed Secrets], and the secondary systems are Taste of Blood and Ultimate Hunter of the Lord," I remember looking at the rune configuration given by the director and saying, "This is also the way he faced the long-handed It’s standard equipment for heroes.”

Zeyuan raised his own question, "But the Enchantress opposite is an assassin after all. If there is no bone plating and pupation, will there be a danger of laning after reaching level six?"

"But we also know Brother Ran's style of play, and he won't let the opponent's mid laner threaten us so easily," I remember smiling, "I think this game is still a test of whether the showmaker can seize the opportunity."

Xiaoyao decided to play from the bottom up. Anyway, his bottom lane is Bomberman + Leona, so there will basically be no problems.

"Haru also used the help of the duo to open the jungle from the blue buff below... After all, the efficiency of Qinggangying's single-player jungle clearing is still too low."

Lin Ran, who had gone out in straw sandals, followed the army line to the middle, still standing in the middle, wanting to watch Xu Xiu's movements before making countermeasures.

showmaker moved around, as if hesitating.

Lin Ran took a step back and started to put out the line.

Xu Xiu frowned slightly.

He had carefully studied the video of Lin Ran's game against Broiler in the Summer Finals, and knew that when the opponent played cards, he liked to control the line and develop it to level six in front of the tower.

"Brother Minsheng, come here and help catch him after you reach level three." Xu Xiu felt that he needed to give Lin Ran a set meal, "Just force him to flash."

Haru agreed in the team voiceover, and after hearing his teammates' request, he planned to change his jungle route.

After brushing the blue BUFF in the lower half of the area, eat the Demon Swamp Frog, and then brush down the River Crab.

This is the fastest way to reach level three, and you can learn the third skill in about 2 minutes and 30 seconds.

"Showmaker is starting to push the line..."

Lin Ran pushed behind his long-range soldier and noticed signs that the Enchantress was moving forward. He immediately started selecting cards and locked on when the color turned yellow.

Xu Xiu clicked her tongue.

Enchantress now only has W [Dark Shadow]. Since the W displacement plus the radius of the damage range is farther than the card's normal attack, Xu Xiu originally planned to wear down the opponent a little. If he could use WA to hit the opponent, then It feels comfortable.

But Lin Ran's sense of smell in the lane is really terrible. If he makes any trouble, the opponent will immediately take countermeasures.

Now if you step forward, you will get a yellow card. Just talking about blood exchange is definitely not profitable.

He could only give up in frustration.

But after thinking about it, another idea came to his mind.

"The Enchantress still wants to hoard lanes, but Brother Ran is very thorough in releasing lanes and rarely uses basic attacks to interfere with the health of the lanes."

Lin Ran also received the signal from his bottom lane teammates at this time - corejj's Luo left the line and stuck to the river.

Because YM's Bomberman and Leona's first-level combat power is not as good as Xia Luo's, they definitely don't have lane rights, and GEN's duo was pushing the lane just now, but it was still pushing slowly, combined with corejj's movements, this made him alert.

If Haru is pushing towards the upper half, theoretically Xia Luo would not dare to push the lane so slowly.

After all, YM wild assistant Leona cooperates with the troll, and there is a chance to gank the bottom lane. If you push the troops slowly, when the troll comes up to level three, the troop line will not be able to enter the tower.

If you are caught, you will have to show up.

Lin Ran plays Samsung, from S6 to S8.

Although the club changed its name, the staffing did not change much.

He knows this team very well.

No matter what version it is, Samsung's tactical style highlights a rule-based approach.

If I don't do nothing, I won't make a mistake.

Iron turtle style of play.

Specializes in defensive counterattacks.

If the jungler is not in the bottom half, GEN's push to push the lane is giving them a chance.

From this, Lin Ran concluded that Haru was most likely hunting river crabs.

The reason why the GEN duo pushes slowly is to protect the jungler and eat the river crabs.

After all, without the support of line power advantage, Qinggangying would not be able to defeat the troll in the early jungle duel.

"Xiaotian, look up the river." Lin Ran did not make a hasty conclusion, but asked Garlic Bastard to make sure.

Xiaotian hasn't eaten the river crab yet. After beating the red buff, he will go to the upper half of the blue area.

When he heard Lin Ran's words, he pulled the wild monster up the river, and then made an eye there through the wall.

"The river crab is still there."

When Lin Ran heard the news, he locked onto Haru's location.

The middle and lower levels all have the right to play, you can’t possibly not eat a single river crab, right?

So why does Haru use this jungle route?

If Qinggang Shadow clears all the wild areas in the early stage, the speed will be very slow. It will take about 4 minutes to finish six groups of wild monsters + river crabs.

This will make Cuvee's Sword Demon very uncomfortable in the top lane, as he will not be able to provide protection in the top lane.

The sacrifice is so big, in exchange for what?

With Liu Qingsong's Leona in the bottom lane, it was impossible for GEN to get over the tower, so they had no choice but to come over and catch themselves.

Lin Ran wanted to lean up at first to avoid being caught by Qinggang Shadow.

But he wanted to take advantage of the situation.

"He's in the river, you can come and see me." Lin Ran directed Xiaotian.

"But I can't reach level three." Xiaotian hesitated.

After finishing the red BUFF in the lower half, he ran directly to the blue area above. The distance was long and he wasted a lot of time.

This caused his promotion to level three to be a bit slower.

If Lin Ran followed Lin Ran's idea and counter-crouched directly in the middle, he would only have two levels.

Haru, on the other hand, can reach level three by just brushing the same jungle area.

If the level falls behind, there will be a gap in combat effectiveness.

"It's okay, just come." Lin Ran said.

Seeing his persistence, Garlic Bastard still walked to the middle after eating the blue buff.

Lin Ran also pretended not to notice, and kept his position as before, allowing Qinggang Ying to catch him at an angle.

"Come on, come on, I'll go up to three immediately!" Xu Xiu was eager to give it a try.

Lin Ran is currently only at level two due to being pushed out of the lane.

Haru also thinks this is a great opportunity.

When the troops entered the tower, he stood in the YM Beak Bird camp and directly hooked his hand and kicked Lin Ran's card with a second wall kick!

"Enchantress W stepped forward, and EQ successfully hit the card twice!"

Lin Ran, who was under the tower, was knocked unconscious and unable to dodge the skill.

"The card drank the blood bottle and used the time distortion tonic to restore half of the blood volume first!"

After Lin Ran recovered from his dizziness, he immediately started drawing cards!

Although he was immediately locked in place by the enchantress with phantom chains, he could still perform basic attacks.

The moment the yellow card was locked, Xiaotian also appeared from behind.

The Garlic Bastard's counter squat ruined GEN's plan in the middle and jungle!

This is a variable.

Haru was shocked. When he saw the second-level double-BUFF troll, he knew that the opponent was intending to counter-crouch.

"Get out, get out!" Xu Xiu immediately commanded his teammates.

Although YM's midfielder and jungler only have two levels, they have the help of defense towers after all!

This is impossible to fight.

"But Brother Ran's yellow card has already been thrown at Qinggangying!"

Haru hurriedly ran away, crossed the wall and returned to YM's Sharpbill camp. He was immediately controlled by dizziness and couldn't move his body.

"The card compensates for the damage of the universal card, Xiaotian also flashes across the wall, and AQA hits Qinggangying!"

The strong attack is triggered, and the slowdown of the red BUFF is also applied to Camille!

"I can't run away. Haru just carried the defense tower, and he doesn't have a lot of health!"

Haru is isolated and helpless, and with only half of his health, he can only be chased to death by the trolls!

"First blood is obtained!" I remember shouting, "GEN still wants to capture the middle lane, which is called stealing the chicken but losing the rice!"

Come on EDG! Red envelopes will be given to the winning group!

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