LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 623 621: The group stage turned into a mess!

"Brother Ran's Enchantress used the W skill copied by R [Recast] to get over the wall. The malicious mark followed the shadow of the shadow and stepped on the face of the senior brother!"

Doublelift was startled by the elusive enchantress, and his body trembled violently.

He was concentrating on laning when LeBlanc suddenly emerged from the grass behind Team Liquid's next tower, and the displacement hit him directly in the face!

He couldn't dodge the phantom chains that came immediately. The moment the electrocution was triggered, Doublelift Lucian's already small health volume was only less than 1/4!

"Liu Qingsong controlled Luo to hand over E [Light Dance in Pairs] and ran to the side of Enchantress. The senior brother handed over DF Second Company and E skill to slide to break away from the phantom chain... But Brother Ran returned to R [ Repeat the same trick] on the mark left by the shadowy shadow!"

Since Lucian ran towards the bottom of the tower, in the same direction as the mark left by Lin Ran R, after using two stages of displacement, he still could not shake off the phantom chain between him and LeBlanc.

At this time, Big Brother's assistant Bronn reacted, W stepped forward to his own shooter, and raised the security door to protect his teammates.

But the phantom chain was generated and Doublelift's health bar bottomed out!

Calmly, after Braum's security door effect disappeared, Lin Ran raised his wand and hit Doublelift with a basic attack, successfully killing him!

"Damn it..." Senior Brother cursed in a low voice, "Why is this person acting like a ghost?"

"My, my, my," mid laner Pobelter's tone was full of apology, "This guy is too thief in the lane, I can't figure out what he wants to do. Just now I saw that his mana was almost empty, so I thought he was returning to the city to replenish supplies. ”

Lin Ran had just used his skills and minion remover to forcefully clear out Ryze's army. He was really running low on mana and only had one bottle of corruption potion on him.

However, since R [Recast] does not consume mana, Lin Ran's QWE three skills together only cost 200 mana points. He drank the corruption potion and used the effect of the time distortion tonic to abruptly reduce his mana instantly. Pushed up, and then went to the grass behind the next tower of TL and launched a sneak attack.

The eldest brother raised his eyes and looked at the data panel.


Nearly 8 minutes into the game, they are currently behind, but they have not yet collapsed.

Mainly because at the beginning Xiaoyao went to the top lane to lead a wave of rhythm, but was counterattacked by Liquid's jungler. He failed to win the 2V2 and instead gave a double kill to Mr. Omu.

But YM, who had calmed down, quickly showed their strong side, adjusted their rhythm and changed their strategies, and went on the road to attack the second half.

The senior brother had already died twice in the eight minutes of the game.

Doublelift looked at his mid laner who was still in the middle and felt helpless.

It seems that Ryze is planning to play the speed 18 style, and he will focus on the local spirit binding first.

Pobelter himself is not a particularly strong mid laner. His performance in North America was acceptable. But when he came to the global finals and compared with the top players in other regions, the gap became clear.

In this showdown with Lin Ran, his sense of rhythm was completely disrupted.

Roaming support can be said to be the most typical case of preemptive strike.

As long as Lin Ran is the first to successfully roam, he can get extra gold coins, and his teammates' lives will be much more comfortable.

It will be much more difficult for Pobelter to provide offline support at this time.

First, Lin Ran, who has successfully obtained excess economy, will definitely put constant pressure on him when laning, making it impossible for him to easily push the lane and roam.

Second, since the YM players on other lanes received the first support from Lin Ran, they had a small advantage and could expand their field of vision a little bit and insert themselves into the river. It is very possible to see Pobelter's swimming direction in advance.

In short, as long as Lin Ran moves first, he can slightly suppress the opponent's rhythm, making it difficult for the enemy mid laner to exert his original strength.

"After being resurrected, Senior Brother went straight to the upper half of the area, assisted Bronn with his skills and defense towers to clear out the minions, and then quickly left the bottom lane and rushed up..."

"TL took advantage of the lane power of the top lane impact to occupy the vision of the canyon pioneer. They moved the bottom lane duo to the Dalong Pit and prepared to attack directly." The commentator caught a glimpse of the direction of the gathering of YM personnel on the mini-map and quickly reacted, "YM doesn't want to give up and wants to come and fight for it!"

However, Jin Gong's captain was still on the road clearing the troops. He set up a gunpowder barrel, first lowered the health of the two Bins, and then used Q [Gunfire Negotiation] to detonate the barrel.

Miller immediately became worried when he saw this, "YM Nosuke is near the grass above the middle road. Brother Gongzi is a bit out of touch with them at the moment, and the team's economy is basically concentrated on the double C. Brother Ran is okay, he has a teleport on him, and he can return The city has replenished the magic shoes and can rush to the river immediately, but Jack is still pushing the lane in the bottom lane!"

In this game, the YM team did not lack AP output, so Shiba Inu got Jhin. Without teleportation, the fortune teller had to rely on walking if he wanted to join the battle.

However, YM didn't care about the ADC at all. They gathered together and slowly cleared the field of vision and rushed towards the Dalong Pit.

Team Liquid won't be able to deal with this.

what's going on?

You are short of a C position, and the Enchantress's ultimate move is still on cooldown. Do you dare to join our team?

Even if you have an advantage, that's not how you play, right?

Pobelter reacted quickly, "I'll use my ultimate move. Sword Demon, you just follow me. Let's go catch them!"

While he was speaking, he controlled Ryze to open the rune book, and a blue teleportation array with winding paths appeared at his feet!

The other end of the teleportation array is just above the middle road in the grass, so that it can form a two-sided trap with its own Nosuke who is in the Dalong Pit, wrapping the four YM people in the middle!

Teacher Omu knew it was too late, so he immediately stood on the teleportation array. At the same time, he cut the screen to observe YM's position, and then fine-tuned his position in [Warping Path Jump].

In this way, you can try to teleport to the rear as soon as possible to start the mass destruction and pursue the kill.

"The trio of TL's lower jungle team also began to move closer to the river in the middle. In order not to sell out the two teammates in the middle and upper field, they also gave up the vanguard!"

Seeing that the war was about to break out, Lin Ran's command remained calm in the voice of the YM team.

"Pull two steps back first. You push him to get up first, Master Tear!" He spoke very quickly, "Save your movement skills. After killing everyone, we will retreat!"

Liu Qingsong pressed W [Grand Appearance] just before the end of the winding path jump guidance.

Luo rushed forward, and the scope of his grand appearance included most of Ryze's teleportation array!

Sword Demon and Ryze landed, and Luo just knocked them into the air!

Although the knock-up effect is only for 1 second, it is enough for Lin Ran.

Finding that there were only two TL players following the winding path jump, he immediately shouted, "Kill the people behind, Jin Gong, use your ultimate move on the front!"

He hit Ryze with the Malicious Seal, then followed up with an E [Phantom Chain], and a follow-up basic attack to successfully trigger the electrocution.

"Xiao Yao's Qinggang Shadow R [Hex Ultimatum] kicked Ryze, AQA launched a strong attack, and combined with the damage of red punishment, Ryze's health was directly reduced to the limit!"

TL's three players in the jungle still wanted to save their teammates, but the captain's ultimate move fell from the sky!

The roar of artillery shells covered the area between the grass and the dragon pit above the middle road. The 30% slowing effect made it difficult for the Liquid team to reach the battlefield in time.

"Ritz sent himself in!" The doll's voice was loud, "This ultimate move is simply a crime!"

Pobelter didn't expect that he drove a hearse, and his teammates were separated by the captain's ultimate move and couldn't keep up.

I felt extremely regretful, but I couldn't use time and space to go back and change everything.

Xiaoyao finally used a tactical sweep to take Ryze away.

"The sword demon started the great annihilation and wants to chase people..."

Seeing Aatrox spread his wings, Lin Ran said decisively, "Get out, get out!"

He had previously told his teammates to remember to keep their displacement skills, but now the Eight Immortals are crossing the sea to show off their magical powers.

"The Enchantress used W [Shadow's Trace] to jump up the wall... Luo Qingwu put her hands on LeBlanc in pairs to complete the movement, and even Qinggang Ying used E [Hook Rope] to hit the wall!"

The three of them moved out instantly and distanced themselves from the sword demon.

Teacher Oki's E [Shadow Rush] was stuck in the most extreme position and went up the wall.

But he didn't dare to chase him.

His teammates were still taking a shower in Captain R [Canon Barrage], so there was no way they could provide him with any help.

If you rush forward by yourself, it will be one against three.

Although he got two heads in the early stage, that's not how he played.

Forced to retreat.

After taking a shower, the three TLs went to the wild and wanted to take over the Canyon Pioneer. However, because they had just left the Dragon Pit too far, the Pioneer lost aggro and had already begun to recover blood.

"TL wants to reopen the vanguard, and this delay has lasted for 10 seconds!" The doll's voice was loud, "Jack is about to push down the first-health tower in the bottom lane!"

No matter how slow Jhin's tower pushing speed is, he is still an Edici, and his attack power lies here.

The four people in front of YM delayed for a very long time, and Jack took another wave of artillery soldiers in the bottom lane.

If nothing else goes wrong, in this wave of artillery troops in 8 minutes and 37 seconds, Jack can single-handedly take down this first-health tower.

After all, the current bottom tower does not have any extra protection measures. In addition, the two previous waves where the senior brother was killed, the YM duo also lost a little of the defense tower's health, resulting in the current health bar of the next tower not being very thick.

"The three people on the front of YM, Nakano Suke and the captain of the top laner, have gathered together and are going to the Canyon Pioneer to stop TL!"

Lin Ran led his men to kill a wave of returning rifles.

Currently, Team Liquid's mid laner Ryze has died. The senior brother handed over all his double summons when he died in the bottom lane. Currently, Lucian's output space is very limited.

Just now, Captain Jin Gong came out with a wave of big moves, which caused a lot of damage to the health of the people in front of TL. Moreover, the Canyon Herald was still attacking them, so TL's combat effectiveness was not very strong.

On the other hand, YM's side, although Jin Gong and Garlic Bastard had already used their ultimate skills, their state was not too bad when they killed Ryze.

Both sides are 4V4, and Team Liquid has no obvious advantage.

"You hold on, I'll resurrect you and send it over!" Mid laner Pobelter said through gritted teeth.

Now for Team Liquid, it can be said that they are riding a tightrope.

If you give up this canyon pioneer, you will lose a blood tower in the bottom lane in vain.

Bite the bullet and play the vanguard, he, Ryze, who is about to be resurrected, has to be handed over to protect him, otherwise something may go wrong.

"The bottom defense tower has been exploded by Jhin!"

After his resurrection, Ryze mended a pair of straw sandals and teleported to the Canyon Pioneer battlefield.

"Let's continue changing routes!" Lin Ran and his teammates stayed here for so long because of this teleportation trick.

The TP and ultimate move [Warping Path] have all been handed over, which means that Liquid's mid laner Pobelter will not have the ability to actively roam and drive the rhythm for some time in the future.

Lin Ran once again allowed himself the space to provide first support.

The gap between the two sides in tactical decision-making and operational capabilities is clearly visible.

Two minutes later, Lin Ran successfully caught the senior brother who was clearing troops on the road.

At this time, the artificial eyes that TL had previously placed near the Canyon Pioneer had expired and disappeared. Assistant Braum happened to go nearby to make eyes, and the senior brother was alone.

Although doublelift has been extremely careful to control the development of troops in front of his tower, this still cannot stop Lin Ran.

He knew that the opponent's double summons were not there, so he decisively stepped forward in a flash, threw up the phantom chain at the same time, and then followed up with QR's double mark.

When the electrocution was triggered, Big Brother's Lucian had only a small amount of health left, and the displacement distance of E [Cold Pursuit] was not enough to open the phantom chain.

After the chain took effect and detonated the mark cast by Lin Ran's R skill, Doublelift's screen instantly turned into black and white!

"Single kill!" Wawa became excited, "Elder brother is now 0/3, I don't know how Lucian with such growth can fight in a group!"

Lucian, who was originally very strong in duels, was suddenly given military training by YM and became a cash machine.

The eldest brother was beaten until he was unconscious. In the middle, he still wanted to find an opportunity to have a 1v1 man battle with Jack.

As a result, the Shiba Inu iron sub-slave came out with a pair of cloth-armored shoes. Lu Xian finished a set of damage, and Jhin's blood volume was still 1/3. Finally, the fourth backhand shot critically hit the senior brother and sent him away happily.

And Xiaoyao ran to stare at Teacher Damu again.

He didn't catch the Sword Demon, but just stared at Aatrox, putting pressure on his opponent all the time, buying time for his own Jin Gong's captain to develop, and preventing the opponent from finding an opportunity from the top lane.

None of the three routes could open up the situation. The Rift Herald summoned only hit one end without even a single benefit.

Five people in TL are under general anesthesia.

They threw away a head, a teleport and a first-health tower, and spent a lot of hard work to get the Rift Pioneer, but the final return was almost zero.

The rhythm of Lin Ran Enchantress continues.

"Brother Ran caught TL's jungle troll in the jungle!"

In Miller's horrified voice, LeBlanc started to cast W to face Q, and then hit the opponent with E Bolt, and then triggered the Shadow Shadow again to return to the original place to prevent the troll from attacking him.

Trundle could only set up a pillar of ice between him and the Enchantress, hoping to stop Lin Ran in this way.

But it's obviously useless.

After the chain is generated, Lin Ran makes up for a basic attack, and uses R [Repeat] to copy a phantom chain!

"Double chains, this is simply the king of torture!"

The troll didn't move at the same spot. Lin Ran even took two extra steps. When Luden got better again, he threw out his Q [Malicious Seal] and took him away with the extra damage.

Next it’s time for YM’s performance.

At 25 minutes into the game, the economic gap between the two sides successfully exceeded 10,000. On the road, Jin Gong relied on the team economy and the passive effect of Q [Gunfire Negotiation] to actually achieve an economic overtake.

TL planned to fight to the death, but YM did not fight with the opponent at all.

The entire lineup of Captain, Qinggangying, Enchantress, Jhin and Luo was quite flexible. Lin Ran and his teammates were fighting and pulling, using multiple movements and frequent small skills to consume the opponent to residual health, and then used Liu Qingsong's ultimate move to carry out the attack. Keep people.

"1 for 5, senior brother flashes forward at the end, and must kill Jack before he dies!"

Shiba Inu exhaled in the team's voice, "Wairui...why is it always me who gets hurt?"

The other four people looked relaxed and bulldozed the enemy's base in one wave, winning the team's second victory in the group stage.

When shaking hands after the game, the senior brother still looked resentful, "Can't you be gentler?"

"It's okay to give it a chance!"

The confidence that surged before the game has now evaporated.

"It's okay. As long as you can beat GEN, you still have a chance to qualify." Lin Ran also patted his senior brother on the shoulder to show friendship.

Doublelift instantly became optimistic, "Then we must be confident!"

Teacher Omu didn't understand his brain circuit.

You just finished this set with YM, do you think you can do it again?

The senior brother met the confused eyes of his teammates and said, "Look at the statistics of our two teams in this round."

Impact glanced at his monitor.

The head-to-head ratio is 6:18.

"YM beat GEN 18:0, and we were beaten 6:18 by YM..." Doublelift said with strong pecs, "Obviously, we are 6:0 GEN!"

The four teammates were silent.

It sounds very reasonable.

But something feels wrong.

In the next game, GEN played against MAD.

The process was unexpected.

All viewers thought in advance that MAD was a point-gifting baby.

Even supporters of the LMS region think so.

Just kidding, four world runner-ups plus a rising star mid laner in LCK, will they be unable to defeat MAD?

As a result, jungler Haru was destroyed at level one.

MAD jungler Kongyue and Shangzhong teammates were stuck at the 1 minute and 30 second node, and they invaded the red BUFF in the upper half of GEN, catching Haru off guard.

MAD also made an eye on the bottom half of its own area in the bottom lane, just to prevent Haru from replacing wild monster resources.

In the end, kongyue successfully achieved three BUFFs to open the wild, and jumped over the tower to kill Cuvee once, completing an imperial start.

Lin Ran watched the game on the bus back to the hotel. Hongmi kept going all the way to Xiba. He was obviously very dissatisfied with the state of his old club.

MAD reversed yesterday's sluggishness, and its extraordinary performance brought a lot of trouble to GEN in the early and mid-term.

At 28 minutes into the game, the economic gap between the two sides reached 6k.

Fortunately, GEN relied on Ruler's personal ability to hold off the game.

MAD advanced continuously, but was blocked by Ruler's Kai'Sa. Ruler had a posture where one man was in control and no one could get through.

Unable to push to the high ground, MAD chose to open the Baron.

This instead gave GEN a chance.

Showmaker's Zoe kept poking from the side, and when the opponent's health was almost reduced, GEN chose to go down to the dragon pit and fight to the death.

Ruler had full control in this wave of team battles and replaced three of the opponent's generals before dying.

GEN quits when he sees fit and goes back to being an iron turtle.

MAD used their strength to prove that there is a reason why they cannot beat FW in the LMS division.

After they got the advantage, they just couldn't win the game.

I was stunned that GEN was delayed until 45 minutes.

After everyone pretends to be a god, GEN's backward economy of 7,000 to 8,000 yuan will not be a problem at all.

Ruler Emperor rushed into the back of the crowd, and the heavy rain from Ikasia instantly melted MAD's back row!

GEN finally launched a 3-for-5 team battle.

The resurrection time is as long as 1 minute. The ruler who survived using the resurrection armor is advancing all the way to bulldoze the opponent's base!

"Ouch..." Lin Weixiang was very angry, "MAD can't even win? It's really bad!"

Even so, there was a scene of joy in the crooked PTT forum.

[Cry, just watch the first 30 minutes, we are the winners]

[Although MAD is terrible, GEN is also garbage]

[Is this really a lineup composed of world runners-up? GEN This is too rubbish]

[MAD≈World runner-up, indeed this year is the most promising year for LMSkkk]

Korean net has exploded.

It was hard for the audience to imagine that they had to rely on a comeback to win against an inferior LMS team.

Someone has already said on the Internet that if GEN fails to qualify in the group stage, he will teach these people a lesson.

Whether it was a blade or something else, Lin Ran didn't know.

And this World Championship is even more magical yet to come.

Group B RNG also started to get sick when facing PVB.

They relied on Uzi's strength to gain a considerable economic lead in the early stage. However, a wave of bottom lane pushed the enemy's second tower, but they did not have enough vision in the opponent's lower half.

This gave the Vietnamese team a great opportunity.

PVB's top laner Kenan went around to the side, flashed a wave of R + pushed the stick, and Tianlei entered the field and instantly melted the rng crowd!

"No, why wouldn't this place be open to you?" Lin Ran was playing a training match with IG. He took a moment to take a look during the BP break between the coaching staffs of both sides. Unexpectedly, he saw this scene that gave him a cerebral hemorrhage.

Jack also started to talk, "That must be Shi Senming's problem. He didn't go to the jungle as a support to do wards. He had such a huge advantage and still accompanied Uzi... The ADC position at that time was absolutely unbeatable. As long as he did a ward, This wave of RNG will not be opened!"

After a wave of team battles, RNG spit out all its advantages.

Fortunately, PVB is also a pig-nosed team, and they started to give away the advantage and brought Uzi back.

RNG made many mistakes in this game and sent out several big waves.

The two sides come and go, highlighting the back-and-forth.

In the end, PVB was better.

It proves that no team in the World Championship can deliver more than itself.

Giving away Baron and Ancient Dragon, RNG had to accept the defeat. Looking at Uzi's expression under the camera, he reluctantly accepted the victory in the group stage.

Lin Ran had a feeling that there was going to be an upset next.

So far in the group stage, many of the strong teams that everyone is optimistic about have not shown their good form.

Many games that originally seemed to have no suspense ended up dragging on to forty or fifty minutes.

As we all know, one of the signs that a strong team becomes better is that its finishing ability becomes weaker, and many games require a comeback to win.

It seems that this year's group stage is very uneven...

Lin Ran was filled with emotions.

On the second day of the game, the effect of Redmi's previous use of Bomberman's bottom lane was reflected.

Many teams panicked. European and American teams were more unrestrained. They copied it directly, regardless of whether their own players had practiced this hero before. They copied it first.

East Asian teams are more rigorous. They basically won't choose a new system without a lot of practice.

As a result, all four groups became a mess!

On the third match day, the upset finally came.

TL defeated GEN!

In the 31-minute game, Mr. Ohki’s top laner Sword Demon achieved a perfect record of 8/0/7, leading the team to a smooth victory!

The senior brother who won the game jumped three feet high with excitement!

In the first round of the group stage, they had 2 wins and 1 loss, temporarily ranking second in the group.

It seems that the top eight are no longer so far away!

Everyone in GEN was overwhelmed and submerged in the water.

They couldn't understand why they, who were invincible in the bubble competition, were in such a bad state on the world stage.

They were blocked by YM, relied on a comeback to defeat MAD, and finally lost miserably to TL.

If this continues, they may have to stop here.

It must be adjusted.

YM went smoothly, defeating MAD in 26 minutes and drawing a successful conclusion to the first round of the group stage.

In this match, Liu Qingsong's thresh hook was so amazing that it made everyone in MAD feel numb, and the heart-wrenching sound echoed endlessly in their ears.

In Group B, RNG was still struggling. They fought hard for 38 minutes and just narrowly defeated G2 and secured their first place in the group.

KT in Group C dominated the competition, winning all the first rounds. The average time was only 27 minutes, and they looked like champions.

Group D is the most outrageous.

FNC and IG both defeated C9 and AFs.

Baidu Cloud backhand gave AFs another brick.

The African team had to swallow three consecutive defeats, and their qualifying situation was in jeopardy. In the second round, they must perform extremely well and the other three teams cooperate to have a chance to qualify.

The anger of the audience on the Korean network is getting higher and higher, and they are very dissatisfied with this.

[LCK looks like it’s really going to end]

[GEN and AFs won a total of six games in the first round? 】

[The most embarrassing moment in the history of the LCK happened at the World Championship held in our country. It was really ridiculous! 】

[Are you really going to stop embarrassing yourself by going out? At present, we can only place our hopes on kt]

There were frequent upsets in the first round, and all teams were adjusting quickly, striving to get back on track as quickly as possible and play their due role.

After much anticipation, the second round of the group stage has finally arrived.

In this stage, only one group will compete every day.

Three games and possible extra games are all squeezed into a few hours, which places high demands on the teams and players.

If you make the slightest mistake or be careless, you may be eliminated in the group stage, and then be doomed.

Tension enveloped the Busan Convention and Exhibition Center on October 15.

The first thing that will be played is, GEN versus YM!

I wrote a lot, but I can’t post it all, otherwise I’d have to break it into chapters.

I will post the whole game tomorrow (I have already written half of it, don’t worry)

This wave of mine

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